Album art seems funky on lock screen since 5.0 OTA?? - T-Mobile Samsung Galaxy S 5

They said and claim album art is still on lollipop but what I notice is when I'm playing music and screen turns off when I turn it onto lock Screen to skip tracks from pandora from lock screen there isn't a > play or skip button or album art
It just like a notification just sitting on lock screen
Sent from my SM-G900T using XDA Free mobile app


lock app

Is there a way to lock the app so it wont close or move,what i mean is that sometimes i am watching netflix and then my son gets my phone and starts messing with and closes the app or moves something,so i would like to be able to lock the app?
Only stock Video player on the Note has the feature to lock videos by pressing the power button.
-Once you go NOTE, you'd say 4 inches a Joke

screen off app

hey i am using screen off app to turn off and on my screen as a im afraid that my power button will break after some time and i dont want proximity sensor will break if its continously on ? how can i turn on screen using any other way without rooting?
BTW im using atrix 2
I use the Lock Screen app from Play. Then I assign it to a gesture, such as swipe up, in my launcher (Apex, Nova).
But I still have to use a button to turn the phone on.
Sent from my HTC Desire S

Stop screen wake on notifications..?

Is this possible on the stock 4.1.2? I can't stand the screen unlock every time I get a notification. I have my lock screen as swipe, so every time I get a notification when my phone is in my pocket it usually unlocks and starts opening stuff. Or if I'm listening to music it will start changing songs.
Couldn't find a place to turn this off..
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using xda app-developers app

Netflix & Youtube

I've had the LG G5 for a few days now and I have noticed that when watching movies on Netflix or Youtube as the screen has a tendency to lower the light and then lock itself after 2 minutes. This ends happen when you turn off the rotation setting. I wonder if others have the same problem ?
I guess its a bug cus the phone thinks u r not using it.. Put the lock on 30min and. Tap the screen every 20 min
Sent from my HTC 10 using Tapatalk

Next song does not play until I unlock the phone or keep the Always on Dispaly on.

Guys, I have an issue where after the screen is locked, the currently playing music keeps playing but the next song does not start. I can check that the device was in light doze and after turning on the screen, the songs resume. Even have disabled all power saving settings, disabled optimization for all apps, enabled Enhanced processing and even selected the option of "Keep Open" in the recent app options menu(press and hold on the app icon), still the next song does not start. Have also disabled data saver, enabled background activity and data use while data saver off, still does not help. Only when i enable the Always on Display then the songs keep playing. I have even factory reset the phone, done the reset all settings multiple time but to no avail. This is for all music apps. Also, the AOD has to be the always on one and not the tap to view for 10 seconds one. Just don't want the Always on Display and want the music to keep playing. What am I missing ?
Device is Samsung Note 10 + running on Android 11.

