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"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
About Us:
Dirty Unicorns is a project that started out with no name. It was a project that was first created based off AOKP back in the early days of Jelly Bean because of curiosity. In the early days it was just a one man show on one device (EVO 3D). Since then many others have joined the project and it has grown a whole lot. We have seen a lot of talent contribute to this project of ours and many of our contributors have gone to help other projects and that is ultimately why we do what we do.
Once Jelly Bean was over, we decided in Kitkat to move to a new base which was OmniROM. While AOKP was fun, OmniROM proved to be even more exciting because it challenged us to see what we could with something different.
With Lollipop, we have moved to an AOSP base with a lot of patches from CAF to make our older devices function as they should. That said it has been an awesome learning experience and is still not over! We are still learning every day and continue to move forward.
Few more things we will say is that we don't accept nor ask for donations. We don't believe in that. Everything that is necessary to keep this project going is out of our own pocket. Gerrit, Jenkins, Websites, Devices, etc.....
We will never ask for a dime. All we do ask is that you search, read and try to enjoy the process with us!!
Kernel Source:
Flashing Instructions:
- Verify that you're using Captain Throwback's version of TWRP
- Perform a FULL WIPE as described below if coming from another ROM
(A full wipe is when you wipe system/data/cache/internal and/or sdcard)
- Flash the latest version of this ROM
- Flash recommended GAPPS linked below
- Reboot and ENJOY!!
**If you fail to follow these instructions, don't bother reporting any bugs**
**If coming from a previous lollipop version, wipe system and cache**
Change Log:
[B]Version 9.0 [/B]
- Initial Release of Lollipop
[B]Version 9.1 [/B]
- NavigationBar Customization
- Add navigation bar arrow keys toggle
- Add left and right virtual buttons while typing
- Create expandable volume panel
- Battery and Notification Lights
- Add Sync tile
- Screenshot Tile
- Update default app icon to a more material like icon
- Material Design makeover
- Proximity speaker: add time delay preference
- Headsup Options
- Mms improvements
- Lockscreen Tile
- Lockscreen shortcut customization
- Themed DU kb hints/spacebar
- Add About DU to settings/about phone
- Add our changelog back
- Allow disabling of FC dialogs
- Update SuperSU v2.45
- Materialize volume panel in/out animation
- Powermenu screenshot delay
- Theme Engine
[B]Version 9.2 [/B]
- Added DU-Updater
- Make Navring available to devices with no navbar
- Add user configurable shortcuts
- Implement ambient display as Active Display
- Change location sensors mode in quick settings
- Show carrier label / custom and change color
- Add Left clock
- Volume rocker music controls
- Double tap to sleep on navigation bar
- Navbar ring targets
- Option to show four tiles per row
- Lots of tiles added
- Theme Chooser updates
[B]Version 9.3[/B]
- Update to Android 5.1.1
- Materialize DSPManager
- Fix SysUI FC for Themes with QS mods
- Change checkboxes to switches
- Remove Voice Dialer
- Fix for Play Services deep sleeping
- Fix various Theme Engine issues
- Add back notification LED settings backend
- Fix NavRing FC
- Expose values for our applications to be themed
- Hide lights settings if device doesn't support them
- Don't set preferred APN's automatically
- Fix battery and notification lights
- Various translations
- Merged upstream linux commits (3.4.107) and CAF (LA.AF.1.1_rb1.17)
- Removed Kernel related features in favor of stability
[B]Version 9.4[/B]
- Android 5.1.1_r4
- Add USB Tether tile
- Remove carrier settings
- Make DU Extra Info themeable
- Force Expanded Notifications
- Add Music tile
- Fix disabling volume adjust sound
- Various ThemeChooser fixes
- Add Volume Rocker Swap button function
- Add Wakelock Blocker
- Add AOKP System Animations and Listview Animations
- Eliminate more checkbox options (replaced by switches)
- Add Task Manager
- Add ability to disable Lockscreen Shortcuts
- Update various icons to Material Design
- Show 4G instead of LTE switch
- Make headset notification dismissable
- Allow all files over BT
- Dirty Unicorns is starting...
- Stop About-DU from launching at startup
- Increasing ring volume
- Unlink ringer and notification volume
- Add ADB over Network tile
- Add Compass tile
- Notification ticker
- Add NFC tile
- Privacy Guard (functions alongside App Ops)
- Implement PIN keypad shuffler
[B]Version 9.5[/B]
- Update to Android 5.1.1_r8
- Add Breathing Notifications (calls/sms/voicemail)
- Slim Recents
- Option to disable Torch on screen off
- Add Slim Navbar customizations
- Add SlimPIE
- Add SELinux Switch
- Add NavBar Tile
- Move button mods to Navigation menu
- Add Expanded Desktop
- Add Weather to Settings (cLock)
- Add back IME arrows
- Add DU Logo in status bar (plus color changing ability)
- Add ability to disable Lockscreen Shortcuts
- Update more icons to Material Design
- Fix 4G instead of LTE switch
- Add Live Volume Steps
- Add Config for WiFi Country Code
- Hotspot Idle Config
- Per App Controls for keyguard
- Simplify how Extra Info determines density
- Font change size for SMS/MMS composition or incoming
- Assorted bug fixes
- Various translations
- Merge upstream Linux kernel to 3.4.108
[B]Version 9.6[/B]
- Update to Android 5.1.1_r9
- Patched up stagefright vulnerability
- OmniSwitch updates
- Added ability to enable or disable scrolling cache
- Add 3-finger screenshot gesture
- Fix QS - Notification shade blank area bug
- Add DT2S for Lockscreen
- Add Lockscreen Wallpaper functionality
- Add new nav bar icons by Bryan Owens
- Add Enable-Disable notification color inversion
- Customize Battery Saver notification icons
- Add Dotted Battery icon style
- Add Longpress Settings actions to QS
- Add System App Remover
- Add back menu button for navbar
- Reorganize Dirty Tweaks
- Reorganize About Phone - About Tablet
- Update more icons
- Fix backup tool
- Added optimizations to various repos
- Spruced up DeskClock
- Various translations
- Added back Omni's customizable PhaseBeam wallpapers
- Materialized Launcher3
- Fix assorted bugs reported or discovered
[B]Version 9.7[/B]
- Update to Android 5.1.1_r18
- Add Hot Reboot to Power Menu
- Fix 3-finger Gesture
- Slimified Nav Ring targets
- Ability to ignore interruptions while active media playback
- Add OmniSwitch as Recents
- Add Gesture Lockscreen
- Ability to hide Power Menu on the Lockscreen
- Ability to have notification lights while screen is on
- Bring back the Battery Bar
- Allow lockscreen elements to be themeable via color changing
- Ability to disable Privacy Guard notifications
- Add Volume Panel QS tile
- Disable extended statusbar weather by default
- Add ability to rotate the lockscreen
- Haptic feedback for QS tiles
- Time Contextual Headers
- Fix NFC tile disappearing
- Volume panel timeout ability
- Long press lockscreen lock icon to activate Torch
- Add menu action to OmniSwitch
- Fix Ad Blocker
- Re-organize Dirty Tweaks to make things more streamlined
- Further optimizations and bug fixes
- CMTE fixes
- Updated translations
- Merge upstream Linux kernel to 3.4.109
For detailed change log, check [URL="http://gerrit.dirtyunicorns.com/#/q/status:merged,n,z"]http://gerrit.dirtyunicorns.com/#/q/status:merged,n,z[/URL]
Credit and Thanks:
We would like to give thanks to everyone that contributes to the Android community, small or big because every bit counts. Although we can't list each and every contributor within the Android community, we would like to highlight some of the teams and individuals that have made it possible NOT only with just this version of DU but throughout the years because we don't ever want to forget where we came from.
That said, on behalf of the DU team we say THANKS to....
JMZ Software
Baby Jesus
Code Aurora Forum
Omni ROM
Android Open Kang Project (AOKP)
Android Ice Cold Project (AICP)
Max Weninger
Team Black Out
*If we have left someone or some team out, please accept our apologies*
Download Links:
Version 9.6 - http://download.dirtyunicorns.com/files/jewel/Official/DU_jewel_5.1.1_20150925-1930.v9.7-OFFICIAL.zip
GAPPS - http://download.dirtyunicorns.com/files/gapps/
WEEKLIES - http://download.dirtyunicorns.com/files/
Other Links:
G+ community - https://plus.google.com/u/0/communities/109738128866939227235
ROM Source - https://github.com/DirtyUnicorns
Gerrit - http://gerrit.dirtyunicorns.com
Crowdin (translations) - https://crowdin.net/project/dirtyunicorns
Jira (Bug Report / Feature Request) - http://jira.dirtyunicorns.com/
Reserved just in case....
nice been waiting for this time for some fun
Hell of a ROM. Really ambitious to go AOSP base. Congrats on cracking that nut!
There are a lot of great features in DU's kernel too. Frustrating a bit, because I forked from CM and have been spending a ton of time building some of the same features into my own.
One issue I had with the ROM though, was that it seemed really laggy. Anyone else have the same experience with it?
fizbanrapper said:
Hell of a ROM. Really ambitious to go AOSP base. Congrats on cracking that nut!
There are a lot of great features in DU's kernel too. Frustrating a bit, because I forked from CM and have been spending a ton of time building some of the same features into my own.
One issue I had with the ROM though, was that it seemed really laggy. Anyone else have the same experience with it?
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Click to collapse
I thought it was laggy upon booting as well, so I tried flashing the kernel time kernel preview from your beanstalk build and everything worked flawlessly after that. Very stable.
No lag here after clean install. Phone dialer not working for me, constantly fc. Restored nandroid. HTC is got my m8, waiting on replacement, using my evo for now. Will try to flash again this eve.
goliath714 said:
I thought it was laggy upon booting as well, so I tried flashing the kernel time kernel preview from your beanstalk build and everything worked flawlessly after that. Very stable.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Wouldn't have guessed it would be kernel related. Good to know.
fizbanrapper said:
Hell of a ROM. Really ambitious to go AOSP base. Congrats on cracking that nut!
There are a lot of great features in DU's kernel too. Frustrating a bit, because I forked from CM and have been spending a ton of time building some of the same features into my own.
One issue I had with the ROM though, was that it seemed really laggy. Anyone else have the same experience with it?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I've been running this for the last week or so. Clean flashed, but also noticed the lag. Especially after a couple of days uptime. Just rebooted this morning and it was a bit better but still not as smooth as some of the ROMS I've run. However, much more stable, so probably something that I can deal with.
goliath714 said:
I thought it was laggy upon booting as well, so I tried flashing the kernel time kernel preview from your beanstalk build and everything worked flawlessly after that. Very stable.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thanks for that tip, I may have to look into that. One question (asked out of laziness because I'm on my phone now instead of the computer) but is that a flushable kernel, or do you have to pull it off the ROM to use it?
bpaulien said:
I've been running this for the last week or so. Clean flashed, but also noticed the lag. Especially after a couple of days uptime. Just rebooted this morning and it was a bit better but still not as smooth as some of the ROMS I've run. However, much more stable, so probably something that I can deal with.
Thanks for that tip, I may have to look into that. One question (asked out of laziness because I'm on my phone now instead of the computer) but is that a flushable kernel, or do you have to pull it off the ROM to use it?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
The kernel is flashable, post #3 of beanstalk thread. I did another clean flash and set up, then installed kernel time preview. Other than some data connection issues, very smooth.
Could you elaborate on how to put the other kernel on, with this DU?
My phone is encrypted so I plan to completely format the phone and do a clean install of DU and gapps, so after that, what should I do? I'm thinking I need to factory reset, boot the phone again, but then I use captains TWRP to install the other kernel?
KingFatty said:
Could you elaborate on how to put the other kernel on, with this DU?
My phone is encrypted so I plan to completely format the phone and do a clean install of DU and gapps, so after that, what should I do? I'm thinking I need to factory reset, boot the phone again, but then I use captains TWRP to install the other kernel?
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Yeah. You get the kernel on there the same way you got the ROM on there.
I'd suggest booting into DU first though. Won't make a difference in compatibility, but it will do a fine job of making sure you're complaints aren't directed my way in the event you're using the wrong recovery.
I have no idea if that kernel works on the old partition layout. If it does work, it's either coincidental or accidental or something.
I just flashed the kernel and wiped cache / dalvik. Then I rebooted and started to watch a show. When the show was over I looked at the phone and it was still on the boot animation.... Great, I thought, I'll probably have to start over with a clean install. But I turned it off and back on, and it started doing the whole "updating apps" thing. (sigh of relief)
Anyway I have already noticed a significant improvement in the responsiveness of the ROM with this other kernel. And that's before even tweaking any of the kernel settings.
It's always a best practice to wipe of course, but I haven't done so after flashing kernels and haven't had any problems yet.
Wouldn't even mention it if we were still on dalvik, but ART takes forever.
fizbanrapper said:
It's always a best practice to wipe of course, but I haven't done so after flashing kernels and haven't had any problems yet.
Wouldn't even mention it if we were still on dalvik, but ART takes forever.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
True, true. Very annoying. That's why I had initially put my phone down for a while before I realized it hadn't finished booting. I wasn't sure if it was necessary or not. So to be safe, I did it. Maybe next time I won't.
You are going to love what's in the kernel I'm working on. S2W, tap 2 W, voltage control, lots of governors and force fast charge. Oh and it's also faster and smoother than CM, without sacrificing an ounce of stability.
S2S still doesn't work, but that will be coming soon enough.
I really think it deserves to be considered an "original" development as is, but I want to add a few more features before releasing.
As an aside, any suggestions on cameras? I saw that HTC released their HTC camera separately as an app, but I don't know if it's even possible to get it to install on the EVO 4G LTE with stock Rom or this DU rom. I know with browsers you can edit a browser string to identify your browser as any kind of browser to get websites to load. is there a similar edit you can do to ROMs to allow installation of the HTC camera from the play store? Or is there a version of the HTC standalone new camera that has been modded to work on the HTC EVO 4G LTE?
Camera features I like are:
1) being able to adjust the JPG compression quality (e.g., superfine, fine, and normal) as a separate setting apart from the pixel resolution (google camera lacks this feature)
2) having single-press buttons available to get video or stills without needing to switch the camera into either modes ahead of time (google camera lacks this feature)
3) burst mode by holding down the shutter without needing to switch to burst mode (not sure if google camera can do this)
4) save to external SD card (the google camera lacks this feature)
I tried various aftermarket cameras, and some come close to having all these features (e.g., the Lenovo supercamera). I think the new HTC camera would be ideal, but heck, I am not even sure how to load the old stock HTC camera from the RUU rom that works well (even though you can't adjust jpg compression level). Should I just give up on this ideal because HTC cameras *MUST* be run on Sense? Can the
dude, the "sense" camera has proprietary code in it, thats why in the sense kernels, the camera seemingly works 10x better and more accurate and more quickly then a non-sense rom. its the same across the board for all HTC devices... If the camera is your focus, you need to be on a sense rom.
There was however, a sense camera ported to the GPE (google play edition) for earlier versions of jelllybean for the htc m7 aka htc one. never screwed around with it, but its interesting nonetheless.
Im about to flash the dirty unicorns stuff now. i was on the kitkat dirty unicorn last month, and flashed cm12 just cause i was curious to see how lollipop was. I was kind of underwhelmed, especially because i sac'd the xposed framework just to be on a newer version of android. anyway, ill test it out and see whats up./
Updated the OP to reflect weeklies and mirror to them.
Weeklies will be compiled every monday and posted in the same place as well as their mirrors.
I Was Clean Install, but stuck in boot screen. ?
What should i do ?
kiba99 said:
I Was Clean Install, but stuck in boot screen. ?
What should i do ?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
What's your hboot and twrp?
Assuming you're on hboot 2.10 or higher and you're using captain's twrp, you should do a factory reset from twrp, then wipe system, dalvik and cache. Reflash, then wipe cache and dalvik again. Then reboot.
I typically flash gapps right after the ROM, but if I have problems, I go back and boot just the ROM first. Leave it on for a few minutes after it boots to let all of the background processes finish, before going back to flash gapps.
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Dirty Unicorns is a custom ROM built with stability in mind and optional customization. The idea to start this ROM began out of pure boredom around 4.1.2 on the EVO 3D and later turned into a form of an addiction (a good one) to see where we could go from there. We have since expanded to more devices to include the HTC One, Nexus 5, SGS4 and many more. We quickly realize that users loved what we were doing as well as other developers because it was done the right way. We've always had fun doing it and take pride in knowing that we've done it without having to bug the end user for donations to pay for server costs and/or any of those sob stories you hear. This ROM is 100 percent free and will remain that way.
Those wanting to use our ROM as a base are more the welcomed to do so but please maintained the credits/thanks below, do not ask for donations as it wouldn't be fair to do so considering and let us know as we often like to contribute to other projects.
As stated above, we love to maintain authorship but we also like to publicly praise those that have helped us along the way with our wonderful project. With that said, this wouldn't be possible without the work and help of those listed below THANK YOU ALL!!
| OmniROM | AOKP | CM | ChaOS | Paranoid Android | Slim ROMs | Preludedrew | Team Black Out | Official Testers / Translators |
Please check our gerrit/github for full credits/thanks of individual contributorsBelieve it or not, we are human and we do forget things. If we have left someone out of the credit/thanks list, just PM us and we'll gladly add on to the list.
-- Built-in ad blocker (Ability to update hosts on the fly)
-- Ability to disable FC notifications
-- Download Center (Gapps, Xposed, etc)
-- Ability to force Expanded Notifications
-- Over 100 cloud based wallpapers
-- Immersive mode
-- Hot Reboot, NavBar options In Power Menu
-- Appbar (app sidebar)
-- Customizable quick settings
-- Customizable power menu
-- Customizable lockscreen shortcuts
-- App Ops access in Settings
-- TRDS (built in theme in Settings/Themes)
-- Statusbar Clock options
-- Custom NavBar Options
-- Halo (multi-tasking tool)
-- Halo size/color changer
-- Hardware key remap mod (only for HW button devices)
-- Battery Bar / Circle batteries/ JB style
-- Network speed indicators in statusbar
-- SuperSU (chainfire)
-- Build.prop mods
-- Init.d Tweaks
-- Active Display (Moto X notifications)
-- ListView Animations
-- Custom System / Toast Animations
-- Custom BusyDialog
-- Advanced Low Battery Indicator options
-- ScreenShot QuickTrash
-- Color Changing PhaseBeam
-- Gesture Anywhere
-- Button Light Notification
-- Statusbar Color options
-- OmniSwitch (multi-tasking tool)
-- Driving Mode
-- Lockscreen theme options
-- Lockscreen notifications / options
-- System App Remover
-- Identicons
-- Suspend Actions
-- Wakelock Actions
-- SlimROM based recents
-- Contextual notif. panel headers
-- SlimROMs privacy guard
-- Blacklist calls/sms filter
-- Filter notifications
-- Theme engine
-- Heads Up notifications feature
-- Floating windows
-- Six bar signal bar option
-- Weather header panel
-- Over scroll effects
-- Double tap screen options
-- Left hand NavBar mode
-- Various NavRing targets
-- Custom carrier label options
And much much more, just take a peek into Dirty Tweaks and ENJOY!!!
- https://github.com/DirtyUnicorns/android_kernel_htc_msm8960
1. Make sure you're using the latest recovery for your device
- [URL="https://www.clockworkmod.com/rommanager"]https://www.clockworkmod.com/rommanager[/URL]
- [URL="http://techerrata.com/browse/twrp2"]http://techerrata.com/browse/twrp2[/URL]
- [URL="https://goo.im/devs/OpenRecovery/"]https://goo.im/devs/OpenRecovery/[/URL]
2. Download the latest update for your device
(either check [URL="http://download.dirtyunicorns.com"]http://download.dirtyunicorns.com[/URL] or hit the TEST Builds tab here and find the latest)
3. Move anything that you think is important over to your Desktop or upload it to dropbox or whatever (pictures, music, etc)
4. Backup your apps via Titanium backup or equivalent app and either upload them to dropbox or onto your Desktop
5. Reboot into recovery
6. Wipe everything. This doesn't mean just system or factory settings. This means EVERYTHING!
Tap on Wipe/Advanced Wipe and check the following and swipe to wipe
- Dalvik Cache
- Cache
- Data
- Internal Storage
- System
- MicroSD (some devices don't have this option)
7. Move the ROM zip over to your sdcard either by mounting USB storage or adb
8. Flash the ROM zip
9. Let it boot
10. Reboot back into recovery
11. Flash whatever GAPPS (as long as it's 4.4.X)
12. ENJOY!!
-- Have not seen any issues but if you do, please provide as much information as possible and/or a logcat
[B]7.5 - 06/14/14[/B]
-Update to 4.4.3_r1.1
-Enabled appointment details in Calendar
-Kernel Tweaker Removed
-Halo Color
-New HALO drawables for KK
-ART fixed (Thanks Google!)
-Show Seconds next to StatusBar Clock
-InCallUI: Add "Answer Via Speakerphone" Glowpad Target
-Launcher3: Icon pack support
-Launcher3: Add custom hotword detection
-OmniSwitch: Fixes and improvements
-Added JB-like battery icon
-Fix volume rocker to skip tracks
-New Ad blocker
-Implement App circle sidebar
-Multi-Floating windows
-Implement SIM card management
-DownloadManager: add support pause/resume/stop notifications
[B]7.6 - 06/21/14[/B]
- Update to Android 4.4.4
- Added few toggles/tile (ad-blocker, halo, camera, compass, navbar, etc)
- QS Fliptile animation
- Pattern size upgrade for pattern lockscreen
- Option to reset battery stats
- Fixed Italian camera derp
- Updated SuperSU to v2.00
- Many under the hood changes
[B]7.7 - 07/06/14[/B]
V7.7 - 07/07/14
--Updated the ASCII art for flashing
--Theme chooser
--Heads up
--Ability to disable immersive messages
--Blacklist/configurable timeout for heads up
--New sound recorder
--Roboto Fonts from Android L
--Updated SuperSU to v2.01
[B]7.8 - 08/03/14[/B]
- Update to android-4.4.4_r2
- New Bootanimation
- Left handed navbar during landscape mode
- CPUFreq Tile
- Fix hot reboot
- Fake Id vulnerability fix
- Allow changing theme to Holo.Light without crashing
- Themes: Make notification list bg themeable
- Move LCD density from build.prop to it's own category
- Fix holo dark background
- DU about app: Add/Remove People/Devices and General Cleanup
- Moar Double tap to sleep options
- Back to kill app mod
- Fix crash when set .gif as wallpaper
- Fix themes not sticking on reboot if using Xposed framework
- Weather panel
- Fix SwiftKey disappearing issue
- Fix QS layout for camera tile
- Many device specific fixes/changes (Thanks Dorian)
[B]7.9 - 08/21/14[/B]
- MIUI Style carrier text in the statusbar
- Bring Slim Recents up-to-date with SlimROM
- Show notification when charging
- Modify Location Tile
- Filter spam notifications
- Move Dark UI into themes
- Theme chooser fixes
- Toggle boot audio on and off
- Add ability to play audio to Boot Animation
- New shutdown animation and busy dialog
- 6-bar signal icon style
- Overscroll effects
- Add moar Gapps to the Download Center
- Make navigation bar and status bar transparent
- User defined wifi/usb tether network
- Toggle nav bar through power menu
- Add hardware tunables for some devices
- Show plugged type (AC / USB) on QS battery tile
- Option to always show heads up in expanded mode
- Option to disable heads up in lockscreen
- G+ system ui f/c fix
- DU Neon Clock
- Add option for setting device phone number
- Removed redundant features from tablets
[B]8.0 - 09/26/14[/B]
- Camera: exposure time support
- PIE from ParanoidAndroid added
- PIE color settings
- More PIE targets
- NavBar keyboard arrows toggle
- WiFi power menu
- Calendar enhancements and fixes
- Dirty Tweaks tile
- Added Power Menu / Quick Settings button in pulldown
- Theme engine improvements and fixes
- Add moar default tiles/toggles
- Quiet Hours up to date with slim rom
- Gallery enhancements and fixes
- Show Heads Up on Bottom
- Carrier logo statusbar option
- Complete translations for five languages added
- Rebase to cleaner looking traffic indicator
- Remove blur lockscreen
- More DU wallpapers added
- Heads Up background color/transparency
- Vibration options
- Keyguard: Bring back fast unlock
- Custom Tile
- Lots of msm8960 kernel fixes
[B]8.1 - 10/17/14[/B]
- Call Recording
- Wifi notifications: notify when wifi connects
- Make InCall Dialog themeable
- Dynamic Color Changer Mod
- Hide carrier in keyguard option
- Improve floating window functionality
- Hide features not being used by certain devices
- Call Recording format selection
- Lots of msm8960 kernel fixes
[B]8.2 - 11/04/14[/B]
- Disable/Enable screenshot sound
- Navbar:Custom Glow Time
- SystemUI:Fix crash during notification/theme change
- Bring back color changer for MIUI-like carrier label
- Fix carrier label not sticking after a reboot
- Fixed clear-all button Bug
- Fix auto rotation/battery tile long press
- Double tap to sleep on navigation bar
- Add Voice Dialer back
- Support full size application screenshots
- Fix bootanimation cut off on HDPI devices
- NavRing:Last App
- Fix longpress app circlebar QS tile
For a more detailed changelog, feel free to check out our Gerrit
WEEKLIES CAN BE FOUND HERE - http://download.dirtyunicorns.com/
GAPPS LINK - http://download.dirtyunicorns.com/?device=gapps
Google+ community - https://plus.google.com/u/0/communities/109738128866939227235
Please keep in mind that in our Google+ community, we like to post test builds to fix bugs and/or gauge what the user would like to see in this ROM.
With this said, if you would like to test out an experimental build (might not be stable) please check out our G+ community.
Github source (4.4.4) - https://github.com/DirtyUnicorns-KitKat
Gerrit review - http://gerrit.dirtyunicorns.com/
Jenkins - http://jenkins.dirtyunicorns.com/
If you would like to submit a patch to our ROM, please use our gerrit as pull requests often go unnoticed.
All patches are welcomed and reviewed in a timely matter
For more screenshots, please visit this imgur gallery - http://imgur.com/a/vzG2e#0
The old maintainer ktempleton has been hit with this thing we like to call LIFE and can no longer maintain the other threads.
For this reason, I've taken the steps necessary to make just 1 thread for both m7ul and m7spr.
I will look into supporting the m7vzw but will need a tester but for now, both can be found here.
MODERATORS, I hope this isn't a problem. If you wish you could close the other threads as they are not maintained at all.
This ROM looks amazing! I'll try with multirom for sure
dena994 said:
This ROM looks amazing! I'll try with multirom for sure
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thanks man, let us know how it runs for you
Tested for 2 hours and I can say I'm impressed. Amazing battery (like 2% with one hour of screen) and it is Fast and Smooth with all the tweaks I need! The only thing I miss is the wake gestures (need a kernel that support the xposed module)
Inviato dal mio HTC One utilizzando Tapatalk
dena994 said:
Tested for 2 hours and I can say I'm impressed. Amazing battery (like 2% with one hour of screen) and it is Fast and Smooth with all the tweaks I need! The only thing I miss is the wake gestures (need a kernel that support the xposed module)
Inviato dal mio HTC One utilizzando Tapatalk
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Glad you like it
One of the nice banners. This Rom speaks for itself
By far one of the best roms I've run on my device. Can't wait to try du running 4.4.3. Thanks for the continued support for sprint.
Sent from my rooted & s-off'd Sprint HTC One, powered by Android OS ?
Can't believe this but i ditched other ROMs for this. And proud of it
Soooo excited to see this. Been watching G+ for it. Thanks mass, Mazda, great work, I'm sure, running DU on all my devices (but lost my 'jewel' last weekend )
Sent from my One using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Nicksilvers said:
Can't believe this but i ditched other ROMs for this. And proud of it
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Verstuurd van mijn One met Tapatalk
This looks amazing!! Does it have the new CM11 Theme Chooser? Didn't see it listed
This is a great rom, amazing speed. Thanks for this ? awesome rom man!
Verstuurd vanaf mijn One met Tapatalk
Is anyone else having issues with people not being able to hear you during a call when speakerphone is on? The only way anyone can hear me is if I put the mic right up to my face and speak, which defeats the purpose of speakerphone for me. It's been an ongoing issue with the builds. Will there be a fix in a future update? I've reported it in the g+ threads too. Other then that this rom can't be beat.
Sent from my rooted & s-off'd Sprint HTC One, powered by Android OS ?
Probably need to update your radio.
Sent from my HTCONE using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
johnblundon said:
This looks amazing!! Does it have the new CM11 Theme Chooser? Didn't see it listed
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
No, sorry we don't have the theme chooser....
pmacevad said:
Is anyone else having issues with people not being able to hear you during a call when speakerphone is on? The only way anyone can hear me is if I put the mic right up to my face and speak, which defeats the purpose of speakerphone for me. It's been an ongoing issue with the builds. Will there be a fix in a future update? I've reported it in the g+ threads too. Other then that this rom can't be beat.
Sent from my rooted & s-off'd Sprint HTC One, powered by Android OS ?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I don't have that issue.........could be a hardware issue on your end bud
Mazda said:
No, sorry we don't have the theme chooser....
I don't have that issue.........could be a hardware issue on your end bud
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thanks for the fast response! Much appreciated. I don't think it's a hardware issue cause it only happens on this rom. Sense it works perfectly. It really has me stumped. I'm about to try another clean install now, minus wiping my sd. I'll report back what my results are. I wonder what I could be doing wrong. I'll catch a log too if I see the issue, maybe it'll help, maybe it won't. Awesome rom nonetheless!
Sent from my rooted & s-off'd Sprint HTC One, powered by Android OS ?
pmacevad said:
Thanks for the fast response! Much appreciated. I don't think it's a hardware issue cause it only happens on this rom. Sense it works perfectly. It really has me stumped. I'm about to try another clean install now, minus wiping my sd. I'll report back what my results are. I wonder what I could be doing wrong. I'll catch a log too if I see the issue, maybe it'll help, maybe it won't. Awesome rom nonetheless!
Sent from my rooted & s-off'd Sprint HTC One, powered by Android OS ?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Try wiping your sdcard if you could.
Reason I say that is because if you've tried this Viper4Android crap, it might of left some things behind on your sdcard.....
Mazda said:
Try wiping your sdcard if you could.
Reason I say that is because if you've tried this Viper4Android crap, it might of left some things behind on your sdcard.....
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
What files in particular would I be looking for and where on SD regarding v4a leftovers? I'm not going to be able to wipe SD until tomorrow but I want to try to get this fixed without having to wipe completely. If I have to I will but if you could point me in the right direction that would get me off to a good start. Thanks again.
Sent from my rooted & s-off'd Sprint HTC One, powered by Android OS ?
Would love to try the theme chooser!
Sent from my One using Tapatalk
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
About Us:
Dirty Unicorns is a project that started out with no name. It was a project that was first created based off AOKP back in the early days of Jelly Bean because of curiosity. In the early days it was just a one man show on one device (EVO 3D). Since then many others have joined the project and it has grown a whole lot. We have seen a lot of talent contribute to this project of ours and many of our contributors have gone to help other projects and that is ultimately why we do what we do.
Once Jelly Bean was over, we decided in Kitkat to move to a new base which was OmniROM. While AOKP was fun, OmniROM proved to be even more exciting because it challenged us to see what we could with something different.
With Lollipop, we have moved to an AOSP base with a lot of patches from CAF to make our older devices function as they should. That said it has been an awesome learning experience and is still not over! We are still learning every day and continue to move forward.
Few more things we will say is that we don't accept nor ask for donations. We don't believe in that. Everything that is necessary to keep this project going is out of our own pocket. Gerrit, Jenkins, Websites, Devices, etc.....
We will never ask for a dime. All we do ask is that you search, read and try to enjoy the process with us!!
Kernel Source:
Flashing Instructions:
- Verify that you're using the latest version of TWRP
- Perform a FULL WIPE as described below if coming from another ROM
(A full wipe is when you wipe system/data/cache/internal and/or sdcard)
- Flash the latest version of this ROM
- Flash recommended GAPPS linked below
- Reboot and ENJOY!!
**If you fail to follow these instructions, don't bother reporting any bugs**
**If coming from a previous lollipop version, wipe system and cache**
Change Log:
[B]Version 9.0 [/B]
- Initial Release of Lollipop
[B]Version 9.1 [/B]
- NavigationBar Customization
- Add navigation bar arrow keys toggle
- Add left and right virtual buttons while typing
- Create expandable volume panel
- Battery and Notification Lights
- Add Sync tile
- Screenshot Tile
- Update default app icon to a more material like icon
- Material Design makeover
- Proximity speaker: add time delay preference
- Headsup Options
- Mms improvements
- Lockscreen Tile
- Lockscreen shortcut customization
- Themed DU kb hints/spacebar
- Add About DU to settings/about phone
- Add our changelog back
- Allow disabling of FC dialogs
- Update SuperSU v2.45
- Materialize volume panel in/out animation
- Powermenu screenshot delay
- Theme Engine
- Bumped kernel from to 3.4.106 using upstream linux commits
[B]Version 9.2 [/B]
- Added DU-Updater
- Make Navring available to devices with no navbar
- Add user configurable shortcuts
- Implement ambient display as Active Display
- Change location sensors mode in quick settings
- Show carrier label / custom and change color
- Add Left clock
- Volume rocker music controls
- Double tap to sleep on navigation bar
- Navbar ring targets
- Option to show four tiles per row
- Lots of tiles added
- Theme Chooser updates
- Upstream linux commits merged
[B]Version 9.3[/B]
- Update to Android 5.1.1
- Materialize DSPManager
- Fix SysUI FC for Themes with QS mods
- Change checkboxes to switches
- Remove Voice Dialer
- Fix for Play Services deep sleeping
- Fix various Theme Engine issues
- Add back notification LED settings backend
- Fix NavRing FC
- Expose values for our applications to be themed
- Hide lights settings if device doesn't support them
- Don't set preferred APN's automatically
- Fix battery and notification lights
- Various translations
- Merged upstream linux commits (3.4.107) and CAF (LA.AF.1.1_rb1.17)
- Removed Kernel related features in favor of stability
[B]Version 9.4[/B]
- Android 5.1.1_r4
- Add USB Tether tile
- Remove carrier settings
- Make DU Extra Info themeable
- Force Expanded Notifications
- Add Music tile
- Fix disabling volume adjust sound
- Various ThemeChooser fixes
- Add Volume Rocker Swap button function
- Add Wakelock Blocker
- Add AOKP System Animations and Listview Animations
- Eliminate more checkbox options (replaced by switches)
- Add Task Manager
- Add ability to disable Lockscreen Shortcuts
- Update various icons to Material Design
- Make headset notification dismissable
- Allow all files over BT
- Dirty Unicorns is starting...
- Stop About-DU from launching at startup
- Increasing ring volume
- Unlink ringer and notification volume
- Add ADB over Network tile
- Add Compass tile
- Notification ticker
- Add NFC tile
- Privacy Guard (functions alongside App Ops)
- Implement PIN keypad shuffler
[B]Version 9.5[/B]
- Update to Android 5.1.1_r8
- Add Breathing Notifications (calls/sms/voicemail)
- Slim Recents
- Option to disable Torch on screen off
- Add Slim Navbar customizations
- Add SlimPIE
- Add SELinux Switch
- Add NavBar Tile
- Move button mods to Navigation menu
- Add Expanded Desktop
- Add Weather to Settings (cLock)
- Add back IME arrows
- Add DU Logo in status bar (plus color changing ability)
- Add ability to disable Lockscreen Shortcuts
- Update more icons to Material Design
- Fix 4G instead of LTE switch
- Add Live Volume Steps
- Add Config for WiFi Country Code
- Hotspot Idle Config
- Per App Controls for keyguard
- Simplify how Extra Info determines density
- Font change size for SMS/MMS composition or incoming
- Assorted bug fixes
- Various translations
- Merge upstream Linux kernel to 3.4.108
[B]Version 9.6[/B]
- Update to Android 5.1.1_r9
- Patched up stagefright vulnerability
- OmniSwitch updates
- Added ability to enable or disable scrolling cache
- Add 3-finger screenshot gesture
- Fix QS - Notification shade blank area bug
- Add DT2S for Lockscreen
- Add Lockscreen Wallpaper functionality
- Add new nav bar icons by Bryan Owens
- Add Enable-Disable notification color inversion
- Customize Battery Saver notification icons
- Add Dotted Battery icon style
- Add Longpress Settings actions to QS
- Add System App Remover
- Add back menu button for navbar
- Reorganize Dirty Tweaks
- Reorganize About Phone - About Tablet
- Update more icons
- Fix backup tool
- Added optimizations to various repos
- Spruced up DeskClock
- Various translations
- Added back Omni's customizable PhaseBeam wallpapers
- Materialized Launcher3
- Fix assorted bugs reported or discovered
[B]Version 9.7[/B]
- Update to Android 5.1.1_r18
- Add Hot Reboot to Power Menu
- Fix 3-finger Gesture
- Slimified Nav Ring targets
- Ability to ignore interruptions while active media playback
- Add OmniSwitch as Recents
- Add Gesture Lockscreen
- Ability to hide Power Menu on the Lockscreen
- Ability to have notification lights while screen is on
- Bring back the Battery Bar
- Allow lockscreen elements to be themeable via color changing
- Ability to disable Privacy Guard notifications
- Add Volume Panel QS tile
- Disable extended statusbar weather by default
- Add ability to rotate the lockscreen
- Haptic feedback for QS tiles
- Time Contextual Headers
- Fix NFC tile disappearing
- Volume panel timeout ability
- Long press lockscreen lock icon to activate Torch
- Add menu action to OmniSwitch
- Fix Ad Blocker
- Re-organize Dirty Tweaks to make things more streamlined
- Further optimizations and bug fixes
- CMTE fixes
- Updated translations
- Merge upstream Linux kernel to 3.4.109
For detailed change log, check [URL="http://gerrit.dirtyunicorns.com/#/q/status:merged,n,z"]http://gerrit.dirtyunicorns.com/#/q/status:merged,n,z[/URL]
Credit and Thanks:
We would like to give thanks to everyone that contributes to the Android community, small or big because every bit counts. Although we can't list each and every contributor within the Android community, we would like to highlight some of the teams and individuals that have made it possible NOT only with just this version of DU but throughout the years because we don't ever want to forget where we came from.
That said, on behalf of the DU team we say THANKS to....
JMZ Software
Baby Jesus
Code Aurora Forum
Omni ROM
Android Open Kang Project (AOKP)
Android Ice Cold Project (AICP)
Max Weninger
Team Black Out
*If we have left someone or some team out, please accept our apologies*
Download Links:
Version 9.7 (m7) - http://download.dirtyunicorns.com/files/m7/Official/DU_m7_5.1.1_20150925-1945.v9.7-OFFICIAL.zip
Version 9.7 (m7spr) - http://download.dirtyunicorns.com/files/m7spr/Official/DU_m7spr_5.1.1_20150925-1954.v9.7-OFFICIAL.zip
Version 9.7 (m7vzw) - http://download.dirtyunicorns.com/files/m7vzw/Official/DU_m7vzw_5.1.1_20150925-2016.v9.7-OFFICIAL.zip
GAPPS - http://download.dirtyunicorns.com/files/gapps/
WEEKLIES - http://download.dirtyunicorns.com/files/
Other Links:
G+ community - https://plus.google.com/u/0/communities/109738128866939227235
ROM Source - https://github.com/DirtyUnicorns
Gerrit - http://gerrit.dirtyunicorns.com
Crowdin (translations) - https://crowdin.net/project/dirtyunicorns
Jira (Bug Report / Feature Request) - http://jira.dirtyunicorns.com/
Reserved just in case....
Great! It's nice to see this rom here
You're badass Alex! Thanx mate.
Yes! Will try now! Can't wait!
I posted a mirror to v9.0 in case there's issues with speeds or whatever
Please do not post any mirrors
Love dirty unicorn ..
surely one of the best Lollipop rom along with plenty of customization !!
Downloading now, .
Just got it booted up and settling in, butter so far, test battery and everything else tomorrow... Just a quick thanks for your efforts.
Downloading now, I settled on DU for KitKat, really enjoyed the feel of that ROM. Interested to see how DU feels on a stick
Welcome back guys!.. Excellent Rom, new fav & daily, smooth as silk, only possible thing I miss from the UB Rom I was on previously is Heads up notification, and theme engine which I'm sure you're already working to include in future build
Sent from my One using XDA Free mobile app
Hello all,
Can I ask, does this have the default aosp Material theme throughout or has it been modified in some way?
Anywhere I could see a list of features added so far if any?
Many thanks. I always feel uncomfortable asking the dev these sorts of questions as I don't want to feel I am pestering.
maritimesbob said:
Hello all,
Can I ask, does this have the default aosp Material theme throughout or has it been modified in some way?
Anywhere I could see a list of features added so far if any?
Many thanks. I always feel uncomfortable asking the dev these sorts of questions as I don't want to feel I am pestering.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
No there's no modifications made to the theme and NO, there's no feature list.
Best way to find out what's in the ROM is to either flash it or check out our source/gerrit
I just wanna say thanks SO much for supporting the CDMA devices too. I was a big fan of KK DU on m7spr. I often wish I was on GSM to benefit from better development but you guys think of us too and I'd probably use DU no matter what device/carrier I'm on. You guys have the best ROM and I'm pumped to try out this and future builds. I'll make a note of any issues, but thanks again!!
Update: Everything works - definitely usable as a daily driver. Issues i've seen so far (m7spr):
- maybe like 1000 different APNs listed, though it is choosing the proper one so doesn't matter much.
- screen-off animation is a bit glitchy
Nice ROM, tried a few lolli ones up to now, this is one of the better ones. Thx
This is my next daily lollipop rom, good work, really enjoy this
Yes, this is a great ROM! Kinda kicking myself for not getting around to trying previous versions. Thanks for your work! ?
LāvLab / HostileSlothRecords
Nice rom! Is there any FM app I can use with it?
been using it since yesterday and it feels great. best lollipop for me till now
Mazda said:
No there's no modifications made to the theme and NO, there's no feature list.
Best way to find out what's in the ROM is to either flash it or check out our source/gerrit
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Flashed and very impressive. Way more features that I expected, you have done a great job. Been running it a few hours, no hiccups and runs very smooth.
Thank you for providing this.
Nice ROM.very smooth is anybody else having music playback errors?
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
About Us:
Dirty Unicorns is a project that started out with no name. It was a project that was first created based off AOKP back in the early days of Jelly Bean because of curiosity. In the early days it was just a one man show on one device (EVO 3D). Since then many others have joined the project and it has grown a whole lot. We have seen a lot of talent contribute to this project of ours and many of our contributors have gone to help other projects and that is ultimately why we do what we do.
Once Jelly Bean was over, we decided in Kitkat to move to a new base which was OmniROM. While AOKP was fun, OmniROM proved to be even more exciting because it challenged us to see what we could with something different.
With Lollipop, we have moved to an AOSP base with a lot of patches from CAF to make our older devices function as they should. That said it has been an awesome learning experience and is still not over! We are still learning every day and continue to move forward.
Few more things we will say is that we don't accept nor ask for donations. We don't believe in that. Everything that is necessary to keep this project going is out of our own pocket. Gerrit, Jenkins, Websites, Devices, etc.....
We will never ask for a dime. All we do ask is that you search, read and try to enjoy the process with us!!
Kernel Source:
Flashing Instructions:
- Verify that you're using the latest version of TWRP
- Perform a FULL WIPE as described below if coming from another ROM
(A full wipe is when you wipe system/data/cache/internal and/or sdcard)
- Flash the latest version of this ROM
- Flash recommended GAPPS linked below
- Reboot and ENJOY!!
**If you fail to follow these instructions, don't bother reporting any bugs**
**If coming from a previous lollipop version, wipe system and cache**
Change Log:
[B]Version 9.0 [/B]- Initial Release of Lollipop
[B]Version 9.1[/B]
- NavigationBar Customization
- Add navigation bar arrow keys toggle
- Add left and right virtual buttons while typing
- Create expandable volume panel
- Battery and Notification Lights
- Add Sync tile
- Screenshot Tile
- Update default app icon to a more material like icon
- Material Design makeover
- Proximity speaker: add time delay preference
- Headsup Options
- Mms improvements
- Lockscreen Tile
- Lockscreen shortcut customization
- Themed DU kb hints/spacebar
- Add About DU to settings/about phone
- Add our changelog back
- Allow disabling of FC dialogs
- Update SuperSU v2.45
- Materialize volume panel in/out animation
- Powermenu screenshot delay
- Theme Engine
[B]Version 9.2[/B]
-Added DU-Updater
-Make Navring available to devices with no navbar
-Add user configurable shortcuts
-Implement ambient display as Active Display
-Change location sensors mode in quick settings
-Show carrier label / custom & change color
-Add Left clock
-Volume rocker music controls
-Double tap to sleep on navigation bar
-Navbar ring targets
-Option to show four tiles per row
-Lots of tiles added
-Theme Chooser updates
[B]Version 9.3[/B]
- Update to Android 5.1.1
- Materialize DSPManager
- Fix SysUI FC for Themes with QS mods
- Change checkboxes to switches
- Remove Voice Dialer
- Fix for Play Services deep sleeping
- Fix various Theme Engine issues
- Add back notification LED settings backend
- Fix NavRing FC
- Expose values for our applications to be themed
- Hide lights settings if device doesn't support them
- Don't set preferred APN's automatically
- Fix battery and notification lights
- Various translations
[B]Version 9.4[/B]
- Android 5.1.1_r4
- Add USB Tether tile
- Remove carrier settings
- Make DU Extra Info themeable
- Force Expanded Notifications
- Add Music tile
- Fix disabling volume adjust sound
- Various ThemeChooser fixes
- Add Volume Rocker Swap button function
- Add Wakelock Blocker
- Add AOKP System Animations and Listview Animations
- Eliminate more checkbox options (replaced by switches)
- Add Task Manager
- Add ability to disable Lockscreen Shortcuts
- Update various icons to Material Design
- Show 4G instead of LTE switch
- Make headset notification dismissable
- Allow all files over BT
- Dirty Unicorns is starting...
- Stop About-DU from launching at startup
- Increasing ring volume
- Unlink ringer and notification volume
- Add ADB over Network tile
- Add Compass tile
- Notification ticker
- Add NFC tile
- Privacy Guard (functions alongside App Ops)
- Implement PIN keypad shuffler
[B]Version 9.5[/B]
- Update to Android 5.1.1_r8
- Add Breathing Notifications (calls/sms/voicemail)
- Slim Recents
- Option to disable Torch on screen off
- Add Slim Navbar customizations
- Add SlimPIE
- Add SELinux Switch
- Add NavBar Tile
- Move button mods to Navigation menu
- Add Expanded Desktop
- Add Weather to Settings (cLock)
- Add back IME arrows
- Add DU Logo in status bar (plus color changing ability)
- Add ability to disable Lockscreen Shortcuts
- Update more icons to Material Design
- Fix 4G instead of LTE switch
- Add Live Volume Steps
- Add Config for WiFi Country Code
- Hotspot Idle Config
- Per App Controls for keyguard
- Simplify how Extra Info determines density
- Font change size for SMS/MMS composition or incoming
- Assorted bug fixes
- Various translations
- Merge upstream Linux kernel to 3.4.108
[B]Version 9.6[/B]
- Update to Android 5.1.1_r9
- Patched up stagefright vulnerability
- OmniSwitch updates
- Added ability to enable or disable scrolling cache
- Add 3-finger screenshot gesture
- Fix QS - Notification shade blank area bug
- Add DT2S for Lockscreen
- Add Lockscreen Wallpaper functionality
- Add new nav bar icons by Bryan Owens
- Add Enable-Disable notification color inversion
- Customize Battery Saver notification icons
- Add Dotted Battery icon style
- Add Longpress Settings actions to QS
- Add System App Remover
- Add back menu button for navbar
- Reorganize Dirty Tweaks
- Reorganize About Phone - About Tablet
- Update more icons
- Fix backup tool
- Added optimizations to various repos
- Spruced up DeskClock
- Various translations
- Added back Omni's customizable PhaseBeam wallpapers
- Materialized Launcher3
- Fix assorted bugs reported or discovered
[B]Version 9.7[/B]
- Update to Android 5.1.1_r18
- Add Hot Reboot to Power Menu
- Fix 3-finger Gesture
- Slimified Nav Ring targets
- Ability to ignore interruptions while active media playback
- Add OmniSwitch as Recents
- Add Gesture Lockscreen
- Ability to hide Power Menu on the Lockscreen
- Ability to have notification lights while screen is on
- Bring back the Battery Bar
- Allow lockscreen elements to be themeable via color changing
- Ability to disable Privacy Guard notifications
- Add Volume Panel QS tile
- Disable extended statusbar weather by default
- Add ability to rotate the lockscreen
- Haptic feedback for QS tiles
- Time Contextual Headers
- Fix NFC tile disappearing
- Volume panel timeout ability
- Long press lockscreen lock icon to sleep or activate Torch
- Add menu action to OmniSwitch
- Fix Ad Blocker
- Re-organize Dirty Tweaks to make things more streamlined
- Further optimizations and bug fixes
- CMTE fixes
- Updated translations
For detailed change log, check [URL="http://gerrit.dirtyunicorns.com/#/q/status:merged,n,z"]http://gerrit.dirtyunicorns.com/#/q/status:merged,n,z[/URL]
Credit and Thanks:
We would like to give thanks to everyone that contributes to the Android community, small or big because every bit counts. Although we can't list each and every contributor within the Android community, we would like to highlight some of the teams and individuals that have made it possible NOT only with just this version of DU but throughout the years because we don't ever want to forget where we came from.
That said, on behalf of the DU team we say THANKS to....
JMZ Software
Baby Jesus
Code Aurora Forum
Omni ROM
Android Open Kang Project (AOKP)
Android Ice Cold Project (AICP)
Max Weninger
Team Black Out
*If we have left someone or some team out, please accept our apologies*
Download Links:
Version 9.7 - http://download.dirtyunicorns.com/f...fltevzw_5.1.1_20150924-1618.v9.7-OFFICIAL.zip
BaNkS Gapps - http://download.dirtyunicorns.com/files/gapps/banks_gapps/
TBO GAPPS - http://download.dirtyunicorns.com/?device=gapps&folder=du_tbo_gapps/
Weeklies - http://download.dirtyunicorns.com/files/
MIRROR LINK TO WEEKLIES -http://themindofalex.com/dl/Weeklies/
Other Links:
G+ community - https://plus.google.com/u/0/communities/109738128866939227235
ROM Source - https://github.com/DirtyUnicorns
Gerrit - http://gerrit.dirtyunicorns.com
Crowdin (translations) - https://crowdin.net/project/dirtyunicorns
Jira (Bug Report / Feature Request) - http://jira.dirtyunicorns.com/
Nice DU is my favorite AOSP rom. Had been running the latest unofficial build but just flashed this. Thanks jbats!
The recommended GAPPS link looks to be dead. Is there a mirror?
Wow. Excellent ROM!! Everything I've tried so far works including MMS, camera, and hotspot. Great job! Has the option to disable the backlit keys? If so, where the heck is the option? Thanks so much guys!!
PS. I almost forgot but the links to gapps in the dirty tweaks isn't working.
I tried flashing this rom last night and it threw a message "cannot unmount /system" is that expected? I saw the error and just restored my KitKat rom.
Just wanted to say thanks for this ROM. Had some time to play around it's been running smooth and it's a real change to get away from TW for a change. Looking forward to see where this goes from here.
BPHusker said:
I tried flashing this rom last night and it threw a message "cannot unmount /system" is that expected? I saw the error and just restored my KitKat rom.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
You were fine, it was telling you a SuperSU error. Don't worry about that. Flash away
Not sure what happened. But I installed this last night after a clean wipe, restored all my Titanium backups from my SD and everything was running smooth. I was loving Lollipop! This morning I wake up and notice none of the bottom physical buttons are working. So when I go to recovery to do a dirty install thinking it might fix the problem, the ROM is no longer on my SD card. In fact...nothing is. All 32GB were wiped clean. Extremely sad right now.
R4NDR01D said:
Not sure what happened. But I installed this last night after a clean wipe, restored all my Titanium backups from my SD and everything was running smooth. I was loving Lollipop! This morning I wake up and notice none of the bottom physical buttons are working. So when I go to recovery to do a dirty install thinking it might fix the problem, the ROM is no longer on my SD card. In fact...nothing is. All 32GB were wiped clean. Extremely sad right now.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Yikes! Wiped the SD card? I'd had troubles if that happened to me. Hard to imagine it could be the ROM though - but who knows what gremlin got into your phone.
As for the buttons I've been having them come and go. One of the few problems I've had so far.
I got the rom flashed and am really liking it, though I have a couple questions. Is there a way to put the notifications back on the notifications bar? I'm getting annoyed by the notifications popping up and taking up the top 1/8th of the screen. Also, I'm not seeing a way to set the volume up/down to change tracks with the screen off. I'm assuming that will come later? Other than those two issues the rom is running awesome.
just want to confirm, this is NOT SafeStrap compatible right?
So far, running very smooth! However, recent apps isn't loading when long pressing the home button. Ideas?
Getting issues with mms in the hangout app. The apn list is huge and seems to change on its own. Basically it is showing group mms as a message saying new mms to download, touch to download, but it doesn't work. Anyone else have this problem?
ShadyPossum said:
just want to confirm, this is NOT SafeStrap compatible right?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Haven't used my S4 in a while but I can't imagine it would be. DU is an AOSP rom, not touchwiz
Sent from my Nexus 7 2013
Guys I'm really coming to an end here with all these flashing custom roms stuff...
Why is it that all these Rom Developers just assume you to know everything and never give step by step instructions on things?
I'm on nc5 right now and I tried flashing this Rom and it soft bricked me twice already(This is my fifth time soft bricking this phone in the past week), like wtf am I doing wrong ?
I downloaded this stock firmware (https://www.androidfilehost.com/?fid=23501681358539677) so I can unbrick my phone and followed the instructions from this website (http://highonandroid.com/android-ro...tom-rom-using-twrp-recovery-failproof-method/) to install the latest twrp using flashify.
I don't understand why you can't use safestrap on this rom and why I can't use twrp or cwm on this rom.. It really confuses me and I don't even know the difference between AOSP and TW (Some people tell me AOSP roms are not flashable on Safestrap)...
What dafuq am I doing wrong ?
Mostly because once you've been doing this for a while you assume everyone reading has some advanced level of understanding of android ROMs.
Reading the sticky posts can save you lots of heartache. Otherwise you are coming into a graduate level class without even taking the 101 class.
S4 ROMs that don't specifically say they can be installed using safe strap can only be used on MDK S4 phones. No exceptions.
Sent from my toaster running LP5.02
jkim204 said:
Guys I'm really coming to an end here with all these flashing custom roms stuff...
Why is it that all these Rom Developers just assume you to know everything and never give step by step instructions on things?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Yeah...it's not a developers responsibility to educate new users. It's on us as individuals to learn. We've all had to do it. Asking for an easy way out isn't that way to go about things on here. Guides, posts that are stickied are extremely important and resourceful. Lots of users have seen noobs around here flash with reckless abandon. That's always a bad move. If you don't know what you're flashing on your phone then you probably shouldn't flash it until you have an understanding of everything you're attempting to do to your phone. There a plenty of guides on XDA that cover pretty much every topic you'd need to have a basic knowledge of rooting, flashing, how to use a recovery, kernels, etc. I'm not trying to single you out but you really do need to put in the time and research everything.
Just tried this ROM... it's awesome. I'm thinking of running it full time now.
Oh dear God, its here! Can't wait to try this out! Awesome!
Sent from a Shaftamle Galaxy S4
"Thanks Button" is always appreciated!
Eclipse ROM fatness!
Loving the ROM but I'm having freezing/stuttering issues with the ROM itself and the data connection.
I've tried toggling airplane mode and cellular data, neither work. I have to reboot to get data mobile data working again.
Using NC5 radio.
Sent from my SCH-I545 using XDA Free mobile app
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
When Android M was released, many users fear that we would stop work on Lollipop and leave Lollipop AS IS.
To an extent that was true. We saw it fit to jump on the latest release as quickly as possible not because we wanted to be the first to release a build on XDA-developers (which we haven’t yet) but because it gave us a chance to evaluate things early. Given Google’s history with releases, we knew things were going to change and we wanted to get a jump on that. We were right and it was a cluster. We’ve learned a lot and we’re better for it now.
Many users reached out to us and asked if we would release a security update and we said yes. Fast forward a few weeks and here it is!
Keep in mind that this is the FINAL lollipop build from us. We will try our best to keep the Lollipop branch on github as updated as possible as far as security updates for those compiling personal builds but this is it. This means we’re not adding PIE or Halo or this or that….is done!! We’re moving on to M
About Us:
Dirty Unicorns is a project that started out with no name. It was a project that was first created based off AOKP back in the early days of Jelly Bean because of curiosity. In the early days, it was just a one man show on one device (EVO 3D). However, many others have joined the project since and it has grown a lot. We have seen a wide variety of talent contribute to this project of ours and many of our contributors have gone on to help other projects, and that is ultimately why we do what we do.
Once Jelly Bean was over, we decided in Kitkat to move to a new base, which was OmniROM. While AOKP was fun, OmniROM proved to be even more exciting because it challenged us to see what we could with something different.
With Lollipop, we have moved to an AOSP base with a lot of patches from CAF to make our older devices function as they should. With that said, it has been an awesome learning experience and it's still not over! We are still learning every day and continue to move forward.
Few more things we will say is that we don't accept nor ask for donations. We don't believe in that. Everything that is necessary to keep this project going is out of our own pocket. Gerrit, Jenkins, Websites, Devices, etc.....
All we do ask is that you search, read and try to enjoy the process with us!!
Kernel Source:
Flashing Instructions:
- Verify that you're using the latest version of TWRP
- Perform a FULL WIPE as described below if coming from another ROM
(A full wipe is when you wipe system/data/cache/internal and/or sdcard)
- Flash the latest version of this ROM
- Flash recommended GAPPS linked below
- Reboot and ENJOY!!
**If you fail to follow these instructions, don't bother reporting any bugs**
**If coming from a previous lollipop version, wipe system and cache**
Change Log:
[B][U]Version 9.7[/U][/B]
- Update to Android 5.1.1_r18 (LVY48F)
- Add Hot Reboot to Power Menu
- Fix 3-finger Gesture
- Slimified Nav Ring targets
- Ability to ignore interruptions while active media playback
- Add OmniSwitch as Recents
- Add Gesture Lockscreen
- Ability to hide Power Menu on the Lockscreen
- Ability to have notification lights while screen is on
- Bring back the Battery Bar
- Allow lockscreen elements to be themeable via color changing
- Ability to disable Privacy Guard notifications
- Add Volume Panel QS tile
- Disable extended statusbar weather by default
- Add ability to rotate the lockscreen
- Haptic feedback for QS tiles
- Time Contextual Headers
- Fix NFC tile disappearing
- Volume panel timeout ability
- Long press lockscreen lock icon to sleep or activate Torch
- Add menu action to OmniSwitch
- Fix Ad Blocker
- Re-organize Dirty Tweaks to make things more streamlined
- Further optimizations and bug fixes
- CMTE fixes
- Updated translations
- Kernel upgrade to 3.4.109
[B][U]Version 9.6[/U][/B]
- Update to Android 5.1.1_r9
- Patched up stagefright vulnerability
- OmniSwitch updates
- Added ability to enable or disable scrolling cache
- Add 3-finger screenshot gesture
- Fix QS - Notification shade blank area bug
- Add DT2S for Lockscreen
- Add Lockscreen Wallpaper functionality
- Add new nav bar icons by Bryan Owens
- Add Enable-Disable notification color inversion
- Customize Battery Saver notification icons
- Add Dotted Battery icon style
- Add Longpress Settings actions to QS
- Add System App Remover
- Add back menu button for navbar
- Reorganize Dirty Tweaks
- Reorganize About Phone - About Tablet
- Update more icons
- Fix backup tool
- Added optimizations to various repos
- Spruced up DeskClock
- Various translations
- Added back Omni's customizable PhaseBeam wallpapers
- Materialized Launcher3
- Fix assorted bugs reported or discovered
- Added Slim's DeviceHandler to customize off-screen gestures
For detailed change log, check [URL="http://gerrit.dirtyunicorns.com/#/q/status:merged,n,z"]http://gerrit.dirtyunicorns.com/#/q/status:merged,n,z[/URL]
[B][U]Version 9.5[/U][/B]
- Update to Android 5.1.1_r8
- Add Breathing Notifications (calls/sms/voicemail)
- Slim Recents
- Option to disable Torch on screen off
- Add Slim Navbar customizations
- Add SlimPIE
- Add SELinux Switch
- Add NavBar Tile
- Move button mods to Navigation menu
- Add Expanded Desktop
- Add Weather to Settings (cLock)
- Add back IME arrows
- Add DU Logo in Statusbar (plus color changing ability)
- Add ability to disable Lockscreen Shortcuts
- Update more icons to Material Design
- Add Live Volume Steps
- Add Config for WiFi Country Code
- Hotspot Idle Config
- Per App Controls for keyguard
- Simplify how Extra Info determines density
- Font change size for SMS/MMS composition or incoming
- Various translations
- Update Kernel to 3.4.108
For detailed change log, check [URL="http://gerrit.dirtyunicorns.com/#/q/status:merged,n,z"]http://gerrit.dirtyunicorns.com/#/q/status:merged,n,z[/URL]
[B][U]Version 9.4[/U][/B]
- Add USB Tether tile
- Remove carrier settings
- Make DU Extra Info themeable
- Force Expanded Notifications
- Add Music tile
- Fix disabling volume adjust sound
- Various ThemeChooser fixes
- Add Volume Rocker Swap button function
- Add Wakelock Blocker
- Add AOKP System Animations and Listview Animations
- Eliminate more checkbox options (replaced by switches)
- Add Task Manager
- Add ability to disable Lockscreen Shortcuts
- Update various icons to Material Design
- Make headset notification dismissable
- Allow all files over BT
- Dirty Unicorns is starting...
- Stop About-DU from launching at startup
- Increasing ring volume
- Unlink ringer and notification volume
- Add ADB over Network tile
- Add Compass tile
- Notification ticker
- Add NFC tile
- Privacy Guard (functions alongside App Ops)
- Implement PIN keypad shuffler
- Upgrade kernel to 3.4.107
For detailed change log, check [URL="http://gerrit.dirtyunicorns.com/#/q/status:merged,n,z"]http://gerrit.dirtyunicorns.com/#/q/status:merged,n,z[/URL]
[B][U]Version 9.3[/U][/B]
- Update to Android 5.1.1
- Materialize DSPManager
- Fix SysUI FC for Themes with QS mods
- Change checkboxes to switches
- Remove Voice Dialer
- Fix for Play Services deep sleeping
- Fix various Theme Engine issues
- Add back notification LED settings backend
- Fix NavRing FC
- Expose values for our applications to be themed
- Hide lights settings if device doesn't support them
- Don't set preferred APN's automatically
- Fix battery and notification lights
- Various translations
- Enable dt2w by default
For detailed change log, check [URL="http://gerrit.dirtyunicorns.com/#/q/status:merged,n,z"]http://gerrit.dirtyunicorns.com/#/q/status:merged,n,z[/URL]
[B][U]Version 9.2[/U][/B]
- Added DU-Updater
- Make Navring available to devices with no navbar
- Add user configurable shortcuts
- Implement ambient display as Active Display
- Change location sensors mode in quick settings
- Show carrier label / custom and change color
- Add Left clock
- Volume rocker music controls
- Double tap to sleep on navigation bar
- Navbar ring targets
- Option to show four tiles per row
- Lots of tiles added
- Theme Chooser updates
For detailed change log, check [URL="http://gerrit.dirtyunicorns.com/#/q/status:merged,n,z"]http://gerrit.dirtyunicorns.com/#/q/status:merged,n,z[/URL]
[B][U]Version 9.1[/U][/B]
- Navigation Bar Customization
- Add navigation bar arrow keys toggle
- Add left and right virtual buttons while typing
- Create expandable volume panel
- Battery and Notification Lights
- Add Sync tile
- Screenshot Tile
- Update default app icon to a more material like icon
- Material Design makeover
- Proximity speaker: add time delay preference
- Headsup Options
- Mms improvements
- Lockscreen Tile
- Lockscreen shortcut customization
- Themed DU kb hints/spacebar
- Add About DU to settings/about phone
- Add our changelog back
- Allow disabling of FC dialogs
- Update SuperSU v2.45
- Materialize volume panel in/out animation
- Power menu screenshot delay
- Theme Engine
For detailed change log, check [URL="http://gerrit.dirtyunicorns.com/#/q/status:merged,n,z"]http://gerrit.dirtyunicorns.com/#/q/status:merged,n,z[/URL]
[B][U]Version 9.0[/U] [/B]
- Initial Release of Lollipop
For detailed change log, check [URL="http://gerrit.dirtyunicorns.com/#/q/status:merged,n,z"]http://gerrit.dirtyunicorns.com/#/q/status:merged,n,z[/URL]
Credit and Thanks:
We would like to give thanks to everyone that contributes to the Android community, small or big because every bit counts. Although we can't list each and every contributor within the Android community, we would like to highlight some of the teams and individuals that have made it possible NOT only with just this version of DU but throughout the years because we don't ever want to forget where we came from.
That said, on behalf of the DU team we say THANKS to....
JMZ Software
Baby Jesus
Code Aurora Forum
Omni ROM
Android Open Kang Project (AOKP)
Android Ice Cold Project (AICP)
Max Weninger
Team Black Out
*If we have left someone or some team out, please accept our apologies*
Download Links:
Stable (9.8) - DU_m8_5.1.1_20151113-0526.v9.8-OFFICIAL.zip
Weekly - DU_m8_Weeklies
Recommended GAPPS - DU TBO Gapps || Banks Gapps
Other Links:
G+ community - https://plus.google.com/u/0/communities/109738128866939227235
ROM Source - https://github.com/DirtyUnicorns
Gerrit - http://gerrit.dirtyunicorns.com
Crowdin (translations) - https://crowdin.net/project/dirtyunicorns
Jira (Bug Report / Feature Request) - http://jira.dirtyunicorns.com/
Thanks to the team. Amazing roms.
See you later on g+
Great ROM
Great to see another ROM join the M8 community :good:
Little advice for op and to prevent users from asking again and again, could you post a list of bugs and issues? Will be easier for first time flashers as well
Bobbi lim said:
Little advice for op and to prevent users from asking again and again, could you post a list of bugs and issues? Will be easier for first time flashers as well [emoji14]
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
That's not how we roll, sorry.
Has anyone try and miss any major issues? Can you explain about three types of Recommended GAPPS - DU TBO Gapps || DU TBO Clear Gapps || Banks Gapps
hoangphamvm said:
Has anyone try and miss any major issues? Can you explain about three types of Recommended GAPPS - DU TBO Gapps || DU TBO Clear Gapps || Banks Gapps
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Blacked out, clear blacked out, and minimal.
NYCHitman1 said:
Blacked out, clear blacked out, and minimal.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Blacked out. Its black instead of default white theme. Clear blacked out is transparent theme. And minimal is default theme with less Google apps in the package
Hello and thanks!
Is it possible to add the doubletap2wake feature?
I tried to make a phonecall and i couldn't hear the other side.
micr0g said:
Hello and thanks!
Is it possible to add the doubletap2wake feature?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Try kernel adiutor
Tried TBO gapps and it's a server error?
Not found on this server.
mcwups1 said:
Tried TBO gapps and it's a server error?
Not found on this server.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Links updated! Sorry!
Thanks for bringing dirty unicorns back, awesome rom.
reubenskelly1992 said:
Try kernel adiutor
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Also found this was disabled. Not an available option in kernel tweaker and also not found in Trickster Mod.
Loving the rom, Remember back in the day with My Samsung SII and Fascinate. Everything works flawlessly, the only thing that I keep getting a hiccup with, it's the camera. I'll try to switch it to front camera, and get the message "cannot connect to camera" and of course force close. Will reflash and go from there. Overall as expected, great rom!!!
***EDIT***: Camera seems stable now. Only thing is MMS even though my APN are right. But Using EvolveSMS for now to send MMS.
New Edit: Wife wasn't being cooperative since she doesn't like me flashing stuff on my phone. Quick story, I explained to her it's like a Ulta (makeup shop), you just can't get one thing and leave, you gotta go back for more. Any who, everything is working flawlessly now, since again wife wasn't telling me she was getting MMS. Great job again!!!
daddyodizzel said:
Loving the rom, Remember back in the day with My Samsung SII and Fascinate. Everything works flawlessly, the only thing that I keep getting a hiccup with, it's the camera. I'll try to switch it to front camera, and get the message "cannot connect to camera" and of course force close. Will reflash and go from there. Overall as expected, great rom!!!
***EDIT***: Camera seems stable now. Only thing is MMS even though my APN are right. But Using EvolveSMS for now to send MMS.
New Edit: Wife wasn't being cooperative since she doesn't like me flashing stuff on my phone. Quick story, I explained to her it's like a Ulta (makeup shop), you just can't get one thing and leave, you gotta go back for more. Any who, everything is working flawlessly now, since again wife wasn't telling me she was getting MMS. Great job again!!!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
just flash Sense 6 Camera, it's around here in the m8 forum or just Google for HTC Sense Camera for Aosp, everything is working
Tapped from my Dirty One M8
I couldn't get WiFi to work.. I didn't pull a logcat....Has anyone experienced WiFi issues using GPE firmware. It may be the same issue that has plagued carbon from releasing it on our threads.
Sent from my One M8 using XDA Free mobile app
jxcorex28 said:
I couldn't get WiFi to work.. I didn't pull a logcat....Has anyone experienced WiFi issues using GPE firmware. It may be the same issue that has plagued carbon from releasing it on our threads.
Sent from my One M8 using XDA Free mobile app
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Never had a problem. Wi-Fi issues is normally firmware related
100% stable here
Tapped from my Dirty One M8
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
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"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
About Us:
Dirty Unicorns is a project that started out with no name. It was a project that was first based off AOKP back in the early days of Jelly Bean. In the early days -- it was just a one man show on one device, the EVO 3D. Since then, many others have joined the project and it has grown exponentially.
We have seen a lot of talent contribute to this project of ours. Big or small, the focus was always on contributing to the community. That is ultimately why we do what we do. After Jelly Bean, we decided to move to a new base, OmniROM. While AOKP was fun, OmniROM proved to be even more exciting base because it challenged us to see what we could do with a project that had different goals in mind. We learned a lot and gained contributors in the process. With Lollipop, we moved to an AOSP base with a lot of patches from CAF to make our older devices function as they should. We grew further with experience and learned a lot more along the way.
It has been an awesome learning experience and it's still not over! We are still learning, striving to grow each day, and continuing to move forward. Lastly, we DO NOT accept, nor ask, for donations. We do not believe in that. Everything that is necessary to keep this project going comes out of our own pocket. Gerrit, Jenkins, Websites, Devices, etc. We will never ask for a dime. All that we do ask is that you have patience, search for answers prior to posting, read, and try to enjoy the process with us!!
Flashing Instructions:
- Verify that you're using the latest version of TWRP
- Perform a FULL WIPE as described below
(A full wipe is when you wipe system/data/cache/dalvik)
- Flash the latest version of this ROM
- Flash recommended GAPPS linked below
- Reboot and ENJOY!!
**If you fail to follow these instructions, please don't bother reporting any bugs**
**If you use Xposed, please don't bother reporting any bugs**
**If you use another kernel, please don't bother reporting any bugs**
Change Log:
[B][U]Version 10.0[/U][/B]
- Initial Marshmallow release
For detailed change log, check [URL="http://gerrit.dirtyunicorns.com/#/q/status:merged,n,z"]http://gerrit.dirtyunicorns.com/#/q/status:merged,n,z[/URL]
[B][U]Version 9.7[/U][/B]
- Update to Android 5.1.1_r18
- Add Hot Reboot to Power Menu
- Fix 3-finger Gesture
- Slimified Nav Ring targets
- Ability to ignore interruptions while active media playback
- Add OmniSwitch as Recents
- Add Gesture Lockscreen
- Ability to hide Power Menu on the Lockscreen
- Ability to have notification lights while screen is on
- Bring back the Battery Bar
- Allow lockscreen elements to be themeable via color changing
- Ability to disable Privacy Guard notifications
- Add Volume Panel QS tile
- Disable extended statusbar weather by default
- Add ability to rotate the lockscreen
- Haptic feedback for QS tiles
- Time Contextual Headers
- Fix NFC tile disappearing
- Volume panel timeout ability
- Long press lockscreen lock icon to sleep or activate Torch
- Add menu action to OmniSwitch
- Fix Ad Blocker
- Re-organize Dirty Tweaks to make things more streamlined
- Further optimizations and bug fixes
- CMTE fixes
- Updated translations
For detailed change log, check [URL="http://gerrit.dirtyunicorns.com/#/q/status:merged,n,z"]http://gerrit.dirtyunicorns.com/#/q/status:merged,n,z[/URL]
[B][U]Version 9.6[/U][/B]
- Update to Android 5.1.1_r9
- Patched up stagefright vulnerability
- OmniSwitch updates
- Added ability to enable or disable scrolling cache
- Add 3-finger screenshot gesture
- Fix QS - Notification shade blank area bug
- Add DT2S for Lockscreen
- Add Lockscreen Wallpaper functionality
- Add new nav bar icons by Bryan Owens
- Add Enable-Disable notification color inversion
- Customize Battery Saver notification icons
- Add Dotted Battery icon style
- Add Longpress Settings actions to QS
- Add System App Remover
- Add back menu button for navbar
- Reorganize Dirty Tweaks
- Reorganize About Phone - About Tablet
- Update more icons
- Fix backup tool
- Added optimizations to various repos
- Spruced up DeskClock
- Various translations
- Added back Omni's customizable PhaseBeam wallpapers
- Materialized Launcher3
- Fix assorted bugs reported or discovered
For detailed change log, check [URL="http://gerrit.dirtyunicorns.com/#/q/status:merged,n,z"]http://gerrit.dirtyunicorns.com/#/q/status:merged,n,z[/URL]
[B][U]Version 9.5[/U][/B]
- Update to Android 5.1.1_r8
- Add Breathing Notifications (calls/sms/voicemail)
- Slim Recents
- Option to disable Torch on screen off
- Add Slim Navbar customizations
- Add SlimPIE
- Add SELinux Switch
- Add NavBar Tile
- Move button mods to Navigation menu
- Add Expanded Desktop
- Add Weather to Settings (cLock)
- Add back IME arrows
- Add DU Logo in Statusbar (plus color changing ability)
- Add ability to disable Lockscreen Shortcuts
- Update more icons to Material Design
- Fix 4G instead of LTE switch
- Add Live Volume Steps
- Add Config for WiFi Country Code
- Hotspot Idle Config
- Per App Controls for keyguard
- Simplify how Extra Info determines density
- Font change size for SMS/MMS composition or incoming
- Assorted bug fixes
- Various translations
For detailed change log, check [URL="http://gerrit.dirtyunicorns.com/#/q/status:merged,n,z"]http://gerrit.dirtyunicorns.com/#/q/status:merged,n,z[/URL]
[B][U]Version 9.4[/U][/B]
- Updated to Android 5.1.1_r4
- Add USB Tether tile
- Remove carrier settings
- Make DU Extra Info themeable
- Force Expanded Notifications
- Add Music tile
- Fix disabling volume adjust sound
- Various ThemeChooser fixes
- Add Volume Rocker Swap button function
- Add Wakelock Blocker
- Add AOKP System Animations and Listview Animations
- Eliminate more checkbox options (replaced by switches)
- Add Task Manager
- Add ability to disable Lockscreen Shortcuts
- Update various icons to Material Design
- Show 4G instead of LTE switch
- Make headset notification dismissable
- Allow all files over BT
- Dirty Unicorns is starting...
- Stop About-DU from launching at startup
- Increasing ring volume
- Unlink ringer and notification volume
- Add ADB over Network tile
- Add Compass tile
- Notification ticker
- Add NFC tile
- Privacy Guard (functions alongside App Ops)
- Implement PIN keypad shuffler
- Updated translations (French, mostly)
For detailed change log, check [URL="http://gerrit.dirtyunicorns.com/#/q/status:merged,n,z"]http://gerrit.dirtyunicorns.com/#/q/status:merged,n,z[/URL]
[B][U]Version 9.3[/U][/B]
- Update to Android 5.1.1
- Materialize DSPManager
- Fix SysUI FC for Themes with QS mods
- Change checkboxes to switches
- Remove Voice Dialer
- Fix for Play Services deep sleeping
- Fix various Theme Engine issues
- Add back notification LED settings backend
- Fix NavRing FC
- Expose values for our applications to be themed
- Hide lights settings if device doesn't support them
- Don't set preferred APN's automatically
- Fix battery and notification lights
- Various translations
For detailed change log, check [URL="http://gerrit.dirtyunicorns.com/#/q/status:merged,n,z"]http://gerrit.dirtyunicorns.com/#/q/status:merged,n,z[/URL]
[B][U]Version 9.2[/U][/B]
- Added DU-Updater
- Make Navring available to devices with no navbar
- Add user configurable shortcuts
- Implement ambient display as Active Display
- Change location sensors mode in quick settings
- Show carrier label / custom and change color
- Add Left clock
- Volume rocker music controls
- Double tap to sleep on navigation bar
- Navbar ring targets
- Option to show four tiles per row
- Lots of tiles added
- Theme Chooser updates
For detailed change log, check [URL="http://gerrit.dirtyunicorns.com/#/q/status:merged,n,z"]http://gerrit.dirtyunicorns.com/#/q/status:merged,n,z[/URL]
[B][U]Version 9.1[/U][/B]
- Navigation Bar Customization
- Add navigation bar arrow keys toggle
- Add left and right virtual buttons while typing
- Create expandable volume panel
- Battery and Notification Lights
- Add Sync tile
- Screenshot Tile
- Update default app icon to a more material like icon
- Material Design makeover
- Proximity speaker: add time delay preference
- Headsup Options
- Mms improvements
- Lockscreen Tile
- Lockscreen shortcut customization
- Themed DU kb hints/spacebar
- Add About DU to settings/about phone
- Add our changelog back
- Allow disabling of FC dialogs
- Update SuperSU v2.45
- Materialize volume panel in/out animation
- Power menu screenshot delay
- Theme Engine
For detailed change log, check [URL="http://gerrit.dirtyunicorns.com/#/q/status:merged,n,z"]http://gerrit.dirtyunicorns.com/#/q/status:merged,n,z[/URL]
[B][U]Version 9.0[/U] [/B]
- Initial Release of Lollipop
For detailed change log, check [URL="http://gerrit.dirtyunicorns.com/#/q/status:merged,n,z"]http://gerrit.dirtyunicorns.com/#/q/status:merged,n,z[/URL]
Credit and Thanks:
We would like to give thanks to everyone that contributes to the Android community, big or small because every bit counts. Although we can't list each and every contributor within the Android community, we would like to highlight some of the teams and individuals that have made it possible NOT only with just this version of DU but throughout the years because we don't ever want to forget where we came from nor those that have helped us!
That said, on behalf of the DU team we say THANKS to....
JMZ Software
5 lb 6 oz Baby Jesus :laugh:
Code Aurora Forum
Omni ROM
Android Open Kang Project (AOKP)
Android Ice Cold Project (AICP)
Max Weninger
Team Black Out
Pure Nexus Project
**If we have left someone or some team out, we apologize and please PM us**
Download Links:
Rom - Dirty Unicorns SM-T530 matissewifi
Rom - Dirty Unicorns SM-T535 matisselte
Recommended GAPPS - Theme Ready Gapps || Banks Dynamic
Frequently asked questions:
The download link is slow, can you provide a mirror?
From time to time, we perform maintenance on our website but we do not authorize any mirrors. Please have patience!
I'm on a TEST BUILD and have this bug, can you help?
Please keep any discussion about test builds in the G+ community!
How can I get Viper4Android working?
Check this thread out https://plus.google.com/+JasonPasch5/posts/6JDRjdL2mKM
Are you coming from a ROM with Layers?
Make sure you remove your 'overlay' folders and perform a FULL WIPE
My battery stats are all messed and reporting the wrong percentage, what can I do?
Stop using another kernel. Do a FULL WIPE and flash the ROM again
Is this ROM CM based or AOSP based?
This ROM is based off AOSP
Does this ROM have layers or the CMTE?
This ROM uses the CM theme engine
Pulse doesn't work with [insert music app]
Check this thread out https://plus.google.com/101146731143183859725/posts/TcSzc61xuVx
I'm getting a FC from the theme chooser, what gives?
This is due to restoring data/apps from Google. Go ahead and clear data and cache for theme chooser and theme provider then reboot you should be good moving forward.
I changed my LCD density and now the navbar looks weird, what gives?
This is currently an issue that we are aware of and are addressing. For now, after you've changed the density -- reset navbar layout or stay on the stock density.
Other Links:
G+ community - https://plus.google.com/u/0/communities/109738128866939227235
ROM Source - https://github.com/DirtyUnicorns
Gerrit - http://gerrit.dirtyunicorns.com
Crowdin (translations) - https://crowdin.net/project/dirtyunicorns
Jira (Bug Reporting / Feature Requests) - http://jira.dirtyunicorns.com/
XDA:DevDB Information
Dirty Unicorns, ROM for the Samsung Galaxy Tab 4
XDA:DevDB Information
Dirty Unicorns, ROM for the Samsung Galaxy Tab 4
Source Code: https://github.com/sub77-du
ROM OS Version: 6.0.x Marshmallow
ROM Kernel: Linux 3.4.x
Version Information
Status: Stable
Created 2016-03-10
Last Updated 2016-08-10
Galaxy Tab 4 Telegram Channel -> https://telegram.me/galaxytab4
TITANIUM BACKUP STORAGE PROVIDER -> enable external_sd write access
Originally Posted by thatITguy
On mine (Verizon LG G4), I had to do go to TiBu -> Menu -> Preferences -> Backup folder location -> Storage provider (click to change)
From there, choose DocumentProvider and choose the root directory of your SD card. That granted TiBu access to the SD card. I was able to choose my old backup directory and successfully backup my apps.
Slowly it really gets hard to choose... @sub77 what do you prefer? DU or Bliss?
Gesendet von meinem GT-I9505 mit Tapatalk
Hi @sub77 . I checked your new project - DU . It's fantastic ! Very interesting ! More tweaks . AnTuTu on default settings 22375 . Back camera no but front very very good !
And Viper4Android installs very simple with SElinux permissive .
Just flashed DU. For those who are thinking about being lazy and not wiping data when coming from BP, don't bother. It doesn't work.
Seems very snappy fast to me. Front camera seems to work just fine, back is dark as usual. More to come!
Der-Knuffi said:
Slowly it really gets hard to choose... @sub77 what do you prefer? DU or Bliss?
Gesendet von meinem GT-I9505 mit Tapatalk
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i like DU Smartbar. best navbar out there.
what are the differences between the two images you have up there? Looks like a solid 10MB difference between the two.
morph166955 said:
what are the differences between the two images you have up there? Looks like a solid 10MB difference between the two.
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i added prebuilt nova launcher and a themed es fileexplorer from team blackops.
have you tested consumer ir?
btw. to get video recording working you have to lower the resolution.
sub77 said:
i added prebuilt nova launcher and a themed es fileexplorer from team blackops.
have you tested consumer ir?
btw. to get video recording working you have to lower the resolution.
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I've not tested IR yet. I'll try to do that in the next day or two. I'll reflash the tablet when I get home later with the new version. I think I'll probably do a full wipe, it didn't load all my apps cleanly from googles backup.
One issue I still have with all of the MM builds is the DHCP client. I always have to go into developer options and tell it to use the LP DHCP client. It connects the first time through but then it drops after about 15 minutes. No idea why.
As far as a performance tweak, I've been playing with swap partitions on the SD card for a bit now as a way to offset the RAM. I've noticed that it gets pretty utilized and it seems to speed things up a bit. Is there any way you can put a script or something in that scans the partitions on the SD card, looks for one that is formatted as swap, and then mount it automatically? I usually just put something in init.d to mount on boot, but it would be cool to do it automatically. Thoughts?
The other thing I noticed is that this is the first ROM I've seen where SEANDROID seems to be more functional. I don't see the error on boot anymore. Has anyone tried to do encryption yet on this? I've always wanted to have my tablet encrypted in case I lose it.
I stand corrected on the SEANDROID piece. It looks like installing the MultiRom zip has made the kernel message pop up again. I lost it when I wiped /data to install DU.
I'm having problems setting the lock screen to anything other than swype. Settings crashes when making changes.
Sent from my SM-T530 using Tapatalk
---------- Post added at 09:19 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:07 AM ----------
Also having problems interacting with the ext4 partition on my sd card. Most apps see either nothing or just a list of the root. ls -ls from terminal emulator as root can't even show contents.
Sent from my SM-T530 using Tapatalk
morph166955 said:
I stand corrected on the SEANDROID piece. It looks like installing the MultiRom zip has made the kernel message pop up again. I lost it when I wiped /data to install DU.
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yes, but its only cosmetical, noseandroidenforcing appears if using a custom kernel. i am patching it while build process.
multirom needs to extract the boot.img and repack it, so my patch is gone. iam working on a multirom routine which is repatching it.
morph166955 said:
I'm having problems setting the lock screen to anything other than swype. Settings crashes when making changes.
Sent from my SM-T530 using Tapatalk
---------- Post added at 09:19 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:07 AM ----------
Also having problems interacting with the ext4 partition on my sd card. Most apps see either nothing or just a list of the root. ls -ls from terminal emulator as root can't even show contents.
Sent from my SM-T530 using Tapatalk
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i will check it, i had to modify the volume manager deamon to get exfat support.
Sounds good. The only really big thing for me is the password. I don't like having the tablet around, logged into my life, and wide open to someone grabbing it.
To note, I tried the IR on two separate TVs using Peel and I couldn't make either work. Peel works on my S6 with these TVs so I'm leaning towards the IR not working properly yet. What debugs/info can I grab for you?
Sent from my SM-T530 using Tapatalk
---------- Post added at 03:53 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:46 PM ----------
Other thing I just noticed, some cli commands I had on BP either don't work or are gone. For example, ssh used to work (as a client), and is now missing. "swapon" exists but refuses to mount a partition as swap.
Sent from my SM-T530 using Tapatalk
Best Yet for my 530
But can"t seem to power off device. keeps rebooting. Plus swipe is only thing to unlock screen. can't use pattern. keeps fc
powering off... what a novel idea!
You can probably get it powered down if you drop to TWRP and power down from there until he posts a new build.
Sent from my SM-T530 using Tapatalk
morph166955 said:
powering off... what a novel idea!
You can probably get it powered down if you drop to TWRP and power down from there until he posts a new build.
Sent from my SM-T530 using Tapatalk
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doesn'T work from TWRP. STILL REBOOTS:good:
That shouldn't have anything to do with the ROM then I would think...
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G925A using Tapatalk
---------- Post added at 05:03 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:53 AM ----------
Just tried mine. Powers down no problem from both twrp and from the ROM.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G925A using Tapatalk
How to run Kernel Adiutor ? There are no icon in menu apps .
repey6 said:
How to run Kernel Adiutor ? There are no icon in menu apps .
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Cancel original with TITANIUM then re install apk with market