what is different? - Xperia Z2 Tablet Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi guys i dont know what is different between vmo customized and generic firmware?
Thanks for answers and sorry for my bad english


Vodafone 1605

Hi everybody!
I'm a newbie !!!
I'm from italy so exscuse me for my bad english.
I've bought a brand new 1605 Vodafone that has only english language.
Is it possibile to install an italian rom on my device?
no, i'm sorry...in this moment we can't flash this device in ita because htc or else haven't distribuite the italian roms.
We are working on rebuilding the dumped rom for make an parallel rom for us...
wait and next time use the SEARCH button please !!!
Thanks and sorry.

Athena T-Mobile English ROM needed

Hello to all and hoop everyone is doing great with there Athena/Ameo.
I have just a question that needed to be answerd and i hoop that someone there has got the answer.
Is there a T-Mobile Athena english version ROM i want to change mine to english ROM? if there is where can i download it please help.
maybe you can look at this thread :

[Q] reinstall operator rom

I am a novice with one x10mini (e10i) and erase vodafone rom... Just now I have the last update but of the free firmware...
Well, the case is that I have to take it to vodafone for repair the button of the camera that fails and I do not want that tricks put me for the free firmware ..., for the topic of the guarantee....
There is some way of turning it to vodafone rom?
and, how is it?
Thank you in advance
Anybody can help me, pleaseeeeeeee???????
Sorry for my english.... i´m a spanish one
Edit the build.prop file in system/ and make a seus.
Sent from my U20i
thanks.... but how do it???
sorry for my englsh
Thanks a lot for help me
I find the solution...
Moderators... please, close this thread
Sorry for my English

[Q] my fw version

hi, anyone can help me to understand what my version is ?
i dont understand what NonEFIGS is
not English, French, Italian, German and Spanish
is there any new fw for my phone? ..waiting for ICS :/

[Q] French Help for Android developpement (Newbie)

Hy guys !
I want to begin android developpement but i don't find french tuto or french people who can help me , i don't know many things in android developpement but i've good knowing in informatique !
So please help
Sorry for bad english

