To begin, I am very picky about wallpapers. I have an entire folder full of wallpapers at 540x960. These wallpapers all look great in Sense. I also have a collection of wallpapers at 1080x960 for use with launchers (Go Launcher, ADW, Launcher Pro) that allow the background to be scrolled. Now, here is my problem...
When I install and use a replacement launcher and then go back to Sense I can no longer properly select my 540x960 wallpaper. It wants to treat everything as though it's in the scrollable ratio. The only way I can find to solve this is to reboot the phone into recovery and delete the cache. This is hardly practical. Has anyone else come across this problem and perhaps, even, a solution.
What I'd like to be able to do is switch between the various launchers without all the wallpaper hassle.
did u try 'home switcher' from market? it works in my case (I do use both sense and ADW EX).
Using Home Switcher still causes the same conflict when choosing a wallpaper.
A hot restart will solve the problem... it's not ideal but at least it does the trick.
I've looked around here for a while, but I can't find an answer.
I'm using a rooted Tab 10.1. I'm using MultiPicture Live Wallpaper to set the five screens, and I have no problem with that.
I do, however, have a problem setting the lock screen wallpaper. I've tried changing it by hitting the + then going to wallpaper, I've tried changing it from the gallery itself, but nothing's working.
The tab flashes for a second as if it's changing wallpapers, but then when I got to the lock screen, the default one is still there. It's not a huge deal as it obviously doesn't affect how the tab actually works, but it's annoying that something so simple isn't working properly.
Any ideas here?
edit: and yes, I've tried setting the lockscreen wallpaper from within Multipicture Live Wallpaper. Still not working. :\
Bad Liar said:
I've looked around here for a while, but I can't find an answer.
I'm using a rooted Tab 10.1. I'm using MultiPicture Live Wallpaper to set the five screens, and I have no problem with that.
I do, however, have a problem setting the lock screen wallpaper. I've tried changing it by hitting the + then going to wallpaper, I've tried changing it from the gallery itself, but nothing's working.
The tab flashes for a second as if it's changing wallpapers, but then when I got to the lock screen, the default one is still there. It's not a huge deal as it obviously doesn't affect how the tab actually works, but it's annoying that something so simple isn't working properly.
Any ideas here?
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On Stock Touch Wiz UX, you have two options when you change the wallpaper, it will ask if you want to change Home Screen or Lockscreen, you can have two different ones but it seems live wallpapers or "wallpaper apps" outside of Gallery can cause bugs in this preventing the wallpaper from changing or even displaying properly. Sometimes on mine when I change it, (its random when this happens too) is, the wallpaper sometimes gets cut off on the edges with a huge black crop, I have to switch to portrait and then back to Landscape for the wallpaper to display properly, I've noticed it only does it with Wizidrii Wallpaper app installed, it must do some sort of modification to the wallpaper settings that causes it, once I uninstall it, the wallpapers work perfectly fine. Using the multipicture Live Wallpaper could be affecting the Lockscreen settings preventing it from changing, what I recommend would be to try changing the lockscreen FIRST before using the Live Wallpaper your trying to set with the lockscreen of your choice.
I would try using just regular images instead of live wallpapers to see if that affects it also, a rooted rom could be the culprit too since custom Honeycomb ROM's are glitchy at best since Google never released its source code yet.
Should have mentioned, even when I use a normal wallpaper, like one that came with the tab, I still cannot set the lockscreen.
I'm using the default ROM, just rooted it.
Bad Liar said:
Should have mentioned, even when I use a normal wallpaper, like one that came with the tab, I still cannot set the lockscreen.
I'm using the default ROM, just rooted it.
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Have you tried just going to Settings -} Screen-} ScreenDisplay... And changing the wallpaper from there?
I have perrty much the same setup your running except in not rooted. On a side note, I don't have any issues with setting my lockscreen wallpaper using any method. Could it have something to do with root?
Sent from my Galaxy10.1 TouchWiz/ADWex equipped Starship.
Got the same problem with Overcome Rom installed, can't change the lockscreen wallpaper, tried all ways, via Gallery, Settings, Multi Live Wallpaper, it simply remains the orange stock one, only if i try it via MLW after unlocking the device the selected wall flashes for a split second....anyone got an idea about that?
Having the same issue with Task's ROM. I can change the regular wallpaper fine, going it settings-screen and changing there does nothing. It goes through the process but when you return, nothing has changed. Even rebooted after changing to see if it needed that and I can't change that paper.
I managed to glitch the live wallpaper setting and got it to work on Forth Bar Sense (FBS), then I choose a GO Theme (not the locker but system theme) and live wall was replaced by the theme background and it became impossible to bring back the live wallpaper.
The way I glitched the live wallpaper was to have the live wallpaper set on a ROM that supported it and then installed FBS and the live wallpaper remained, however, it does not mean you can change the live wall paper it just meant it existed. I had "wallpaper slide show" as the live wallpaper so there was no need to ever change it.
Now trying the glitch again does not work, since FBS was already previously installed it grabs all the settings from the previous installation it is like the settings from FBS were stored somewhere and they are applied automatically even with a fresh install.
Random ring tones and notifications has been a problem --- 10 apps all failures --- they only ever seemed to worked on CM7, not even stock ICS do the random tones work (talking about different phones here). Why can't Android just have this built into their code it would take all but 30secs to do... Can anyone truly get random tones working for the Amaze 4G with FBS?
To begin with, I'm far from new to Android, just new to Samsung and the Note.
Also - I know I'm not the only one with this problem but I haven't run across a solution yet. I can take and image I want to use as a wallpaper and, on the lock screen and the Touch whiz home screen and it looks exactly like I want it to. But, since I'm one of those folks who dislikes the fact that I can't swap out apps on the TW launcher bar, I slap my own launcher on the Note to make it mine again. Unfortunately, then comes the annoying part.......
Whatever photo I put up as wallpaper looses resolution and seems to explode in size so that only about 1/4 of the original wallpaper/ photo is visible and what's left is very blurry. I know this isn't limited to just one launcher - I've tried ADW, Launcher Pro, Nemus, Go Launcher, Holo, and a few more I can't remember the names of right now. And they all give me the same problem.
So far I've changed the format of the wallpaper photo to .png or .jpeg and back again, tweaked the size and resolution of the picture, dug through XDA and a few other forums fort wisdom, and used harsh language on my Note - all to no avail. So, can anyone tell me what I'm missing or if there's any hope for me at all? I'm rooted stock 2.3.6 and would prefer, for various reasons, to stay that way for now. But, at this point I'm willing to consider options if all else fails since I'm getting quite annoyed by this.
Thanks for any help/ insight!
Use the Quickpic app to set the wallpaper.
Thanks! I'll give that a shot.
Sent from this here talk tapper of mine
Hey guys,
Was wondering if any of you know how i can get a full screen wallpaper for my Z2, since i tried the app Wizard (weird name after) and now im using Wallpaper setter.
Wizard did not work and wallpaper setter, at it's best cuts the notification bar and half the buttons of the dock.
Tried googling 1080x1776 wallpapers instead of 1080x1920 too, to no better result.
Wanted to change, since the stock wallpapers make for a crappy homescreen, since it is already a washedout screen (i come from a note 3, so probably it's just my opinion).
P.S. Was wondering if you can use any method to not crop the images on lockscreen too
Thank you
I use this to crop them perfectly. Even gallery images, just use this to set wallpaper.
google play said : We're sorry, the requested URL was not found on this server
i use image2wallpaper or image2livewallpaper
You can try Background HD Wallpapers app from pkaystore.. Its one of the perfect one available. Screenshots attached.