[Q] How to restore original photo date - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I've noticed that in the later versions of Android all of the dates of my photos are changed to the date that I copied them to my Android device. I don't know what version this changed but I would like to keep the original dates so that I can sort them by date. I notice that when I bring up the details of my photos I can see the original date that they were taken. My question is there an Android app that will get the date stamp from the photo and change the time/date stamp of the file?

bump, i've got same problem


Photo time stamping just not an option?

I just emailed HTC about it. I even had to send a photo I took with my Hero with time stamping enabled to show them what I meant. The only thing they can tell me is that it just isn't an option on the Evo 3D. They also told me to look on the market for an app that'll let me add that functionality. Is there such a thing?
I'm adding the same example photo I sent to HTC in this post, so everyone will know what I mean by time/date stamping.
I really don't get why it isn't a standard option.
I was going to add a poll to see how many of you out there think this should be an option added to the camera app, but I can't seem to figure out how to add a poll. lol
Isn't the timestamp simply part of the metadata tags built into the image file?
saltorio said:
Isn't the timestamp simply part of the metadata tags built into the image file?
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...what he said. Unless you actually want an old school red/orange timestamp on top of your photo? Might find an app for that on the Market, who knows?
dumasauce said:
Unless you actually want an old school red/orange timestamp on top of your photo? Might find an app for that on the Market, who knows?
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the sample photo he posted above contains a text colored timestamp on the bottom right hand corner.
i do think it is very odd the camera app does not provide an option for a timestamp and i too have used this feature in the past and think its a good idea.
odd they didn't add that feature. i hadn't noticed until i read this post and checked my camera app .. def no option to put a timestamp on the lower right corner of the photo.
joeykrim said:
the sample photo he posted above contains a text colored timestamp on the bottom right hand corner.
i do think it is very odd the camera app does not provide an option for a timestamp and i too have used this feature in the past and think its a good idea.
odd they didn't add that feature. i hadn't noticed until i read this post and checked my camera app .. def no option to put a timestamp on the lower right corner of the photo.
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But again, how is a time stamp on the actual photo a benefit over including the time stamp in the image file metadata?
Back when photos were on film, burning the time stamp into the photo itself was the only way to know when it was taken. But these things are digital. Metadata is a much more elegant way to track all sorts of information (like geo tags) associated with a photo, and it's how all the information is stored in the photos the EVO 3D (and pretty much every other digital camera device) takes. Most photo organization software (like most MP3 software) makes extensive use of meta tags for sorting and searching your files. And it doesn't muddy up your images to boot.
saltorio said:
But again, how is a time stamp on the actual photo a benefit over including the time stamp in the image file metadata?
Back when photos were on film, burning the time stamp into the photo itself was the only way to know when it was taken. But these things are digital. Metadata is a much more elegant way to track all sorts of information (like geo tags) associated with a photo, and it's how all the information is stored in the photos the EVO 3D (and pretty much every other digital camera device) takes. Most photo organization software (like most MP3 software) makes extensive use of meta tags for sorting and searching your files. And it doesn't muddy up your images to boot.
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to illustrate the otherside of the viewpoint you've expressed and address your question.
i guarantee not every android user understands metadata, nor knows how to use/where to find it. i find it comical imaging my parents trying to locate the metadata of a picture they took on their phone.
for those people who still print out their images and want to scrapbook/put in photo albums, they might prefer having the time/date stamped on the front of the image itself.
some people prefer timestamps printed on their photos and some people do not. having or not having timestamps on photos is a matter of personal preference and is a legit request as an option, especially given i've had the option of printing timestamps on the images i've taken with previous android phones.
joeykrim said:
to illustrate the otherside of the viewpoint you've expressed and address your question.
i guarantee not every android user understands metadata, nor knows how to use/where to find it. i find it comical imaging my parents trying to locate the metadata of a picture they took on their phone.
for those people who still print out their images and want to scrapbook/put in photo albums, they might prefer having the time/date stamped on the front of the image itself.
some people prefer timestamps printed on their photos and some people do not. having or not having timestamps on photos is a matter of personal preference and is a legit request as an option, especially given i've had the option of printing timestamps on the images i've taken with previous android phones.
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Well then go to the official HTC Community forums and make the request.
My X10 didn't have the ability to print time stamps on the photos, neither does my wife's text messaging phone. I'm not even sure if either of our digital cameras (a Digital Rebel, and a Canon point-and shoot) have that capability. All I'm saying is people have to move with the march of technology.
And on a related note: can you imagine your parents even having an EVO 3D?
Here's something. Wouldn't it be possible to just take the setting from the most recent Sense before Sense 3 and add it to the settings in our present camera app?
I'm no programmer, (or I'd just attempt it myself, lol). Just putting it out there so maybe someone will consider it.
The reason for time/date stamping ON the photo in addition to the metadata is the fact that most people, at least in my opinion, when attempting to retrieve the date of a certain photo on the internet, would rather just see it printed right on the photo than have to download the image and look for it in the image info.
Now I'm not sure if I'm just missing it when attempting this or not, but I went to a random site, right clicked on an image and went to View Image Info, and didn't see anything at all about a date or time the image was taken. Only when I actually download the image then go to Properties>Details do I see an actual date/time.
I didn't mean for this to be a debate or anything. Just feel it's wrong not to even give the option anymore. It's not like something like that takes up a lot or space or processing power, or even time processing the photo.
I think It's cool when you need to provide a day and time for a pic that you want to upload online.
johnequickiii said:
Here's something. Wouldn't it be possible to just take the setting from the most recent Sense before Sense 3 and add it to the settings in our present camera app?
I'm no programmer, (or I'd just attempt it myself, lol). Just putting it out there so maybe someone will consider it.
The reason for time/date stamping ON the photo in addition to the metadata is the fact that most people, at least in my opinion, when attempting to retrieve the date of a certain photo on the internet, would rather just see it printed right on the photo than have to download the image and look for it in the image info.
Now I'm not sure if I'm just missing it when attempting this or not, but I went to a random site, right clicked on an image and went to View Image Info, and didn't see anything at all about a date or time the image was taken. Only when I actually download the image then go to Properties>Details do I see an actual date/time.
I didn't mean for this to be a debate or anything. Just feel it's wrong not to even give the option anymore. It's not like something like that takes up a lot or space or processing power, or even time processing the photo.
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i didn't want a debate either so i stopped replying as it was clearly off topic.
copying the settings file from a previous sense version of camera which supports the time/stamp, *could* work, assuming the current camera.apk supports time/stamping and they just forget/intentionally didnt add it to the options menu inside the camera.apk.
i dont have a previous sense phone, like the EVO, handy to pull the camera settings file from /data/data ..
on the EVO3D the settings file is: /data/data/com.android.camera/shared_prefs/com.android.camera_preferences.xml
an example adb pull command to copy it to the local computer:
adb pull /data/data/com.android.camera/shared_prefs/com.android.camera_preferences.xml c:\com.android.camera_preferences.xml
i do wonder how adding time stamping to the picture would work in 3d mode ... i wonder if that presented an issue so they scrapped it ... just speculating!
joeykrim said:
i do wonder how adding time stamping to the picture would work in 3d mode ... i wonder if that presented an issue so they scrapped it ... just speculating!
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Ya know, I never thought of that as a potential reason for leaving it out. That's probably it too, not that we could get an official answer to it though, so speculation will have to do, but I do think you have it right.
I DID hear early on in the threads that it was possible that panorama and burst mode, among other things, weren't acting right for one reason or another, and those functions were pulled right before release. Makes sense that panorama or burst wouldn't work right either in 3D, so it stands to reason.
Still though, it would've been nice to have those options for 2D pictures. It's a shame they couldn't figure out how to disable those options when the 3D switch was flipped, if any of this is really the case even. lol
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA App

Photo gallery seq mess up due to time is differ from actually taken date

as i am new , and xda not allow to post outside link
h t t p://img.photobucket.com/albums/v63/bee002/Screenshot_2012-07-11-11-00-38.png
as you can see the file name reveal the real actually time taken ,but the time is some how in future date, any one having
i realize this happen when i found some my photo is order in the middle of the gallery in stead at the most left in my gallery .
and now i take photo it seem both file name and time are tally , is ther any way i can edit the time manually to that make the gallery able to order them correct?
p/s: i try to copy to computer and wish to amend the taken date , but in computer it show correct date (2012/07/11), just happen in gallery show different date

Looking for a program to change timestamps

I'm looking for a program to change timestamps files (created, modified, and accessed)
I need it for Android, no for PC.
Problem is that after copy&paste photos and videos, stock gallery order it by created by, and i don't know why, but all videos always are first, and then my photos.
If now i take a photo, and after a video, i see in my stock gallery: last video created, last photo taken, all the other videos, and then older photos
Here you have a screenshot to see an example:
Any idea?
Using Samsung Galaxy S3
I really think this is a valid question and have been wondering this myself.

sense vs AOSP picture names

I've noticed that cyanogen/aosp names the pictures with the date they were taken for example 20121303 for may 3 2012, however sense merely names the pictures by number which is very frustrating when you are flashing and taking new pictures, trying to back up pictures, getting duplicates etc. I was wondering if there is a way to have sense name the pictures with the date instead of of numerical order thanks.
I use Photoshop CS2 Bridge to rename all photos once offloaded. They may have a low cost tool (Lightbox?) that does it. You can rename files based on most any embedded EXIF data. I usually use YYYYMMDD-[HHHH|SER#]_text_text_size.[EXT]. So even in pics taken very close together, usually there are no duplicates (particularly because I'm not using multiple cameras at the same time).
So what the phone or iPod or device names them, is really just a temporary file name.
I know, not the answer you asked for, but a different perspective to image file naming conventions....
seansk said:
I've noticed that cyanogen/aosp names the pictures with the date they were taken for example 20121303 for may 3 2012, however sense merely names the pictures by number which is very frustrating when you are flashing and taking new pictures, trying to back up pictures, getting duplicates etc. I was wondering if there is a way to have sense name the pictures with the date instead of of numerical order thanks.
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20121303? Lol
Sent from my SGH-T999 using Tapatalk 2

Photo date correction app?

I just recently had to transfer pictures to a PC so I could update a phone. After transferring the files back they don't show up in chronological order in the gallery app due to the file creation date being changed. I guess this is a common problem with android so I'm surprised that it's giving me such a headache to find a solution. The only app I found that does what I'm looking for (Photo Date Correction) doesn't work with any Android version past 3.1.
Does anyone know of a solution to make the file created date to match the EXIF date taken? I'm looking for an android solution; copying 5,202 picture to PC and back was a nightmare that I don't want to repeat any time soon.
Ok, so I found a gallery app called F-Stop that works OK in sorting by date taken. It still boggles my mind that stock gallery apps don't have this feature. It's stupid little things like this that keep edging me more and more toward a god forsaken iPhone.

