Hey there folks. I've been fighting with my I717R for weeks now over this issue.
Just pulled my radio's error log but it may as well be written in Chinese.
I'm wondering if anyone with knowledge on the subject could take a peek and tell me if anything stands out.
E/RIL-SEC ( 316): [PS] ReCal Current Reg State [REG_REGISTRATION_DENIED]
I/RIL-SEC ( 316): qmi_ril(0/316): qcril_reqlist_find: [RID 0] Not found ReqList
entry : token id 853
D/RIL-SEC ( 316): qmi_ril(0/316): qcril_send_request_response: UI <--- RIL_REQU
EST_DATA_REGISTRATION_STATE (21) Complete --- RIL [RID 0, Token 853, Success, Le
n 24 ]
D/RILCPP ( 316): RIL onRequestComplete: Command channel closed
D/RILCPP ( 316): [0853]< DATA_REGISTRATION_STATE {3,,,,0,20}
D/RIL-SEC ( 316): qmi_ril(0/316): qcril_send_request_response: onRequestComplet
e qcril_send_request_response
D/RILJ ( 603): [0853]< DATA_REGISTRATION_STATE {3,,,,0,20}
E/RIL ( 603): Invalid radio technology : -1
E/RIL ( 603): Invalid radio technology : -1
E/RIL ( 603): Invalid radio technology : -1
E/RIL ( 603): Invalid radio technology : -1
W/PHONE ( 603): mRadioTechnology variable out of range.
W/PHONE ( 603): mRadioTechnology variable out of range.
E/RIL ( 603): Invalid radio technology : -1
E/RIL ( 603): Invalid radio technology : -1
D/RILJ ( 603): [0854]> SCREEN_STATE: false
D/RILCPP ( 316): [0854]> SCREEN_STATE (0)
D/RIL-SEC ( 316): qmi_ril(0/316): onRequest: UI --- RIL_REQUEST_SCREEN_STATE (6
1) ---> RIL [RID 0, token id 854, data len 4]
I/RIL-SEC ( 316): qmi_ril(0/316): qcril_qmi_util_enable_networking_indications:
qcril_qmi_util_enable_networking_indications, param 0
E/RIL-RAWDATA( 350): 01 A0 00 00 03 03 00 03 02 50 00 94 00 10 0F 00 0E C4 BF B
A B5 B0 AB A6 A1 9C 97 92 8D 88 83 11
E/RIL-RAWDATA( 350): 1D 00 0E 02 00 04 00 06 00 08 00 0A 00 0C 00 0E 00 10 00 1
2 00 14 00 16 00 18 00 1A 00 1C 00 12
E/RIL-RAWDATA( 350): 0A 00 09 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 13 21 00 10 9C FF B0 F
F C4 FF D8 FF EC FF 00 00 D2 00 F0 00
E/RIL-RAWDATA( 350): 0E 01 2C 01 4A 01 68 01 86 01 A4 01 C2 01 E0 01 15 0A 00 0
9 EC EA E8 E6 E4 E2 E0 DE DC 16 21 00
E FF 98 FF 92 FF 8C FF 86 FF 80 FF 7A
E/RILQC-QMI( 354): qmi_proxy: QMUX header I/F(1), length(160) control flag(
E/RILQC-QMI( 354): [AP->CP] CONTROL TYPE: [Request]
E/RILQC-QMI( 354): [AP->CP] CONTROL FLAG: [Service]
E/RILQC-QMI( 354): [AP->CP] CLIENT ID: [3]
E/RILQC-QMI( 354): qmi_proxy: recevied request from client on fd = 15 with msg
_len =155
E/RILQC-QMI( 354): qmi_proxy: qmi_proxy_srvc_handle_request ....... QMI NAS(3),
Msg ID 0x50, RX Msg Len 148
E/RILQC-QMI( 354): qmi_proxy: qmi_proxy_decode_qmi_srvc_message ....... Client
ID 3, QMI NAS(3), Msg ID 0x50, RX Msg Len 148
E/RILQC-QMI( 354): qmi_proxy: qmi_proxy_client_relref ....... Client ID 3, QMI
E/RILQC-QMI( 354): qmi_proxy: qmi_proxy_nas_srvc_arb_hdlr ....... Msg ID 0x50
E/RILQC-QMI( 354): qmi_proxy: Txn List for QMI NAS(3):
E/RILQC-QMI( 354): qmi_proxy: Txn Rec[0] (Txn Key 0x30222, Txn ID 546, QMI N
AS(3), Client ID 3, RX Txn ID 515, User Data valid 0, User Data 0x0)
E/RILQC-QMI( 354): qmi_proxy: ... Remote modem(1) : Txn Index 0, Q
MI NAS(3), Msg ID 0x50, Msg Len 276
E/RILQC-QMI( 354): qmi_proxy: Txn Setup (Txn Key 0x30222, Txn ID 546, QMI NAS(3
), Client ID 3, RX Txn ID 515, Async State 0)
E/RIL-RAWDATA( 350): 01 A0 00 00 03 01 00 03 02 50 00 94 00 10 0F 00 0E C4 BF B
A B5 B0 AB A6 A1 9C 97 92 8D 88 83 11
E/RIL-RAWDATA( 350): 1D 00 0E 02 00 04 00 06 00 08 00 0A 00 0C 00 0E 00 10 00 1
2 00 14 00 16 00 18 00 1A 00 1C 00 12
E/RIL-RAWDATA( 350): 0A 00 09 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 13 21 00 10 9C FF B0 F
F C4 FF D8 FF EC FF 00 00 D2 00 F0 00
E/RIL-RAWDATA( 350): 0E 01 2C 01 4A 01 68 01 86 01 A4 01 C2 01 E0 01 15 0A 00 0
9 EC EA E8 E6 E4 E2 E0 DE DC 16 21 00
E FF 98 FF 92 FF 8C FF 86 FF 80 FF 7A
E/RILQC-QMI( 354): qmi_proxy: Txn Entry Dispatched (Remote modem(1), Txn key 0x
30222, Txn ID 546, Txn Index 0, QMI NAS(3), Msg ID 0x50, Client ID 3, RX Txn ID
515, Async State 0)
E/RILQC-QMI( 354): qmi_proxy: qmi_proxy_client_relref ....... Client ID 3, QMI
E/RIL-RAWDATA( 350): 01 13 00 80 03 01 02 03 02 50 00 07 00 02 04 00 00 00 00 0
E/RILQC-QMI( 350): [Mutex] CheckPoint >>> QMI_PLATFORM_MUTEX_LOCK, conn_id: 8,
client_id: 1
E/RILQC-QMI( 350): [Mutex] CheckPoint QMI_PLATFORM_MUTEX_UNLOCK, conn_id: 8, cl
ient_id: 1
E/RILQC-QMI( 350): [Mutex] CheckPoint <<< QMI_PLATFORM_MUTEX_LOCK, conn_id: 8,
client_id: 1
E/RILQC-QMI( 354): qmi_proxy: qmi_proxy_complete_txn ....... (Remote modem(1),
Txn Key 0x30222, Txn ID 546, Txn Index 0, QMI NAS(3), Response, Msg ID 0x50)
E/RILQC-QMI( 354): qmi_proxy: qmi_proxy_txn_find_and_addref ....... returning 2
E/RILQC-QMI( 354): qmi_proxy: Txn Entry Completed Success (Remote modem(1), Txn
Key 0x30222, Txn ID 546, Txn Index 0, QMI NAS(3), Msg ID 0x50, Client ID 3, RX
Txn ID 515)
E/RILQC-QMI( 354): qmi_proxy: All Txn Entries Completed Success (Txn Key 0x3022
2, Txn ID 546, QMI NAS(3), Client ID 3, RX Txn ID 515)
E/RILQC-QMI( 354): qmi_proxy: qmi_proxy_encode_qmi_srvc_message ....... QMI NAS
(3), Remote modem(1), Response(1), Msg ID 0x50
E/RILQC-QMI( 354): qmi_proxy: qmi_proxy_client_relref ....... Client ID 3, QMI
E/RILQC-QMI( 354): qmi_proxy: Sending QMI NAS(3), Response, Msg ID 0x50 to Clie
nt 3, Conn ID 18, RX Txn ID 515
E/RILQC-QMI( 354): qmi_proxy: Sending QMI SRVC response to QMI Proxy Client, [
E/RILQC-QMI( 354): qmi_proxy: QMUX header I/F(1), length(19) control flag(Ç) se
rvice type(3) client id(3), fd(15)
E/RILQC-QMI( 354): [CP->AP] CONTROL TYPE: [Response]
E/RILQC-QMI( 354): [CP->AP] CONTROL FLAG: [Control]
E/RILQC-QMI( 354): [CP->AP] CLIENT ID: [3]
E/RILQC-QMI( 354): qmi_proxy: qmi_proxy_free: NULL paramter passed
E/RIL-RAWDATA( 350): 01 13 00 80 03 03 02 03 02 50 00 07 00 02 04 00 00 00 00 0
E/RILQC-QMI( 350): [Mutex] CheckPoint >>> QMI_PLATFORM_MUTEX_LOCK, conn_id: 18,
client_id: 3
E/RILQC-QMI( 350): [Mutex] CheckPoint <<< QMI_PLATFORM_MUTEX_LOCK, conn_id: 18,
client_id: 3
I/RIL-SEC ( 316): qmi_ril(0/316): qcril_qmi_util_convert_qmi_response_codes_to_
ril_result_ex: qcril_qmi_util_convert_qmi_response_codes_to_ril_result_ex ctx ch
eck 0
I/RIL-SEC ( 316): qmi_ril(0/316): qcril_qmi_util_enable_networking_indications:
.. requested nas config info 0, 0
E/RIL-RAWDATA( 350): 01 10 00 00 03 03 00 04 02 02 00 04 00 12 01 00 01
E/RILQC-QMI( 354): qmi_proxy: QMUX header I/F(1), length(16) control flag(
E/RILQC-QMI( 354): [AP->CP] CONTROL TYPE: [Request]
E/RILQC-QMI( 354): [AP->CP] CONTROL FLAG: [Service]
E/RILQC-QMI( 354): [AP->CP] CLIENT ID: [3]
E/RILQC-QMI( 354): qmi_proxy: recevied request from client on fd = 15 with msg
_len =11
E/RILQC-QMI( 354): qmi_proxy: qmi_proxy_srvc_handle_request ....... QMI NAS(3),
Msg ID 0x2, RX Msg Len 4
E/RILQC-QMI( 354): qmi_proxy: qmi_proxy_decode_qmi_srvc_message ....... Client
ID 3, QMI NAS(3), Msg ID 0x2, RX Msg Len 4
E/RILQC-QMI( 354): qmi_proxy: qmi_proxy_client_relref ....... Client ID 3, QMI
E/RILQC-QMI( 354): qmi_proxy: qmi_proxy_nas_srvc_arb_hdlr ....... Msg ID 0x2
E/RILQC-QMI( 354): qmi_proxy: Txn List for QMI NAS(3):
E/RILQC-QMI( 354): qmi_proxy: Txn Rec[0] (Txn Key 0x30223, Txn ID 547, QMI N
AS(3), Client ID 3, RX Txn ID 516, User Data valid 0, User Data 0x0)
E/RILQC-QMI( 354): qmi_proxy: ... Remote modem(1) : Txn Index 0, Q
MI NAS(3), Msg ID 0x2, Msg Len 92
E/RILQC-QMI( 354): qmi_proxy: Txn Setup (Txn Key 0x30223, Txn ID 547, QMI NAS(3
), Client ID 3, RX Txn ID 516, Async State 0)
E/RIL-RAWDATA( 350): 01 10 00 00 03 01 00 04 02 02 00 04 00 12 01 00 01
E/RILQC-QMI( 354): qmi_proxy: Txn Entry Dispatched (Remote modem(1), Txn key 0x
30223, Txn ID 547, Txn Index 0, QMI NAS(3), Msg ID 0x2, Client ID 3, RX Txn ID 5
16, Async State 0)
E/RILQC-QMI( 354): qmi_proxy: qmi_proxy_client_relref ....... Client ID 3, QMI
E/RIL-RAWDATA( 350): 01 13 00 80 03 01 02 04 02 02 00 07 00 02 04 00 00 00 00 0
E/RILQC-QMI( 350): [Mutex] CheckPoint >>> QMI_PLATFORM_MUTEX_LOCK, conn_id: 8,
client_id: 1
E/RILQC-QMI( 350): [Mutex] CheckPoint QMI_PLATFORM_MUTEX_UNLOCK, conn_id: 8, cl
ient_id: 1
E/RILQC-QMI( 350): [Mutex] CheckPoint <<< QMI_PLATFORM_MUTEX_LOCK, conn_id: 8,
client_id: 1
E/RILQC-QMI( 354): qmi_proxy: qmi_proxy_complete_txn ....... (Remote modem(1),
Txn Key 0x30223, Txn ID 547, Txn Index 0, QMI NAS(3), Response, Msg ID 0x2)
E/RILQC-QMI( 354): qmi_proxy: qmi_proxy_txn_find_and_addref ....... returning 2
E/RILQC-QMI( 354): qmi_proxy: Txn Entry Completed Success (Remote modem(1), Txn
Key 0x30223, Txn ID 547, Txn Index 0, QMI NAS(3), Msg ID 0x2, Client ID 3, RX T
xn ID 516)
E/RILQC-QMI( 354): qmi_proxy: All Txn Entries Completed Success (Txn Key 0x3022
3, Txn ID 547, QMI NAS(3), Client ID 3, RX Txn ID 516)
E/RILQC-QMI( 354): qmi_proxy: qmi_proxy_encode_qmi_srvc_message ....... QMI NAS
(3), Remote modem(1), Response(1), Msg ID 0x2
E/RILQC-QMI( 354): qmi_proxy: qmi_proxy_client_relref ....... Client ID 3, QMI
E/RILQC-QMI( 354): qmi_proxy: Sending QMI NAS(3), Response, Msg ID 0x2 to Clien
t 3, Conn ID 18, RX Txn ID 516
E/RILQC-QMI( 354): qmi_proxy: Sending QMI SRVC response to QMI Proxy Client, [
E/RILQC-QMI( 354): qmi_proxy: QMUX header I/F(1), length(19) control flag(Ç) se
rvice type(3) client id(3), fd(15)
E/RILQC-QMI( 354): [CP->AP] CONTROL TYPE: [Response]
E/RILQC-QMI( 354): [CP->AP] CONTROL FLAG: [Control]
E/RILQC-QMI( 354): [CP->AP] CLIENT ID: [3]
E/RILQC-QMI( 354): qmi_proxy: qmi_proxy_free: NULL paramter passed
E/RIL-RAWDATA( 350): 01 13 00 80 03 03 02 04 02 02 00 07 00 02 04 00 00 00 00 0
E/RILQC-QMI( 350): [Mutex] CheckPoint >>> QMI_PLATFORM_MUTEX_LOCK, conn_id: 18,
client_id: 3
E/RILQC-QMI( 350): [Mutex] CheckPoint <<< QMI_PLATFORM_MUTEX_LOCK, conn_id: 18,
client_id: 3
I/RIL-SEC ( 316): qmi_ril(0/316): qcril_qmi_util_convert_qmi_response_codes_to_
ril_result_ex: qcril_qmi_util_convert_qmi_response_codes_to_ril_result_ex ctx ch
eck 0
I/RIL-SEC ( 316): qmi_ril(0/316): qcril_qmi_util_enable_networking_indications:
.. requested nas event report fallback 0, 0
E/RIL-RAWDATA( 350): 01 30 00 00 03 03 00 05 02 03 00 24 00 10 01 00 01 13 01 0
0 00 14 01 00 01 15 01 00 01 17 01 00
E/RIL-RAWDATA( 350): 01 18 01 00 00 19 01 00 00 1A 01 00 00 1D 01 00 01
E/RILQC-QMI( 354): qmi_proxy: QMUX header I/F(1), length(48) control flag(
E/RILQC-QMI( 354): [AP->CP] CONTROL TYPE: [Request]
E/RILQC-QMI( 354): [AP->CP] CONTROL FLAG: [Service]
E/RILQC-QMI( 354): [AP->CP] CLIENT ID: [3]
E/RILQC-QMI( 354): qmi_proxy: recevied request from client on fd = 15 with msg
_len =43
E/RILQC-QMI( 354): qmi_proxy: qmi_proxy_srvc_handle_request ....... QMI NAS(3),
Msg ID 0x3, RX Msg Len 36
E/RILQC-QMI( 354): qmi_proxy: qmi_proxy_decode_qmi_srvc_message ....... Client
ID 3, QMI NAS(3), Msg ID 0x3, RX Msg Len 36
E/RILQC-QMI( 354): qmi_proxy: qmi_proxy_client_relref ....... Client ID 3, QMI
E/RILQC-QMI( 354): qmi_proxy: qmi_proxy_nas_srvc_arb_hdlr ....... Msg ID 0x3
E/RILQC-QMI( 354): qmi_proxy: Txn List for QMI NAS(3):
E/RILQC-QMI( 354): qmi_proxy: Txn Rec[0] (Txn Key 0x30224, Txn ID 548, QMI N
AS(3), Client ID 3, RX Txn ID 517, User Data valid 0, User Data 0x0)
E/RILQC-QMI( 354): qmi_proxy: ... Remote modem(1) : Txn Index 0, Q
MI NAS(3), Msg ID 0x3, Msg Len 24
E/RILQC-QMI( 354): qmi_proxy: Txn Setup (Txn Key 0x30224, Txn ID 548, QMI NAS(3
), Client ID 3, RX Txn ID 517, Async State 0)
E/RIL-RAWDATA( 350): 01 30 00 00 03 01 00 05 02 03 00 24 00 10 01 00 01 13 01 0
0 00 14 01 00 01 15 01 00 01 17 01 00
E/RIL-RAWDATA( 350): 01 18 01 00 00 19 01 00 00 1A 01 00 00 1D 01 00 01
E/RILQC-QMI( 354): qmi_proxy: Txn Entry Dispatched (Remote modem(1), Txn key 0x
30224, Txn ID 548, Txn Index 0, QMI NAS(3), Msg ID 0x3, Client ID 3, RX Txn ID 5
17, Async State 0)
E/RILQC-QMI( 354): qmi_proxy: qmi_proxy_client_relref ....... Client ID 3, QMI
E/RIL-RAWDATA( 350): 01 13 00 80 03 01 02 05 02 03 00 07 00 02 04 00 00 00 00 0
E/RILQC-QMI( 350): [Mutex] CheckPoint >>> QMI_PLATFORM_MUTEX_LOCK, conn_id: 8,
client_id: 1
E/RILQC-QMI( 350): [Mutex] CheckPoint QMI_PLATFORM_MUTEX_UNLOCK, conn_id: 8, cl
ient_id: 1
E/RILQC-QMI( 350): [Mutex] CheckPoint <<< QMI_PLATFORM_MUTEX_LOCK, conn_id: 8,
client_id: 1
E/RILQC-QMI( 354): qmi_proxy: qmi_proxy_complete_txn ....... (Remote modem(1),
Txn Key 0x30224, Txn ID 548, Txn Index 0, QMI NAS(3), Response, Msg ID 0x3)
E/RILQC-QMI( 354): qmi_proxy: qmi_proxy_txn_find_and_addref ....... returning 2
E/RILQC-QMI( 354): qmi_proxy: Txn Entry Completed Success (Remote modem(1), Txn
Key 0x30224, Txn ID 548, Txn Index 0, QMI NAS(3), Msg ID 0x3, Client ID 3, RX T
xn ID 517)
E/RILQC-QMI( 354): qmi_proxy: All Txn Entries Completed Success (Txn Key 0x3022
4, Txn ID 548, QMI NAS(3), Client ID 3, RX Txn ID 517)
E/RILQC-QMI( 354): qmi_proxy: qmi_proxy_encode_qmi_srvc_message ....... QMI NAS
(3), Remote modem(1), Response(1), Msg ID 0x3
E/RILQC-QMI( 354): qmi_proxy: qmi_proxy_client_relref ....... Client ID 3, QMI
E/RILQC-QMI( 354): qmi_proxy: Sending QMI NAS(3), Response, Msg ID 0x3 to Clien
t 3, Conn ID 18, RX Txn ID 517
E/RILQC-QMI( 354): qmi_proxy: Sending QMI SRVC response to QMI Proxy Client, [
E/RILQC-QMI( 354): qmi_proxy: QMUX header I/F(1), length(19) control flag(Ç) se
rvice type(3) client id(3), fd(15)
E/RILQC-QMI( 354): [CP->AP] CONTROL TYPE: [Response]
E/RILQC-QMI( 354): [CP->AP] CONTROL FLAG: [Control]
E/RILQC-QMI( 354): [CP->AP] CLIENT ID: [3]
E/RILQC-QMI( 354): qmi_proxy: qmi_proxy_free: NULL paramter passed
E/RIL-RAWDATA( 350): 01 13 00 80 03 03 02 05 02 03 00 07 00 02 04 00 00 00 00 0
E/RILQC-QMI( 350): [Mutex] CheckPoint >>> QMI_PLATFORM_MUTEX_LOCK, conn_id: 18,
client_id: 3
E/RILQC-QMI( 350): [Mutex] CheckPoint <<< QMI_PLATFORM_MUTEX_LOCK, conn_id: 18,
client_id: 3
I/RIL-SEC ( 316): qmi_ril(0/316): qcril_qmi_util_convert_qmi_response_codes_to_
ril_result_ex: qcril_qmi_util_convert_qmi_response_codes_to_ril_result_ex ctx ch
eck 0
I/RIL-SEC ( 316): qmi_ril(0/316): qcril_qmi_util_enable_networking_indications:
.. requested nas indication reports 0, 0
I/RIL-SEC ( 316): qmi_ril(0/316): qcril_qmi_util_enable_networking_indications:
qcril_qmi_util_enable_networking_indications completed with 0
I/RIL-SEC ( 316): qmi_ril(0/316): qcril_data_toggle_dormancy_indications: >>>>>
I/RIL-SEC ( 316): qmi_ril(0/316): qcril_data_toggle_dormancy_indications: LOCK
QCRIL_DATA MUTEX 801991d0 result=0
D/RIL-SEC ( 316): qmi_ril(0/316): qcril_data_toggle_dormancy_indications: Switc
h ON/OFF dormancy indications on all active interfaces
I/RIL-SEC ( 316): qmi_ril(0/316): qcril_data_toggle_dormancy_indications: <<<<<
I/RIL-SEC ( 316): qmi_ril(0/316): qcril_data_toggle_dormancy_indications: UNLOC
K QCRIL_DATA MUTEX 801991d0 result=0
I/RIL-SEC ( 316): qmi_ril(0/316): qcril_data_toggle_dormancy_indications: qcril
_data_toggle_dormancy_indications: EXIT with SUCCESS
I/RIL-SEC ( 316): qmi_ril(0/316): qcril_reqlist_find: [RID 0] Not found ReqList
entry : token id 854
D/RIL-SEC ( 316): qmi_ril(0/316): qcril_send_request_response: UI <--- RIL_REQU
EST_SCREEN_STATE (61) Complete --- RIL [RID 0, Token 854, Success, Len 0 ]
D/RILCPP ( 316): RIL onRequestComplete: Command channel closed
D/RILCPP ( 316): [0854]< SCREEN_STATE
D/RIL-SEC ( 316): qmi_ril(0/316): qcril_send_request_response: onRequestComplet
e qcril_send_request_response
D/RILJ ( 603): [0854]< SCREEN_STATE
Has anyone luck with the TyTN and Linux? Have tried the synce package with synce-kde (raki) but there was no success.
There is a new eth dev unsing the rndis driver, and there is an ip connection between <> but nothing more
Any success on mounting as a mass storage dev?
There used to be a problem syncing with WM6. But recently I've been able to do it using the old usbserial method and the ipaq module. I haven't tried the GUI stuff, but the basic synce tools work fine. Mass storage mounting also works.
I'm in the same problem with synce and raki... my tytn don't understand my ubuntu?
I've searched a lot about this and doesn't works.
The only solution that works for me at the moment (may be the worst) is install a winXP in a VirtualBox but I know that it's not the better solution, and the "seamless" option of virtualbox last edition doesn't works for me...
Anybody has more info about linux, activesync and Hermes (wm5 o 6) ...
Please help!!
Well, as I've said, it works fine here with Gentoo and WM6.
- on the Hermes under Connections -> USB to PC, disable the advanced functionality.
- get synce and odccm
- in the kernel, enable usbserial and ipaq
Then your Hermes should be recognized as something like /dev/tts/USB0
I just use a little script like this:
synce-serial-config /dev/tts/USB0
sleep 1
sleep 1
If it works, you should see something like this:
You can now run synce-serial-start to start a serial connection.
Serial connection established.
Using interface ppp0
Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/tts/USB0
local IP address
remote IP address
And then the basic synce tools like pls, pcp, etc., should work.
To get this working on Ubuntu you have to compile the whole synCE set of software (synce, rapi, odccm etc.) from SVN. This is done in this Guide:
Just use that guide for instructions on how to compile from SVN, ignore the kernel patching and usb drivers and so on unless you're feeling masochistic.
For feisty, you can still use ipaq as demonstrated here, just stop after you have compiled and installed the synce packages. After that the aforementioned guide tries to compile the new drivers which requires kernel patching, pain, and suffering.
So, after compiling the newer synce, switch over to xor's instructions.
I've made a little Sync-with-Linux page for the Hermes Wiki. Feel free to contribute.
gentoo packages
Hi _xor,
I'm trying to get my Prophet WM6-upgraded PDA connected to my 2.6.23-tuxonice-r6 powered Gentoo Linux but couldn't make it work. I'm trying to use it as a GPRS modem and to sync it too (priority 2 actually).
How did you get odccm installed? app-pda/synce-dccm doesn't have it and there is no odccm at all.
Or yet better, what packages did you install? (I'm using KDE as my window manager as you do).
BTW, the links on the wiki are no longer valid and couldn't get to them through google too.
EDIT: I could make it work!!!!!
The problem was somehow related to the PPP connection not establishing the IP address correctly:
Jan 27 14:29:45 RJZ-LNX usb 2-2: new full speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 23
Jan 27 14:29:45 RJZ-LNX usb 2-2: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice
Jan 27 14:29:45 RJZ-LNX ipaq 2-2:1.0: PocketPC PDA converter detected
Jan 27 14:29:45 RJZ-LNX usb 2-2: PocketPC PDA converter now attached to ttyUSB0
Jan 27 14:29:51 RJZ-LNX synce-serial-start: Executing '/usr/sbin/pppd call synce-device'
Jan 27 14:29:51 RJZ-LNX pppd[28592]: pppd 2.4.4 started by root, uid 0
Jan 27 14:29:53 RJZ-LNX pppd[28592]: Serial connection established.
Jan 27 14:29:53 RJZ-LNX pppd[28592]: using channel 13
Jan 27 14:29:53 RJZ-LNX pppd[28592]: Using interface ppp0
Jan 27 14:29:53 RJZ-LNX pppd[28592]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/ttyUSB0
Jan 27 14:29:53 RJZ-LNX odccm[28560]: DEBUG: _odccm_interface_address: waiting for IP address on ppp0
Jan 27 14:29:54 RJZ-LNX odccm[28560]: DEBUG: _odccm_interface_address: waiting for IP address on ppp0
Jan 27 14:29:54 RJZ-LNX pppd[28592]: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 <asyncmap 0x0> <magic 0x1ce61ea3> <pcomp> <accomp>]
Jan 27 14:29:55 RJZ-LNX odccm[28560]: DEBUG: _odccm_interface_address: waiting for IP address on ppp0
Jan 27 14:29:56 RJZ-LNX odccm[28560]: DEBUG: _odccm_interface_address: waiting for IP address on ppp0
Jan 27 14:29:57 RJZ-LNX odccm[28560]: DEBUG: _odccm_interface_address: waiting for IP address on ppp0
Jan 27 14:29:57 RJZ-LNX pppd[28592]: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 <asyncmap 0x0> <magic 0x1ce61ea3> <pcomp> <accomp>]
Jan 27 14:30:00 RJZ-LNX pppd[28592]: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 <asyncmap 0x0> <magic 0x1ce61ea3> <pcomp> <accomp>]
Jan 27 14:30:03 RJZ-LNX pppd[28592]: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 <asyncmap 0x0> <magic 0x1ce61ea3> <pcomp> <accomp>]
Jan 27 14:30:06 RJZ-LNX pppd[28592]: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 <asyncmap 0x0> <magic 0x1ce61ea3> <pcomp> <accomp>]
Jan 27 14:30:09 RJZ-LNX pppd[28592]: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 <asyncmap 0x0> <magic 0x1ce61ea3> <pcomp> <accomp>]
Jan 27 14:30:12 RJZ-LNX pppd[28592]: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 <asyncmap 0x0> <magic 0x1ce61ea3> <pcomp> <accomp>]
Jan 27 14:30:15 RJZ-LNX pppd[28592]: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 <asyncmap 0x0> <magic 0x1ce61ea3> <pcomp> <accomp>]
Jan 27 14:30:18 RJZ-LNX pppd[28592]: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 <asyncmap 0x0> <magic 0x1ce61ea3> <pcomp> <accomp>]
Jan 27 14:30:21 RJZ-LNX pppd[28592]: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 <asyncmap 0x0> <magic 0x1ce61ea3> <pcomp> <accomp>]
Jan 27 14:30:24 RJZ-LNX pppd[28592]: LCP: timeout sending Config-Requests
Jan 27 14:30:24 RJZ-LNX pppd[28592]: Connection terminated.
Jan 27 14:30:24 RJZ-LNX pppd[28592]: Modem hangup
Jan 27 14:30:24 RJZ-LNX pppd[28592]: Exit.
I just re-enabled and disabled again the "enable advanced network functionality" on the PDA while it was connected to my PC and it started to work:
Jan 27 14:42:09 RJZ-LNX usb 2-2: new full speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 27
Jan 27 14:42:09 RJZ-LNX usb 2-2: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice
Jan 27 14:42:09 RJZ-LNX ipaq 2-2:1.0: PocketPC PDA converter detected
Jan 27 14:42:09 RJZ-LNX usb 2-2: PocketPC PDA converter now attached to ttyUSB0
Jan 27 14:42:32 RJZ-LNX synce-serial-start: Executing '/usr/sbin/pppd call synce-device'
Jan 27 14:42:32 RJZ-LNX pppd[30637]: pppd 2.4.4 started by root, uid 0
Jan 27 14:42:35 RJZ-LNX pppd[30637]: Serial connection established.
Jan 27 14:42:35 RJZ-LNX odccm[28560]: DEBUG: _odccm_interface_address: waiting for IP address on ppp0
Jan 27 14:42:35 RJZ-LNX pppd[30637]: Using interface ppp0
Jan 27 14:42:35 RJZ-LNX pppd[30637]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/ttyUSB0
Jan 27 14:42:35 RJZ-LNX pppd[30637]: local IP address
Jan 27 14:42:35 RJZ-LNX pppd[30637]: remote IP address
Jan 27 14:42:36 RJZ-LNX odccm[28560]: DEBUG: _odccm_interface_address: found matching interface
Jan 27 14:42:36 RJZ-LNX odccm[28560]: DEBUG: PDA network interface discovered! udi='/devices/virtual/net/ppp0'
Jan 27 14:42:40 RJZ-LNX odccm[28560]: DEBUG: device_info_received
Jan 27 14:42:40 RJZ-LNX odccm[28560]: DEBUG: f1 ea 81 50 c4 44 98 68 41 c3 2e e3 1d ef d0 5f 05 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 0b 00 00 00 57 00 4d 00 5f 00 7a 00 61 00 70 00 70 00 61 00 63 00 6f 00 72 00 00 00 05 02 74 07 11 0a 00 00 05 00 00 00 2d 6e cb 62 00 00 00 00 0f 00 00 00 50 6f 63 6b 65 74 50 43 00 53 53 44 4b 00 00 07 00 00 00 57 49 5a 41 32 30 30 00 02 00 00 00 05 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 05 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 10 00 00 00 0c 00 00 00 5d 00 00 00 01 00 00 00
Jan 27 14:42:40 RJZ-LNX odccm[28560]: DEBUG: extradata:
Jan 27 14:42:40 RJZ-LNX odccm[28560]: DEBUG: 10 00 00 00 0c 00 00 00 5d 00 00 00 01 00 00 00
Jan 27 14:42:40 RJZ-LNX odccm[28560]: Message: device_info_received: registering object path '/org/synce/odccm/Device/_5081EAF1_44C4_6898_41C3_2EE31DEFD05F_'
I'll try later some cool apps, if any...
my sgs2 got an unusual charging problem usually from battery 0 to full it doesn't need 3 hours , but today its acting weird cause from 26 % to 74 % its needed 3 hours I checked dmesg.
there is nothing wrong yet at my device
<7>[ 397.116599] buf:7F 0E 00 00 0B 00 FF B6 07 01 03 FF 02 00 05 7E
<7>[ 397.117467] modemctl modemctl: svn <HOST_WUP:1
<7>[ 397.117839] modemctl modemctl: svn >SLAV_WUP:0,0
<6>[ 397.324027] ++s5pv310_enter_core0_aftr
<6>[ 397.324711] --s5pv310_enter_core0_aftr
<6>[ 397.324879] ++s5pv310_enter_core0_aftr
<6>[ 397.325641] --s5pv310_enter_core0_aftr
<7>[ 397.767855] IPC:RX size=69
<7>[ 397.768274] buf:7F 15 00 00 12 00 FF FF 08 05 03 01 02 02 01 A7
<7>[ 397.768996] buf:7F 15 00 00 12 00 FF FF 08 05 03 02 03 02 01 A7
<7>[ 397.769405] buf:7F 15 00 00 12 00 FF 00 08 03 03 02 02 02 35 31
<7>[ 397.781676] IPC:RX size=13
<7>[ 397.782084] buf:7F 0B 00 00 08 00 FF B7 08 02 02 02 7E 02 01 A7
<7>[ 397.786290] IPC:RX size=23
<7>[ 397.786697] buf:7F 15 00 00 12 00 FF B8 08 03 02 02 02 02 35 31
<7>[ 397.789535] IPC:RX size=23
<7>[ 397.790224] buf:7F 15 00 00 12 00 FF B9 08 05 02 02 03 02 01 A7
<7>[ 397.792914] IPC:RX size=23
<7>[ 397.793314] buf:7F 15 00 00 12 00 FF BA 08 05 02 01 02 02 01 A7
<7>[ 397.799541] IPC:RX size=13
<7>[ 397.799952] buf:7F 0B 00 00 08 00 FF BB 08 02 02 02 7E 02 01 A7
<7>[ 397.804287] IPC:RX size=23
<7>[ 397.804685] buf:7F 15 00 00 12 00 FF BC 08 03 02 02 02 02 35 31
<7>[ 397.809785] IPC:RX size=23
<7>[ 397.810182] buf:7F 15 00 00 12 00 FF BD 08 05 02 02 03 02 01 A7
<7>[ 397.814830] IPC:RX size=23
<7>[ 397.815536] buf:7F 15 00 00 12 00 FF BE 08 05 02 01 02 02 01 A7
<7>[ 398.000125] IPC:RX size=16
<7>[ 398.000239] buf:7F 0E 00 00 0B 00 FF BE 07 01 03 FF 01 00 05 7E
<7>[ 399.003839] usb 1-2: svn L2 p.s=1
<7>[ 399.005280] ehci_hub_control:send Port suspend
<7>[ 399.025246] modemctl modemctl: svn <HOST_WUP:0
<7>[ 399.025646] usbsvn_request_resume:run time resume
<7>[ 399.073780] usb_port_resume = 1283, 4
<7>[ 399.075139] usb 1-2: svn L0 p.s=1
<7>[ 399.075777] IPC:RX size=16
<7>[ 399.076176] buf:7F 0E 00 00 0B 00 FF BE 07 01 03 FF 02 00 05 7E
<7>[ 399.077016] modemctl modemctl: svn <HOST_WUP:1
<7>[ 399.077381] modemctl modemctl: svn >SLAV_WUP:0,0
<7>[ 399.442575] IPC:RX size=69
<7>[ 399.442998] buf:7F 15 00 00 12 00 FF FF 08 05 03 01 02 02 01 A7
<7>[ 399.443432] buf:7F 15 00 00 12 00 FF FF 08 05 03 02 03 02 01 A7
<7>[ 399.444120] buf:7F 15 00 00 12 00 FF 00 08 03 03 02 02 02 35 31
<7>[ 399.455421] IPC:RX size=13
<7>[ 399.456121] buf:7F 0B 00 00 08 00 FF BF 08 02 02 02 7E 02 01 A7
<7>[ 399.458161] IPC:RX size=23
<7>[ 399.458567] buf:7F 15 00 00 12 00 FF C0 08 03 02 02 02 02 35 31
<7>[ 399.463724] IPC:RX size=23
<7>[ 399.464129] buf:7F 15 00 00 12 00 FF C1 08 05 02 02 03 02 01 A7
<7>[ 399.468417] IPC:RX size=23
<7>[ 399.468819] buf:7F 15 00 00 12 00 FF C2 08 05 02 01 02 02 01 A7
<7>[ 399.475792] IPC:RX size=13
<7>[ 399.476202] buf:7F 0B 00 00 08 00 FF C3 08 02 02 02 7E 02 01 A7
<7>[ 399.480537] IPC:RX size=23
<7>[ 399.481231] buf:7F 15 00 00 12 00 FF C4 08 03 02 02 02 02 35 31
<7>[ 399.485670] IPC:RX size=23
<7>[ 399.486080] buf:7F 15 00 00 12 00 FF C5 08 05 02 02 03 02 01 A7
<7>[ 399.491031] IPC:RX size=23
<7>[ 399.491431] buf:7F 15 00 00 12 00 FF C6 08 05 02 01 02 02 01 A7
<7>[ 399.820493] IPC:RX size=30
<7>[ 399.820921] buf:7F 1C 00 00 19 00 FF C6 0A 05 03 02 01 0C 01 06
<6>[ 399.918959] ++s5pv310_enter_core0_aftr
<7>[ 399.999905] IPC:RX size=16
<7>[ 400.000307] buf:7F 0E 00 00 0B 00 FF C6 07 01 03 FF 03 00 05 7E
<6>[ 400.001192] --s5pv310_enter_core0_aftr
<7>[ 401.004532] usb 1-2: svn L2 p.s=1
<7>[ 401.007570] ehci_hub_control:send Port suspend
<7>[ 401.019081] modemctl modemctl: svn <HOST_WUP:0
<7>[ 401.019448] usbsvn_request_resume:run time resume
<7>[ 401.068778] usb_port_resume = 1283, 4
<7>[ 401.070135] usb 1-2: svn L0 p.s=1
<7>[ 401.070648] IPC:RX size=16
<7>[ 401.071044] buf:7F 0E 00 00 0B 00 FF C6 07 01 03 FF 04 00 05 7E
<7>[ 401.071995] modemctl modemctl: svn <HOST_WUP:1
<7>[ 401.072360] modemctl modemctl: svn >SLAV_WUP:0,0
<7>[ 401.202361] tspdrv: ImmVibeSPI_ForceOut_AmpEnable (1)
<7>[ 401.232948] tspdrv: ImmVibeSPI_ForceOut_AmpDisable (0)
<7>[ 401.971718] tspdrv: ImmVibeSPI_ForceOut_AmpEnable (1)
<7>[ 402.003653] usb 1-2: svn L2 p.s=1
<7>[ 402.003776] tspdrv: ImmVibeSPI_ForceOut_AmpDisable (0)
<7>[ 402.004401] ehci_hub_control:send Port suspend
<7>[ 402.541409] tspdrv: ImmVibeSPI_ForceOut_AmpEnable (1)
<7>[ 402.572613] tspdrv: ImmVibeSPI_ForceOut_AmpDisable (0)
<6>[ 403.397918] max17042 9-0036: max17042_get_soc : soc(571e)
<6>[ 403.398277] max17042_need_soc_recal: HW(0xe)
<6>[ 403.399137] max17042 9-0036: max17042_get_soc : use raw (87), soc (89)
<6>[ 403.567545] ++s5pv310_enter_core0_aftr
<6>[ 403.653355] --s5pv310_enter_core0_aftr
<6>[ 403.739102] sec-battery sec-battery: sec_bat_check_vf: Battery Health (1)
<6>[ 403.763209] ++s5pv310_enter_core0_aftr
<6>[ 403.854521] --s5pv310_enter_core0_aftr
<6>[ 403.891290] ++s5pv310_enter_core0_aftr
<6>[ 403.964087] --s5pv310_enter_core0_aftr
<6>[ 404.091302] ++s5pv310_enter_core0_aftr
<6>[ 404.165489] --s5pv310_enter_core0_aftr
<6>[ 404.366730] ++s5pv310_enter_core0_aftr
<6>[ 404.456092] --s5pv310_enter_core0_aftr
<6>[ 407.255224] sec-battery sec-battery: sec_bat_check_temper: recovery count0
<6>[ 407.256365] sec-battery sec-battery: sec_bat_check_temper: temp=370, adc=2
<6>[ 407.256697] sec-battery sec-battery: sec_bat_charging_time_management: chg
<6>[ 407.257187] max8922-charger max8922-charger: max8922_is_charging: chargin3
<6>[ 407.257376] sec-battery sec-battery: soc(89), vfocv(4053), vcell(4001), t)
<7>[ 408.314285] tspdrv: ImmVibeSPI_ForceOut_AmpEnable (1)
<7>[ 408.347389] tspdrv: ImmVibeSPI_ForceOut_AmpDisable (0)
<6>[ 413.007159] ld9040 spi3.0: (id=2) brightness=189, bl=17
<7>[ 413.039806] tspdrv: ImmVibeSPI_ForceOut_AmpEnable (1)
<7>[ 413.103703] tspdrv: ImmVibeSPI_ForceOut_AmpDisable (0)
<4>[ 413.161328] P[email protected] Total=16384bytes PrdSz=2048 #Prds=8, dmaE0
<6>[ 413.549319] max17042 9-0036: max17042_get_soc : soc(571e)
<6>[ 413.549649] max17042_need_soc_recal: HW(0xe)
<6>[ 413.549828] max17042 9-0036: max17042_get_soc : use raw (87), soc (89)
<6>[ 413.764143] sec-battery sec-battery: sec_bat_check_vf: Battery Health (1)
<7>[ 414.102198] tspdrv: ImmVibeSPI_ForceOut_AmpEnable (1)
<7>[ 414.144000] tspdrv: ImmVibeSPI_ForceOut_AmpDisable (0)
<7>[ 414.869985] tspdrv: ImmVibeSPI_ForceOut_AmpEnable (1)
<7>[ 414.918696] tspdrv: ImmVibeSPI_ForceOut_AmpDisable (0)
<6>[ 415.747233] ++s5pv310_enter_core0_aftr
<6>[ 415.748859] --s5pv310_enter_core0_aftr
<6>[ 415.750217] ++s5pv310_enter_core0_aftr
<6>[ 415.751819] --s5pv310_enter_core0_aftr
<7>[ 417.025322] tspdrv: ImmVibeSPI_ForceOut_AmpEnable (1)
<7>[ 417.066182] tspdrv: ImmVibeSPI_ForceOut_AmpDisable (0)
<4>[ 417.085535] P[email protected] Total=16384bytes PrdSz=2048 #Prds=8, dmaE0
<6>[ 417.274313] ++s5pv310_enter_core0_aftr
<6>[ 417.274691] --s5pv310_enter_core0_aftr
<7>[ 418.723426] tspdrv: ImmVibeSPI_ForceOut_AmpEnable (1)
<7>[ 418.765326] tspdrv: ImmVibeSPI_ForceOut_AmpDisable (0)
<6>[ 418.803682] ++s5pv310_enter_core0_aftr
<6>[ 418.805942] --s5pv310_enter_core0_aftr
<7>[ 419.067897] tspdrv: ImmVibeSPI_ForceOut_AmpEnable (1)
<7>[ 419.113494] tspdrv: ImmVibeSPI_ForceOut_AmpDisable (0)
<6>[ 419.780783] ++s5pv310_enter_core0_aftr
<6>[ 419.792531] --s5pv310_enter_core0_aftr
<6>[ 420.291296] ++s5pv310_enter_core0_aftr
<6>[ 420.292980] --s5pv310_enter_core0_aftr
<7>[ 420.768206] tspdrv: ImmVibeSPI_ForceOut_AmpEnable (1)
<7>[ 420.802306] tspdrv: ImmVibeSPI_ForceOut_AmpDisable (0)
<7>[ 421.175353] tspdrv: ImmVibeSPI_ForceOut_AmpEnable (1)
<7>[ 421.207610] tspdrv: ImmVibeSPI_ForceOut_AmpDisable (0)
<6>[ 421.494843] logger_release: took 0 msec
<6>[ 421.494921] logger_release: took 0 msec
<6>[ 421.595294] ld9040 spi3.0: (id=2) brightness=132, bl=11
<6>[ 422.892336] ++s5pv310_enter_core0_aftr
<6>[ 422.894319] --s5pv310_enter_core0_aftr
<6>[ 423.092527] ++s5pv310_enter_core0_aftr
<6>[ 423.094159] --s5pv310_enter_core0_aftr
<6>[ 423.094559] ++s5pv310_enter_core0_aftr
<6>[ 423.096415] --s5pv310_enter_core0_aftr
<6>[ 423.096810] ++s5pv310_enter_core0_aftr
<6>[ 423.098370] --s5pv310_enter_core0_aftr
<6>[ 423.179216] ++s5pv310_enter_core0_aftr
<6>[ 423.278324] --s5pv310_enter_core0_aftr
<6>[ 423.292693] ++s5pv310_enter_core0_aftr
<6>[ 423.294574] --s5pv310_enter_core0_aftr
<6>[ 423.294989] ++s5pv310_enter_core0_aftr
<6>[ 423.296564] --s5pv310_enter_core0_aftr
<6>[ 423.567244] max17042 9-0036: max17042_get_soc : soc(571e)
<6>[ 423.567401] max17042_need_soc_recal: HW(0xe)
<6>[ 423.567657] max17042 9-0036: max17042_get_soc : use raw (87), soc (89)
<6>[ 423.796036] sec-battery sec-battery: sec_bat_check_vf: Battery Health (1)
<7>[ 424.477886] tspdrv: ImmVibeSPI
[_ForceOut_AmpEnable (1)
<7>[ 424.524913] tspdrv: ImmVibeSPI_ForceOut_AmpDisable (0)
<4>[ 424.586180] P[email protected] Total=16384bytes PrdSz=2048 #Prds=8, dmaE0
<6>[ 424.902490] ++s5pv310_enter_core0_aftr
<6>[ 424.912083] --
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p. s : if u see there is conected charger and disconected charger cause i tested on my charger
Standard SGS 2 charging time is around three hours .
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This is an ongoing developer project to make way for a modification that will entirely transform your device, but retain the aesthetics and the experience of your phone. I know you've seen tablet mode roms before, they change two lines in your build.prop file which you could easily edit yourself in seconds and maybe throw a keyboard in there to make it work better. It's a start, but this ain't enough. This thing has potential, but it is wasted the moment you try to stuff a full blown tablet into your poor phone. Yet we all know our high res phones can very well handle more than silly 1-column layouts. So the magic must be in between somewhere, a place that Google must have overlooked and left blank. Yes, this rom strives to drop your device into tablet mode, but it won't stop there, it will reshape and redefine ICS to make it all a useful addition and not just a cute novelty. we're calling it: Hybrid Mode, best of both worlds.
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-Download (in changelog)
- Wipe /system, /cache, and ,data
- Flash
- Reboot
- Enjoy! $$$
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- Set the font size to 'Large'
- Go into the navigation bar settings, hold your phone in landscape, change the button quantity to 5, then back to 3. (Buttons shouldn't be crammed together anymore).
- Check "Auto Hide" in Settings, System, Statusbar, to finally get Fullscreen (or Hold power button, and press "Toggle StatusBar")
- Launcher Settings: margins: SMALL (If youre using Apex / Nova), show permanent searchbar: YES, Grid: 5x4, resize all widgets: YES, Wallpaper scrolling: OFF
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
- Same as cm9...
- "About Phone" force closes
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Click to collapse
v1.0- [URL="http://d-h.st/YsI"]Download[/URL]
[*]First Build!
- CM9 Team, for their code.
- ParanoidAndroid team for the tweaks and Hybrid mode.
- The TeamNightmare team
- Anyone who I've missed, please pm me.
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Click to collapse
oh boy, another task set for me this weekend! thanks!
Screenshots plz!
S1D3winder016 said:
Screenshots plz!
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Click to collapse
getting there lol
ziggy46 said:
getting there lol
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
K thanks! Is this Sense, AOSP, etc.?
---------- Post added at 03:02 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:01 PM ----------
Wow, this looks like a tablet!
lol my friend just showed me this rom on his s3. decided to check our(amaze) dev section. boom here it is XD
S1D3winder016 said:
K thanks! Is this Sense, AOSP, etc.?
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this is an aosp rom, but different. its similar to cm9 but with tablet mode and hybrid mode.
xilande said:
lol my friend just showed me this rom on his s3. decided to check our(amaze) dev section. boom here it is XD
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Click to collapse
how convenient lol
Check it out in a bit, gotta make a backup of my current ROM! I've notice there has been a lot of new stuff recently! I like it! Keep up the great work!
Link is up!
EDIT: nvm, i found my answer
theinitial21 said:
I'm assuming everything works such as, data and gps? because you dont have a known issue section.
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Click to collapse
data should work. (just like speedrom cm9)
Oh boy! The thought of not changing my build prop DPI has me drooling. I may give this a shot over the weekend, thanks!
Ziggy your AWESOME! I'm excited for this one!
ziggy46 said:
data should work. (just like speedrom cm9)
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Click to collapse
data is still broken, it comes off and on even if i conttect directly to my carriers proxy
crazysohc said:
data is still broken, it comes off and on even if i conttect directly to my carriers proxy
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Click to collapse
can you get me a logcat of the radio?
adb logcat -b radio > log.txt
adb logcat -b radio
also, this is a KANG from the sensation. therefore data may not work until someone here can build it from source. but we'll try to get it working.
ziggy46 said:
can you get me a logcat of the radio?
adb logcat -b radio > log.txt
adb logcat -b radio
also, this is a KANG from the sensation. therefore data may not work until someone here can build it from source. but we'll try to get it working.
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Click to collapse
yea bro just give me a few minutes as i just started restoring my backup, so ill flash it again and get you the log cat as soon as i can
---------- Post added at 05:46 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:23 PM ----------
D/QC-QMI ( 166): 01 11 00 00 03 01 00 FC 00 20 00 05 00 10 02 00
D/QC-QMI ( 166): 3F 00
D/QC-QMI ( 166): qmi_qmux: TX/RX - RX 47 bytes on conn_id=8
D/QC-QMI ( 166): MSG Length: [47]
D/QC-QMI ( 166): MSG Service Type: [QMI_NAS_SERVICE(0x3)]; MSG QMI MSG TYPE: [
QMI_NAS_GET_SIGNAL_STRENGTH(0x20)]; MSG TX ID: [252]; CTL: [Response]
D/QC-QMI ( 166): 01 2E 00 80 03 01 02 FC 00 20 00 22 00 02 04 00
D/QC-QMI ( 166): 00 00 00 00 01 02 00 9C 05 11 04 00 01 00 64 05
D/QC-QMI ( 166): 12 04 00 01 00 15 05 15 05 00 01 00 FF 00 05
D/QC-QMI ( 166): qmuxd: TX message on fd=20, to clientID = 9c, len=81
D/QC-QMI ( 156): qmi_client 9c: Received 81 bytes on fd = 21
D/QC-QMI ( 156): API Flag .............. 1
D/QC-QMI ( 156): Message ID ............... 32
I/RILC ( 156): qmi_ril(0/156): qcril_qmi_util_convert_qmi_response_codes_to_
ril_result_ex: qcril_qmi_util_convert_qmi_response_codes_to_ril_result_ex ctx ch
eck 0
I/RILC ( 156): qmi_ril(0/156): qcril_qmi_nas_fetch_signal_strength_observati
ons: qcril_qmi_nas_request_signal_strength entered IF UTIL_RES = SUCCESS 127
D/QC-QMI ( 156): Setting the api flag to : 1
D/QC-QMI ( 156): qmi_client 9c: sending 47 bytes on fd = 21
D/QC-QMI ( 166): qmuxd: RX 47 bytes on fd=20 from qmux_client_id=9c
D/QC-QMI ( 166): qmi_qmux: TX/RX - TX 13 bytes on conn_id=8
D/QC-QMI ( 166): MSG Length: [13]
D/QC-QMI ( 166): MSG Service Type: [QMI_NAS_SERVICE(0x3)]; MSG QMI MSG TYPE: [
<unknow NAS message id>(0x4f)]; MSG TX ID: [253]; CTL: [Request]
D/QC-QMI ( 166): 01 0C 00 00 03 01 00 FD 00 4F 00 00 00
D/QC-QMI ( 166): qmi_qmux: TX/RX - RX 26 bytes on conn_id=8
D/QC-QMI ( 166): MSG Length: [26]
D/QC-QMI ( 166): MSG Service Type: [QMI_NAS_SERVICE(0x3)]; MSG QMI MSG TYPE: [
<unknow NAS message id>(0x4f)]; MSG TX ID: [253]; CTL: [Response]
D/QC-QMI ( 166): 01 19 00 80 03 01 02 FD 00 4F 00 0D 00 02 04 00
D/QC-QMI ( 166): 00 00 00 00 13 03 00 64 15 00
D/QC-QMI ( 166): qmuxd: TX message on fd=20, to clientID = 9c, len=60
D/QC-QMI ( 156): qmi_client 9c: Received 60 bytes on fd = 21
D/QC-QMI ( 156): API Flag .............. 1
D/QC-QMI ( 156): Message ID ............... 79
I/RILC ( 156): qmi_ril(0/156): qcril_qmi_util_convert_qmi_response_codes_to_
ril_result_ex: qcril_qmi_util_convert_qmi_response_codes_to_ril_result_ex ctx ch
eck 0
I/RILC ( 156): qmi_ril(0/156): qcril_qmi_nas_fetch_signal_strength_observati
ons: qcril_qmi_nas_fetch_signal_strength_observations completed 0, 0
I/RILC ( 156): qmi_ril(0/156): qcril_qmi_nas_propagate_known_signal_strength
_ind: .. subfetch sig strength info 0
I/RILC ( 156): qmi_ril(0/156): qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: qcri
l_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report entered
I/RILC ( 156): qmi_ril(0/156): qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: ..GW
I/RILC ( 156): qmi_ril(0/156): qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: .. s
ignalStrength 7, bitErrorRate 255
I/RILC ( 156): qmi_ril(0/156): qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: ..CD
I/RILC ( 156): qmi_ril(0/156): qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: .. d
bm -1, ecio -1
I/RILC ( 156): qmi_ril(0/156): qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: ..EV
I/RILC ( 156): qmi_ril(0/156): qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: .. d
bm -1, ecio -1, signalNoiseRatio -1
I/RILC ( 156): qmi_ril(0/156): qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: ..AT
I/RILC ( 156): qmi_ril(0/156): qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: .. d
bm 100, ecno 21
I/RILC ( 156): qmi_ril(0/156): qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: ..LT
I/RILC ( 156): qmi_ril(0/156): qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: .. s
ignalStrength 99, rsrp -1, rsrq -1, snr: -1
I/RILC ( 156): qmi_ril(0/156): qcril_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report: qcri
l_qmi_nas_dump_sign_strength_report completed
I/RILC ( 156): qmi_ril(0/156): qcril_qmi_nas_propagate_known_signal_strength
_ind: .. conf res 0
D/RILC ( 156): qmi_ril(0/156): qcril_send_unsol_response: UI <--- RIL_UNSOL_
SIGNAL_STRENGTH (1009) --- RIL [RID 0, Len 56, (null)]
I/RILC ( 156): qmi_ril(0/156): qcril_qmi_nas_propagate_known_signal_strength
_ind: qcril_qmi_nas_propagate_known_signal_strength_ind completed 0
I/RILC ( 156): qmi_ril(0/156): qcril_process_event: Exit qcril_process_event
() : <Unknown event> ?, err_no 0
D/RILC ( 156): qmi_ril(0/156): qcril_event_main: qcril_event_main(): Waiting
D/RILJ ( 775): [0245]> SCREEN_STATE: false
D/RILC ( 156): qmi_ril(0/156): onRequest: UI --- RIL_REQUEST_SCREEN_STATE (6
1) ---> RIL [RID 0, token id 245, data len 4]
I/RILC ( 156): qmi_ril(0/156): qcril_qmi_nas_request_screen_state: qcril_qmi
_nas_request_screen_state entered
I/RILC ( 156): qmi_ril(0/156): qcril_qmi_extend_print_power_statistics_9k: q
cril_qmi_extend_print_power_statistics_9k entered
D/QC-QMI ( 156): Setting the api flag to : 1
D/QC-QMI ( 156): qmi_client 9c: sending 47 bytes on fd = 21
D/QC-QMI ( 166): qmuxd: RX 47 bytes on fd=20 from qmux_client_id=9c
D/QC-QMI ( 166): qmi_qmux: TX/RX - TX 13 bytes on conn_id=8
D/QC-QMI ( 166): MSG Length: [13]
D/QC-QMI ( 166): MSG Service Type: [QMI_SSDSRV_SERVICE(0xe4)]; MSG QMI MSG TYP
E: [<unknow message id>(0x9)]; MSG TX ID: [55]; CTL: [Request]
D/QC-QMI ( 166): 01 0C 00 00 E4 01 00 37 00 09 00 00 00
D/GSM ( 775): [GsmDCT] onReceive: action=android.intent.action.SCREEN_OFF
D/GSM ( 775): [GsmDCT] stopNetStatPoll
D/GSM ( 775): [GsmDCT] overall state is CONNECTING
D/QC-QMI ( 166): qmi_qmux: TX/RX - RX 316 bytes on conn_id=8
D/QC-QMI ( 166): MSG Length: [316]
D/QC-QMI ( 166): MSG Service Type: [QMI_SSDSRV_SERVICE(0xe4)]; MSG QMI MSG TYP
E: [<unknow message id>(0x9)]; MSG TX ID: [55]; CTL: [Response]
D/QC-QMI ( 166): 01 3B 01 80 E4 01 02 37 00 09 00 2F 01 02 04 00
D/QC-QMI ( 166): 00 00 00 00 20 04 00 38 00 00 00 1F 04 00 C5 01
D/QC-QMI ( 166): 00 00 1E 04 00 62 04 00 00 1D 04 00 DC 82 0A 00
D/QC-QMI ( 166): 1C 04 00 56 02 00 00 1B 04 00 DB 22 00 00 1A 18
D/QC-QMI ( 166): 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 26 1A 00
D/QC-QMI ( 166): 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 19 70 00 1E 01 00 00
D/QC-QMI ( 166): 00 00 00 00 12 27 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
D/QC-QMI ( 166): 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 4E 44 01 00
D/QC-QMI ( 166): 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 03 23 00 00
D/QC-QMI ( 166): 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 5B 7A 01 00
D/QC-QMI ( 166): 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 F5 30 00 00
D/QC-QMI ( 166): 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 2E 09 00 00
D/QC-QMI ( 166): 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 18 08 00 6A
D/QC-QMI ( 166): 23 02 00 00 00 00 00 17 04 00 B7 41 00 00 16 04
D/QC-QMI ( 166): 00 20 00 00 00 15 04 00 62 0F 00 00 14 04 00 40
D/QC-QMI ( 166): 9A 0A 00 13 04 00 5F 02 00 00 12 04 00 8D 07 02
D/QC-QMI ( 166): 00 11 38 00 F3 00 00 00 91 05 00 00 00 00 00 00
D/QC-QMI ( 166): 00 00 00 00 A2 95 01 00 00 00 00 00 54 33 00 00
D/QC-QMI ( 166): 00 00 00 00 07 AF 01 00 00 00 00 00 71 2C 00 00
D/QC-QMI ( 166): 00 00 00 00 AC 08 00 00 00 00 00 00
D/QC-QMI ( 166): qmuxd: TX message on fd=20, to clientID = 9c, len=350
D/QC-QMI ( 156): qmi_client 9c: Received 350 bytes on fd = 21
D/QC-QMI ( 156): API Flag .............. 1
D/QC-QMI ( 156): Message ID ............... 9
I/RILC ( 156): qmi_ril(0/156): qcril_qmi_util_convert_qmi_response_codes_to_
ril_result_ex: qcril_qmi_util_convert_qmi_response_codes_to_ril_result_ex ctx ch
eck 0
D/RILC ( 156): qmi_ril(0/156): qcril_qmi_extend_print_power_statistics_9k: [
D/RILC ( 156): qmi_ril(0/156): qcril_qmi_extend_print_power_statistics_9k: [
D/RILC ( 156): qmi_ril(0/156): qcril_qmi_extend_print_power_statistics_9k: [
D/RILC ( 156): qmi_ril(0/156): qcril_qmi_extend_print_power_statistics_9k: [
D/RILC ( 156): qmi_ril(0/156): qcril_qmi_extend_print_power_statistics_9k: [
D/RILC ( 156): qmi_ril(0/156): qcril_qmi_extend_print_power_statistics_9k: [
I/RILC ( 156): qmi_ril(0/156): qcril_qmi_extend_print_power_statistics_9k: q
cril_qmi_extend_print_power_statistics_9k complete, result=0, error=0
I/RILC ( 156): qmi_ril(0/156): qcril_qmi_ssdsrv_request_set_display_status:
qcril_qmi_ssdsrv_request_set_display_status entered
D/QC-QMI ( 156): Setting the api flag to : 1
D/QC-QMI ( 156): qmi_client 9c: sending 51 bytes on fd = 21
D/QC-QMI ( 166): qmuxd: RX 51 bytes on fd=20 from qmux_client_id=9c
D/QC-QMI ( 166): qmi_qmux: TX/RX - TX 17 bytes on conn_id=8
D/QC-QMI ( 166): MSG Length: [17]
D/QC-QMI ( 166): MSG Service Type: [QMI_SSDSRV_SERVICE(0xe4)]; MSG QMI MSG TYP
E: [<unknow message id>(0x0)]; MSG TX ID: [56]; CTL: [Request]
D/QC-QMI ( 166): 01 10 00 00 E4 01 00 38 00 00 00 04 00 01 01 00
D/QC-QMI ( 166): 00
D/QC-QMI ( 166): qmi_qmux: TX/RX - RX 20 bytes on conn_id=8
D/QC-QMI ( 166): MSG Length: [20]
D/QC-QMI ( 166): MSG Service Type: [QMI_SSDSRV_SERVICE(0xe4)]; MSG QMI MSG TYP
E: [<unknow message id>(0x0)]; MSG TX ID: [56]; CTL: [Response]
D/QC-QMI ( 166): 01 13 00 80 E4 01 02 38 00 00 00 07 00 02 04 00
D/QC-QMI ( 166): 00 00 00 00
D/QC-QMI ( 166): qmuxd: TX message on fd=20, to clientID = 9c, len=54
D/QC-QMI ( 156): qmi_client 9c: Received 54 bytes on fd = 21
D/QC-QMI ( 156): API Flag .............. 1
D/QC-QMI ( 156): Message ID ............... 0
I/RILC ( 156): qmi_ril(0/156): qcril_qmi_util_convert_qmi_response_codes_to_
ril_result_ex: qcril_qmi_util_convert_qmi_response_codes_to_ril_result_ex ctx ch
eck 0
I/RILC ( 156): qmi_ril(0/156): qcril_qmi_ssdsrv_request_set_display_status:
qcril_qmi_ssdsrv_request_set_display_status completed 0, 0
I/RILC ( 156): qmi_ril(0/156): qcril_qmi_util_enable_networking_indications:
qcril_qmi_util_enable_networking_indications, param 0
D/QC-QMI ( 156): Setting the api flag to : 1
D/QC-QMI ( 156): qmi_client 9c: sending 91 bytes on fd = 21
D/QC-QMI ( 166): qmuxd: RX 91 bytes on fd=20 from qmux_client_id=9c
D/QC-QMI ( 166): qmi_qmux: TX/RX - TX 57 bytes on conn_id=8
D/QC-QMI ( 166): MSG Length: [57]
D/QC-QMI ( 166): MSG Service Type: [QMI_NAS_SERVICE(0x3)]; MSG QMI MSG TYPE: [
QMI_NAS_SET_EVENT_REPORT(0x2)]; MSG TX ID: [254]; CTL: [Request]
D/QC-QMI ( 166): 01 38 00 00 03 01 00 FE 00 02 00 2C 00 10 04 00
D/QC-QMI ( 166): 00 02 FF 00 11 01 00 00 12 01 00 00 13 02 00 00
D/QC-QMI ( 166): 05 14 02 00 00 04 15 02 00 00 01 16 02 00 00 03
D/QC-QMI ( 166): 17 01 00 00 18 02 00 00 02
D/QC-QMI ( 166): qmi_qmux: TX/RX - RX 20 bytes on conn_id=8
D/QC-QMI ( 166): MSG Length: [20]
D/QC-QMI ( 166): MSG Service Type: [QMI_NAS_SERVICE(0x3)]; MSG QMI MSG TYPE: [
QMI_NAS_SET_EVENT_REPORT(0x2)]; MSG TX ID: [254]; CTL: [Response]
D/QC-QMI ( 166): 01 13 00 80 03 01 02 FE 00 02 00 07 00 02 04 00
D/QC-QMI ( 166): 00 00 00 00
D/QC-QMI ( 166): qmuxd: TX message on fd=20, to clientID = 9c, len=54
D/QC-QMI ( 156): qmi_client 9c: Received 54 bytes on fd = 21
D/QC-QMI ( 156): API Flag .............. 1
D/QC-QMI ( 156): Message ID ............... 2
I/RILC ( 156): qmi_ril(0/156): qcril_qmi_util_convert_qmi_response_codes_to_
ril_result_ex: qcril_qmi_util_convert_qmi_response_codes_to_ril_result_ex ctx ch
eck 0
I/RILC ( 156): qmi_ril(0/156): qcril_qmi_util_enable_networking_indications:
qcril_qmi_util_enable_networking_indications requested nas event report 0, 0
D/QC-QMI ( 156): Setting the api flag to : 1
D/QC-QMI ( 156): qmi_client 9c: sending 67 bytes on fd = 21
D/QC-QMI ( 166): qmuxd: RX 67 bytes on fd=20 from qmux_client_id=9c
D/QC-QMI ( 166): qmi_qmux: TX/RX - TX 33 bytes on conn_id=8
D/QC-QMI ( 166): MSG Length: [33]
D/QC-QMI ( 166): MSG Service Type: [QMI_NAS_SERVICE(0x3)]; MSG QMI MSG TYPE: [
D/QC-QMI ( 166): 01 20 00 00 03 01 00 FF 00 03 00 14 00 10 01 00
D/QC-QMI ( 166): 00 13 01 00 00 14 01 00 00 17 01 00 01 18 01 00
D/QC-QMI ( 166): 00
D/QC-QMI ( 166): qmi_qmux: TX/RX - RX 20 bytes on conn_id=8
D/QC-QMI ( 166): MSG Length: [20]
D/QC-QMI ( 166): MSG Service Type: [QMI_NAS_SERVICE(0x3)]; MSG QMI MSG TYPE: [
D/QC-QMI ( 166): 01 13 00 80 03 01 02 FF 00 03 00 07 00 02 04 00
D/QC-QMI ( 166): 00 00 00 00
D/QC-QMI ( 166): qmuxd: TX message on fd=20, to clientID = 9c, len=54
D/QC-QMI ( 156): qmi_client 9c: Received 54 bytes on fd = 21
D/QC-QMI ( 156): API Flag .............. 1
D/QC-QMI ( 156): Message ID ............... 3
I/RILC ( 156): qmi_ril(0/156): qcril_qmi_util_convert_qmi_response_codes_to_
ril_result_ex: qcril_qmi_util_convert_qmi_response_codes_to_ril_result_ex ctx ch
eck 0
I/RILC ( 156): qmi_ril(0/156): qcril_qmi_util_enable_networking_indications:
qcril_qmi_util_enable_networking_indications requested nas indication reports 0
, 0
I/RILC ( 156): qmi_ril(0/156): qcril_qmi_util_enable_networking_indications:
qcril_qmi_util_enable_networking_indications completed with 0
I/RILC ( 156): qmi_ril(0/156): qcril_qmi_nas_request_screen_state: Enable Ga
rbage Filter
I/RILC ( 156): qmi_ril(0/156): qcril_qmi_ssdsrv_request_set_gf_timer: qcril_
qmi_ssdsrv_request_set_gf_timer entered
D/QC-QMI ( 156): Setting the api flag to : 1
D/QC-QMI ( 156): qmi_client 9c: sending 51 bytes on fd = 21
D/QC-QMI ( 166): qmuxd: RX 51 bytes on fd=20 from qmux_client_id=9c
D/QC-QMI ( 166): qmi_qmux: TX/RX - TX 17 bytes on conn_id=8
D/QC-QMI ( 166): MSG Length: [17]
D/QC-QMI ( 166): MSG Service Type: [QMI_SSDSRV_SERVICE(0xe4)]; MSG QMI MSG TYP
E: [<unknow message id>(0x5)]; MSG TX ID: [57]; CTL: [Request]
D/QC-QMI ( 166): 01 10 00 00 E4 01 00 39 00 05 00 04 00 01 01 00
D/QC-QMI ( 166): 02
D/QC-QMI ( 166): qmi_qmux: TX/RX - RX 20 bytes on conn_id=8
D/QC-QMI ( 166): MSG Length: [20]
D/QC-QMI ( 166): MSG Service Type: [QMI_SSDSRV_SERVICE(0xe4)]; MSG QMI MSG TYP
E: [<unknow message id>(0x5)]; MSG TX ID: [57]; CTL: [Response]
D/QC-QMI ( 166): 01 13 00 80 E4 01 02 39 00 05 00 07 00 02 04 00
D/QC-QMI ( 166): 01 00 1A 00
D/QC-QMI ( 166): qmuxd: TX message on fd=20, to clientID = 9c, len=54
D/QC-QMI ( 156): qmi_client 9c: Received 54 bytes on fd = 21
D/QC-QMI ( 156): API Flag .............. 1
D/QC-QMI ( 156): Message ID ............... 5
I/RILC ( 156): qmi_ril(0/156): qcril_qmi_util_convert_qmi_response_codes_to_
ril_result_ex: qcril_qmi_util_convert_qmi_response_codes_to_ril_result_ex ctx ch
eck 0
I/RILC ( 156): qmi_ril(0/156): qcril_qmi_ssdsrv_request_set_gf_timer: qcril_
qmi_ssdsrv_request_set_gf_timer completed 0, 0
I/RILC ( 156): qmi_ril(0/156): fd_ballots: AP 0 votes to enable fast dormanc
I/RILC ( 156): qmi_ril(0/156): qcril_qmi_ssdsrv_request_set_fast_dormancy_en
able: qcril_qmi_ssdsrv_request_set_fast_dormancy_enable entered
D/QC-QMI ( 156): Setting the api flag to : 1
D/QC-QMI ( 156): qmi_client 9c: sending 51 bytes on fd = 21
D/QC-QMI ( 166): qmuxd: RX 51 bytes on fd=20 from qmux_client_id=9c
D/QC-QMI ( 166): qmi_qmux: TX/RX - TX 17 bytes on conn_id=8
D/QC-QMI ( 166): MSG Length: [17]
D/QC-QMI ( 166): MSG Service Type: [QMI_SSDSRV_SERVICE(0xe4)]; MSG QMI MSG TYP
E: [<unknow message id>(0x2)]; MSG TX ID: [58]; CTL: [Request]
D/QC-QMI ( 166): 01 10 00 00 E4 01 00 3A 00 02 00 04 00 01 01 00
D/QC-QMI ( 166): 01
D/QC-QMI ( 166): qmi_qmux: TX/RX - RX 20 bytes on conn_id=8
D/QC-QMI ( 166): MSG Length: [20]
D/QC-QMI ( 166): MSG Service Type: [QMI_SSDSRV_SERVICE(0xe4)]; MSG QMI MSG TYP
E: [<unknow message id>(0x2)]; MSG TX ID: [58]; CTL: [Response]
D/QC-QMI ( 166): 01 13 00 80 E4 01 02 3A 00 02 00 07 00 02 04 00
D/QC-QMI ( 166): 00 00 00 00
D/QC-QMI ( 166): qmuxd: TX message on fd=20, to clientID = 9c, len=54
D/QC-QMI ( 156): qmi_client 9c: Received 54 bytes on fd = 21
D/QC-QMI ( 156): API Flag .............. 1
D/QC-QMI ( 156): Message ID ............... 2
I/RILC ( 156): qmi_ril(0/156): qcril_qmi_util_convert_qmi_response_codes_to_
ril_result_ex: qcril_qmi_util_convert_qmi_response_codes_to_ril_result_ex ctx ch
eck 0
I/RILC ( 156): qmi_ril(0/156): qcril_qmi_ssdsrv_request_set_fast_dormancy_en
able: qcril_qmi_ssdsrv_request_set_fast_dormancy_enable completed 0, 0
I/RILC ( 156): qmi_ril(0/156): qcril_data_toggle_dormancy_indications: >>>>>
I/RILC ( 156): qmi_ril(0/156): qcril_data_toggle_dormancy_indications: LOCK
QCRIL_DATA MUTEX 403308ac result=0
D/RILC ( 156): qmi_ril(0/156): qcril_data_toggle_dormancy_indications: Switc
h ON/OFF dormancy indications on all active interfaces
I/RILC ( 156): qmi_ril(0/156): qcril_data_toggle_dormancy_indications: <<<<<
I/RILC ( 156): qmi_ril(0/156): qcril_data_toggle_dormancy_indications: UNLOC
K QCRIL_DATA MUTEX 403308ac result=0
I/RILC ( 156): qmi_ril(0/156): qcril_data_toggle_dormancy_indications: qcril
_data_toggle_dormancy_indications: EXIT with SUCCESS
I/RILC ( 156): qmi_ril(0/156): qcril_qmi_nas_request_screen_state: .. data d
ormancy req 1, 0
I/RILC ( 156): qmi_ril(0/156): qcril_reqlist_find: [RID 0] Not found ReqList
entry : token id 245
D/RILC ( 156): qmi_ril(0/156): qcril_send_request_response: UI <--- RIL_REQU
EST_SCREEN_STATE (61) Complete --- RIL [RID 0, Token 245, Success, Len 0 ]
I/RILC ( 156): qmi_ril(0/156): qcril_qmi_nas_request_screen_state: qcril_qmi
_nas_request_screen_state complete with 0
D/RILJ ( 775): [0245]< SCREEN_STATE
sorry for it being so long
---------- Post added at 06:15 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:46 PM ----------
ziggy46 said:
can you get me a logcat of the radio?
adb logcat -b radio > log.txt
adb logcat -b radio
also, this is a KANG from the sensation. therefore data may not work until someone here can build it from source. but we'll try to get it working.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
let me know if you need another log
here is the rest i think
crazysohc said:
here is the rest i think
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
did you try going into the settings and manually selecting the apn like people had to do on speedrom? i honestly dont see anything wrong in that logcat
ziggy46 said:
did you try going into the settings and manually selecting the apn like people had to do on speedrom? i honestly dont see anything wrong in that logcat
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
yes i did all that i even added proxy port direct to t-mobile and still no data for me :/
---------- Post added at 07:23 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:08 PM ----------
all i see in the log text is edge:2 css not supported
and with hsdpa
Looking at logcat -b radio,
D/AT ( 227): +ECSQ: 4, 99, -417
D/AT ( 227): AT< +ECSQ: 4, 99, -417
D/AT ( 227): RIL_URC2_READER:+ECSQ: 4, 99, -417
D/AT ( 227): RIL_URC2_READER Enter processLine
D/RIL ( 227): Nw URC:+ECSQ: 4, 99, -417
I/RILC ( 227): 01 00 00 00 F1 03 00 00 04 00 00 00 63 00 00 00
I/RILC ( 227): 5F FE FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
I/RILC ( 227): 00 00 00 00 35 57 08 40 C8 AE 4B 01 30 00 34 00
I figured out what most of UNSOL_SIGNAL_STRENGTH means,
I/RILC ( 227): 01 00 00 00 F1 03 00 00 04 00 00 00 63 00 00 00
| 4| 99
I/RILC ( 227): 5F FE FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
I/RILC ( 227): 00 00 00 00 35 57 08 40 C8 AE 4B 01 30 00 34 00
| ?| ?| ?
except that last line. Chip is MTK6577.
I don't think it is Cdma, Evdo, Lte strength info, as this particular
hardware is GSM/2G.
OK I figured it out.
The bytes are always displayed in rows of 16.
So when it says "length:36" that means it will need at least three rows to display the bytes.
So the final (16×3)-36=12 bytes are irrelevant (assume garbage bytes) and can be ignored!
Hi all,
I have a Redmi Note 3 Special Edition (KATE) using MIUI 8 global 7.1.19 | Beta (6.0.1 MMB29M)
and I'm trying to unlock it using the official metod but, as I see it on a loot of cases, it is stuck at 50%.
I tried to follow a lot of threads (including unofficial method), but nothing works.
Now I'm using a USB sniffer (h**p://freeusbanalyzer.com/) (this is a free one, but any usb sniffing tool could be enough) and I watch what happen between MiUnlock tool (MiFlashUnlock_1.1.0317.1_en) and my phone.
this is the log:
000000: PnP Event: Device Connected (UP), 2017-02-05 09:50:43,9853586 (1. Device: Android Bootloader Interface)
The USB device has just been connected to the system.
000001: Get Descriptor Request (DOWN), 2017-02-05 09:50:54,4340120 +10,4486485 (1. Device: Android Bootloader Interface)
Descriptor Type: String
Descriptor Index: 0x3
Transfer Buffer Size: 0x40 bytes
LanguageId: 0x409
000002: Control Transfer (UP), 2017-02-05 09:50:54,4352269 +0,0012149. (1. Device: Android Bootloader Interface) Status: 0x00000000
Pipe Handle: Control Pipe
12 03 63 00 38 00 37 00 63 00 31 00 34 00 37 00 ..c.8.7.c.1.4.7.
34 00 4.
Setup Packet
80 06 03 03 09 04 40 00 €[email protected]
Recipient: Device
Request Type: Standard
Direction: Device->Host
Request: 0x6 (GET_DESCRIPTOR)
Value: 0x303
Index: 0x409
Length: 0x40
000003: Bulk or Interrupt Transfer (DOWN), 2017-02-05 09:50:54,4353628 +0,0001359 (1. Device: Android Bootloader Interface)
Pipe Handle: 0x9feaba34 (Endpoint Address: 0x1)
Send 0xe bytes to the device
67 65 74 76 61 72 3A 70 72 6F 64 75 63 74 getvar:product
000006: Bulk or Interrupt Transfer (UP), 2017-02-05 09:50:54,4362125 +0,0006771. (1. Device: Android Bootloader Interface) Status: 0x00000000
Pipe Handle: 0x9feaba14 (Endpoint Address: 0x81)
Get 0x8 bytes from the device
4F 4B 41 59 6B 61 74 65 OKAYkate
000007: Get Descriptor Request (DOWN), 2017-02-05 09:50:54,5170053 +0,0807928 (1. Device: Android Bootloader Interface)
Descriptor Type: String
Descriptor Index: 0x3
Transfer Buffer Size: 0x40 bytes
LanguageId: 0x409
000008: Control Transfer (UP), 2017-02-05 09:50:54,5182476 +0,0012423. (1. Device: Android Bootloader Interface) Status: 0x00000000
Pipe Handle: Control Pipe
12 03 63 00 38 00 37 00 63 00 31 00 34 00 37 00 ..c.8.7.c.1.4.7.
34 00 4.
Setup Packet
80 06 03 03 09 04 40 00 €[email protected]
Recipient: Device
Request Type: Standard
Direction: Device->Host
Request: 0x6 (GET_DESCRIPTOR)
Value: 0x303
Index: 0x409
Length: 0x40
000009: Bulk or Interrupt Transfer (DOWN), 2017-02-05 09:50:54,5183864 +0,0001388 (1. Device: Android Bootloader Interface)
Pipe Handle: 0x9feaba34 (Endpoint Address: 0x1)
Send 0xd bytes to the device
67 65 74 76 61 72 3A 73 6F 63 2D 69 64 getvar:soc-id
000012: Bulk or Interrupt Transfer (UP), 2017-02-05 09:50:54,5192327 +0,0005505. (1. Device: Android Bootloader Interface) Status: 0x00000000
Pipe Handle: 0x9feaba14 (Endpoint Address: 0x81)
Get 0x4 bytes from the device
4F 4B 41 59 OKAY
000013: Get Descriptor Request (DOWN), 2017-02-05 09:50:54,5861826 +0,0669499 (1. Device: Android Bootloader Interface)
Descriptor Type: String
Descriptor Index: 0x3
Transfer Buffer Size: 0x40 bytes
LanguageId: 0x409
000014: Control Transfer (UP), 2017-02-05 09:50:54,5873706 +0,0011880. (1. Device: Android Bootloader Interface) Status: 0x00000000
Pipe Handle: Control Pipe
12 03 63 00 38 00 37 00 63 00 31 00 34 00 37 00 ..c.8.7.c.1.4.7.
34 00 4.
Setup Packet
80 06 03 03 09 04 40 00 €[email protected]
Recipient: Device
Request Type: Standard
Direction: Device->Host
Request: 0x6 (GET_DESCRIPTOR)
Value: 0x303
Index: 0x409
Length: 0x40
000015: Bulk or Interrupt Transfer (DOWN), 2017-02-05 09:50:54,5875075 +0,0001369 (1. Device: Android Bootloader Interface)
Pipe Handle: 0x9feaba34 (Endpoint Address: 0x1)
Send 0xd bytes to the device
67 65 74 76 61 72 3A 73 6F 63 5F 69 64 getvar:soc_id
000018: Bulk or Interrupt Transfer (UP), 2017-02-05 09:50:54,5883543 +0,0006893. (1. Device: Android Bootloader Interface) Status: 0x00000000
Pipe Handle: 0x9feaba14 (Endpoint Address: 0x81)
Get 0x4 bytes from the device
4F 4B 41 59 OKAY
000019: Get Descriptor Request (DOWN), 2017-02-05 09:50:54,6663795 +0,0780252 (1. Device: Android Bootloader Interface)
Descriptor Type: String
Descriptor Index: 0x3
Transfer Buffer Size: 0x40 bytes
LanguageId: 0x409
000020: Control Transfer (UP), 2017-02-05 09:50:54,6676384 +0,0012589. (1. Device: Android Bootloader Interface) Status: 0x00000000
Pipe Handle: Control Pipe
12 03 63 00 38 00 37 00 63 00 31 00 34 00 37 00 ..c.8.7.c.1.4.7.
34 00 4.
Setup Packet
80 06 03 03 09 04 40 00 €[email protected]
Recipient: Device
Request Type: Standard
Direction: Device->Host
Request: 0x6 (GET_DESCRIPTOR)
Value: 0x303
Index: 0x409
Length: 0x40
000021: Bulk or Interrupt Transfer (DOWN), 2017-02-05 09:50:54,6677675 +0,0001291 (1. Device: Android Bootloader Interface)
Pipe Handle: 0x9feaba34 (Endpoint Address: 0x1)
Send 0x14 bytes to the device
67 65 74 76 61 72 3A 62 6F 61 72 64 5F 76 65 72 getvar:board_ver
73 69 6F 6E sion
000024: Bulk or Interrupt Transfer (UP), 2017-02-05 09:50:54,6686480 +0,0007040. (1. Device: Android Bootloader Interface) Status: 0x00000000
Pipe Handle: 0x9feaba14 (Endpoint Address: 0x81)
Get 0x4 bytes from the device
4F 4B 41 59 OKAY
000025: Get Descriptor Request (DOWN), 2017-02-05 09:51:54,3349831 +59,6663351 (1. Device: Android Bootloader Interface)
Descriptor Type: String
Descriptor Index: 0x3
Transfer Buffer Size: 0x40 bytes
LanguageId: 0x409
000026: Control Transfer (UP), 2017-02-05 09:51:54,3362591 +0,0012760. (1. Device: Android Bootloader Interface) Status: 0x00000000
Pipe Handle: Control Pipe
12 03 63 00 38 00 37 00 63 00 31 00 34 00 37 00 ..c.8.7.c.1.4.7.
34 00 4.
Setup Packet
80 06 03 03 09 04 40 00 €[email protected]
Recipient: Device
Request Type: Standard
Direction: Device->Host
Request: 0x6 (GET_DESCRIPTOR)
Value: 0x303
Index: 0x409
Length: 0x40
000027: Bulk or Interrupt Transfer (DOWN), 2017-02-05 09:51:54,3366136 +0,0003545 (1. Device: Android Bootloader Interface)
Pipe Handle: 0x9feaba34 (Endpoint Address: 0x1)
Send 0x7 bytes to the device
6F 65 6D 20 6C 6B 73 oem lks
000030: Bulk or Interrupt Transfer (UP), 2017-02-05 09:51:54,3374902 +0,0001624. (1. Device: Android Bootloader Interface) Status: 0x00000000
Pipe Handle: 0x9feaba14 (Endpoint Address: 0x81)
Get 0x13 bytes from the device
46 41 49 4C 75 6E 6B 6E 6F 77 6E 20 63 6F 6D 6D FAILunknown comm
61 6E 64 and
000031: Get Descriptor Request (DOWN), 2017-02-05 09:51:54,4131364 +0,0756462 (1. Device: Android Bootloader Interface)
Descriptor Type: String
Descriptor Index: 0x3
Transfer Buffer Size: 0x40 bytes
LanguageId: 0x409
000032: Control Transfer (UP), 2017-02-05 09:51:54,4143474 +0,0012110. (1. Device: Android Bootloader Interface) Status: 0x00000000
Pipe Handle: Control Pipe
12 03 63 00 38 00 37 00 63 00 31 00 34 00 37 00 ..c.8.7.c.1.4.7.
34 00 4.
Setup Packet
80 06 03 03 09 04 40 00 €[email protected]
Recipient: Device
Request Type: Standard
Direction: Device->Host
Request: 0x6 (GET_DESCRIPTOR)
Value: 0x303
Index: 0x409
Length: 0x40
000033: Bulk or Interrupt Transfer (DOWN), 2017-02-05 09:51:54,4144867 +0,0001393 (1. Device: Android Bootloader Interface)
Pipe Handle: 0x9feaba34 (Endpoint Address: 0x1)
Send 0xf bytes to the device
6F 65 6D 20 64 65 76 69 63 65 2D 69 6E 66 6F oem device-info
000036: Bulk or Interrupt Transfer (UP), 2017-02-05 09:51:54,4153437 +0,0006957. (1. Device: Android Bootloader Interface) Status: 0x00000000
Pipe Handle: 0x9feaba14 (Endpoint Address: 0x81)
Get 0x1b bytes from the device
49 4E 46 4F 09 44 65 76 69 63 65 20 74 61 6D 70 INFO.Device tamp
65 72 65 64 3A 20 66 61 6C 73 65 ered: false
000038: Bulk or Interrupt Transfer (UP), 2017-02-05 09:51:54,4163381 +0,0009279. (1. Device: Android Bootloader Interface) Status: 0x00000000
Pipe Handle: 0x9feaba14 (Endpoint Address: 0x81)
Get 0x1b bytes from the device
49 4E 46 4F 09 44 65 76 69 63 65 20 75 6E 6C 6F INFO.Device unlo
63 6B 65 64 3A 20 66 61 6C 73 65 cked: false
000040: Bulk or Interrupt Transfer (UP), 2017-02-05 09:51:54,4173369 +0,0009572. (1. Device: Android Bootloader Interface) Status: 0x00000000
Pipe Handle: 0x9feaba14 (Endpoint Address: 0x81)
Get 0x24 bytes from the device
49 4E 46 4F 09 44 65 76 69 63 65 20 63 72 69 74 INFO.Device crit
69 63 61 6C 20 75 6E 6C 6F 63 6B 65 64 3A 20 66 ical unlocked: f
61 6C 73 65 alse
000042: Bulk or Interrupt Transfer (UP), 2017-02-05 09:51:54,4183362 +0,0009577. (1. Device: Android Bootloader Interface) Status: 0x00000000
Pipe Handle: 0x9feaba14 (Endpoint Address: 0x81)
Get 0x21 bytes from the device
49 4E 46 4F 09 43 68 61 72 67 65 72 20 73 63 72 INFO.Charger scr
65 65 6E 20 65 6E 61 62 6C 65 64 3A 20 74 72 75 een enabled: tru
65 e
000044: Bulk or Interrupt Transfer (UP), 2017-02-05 09:51:54,4193375 +0,0009602. (1. Device: Android Bootloader Interface) Status: 0x00000000
Pipe Handle: 0x9feaba14 (Endpoint Address: 0x81)
Get 0x14 bytes from the device
49 4E 46 4F 09 44 69 73 70 6C 61 79 20 70 61 6E INFO.Display pan
65 6C 3A 20 el:
000046: Bulk or Interrupt Transfer (UP), 2017-02-05 09:51:54,4203363 +0,0009568. (1. Device: Android Bootloader Interface) Status: 0x00000000
Pipe Handle: 0x9feaba14 (Endpoint Address: 0x81)
Get 0x4 bytes from the device
4F 4B 41 59 OKAY
000047: Get Descriptor Request (DOWN), 2017-02-05 09:51:54,4849557 +0,0646194 (1. Device: Android Bootloader Interface)
Descriptor Type: String
Descriptor Index: 0x3
Transfer Buffer Size: 0x40 bytes
LanguageId: 0x409
000048: Control Transfer (UP), 2017-02-05 09:51:54,4861066 +0,0011509. (1. Device: Android Bootloader Interface) Status: 0x00000000
Pipe Handle: Control Pipe
12 03 63 00 38 00 37 00 63 00 31 00 34 00 37 00 ..c.8.7.c.1.4.7.
34 00 4.
Setup Packet
80 06 03 03 09 04 40 00 €[email protected]
Recipient: Device
Request Type: Standard
Direction: Device->Host
Request: 0x6 (GET_DESCRIPTOR)
Value: 0x303
Index: 0x409
Length: 0x40
000049: Bulk or Interrupt Transfer (DOWN), 2017-02-05 09:51:54,4862122 +0,0001056 (1. Device: Android Bootloader Interface)
Pipe Handle: 0x9feaba34 (Endpoint Address: 0x1)
Send 0xc bytes to the device
67 65 74 76 61 72 3A 74 6F 6B 65 6E getvar:token
000052: Bulk or Interrupt Transfer (UP), 2017-02-05 09:51:54,4870975 +0,0006893. (1. Device: Android Bootloader Interface) Status: 0x00000000
Pipe Handle: 0x9feaba14 (Endpoint Address: 0x81)
Get 0x1c bytes from the device
4F 4B 41 59 45 44 71 49 31 37 50 42 51 6F 7A 4B OKAYEDqI17PBQozK
74 50 61 6B 77 7A 36 38 42 41 59 6F tPakwz68BAYo
Now I see that the oem lks command is failing with unknown command
6F 65 6D 20 6C 6B 73 oem lks
000030: Bulk or Interrupt Transfer (UP), 2017-02-05 09:51:54,3374902 +0,0001624. (1. Device: Android Bootloader Interface) Status: 0x00000000
Pipe Handle: 0x9feaba14 (Endpoint Address: 0x81)
Get 0x13 bytes from the device
46 41 49 4C 75 6E 6B 6E 6F 77 6E 20 63 6F 6D 6D FAILunknown comm
Is somebody else who tried to sniff the USB communication between Mi Unlock tool and the phone?
If your OFFICIAL unlock process is working, can you please post a log of your sniff? Maybe we can find the true commands that can unlock the phone without any permissions/ rights.
Do you know what the oem lks command is doing?