[Q] Merging multiple text threads into one continiously - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I recently got an SGS5, and I noticed something that has started to annoy me. Judging on what I can read online and from googling I am not the only one annoyed by it. But so far no one has actually provided a viable and working solution as far as I see it.
I have several contacts with multiple phone numbers under them, and when I get texts from the various number it creates one new thread/conversation pr number they text me from and its getting to the point where it is getting annoying. Isn't there some way to fix or correct this?. ie where the phone defaults to respond to the last number it got a text from, from that contact, or that it simply defaults to sending a text out on the default selected number or asks?.
I am not looking for something or a solution that will merge all my threads back in time, but for something that works going forward so that all threads created from today and onwards gets merged.
I know Google Hangout apparently can do this, but I don't want to use Google Hangout as my default messaging app, and I am presently using HandCent in case there is a setting inside Handcent that I just need to set.
But I hope someone might have a working solution to my problem/issue & thanks in advance.


conversations disappear in messaging after 3.14 rom update

there doesnt appear to be anything in search relating to this so here goes.......
.....im getting sick of htc changing so many features and settings on this phone everytime they release an update. ive got another issue now. not mentioning the dozen ive managed to sort myself in the last day or so.
my text messages are now all over the place. if i recieve a message i hit the message icon on the scroll bar and it opens. reply and then close. normal situation. however. when i want to send another message to the same person either by opening their contact info or hitting the message icon and finding the conversation there is no info at all. wtf!!!
if i go to all messages i get a list of all recipients and the last message either sent or recieved but when i click on that person to reply the entire conversation, 1,2 10, 100 messages that are in brackets next to their name are nowhere to be seen. ive tried removing contact pictures, deleting numbers and attaching them to the contact when a message comes in. no luck. been through the messaging settings, cant find anything else to check or uncheck to resolve this situation. ive no contacts on my sim card just the phone.
cheers. i do need to know if its a general thing with this rom or is my phone just playing up? anyone else noticed this? communications is a big part of messaging and as all phones nowadays seem to be able to record and display conversations with each contact i find it hard to believe htc suddenly decided to bin the idea.
anyone got any suggestions as to how i recover this option as i cant be asked to remember the last few messages of every conversation i have. not to mention important information that i cant access if i cant pull up more than one previous message!
I have the new stock Rom 3.14, and I haven't encountered anything like you've described here. What application did you use to restore the backed-up messages after you flashed the ROM?
fixed this. i had installed a cab recently which disables the annoying 'sent message successfully' notification. but this was also causing the above mentioned problem. unistalling the cab means ive got my conversations back and all contacts/messages link properly. see here for all info and further links... http://www.htchd2forum.com/general-htc-hd2-discussion/more-hatred-for-new-3-14-rom-(conversations)/

[Q] [DEV] Poll MMS Debacle/Debate

MMS Debacle/Debate/Laughter/Annoyance
Apps related but Development related for Future Builds, Move if Needed
It has been posted numerous times and people still numerous times have had problems & been easily dis-missed with the 10 or so work arounds suggested that still inevitably don't work for some select few out there. I have posted attempted possible solutions in the Apps section before & troubleshooted my own MMS problems for the past 2 months till blue in the face. I wanted to share everything I have tried and everything I have noticed in an effort that maybe a Developer out there can correct the issue for us.
Brief summary to Developers for what I think is the problem or solution: I believe in order for outgoing MMS picture messages to work you have to either A: Have the MMS.apk properly re-format the phone number that it pulls from the contacts list by removing the dashes and maybe adding the 1 in front. MMS has always worked without the 1 or the +1 in front for me.
B: Have the Contacts.apk or Contacts list designed so that it only saves phone numbers without dashes in them. I think from some of the recent Contact.apk's I messed with that current builds are not automatically putting dashes in anymore when phone numbers are saved so that may be helping alot of people.
Now onto what I have noticed past several months:
Many have dissed the poor people with failing MMS picture messaging by simply suggesting removing dashes, adding 1, adding +1, trying Handcent, Chomp SMS, Go SMS. etc etc. Also those same people said MMS works fine or works fine for them. However I question how many of those people are using Contacts saved to their actual phone as myself as it appears if your using your Google account or your SIM card to save your contacts to than this issue does not seem to exist. Also, removing dashes is not an option for Phone saved contacts or not in my current ROM build. Some newer ROM Contacts builds looks like it will let you save numbers without dashes now. Mine does not with Phone contacts. People wiht Google contacts probably did not have to worry about that as they could edit within Google. It specifically exists for people and myself with Contacts saved to their phone who may or may not be using their SIM or Google account to save their contacts to. I tried various APN and separate MMS apn settings with no difference.
I have pulled and tried just about every MMS.apk from AOSP and various froyo builds. Always Handcent, Chomp, Go SMS formatted and worked perfectly for MMS picture messaging. AOSP always worked for me but I had other issues with attaching Audio that caused force closes. propably due to my aging Obsidian V4.2 ROM. My issue was on previous build ROMs as well and been on my ROM since freshly loaded up to now where you cant recognize it is Obsidian anymore with all my mods. SMS always worked period. MMS always received perfectly for me. MMS always sent perfectly as long as I manually typed in the number without a 1 or +1 needed. MMS always worked when replying to an already received SMS/MMS. Only specifically when selecting Contacts to create a SMS/MMS does the "Error In Server Response" exist leading one to believe that its a formatting problem somewhere between MMS.apk and Contacts.apk when the softwares transfer over the phone number/contact information to create the message header.
This has been the only issue I would love fixed short of using alternative Handcent, Chomp, Go etc. It is also the reason why I have held off flashing newer builds as it is some work to re-setup my entire customized phone and still have the problem remain as I have been reading in recent Team Whiskey Nero v5 builds still.
Maybe I'm retarded or maybe I'm onto something but I felt I should put my efforts out there for developers to examine and also to take a Users poll of MMS issues regarding which people are using various ways to save their Contacts....SIM, Phone, Google account to pin point the cause.
Thank You for reading, sharing, and looking into this. If I had programming skills I would rewrite the damn MMS.apk myself since every other 3rd party seems to work and format the numbers properly to send MMS without issue.
MMS Issues
God knows I've tried just about all the ROMs in the forum and unless it's either the stock rom or one of the leaked ones, Touchwiz MMS has never worked. If I used the custom ROMs MMS suite it's fine. As soon as I mod it for Touchwiz MMS it pukes.
ive tested almost every rom and i always have my contacts save through sim and my mms is flawless every time.
I've had this issue a few times. I do NOT save my contacts to phone or sim, they are ONLY in my Google account. I finally went and edited all my contacts on the Google Contacts website to remove the dashes and 1s, and now it works fine every time.
raduque said:
I've had this issue a few times. I do NOT save my contacts to phone or sim, they are ONLY in my Google account. I finally went and edited all my contacts on the Google Contacts website to remove the dashes and 1s, and now it works fine every time.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Same story here. Removed the dashes and now MMS messages send perfectly.
As a way of troubleshooting why it seems to works for some people and not at all for others (even when considering the no-dash, no-paren formatting), it might make sense for people to post their configuration:
Think I'm interested in learning if people who are having this problem are
* syncing to Google,
* not syncing with Google,
* if they are typing in a phone number,
* if they are looking up a contact by name,
* if they are replying to a sent message,
* and so on.
My thought is that if we provide a little detail about each configuration - especially those that aren't working, that we might be able to figure out what's really going on.
Moved of: Samsung Vibrant > Vibrant Android Development
To: Samsung Vibrant > Vibrant General
So far seems the majority of people are using the "Cloud" Google/Gmail Account to store their contacts and do not have the "Error In Server Response" problem. Few SIM card saving people said they have an issue but most of those have always seemed to work. Nobody has voted saving to their Phones as of yet....
Mainly cause SIM only saves basic information...the Name & the phone number so little room for error in storing the Contact data.
Contacts saved to Phone can save pictures, addresses, e-mails etc etc so I think because of that ability to save additional information it affects formatting somehow when the number is pulled and transferred over to the MMS messaging when creating a new picture message to send.
Seems like best answer for everyone is to use their Gmail/Google account to save & edit their Contacts if saving to Phone keeps causing the problem. Which is probably what I will do but have been avoiding because I do not want to see all my Gmail contacts and e-mail contacts on the phone at the same time hence why I liked keeping a clean Contacts list primarily on my phone.
***I Love all the people that voted I'm retarded
feelx77, it has nothing to do where the contact is saved, and EVERYTHING to with whether or not there are dashes in the phone number.
A phone number with dashes, ie: 000-000-0000 = "error in server response", every time, no exceptions.
A phone number without dashes, ie: 0000000000 = works fine.
Ah, but it does matter where it saved because certain locations willl or will not let you edit the dashes out and/or because SIM already saves the contact information in a basic information format without pictures, addresses, e-mails etc etc. Which is stated in my lenghty long post. Removing the dashes is already a well known solution but depending on where contacts are saved it may not allow the editin gor it may still not work with or without adding the 1 or +1 as well.
I'm full aware of the dashes removal trick. Hence why I recommended that maybe the MMS.apk (Touchwiz Version Messaging Program) or the Contacts.apk that hands over the contacts header to the MMS.apk should be rewritten/reprogrammed to automatically remove dashes in the phone number header regardless of what saved source was used IE: Gmail, SIM, or Phone.
Also this "Error In Server Response" is strictly in regards to MMS (Picture Messaging when creating a new picture message and selecting existing Contacts from within the Touchwiz Messaging app. This is not in regards to standard SMS (text messaing)
Clarified further?
Its been a while so thought to BUMP for more poll statistics etc.
I finally caved last month and just moved my contacts over to my Google/Gmail account and as expected, as already known, I've had no problems sending MMS that way or off my SIM card. Just gave up trying to fix or get MMS Picture Messaging to work with having my contacts saved to the phone. Only saved contacts saved to the phones memory always returned the "Error In Server Response" when selcting a contact in the drop down in the messaing app.
Over all I'm going to like using Google/Gmail saved contacts better, was just avoiding as I was too lazy to port them all over and the error or issue should not have existed in the first place using phone saved contacts.
Just wanted to share, and BUMP this thread for anyone still having issues or wanting to vote in the poll. Laterz...

[Q] Stock contacts and SMS apps - configuration problems

I moved from Samsung Galaxy S2 to S3 with a later Android version (4.3), and there are just a couple of things that are driving me crazy as far as the stock contacts and sms apps are concerned.
Before I decide to move to other apps (which I don't really want to do as I've been pretty glad about the stock apps so far):
How to change the generic picture for contacts?
I liked the earlier format with simple silhouettes in different colours and I totally hate the new creepy-looking faces with a smile, eyes, nose etc. (sorry, I am not allowed to post outside links yet, which is why I had to remove all the sample links from this question and the following ones, which may make my questions a little more difficult to understand).
How to remove the contact pictures besides the text messages?
Before, the text messages were displayed with text bubbles only.
Now there are little annoying contact pictures next to the messages. I've found a couple of threads about it on the Internet but no real solutions, unfortunately.
And this one has been bugging me since Galaxy S2:
How to hide all those contacts that include no phone number (i.e. those imported from my Google account)?
I am able to hide the contact in the normal view (if I simply scroll down the list, only phone contacts are displayed) but whenever I use the in-app search option, the e-mail contacts appear, too, which is pretty annoying (I use the search to find someone I want to call, not if I want to write an e-mail).
Anyone, anything? I know these aren't exactly the most interesting or serious problems, and they're rather Android- than phone-related... but I've spent a lot of time researching this and I've found no solution whatsoever (besides using other apps).
Question [Q] Stock contacts and SMS apps - configuration problems
I moved from Samsung Galaxy S2 to S3 with a later Android version (4.3), and there are just a couple of things that are driving me crazy as far as the stock contacts and sms apps are concerned.
Before I decide to move to other apps (which I don't really want to do as I've been pretty glad about the stock apps so far):
How to change the generic picture for contacts?
I liked the earlier format with simple silhouettes in different colours and I totally hate the new creepy-looking faces with a smile, eyes, nose etc. (sorry, I am not allowed to post outside links yet, which is why I had to remove all the sample links from this question and the following ones, which may make my questions a little more difficult to understand).
How to remove the contact pictures besides the text messages?
Before, the text messages were displayed with text bubbles only.
Now there are little annoying contact pictures next to the messages. I've found a couple of threads about it on the Internet but no real solutions, unfortunately.
And this one has been bugging me since Galaxy S2:
How to hide all those contacts that include no phone number (i.e. those imported from my Google account)?
I am able to hide the contact in the normal view (if I simply scroll down the list, only phone contacts are displayed) but whenever I use the in-app search option, the e-mail contacts appear, too, which is pretty annoying (I use the search to find someone I want to call, not if I want to write an e-mail).
Hi! Changing default generic picture is not possible without root at least(i think it might be best to use a custom rom maybe), removing the picture next to each sms is linked with the contact list so you should try other sms apps from playstore for that and hiding contact with no number in contact list is impossible - try to make a group with the ones that have number and one group with the ones that don't have numbers or remove the email only contact from google contact list(on gmail). Hope i gave you some directions Cheers!

Messaging (SMS) & Contacts Conflicting?

Hi guys, I am facing a weird issue with my Sony Z5: a friend got married and changed names, I updated her entry under Contacts and so far so good. Easy job. Now here is the weird thing: Text messages (SMS) under "Messages" are still showing her with her old name. I even tried completely deleting all texts and the contact entry under Contacts and recreating her entry from scratch but as soon as I texted her to test if it worked, her OLD name showed up under Messaging. Ironically when searching for her old name under Contacts, nothing comes up, and yet, Messaging keeps the association of the number and old contact name.
What is going on here? Kinda annoying and not sure if there is an rational explanation why this would happen.
Any feedback or ideas? Should some sort of cache be cleared?
This is for a Z5C with Marshmallow recently upgraded. Stock Firmware. Not rooted.
Thanks in advance,
Any feedback? Anyone else facing this?

How to show contacts with phone numbers ONLY?

I tried searching the net, but everything I can find relates to MM or earlier. I definitely fixed this issue when I first got this phone, so that only people with numbers were shown in my contacts list. Now I upgraded to Nougat just a few hours ago, and now I can't figure out how to do that again. That option doesn't seem to exist anymore! Am I missing something?? Or did they remove this option from the stock Contacts and Phone apps?
This is absurd. Pulling up Contacts shows a huge list of everyone I've ever interacted with over email, which is beyond stupid, imo. If I need to reach some person via email whom I don't text/call, then that's what the Gmail app is there for. What's the point of this mess? Sorry about the mini rant.
Same Problem
Same Phone, Same Problem, Same Question?!
I'm convinced now that, yes, Google really did think that a dysfunctional Contacts app is what the people want. So, the only solution here is to switch to third party apps. Oh well, not a big deal I guess.
I found a work around, create a new label in contacts and all the contacts with numbers to that label. Then you can customise the view on your phone to display only that label. If you ever add any contacts in the future with a phone number just ensure you add them to that label which you can do via your phone.

