[ROM] FINAL Twi5ted Lollipop 5.0 V7 5/24/2015 Deviant Development - T-Mobile Samsung Galaxy S 5

"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
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"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
[CENTER][SIZE=3][FONT=Courier New]
Android 5.0
Knox Free
Carrier IQ Removed
Rooted w/ SuperSU
Init.d Scripts for Performance
Insanely Fast UI
Build.prop Tweaks
4-Way Power Menu
Removed Security Warnings
Added 400 Fonts
3Minit Battery Mod
Custom Ringtones
Removed Battery Cover Toast
Call Recording
App Ops
Removed Volume Warning
Center Clock
Modded TW Launcher
Flashlight Toggle
Working Private Mode
TW Swipe Support
ToolBox up to 12 apps
Removed Full Battery Notification
Call/Mess Block
Unrestrictive Tethering
Disabled Unknown Sources
Sdcard Fix
360 Degree Framework Rotation
No Software update in Settings
Adaway Ad Blocker
KT Kernel
Compatible with OZOP
TW Theme Support (21 themes)
New Lock Screen Effects
360 Framework Rotation
Adobe Flash
Disabled Signature Checks (user apps)
S6 KeyBoard
S6 SPlanner
S6 MyFiles
S6 Browser
S6 Accuweather Widget
S6 Smart Manager
Disabled USB Wake plug/unplug
Long Press Back to Kill App
Removed HotSpot Notification
Removed IME Keyboard Switcher
Enabled Developers Options by Default
and more I'm probably forgetting
[SIZE="3"][FONT="Courier New"][CENTER][B][U]Feb 22 2015[/U][/B]
Initial Release
[B][U]March 13, 2015[/U][/B]
Added Viper
Removed Volume Warning
Updated KT
Working WiFi Calling
Added Center Clock
Modded TW Launcher for speed
Added Full Screen Caller ID
Added Flashlight Toggle
Compatible with OZOP
Updated 3Minit Battery
Fixed Tethering
Fixed Private Mode
Added Swipe Support to TW Launcher
Removed Full Battery Notification
ToolBox up to 12 apps
[B][U]March 15, 2015[/U][/B]
Added TW Theme Support ( 14 themes to choose from )
Fixed Google Wallet/NFC
Fixed extentions On SystemUI and SecSettings
Added New Lock Screen Effects
New Boot Animation
Removed PowerOff sound
[B][U]April 5, 2015[/U][/B]
Updated Swipe App
Updated KT Kernel (3/27)
Added Dark Settings
Added Dark S6 MMS
Added Dark Framework
Added Dark Dialer/Contacts
Fixed Call Recording
Fixed SideSync
Added 360 Framework Rotation
Added 7 TW Launcher Themes (21 total)
Added S6 Floating Messages
Added Adobe Flash
New Boot Animation
Disabled Signature Checks (user apps)
cleaned up some code.........
April 25, 2015
Removed S6 MMS
Added Dark Modded S5 MMS
Added New Boot Animation
Added S6 Keyboard
Added New Performace Scripts
Added Camera Tweaks
Fixed 99% of text issues
And other crap I cant remember
May 8, 2015
Added S5 Dark MMS
Added S6 SPlanner
Added S6 KeyBoard
Added S6 Calculator
Added S6 MyFiles
Added S6 Browser
Added S6 Smart Manager
Added S6 Accuweather Widget
Removed Airplane Notification Popup
Removed Mobile Data Off Warning Popup
Updated Kt Kernel
Updated 3Minit Battery Mod
Removed Dark Backgrounds
Removed Cyan Text
All stock now...................
May 24, 2015
Updated 3Minit Battery Mod
Fixed Reboot Issues
Disabled USB Wake plug/unplug
Removed IME Keyboard Switcher
Added Long Press Back to Kill App
Removed HotSpot Pop_Up Notification
Linked Volume & Notification[/CENTER][/FONT][/SIZE]
Twi5ted Lollipop V4
Twi5ted Lollipop V5
Twi5ted Lollipop V6
Twi5ted Lollipop V7
Go to settings/More Networks/Mobile Networks/Access Point Names...
Name: T-Mobile US LTE
APN: fast.t-mobile.com
Proxy: Not set
Port: Not set
Username: Not set
Password: Not set
Server: Not set
MMS proxy: Not set
MMS port: Not set
MCC: 310
MNC: 260
Authentication type: Not set
APN type: default,supl,mms,hipri,dun
APN protocol: IPv4/IPv6
APN roaming protocol: IPv4
APN enable/disable: APN enabled
Bearer: Unspecified
MVNO type: None
MVNO value: Not set
XDA:DevDB Information
Twisted Lollipop 5.0 , ROM for the T-Mobile Samsung Galaxy S 5
The Sickness
ROM OS Version: 5.0.x Lollipop
ROM Kernel: Linux 3.4.x
ROM Firmware Required: NH5 NK2 OB1
Version Information
Status: Stable
Stable Release Date: 2015-02-22
Beta Release Date: 2015-02-22
Created 2015-02-23
Last Updated 2015-04-10

Here is my personal TWRP theme made by my boy @SICKMADE.......Be sure to thank him
whenever he posts in my thread........
1. Download the Ui.zip from below
2. Go into your file manger and go to TWRP folder. Inside that folder "should" be a folder called Backup. Thats if you have a Nand???????
3. Inside the TWRP folder you nedd to create a NEW folder.....name it theme. No capital letters
4. Drop the UI.zip into the theme folder
5. Reboot into recovery
6. Profit
Light Blue Keyboard
Twi5ted Lollipop The Darkness
Kt Kernel Fix
If you are getting random reboots on V6 I have made a zip to fix the issue. Make SURE that you
wipe cache/dalvik BEFORE you reboot. See link below.......Kt_Kernel_fix
This is LolliOZOP @stangdriver44 made compatible for V6. All thanks go to him
LolliOZOP Black & Blue For V6
Here is Xposed for Lollipop. Download the zip AND the apk from below. Install the apk FIRST, then
flash the zip........
MyFiles Fix For Text
Tethering Fix For Black & Blue OZOP
UnLink Volume & Notifications

Is this debloated?

LolVersatile said:
Is this debloated?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse

Awesome! Will try it out.

Ahhhh ****......damn no shout out...im hurt..lmao
Let the fun begin bro..

Let's do this!
Sent from my SM-G900T using XDA Premium 4 mobile app

One question I just Went from lollipop OTA Back to UVU1ANCH 4.4.2
Can I still flash this Even tho I'm back on kit Kat firmware and baseband ...Or do we have to be already on Lollipop?
Another words will it boot up
Sent from my SM-G900T using XDA Free mobile app

androidddaaron said:
One question I just Went from lollipop OTA Back to UVU1ANCH 4.4.2
Can I still flash this Even tho I'm back on kit Kat firmware and baseband ...Or do we have to be already on Lollipop?
Another words will it boot up
Sent from my SM-G900T using XDA Free mobile app
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Click to collapse
Just flash. I was on NK2 bootloader when I built this.
EDIT: A big THANK YOU to my latest minion.........you know who you are.

One again another master piece absolutely no problem everything is running great thanks bro you are my hero.
Have a beer for appreciation of your work. Transaction ID # 4P741298HK703172E)
Sent from my SM-G900T using XDA Free mobile app

Richcar said:
One again another master piece absolutely no problem everything is running great thanks bro you are my hero.
Have a beer for appreciation of your work. Transaction ID # 4P741298HK703172E)
Sent from my SM-G900T using XDA Free mobile app
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Click to collapse
Thanks man...I really appreciate that

Just gave you a small gesture of appreciation of your awesome hard work. Really like and enjoy what you do, been trying to do it my self but cant find the time. Once again thank you!
Confirmation number: 0FL292844T2506328
Just waiting on the phone to charge to finally flash this beast!!!!!!

Negrin82 said:
Just gave you a small gesture of appreciation of your awesome hard work. Really like and enjoy what you do, been trying to do it my self but cant find the time. Once again thank you!
Confirmation number: 0FL292844T2506328
Just waiting on the phone to charge to finally flash this beast!!!!!!
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Click to collapse
Thank you my friend. I really appreciate it

If you are having ANY issues sending or receiving pictures on MMS please to the following to fix the issue.
Go to Settings/More Networks/Mobile Networks/Acces Point Names.........
Select T-Mobile US LTE
Scroll down to APN TYPE
ADD the following mms,internet,data,admin
Then save.
Problem solved

MMS Messages
I'm not sure why but I can't get my MMS messages to download. I have had that before but by turning off WiFi I could make them work. No luck on this ROM. Any ideas?

Do we need the lollipop bootloader to get the wifi calling to work correctly? I tried yours and axatax version and it only says "enabling".

Glad to see another ROM. Will be testing soon....

joshhendry said:
I'm not sure why but I can't get my MMS messages to download. I have had that before but by turning off WiFi I could make them work. No luck on this ROM. Any ideas?
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Ummm.....look at my post above yours
esjames said:
Do we need the lollipop bootloader to get the wifi calling to work correctly? I tried yours and axatax version and it only says "enabling".
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Click to collapse

esjames said:
Do we need the lollipop bootloader to get the wifi calling to work correctly? I tried yours and axatax version and it only says "enabling".
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Click to collapse
The stock kernel will fix that right up. The KTkernel doesn't work very well with TMo.


[ROM][07/06][LSW][4.1.2][V14.6] WanamLite Clean & Fast & Pure Stock Themed

Welcome to WanamLite JB edition.
Screenshots on 2nd post.
Features :
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Based on latest Jelly Bean base
Repacked Stock Kernel + Safe CWM (Thanks to Philz)
Deodexed & Rooted & Zipaligned & Busybox
Pure Stock Themed
Aroma installer
Unlimited SMS recipient list
No SMS to MMS convert
Automatic SMS encoding (Arabic support)
Numeric Circle battery (Optional on Aroma)
23 customizable Status bar + Numeric Circle battery (Optional on Aroma)
Numeric Circle battery (Optional on Aroma)
Tweaked Speed & Battery life
Disabled scrolling cache
Debloated (Removed Apps available on Aroma installer)
Large APN list
No incremental ringtone
Enabled Call recording
Enabled Ripple effect on Stock Lockscreen (Optional on Aroma)
4 Way reboot
4 Shortcuts on the Lockscreen
Clean build.prop for best Market compatibility
Kies support
Call Button on Contacts List (You can hide it from Aroma installer)
Stock dialer buttons
Hacked Email App
Unlimited Wifi AP clients
Unlimited Contact joining
Disabled Shutter on Apps
Moved All system apps on Preload partition to get more space on System partition
Swype keyboard (Optional on Aroma)
Enabled Shutter sound menu on Camera
Tweaked CPU sampling rate for better battery life
Unlimited MultiView Control
MultiCSC:127 CSC
Enabled Exit button on the Browser
Stock Arabic Fonts (optional)
Arabic Right to Left Fix (Optional)
Google Plus & Magazines moved to Aroma options
Disabled Signature check with 23 toggles (optional)
Removed USB OTG wakelocks
Media Scanner fix
Download & Changes log:
WanamLite JB LSW V14.6 (Big Thanks to Beso for testing and troubleshooting with this update)
Blue Themes WILL be available here:
JB/ICS Style Reloaded - Jelly Bean Style White (Thanks to Crussader)
Please DO NOT use my Rom files without authorization, it's easy to track, and easy to report!​
Installation (Must have CWM kernel like Cf-root) :
Copy my Rom to internal sdcard
Backup, backup, backup
If you came from AOSP or any Rom other than 4.0.4 based Rom, you MUST WIPE your data
Flash my Rom from recovery
Reboot & enjoy (and let the phone to boot up, at least 5 minutes required for media scanner to finish)
Some simple tips to get the best of your battery life :
Call *#9900# and disable Fast dormacy
Disable auto sync for accounts
Disable GPS (and wifi gps)
Disable auto backup of Gmail account
Set wifi sleep policy to "Never"
Set brightness level to automatic
Disable motion
Check your apps settings and disable useless background sync
Disable transition animations
If you like this Rom and want to support it, use this banner on Signature :
Special thanks to Saranhai & Kemal Basacikoglu & AnAm85 for the banners
Thanks to :
@Dsixda, @Chainfire, @JesusFreke, @Fecito, @CM9 Team, @_Jkay_, @theos0o, @Vertumus; @LegendK95, @Lidroid, @Alexhee, @thebyiani, @Drakester09, @Препод, @poppuri, @sk0t, @HomamAgeel; @mythtrandyr; @Eudemony; @GokhanMoral; @samit.mahap; @pawandeep; @Kahvitahra; @vidwhal; @Tungstwenty; @lilithlol; @phil3758; @AhmedChaabane; @Amarullz; Mirko ddd; @Korumera; @mythtrandyr; @tamirda; @shoman94; @scrosler; @Jazzk; @CM team​It's just a hobby, so plz no ETA, If you like this Rom? please rate it.
Screenshots :
Removed Apps list :
any details about the rom?
golcheck said:
any details about the rom?
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Check changelogs on download page.
what's working and what's not what has changed pls ?
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
downloading thanks, here's hoping for less FC
Changeslog :
KP8 modem
Updated Root files
Remove TW launcher
Blue themed status bar (thanks to Bezke)
Updated Trebuchet
Removed more Samsung apps
Some kernel tweaks
Other small thing i don’t remember
Known issues :
Face lock still not working (it’s working with my kp8 data!! i don’t know why)
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Is the gtalk conversation messages stacking up the same way or is it working properly?
Edit: its working great!
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA App
Great rom, can't wait to use
Loving the rom
Gps not locking .. any recomendations bro?
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA App
Thanks..downloading..any change lo
wanam said:
Check changelogs on download page.
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Click to collapse
Hi Wanam. Do we need to install new bootloader for this rom if come from gingerbread?
angiogram said:
Hi Wanam. Do we need to install new bootloader for this rom if come from gingerbread?
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Click to collapse
It's recommended.
intelligencexan said:
Loving the rom
Gps not locking .. any recomendations bro?
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA App
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Click to collapse
Try FasterFix.
Great ROM Wanam. Hope i havent spoke too soon. No reboots lockups etc. All seems to eb going fine
---------- Post added at 10:48 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:40 AM ----------
Dont like the phonebook in KP8.
The fact that we have.
Dialpad, Call Log, Favourites.
Why cant we just have contacts at the end instead of Favourtes?
Edit: Ive also messed something up! Must have removed an app that changes the locksreen wallpaper. The box pops p showing gallery i press that then it closes and i see a box showing Media Scanner running.Then im back to the settings page.
superleeds27 said:
Great ROM Wanam. Hope i havent spoke too soon. No reboots lockups etc. All seems to eb going fine
---------- Post added at 10:48 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:40 AM ----------
Dont like the phonebook in KP8.
The fact that we have.
Dialpad, Call Log, Favourites.
Why cant we just have contacts at the end instead of Favourtes?
Edit: Ive also messed something up! Must have removed an app that changes the locksreen wallpaper. The box pops p showing gallery i press that then it closes and i see a box showing Media Scanner running.Then im back to the settings page.
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Click to collapse
Be patient, you have to wait media scanner on the first boot.
Does logcat work?
On previous ROM it does not work.
RubberBigPepper said:
Does logcat work?
On previous ROM it does not work.
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Click to collapse
I disabled it, i made a cwm patch if you want activate it.
I dont see my contact's and i cant inport/export them... i dont see nothing

[**UPDATED][4.4.2] DN3 (Ditto Note 3) ROM from E-team (Electron Team) 11/07/2014

Thank you for solid support..after enormous support from users and countless downloads and praised by all over world we present Kitkat .​
Hey you ??
Are You still not in DN3 Family ???
Then Join Today. You probably don't want to miss the biggest buzz around.
Join Today. Early birds gets all
We can help anyone but not totally non experienced android users. sorry lolll..​
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
DN3(Ditto Note 3) ROM
for our beloved Note II (SCH-i605)
post 1 :::: ROM Info, Changelog and credits and download links from now on.
post 2 :::: Posters and Banners
post 3 :::: Screenies and videos
post 4 :::: FAQ and HOW to s.
post 5 :::: Add more apps to UPSM(Ultra Power Savings Mode)
post 6 :::: 4.4.2 discussion quick link/Original Thread link
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Click to collapse
-Based on ND3
-Pure Stock look
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Click to collapse
Ditto Note 3 features
Added S5 SecContact app
Added S5 Phone app Feature S5 in coming call popup notification style
Added Call Recording button
Added S5 Messaging app Feature S5 in coming message notification style (Thanks to VN Team for SecMms mod)
S5 Drive Link
Added S5 Sbrowser
Added S5 Gallery New lockscreen effect - Blind Effect
Air Command
Smart Scroll
Smart Pause
Signature Lock
Writting Buddy (Direct Pen Input) **Currently NOT WORKING
One Hand Operation in All Screens
S5 Toolbox feature
S5 Power Saving Mode
S5 Ultra Power Saving Mode
S5 Lockscreen Effects
S5 System UI
S5 Launcher with Magazine & Pullup app
S5 Wallpaper
Note 3 Icons
Note 3 MyFiles
Note 3 SNote
Note 3 ScrapBook
Note 3 SketchBook
Dual Settings (Note3 & S5) with search feature
Popup menu in many note 3 apps.
Quick Glance Air Gesture
Pen Window Manager from @xperiacle
Other note 3 apps like contacts,msg etc.
Note 3 Multiwindow style
Possible to use the same app in both multiwindows
DN3 Exclusive feature called AnyApp allows you to choose custom app instead of S Finder in Air Command.
and many more things that we might forget... see it yourself today.
MultiCSC thanks to @sotmax and @joeldroid
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Antuntu Benchmark:by @savadam
Quick Review of DN3 v5+: by @parthpatels007
Review of 4.4 Kitkat 4 RC : by @savadam
Android Version 4.4.2 Kikat changelogs
DN3 v5.2 (dt. 11/07/2014)
Aroma fixed (added more options)
Re did ALL core frameworks
Verizon ND7 BASED
No more data issues
GPS fixed
Fixed wifi direct & sbeam
Fixed Screen Mirroring
Menu Key maps to recents app & long press home button maps to google search (optional) (e-team)
Added themes option in settings
Added dock settings option in accessories menu
Added previous stock N2 motion gestures in settings/motion
Phone/in call - now use Action Memo instead of S5 memo
Fixed some bugs on SystemUI notifications
Fixed some bugs on lockscreen
Added support up to 9 apps in Toolbox
Disabled increasing ringtone
Add support for semi transparent statusbar in most samsung stock applications
Fixed samsung security remote control
Ultra Power Saving Mode now with 3x3 grid
DN3 v5+ (dt. 27/05/2014)
New DN3 v5+
Aroma Roms (Full & Lite version)
Optional S5 apps & themes (thanks to avivalder for his contribution to the video player)
Menu Key maps to recents app & long press home button maps to google search (optional)
Added themes option in settings
Added dock settings option in accessories menu
Added previous stock N2 motion gestures in settings/motion
Phone/in call - now use Action Memo instead of S5 memo
Fixed some bugs on SystemUI notifications
Fixed some bugs on lockscreen
Added support up to 9 apps in Toolbox
Disabled increasing ringtone
Add support for semi transparent statusbar in most samsung stock applications
Fixed samsung security remote control
Ultra Power Saving Mode now with 3x3 grid
Custom DN3 kernel with SE Linux disabled and aircrack support
Firmware Support all features from previous DN3 v4 RC2
Added S5 SecContact app
Added S5 Phone app Feature S5 in coming call popup notification style
Added S5 Messaging app Feature S5 in coming message notification style
Fixed S5 Drive Link
Added S5 Sbrowser
Added S5 Gallery New lockscreen effect - Blind Effect
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
DN3 v5.2 VZW 11/07/2014​LINK
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
DN3 i605 BETA2 ​LINK
md5: 1f85a3faec45dd2bfad4dc4561f5db19
If you have no Data on reboot flash THIS...Also fixes 4g drop on calls and Writing Buddy aka Direct Pen Input​
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Click to collapse
We don't want any dev to use the files included in the rom. If any dev want to have note 3 features for his rom, then please go to our MOD thread and read the 1st post.
Any queries or problems if u have we can sort it out on fb /hangouts /whatsapp / pm.
You are welcome for that.​
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
-to @vauss for the permissive kernel
[email protected] from htcmania for the nice tip
-and for logo @Dasko nd @shhbz (you are great)
-to @Kuljeet Singh for downloads app from mj7.
-to all beta testers and all those who supported
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
We also give thanks to​
I personally would like to give thanks to @[B]fkfmfz[/B] and @[B]krowley3[/B]
Thanks to contributors like @amit.bagaria, @badwolf94 @avivalder. But also thanks to @xperiacle, @HalloSpencer, @kashortiexda, @jtOttawa, , @Bert.C, @Petros_tigra, @Dai323, @mourad75, @Zanr Zij, @nmtuan.pnt, @pageniao, @wtf!!droid, @XDA_Waghmare, @parthpatels007, @mateus78, @pakure, @mavera, @fausto88, @papic7m, @boozyrock, @Doomhamma, @djoni_gitara, @stvn1337, @scoobysnack and many more users who helped and donated.
We are sure that we are forgetting several of you who contributed with fixes, feedback and answering question to other users so please contact us via PM and we'll add you to the list. If you are on the list is because we really think you deserve it and we don't want anyone to not get the thanks they deserve.
Thanks to all the users who supported us with nice words, patience and respect.
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Click to collapse
XDA:DevDB Information
[4.4.2] DN3 (Ditto Note 3) ROM from E-team (Electron Team), ROM for the Verizon Samsung Galaxy Note II
lacoursiere18, Arsaw, titooo7, Ravijani
ROM OS Version: 4.4.x KitKat
Version Information
Status: Beta
Current Beta Version: BETA 2
Created 2014-06-09
Last Updated 2014-07-11
Big thnx to hallospencer (u r awesome)
How to Add More Apps in Ultra Power Saving Mode (UPSM)
UPSM is good way to save some battery when needed, but only a very limited apps we can use under UPSM. With root access, we can add more apps support in UPSM.
Well, the whole idea of UPSM is to save battery, why on earth we want to add more apps to drain the battery? Because we can
For the start, our mod will add a few applications so you can test it out before customizing your own application list.
Apps added in our mod:
1) Camera
2) Gallery
3) Torch (included AOSP torch.apk for this feature)
4) Chrome
5) Hangout
Instruction to add more apps to UPSM
1) Download the UPSM_Add_More_Apps.zip from : http://electron-team.com/ADDONS/other/
2) Put zip file in sd card.
3) Boot in recovery and clear cache partition
4) Flash the zip file and reboot your phone
5) Boot into UPSM to test the added applications
How to add your own apps?
6) Go to system/csc and open up allowed_apps_upsm.xml with text editor
7) Add your desired applications. You need to know the application Package Name and the Main Class Name. Check the app's Android.Manifest.xml to find out.
8) Then go to phone data/data/com.sec.android.emergencylauncher/databases/ and delete EmergencyLauncherUPSM.db
9) Reboot your phone.
10) Done.
Note: Music app doesn't work in UPSM because some background services has been turn off.
Wish to have Xposed module or app to easily add more app to UPSM?
Xperiacle make an app just for that. Visit here to get the app: http://forum.xda-developers.com/show...php?p=52662294
4.4.2 Discussion starts HERE~~~~~
Original Thread HERE~~~
Rad! This looks awesome, gonna download as soon as I get home. Thanks!
Been on the MJ9 OTA for a few days, maybe this port will offer a little more stability... Either way, looks exciting!
BTW, I really like the way you've organized the OP. Very nice.
-Sent from my Galaxy Note 2 that's actually now a Galaxy Note 3. GET INVOLVED.
Awesome. .... Can't wait to try it out. .. Thanks so much
TappEd from my Note II
Check out my website for encouragement....
Hi, I like it to include Note 3 features! Thank you!
what does Based on MK5 mean?
Is it based on Verizon or other carriers?
torr310 said:
Hi, I like it to include Note 3 features! Thank you!
what does Based on MK5 mean?
Is it based on Verizon or other carriers?
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MK5 is N7105 base. But it is modified to work on CDMA Verizon i605
What is mk5?
Sent from my SCH-I605 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Wow awesome looking op. I'll have to take this for a spin. Thanks
homephysician said:
Wow awesome looking op. I'll have to take this for a spin. Thanks
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Thank @ravijani.. He was the creator of the original OP in N7100 thread
Tethering bypass working?
DaPoets said:
Tethering bypass working?
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Try it and let me know.. I don't tether. I know a few people are working on a bypass for 4.3.. But the OTA for Verizon was just released not even a full 48 hrs ago.. give them some time..
Great work downloading now....
I'm going to try this dirty later tonight. I will let you guys and gals know how well it works. I am running the current stock 4.3 just released.
Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk
Rebooting to recovery now, will report back on how it goes. Thanks for this, we can always use new flavors for the i605.
Downloading now. Hopefully it works better then the at&t port
Sent from my SCH-I605 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app

[Stock Based International TW Rom][5.0 Lollipop BOA3 Build Deodexed][Updated 1-25-15]

Here is the latest International 5.0 TW Lollipop BOA3 Based. Build from the factory tar image moddified to work with Sprint.
Based on firmwave G900FXXU1BOA3 Deodexed
Aroma Installer With Option To Debloat Apps (Thanks to @edgarf28 for aroma installer scripts @SkywalkerZ for Debloat Scripts)
Pre Rooted With SuperSU 2.45 Busybox
Remove Knox
Turn on call block/mms (block messages, calls)
Enable Call Recording
Working HotSpot
Modded Stock Message App With Floating Messages
Private Mode Working
AutoStart Manager To Settings
App Permissions To Settings
Recent Apps To SystemUI
PRLwrite Through Data Menu
5 way Reboot Menu
Init.d Support
Install Istructions
Must Be on NKD Firmware
Full Wipe Must Be Performed!! Wipe System/Cache/Data
Install Zip and be Patient! Will take Up to 10 minutes or more to boot.
IF on boot you get the message system isnt responding. Just pull battery and reboot
After first It maybe necessary to set apn to (LTE-SPRINT Test ISP APN)
Important! Let the phone sit a few minutes before messing around to let apps load and to let the phone register properly on Sprint Network.
If You wipe data or cache it will take up to 20 minutes to boot so dont worry! This is due to the system rebuilding ART System.
Change Log
Fixed Floating Messages App
Added More SMS/MMS Options
Added AutoStart Manager To Settings
Added App Permissions To Settings
Removed System Update From Settings
Fixed Private Mode
Fixed Kt Kernel Install
Added Floating Messages Option
Added Recent Apps To SystemUI
Added 5 way Reboot Menu-Thanks kmokhtar79 and sac23
Fixed SMS not sending long messages
Fix PRLwrite(must use Samsung Galaxy Tools)
Fixed SetUp Wizard so it works right when you choose full debloat
Fixed Google Calander Sync Error
Added Aroma Installer Options
Fixed Fullscreen Incall UI
Modded SecMMS unlocked more features
Modded TW Home with theme support
3Mint Battery Mod
Stock or Android L Boot Animation
Option To Remove Unwanted Apps
Updated Busybox and SU
Download Rom
Aroma Installer
Older Builds
Aroma Installer Versions
Standard Zip
Screen Shots
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
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"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
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"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Thanks to these guys
- tdunham (for too much to list!)
- gharrington (3Mint Battery)
- sac23 (for mods and knowledge)
- kmokhtar79 (5 way reboot menu)
- rompnit (for mods and and stuff from his rom)
- DaRk-L0rD (for AutoStart Manager In Settings Mod)
- nambavuong (For Floating Messages Mod)
- thanhfhuongf (for full screen incall ui)
- kmokhtar79 (for nice instructions on 5.0 mods)
- ficeto (for custom settings)
- SkywalkerZ (for debloat scripts)
- _alexndr (for aroma and installer scripts)
- edgarf28 (for aroma and install scripts)
- Breakcore_Rush (for system ui theme)
- ktoonsez (for Kernel)
- Archikitchen & Others (Kitchen To Make ROM)
- Versatile1
- Misterxtc (For Helping With FC Issues On Contacts And Flashlight Toggle)
- gharrington (3 Mint Battery Mod)
- idone (Galaxy Tools APK)
- Chainfire
awesome job
well... THANK YOU ... been waiting for t his
Downloading now
I will post a totally stock version of the NL9 build as soon as I get it uploaded. I have weak LTE coverage where Im at so let me know how it works. Then I will get some patches posted for people to use what ever 5.0 tw international rom they want.
Fully working :good:
Thanks very much. This is awesome. You're amazing!
nyfl2004 said:
Thanks very much. This is awesome. You're amazing!
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I just noticed That on LTE sms says its sending and never says sent. It actually sends though. I will look into this. Its hard because I have spotty LTE coverage
Sweet ty!
Sent from my SM-G900P using Tapatalk
jrkruse said:
I just noticed That on LTE sms says its sending and never says sent. It actually sends though. I will look into this. Its hard because I have spotty LTE coverage
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No worries. Thanks for the heads up.
goood JOB :good: :good: :good:
sounds nice, thanks, as always downloading now and must try it as soon as possible
I'm having trouble connecting to LTE on virgin mobile. 3g, texting, and calling works fine. Ive already tried using the Virgin LTE APN.
It also seems to stutter alot for seemingly no reason, but ill see if it settles.
Nice work [emoji106]
I updated the OP with a new build. This build is not a port but built from the factory tar image. It is a fully stock rom. Messaging should work better now. It may take a few minutes to send the first text but after that you should have now problems.
jrkruse said:
I updated the OP with a new build. This build is not a port but built from the factory tar image. It is a fully stock rom.
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rlmiller said:
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No this is from the factory tar image of the International version NL9. I was having to much trouble with the NL9 ported rom I was using so I build this one from scratch so I could incorporate properly the changes needed to run on sprint. It is working well. Of course it is missing wifi calling capabilities
jrkruse said:
No this is from the factory tar image of the International version NL9. I was having to much trouble with the NL9 ported rom I was using so I build this one from scratch so I could incorporate properly the changes needed to run on sprint. It is working well. Of course it is missing wifi calling capabilities
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Sure thank you for sharing ....
Rom was downloaded early this morning and has been running smooth with no hiccups all day!
Sent from my SM-G900P using XDA Free mobile app
Any bugs or list of things that dont quite work right? Any screenshots?
Thanks in advance, and happy new year!
jrkruse said:
No this is from the factory tar image of the International version NL9. I was having to much trouble with the NL9 ported rom I was using so I build this one from scratch so I could incorporate properly the changes needed to run on sprint. It is working well. Of course it is missing wifi calling capabilities
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So should I clean flash this over the last/original version or can I dirty flash it?

Kurama Rom V3-TW Oficial 6.0.1-N910FXXU1DPE1-Stock-Edge Features-Kurama Pack-Online!!

I want to tell you that Kyubi team it's quitting development because @Kazica have quit note 4 development. I thought at first to close the thread but I decided to let them opened so the users can still enjoying the rom. Thanks to everybody for your collaboration and support, it's been a pleasure and a great experience sharing with you our work.
Team Kyubi Present the new Rom Kurama by @Kazica !!
Neither HTCMania, XDA and we are not responsible for what might happen in flashing the terminal, etc .. if you are unsure about something you can ask but we don't take any responsibility ?
Kurama Rom
Changelog Kurama Rom
-Base N910FXXU1DPE1 TW 6.0.1
-Added busybox
-Knox removed
-Multi csc
-Stock Kernel
-Support bootanimations
-Improvements on Build.prop
-Improvements CSC
-fix Writing sd card
-Added toggles
-Switches On / Off added
-Added Blur on recents menu
-Very smooth and stable.
-Good Battery consumption
-Incremented Volume for headphones.
-Deleted Samsung Updates
-Multi user Enabled
-Added keyboard Subsymbols
-1060 Fonts added
-Recording Calls
-5 Reset options
-Lock Calls and sms
-Smart Double Manager UI
-Private mode functional
-Icon Nfc in status bar
-Option exit Internet
-Sounds S7
S7 apps
Features Edge S7 (single edge content!)
-Many More things to discover: ok: ...
- All applications multiwindow.
- Button Always choose apps / once.
- Update Private Mode.
- Update Google apk.
- Added Car Mode with toggle to activate
- Fix Google now one tap and added app.
- Fix Screen Mirror added.
- Fix add ringtone from tune selection.
- Fix wifi passwords.
- Improved battery management.
- Added Hancom Office Viewer
- Removed Knox info / settings
- Removed warning when increasing headphones volume
- The screen off on charging plug.
- Removed apk signatures
Thanks to @ funkyboy69 for their mods for V2
Changelog V3
-People edge
-Photo editor S7
-Fix Writing spen with photo editor
-Languages ​​Svoice (Italian, Russian, English UK, French)
-Command Awake svoice
-S7 Keypad
-Edge music
-Fixed video player graphics
-S7 music player
Installation Method
It's very important to have a copy of the EFS folder.
-Install Phil's recovery that never fails, TWRP fails sometimes.
-Put the rom on your external memory card.
-Reboot in recovery mode.
-Then Click on wipe data / clean new Rom.
-Then press delvink Wipe cache and cache.
-Now go to Install and search for the rom file and flash it.
-Reboot and config the rom.
-Once you've finished the system set up we advice to reboot on recovery mode and wipe dalvik cache and cache once more, then reboot.
-Now you're good to go.
The dev recommends to disable animations within developer settings for greater fluidity.
Rom links
Xposed installation
Xposed works flashing this zip.
And this is the installer
Bugs and data of interest
-All Edge options are not available only from content and apps yahoo have to add content from settings if you do not give FC !!
-On the first boot, smart select will give you an FC after granting the permissions, ignore that, it happens only once.
-If you're a Netflix user you'll need to flash this file
If you edit the build and change the name of the model SM-N910F to SM-G935F you'll be able to download themes from the store and more edge panels. Renember to change it back after that! ?
@kyubi Team because they are the bests
@winb33 for sources
@Chainfire for supersu! @thereassaad for S7 system dumb
@jovy23 for his amazing tutorial
@samsung for his update and mobile @Xda For tutorials
@htcmania and his great threads
If I forget someone, no problems will be added in this section ?
Kyubi signature for users thanks to @totoame
"lightbox_close": "Close",
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"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
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"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Copy the URL in your signature without the word kyubi before the url kyubihttp://i61.tinypic.com/2n2045z.jpg
Twitter#KyubiTeam #KyubiRom https://twitter.com/KyubiRom
Instagram @KyubiRom
If you like my work and want to donate to Team Kyubi click on the following Paypal's logo:
XDA Dev Information:
Kyubi ROM, ROM for the Samsung Galaxy
Note 4
Anthony46, Deiff76, Akelon, Metec, JuLySjOyS, BlackCatzs
ROM OS Version: 5.1.x Lollipop
ROM Firmware Required: N910F
Sources: stock samsung kernel rooted
Version Information:
Status: Testing
Created 2016/05/04
Last Updated 2016/05/04
Kurama pack v2!
Marshmallow kurama Pack is optional and includes:
-Systemui Themed MM
-Clock In quicksettings (drop curtain)
-Sd Card Notification eliminated.
-Framework Themed (status bar, checkboxs, switches, radio buttons and power menu)
-Settings Themed (status bar, switches, icon categories)
-Log Kurama and credits added.
-Sound Boot marshmallow
-10 Release effects. (By @flyker )
To install the pack kurama first install and configure the rom and once cast is already possible to install
Mod audio increased
Be careful because it greatly increases the audio, to try them gradually issue volume up
Mod audio stock
By @Kazica
Flash in recovery
SystemUI Mod
It includes:
- Round Notifications
- Apps recent round
- Blur curtain notifications
- Blur in my recent
- Low battery warning 15/5% eliminated
Mod by @funkyboy69
Mod Framework
This mod puts pop ups and rounded windows
By @funkyboy69
Camera Mod
- Allows flash photos below 15%
- Opens and taking photos below 5%
And potato clock, 3minit, rounded and blured and more, here...
By @funkyboy69
MEGA PACK KURAMA by @funkyboy69
First of all I want to note that the mega pack that I share is based on the Pack Kurama V2 and the mod our buddy @flyker, so it is perfectly compatible with the V3 version of the rom .
I detail all that brings his explanation sections and corresponding acknowledgments. Here we go...
- Blur curtain and recent apps.
- Notifications and recent apps rounded.
- Virtual button that locks the display in statusbar (clock) is .Leaving Power down menu.
- Quicklaunch icons in recent apps.
- Low warning 15 5% battery removed.
- Vertical and Central bar in brightness control removed (thanks @mms1981 for the help, now seems more a port ...)
- Power menu thanks to @flyker and themed for me with a little help of @mms1981.
- Meny and popups rounded.
- Notification of selection of keyboard in curtain removed.
Added applications:
- New Sbrowser 4.2 Samsung (thanks to Advaith VIJAY).
- New app Email Samsung (thanks to Advaith VIJAY).
- New app notes (thanks to Advaith VIJAY).
- New app My Files (thanks to Advaith VIJAY).
- New app Music S7 and corrected notification playback control curtain. is no longer seen finally !!! .... transparent.
- New TouchWiz 2017 (thanks to @ALBE95 in xda).
- Mod camera to take pictures with flash below 15% battery and to open the app below 5%.
And I think that's all ... If I forget something else and go editing the post and if I can think of more things to add and / or modify it too, :sisi1::sisi1::sisi1:
Thanks to XDA for the tutorials, my colleagues of Team Kurama and mini Team Kurama Sevilla , the Master @Kazica by sticking peonies towards perfecting the increasingly rom. ..
Fix N910T thanks to
How to install in N910G thanks to @gforker
No usage of SIM card and no radio signal
I've just installed Kurama, and it seems that SIM card was not recognized, even though i was on COJ3 5.1.1 before, as advised.
I see IMEI and all info in About.
Any ideea?
deiff76 said:
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I'm always waiting for news from you thank you very much:silly:
Nice ....
But will this work on other Variants....? I'm using N910T...
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Note 4 using XDA Labs
deiff76 said:
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Please recommend bootloader and modem, I want a clean installation without problems
---------- Post added at 04:46 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:45 PM ----------
Please recommend bootloader and modem.
I cant active root explorer on Es file. Fix?
Sent from my SM-N910F using XDA-Developers mobile app
This rom only for 910f ?
SM-N910C cihazımdan Tapatalk kullanılarak gönderildi
---------- Post added at 03:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:12 PM ----------
I want N910C please help me
SM-N910C cihazımdan Tapatalk kullanılarak gönderildi
muzaffer_demir said:
This rom only for 910f ?
SM-N910C cihazımdan Tapatalk kullanılarak gönderildi
---------- Post added at 03:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:12 PM ----------
I want N910C please help me
SM-N910C cihazımdan Tapatalk kullanılarak gönderildi
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Yes. Only N910F. Dont flash it on N910C!
What about n910g anyone tried???? I know we need kernel hoping op may release it....
Sent from my SM-N910G using XDA-Developers mobile app
ramoneluis said:
I cant active root explorer on Es file. Fix?
Sent from my SM-N910F using XDA-Developers mobile app
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I had to flash latest supersu separate to get root. I also flashed xposed so that I can get camera working with 560 dpi. Did anyone else have problems with systemui not working after flashing the themed one. I settled for Samsung GoodLock in the end. Other than that, a good start that will get better quickly knowing how great kazica is.
mixailo said:
I had to flash latest supersu separate to get root. I also flashed xposed so that I can get camera working with 560 dpi. Did anyone else have problems with systemui not working after flashing the themed one. I settled for Samsung GoodLock in the end. Other than that, a good start that will get better quickly knowing how great kazica is.
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This rom only for 910fg
---------- Post added at 04:10 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:09 PM ----------
mixailo said:
I had to flash latest supersu separate to get root. I also flashed xposed so that I can get camera working with 560 dpi. Did anyone else have problems with systemui not working after flashing the themed one. I settled for Samsung GoodLock in the end. Other than that, a good start that will get better quickly knowing how great kazica is.
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This rom only for 910g
Thank you
♧ Kurama Rom by @Kazica N910F MM 6.0.1

[ROM] AryaMod V9.0 TW Lollipop For ATT [Port] [2018]

Welcome to AryaMod ROM Series
Proudly present you AryaMod ROM Lollipop based for Samsung Galaxy Note 3 SM-N900A.​
Thanks @Kamy for letting me port the ROM please go to his thread​
Here is Kamy PayPal please donate to keep the development alive
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
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"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Kamy said:
AryaMod V9.0​
A fresh version based on lollipop 5 official TW Samsung firmware N9005XXUGBPD3 is out. All the mods are freshly built for this base and should be more of what were available on v8.x. ROM Control v2 is also implemented in this build. Please check the mods as some of them couldn't be mentioned for the sake of lengthy post. If you like to know X mod is available or not, please go ahead make a backup of your current ROM and check yourself. AryaMod OTA is also freshly built to provide a better experience for pushing updates.
General Fetures
Based on N9005XXUGBPD3 Official Firmware
Deodexed, Zipaligned, De-Knoxed
Installed busybox, sqlite
ROM Control v2.1
OTA Update
Downloadable apps removed
Extended Power Menu
Disabled Signature checks
Disabled Scrolling Cash
Lollipop Memory fix
Full transparency for Status bar instead of ugly translucent kitkat bar
Modded Messaging App
Added Clock and date style in Settings>General>Date and time
Added Autostart Management
Increased Toolbox apps number to 12 apps
Grey Scale Option
Enabled and Improved Ultra Power Saving Mode (Fixed lancher widgets reset)
Enabled Unlock effects (moved to ROM Control>Lockscreen mods)
Enabled Charging effes
Device status set to "Official": Syscope dependencies removed
Unknown sources enabled as default
Removed the indents in the notification panel on the left and right
Enabled Note 3 Theme Chooser
Added Floating message
Added Material, Concept and Note5 MM themes
Enabled Application Permission
Added Animation Scale: 0.25,0.4,0.75 (Only available in English UK language)
Added Slide Key Panel
Added Omini switch, amazing multitasking app
Added Samsung Magnifier
Camera shutter sound menu
And maybe more that I cannot remember now...
ROM Control
Statusbar Settings
Custom bg for Statusbar
Network traffic preferences
Battery Icon Settings
Hidden Buttons
Statusbar Icon Colors
Statusbar Icon Toggle
Custom bg for recent task bar
AOKP RAM bar settings
Notification Panel
Header preferences
Toggles Settings
Pulldown Body Settings
Phone and Call Settings
Phone and InCallUI Mod
Automatic Call Recording
InCallUI Mods
Launcher Settings
Wallpaper scrolling (All)
Any color for apps text color
TW Swipe (All)
Framework and General
Power Menu Options
Customize Buttons
Enable/Disable 360 degree screen rotation
Enable/Disable USB Plug/Unplug Wake Screen
Sound and Notifications
Music Control
System Sound toggles
Volume warning on Headphone
Lock Screen
Quick Unlock (Pin lock)
Lockscreen Rotation
Torchlight and time-out options
Notifications shown on lockscreen
Carrier Text settings
Lockscreen Theme, effects and styles
Show/Hide Lockscreen Elements
Others Mods
Stock Email Exchange Security
Animation preferences
Keyboard Sub-Symbols
Data Icon Style Selection; 4G/LTE
Call icon in Log
MultiUser Support
Screen Mirror Fix on custom kernel
Useful Apps
OTA Updates
Toolbox Settings
UPSM Manager
MW Apps Manager
Omni Switch
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
ROM Control app is freshly built from a project shared here [App][Code project][5.0+]Rom Control app for devs by daxgirl and you can find my source code here
It doesn't boot after installing, just sitting on the Samsung Logo
Patience... First boot can take very long time... Since davlik cache is switched to ART, first boot will take longer time than before.
Help, lockscreen notification says content hidden how disable this
Go to settings/sounds and notifications/while locked/show content.
Help, the Hardware buttons are not working...
Go into settings and turn off the Power Saving.
Help, i have problem with BT streaming...
Try this app.
SView showing just black screen...
Take off the backcover and put it back on while the phone is on.
Themes for this ROM?
You can check this thread.
Why GPS takes a long time to lock or never locks?
Did you check here?
First time you flash the ROM in safestrap you don't need to flash kernel or firmware it is built into ROM. But if you boot back into safestrap without install the ROM you will need to flash oc1 kernel. After installing your first app from Google playstore phone might reboot but that is a one time issue because google services is updating while it happens.
Android File Host AryaMod Port 9.0
Download 9.0 Here
Xposed framework is already installed I attached the xposed app who wish to use it
XDA:DevDB Information
AryaMod V9.0 TW Lollipop , ROM for the Samsung Galaxy Note 3
ROM OS Version: 5.0.x Lollipop
Version Information
Status: Stable
Current Stable Version: 9.0 Ported Version 4
Stable Release Date: 07-01-2018
Last Updated 07-01-2018
Screen Shots​
ROM Control
Mods and Fixes
If you did a dirty flash to fix contacts flash flash
For xposed use this.
Flash this
Then install the app.
Woot! Well I am getting married in 2 days, and I promised my fiance I would stop "messing up" my phone and stop playing with it until I got back home on Sunday night. So I will go ahead and obtain it then report back either Sunday night or Monday morning
starkit said:
Woot! Well I am getting married in 2 days, and I promised my fiance I would stop "messing up" my phone and stop playing with it until I got back home on Sunday night. So I will go ahead and obtain it then report back either Sunday night or Monday morning
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Downloads are added to thread now.
Is the ROM international or just English version?
stranger4world said:
Is the ROM international or just English version?
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Going to flash this on my phone today and let you know how it goes thank you for another great rom for this phone. This will last me another couple of months till I can upgrade to a note 4 Tmobile
stranger4world said:
Is the ROM international or just English version?
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Click to collapse
alanmv567 said:
Going to flash this on my phone today and let you know how it goes thank you for another great rom for this phone. This will last me another couple of months till I can upgrade to a note 4 Tmobile
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Ill post a new download link I tweaked the build.prop.
Warrior1988 said:
Ill post a new download link I tweaked the build.prop.
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Okay sounds great. Any way I can edit the build.prop on the current rom link you provided?
alanmv567 said:
Okay sounds great. Any way I can edit the build.prop on the current rom link you provided?
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Check thread it has downloads now.
Still no download link?
saxylover said:
Still no download link?
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Click to collapse
Here is link. On first time rom boots into setup nfc error will pop up just hit ok then you will never see it again even on reboots. NFC does work. I found no bugs so far. This link is the lastest version I added tweaks to the build.prop
For some reason I can't edit my thread xda is having server problems.
Thanks to @KennyG123 the thread is fixed and updated with link downloads.
Thank you so much for this port!
Could you go more in depth on getting xposed and viper4android working? I tried flashing the xposed framework last night and ended up in a boot loop, and the viper4android driver failed to install.
I'm building a thread that will include very in depth guides on everything related to the AT&T note 3 root, safestrap, flashfire, current ROMS, etc but I seem to be stuck with this particular build.
byinarie said:
Thank you so much for this port!
Could you go more in depth on getting xposed and viper4android working? I tried flashing the xposed framework last night and ended up in a boot loop, and the viper4android driver failed to install.
I'm building a thread that will include very in depth guides on everything related to the AT&T note 3 root, safestrap, flashfire, current ROMS, etc but I seem to be stuck with this particular build.
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For xposed use this.
Then install the app.
Viper installed fine for me did you accidentally denied superuser?
Warrior1988 said:
For xposed use this.
Then install the app.
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Excellent! I'll post results later this evening, anything on Viper4android? The app doesn't seem to be showing up in the launcher but I see it in the system apps. Other than those 2 things everything is working flawlessly.
Edit: Just saw your post on maybe denying viper on SU. One second, I'll try again.
byinarie said:
Excellent! I'll post results later this evening, anything on Viper4android? The app doesn't seem to be showing up in the launcher but I see it in the system apps. Other than those 2 things everything is working flawlessly.
Edit: Just saw your post on maybe denying viper on SU. One second, I'll try again.
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Look at my picture I attached to this post driver for viper installed. Are you using the Sound Control app?
Warrior1988 said:
Look at my picture I attached to this post driver for viper installed. Are you using the Sound Control app?
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I sure wasn't, but just tried to install using Sound Control and it still failed, do you think it might be because I tried a normal install prior to using Sound Control?
I'm getting driver version but it's not enabled.
byinarie said:
I sure wasn't, but just tried to install using Sound Control and it still failed, do you think it might be because I tried a normal install prior to using Sound Control?
I'm getting driver version but it's not enabled.
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Is the driver installed? If you downloaded viper4android try clearing data from the app. Also keep in mind viper4android doesn't work with Samsung music player or even some.

