Hey guys any help would be appreciated. I'm about to get Galaxy S2 I9100 switched over to metro can somone or anyone please assist with conffig of the Data setting and MMS.... Please!!!!
klee2000 said:
Hey guys any help would be appreciated. I'm about to get Galaxy S2 I9100 switched over to metro can somone or anyone please assist with conffig of the Data setting and MMS.... Please!!!!
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MetroPCS? Will this phone (specifically the GT-I9100) even work on their network? I thought they were a CDMA carrier?
EDIT: hold up. You say "about to get Galaxy S2 I9100 switched over to metro"... does this mean you already have the phone and are switching to Metro? Or did you order the phone and are waiting for it to arrive, and plan to switch to Metro?
Your profile says you are on T-Mobile USA. If you ALREADY have a Galaxy SII on T-Mobile, you probably have the SGH-T989.
If you DON'T already have a Galaxy SII, and you've ordered the GT-I9100, and want full use of 3g/"4g", you will HAVE to go to AT&T or H2O, or any other GSM carrier that may be regional to your area that uses the same frequencies as AT&T. Or, you could stick with T-Mobile, but your mobile data speeds will be limited to Edge.
MetroPCS uses completely different cellular transmission technology, and the GT-I9100 will not even pick up a signal on their network for voice, let alone data.
EDIT 2: For that matter, if you have the T-Mobile variant (SGH-T989), that one won't work on Metro either, for the same reason.
Well it's both I'm picking up the phone after work and I plan to get it flashed to Metro. I was told that the phone is the Sprint Samsung Galaxy S2 I9100. I'm doing it for my girl who already has Metro. I have seen other user selling Galaxy S2 already on Metro so I know for a fact that they have the Web & MMS working, I just cant find it for myself! Thanks for the reply by the way!
klee2000 said:
Well it's both I'm picking up the phone after work and I plan to get it flashed to Metro. I was told that the phone is the Sprint Samsung Galaxy S2 I9100. I'm doing it for my girl who already has Metro. I have seen other user selling Galaxy S2 already on Metro so I know for a fact that they have the Web & MMS working, I just cant find it for myself! Thanks for the reply by the way!
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Who ever told you "Sprint Samsung Galaxy S2 I9100" is wrong. There is no such thing.
The I9100 is the international model that operates on GSM.
If it's from Sprint, they meant the "SPH-D710", not "I9100".
You are better off asking in this forum. Someone there may have experience flashing a Sprint variant to Metro.
It's not very likely that anyone here in the I9100 forums is going to be able to help you, sorry.
I think he posted the wrong model>>>>> What Carrier has Galaxy S2 model I9100???? I think sprint model is Sphd710!
Thanks for the Help!!!!
klee2000 said:
I think he posted the wrong model>>>>> What Carrier has Galaxy S2 model I9100???? I think sprint model is Sphd710!
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If he said it's flashable to Metro, then yes, he got the model wrong.
NO carrier in the US carries the I9100. It is the international model. But like I said, it works on AT&T for voice and 3g/"4g" (which is what I'm using), and T-mobile USA for voice and Edge.
Hey guys,
I have pre ordered the S3 ( AT&T) version and I will be using it in Canada, now I am not sure if I should cancel my preorder and buy the international version or stick with AT&T unlocked one, I bought it because it does support LTE but at the moment Fido doesn't support LTE ( they said they will this year).
I am worried about the battery life since I read that LTE eats the battery, can I disable LTE? Also what about firmware updates since I am in another country and the phone is for AT&T, would I be able to upgrade to the latest once they release it and how?
I have never used android before and I don't know alot about phone so my questions might be noobish
Zackaroli said:
Hey guys,
I have pre ordered the S3 ( AT&T) version and I will be using it in Canada, now I am not sure if I should cancel my preorder and buy the international version or stick with AT&T unlocked one, I bought it because it does support LTE but at the moment Fido doesn't support LTE ( they said they will this year).
I am worried about the battery life since I read that LTE eats the battery, can I disable LTE? Also what about firmware updates since I am in another country and the phone is for AT&T, would I be able to upgrade to the latest once they release it and how?
I have never used android before and I don't know alot about phone so my questions might be noobish
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I don't think the AT&T version is unlocked. I think it is locked to that carrier and you can only use it on AT&T. I suggest you get the international version.
FIVE86 said:
I don't think the AT&T version is unlocked. I think it is locked to that carrier and you can only use it on AT&T. I suggest you get the international version.
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It is actually unlocked, I am worried in terms of updating the firmware and stuff, so if at&t releases an update how can I get it? and also is there an option in Android to disable LTE?
Just curious, but i haven't yet received my 4.4.4 OTA Update and i'm still on 4.4.2. It's a D6503.
Also, has anyone taken one of these things to China? If so, what carrier were you on and what level of service (Eg. HSPA+, LTE) did you get?
Just curious, but i haven't yet received my 4.4.4 OTA Update and i'm still on 4.4.2. It's a D6503.
Also, has anyone taken one of these things to China? If so, what carrier were you on and what level of service (Eg. HSPA+, LTE) did you get?
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Some brands release updates late, and some countries release them later
Check the FTF thread at the top of the general section
Hey guys, I'm considering getting an at&t alpha, to use with my T-Mobile Sim. Does anyone else here do the same? Will this affect my reception? I have heard my LTE may not be as strong. Also, will this affect how I get updates? Is there a difference in speed from the exynos and snapdragon? Thanks!!!
ncvikingx97 said:
Hey guys, I'm considering getting an at&t alpha, to use with my T-Mobile Sim. Does anyone else here do the same? Will this affect my reception? I have heard my LTE may not be as strong. Also, will this affect how I get updates? Is there a difference in speed from the exynos and snapdragon? Thanks!!!
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I am using it now on T-mobile network.
Hotspot will not work unless you root it. You cant root ATT phone. Wifi calling will not work. I dont use any of it.
I did speedtest on this phone and on my Tmo Note 4 and the 4G LTE speed are almost the same.
To get it to LP 5.0.2, you need a ATT nano sim card. I heard you walk into the store n buy or it or some store even give it to you free. Or you can buy from fleabay. I am happy just staying on KK 4.4.4
So do I need it to have service? Or can I just use a blank Sim and download over WiFi? Also, how noticeable is the difference in texture between the white and black mode?
ncvikingx97 said:
Hey guys, I'm considering getting an at&t alpha, to use with my T-Mobile Sim. Does anyone else here do the same? Will this affect my reception? I have heard my LTE may not be as strong. Also, will this affect how I get updates? Is there a difference in speed from the exynos and snapdragon? Thanks!!!
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Do not go for the AT&t Model because
1) you need at&t sim to update.
2) There is no work around for this.\
3) There is NO ROOT for the AT&T model and might never be....as its not supported by developers.
4) Even if you get an at&t sim from someone and update it things might get broken as some users have reported "recent key" not working after the update and since its bootloader locked there is no way users can downgrade it Via odin (just to mention because its bootloader locked there are no firmwares on sammobile either).
5) at&t has a snapdragon processor, while the 850F model has exynos 5430 which is about 30% more power efficient than the snapdragon one.
6) Do yourself a favor and buy international, factory unlocked SM-G850F Model. Hope it helped
dork997 said:
Do not go for the AT&t Model because
1) you need at&t sim to update.
2) There is no work around for this.\
3) There is NO ROOT for the AT&T model and might never be....as its not supported by developers.
4) Even if you get an at&t sim from someone and update it things might get broken as some users have reported "recent key" not working after the update and since its bootloader locked there is no way users can downgrade it Via odin (just to mention because its bootloader locked there are no firmwares on sammobile either).
5) at&t has a snapdragon processor, while the 850F model has exynos 5430 which is about 30% more power efficient than the snapdragon one.
6) Do yourself a favor and buy international, factory unlocked SM-G850F Model. Hope it helped
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if I don't want root but want better lte speeds with t-mobile would the 850m with same band support as att alpha but ezynos processor be a better option?
dork997 said:
Do not go for the AT&t Model because
1) you need at&t sim to update.
2) There is no work around for this.\
3) There is NO ROOT for the AT&T model and might never be....as its not supported by developers.
4) Even if you get an at&t sim from someone and update it things might get broken as some users have reported "recent key" not working after the update and since its bootloader locked there is no way users can downgrade it Via odin (just to mention because its bootloader locked there are no firmwares on sammobile either).
5) at&t has a snapdragon processor, while the 850F model has exynos 5430 which is about 30% more power efficient than the snapdragon one.
6) Do yourself a favor and buy international, factory unlocked SM-G850F Model. Hope it helped
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Thanks. So the sim has to be active? Is the unlocked model really worth the extra $100?
stivelio said:
if I don't want root but want better lte speeds with t-mobile would the 850m with same band support as att alpha but ezynos processor be a better option?
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i don't use LTE so can not guide you on that but if we put the LTE aside ... think about it there are so many at&t alpha users complaining about their RECENT BUTTON not working after 5.0 update. There is no way to downgrade....they are stuck with unusable devices....however some 850F users who experienced the same problem downgraded with ease....i think 850F is much better.
ncvikingx97 said:
Thanks. So the sim has to be active? Is the unlocked model really worth the extra $100?
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Yeah you need to have a working at&t sim to get updates. and Yes the unlocked version is worth every penny cuz of root,customization and exynos 5430.
stivelio said:
if I don't want root but want better lte speeds with t-mobile would the 850m with same band support as att alpha but ezynos processor be a better option?
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This is the route I went. I still want to use att LTE and be able to root my device. Best buy had a deal a couple of weeks ago. G850m for $349 usd unlocked, bought it right away. I believe price has gone up since though.
Sent from my 1+1
Mojar7070 said:
This is the route I went. I still want to use att LTE and be able to root my device. Best buy had a deal a couple of weeks ago. G850m for $349 usd unlocked, bought it right away. I believe price has gone up since though.
Sent from my 1+1
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so 850m has root? and does assume manage pushing updates to this model directly?
stivelio said:
if I don't want root but want better lte speeds with t-mobile would the 850m with same band support as att alpha but ezynos processor be a better option?
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Mojar7070 said:
This is the route I went. I still want to use att LTE and be able to root my device. Best buy had a deal a couple of weeks ago. G850m for $349 usd unlocked, bought it right away. I believe price has gone up since though.
Sent from my 1+1
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Is your 850M on Tmo getting fast data speeds on Tmobile.
To OP - I just got a software update OTA direct from Samsung by selecting software update on phone on Metro PCS - neither Metro nor Tmo carry the Alpha so it upgraded direct from Samsung to 850MUBUBOB1 software version.
Thanks guys. I definitely want the unlocked model, but considering I have a nexus 5, I dont feel like I need to have the latest software all of the time, especially touchwiz. Is there a difference in texture between the white and black phones?
stivelio said:
so 850m has root? and does assume manage pushing updates to this model directly?
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Yeah, G850m has root and custom recovery as well. Some roms available but not a lot. I wouldn't want to update with root and trwp if I were you, it might cause some issues.
Sent from my 1+1
---------- Post added at 08:10 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:07 PM ----------
robertkoa said:
Is your 850M on Tmo getting fast data speeds on Tmobile.
To OP - I just got a software update OTA direct from Samsung by selecting software update on phone on Metro PCS - neither Metro nor Tmo carry the Alpha so it upgraded direct from Samsung to 850MUBUBOB1 software version.
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No, mine is on att. Getting reasonable speeds. I'm located in SF Bay area.
Sent from my 1+1
dork997 said:
i don't use LTE so can not guide you on that but if we put the LTE aside ... think about it there are so many at&t alpha users complaining about their RECENT BUTTON not working after 5.0 update. There is no way to downgrade....they are stuck with unusable devices....however some 850F users who experienced the same problem downgraded with ease....i think 850F is much better.
Yeah you need to have a working at&t sim to get updates. and Yes the unlocked version is worth every penny cuz of root,customization and exynos 5430.
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Are you saying do not update to LP 5.0.2 ?
I am still on KK 4.4.4 on this ATT phone unlock n using it on T-mobile network. So far I am loving it.
I have used G850A on T-Mobile network. It works great and the LTE speed is much faster than on AT&T. I could get the lollipop update using an old NET10 SIM card - the network was reported as AT&T. It's much better than with Kitkat. I switched to Cricket, which uses AT&T network but is reported as cricket instead of AT&T. The coverage is better, but with slower LTE. No problem with the recent button.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G850A using XDA Free mobile app
OK cool, thanks. Why would there be a problem with the recent button?
Mojar7070 said:
Yeah, G850m has root and custom recovery as well.
would be able to point me to the thread that has rooting instructions for 850m?
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stivelio said:
Mojar7070 said:
Yeah, G850m has root and custom recovery as well.
would be able to point me to the thread that has rooting instructions for 850m?
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Hello, the root instructions for the G850m is the same as the G850f. They are both the exynos cpu. The thread I believe is in the q&a section.
Sent from a Locked Bootloader
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Mojar7070 said:
stivelio said:
Hello, the root instructions for the G850m is the same as the G850f. They are both the exynos cpu. The thread I believe is in the q&a section.
Sent from a Locked Bootloader
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I got my 850m today and just finished rooting it and flashing the only 850M rom that seems to be available in the development section
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Some people complain about the recent button not working after lollipop update. A bonus comes with lollipop on T-Mobile - free tethering, which is not available on AT&T.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G850A using XDA Free mobile app
Please Delete. Wrong thread.
I am wondering if my S4 i545 (verizon) will work on the Canadian speak out 711 plan they sell in Canada for a trip in taking and what I would need to do to make it work. I have the 32 gig version, rooted with the original pre-release kernel and not updated since I rooted it when it first came out.
I can't find the answer along my searches, so my Google Fu must be weak.
Thank you very much for any help you can offer me.