update notification until I am ready to install it?
Non rooted tmobile galaxy s5
darekz said:
update notification until I am ready to install it?
Non rooted tmobile galaxy s5
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I don't know about disabling that. But you can download it and then postpone it afterwards.
Hi All,
Does anybody know if it is possible to disable the the software update feature on the S3 GT-I9300? My phone has just downloaded the new update 26/07/12 and l have managed to find the option to delay the update but not stop the update. l have read that the local search has been removed accidently or on purpose and there is still a chance they will not add it back in on later updates, and l do not want to root my phone just yet to do the work around.
eyeball888 said:
Hi All,
Does anybody know if it is possible to disable the the software update feature on the S3 GT-I9300? My phone has just downloaded the new update 26/07/12 and l have managed to find the option to delay the update but not stop the update. l have read that the local search has been removed accidently or on purpose and there is still a chance they will not add it back in on later updates, and l do not want to root my phone just yet to do the work around.
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yes, but with root.
ascariz said:
yes, but with root.
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I am also looking to disable the update and I AM rooted.
How can this be done please?
EDIT: I 'froze' the Software Update app so hopefully that will do it.
asifanwaruk said:
I am also looking to disable the update and I AM rooted.
How can this be done please?
EDIT: I 'froze' the Software Update app so hopefully that will do it.
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Software Update is the one you need to freeze....I also froze I another one, but after checking it in TB it is called 'sysscope' pretty sure it was called OTAupdate or something similar!
Hi guys,
I just got a popup that there is an update for me to install on my Tmobile gs3.
Is there a place I can see what this is, I don't imagine it's JB...
I used this to root
and I'm wondering if this is the same tmobile update that they have in that new image.
reapur said:
Hi guys,
I just got a popup that there is an update for me to install on my Tmobile gs3.
Is there a place I can see what this is, I don't imagine it's JB...
I used this to root
and I'm wondering if this is the same tmobile update that they have in that new image.
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it appears its just an ICS Update - http://live.samsung-updates.com/index.php?device=SGH-T999
I had the latest rom installed from here and now there is an update from verizon that fails to install(Phone rooted). What should I do or is there a newer build availble to us rooted users?
You would have to un-root, update, and then re-root. That is the fastest way.
You are getting an update from vzw for your s4?
TheAxman said:
You would have to un-root, update, and then re-root. That is the fastest way.
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How would I un root? And no, it is on a S3.
There was some mention of an upcoming update in this thread:
Just checked myself and don't see any new Software updates.
[email protected] said:
How would I un root? And no, it is on a S3.
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Your questions would be better asked in the S3 forum, then.
I would not take any updates. Verizon and Att are surely going to block loki and you could be stuck without a root method.
Sent from my SCH-I545 using xda premium
my galaxy s3 still working in android 4.1.2, and when i check for new software said:
(your device has been modified, Software updates are not available)..
ok. i was rooted my device, what should i do to solve this problem..
i want to update android to 4.3
please help
i_marasa said:
my galaxy s3 still working in android 4.1.2, and when i check for new software said:
(your device has been modified, Software updates are not available)..
ok. i was rooted my device, what should i do to solve this problem..
i want to update android to 4.3
please help
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Wrong forum.
Btw,to fix that,you need to flash stock official ROM via odin.
i_marasa said:
my galaxy s3 still working in android 4.1.2....
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Lucky you.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk
Did you root your device, or modify it's software in any way ? If so, you won't be able to get the update, at least not using the official way.
But if i were you, I wouldn't even want to update to 4.3.
Have the bootloader for the Mega been broken yet?
Is there any hope for this phone???
I'd like to tell you yes but I have the 1st galaxy mega from at&t 4.4.2 kk version and far as I know it never even got an OTA update, I have kept up with this phone with all the apps &questions and answers but to no avail I haven't found anything concrete that works properly.
Sent from my SM-G925R7 using Tapatalk
grubbr40 said:
I'd like to tell you yes but I have the 1st galaxy mega from at&t 4.4.2 kk version and far as I know it never even got an OTA update, I have kept up with this phone with all the apps &questions and answers but to no avail I haven't found anything concrete that works properly.
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Can you achieve root on 4.4.2? I have 4.2.2 rooted and want to update to 4.4.2 but I don't want to lose root.