[Q] San Andreas camera spin glitch when using keyboard and mouse - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Ok, so I've got this neat new Lenovo Yoga 10, got its official bt keyboard cover too, attached a cable mouse and all seems fine and dandy.
But when trying to play games (android games or ports, not emulators) they don't work as well as they should. Most annoyingly, they don't work with GTA San andreas. The moment I touch a key to move, the camera starts spinning. If I turn down the mouse sensitivity, it still spins, just slower. The only way to kinda control it is to click the cursor in the center of the screen, but once I let go the camera continues to spin in the last direction I was moving it to.
The problem seems to be that the games don't "bind" the camera to the mouse. I can still see the cursor, no matter what game I'm playing. This makes playing fps games impossible. I can still play games such as world of goo or open ttd, since they actually need a cursor.
What I'm asking is if there is a way to make these games work with my current hardware, or if I need something else, special for android gaming.
Keep in mind my tablet is not rooted, it has android 4.4.2 (so as of yet, I can't root it anyway), and my mouse is...well, some logitech generic cable mouse.

having the same problem bro


[Q] Multi-touch on the G-Tab?

I recently bought a G-Tablet, and loaded it up with some emulators.
However, I realized that the multi-touch wasn't really up to par to play stuff like Goldeneye 64 or Metroid Fusion. I can't aim and shoot, or move and jump on these emulators.
Is there anyway to make the multitouch more responsive?
There is a calibration app which could help. It's been linked several times. Just search screen calibration.
However I am willing to bet that your problem is multitouch points which cross over the same axis. Emulators like n64oid put the joystick and AB buttons on the same Y axis by default. The Gtab can have trouble tracking points on the same axis and usually ignores one point or the other. Most emulators allow you to adjust the button orientation. It's best if you are able to place controls in opposite corners of the screen.
Also the gtab is limited to 2 points. So doing something like strafing while aiming and shooting requires more than 2 points.
There are some USB controllers that can easlly be mapped in your emulator. The only problem is being able to test them before you buy them. Personally I use a wiimote with the free wii controller app through Bluetooth to play super Nintendo and GBA roms.
I have yet to see any usb controllers compatible with the gtablet. Could you please point me towards one.
Also I also use the WiiMote with a classic controller pro but the analog sticks aren't supported so im either looking for a new controller or a fix for the analog sticks.

Gaming on the LapDock

at some point when i get time, I want to try playing some games on the LapDock. No..I'm not going to install linux games, I want to try playing games like GTAIII full screen from the mobile view from android, and hopefully get the controls working with the keyboard and a mouse.
I'm just wondering if anyone has done the same and had any luck with that or not?
playing some of those FPS games like Modern Combat would be fun with a kb/m
Unfortunately playing Android games on Webtop is not the best way since Webtop is not accelerated at all, so you'll experience stuttering. Also controls are not passed through the Webtop interface, so onscreen touch controls are unusable while on Webtop.
What you need is Landscape HDMI mirroring. Search the forums for this hack. This way you will be able to passthrough the accelerated video to your TV and use the onscreen controls on your Atrix. Unfortunately this will not be possible to use while on the Lapdock.
Sent from my Atrix 4G using Tapatalk
Have you considered the OnLive app? Using their (and possibly other's) controllers, you may be able to play games well enough. YMMV.
so this is interesting...
I havent tried it on the lapdock since the day I posted this,so I wonder if the keyboard would work now. I remember it being laggy tough.
But gaming on the lapdock with an external mouse would be bad ass
once we get ICS,this app should help,no?
Ive confirmed that GTAIII does indeed work with the keyboard now, WASD will move which is the main thing, AD will steer a car but WS will not gas/brake it, but the arrow keys work. Basically you can drive with one hand for gas and brake and the other to steer, works pretty well. I havent tried shooting anyone yet, still early in my gas with a pistol.
I noticed that the game plays pretty smooth if you leave the game windowed, but once you make it full screen, it starts to lag.
Modern Combat 3, and Hot Pursuit do not support keyboards or mice. I think all FPS games at least should support it.
I am playing n64 games with a wii controller on my lapdock since I got my hands on the paranoid ROM.
My general gaming procedure goes like this:
Reboot to tablet mode.
Sync with wii controller using WiimoteController App
put phone in lapdock
start n64 emulator (Mupen 64 plus AE - not available on the market atm. google it!)
play n64 game of choice (e.g. : Star Wars Racer, Super smash bros,...)
the great thing with the emulator is that I can map any button to any function so playing with the Lapdock keyboard also works.
If anyone can get the wireless xbox 360 controller to work (using the usb adapter) please tell me

Sixaxis Controller App Issue

Hello dear forum members, I have an issue playing Nova3 with a PS3 controller. I recently bought a dualshock3 controller, downloaded a touch profile for nova 3 (Which works perfectly btw) and I've ran across an issue I haven't found on google or any of the search functions. Sorry if it's out there, I just can't find it.
Whenever I use the sticks to move around and move the camera, and at the same time do something else, like reloading, shooting, or focusing , one of these 'Buttons' gets stuck. For example, the gun keeps firing, I can't stop it. Or the movement button gets stuck, or the camera just keeps spinning.
It only happens when pressing multiple buttons on the PS3 gamepad, and it can only be resolved by moving the analog sticks like you have a mental disability and smashing every button on the joystick.
It is very frustrating when you're in an online match and your movement keeps spinning or your ammo drains out simply because the buttons get stuck.
I would very much appreciate all the help I can get on this.
I have not played any other game with the controller yet, so I cannot confirm if it's game related or controller app related.
I am sure I have some kind of setting set wrong. This happens with multiple touch profiles by the way, and does not happen if you use the touchscreen.

[HELP] Xiaomi mi BT Controller. right stick doesn't get recocnized by games etc

As you guys can read in the title i have a really big problem with my new xiaomi bt controller. first of all, i am using it for my Tegra Note 7.
the pairing was extremely easy. just connected it via bluetooth, thats it. no additional app etc needed.
the first thing i noticed that the right stick won't do anything as i wanted to control the virtual mouse with it (mouse appears but doesnt move in any direction)
i thought, ok, maybe this is just a little bug. wouldn't bother me if gaming atleast would work fine.
so i tried out a few games with it like GTA SA, Implosion, Dead effect 2, Shadowgun Deazone etc. i also tried out emulators.
GTA SA:everything works fine. i was able to have full control over the game. even the right analog stick worked fine here to move the camera angle.
the big problem came with the 3 last games i named above.
implosion: this game autodetects if you have a gamepad connected and changes the in-game layout a little bit to fit the whole theme (virtual sticks etc will dissappear)
everything inside the game works fine EXCEPT for the RIGHT ANALOG STICK which is used to shoot in 360 degrees (just like in twin stick shooters). the game just doesn't do anything when i try something with the right stick. Normally this should work since when i use my xbox 360 controller, the right analog stick fires the equipped weapon in the direction you push the stick. on the xiaomi gamepad it just won't do anything as if i didn't touching the right analog stick at all.
dead effect 2: the problem in this game is similiar. in dead effect 2 you can go into options and remap your controller buttons etc. the big problem now is if i want to map the right analog stick to the "aim/look around" function, the game just doesn't recocnizes it as if i am not doing anything. (just like in implosion). so if i am ingame i can do everything but look around with the right analog stick. i can shoot, reload, move etc but not slightly change the way where i look. so everything from my controller is mappable except for...you guessed it...the right analog stick.
it just looks like those games pretend to not recocnize when i try to look around/aim etc.
shadowgun dead zone: same problem as dead effect 2. game has remapping options but wont recocnize the right analog stick when i try to map it to the "aim/look around" function.
emulators just work fine. (no misbehaviour until now)
btw the android system uses the Generic.kl layout file for the controller (so there is no special predefined vendorxxxx_productxxxx.kl inside the layout folder)
when i try all this with an xbox 360 controller (via usb otg) everything works just fine (even the virtual mouse).
so i am begging you guys for help because this is really frustrating if only very few android games work good while many don't.
i know that this would mean that the games that don't work probably are lacking some compatibility with this controller.
i just hope that there is a way with editing/creating a new layout file (.kl file) and remap the functions or something like that.
would be really nice if someone could help me with all this.
really no one?! i really need your help with this,guys
for the admins: if this is the wrong section, i would be glad if you could put it into the right one
You will not find many people here that use anything from this manufacturer. They are not really respected here so very few will buy any of their products.
zelendel said:
You will not find many people here that use anything from this manufacturer. They are not really respected here so very few will buy any of their products.
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how and why are they not respected?!
GodOfPsychos said:
how and why are they not respected?!
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They constantly violate the gpl. They have been known to take the code of other developers and remove the the authorship of the code so it looks like they made the code. I wont even get into MIUI, which is known as the joke of the android world. They tend to use sub par parts yet lie to people about it and get away with it due to the deal with china and lack of any real copyright enforcement.
zelendel said:
They constantly violate the gpl. They have been known to take the code of other developers and remove the the authorship of the code so it looks like they made the code. I wont even get into MIUI, which is known as the joke of the android world. They tend to use sub par parts yet lie to people about it and get away with it due to the deal with china and lack of any real copyright enforcement.
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so you mean that everyone is gonna refuse to help me just because they hate/dislike xiaomi for their violation of gpl?! that has nothing to do with my problem and seems pretty off-topic to me.
does that mean that if i had any other controller brand (Moga, Steelseries etc), that i would receive more help for my problem from the community than im receiving now?!
idk but that just sounds ridicoulous (no offense). i mean it is just a bluetooth controller we are talking about here and not miui or other things from xiaomi.
seriously, anyone with enough knowledge about the layout files for bluetooth or otg accessoires like controllers, keyboards etc could actually help me with this problem.
the controller just uses 2 different axis inputs for the right analog stick than some other controllers which only get recocnized by very few games so far.
i just need someone who knows how i can make most of the controller compatible games recocnize the right analog stick.
at the moment i think that the controller uses Axis_Z and Axis_RZ for the X and Y angles instead of those which most of the other controllers use.
GodOfPsychos said:
so you mean that everyone is gonna refuse to help me just because they hate/dislike xiaomi for their violation of gpl?! that has nothing to do with my problem and seems pretty off-topic to me.
does that mean that if i had any other controller brand (Moga, Steelseries etc), that i would receive more help for my problem from the community than im receiving now?!
idk but that just sounds ridicoulous (no offense). i mean it is just a bluetooth controller we are talking about here and not miui or other things from xiaomi.
seriously, anyone with enough knowledge about the layout files for bluetooth or otg accessoires like controllers, keyboards etc could actually help me with this problem.
the controller just uses 2 different axis inputs for the right analog stick than some other controllers which only get recocnized by very few games so far.
i just need someone who knows how i can make most of the controller compatible games recocnize the right analog stick.
at the moment i think that the controller uses Axis_Z and Axis_RZ for the X and Y angles instead of those which most of the other controllers use.
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No what I'm saying is that because of the oem most will not have any idea how to fix it or be able to even try to help fix.
As for the other makers, with them you had a better chance of someone e here having one and maybe coming across this issue.
Not to mention this is a development forum for mobile devices so a controller is a bit out of the realm of what is worked on here.
I would start by running a logcat while playing one of the games that don't work. That will at least give you an idea of what to look for.
GodOfPsychos said:
As you guys can read in the title i have a really big problem with my new xiaomi bt controller. first of all, i am using it for my Tegra Note 7.
the pairing was extremely easy. just connected it via bluetooth, thats it. no additional app etc needed.
the first thing i noticed that the right stick won't do anything as i wanted to control the virtual mouse with it (mouse appears but doesnt move in any direction)
i thought, ok, maybe this is just a little bug. wouldn't bother me if gaming atleast would work fine.
so i tried out a few games with it like GTA SA, Implosion, Dead effect 2, Shadowgun Deazone etc. i also tried out emulators.
GTA SA:everything works fine. i was able to have full control over the game. even the right analog stick worked fine here to move the camera angle.
the big problem came with the 3 last games i named above.
implosion: this game autodetects if you have a gamepad connected and changes the in-game layout a little bit to fit the whole theme (virtual sticks etc will dissappear)
everything inside the game works fine EXCEPT for the RIGHT ANALOG STICK which is used to shoot in 360 degrees (just like in twin stick shooters). the game just doesn't do anything when i try something with the right stick. Normally this should work since when i use my xbox 360 controller, the right analog stick fires the equipped weapon in the direction you push the stick. on the xiaomi gamepad it just won't do anything as if i didn't touching the right analog stick at all.
dead effect 2: the problem in this game is similiar. in dead effect 2 you can go into options and remap your controller buttons etc. the big problem now is if i want to map the right analog stick to the "aim/look around" function, the game just doesn't recocnizes it as if i am not doing anything. (just like in implosion). so if i am ingame i can do everything but look around with the right analog stick. i can shoot, reload, move etc but not slightly change the way where i look. so everything from my controller is mappable except for...you guessed it...the right analog stick.
it just looks like those games pretend to not recocnize when i try to look around/aim etc.
shadowgun dead zone: same problem as dead effect 2. game has remapping options but wont recocnize the right analog stick when i try to map it to the "aim/look around" function.
emulators just work fine. (no misbehaviour until now)
btw the android system uses the Generic.kl layout file for the controller (so there is no special predefined vendorxxxx_productxxxx.kl inside the layout folder)
when i try all this with an xbox 360 controller (via usb otg) everything works just fine (even the virtual mouse).
so i am begging you guys for help because this is really frustrating if only very few android games work good while many don't.
i know that this would mean that the games that don't work probably are lacking some compatibility with this controller.
i just hope that there is a way with editing/creating a new layout file (.kl file) and remap the functions or something like that.
would be really nice if someone could help me with all this.
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I also have the same problems as you. Now, still unresolved. You can try playing Modern Combat 5, Dead Trigger 2, right stick works very stable!
Lak1402 said:
I also have the same problems as you. Now, still unresolved. You can try playing Modern Combat 5, Dead Trigger 2, right stick works very stable!
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yeah but besides playing madfinger games (dead trigger, unkilled etc) and modern combat, i really would like to play dead effect 2, telltale games and so on. i wish someone knew a fix for the right stick problem
Anyone found a solution for this?
Almost a year passed. Well, I have just bought that gamepad and I'm facing the same problem on my redmi note 4.
I found the solution on youtube.
If somebody else need it, here it is:
Sorry, I can not place any external urls yet, the original video is on the youtube.
It says that you have to edit /system/usr/keylayout/Generic.kl file via some root explorer. So I would better backuped it first somewhere.
You need find and replace next lines:
"axis 0x03 RX" with "axis 0x14 RX"
"axis 0x04 RY" with "axis 0x15 RY"
Save the file and reboot. I've cheked it and it works. But in this way you are remapping general keymap, that can be applied to other gamepads.
Here is another solution, but in this case some other keys stop working: https://github.com/moonlight-stream/moonlight-android/issues/92#issuecomment-215680259
rivsmaniac said:
Almost a year passed. Well, I have just bought that gamepad and I'm facing the same problem on my redmi note 4.
I found the solution on youtube.
If somebody else need it, here it is:
Sorry, I can not place any external urls yet, the original video is on the youtube.
It says that you have to edit /system/usr/keylayout/Generic.kl file via some root explorer. So I would better backuped it first somewhere.
You need find and replace next lines:
"axis 0x03 RX" with "axis 0x14 RX"
"axis 0x04 RY" with "axis 0x15 RY"
Save the file and reboot. I've cheked it and it works. But in this way you are remapping general keymap, that can be applied to other gamepads.
Here is another solution, but in this case some other keys stop working: https://github.com/moonlight-stream/moonlight-android/issues/92#issuecomment-215680259
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Thanks !!! My mi Bluetooth game pad works great now with modern combat.

Xbox360 & PS3 gamepad shoulder triggers don't work

Hi people!
A lot of time went by where I wasn't doing anything android related what so ever.
This week I installed minecraft on my x96 mini android box (running android 6.0.1) and some other games and have been playing them with my Xbox 360 controller.
After browsing this forum I even got the wireless gamepad running.
My daughter likes playing minecraft so I thought I would install it on my old MXII clone android box (with a g18REF board) that's running android 4.2.2 .
Installing the game went fine and even got to play on it.
So next step was playing it with an xbox 360 controller (wired) but that's where I ran into problems.
The controller works in the menu (android launcher), even works in minecraft....but....the L and R shoulder triggers are not.
This means I can't MINE or PLACE objects with the controller which render the game unplayable.
Then I realised I had to play around with key layouts on my other box to get the wireless gamepad working as it should, as I found in this thread:
But no matter what I do, I can not get the shoulder buttons to work in any game.
Does anyone know if there is a fix for android 4.2.2 which makes the shoulder buttons work so my daughter can play minecraft on this device?

