[Q] Cyanogen Mod Protected Apps bug (Galaxy Nexus) - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

So I had a group on my home screen with a few apps, and I set them as protected. Next thing, I unlock and clicked the 'X' beside each one followed by the 'lock' icon (setting it to unlocked). Seeing that I had clicked the 'x' to remove every app from that group, the apps are now missing in the drawer and that group is also gone from the home screen. Not sure how to bring them back?
Cynaogen Mod M9 Snapshot (on Galaxy Nexus)
Already tried:
- Settings --> Apps (not there anymore)
- Rebooting
- Checking app drawer
Any help is appreciated, thanks!


[Q] Samsung Galaxy SII ICS minor problems

Hello. I've installed ICS 4.0.3 (I9100XXLPS), and then rooted it. Everything works fine except for two things: Chainfire3D and lock screen AccuWeather.
In Chainfire3D I can't use per-app settings, because, for some reason, they won't work. I've tried reinstalling it, still no luck.
As for AccuWeather lock screen display, it shows 0.0°C most of the time, unless I go to Dispay Settings, and disable, then re-enable Weather. This fixes it for some time, after which it goes back to 0.0°C. The problem is only with the lock screen one, desktop widget shows normal temperature all the time.
Are these known issues? Any help on how to fix this would be appreciated. Thanks!
I have this problem too. The only solution is to disable weather from lock screen. There is no fix for this issue at the moment.
I've managed to make it work on my Galaxy S II (don't know for now long it will work ):
- I had the accuweather widget and accuweather lock screen enabled.
- Go to Applications on Settings, All applications
- Clear data and Force stop the app called "Accuweather Weather Daemon"
- Clear data and Force stop the app called "Accuweather.com"
- Turn on locating services
- Remove and add again accuweather widget on the home screen. It will automatically use the location service and show the right information.
After that the accuweather widget on the lock screen shows the right temperature as well

No Data - Tap To Refresh

Can you please help?.
I have a Samsung S2 (GT-I9100T). Recently, when turning on my mobile, I get a initial screen "No Data, Tap To Refresh" on top, and below a symbol "Lock". Upon sliding the symbol "Lock" to the left, I gain access to my home screen. Everything appears to be working fine. It's annoying getting this screen every time, I turn on the mobile. I have not installed any new apps recently.
My Mobile Status: Android Ver 4.1.2, Paranoid Android Ver 2.54, CyanogenMod Ver 10.0.0-RC0-i9100
Weather apps installed: Weather Australia 1.1R3.6, and 1Weather 2.1.4
My research revealed that the cause could be due to the Weather apps version changes or weather data cannot be updated, or weather apps being obsolete. Both my weather apps are working and updating fine. What could have caused this problem?
Your help to resolve my problem would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
My Resolution - Problem Resolved
Problem resolved myself. This is for the member's benefit who ever encounter this problem..
Go to phone settings:
> Lock Screen
> Weather: Untick Dislpay Weather - Yahoo Weather
> Screen Security: Untick Power button insta..., and Show widget befor,,,
Power off/on mobile - no more "no data - Tap to refresh"
Yes it's caused by Yahoo Weather update. I'm not using Yahoo Weather and never going to use it.
Wonder why it's a default in Lock Screen options?. Perhaps it's from Paranoid Android Ver 2.54?
this also happens to my Samsung Galaxy W I8150, after I have flashed [ROM][JB 4.2.2] CyanogenMod 10.1 Plus [Release2][13/03/2015] at https://forum.xda-developers.com/galaxy-w/development/rom-cyanogenmod-10-1-plus-t3044561

[Q] HELP - Fear phone compromised Spy/Track/Tap

Hi, I'm new to this and really hope that I'm in the right forum.
(I've returned to the top of this post as I am way further down typing it I realise how long it is, so please accept my sincere apologies)
I may just be being a little paranoid, but I just have a feeling that something is not quite right where my phone is concerned and I am worried that it may have been compromised, i.e. it has had some sort of spy app/ spyware installed on it / it is being tracked / tapped.
First started to notice new background noises when making calls and specific other device(s) around me (not mine) making notification (email) sounds immediately as I was sending texts (this at what would normally be considered unusual hours early in the morning) and some apps and services 'running' on my device that I've not really noticed before and when 'Googled' throw up some worrying possibilities. One of the most noticeable was an app that began running only when I receive an text message (see below in running apps, first one listed).
Like I say, it may be nothing, but I just have something in the back of my mind, especially as I have left my phone at of times in recent months around people that, well, may have motive to do such a thing.
I've read that if some sort of spy app/ spyware has been installed by someone with access to my phone then it can be very difficult to identify, but not impossible?
Perhaps now I should make a list of some of the apps and associated processes that are running on my device in the hope that you can either confirm suspicion, or ease my concerns.
Oh, my device btw is a Samsung Galaxy Note 3 (SM-N9005) - Android Version 4.4.2 - Kernel Version 3.4.0- 1955971
1. Exchange Services
This app only starts running whenever I have received my first text after starting up my device. It states '1 process and 1 service' and when accessing it from running apps under Services is shows SmsRelayService and under Processes it shows Exchange Services with com.android.exchange directly below that.
This concerns me because of what I have read on Google, in that it could well be that my texts are being forwarded (relayed) to an email account. Particularly as it would appear that 'Exchange Services' relates to Hotmail/ Outlook and I don't use either of these.
2. S Voice
This app shows as running constantly and starts whenever the device is started up. What concerns me about this is what is listed under Services which is LMTTService. The reason this concerns me is because if you Google LMTTService or LMTT Service it throws up a number of results, most/ all of which direct in one way or another to some sort of Spy App/ Spyware site!
3. Remote Controls
This again is running constantly and the Services listed is XDMService and Processes showing Remote controls with com.fmm.dm directly below that.
4. Software Update
Again running constantly with the same Services as 3 listed XDMService and Processes showing Software update with com.wssyncmldm directly below that.
5. Google App
This may one that is completely expected, but under Services it has BroadcastListenerService and I don't use the Google app, I use the Internet app.
6. Google Services
This again may be completely expected, but I'm just not sure if I have ever noticed it before. It also shows an Android as its icon and no Google icon, but then I guess that's no big deal right? The Services listed are as follows on this one (note that the whole name is not always visible, probably due to its length:
- DeviceConnectionService..
- GoogleLocationManager..
- GoogleLocationService
- DispatchingService
- GmsCoreStatsService
- PendingIntentCallbackSe..
The Processes show tow which are Google Services with com.google.android.gms.persistent below it and Google Services with com.google.processes.gapps
7. S Finder
I'm not sure what this is at all? But under Services it has LocationTagReadyService and TagReadyService with Processes listed as S Finder with com.samsung.android.app.galaxyfinder:tagService
8. Samsung Link
This shows under Services just one which is Samsung Link Service and under Processes it shows Samsung Link with com.sec.pcw below that.
Well at the minute I guess that's enough for the RUNNING apps and maybe I can list a few (or more) that appear under ALL apps, but before that may I mention that when I started my device yesterday an immediate checked the RUNNING apps something briefly popped up which was Device Test with DummyFTClient any thoughts?
ALL apps
I will just add a list and if then there are any that immediately stand out (should I get any views and replies on this post) then I can provide more info on Permissions, as this is always a concern!
- Assistant Menu
Has the Settings icon
- Automation Test
Android icon
- AutoPreconfig
Document with a Cog icon
- CapabilityManagerService
White board with Android/ Android icon on it
- com.android.providers.partnerbo..
Android icon and can't see full name of app
- com.android.sharedstorageback..
Android icon
- com.sec.android.app.FlashBarSe..
Android icon and can't see full name of app. This concerns me because of what I have read about some Spy apps installing as Flash something or other, but at the same time I believe this could relate to the Multi-Window / Multi-App function
- com.sec.android.app.minimode.r..
Android icon and can't see full name of app
- com.sec.bcservice
Android icon
- com.sec.phone
Android icon
- com.stri.golfviewer
Android icon and a very bizarre one. golfviewer ????? I have nothing at all relating to golf on my phone
Document with a Cog icon
- DeviceKeystring
Android icon
- DropboxOOBE
I'm not sure I even noticed this one yesterday and although it has a Dropbox icon, it's not exactly the same as the standard Dropbox icon
- DSMForwarding
Icon is a blue screen I guess with a red arrow
- DSMLawmo
Icon is a blue screen like above but with a padlock
- Enterprise Sim Pin Service
- Enterprise SysScope Service
- Enterprise VPN Services
- Enterprise Permissions
All have the Android icon
- Exchange Services
Envelope with gold letter in it and @ icon on that
- FlashAnnotateSvc
Android icon and having read articles about anything relating to Flash where Android is concerned I get a little suspicious.
- Fused Location
Android icon
- Google Partner Set Up
Android icon
- HwModuleTest
Some sort of Android icon holding a white HW banner
- INDIServiceManager
White board with Android/ Android icon on it
- Interaction control
Settings cog icon
- Key Chain
- KeyguardBackupRestore
- KeyguardTestActivity
All Android icon
- LocalFOTA
Android icon
- LogsProvider
Android icon
- Manager accessibility
Settings cog icon
- MDMApp
Android icon
- Mobile tracker
Document with a Cog icon and I know that there is the whole tracking option through Samsung, but surely it would have some sort of Samsung icon if it were that
- MyScript Resource Manager
Android icon
- New enrolment
Blue circle with a device and arrow icon
- OM Customize
Android icon
Message bubble with
- PacProcessor
Android icon
- Perso
Document with a Cog icon
- PopupuiReceiver
White board with Android/ Android icon on it
- Preconfig
Document with a Cog icon
- ProxyHandler
Android icon
- Remote Controls
- Remote Controls
- Remote Controls
Adding this 3 times is not a mistake, I have it 3 times on the list. First 2 have the Android icon and the 3rd the White board with Android/ Android icon on it
- RilNotifier
Document with Cog icon
- RootPA
Android icon
- Samsung Camera Filter
Sits with all other Samsung apps but has an Android icon unlike all the others that have various Samsung icons
- Security policy updates
Android icon. I've seen some results on Google about this and the fact that it's been a concern for some users?
- Service Mode
Android icon
- Service Mode RIL
Document with Cog icon
- Settings
- Settings
Again, adding this twice is not a mistake as I have 2. They both have the Settings cog icon, but the first is slightly different in that it is not as bright in colour, i.e. it's faded a little
- Settings Storage
Grey cog icon and one that again I don't think I noticed yesterday
- SettingSearchProvider
Android icon
- ShareShotService
- Shell
- Silent Logging
All have the Android icon
- Software update
- Software update
Again no mistake it's listed twice as there are 2 present and both have different icons. Similar in that they are both green squares with a device and an arrow on each, but different in size, shape of device and arrow on the square background
- SyncmIDS
Server looking icon
- Tags
A Tag icon with blue waves on it
- USB settings
- USBSettings
Again two showing and different names in that they are exactly displayed above and both with the Android icon
- wssynccmlnps
Android icon
Ok, that's it and again I AM VERY SORRY for the length of this post, but I am just very concerned by some of the behaviours my phone is demonstrating and I hope that you (someone or some of you) can appreciate that.
Many, many thanks in advance for any help!
Hi, do you have any ideas what went wrong with your phone now? I have the same feeling (something ist wrong, be afraid to be spyed and battery runs out very quickly nowadays). I have the same RUNNING like you wrote and com.androidstorageback.... is new on my device...
Hope you´ll answer, if you get some news!
I am having the same issues with my fone. I have almost no batt life now and some of the programs that was listed above I've found on my fone... can anyone help me find out what these programs are, who is behind them, and how to get rid of them and protect my phones privacy from this happening again? Please help. Thank u. I am on a galaxy s4...
I've even tried doing a factory reset and starting new but same things occur. My husband has been weird and thinks I'm up to no good but I think he's got a guilty conscious so... idc to spy on him I just want to know if it's him or who is behind the programs, what the programs are and how I can protect my phone from privacy breaches again in the future. I am going to point out now I am 27 and unaware and unlawfully being monitored if I am.
Have almost the same exact apps running on my phone. These apps have RIDICULOUS lists of permissions. I mean Jesus himself would be jealous of the abilities given to these apps. This is way to complex to be some commercial spyware, gotta be law enforcement, government, or hacktivists.
Edit: gonna type in an example of these permission sets. This is from the innocuously named Bluetooth Test. There are 30 plus apps showing almost identical permission sets.
Directly call phone numbers
Read phone status and identity
Edit your text messages (SMS MMS)
read your text messages (SMS MMS)
receive text messages (SMS)
Receive text messages (WAP)
Send SMS messages
Take pictures and video
Record audio
Approximate location
Precise location
Modify your contacts
Read call log
Read contacts
Write call log
Add or modify calendar events and send email without owners knowledge
Read calendar events plus confidential information
Read your own Contacts card
Read your Web bookmarks and history
Write Web bookmarks and history
Modify or delete the contents of SD card
Read content of SD card
Disable screen lock
Add/remove accounts
Create accounts/passwords
Find accounts
Use accounts
View configured accounts
Change system display settings
Limit number of running processes
Modify secure system settings
Read sensitive log data
Retrieve system internal state
Change network connectivity
Change WIMAX state
Connect/disconnect from WiFi
Connect/disconnect from WIMAX
control near field communication
Full network access
View WiFi connections
Access Bluetooth settings
Pair with Bluetooth devices
Close other apps
Reorder running apps
Retrieve running apps
Run at startup
Draw over other apps
Allow WiFi multicast reception
Control flashlight
Control vibration
Prevent phone from sleeping
Add words to user dictionary
Adjust wallpaper size
Set wallpaper
Change audio settings
Read sync settings
Read sync statistics
Toggle sync on/off
Status Bar
Expand/collapse the status bar
Install shortcuts
Interact across users
Measure app storage space
Modify system settings
Read battery statistics
Read Home settings
Send sticky broadcast
Uninstall shortcuts
update usage statistics
Send diagnostic information reports
Read phone log
Write phone log
Read your message settings
This app can access MDM content providers
Tav_14 said:
Hi, I'm new to this and really hope that I'm in the right forum.
(I've returned to the top of this post as I am way further down typing it I realise how long it is, so please accept my sincere apologies)
I may just be being a little paranoid, but I just have a feeling that something is not quite right where my phone is concerned and I am worried that it may have been compromised, i.e. it has had some sort of spy app/ spyware installed on it / it is being tracked / tapped.
First started to notice new background noises when making calls and specific other device(s) around me (not mine) making notification (email) sounds immediately as I was sending texts (this at what would normally be considered unusual hours early in the morning) and some apps and services 'running' on my device that I've not really noticed before and when 'Googled' throw up some worrying possibilities. One of the most noticeable was an app that began running only when I receive an text message (see below in running apps, first one listed).
Like I say, it may be nothing, but I just have something in the back of my mind, especially as I have left my phone at of times in recent months around people that, well, may have motive to do such a thing.
I've read that if some sort of spy app/ spyware has been installed by someone with access to my phone then it can be very difficult to identify, but not impossible?
Perhaps now I should make a list of some of the apps and associated processes that are running on my device in the hope that you can either confirm suspicion, or ease my concerns.
Oh, my device btw is a Samsung Galaxy Note 3 (SM-N9005) - Android Version 4.4.2 - Kernel Version 3.4.0- 1955971
1. Exchange Services
This app only starts running whenever I have received my first text after starting up my device. It states '1 process and 1 service' and when accessing it from running apps under Services is shows SmsRelayService and under Processes it shows Exchange Services with com.android.exchange directly below that.
This concerns me because of what I have read on Google, in that it could well be that my texts are being forwarded (relayed) to an email account. Particularly as it would appear that 'Exchange Services' relates to Hotmail/ Outlook and I don't use either of these.
2. S Voice
This app shows as running constantly and starts whenever the device is started up. What concerns me about this is what is listed under Services which is LMTTService. The reason this concerns me is because if you Google LMTTService or LMTT Service it throws up a number of results, most/ all of which direct in one way or another to some sort of Spy App/ Spyware site!
3. Remote Controls
This again is running constantly and the Services listed is XDMService and Processes showing Remote controls with com.fmm.dm directly below that.
4. Software Update
Again running constantly with the same Services as 3 listed XDMService and Processes showing Software update with com.wssyncmldm directly below that.
5. Google App
This may one that is completely expected, but under Services it has BroadcastListenerService and I don't use the Google app, I use the Internet app.
6. Google Services
This again may be completely expected, but I'm just not sure if I have ever noticed it before. It also shows an Android as its icon and no Google icon, but then I guess that's no big deal right? The Services listed are as follows on this one (note that the whole name is not always visible, probably due to its length:
- DeviceConnectionService..
- GoogleLocationManager..
- GoogleLocationService
- DispatchingService
- GmsCoreStatsService
- PendingIntentCallbackSe..
The Processes show tow which are Google Services with com.google.android.gms.persistent below it and Google Services with com.google.processes.gapps
7. S Finder
I'm not sure what this is at all? But under Services it has LocationTagReadyService and TagReadyService with Processes listed as S Finder with com.samsung.android.app.galaxyfinder:tagService
8. Samsung Link
This shows under Services just one which is Samsung Link Service and under Processes it shows Samsung Link with com.sec.pcw below that.
Well at the minute I guess that's enough for the RUNNING apps and maybe I can list a few (or more) that appear under ALL apps, but before that may I mention that when I started my device yesterday an immediate checked the RUNNING apps something briefly popped up which was Device Test with DummyFTClient any thoughts?
ALL apps
I will just add a list and if then there are any that immediately stand out (should I get any views and replies on this post) then I can provide more info on Permissions, as this is always a concern!
- Assistant Menu
Has the Settings icon
- Automation Test
Android icon
- AutoPreconfig
Document with a Cog icon
- CapabilityManagerService
White board with Android/ Android icon on it
- com.android.providers.partnerbo..
Android icon and can't see full name of app
- com.android.sharedstorageback..
Android icon
- com.sec.android.app.FlashBarSe..
Android icon and can't see full name of app. This concerns me because of what I have read about some Spy apps installing as Flash something or other, but at the same time I believe this could relate to the Multi-Window / Multi-App function
- com.sec.android.app.minimode.r..
Android icon and can't see full name of app
- com.sec.bcservice
Android icon
- com.sec.phone
Android icon
- com.stri.golfviewer
Android icon and a very bizarre one. golfviewer ????? I have nothing at all relating to golf on my phone
Document with a Cog icon
- DeviceKeystring
Android icon
- DropboxOOBE
I'm not sure I even noticed this one yesterday and although it has a Dropbox icon, it's not exactly the same as the standard Dropbox icon
- DSMForwarding
Icon is a blue screen I guess with a red arrow
- DSMLawmo
Icon is a blue screen like above but with a padlock
- Enterprise Sim Pin Service
- Enterprise SysScope Service
- Enterprise VPN Services
- Enterprise Permissions
All have the Android icon
- Exchange Services
Envelope with gold letter in it and @ icon on that
- FlashAnnotateSvc
Android icon and having read articles about anything relating to Flash where Android is concerned I get a little suspicious.
- Fused Location
Android icon
- Google Partner Set Up
Android icon
- HwModuleTest
Some sort of Android icon holding a white HW banner
- INDIServiceManager
White board with Android/ Android icon on it
- Interaction control
Settings cog icon
- Key Chain
- KeyguardBackupRestore
- KeyguardTestActivity
All Android icon
- LocalFOTA
Android icon
- LogsProvider
Android icon
- Manager accessibility
Settings cog icon
- MDMApp
Android icon
- Mobile tracker
Document with a Cog icon and I know that there is the whole tracking option through Samsung, but surely it would have some sort of Samsung icon if it were that
- MyScript Resource Manager
Android icon
- New enrolment
Blue circle with a device and arrow icon
- OM Customize
Android icon
Message bubble with
- PacProcessor
Android icon
- Perso
Document with a Cog icon
- PopupuiReceiver
White board with Android/ Android icon on it
- Preconfig
Document with a Cog icon
- ProxyHandler
Android icon
- Remote Controls
- Remote Controls
- Remote Controls
Adding this 3 times is not a mistake, I have it 3 times on the list. First 2 have the Android icon and the 3rd the White board with Android/ Android icon on it
- RilNotifier
Document with Cog icon
- RootPA
Android icon
- Samsung Camera Filter
Sits with all other Samsung apps but has an Android icon unlike all the others that have various Samsung icons
- Security policy updates
Android icon. I've seen some results on Google about this and the fact that it's been a concern for some users?
- Service Mode
Android icon
- Service Mode RIL
Document with Cog icon
- Settings
- Settings
Again, adding this twice is not a mistake as I have 2. They both have the Settings cog icon, but the first is slightly different in that it is not as bright in colour, i.e. it's faded a little
- Settings Storage
Grey cog icon and one that again I don't think I noticed yesterday
- SettingSearchProvider
Android icon
- ShareShotService
- Shell
- Silent Logging
All have the Android icon
- Software update
- Software update
Again no mistake it's listed twice as there are 2 present and both have different icons. Similar in that they are both green squares with a device and an arrow on each, but different in size, shape of device and arrow on the square background
- SyncmIDS
Server looking icon
- Tags
A Tag icon with blue waves on it
- USB settings
- USBSettings
Again two showing and different names in that they are exactly displayed above and both with the Android icon
- wssynccmlnps
Android icon
Ok, that's it and again I AM VERY SORRY for the length of this post, but I am just very concerned by some of the behaviours my phone is demonstrating and I hope that you (someone or some of you) can appreciate that.
Many, many thanks in advance for any help!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Hello, if there is a spy ware installed,it will have a be in a App. Unless you have root, you can exclude system apps. It has to be a App installed from outside. Then someome granted it administrator permission.....
this happened with me once, what you need to do is, reboot your device into Safe mode(check your device's forum for How To) and then go to apps(in settings) and remove all the unwanted apps. (Don't disable any system app as they don't get infected unless you have root...it's rare. You might find some apps with generic names (user installed apps...) Like Smart Booster, such apps don't usually have a UI, they run in the background, hidden. Remove all such apps.
This should solve your problem(if there is a spy ware...)
Me reading the app list doesn't make sense cause I don't know which apps are visible in you app drawer and which apps are hidden. You need to reboot to Safe mode and remove unwanted stuff...
Hope this helps you
Plz help! Ur not paranoid. What did u find out? Any suggestions?I have all those com.secmobile things too. i recieved a WAP SI push notification from a known hacker who lives 2 doors down. The message says
It was from 8737 google it but add 8737 spy. Its a company that sells tracking spying stuff. It cannot b removed. From all i heard. Ive filed police reports, ic3.gov,hell i e en went to fbi building!
He claims hes been recording me, spying on me, accessing my emails,texts,camera,passwords,messages for 8 months. . I know its true bcuz my accts gwt deleted, my passwords rwset daily. Ive bought 3 new samsungs. He moved out then demanded $2500.00 or my car or hed ruin my life by sending stuff to all my contacts. I heard from neighbors they get pics of me and transcribed conversations
Did anybody figure out what this is? I have the same thing going on with my phone and I'm freaking out! Please help!!
I've only seen one answer so far guys and he said the hackers would use a app. The part that caught my eye was he said the good apps u want to keep WOULD NOT have UI in front of them? If I read that right my heart just sunk cuz i've seen that somewhere on my phone. I've got a spider Web of a mess with all the file paths I have.
However - Guys, I understand that relentless nagging feeling u KNOW somethings up... (I did last weekend and finally caught it, just a stupid Facebook spam hack but it felt good know I wasn't crazy. But just keep remember to breathe - most of u soundsounded like u had chewed all ur nails off worrying. My mom worries about big brother and hackers and I just remind her, she's not that interesting. They have a middle class income and are normal. If someone is gonna hack they'd either go for super easy or super worth it right? U guys sound pretty security conscious so good luck!
Turn OFF.
There lies your weird noises
Sue x
What if you cant remove the apps... there is no option to uninstall, just disable or force stop?

[Q] How to disable lock screen weather

Hello all, I have a frustrating issue. I cannot seem to purge the weather widget from my lock screen. It's some sort of widget that auto-rotates the screen to portrait and provides a slide-out tab that displays my local weather (screenshot attached is with the tab slid out). It only started appearing recently (never had this happen before), however I don't know what triggered it. There are no lock screen system settings that allow me to enable or disable anything but the clock. I have removed every weather app from my device (even the stock app). I even froze TouchWiz thinking that might have caused it. No dice.
So what app/widget is this and how do I get rid of it? Thanks in advance.
Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 10.1
Android 5.0.2 rooted
EDIT: Please disregard. Didn't realize I had posted in the entirely wrong subforum.

Mate 10 pro and protected apps

Please where is this function? And battery optimization permission.... Are same things ? Thank
From what I've been able to determine, there is no 'protected apps' menu option on Emui 8.
The place to adjust them is in - Settings - Battery - Launch. Personally I find Huawei's management way too agressive, so I turned off managing all automatically. Then in batch manually set everything to allowed and let Android sort it out. It doesn't seem to have made any difference to my battery life, but at least most notifications seem to work now. You could manually set only the ones you want to allow to run in the background though and it might help.
From settings - battery I also went into the settings icon top right and turned off the 'power intensive prompt' option because it was annoying - Google maps is SUPPOSED to be using frequent positioning, and my podcast app isn't much use if it isn't running in the background!
The whole power management seems to be designed for a phone with a tiny battery, where micro management is needed - but on a phone with the largest battery out of any flagship it seems needlessly aggressive....
Edit: It is also possible in the running apps/recent apps screen to click the lock icon on a program which is supposed to prevent Android from closing that app - but not sure how effective that is on EMUI.
Hello to all. I have installed in huawei mate 10 pro and I would like to use an application to notify gmail emails and whatsapp messages on always on display. use led blinker application that works properly when the phone is charging, while when it is without cable the notifications arrive only when I turn on the screen. I can think that it is a protection of consumption but I have activated all possibilities. could someone tell me what I could activate to solve this problem? thank you
This does exist. It's in the recent apps page (bottom left/right button, depending on your settings).
If you press the lock icon on an app it should "lock" the app from automatically closing.
It also prevents that app closing when you tap the recycle bin icon in the recent apps page.
This is exactly what I need, but I am running EMUI 9 on mate 10 pro and I cannot find this "lock"!! Yet I am sure I have seen it at some point in time... X-(
I just got the Android Pie/EMUI 9 upgrade last week and I found the lock by accident. When viewing your apps in the recents view, find the app you want to lock and drag it down towards the trash icon. You should now see the lock icon for that app at the top, and it should be protected from clearing recents. Clicking the lock or dragging it down again should toggle the lock.
On recent apps list, slide down the app window to lock - lock pad on top. Slide again to unlock

