[Q] USB ADB to multiple devices - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I need to connect to at least 20 devices via USB adb, but I understand that the maximum is 15 when using the defaults.
I further understand that one can run multiple adb servers on your host by issuing adb -P <port-no>. What I do not understand is how to change some devices' listening port to something else. I'm mainly using Samsung devices
Can anybody assist me with this?


[Q] Single usb cable - adb & multiple devices

Does anyone know if any cable is available where you can plug multiple devices into one end of the cable, the other into the computer, and when you install an application from say, Eclipse, it installs it to all the connected devices in one go?
I have about 4 devices running various versions of Android I use for testing, and when I have them all set up together, it gets tedious manually pushing the code from Eclipse to all the devices.
I would think you'd be able to use ADB over wifi. However, since I'm not a developer, take my advice with a grain of salt.
this is physically impossible as this would blow your USB port on the PC. If every device tries to draw 500mAh and the port only gives 500mAh there would either be no connection or the USB port would just melt
ADB over WiFi sounds reasonable though...
TheSSJ said:
this is physically impossible as this would blow your USB port on the PC. If every device tries to draw 500mAh and the port only gives 500mAh there would either be no connection or the USB port would just melt
ADB over WiFi sounds reasonable though...
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I tried adb over Wifi but it's been a bit strange for me, occasionally my USB connection isn't recognized later, or the adb connection randomly drops.
It still has the same problem as I need to manually initiate a push from Eclipse to every phone.
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Eclipse ALWAYS will ask you for the device to install a project (if there are various).
I don't know eclipse since I don't dev but I know a little about ADB and I doubt it has any built in way to install to multiple devices. But you could make a script to make it easy from the command line with multiple cables. Something like this but set the proper serial numbers.
Run it like this "multiinstall.sh some.apk"
adb -s aa1231 install $1
adb -s 324eo4 install $1
adb -s 238642 install $1
adb -s 366284 install $1

How to make adb listen to tcpip 5555 after reboot

I have to use adb over ssh. now, everything works fine but after a reboot i have to connect my device again over usb and set adb to listen to tcpip instead of usb.
is ther a way to save those settings?
This is how it works for now. After a reboot i have to use these commands again (over usb) in order to establish an adb connection over ssh.
# adb kill-server
# adb tcpip 5555
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
restarting in TCP mode port: 5555
malufor said:
I have to use adb over ssh. now, everything works fine but after a reboot i have to connect my device again over usb and set adb to listen to tcpip instead of usb.
is ther a way to save those settings?
This is how it works for now. After a reboot i have to use these commands again (over usb) in order to establish an adb connection over ssh.
# adb kill-server
# adb tcpip 5555
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
restarting in TCP mode port: 5555
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You can set service.adb.tcp.port=5555 in /default.prop or maybe /system/build.prop. But this isn't such a great idea, since it leaves you phone open to everybody wanting to gain shell access to it over the net.
And you don't need "adb kill-server" above. It's the devices adb you are restarting, not the one on your computer.
kuisma said:
You can set service.adb.tcp.port=5555 in /default.prop or maybe /system/build.prop. But this isn't such a great idea, since it leaves you phone open to everybody wanting to gain shell access to it over the net.
And you don't need "adb kill-server" above. It's the devices adb you are restarting, not the one on your computer.
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Great thx. I'll give it a try.
Works perfectly. I modified the buil.prop. Thank you.
kuisma said:
You can set service.adb.tcp.port=5555 in /default.prop or maybe /system/build.prop. But this isn't such a great idea, since it leaves you phone open to everybody wanting to gain shell access to it over the net.
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For tinkering purposes - well aware of the security implications here - I wanted to get adb to also listen on the mobile interface, when not connected to a wifi. Basically public debugging on the bus ride
I did not succeed though. How can adb be brought to listen on the mobile data connection?
schaggo said:
For tinkering purposes - well aware of the security implications here - I wanted to get adb to also listen on the mobile interface, when not connected to a wifi. Basically public debugging on the bus ride
I did not succeed though. How can adb be brought to listen on the mobile data connection?
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I am in search of a similer thing.
Is it possible with port forwarding in adb ?
[email protected] said:
I am in search of a similer thing.
Is it possible with port forwarding in adb ?
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Yes, it is possible. But 1st you must make sure your mobile operator is not blocking your connections.
Most data only SIM cards will not block connection, but only few operators allow connection to any SIM cards ( voice + data).
If you can ping your phone IP address while it is on 3g or 4g then you should be able to connect, some operators even block pinging but still allow the ADB connection.
1. connect your phone to a pc with usb
2. make sure it is visible by typing "adb devices"
3. type "adb tcpip 5555" to set up forwarding
4. once your phone is connected to mobile data (3g or 4g) go to settings -> about phone -> status -> IP address
5. from laptop.type "adb connect ip_addres:5555"
Have you tested this method on any network?
[email protected] said:
Have you tested this method on any network?
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In Croatia, on Tele2 it works on both (voice + data) and data only cards, you are able to ping them both.
On Vip-net it works only on data-only cards and your are not able to ping them.
Also, if you are working inside a company network, the company firewall might block the connection
kuisma said:
You can set service.adb.tcp.port=5555 in /default.prop or maybe /system/build.prop. But this isn't such a great idea, since it leaves you phone open to everybody wanting to gain shell access to it over the net.
And you don't need "adb kill-server" above. It's the devices adb you are restarting, not the one on your computer.
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I know it is really late to be saying this, but...
What a lot of people do when they need to open a port that is well-known, much like the SSH default port 22, is set a different port. Instead of 5555, use 7777 or something entirely different. It is much like a 4 digit passcode.
twistedumbrella said:
I know it is really late to be saying this, but...
What a lot of people do when they need to open a port that is well-known, much like the SSH default port 22, is set a different port. Instead of 5555, use 7777 or something entirely different. It is much like a 4 digit passcode.
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Why not using a five digit passcode like 51423? Afaik you may use any port > 4096 and < 65536. The first 4096 are privileged ports...
guest4711 said:
Why not using a five digit passcode like 51423? Afaik you may use any port > 4096 and < 65536. The first 4096 are privileged ports...
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Who said you couldn't?
Use any port number not already in use, but any known default assignment will defeat the purpose of avoiding intrusion. The point was that you aren't limited to 5555 exclusively.
Is it possible to target device to listen to port over wifi, without first connecting via USB?
omg no. please do NOT think that using a random port changes anything about security. I assure you it does not.
Turning off USB Debugging when its not in use seems to shut down access to 5555 - wouldn't that suffice from a security perspective? (only have USB Debugging on when you want to do ADB)
kuisma said:
You can set service.adb.tcp.port=5555 in /default.prop or maybe /system/build.prop. But this isn't such a great idea, since it leaves you phone open to everybody wanting to gain shell access to it over the net.
And you don't need "adb kill-server" above. It's the devices adb you are restarting, not the one on your computer.
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hello! newbie here, can you please explain what is this "/default.prop or maybe /system/build.prop" Thank you
If I set this up in either build.prop or default.prop in a custom ROM, it works fine.
If I set this up in a stock MIUI ROM, it results in a bootloop, every single time.
I'm trying to figure out how to run adb tcpip 5555 in either post-fs or service.d for Magisk. The .sh script is given the correct execute permission and seems to run fine, but it doesn't actually set adb tcpip 5555 to enabled....
I just want to thank everyone for writing this thread way back in 2012, as we're STILL making good use of this information now, in 2022, when Android 11 (and up) has adb Wireless debugging options inside of Developer options... (no USB needed!).
(PSA) Using the new Android 12 TILE for 'Developer options' 'Wireless debugging' to establish adb connection over Wi-Fi without USB
I know it's been a while, but I find myself in need of adding this
line to build.prop on my unrooted Pixel 7 Pro. Here are some wild thoughts, as I am not an expert in rooting/unrooting:
With the unrooted phone, say I download the latest Pixel 7 Pro factory image and tinker with it, namely make the requisite change in build.prop, repackage the whole thing as a modified image, and then flash it onto my (unrooted) phone. Will that work? Or does the flashing process check the checksum before flashing?
Root the phone, make the requisite change in build.prop, and then un-root it back. Will this work? Or does the un-rooting process mess everything up, and destroy all the changes I made? (Mind you, I have no idea how un-rooting works, so please bear with me.)

[TUT] ADB over WI-FI

ADB over Wi-Fi​Some of us might like to connect the device over WiFi for debugging, instead of using the data cable. Here's the required tutorial to do so
1. Android device (duh!!!)
2. ADB in the computer (again duh!!!)
3. Root privileges
4. Terminal emulator (download from here)​
Let's begin then​Open terminal emulator on your device. Enter the following code
su [color="red"]Grant superuser here[/color]
setprop service.adb.tcp.port 5555 [color="red"]Can be anything else[/color]
stop adbd
start adbd
Check it with this
getprop service.adb.tcp.port
It will return 5555 or the number you entered in the above code​
Enter the following code on your computer in command prompt or shell
adb connect
Instead of, enter your device IP address​
To make your device listen on USB again, just restart the device. And enter the code on your computer
adb usb
I would definitely use the USB cable to push large files or even small files that you really don't want to risk corrupting (partition images you plan on dding, etc).
Very importantly, keep in mind, when your phone is listening for adb via WiFi, it's wide open... anybody that has adb installed and knows your device's IP address can access it without a password. Again, a simple reboot will turn it off though.​
JeepFreak for this post in the One X forum​
Reserved for app​
I want to thank the OP, however belatedly, for writing these root instructions for users to connect their PC and phone via adb over Wi-Fi without USB cables being involved.
As the OP is well aware, non-rooted Android 10 and below allowed wireless adb connections AFTER a USB connection was first established (adb start-server && adb tcpip 5555 && adb connect [IP]:5555), but that changed (for the better) in Android 11 and above with the new new Developer options Wireless debugging random port assignments (adb connect [IP]:[PORT] or adb pair [IP]:[PORT] [PIN]) such that the adb wireless connection never needs USB cable ever again.
Given Android 11 allows Developer options Wireless debugging via a random port, and Android 12 new Developer options Wireless debugging allows that to be accessed even easier with a new Developer options Wireless debugging tile, the only thing missing is a way to get, after the fact, the random port assignment that Android uses for the adb wireless connection to your PC.
Some related threads for reference might be...
[adb,scrcpy,vysor] What ports does Android 12 randomly set when Wi-Fi connecting via Wireless debugging adb "pair" or "connect" commands?
(PSA) Using the new Android 12 TILE for 'Developer options' 'Wireless debugging' to establish adb connection over Wi-Fi without USB
What's the difference between Windows/Android adb "connect" versus adb "pair" when mirroring Android 12 over Wi-Fi onto a Windows PC?
The only question that's missing an answer preventing a perfect completely Wi-Fi automatic solution is...
Does anyone know how to obtain that random Android port address from the PC?

Connect Android phone over Wi-Fi using ADB

(Many will consider this question a duplicate of similar questions but I don't think this question should be marked as duplicate because the answer requested here is different than others.)
I am searching for the solutions since many years and read a lot of pages on internet and StackOverflow but hasn't found any solution.
Once an non-rooted Android phone is authorized over USB using ADB then how to connect it over Wi-Fi every time without ever connecting the phone over USB?
I know that executing
adb start-server
adb tcpip 5555
and then
adb connect <IP.address.of.phone>
will connect the phone over Wi-Fi IF it is connected using USB when issuing these commands.
According to the answers/forums, there are 2 ways to connect Android phone over Wi-Fi:
The user has to first connect to USB even though the device is already authorized.
The phone needs to be rooted.
But I think, what I want to achieve, as per the question, must be possible because if ADB can connect over USB and then Wi-Fi, then there must be some way to accomplish with directly connecting over Wi-Fi if computer is already authenticated. The missing thing is to know what exactly ADB is doing when switching from USB to Wi-Fi. I think, it could be getting authorization again. But what if we store the authorization information (finger print? or encryption key?) once and use it every time to connect over Wi-Fi? (Please note that when first time authenticating the computer over USB, its finger print is showed in the Android phone, and it never asks again until the authorization is revoked/invalidated somehow. So, I think the requirement here is to revalidate the computer.)
I viewed the ADB repository and read the text files mentioning how ADB works. In one txt file I read that
(ADB Daemon) is started on port 5555 on the Android phone/emulator when
adb connect ___
command is executed. Is there anyway to manually start the daemon through a terminal app on the installed on phone? I tried 'adb', 'adbd' and 'setprop' commands in the Termux app but these commands doesn't exist. According to the txt files of the repository, the ADB on computer is sending the commands to the Android device/emulator and can start 'adbd' or set/open the port 5555 using
setprop service.adb.tcp.port 5555
command. Is there a way to do this on Android phone using a terminal app on a non-rooter phone?
Somebody who has knowledge of networking, Android and C/C++ language may be able to answer. One can look in the GitHub repo of ADB source code if they want to know what is happening during the connection process.
I'm a little late to answer your question at the time you asked it, but if it still helps the OP, non-rooted Android 10 and below allowed wireless adb connections AFTER a USB connection was first established (adb start-server && adb tcpip 5555 && adb connect [IP]:5555), but that changed (for the better) in Android 11 and above with the new new Developer options Wireless debugging random port assignments (adb connect [IP]:[PORT] or adb pair [IP]:[PORT] [PIN]) such that the adb wireless connection never needs USB cable ever again.
Given Android 11 allows Developer options Wireless debugging via a random port, and Android 12 new Developer options Wireless debugging allows that to be accessed even easier with a new Developer options Wireless debugging tile, the only thing missing is a way to get, after the fact, the random port assignment that Android uses for the adb wireless connection to your PC.
Here are some related posts about that subject which may help the OP.
[adb,scrcpy,vysor] What ports does Android 12 randomly set when Wi-Fi connecting via Wireless debugging adb "pair" or "connect" commands?
(PSA) Using the new Android 12 TILE for 'Developer options' 'Wireless debugging' to establish adb connection over Wi-Fi without USB
What's the difference between Windows/Android adb "connect" versus adb "pair" when mirroring Android 12 over Wi-Fi onto a Windows PC?
The only question that's missing an answer preventing a perfect solution is...
Does anyone know how to obtain that random Android port address from the PC?

Is there a way to make an adb install to multiple devices in the same time?

Hello, is anyone who knows how to using an adb command install an apk to multiple devices in the same time, we are making a test mission, need to install a lot of devices for test, but we can only adb install one by one and very slow.
I think it's possible by means of either 1) an USB-hub - AFAIK USB-hubs with up to 13 ports exist - or 2) over WiFi
FYI: The ADB server only checks for devices by scanning odd-numbered ports in the range 5555 to 5585 ( 30 ports in total) and assigns 2 ports for each device. Thus ADB is capable of accepting 15 Android Devices (15x2 ports)
jwoegerbauer said:
I think it's possible by means of either 1) an USB-hub - AFAIK USB-hubs with up to 13 ports exist - or 2) over WiFi
FYI: The ADB server only checks for devices by scanning odd-numbered ports in the range 5555 to 5585 ( 30 ports in total) and assigns 2 ports for each device. Thus ADB is capable of accepting 15 Android Devices (15x2 ports)
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since I don't have an USB-hubs, so I try the second way, by over wifi it work for me, now I can do my mission more fast than before, thank you for your help!:good:

