Data partition size? Best setting? HDX7 [noob] - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Dear community,
I have the new Kindle Fire HDX7 (32GB). I have rooted it and installed Safetrap 3.75. My ultimate goal is to install the Nexus-Rom. Therefore I have already backed up the Stock-Rom with Safetrap. I think the next step is to create Rom-Slot-1. I'm stuck here as I have no idea which values to choose. I dont need the Stock-Rom (FireOS). I'd like to have my Nexus Rom as the only Rom I want to work with. I have read that it would be better to keep the Stock-Rom on the device nonetheless in case of an emergency. Though I have saved the backup on my PC as well I would leave it on the device too.
When using my kindle with the Nexus-Rom I'd like to use apps, games (especially Point-and-Click Adventure such as Brokens Sword (700MB), Broken Age, Monkey Island etc.) and surf the internet. I'd store some music as well if possible.
I have read that most people say: choose the values to your liking/depends on what you want to do. I tried to explain what I would like to do but I really don't know what values would fit my purpose best. I'd assume that I take the highest values as I want the Rom-Slot to be my only working-station? I've read so many threads now but I still haven't been able to figure that out.
My options are:
System partition size: 1248 MB (value cant be changed)
Data partition size: I can chooose a value between 1.000 MB and 16.000 MB
Cache partition size: I can choose a value between 300 MB und 1.000 MB
Selected Space: varies depending on the
Free Space: 23366 MB (value cant be changed)
System partition size: 1230 MB (193 MB Free)
Data partition size: 26901 MB (23367 MB Free)
Cache partition size: 1009 MB (990 MB Free)
I'm really lost here. Any kind of advice is really welcome. Thank you.


Linux-Swap without App2SD???

Hi everyone,
A relatively noob question here.
I am running the Official ROM 2.76.405.5 on an unbranded Hero, and want to give Linux-Swap a try. But I don't want Apps2SD; I might move certain apps cache to the SD after rooting, but like the Apps themselve on the internal memory though. How can I go about it? What do I need to do?
1) Can I format my SD card so that it has a fat32 and a linux-swap partition but NO "ext" partition?
2) If I do make an EXT partition, what patch/fix should I do to make only swapping work, without Apps2SD? Modaco's Hero patch as well as his custom ROMs come with Apps2SD. Is there a way to get rid of it?
3) Will I need "busybox" to make swapping work? Or is "Swapper" alone going to be enough?
4) If I make my custom file from Modaco's Hero, from which I delete A2SD, and then falsh that via the recovery mode, will it work?
5) And what swap size do you recommend? Some people use as large as 256MB... while the default in most cases is 32MB. Is the larger the better?
Please help a non-developer here. Many thanks in advance!
OK, I have done it and it seems right. I made all three partitions (fat32, ext3, and linux-swap) and then pushed busybox by Modaco's method via "adb shell". That means I have the ext3 partition but no Apps2SD, so my apps would stay on the internal memory. Am I right?
Now I have also installed Swapper and so far it has not given me any error. Via Advanced settings, I have told it to use Swap "partition" instead on swap file. My swap partition is 256MB
My questions now are:
1) If I kill swapper by taskkiller, will swapping end?
2) How much swappiness should I choose?
3) How do I know that it is working and what improvements should I expect to see? How can I test that my phone is functioning faster??
Please reply
Would anyone like to share their comments on this, please?!?
One more thing, Hero comes with a 288MB RAM, but the total available system memory (RAM) shown by Swapper app is 197MB. Why such discrepancy??
Your views will be much appreciated!
Very well asked questions. Some masters respond to them please so we don't disturb you about these questions within every thread of yours
to format your sdcard (i'm assuming you know how to use parted and have only 1 partition) resize your fat32 partition, for example, with my 7948 MB sdcard:
(parted) resize 1 0 7850 (where 7850 is the maximum size of your sd-card minus the amount you wish to allocate for swap, in this case, 98 MB)
wait for it to finish re-sizing, doing it this way prevents data loss, after it's done;
(parted) mkpartfs primary linux-swap 7850 7900
(parted) mkpartfs primary linux-swap 7900 7948
(parted) rm 2
(parted) resize 3 7850 7948
(parted) quit
you basically create two linux-swap partitions (the second partition can be anything, but I use linux-swap because it can be any size in MB) so that the third one gets asigned a p# of 3, then remove the second one, and then resize the third one to take up the whole space left after your fat 32 partition, that way you don't waste any space. You can always
(parted) print
to make sure your fat 32 partition has a p# of 1 and your linux-swap has a p# of 3
About why there's only 197MB left on your device? Radio and GPU take the other 96 MB and the system has no access to that memory. Don't worry, it's still enough for you to run hero, pity us dream users with only 96 MB working RAM.
===edit====(answer more questions)
If by "official rom 2.73.405.5" you mean the one you can download from MoDaCo, then I don't even think it has root. There are four 2.73.405.5 roms there, the RUU, which you should avoid like the plague, the Official one which is only the RUU but packaged in OTA format, the Official one with Radio update, and the Official rooted one. You wan't to use the rooted one. Also, you do need busybox (you're already done it). I think that in the official rooted there are no scripts running at boot, so you won't get A2SD forced upon you (always a good thing, soon as I buy my Hero I'm using that build too as a base for my build), no compcache, no swap-file usage, nothing, just a stock rom with root. Anyway, you already have busybox, and that's all swapper requires, so you're good. For extra credit, you could learn how to unpack boot.img and edit the init.rc to call on your own script from bin and have it do swap automagically instead of using swapper (plus you can do nifty things like using mmcblk0p2 instead of p3, among other things).
I don't know how swapper works exactly, but I think all it does is echo settings to the VM to set up swap, so killing the app should do nothing (it's just a front-end to what other roms do automatically) and swap should stay working after you kill it. You can try, just kill the app and then open up the terminal and type
# busybox free
that will tell you how much memory you have and how much swap you have, you should still have swap even after killing swapper.
About swap size?... depends who you ask. If you ask me, you have a hero with 198 MB working ram and you shouldn't even have to bother with swap at all. If you still want to, maybe try to set up a 32 MB compcache setup (you have enough ram where compcache makes sense) with a swappiness of 0 (this keeps the memory pages for Rosie in swap and even after heavy usage, you can always go back to rosie w/o reloads).
Having a swap-file on your sdcard makes no sense if you don't have a class 6 sdcard as it will hurt performance, so, if you do, anywhere between 64 MB and 198 MB (to match the whole working memory space of the device) with a swappiness of 60 should suffice.
I wish I had a hero...
Thanks jubeh, thanks soo much. It was really helpful After reading your answer, I completely understand how to make only fat32 and linux-swap partitions and save space by not having an ext3.
I am afraid I don't quite understand the compcache thing; I think I have to do more reading/homework on this before I ask further questions
I did install the Official ROM which I downloaded from HTC website as an RUU >> flashed Amon_RA's recovery image via flashrec >> rooted by pushing "su" and "Superuser.apk" via ADB shell, and then also pushed Busybox (from Modaco's 2.2 ROM, I think it is version 1.5.1).
I am using a Sandisk 8GB class 6 card... it is fine so far (except the photo thumbnails not being generated in the ".thumbnails" forlder, but that's a different story). I have noticed that after the ROM upgrade, a folder called "rosie_scroll" get automatically created on the SD card... may be it's a kind of built-in swap?!?! Am not too sure.
Moreover, at the moment, I have set swappiness to 60. When most of the apps are open, the hero functions quite well but I see that about 190-194MB of the internal memeory is being uesd at times and heavy use and the area of occupied swap partition gradually increases. I think it is because only thise apps will swap which are kind of sleeping or dozing in the background. Am I right?
Just another question, if you unzup MCR 2.2, you see in the xbin folder, a file called "dexopt-wrapper", an addition to busybox. What does it do? Its function?
Will having lots off apps open in the background and swapping them continuosly have a deleterious effect on the battery life??
Thanks again
Best regards.
having many apps open means using ram a lot. if you add swapping, it means not only ram sucking battery, but also reading/wirtting sd, which is pretty much battery sucker itself.
so yes, if you want to lengthen your battery life, keep your apps loaded atst to a minimum.
if what you want is a comparison for battery life between swapping and not swapping.. you should check if you have your phone always on or off and some other factors (keeping ram alive in hibernation mode wastes more battery than static sd memory, ie).
Thanks sik_gerar I understand where you are coming from.

[Q] Freeing up memory

I'm new to the forums and I'm trying to figure something out about freeing up memory for my low memory smartphone .
Things I'm familiar with are:
app 2 SD, using titanium backup to move apps to sd, using root explorer to delete stock apps, clear dalvik cache. I also noticed that each time u place an app to the SD, there is still a part that is placed on the internal memory.
I like having lots of apps so I'm looking for all possible ways to free up memory. Right now I have about 24MB free space. At 18-19MB it starts giving the low memory warning.
Since the custom rom I'm using, uses quite some space and because I ran out of options to get more space I tried something new:
removing files from the system folder
I used root explorer to delete:
ringtones I'm not using, startup & shutdown sound, T9 languages I'm never gonna use, log files (crash dump)
Root explorer shows I got 41 MB free memory (so I deleted about 17 MB of system files I'm not using anyway)
But when I looked at how much free internal space inside the settings menu, I noticed the value didn't change (24MB)! .
So if I install about 5 MB of apps it's gonna give me the low memory warning again.
I tried rebooting: doesnt change a thing.
I tried clearing dalvik cache: it seemed to work for a moment. The menu showed I have 36 MB of free space. But then as soon as I changed a file it popped back to 24MB
It's like the phone doesnt know there is free space he can use
Does anyone got a solution for this weird problem?
ps: my specs
GT-i5800 (Samsung galaxy 3 / apollo)
using Kyrillos' rom v7.0 overclocked
Hardedge said:
I'm new to the forums and I'm trying to figure something out about freeing up memory for my low memory smartphone .
Things I'm familiar with are:
app 2 SD, using titanium backup to move apps to sd, using root explorer to delete stock apps, clear dalvik cache. I also noticed that each time u place an app to the SD, there is still a part that is placed on the internal memory.
I like having lots of apps so I'm looking for all possible ways to free up memory. Right now I have about 24MB free space. At 18-19MB it starts giving the low memory warning.
Since the custom rom I'm using, uses quite some space and because I ran out of options to get more space I tried something new:
removing files from the system folder
I used root explorer to delete:
ringtones I'm not using, startup & shutdown sound, T9 languages I'm never gonna use, log files (crash dump)
Root explorer shows I got 41 MB free memory (so I deleted about 17 MB of system files I'm not using anyway)
But when I looked at how much free internal space inside the settings menu, I noticed the value didn't change (24MB)! .
So if I install about 5 MB of apps it's gonna give me the low memory warning again.
I tried rebooting: doesnt change a thing.
I tried clearing dalvik cache: it seemed to work for a moment. The menu showed I have 36 MB of free space. But then as soon as I changed a file it popped back to 24MB
It's like the phone doesnt know there is free space he can use
Does anyone got a solution for this weird problem?
ps: my specs
GT-i5800 (Samsung galaxy 3 / apollo)
using Kyrillos' rom v7.0 overclocked
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Check where most of the space is used at, try clearing cache+dalvik in recovery and see if it improves. What is your phone's max Storage amount[avail for apps]
Ace42 said:
Check where most of the space is used at, try clearing cache+dalvik in recovery and see if it improves. What is your phone's max Storage amount[avail for apps]
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Click to collapse
I got DiskUsage and it pretty much tells me the same as root explorer.
When I go into /system it shows I got 41,6 MB free space (& 10,6 MB System data),
but strangely enough when I go into /data it shows I got 23,9 MB free space & (38,7 MB system data).
I wrote down what Diskusage shows with the most important subfolders:
App storage (3 dirs):
Data (192,4MiB)
> 43.1 MiB Applications
> 125.5 MiB System Data
> 23.9 MiB Free space
[Root required] > /Data (24 dirs)
/data (192,4MiB) :
> 83.9 MiB dalvik cache
> 26.0 MiB data
> 16.0 MiB app
> log
> ...
> 38,7 MiB System data
> 23.9 Mib
[Root required] > /System (22 dirs)
/system (209 Mib)
> 59.7 MiB app
> 53.0 MiB lib
> 14.3 MiB framework
> ...
> 10.6 Mib System data
> 41.6 Mib Free Space
I'll try clearing dalvick once more but this time I'll clear cache too to see if that works, as you said.
by the way, Ace42 , thanks for the quick reply.
But I tried what you said and it didn't change much. I'm thinking there's a cap/maximum for the amount of storage that can be used for apps.
Or maybe there is a mimimum amount of space that is reserved for system files or system resources.
I don't know..
Hardedge said:
by the way, Ace42 , thanks for the quick reply.
But I tried what you said and it didn't change much. I'm thinking there's a cap/maximum for the amount of storage that can be used for apps.
Or maybe there is a mimimum amount of space that is reserved for system files or system resources.
I don't know..
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Most of the phone's ROM space is for /system , from what I see the /data partition is pretty much 200MB. Dalvik/cache gets recreated, and there's a folder for all installed apps[sytem/user] in the dalvik folder[data/dalvik-cache] . You have to lower the amount of apps you use, delete system apps that aren't needed and remove their folder from /data/data & data/dalvik-cache. Or use a ROM that's much smaller, and you'll see more space. The installed apps are using a minor amount of space, so that's not an issue really.
oh forgot to mention that
/system dir = 209 Mib.
I edited it in the post.
How come it's larger than /data or app storage (192,4MiB) :s ?
Can I move the free space to the other folder (or is the correct term partition here)?
How come it's larger than /data or app storage (192,4MiB) :s ?
Can I move the free space to the other folder (or is the correct term partition here)?
Hardedge said:
How come it's larger than /data or app storage (192,4MiB) :s ?
Can I move the free space to the other folder (or is the correct term partition here)?
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Because it contains important system files, and they require a lot of space.
It needs to have the most space compared to anything, and /cache is is normally big too since it also can be used to hold OTA's, when given out.
Ace42 said:
Because it contains important system files, and they require a lot of space.
It needs to have the most space compared to anything, and /cache is is normally big too since it also can be used to hold OTA's, when given out.
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Click to collapse
So is there no way to release the +15MiB I deleted from the system directory? And give it to /data?
Thanks for the info by the way

Low on OS space what can I delete?

I got a message saying I was getting low on space. I bought a program call SD Maid which tells me I've used 1.4 GB out of 1.97 GB. It has an option called "CORPSE FINDER" which comes up with some files like:
these files are located in /data/data/
and /data/data/.com.mot.readout/lib
and /data/data/com.motorola.dock.DesktopDock/shared_prefs/com.motorola.dock
Is is OK to delete these files?
Are there other obvious files I can delete off the phone?
Another app called FREE SPACE tells me I have used 93% of system space or 298MB out of 319MB available. Is there a way to increase the available space?
Thanks for any suggestions
What? Move apps to internal memory if you need space.
How can you fill up 10GB?
Agreed, move apps to internal storage. And you can use DiskUsage to see exactly what is taking up how much space and delete it.
no effect
Moving apps to external SD or uninstalling apps has NO EFFECT on the SYSTEM space, according to FreeSpace (ROOT). After uninstalling apps the space used by the SYSTEM remains unchanged at 93%:
size: 319.5 MB
used: 298.5 MB
free: 20.9 MB
Uninstalling apps or widgets decreases the space used by DATA which currently is:
size: 2015.8 MB
used: 1371.8 MB
free: 643.9 MB
So the issue is how to decrease space used by the (android) SYSTEM.
nothing user created is being stored on the /system partition. that partition is only for the ROM itself, all your customizations go to /data partition (except if you modify your /system partition with root access and adb/terminal/root explorer) you shouldnt be bothered about the free space in the /system partition. the /system partition is supposed to stay as it is throughout your usage - except if you flash another rom or mod this one. thats it
free space
Thanks for your info. I am rooted, and installed root explorer, but thats it. I have recently gotten the laptop dock. The only reason this came up was because of a message about low space in my drop down menu. I have a lot of apps installed but have ample space in all partitions except the system partition. I didn't write the message down, but if it comes up again I will in order to get an idea of where its coming from.
WAIT. THAT's IT.....the laptop dock. That message must have come from using the dock !!
I will confirm next time it happens......
thanks guys.
The message is about the Ram consumption, which the webdock consumes rather fast with several programs open (firefox with many tabs, open office and so on)

storage space running out, by itself! chinese tablet CHUWI VI7

Hi guys,
I bought a new tablet CHUWI VI7, with android 5.1.1
and i have a weird problem, the storage space is running out, now i have 156MB available.
but the funny part is this:
MISC: 23.42MB
every sec, 1 mb is gone...
i try clean cached via recovery, didn't help../
i do a full format from recovery and after one day this happens again.
i try delete every app i can and this is not helping .. i just download waze,google photos,google play services,youtube,rocket player and some small apps from play store.
i think is a virus that is build-in the tablet, but i can't do a root (what is published here didn't works for me..)
and i try to download a antivirus and it not find anything...
what should i do? please help me... this is nice tablet and it works good..
Same here!
At some point I only had Waze, Here Maps (with downloaded maps on External SD) and ES File Explorer, and I couldn't update any of the apps because of lack of space (less than 100Mb free).
I simply cannot understand why...
Sent from my X8 using Tapatalk
Yes, there is a bug in this tablet.
I have to root the device, flash it, and then all bugs are gone.
you can follow this tutorial on
I have the same problem on my Chuwi vi7 - I can't install apps because there is no space left.
I freed up a fair bit of space on Data by clearing the data used by various apps in Settings, but be careful which apps who's data you clear, or you might lose useful data. Apps that sync with your Google account can soon be restored by syncing again.
I installed Diskinfo from App Store (free). It makes it easy to understand why there is a shortage of space. You'll be able to see that Chuwi created a Cache partition which is 1.1 Gbytes and a Data partition (where the apps are installed) which is 3.7 Gbyte. Unfortunately my Data partition only has 9% space remaining, whereas the cache partition has 95% free!
A more ideal solution would be to either :-
1. Resize the Cache partition to give Data more space. That would require a rooted phone, a repartitioning app, and you'd be wise to backup the partitions before resizing them. I'm sure 500 Mbytes would be ample for Cache. Cache can be cleaned easily enough anyway.
2. Start moving Apps to an external SD card. There are several apps and tools around that will handle that for you. That will free up space on the Data partition.
Hope that helps a little. Colin

CM12 to CM14: 3 GB ext3 partition still free but no more app can be installed

I guess the following is an almost general CM problem at low ROM space. That's why I post it here...
Is there any reason why I cannot install as many apps as the internal memory allows me with enough space?
It is about Xperia 2011 (still 512 MB ROM internal memory):
CM12: Regular 512MB ROM is 'expanded' by a separate ext3 or ext 4 partition on SD card.
CM13..14: No extra partition is necessary.
The following experience I made with any of the versions CM12 to CM14 (e.g. on Sony Xperia Ray or Neo):
The more apps I installed the longer I had to wait for the completion. The same with deinstallations!
Even after the complete and successful download in GooglePlay it then needs several minutes until the progress bar changes to "app is been installed", independent from the installed app. What can be the reason for that phenomena?
This experience may have made everybody having this constellation cause it appeared here very reliable at any CM version!
However, I thought I could live with that. But after I installed about 15 own apps the launcher (here: Trebouchet) crashed directly after I installed the 16th app. When I uninstalled it the system runs stable again.
I attached to this messages the related CM12 bug report. Can this help you?
Also strange: The Android storage management says the following about the internal memory:
* Complete space: 6,63 GB
* Available: 3,70 GB
* Apps: 1,66 GB
* Cache data: 174 MB
Where is the remaining space of 1,1 GB then?...
So who could give an explanation...
1) why the installation/deinstallation time systematically increases (up to 10 minutes and more) with the increasing number of installed apps?
2) why there is a limited number of apps I am allowed to install? (there is still enough space on my 6 GB ext3 F2FS partition left!)
3) how I can solve both problems but especially avoid the launcher crash?
Thank you so much for your help!
Hello to all of you,
I would be happy already if someone of you would report about his/her experiences (with comparable conditions) and inform me if my problem is usual/known or an exception!
MANY thanks for that!

