[Q] Replace google voice search for bluetooth? - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

It frustrates me quite a great deal that my android is such a great phone (M8), but it turns so dumb when it comes to BT connectivity. The way I have it now, hands free is all but pointless. I like to use it for my phone so I can actually be safe and hands-free, without neglecting my calls and texts during my commute. As it is, when I hit my phone button on my car, I'm presented with 'Say call, followed by a name or a number' and then, 'Would you like to call XX, say okay, or cancel'. It is the most annoying and drawn out method of calling someone in history. Not to mention, if it doesn't hear you right away, it says 'Sorry, didn't catch that', and then just closes down. I cringe every time I have to voice dial. To top it off, there's nothing I can do with texting. How much smarter would it be to have a 'Read unread messages' prompt? Or a prompt to send a text?
So my question is, is there a way to replace this 1990's error voice control app with something actually usable, or am I stuck with this?


Problems receiveing calls

Several times when I have received a phone call, I try to answer it, and the ringing stops, and the caller is sent to voicemail.
I don't think I'm doing it wrong, slide down bar to answer call etc. A friend said it was ringing at his end for about 40 seconds, but i only heard it for about 5?! There have been times where I see my phone light up as a call is coming in, but it doesn't ring, and I can't answer the call. I'm expecting some important calls, and don't want to not answer them.
Could it be that the processor is being overwhelmed, and not allowing me to answer/phone not ring. Or is it a fault with the phone, or me?!
1) I have had similar problems.
2) If you do hear or see it ringing, swiping down on the lower 1/4 of the screen seems to work for me. That is, if I swipe down like I normally do to unlock the screen, it won't answer the call. If I swipe down only on the bottom portion of the screen it works ok.
similar problem here. I wonder if you swipe too big, does it pull the lock screen down, and bump the ignore/send to vmail button somehow. not sure why, but its happening to me and it sucks! missed the last 3 calls today bc of it. makes it hard to run a business thats for sure!
I use a phone service that diverts calls simultaneously to my landline and mobile and my landline often gets 2 or 3 rings in before the Hero's trackball starts to flash (although once yesterday they did both manage to ring at nearly the same time). Some of the delay is the mobile network finding the phone, but the phone does seem to take a long time to respond to the incoming call.
One option is to extend the length of time before calls are diverted to voicemail. At http://www.cellular.co.za/gsm_hash_code.htm is a list of GSM Network Codes, which includes, towards the bottom, one for extending the period before calls go to voicemail. It looks like the maximum is 30 seconds. I don't know if there is an equivalent for non-GSM networks.

BT Dialing Problem

Greetings all!
I have an HTC Touchpro (Raph800) from Alltel. Yes Vzw is my current provider due to the buyout, but i still use my alltel phone. I recently upgraded it to wm6.5 using the mighty rom. Awesome rom btw! So far everything is working great, save for the bluetooth dialer in my car. it worked great under wm6.1.
I'll give you an example:
I press the button on the steering wheel to make a call.
I hear, "Make a call. Say by Name, By Number"
I say, "Name"
I hear, "Say the name of the person you wish to call."
I Say , <Insert Name Here>
I hear, "Call", <name from above> , "on which number. At Home. On Mobile"
I say "On Mobile"
I hear "Say yes to dial. Or, say back or cancel."
I say, "yes"
I hear "Dialing", <name from above> , "on mobile." Then a bunch of DTMF tones probably to simulate dialing because they always sounf the same for any nimber in my address book.
What is suppose to happen next: (What happend on wm6.1)
My dialer shows up on my screen and it dials the number in my address book and makes the call.
What is happening:
Nothing. Nothing on my phone changes and after 30 seconds of waiting the system times out and goes back to playing music through the speakers.
The only I can get this to work now is if i already have the dialer app open, wich makes the whole process pointless because my contacts are just one more tap away. If I dial from the phone the car system works has a hands free device. I can also answer calls from the steering wheel controls. When the phone is ringing the dialer app is running so I think this is why. I just cant dial from a cold start like I used to under wm 6.1.
Any ideas? Complaints? Gripes?
btw, the car is a 2011 Kia Sorento.
Thanks in advance for any information.
Now for whatever reason, the bluetooth dialing is completly not working. Is there another dialer that would work? Or am I screwed?

[Q] Any way to improve voice dialing?

I can't seem to be able to get voice dialing to work with any consistency. Is this a known issue? And it's not because of an accent, either..
I'd like to be able to place calls through my Bluetooth speakerphone, but 9 out of 10 times, it calls the wrong number, and I have to scramble to hang up. I've pretty much given up on it, but wanted to check to see if I've missed something.
sentinel230 said:
I can't seem to be able to get voice dialing to work with any consistency. Is this a known issue? And it's not because of an accent, either..
I'd like to be able to place calls through my Bluetooth speakerphone, but 9 out of 10 times, it calls the wrong number, and I have to scramble to hang up. I've pretty much given up on it, but wanted to check to see if I've missed something.
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I use Vlingo
It's incredibly accurate and great for "In the car" tasks. Make sure to select car mode in the app and you can call/text/music/nav hands free.
I don't have enough posts to list the market link, so just search it.
Thanks very much for the suggestion. I've installed it and will test out today.

[Q] Voicemail notification will not go away.

OK guys, I have a dilemma.
I've searched through the forums and turned up nothing, so I did make an honest attempt to solve this on my own.
Now, down to business.
For the past few months now, my new voicemail notification will just not go away.
The phone will not let me simply dismiss it, either. Even if I wipe, and switch ROMs.
I can't just call voicemail, as well, to clear. I get a the female Google Voice, voice saying " A problem has occurred. Please try again." As such, I believe the problem first occurred when I first subscribed to Google voice. (I received a GV# as well.) Of course, first thing, I switched my voicemail provider to GV on my phone. From here, I noticed the notification, (presumedly from AT&T voicemail) was still there. "Simple enough", I thought. Just switch my VM provider on my phone back to AT&T.
I still get the GV voice not letting me call.
I'm at my wit's end over this issue.
Thank you all in advance and for your your continued help toward the i-777 community overall.
Sent From my SGH-i777 using xda premium.
This is just a wild guess... I have had the ATT vmail icon stick (stay on) from time to time. The way I have found to clear it is call from another phone and leave myself a message. Wait for the notification, and then check vmail and delete the message. (take your time with this) Sounds crazy, but it clears it for me. I think if you get a vmail and you speed through the process and delete and hang up right away the notification sticks every once in a blue moon.
If you cant access your ATT vmail, you need to disable all of your GVoice options till you clear matters up with you ATT Vmail account.
Dial ##004# then press send to stop forwarding of GVoice.
Philux-X said:
This is just a wild guess... I have had the ATT vmail icon stick (stay on) from time to time. The way I have found to clear it is call from another phone and leave myself a message. Wait for the notification, and then check vmail and delete the message. (take your time with this) Sounds crazy, but it clears it for me. I think if you get a vmail and you speed through the process and delete and hang up right away the notification sticks every once in a blue moon.
If you cant access your ATT vmail, you need to disable all of your GVoice options till you clear matters up with you ATT Vmail account.
Dial ##004# then press send to stop forwarding of GVoice.
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Thank you. I appreciate the quick response.
I tried what you suggested, and when when I call voicemail, I still get the GV "We could not complete your call. Please try again.", message.
I'll probably just end yp calling ATT and asking that they wipe my voicemail-box for me. (If they can.)
Issue Resolved
I called AT&T. The lady on the other line was very cheerful, helpful, and attentive. She un-setup my entire carrier voicemail for me, which as a result, finally removed my new voicemail notification!
While I'm still not able too access my carrier voicemail system, this isn't a problem to me as I can use Google Voice instead.

[Q] Car Bluetooth voice commands & Google Hangouts & Mate 2 on data only

OK, I received the Mate 2 yesterday and am trying a data plan and Google Hangouts w/ dialer. Works well. I paired bluetooth to my car. Now here is the question: Is there any way to get the bluetooth commands to go to Hangouts dialer versus the phone dialer? I was able to speak fine but have to manually dial and hang up. Probably not, but I would like to be pleasantly surprised.
lightfire said:
OK, I received the Mate 2 yesterday and am trying a data plan and Google Hangouts w/ dialer. Works well. I paired bluetooth to my car. Now here is the question: Is there any way to get the bluetooth commands to go to Hangouts dialer versus the phone dialer? I was able to speak fine but have to manually dial and hang up. Probably not, but I would like to be pleasantly surprised.
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I see the question now. No I don't think you can initiate a call via Bluetooth in hangouts but on mine I can end a call and answer via a button on my steering wheel or also on my plantronics bluetooth headset.
Sent from my MT2L03
Coffee Freak said:
I see the question now. No I don't think you can initiate a call via Bluetooth in hangouts but on mine I can end a call and answer via a button on my steering wheel or also on my plantronics bluetooth headset.
Sent from my MT2L03
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My car bluetooth will not answer or end a call but I can talk. I just ran up several minutes cause I thought it ended the connection - whoops.
lightfire said:
My car bluetooth will not answer or end a call but I can talk. I just ran up several minutes cause I thought it ended the connection - whoops.
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Hangouts doesn't use minutes, it uses data, so you ran up some data. ?
Sent from my MT2L03
Coffee Freak said:
Hangouts doesn't use minutes, it uses data, so you ran up some data. ?
Sent from my MT2L03
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time is money is data. Do you honestly think you had to point that out and that I didn't know the difference?
What I am wondering is why the bluetooth will interface with the regular dialer and not the hangups dialer and if there is a way to point it to the hangups dialer.
lightfire said:
time is money is data. Do you honestly think you had to point that out and that I didn't know the difference?
What I am wondering is why the bluetooth will interface with the regular dialer and not the hangups dialer and if there is a way to point it to the hangups dialer.
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I've tried a few things that don't work. Another thing I found out that doesn't work is sending a text from my gwatch. I can respond to texts and hangouts messages from my watch, hangouts is my default texting app, but if I try to send a text, it says it sends but doesn't. Nor does using Google now to send a message. It says no texting app installed. Very confused. Not sure if it's a problem with the phone, the watch, hangouts, Google now. I'll play with it more when I find the time.
Sent from my MT2L03
If the person on the other end of the call hung up, the call would end.
I've noticed that the proximity sensor doesn't respond in the hangouts dialer like it does in the stock dialer (ie making a call with the phone, finish call, take phone away from ear, screen automatically turns on and shows current call). Hangouts dialer is still pretty new, many minor things can be improved.
Also, the "voice dialer" app that comes stock on the Huawei Ascend Mate2 is only going to work with the stock dialer. I don't know if that is what you are trying to get to work with the hangouts dialer. If you are, it won't work.
isarebe said:
If the person on the other end of the call hung up, the call would end.
I've noticed that the proximity sensor doesn't respond in the hangouts dialer like it does in the stock dialer (ie making a call with the phone, finish call, take phone away from ear, screen automatically turns on and shows current call). Hangouts dialer is still pretty new, many minor things can be improved.
Also, the "voice dialer" app that comes stock on the Huawei Ascend Mate2 is only going to work with the stock dialer. I don't know if that is what you are trying to get to work with the hangouts dialer. If you are, it won't work.
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The call I made where it didn't hand up was directed to voice mail on their end. Bluetooth "end call" didn't break the connection and it never hung up - It was several minutes later that I noticed it and it showed a connection still.
Yes, I agree that there probably will be improvements made to the hangouts dialer as time goes on. Maybe Googe will do a voice dialer add on. Or maybe a 3rd party voice dialer for hangups will appear.
I also have noticed odd behavior in the hangups app. Sometimes when I dial the person answers and yet it keeps on ringing on my end (called my wife while she was standing next to me).

