[Q] regarding change of number on whatsapp - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

First of all sorry if this thread is not in the right category..
Now moving on to my question
I have two mob numbers viz 9969 n 9664.. I used to use 9664 but I stopped using that number sometime back... However that number is still used by me for WhatsApp(the simcard being used is 9969 though)
The telecom Co. Of the 9664 number is shutting down this month end.. So I am under dilemma whether to port that number out to a different service provider (and still not use it) so that It can be used to verify on WhatsApp (I got a re verification req last week, what if it happens after the number is shut down) or shall I change my number itself on WhatsApp.. Now here's what I want to know, if I change my number on whatsapp, will it clear all my conversations incl groups? If not then will the existing convos continue on the same chat heads or different one?
TLDR version : does changing number on WhatsApp erase chats?


Phone Book problem.

I don't know if this thread deserves a seperate space in this forum but I'd really like to disable the group of numbers when I dial or some incoming call comes in. Like when I enter any number first 3 number goes into a brick "(234)-234-234" and rest has also this grouping kinda thing, does anyone know how to disable this thing?
Also I have another problem. This one is funny. When u save number like 99111199 with some name then when I receive a sms message it comes like +(country code)99111199 and name appears if u saved it in the phonebook right? But my phone doesn't do that and i see just numbers....
telnar said:
I don't know if this thread deserves a seperate space in this forum but I'd really like to disable the group of numbers when I dial or some incoming call comes in. Like when I enter any number first 3 number goes into a brick "(234)-234-234" and rest has also this grouping kinda thing, does anyone know how to disable this thing?
Also I have another problem. This one is funny. When u save number like 99111199 with some name then when I receive a sms message it comes like +(country code)99111199 and name appears if u saved it in the phonebook right? But my phone doesn't do that and i see just numbers....
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
set regional settings to australia
I set it to British and now its ok , but sms problem hasn't solved yet.

Phone number matching in Android

I've been trying to organize the phone numbers in my address book so that:
The phone calls I receive show the contact name (and not only the number).
The SMS messages I receive show the contact name (and not only the number).
Android is able to join the WhatsApp contact with the main contact based on the phone number.
I live in Brazil and the phone numbers have a few particularities: you can include the country code or not (55), you can include the city code or not (which is usually prepended with a 0), you can include the phone carrier code or not, etc. So matching those numbers is not a trivial problem.
I have the impression that Android has an internal logic for dealing with this issue. But it's not working particularly well for me. Does anyone know if this logic is configurable?
The issues I'm having right now are:
The numbers shown in the SMS messages don't have a consistent pattern: I've seen "+55CCNNNNNNNNN", "NNNNNNNNN", "0CCNNNNNNNNN". The numbers in my address book are following the pattern "0CC NNNNN-NNNN", so only a few SMSs match.
The WhatsApp numbers are using the pattern "+55CCNNNNNNNNN", so Android doesn't join them with the main contact, which uses the pattern "0CC NNNNN-NNNN".
I'm not sure this issue is specific to my ROM (Chameleon v2.01 for the Galaxy S II). I'm posting here because it looks more like an Android issue. Right now, I'm using Android 4.0.4 (ICS).
Thanks for the help!
Edit: I forgot to mention one thing: I live in São Paulo and mobile phone numbers have recently changed from 8 digits to 9 digits (the number 9 was prepended to all existing numbers). I have already updated the numbers in my address book. Could this be breaking the parsing logic for Brazilian numbers?
OK, the problem wasn't on my phone. I stumbled into this thread which made me think perhaps the problem was with Google's contact management system and not the phone:
so I went to https://contacts.google.com then clicked the "cog" settings and changed my language and phone number settings country away from the UK, did ok, went back in and changed back to UK.
now I can enter contacts in the preferred +44 1234 567890, with the spaces, and an incoming call matched!
it doesn't seem to retrospectively match old call logs, or old SMS chats, which is disappointing.

Only one number from each contact showing

I just bought s9+ and this my first ever Samsung phone. been using stock android ever since. in stock phone asked which number i want to dial. google account setup and synced. no sync errors.
I have several contacts with 2 or 3 numbers saved under one name. problem is contact list one shows one number only. is there a way to get the rest? I'm stuck without a way to contact people because some people use their personal number after working hours etc...
Please help me. thank you
What version of the phone do you have, and where are you seeing only one number? My Sprint 9+ shows all numbers I have for a contact when I view it in the Contacts app.

Default Dialler/Incoming Call - Worst Phone Ever?!

Honestly after about 5 minutes I hated this phone and now 3 months later i'm considering giving up completely as I find it horrendous to use.
I have changed my default Dialler as the standard is horrid yet every incoming call still doesn't use the app I have chosen.
My issue is, if I have a contact saved as ABC LTD, then multiple custom numbers under the contact as Bob Mobile, Matt Mobile, Service etc.. when incoming calls come in it just shows ABC LTD then 'United Kingdom'... I don't care that its United Kingdom I want to know if its Bob Mobile, Matt Mobile etc! I have to take a guess at remembering the last three digits of the mobile or landline number to try and ID who it is.
Do find this such a simple feature yet so annoying it doesn't appear.
If i was to then go into the app I have downloaded for Dialling, then it can show me it was Bob etc... but NEVER on incoming.
If I remember well, my ex Samsung S8+ did the same when multiple numbers are stored into the same contact, only the phone number was displayed, no accessory information or notes about the calling number.
But in my case I'm using the internal phone contact list, not Google's.
I think what you are describing is stock Android behavior and not something specific to Huawei--if you have multiple numbers saved under a single contact the dialer will only display the contact name.
What phone did you previously use that showed the specific caller ID rather than the saved contact? Or were you relying on a third party dialer to perform that function for you?
And if it's so vital that the identity of each number shows up separately why do you have them all saved as a single contact in the first place?

Desperate help needed to reactivate my WhatsApp account!

Hi everyone!!
I am after some DESPERATE help if possible as I am locked out of my WhatsApp account and WhatsApp's customer support isn't providing the help I need in order to sort my issue out.
So basically I setup a WhatsApp account many years ago using a virtual number. At the time of registration I could receive calls to the number from WhatsApp to obtain the verification but upon updating my phone recently I cannot receive calls to the virtual number and is NOW classed as invalid by WhatsApp.
I should have been notified by WhatsApp to inform me that this number will no longer be supported and to tell me to change the number to one that has a supporting physical SIM card.
My various emails to WhatsApp support has expressed my desperation to get the account back up and running even if that means that I am given a code just to reactivate the account and change the number to a compatible number / physical SIM card mobile number then I am happy to do that.
Failing that, I also said that I am to obtain a new number with a physical sim, but I would need it linked to the virtual number account so that I can retain my chat history etc.
Finally, the handset I want to use the WhatsApp account is now rooted if that helps and I have the full backup of the account locally and on Google drive..
If anyone has a solution for this, I WOULD BE MOST GRATEFUL!!
I await your reply and thanks in advance..
Thread closed at Op's request.

