Data Connectivity Not Good After 5.0 Update - T-Mobile Samsung Galaxy S 5

Before the 5.0 update I would have a strong LTE connection almost everywhere I was, specifically at home and work where I spend most of my time.
Since accepting the update to 5.0 I find that I am constantly dropping to a 4G or lower connection which might as well be no connection as it prevents me from doing anything data related. Music streaming, web browsing, YouTube, it all comes to a crawl until I give up and connect to wifi or the connection decides to randomly return to normal.
After updating, I did a full factory reset, twice, and also cleared the cache from recovery.
Is anyone else seeing something similar?
Planning on flashing back to 4.4.2 tonight to see if it is just in my head that it was better before. I enjoy having the latest version of Android, but I enjoy a correctly working smartphone more. LOL


Wifi constantly disconnect/reconnect

Hoping someone has a solution. My wifi keeps disconnecting/reconnecting. I'm running TNT 3.1.1. Also the signal is really low even though I'm next to the router. I've searched around, but can't seem to find an answer.
Right there with you on this one. I can't get more then 10 feet from my router before I lose my connection. Very annoying to say the least. I wonder if this is software or hardware.
I have the same and I am using vegan b3. I don't recall having this issue while using tnt 2.2. Or the stock. Anyways, I have noticed that it only happens when I am on a page more than a few mins such as reading an article, etc. If I am watching movie(flash) or playing online game, it is fine. I am suspecting it has something to do with the battery management.
I'm running stock 3389 with GApps.
I get full signal when I'm by my router and around my apt. I have a Linksys WRT610N with DDWRT firmware. It's running on a 2.4Ghz full N radio. I used a wifi app called Wifi Analyzer on my phone to find the best channel to set the router to, as in apts. you know many people are using the same channel and this can lead to signal loss on your devices.
Anyway, it sounds like you just need to find a less crowded channel maybe, I don't THINK it's the device. Are you using G or N or both? When I was using the router's 2.4Ghz in G/N mode I saw a slight signal drop throughout the place which is essentially why I switched to pure N and then just set up a legacy network on another router for wifi G stuff.
I had this problem not with my non-existant G tablet, but my latop, cell and other wifi connecting devices.
I changed the chane l# my wifi was broadcasting on and it fixed it. Maybe you guys can try that.
In my case, it is not a signal issue since I always have full bar and there is not many wifi hotspots around my house. I am used to it now and when I see the wifi icon is gone, I just click the location of the wifi icon, and within a sec or two, the wifi icon will appear. I will flash to tnt. 3.1 soon, hopefully the problem will,disappear.
tyy10002 said:
I have the same and I am using vegan b3. I don't recall having this issue while using tnt 2.2. Or the stock. Anyways, I have noticed that it only happens when I am on a page more than a few mins such as reading an article, etc. If I am watching movie(flash) or playing online game, it is fine. I am suspecting it has something to do with the battery management.
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I havent used VegaN - is there any setting that could possibly be turning off wifi when the system is idling? In phones there's a wifi setting that turns it off after a certain time idle. I know it's unlikely but just checking all the bases.
Yea +1 on this problem
Neoprimal said:
I havent used VegaN - is there any setting that could possibly be turning off wifi when the system is idling? In phones there's a wifi setting that turns it off after a certain time idle. I know it's unlikely but just checking all the bases.
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This appears to be the case. If so, it completely ignores my WiFi Sleep Policy, which I have set at "Never".
I have the problem whether stock ROM or not. Love the tablet, but this is frustrating.
My experience is that the device is finicky with some routers. I actually have two to test with, and early on one would work fine and the other would fail constantly.
Some suggestions, for testing:
- Change the channel (already suggested)
- Turn off all security to see if that works better (again, just for testing)
- If it's an N Router, change it to G only.
if one of these changes "fixes" it, at least you know what direction to look in.
roebeet said:
My experience is that the device is finicky with some routers. I actually have two to test with, and early on one would work fine and the other would fail constantly.
Some suggestions, for testing:
- Change the channel (already suggested)
- Turn off all security to see if that works better (again, just for testing)
- If it's an N Router, change it to G only.
if one of these changes "fixes" it, at least you know what direction to look in.
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It's also very sensitive to interference I think. My neighbors have dozens of APs on every Inglewood channel available, and the tablet gets thoroughly confused. It seems to like G a lot better than N in this situation (makes sense, N in general is more interference prone than b/g). In another place with only a single high power B/G/N router visible at all (nice thick concrete walled building), it's only done the disconnect/reconnect loop to me once in several days.
Time to do some disassembling and see if there's room for a better antenna, but I'm not prepared to rule out a broken driver just yet. Especially with all the other sleep/suspend problems we have. Or break out the buckets of RF blocking paint...
Thanks Roebeet. I tried a couple things. Assigned a static IP to the tablet which seems to have stabilized the signal, it doesn't drop out as much, but reception was still only 1-2 bars.
Just for the sake of it, I also reset the router back to factory default to see what would happen. Funny enough, the signal reception on the tablet improved from 1-2 bars to 3-4 bars, but once I re-entered my settings it fell back.
I still can't connect if SSID is hidden. I'm using a Dlink DGL 4300.
What routers are you guys using? Especially if you can get it to connect to a hidden SSID.
I had this problem too, signal was always fine though. After coming out of idle i would notice the WiFi is off. checking it in settings could watch it turn on start searching and then in three seconds the WiFi would turn off and then on and searching again, and continue the cycle. Not sure what is causing that, but in the WiFi setting i set the WiFi to never turn off, even if the device is sleeping and Ive never had the problem yet.
This just started with mine too (running 3389 and Enhancement Pack). I went to my router and switched channels and switched to 802.11 G Only, and it's up and running again. Strange that it worked really well for the first 12 hours or so with no changes to my router. Let's hope it doesn't happen again.
raggededge said:
I have the problem whether stock ROM or not. Love the tablet, but this is frustrating.
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I have the same problems. The only way I worked around it was by turning airplane mode off then either turning off my router or moving away from any wifi signal. Might try changing the channel... when my internet comes back on(adhoc tethering atm)
Looks like its my router. I took tablet to a friends house and it gets a strong reception.
I know it sounds weired but try to clean Market application's cache.
It works in my case. Or (if it is some kind of memory issue) cache for all other apps.
I have noticed that it is not that bad of a problem and have heard that it is a "feature" of the gtab, if anyone can elaborate on this? There has got to be a driver/kernal that can override and keep the wifi on. Any older gtab users every remember this as a problem? If so, what did you do about it?
In my case, have had gtab for about a week. Using factory settings initially, everything seemed to work fine. Then it started randomly dropping wifi.
couldn't figure if it was hardware or software. Talked to customer service.
Restored tablet to factory specs--worked fine. Started loading on some extras, checking wifi after each load. Bingo--when I loaded Adobe flash player, wifi started kicking off.
Have tried it with several versions (10.2, 10.4)--same results. Not sure what to try next.

Wi-Fi issues

Hey guys, lately my wi-fi connection has been very slippery, as if it drops and then reconnects often, although it remains physically connected to my router. I don't know if it could be my router since every other device in my home is connecting to it fine. My phone is able to connect well to networks outside of my home, though, so I am unsure. Do you guys think it's the routers fault or maybe a kernel issue of some sort (I'm running stock kernel)? I've been having this issue on Tranquility and Viper ROM (maybe also on Mean) so it can't be A ROM issue. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
sounds like u have a gaf phone man.. if every other phone in ya house connects fine.. its not the stock kernel.. also the update we just had the OTA was supposed to fix wifi issues.. so u mite have something up with your phone.. alot of people had wifi issues that why they had a fix in the for it in the OTA we just got... my phone did the same ishh before the OTA now its fine..
I drop 3G like It's cool but that's sprints problem, never had that issue on WiFi. This phone has very powerful radios.
Sent from my EVO using xda app-developers app
Check your wifi settings and make sure that your wifi connection is set to never sleep. Also Check your wifi frequency band in "wifi advance settings" and make sure its set to 2.4 only. That might help.
I doubt my phone is bad since it can connect find everywhere else. I'll try those tips, thanks
Sent from my LTEVO
guih said:
Hey guys, lately my wi-fi connection has been very slippery, as if it drops and then reconnects often, although it remains physically connected to my router. I don't know if it could be my router since every other device in my home is connecting to it fine. My phone is able to connect well to networks outside of my home, though, so I am unsure. Do you guys think it's the routers fault or maybe a kernel issue of some sort (I'm running stock kernel)? I've been having this issue on Tranquility and Viper ROM (maybe also on Mean) so it can't be A ROM issue. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
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In wifi settings change the frequency from auto to 2.4 ghz. It fixed my wifi issues.
Sent from my EVO
guih said:
Hey guys, lately my wi-fi connection has been very slippery, as if it drops and then reconnects often, although it remains physically connected to my router. I don't know if it could be my router since every other device in my home is connecting to it fine. My phone is able to connect well to networks outside of my home, though, so I am unsure. Do you guys think it's the routers fault or maybe a kernel issue of some sort (I'm running stock kernel)? I've been having this issue on Tranquility and Viper ROM (maybe also on Mean) so it can't be A ROM issue. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
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There's an app in the Market called WiFi analyzer. U can use it to see what other wireless networks are operating in your area. It will also reccomend the best channel for your router to be on.
Sometimes there is a lot of interference on your channel and switching it will help or has helped quite a few people with your problem that I know of.
I had a problem at work with a linksys router not issuing an ip address to my phone consistently. What I did is take a screenshot of my ip address, subnet mask, DNS address defaults, etc. when u could connect. Then I made myself a static ip using that info. A good app that basically let's u run ipconfig and other network troubleshooting applications is an app called Fing.
I've worked on this issue far and wide. If the new ota didn't help and u still get random disconnects thru WiFi then u need to exchange your phone. It is actually a problem with the radio. My first EVO LTE did it and I could fix WiFi disconnects temporarily, but not permanently. This, my 3rd EVO LTE works great with no ota installed.
Good luck. Hope I was of some help. Pm me if u need more help.
Sent from my EVO using xda app-developers app
For me, I was on a different channel than my neighbors with no other wireless device ever had a problem in the 12 years I've been there.
What I do, Go into wifi advanced and click on the high-performance setting.
Only use it when needed as it burns battery.
Post back if it fixes the drop issue for you. Fixed it for me.
Last night I flashed the awesome kernel and set the frequency to 2.4 seemed to go away. Today I flashed tranquility rls 1.a and I'm running it as is and having the issue again . I'll try out your suggestion throughout today and tomorrow, thanks for the tips guys!
Sent from my LTEVO
I've been hearing about people talking about the wifi issues since day one, but never actually run into them. The past few days though I've been trying to stream and download things (exporting through dropbox) over wifi, and OMG, what the hell is this? Every 2 or three minutes the connection just stops - the wifi bars at the top still show the wifi connected, but the the stream or download just stops. Sometimes it starts up again, sometimes I have to disconnect from the wifi and reconnect. And the whole time the wifi indicator doesn't indicate any loss of signal - once in a blue moon though you'll see it disconnect then reconnect. I don't want to hit that high-performance setting (although it seemed to help the in the limited time I used it), because it uses more battery. I thought the update was supposed to resolve these issues. I know I never had these issues before the update. None of the tricks mentioned in this thread seemed to help. Just wanted to report the issue in case some other people are having it also, and hoping an update will come out in the near future to resolve it. On Viper4G, btw. If have time at some point, I'll try to flash another rom to see if I get the same issue.
fachadick said:
I've been hearing about people talking about the wifi issues since day one, but never actually run into them. The past few days though I've been trying to stream and download things (exporting through dropbox) over wifi, and OMG, what the hell is this? Every 2 or three minutes the connection just stops - the wifi bars at the top still show the wifi connected, but the the stream or download just stops. Sometimes it starts up again, sometimes I have to disconnect from the wifi and reconnect. And the whole time the wifi indicator doesn't indicate any loss of signal - once in a blue moon though you'll see it disconnect then reconnect. I don't want to hit that high-performance setting (although it seemed to help the in the limited time I used it), because it uses more battery. I thought the update was supposed to resolve these issues. I know I never had these issues before the update. None of the tricks mentioned in this thread seemed to help. Just wanted to report the issue in case some other people are having it also, and hoping an update will come out in the near future to resolve it. On Viper4G, btw. If have time at some point, I'll try to flash another rom to see if I get the same issue.
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It's kind of strange,mine has been dropping but the actual indicator in the status bar goes off when it does.I've seen it connect and disconnect 10-12 times per minute.I'm also running latest firmware/radios on the latest version of ViperRom.I'm also running Enoch's Kernel but not sure if I had the problem before the kernel flash or not.
im having the same issue. ive only really started noticing it because i was running chameleon pretty much since i got the phone and this never seemed to be an issue. now im on viper4g and my wifi will drop sporadically. it drops, i see the 3g icon for about half a second, and the the wifi reconnects. sometimes itll do it just once, sometimes itll do it continuously... the longest ive let it go before interfering is about 30 seconds. but my battery usage screen tells me that it goes on for way longer than that if left alone.
anyway, im on the lastest firmware, and i have the channel set to 2.4 (5 seems to knock everything in my apt, including my phone, off the router). i use the best wifi performance option sometimes, but as has been mentioned, it drains the battery. the phone wont sleep with that option checked. also, it seems to happen more frequently when im on the opposite side of my apt from the router.
ive read stuff about using a screwdriver to pull the antenna pins up a little, but that scares me. i dont really think that has anything to do with it anyway as ive tried that test where you squeeze the phone to see if your signal changes. it doesnt.
really, im kinda at a loss here. im thinking that i might try to exchange the phone if i cant get this figured out soon, but i dont want to do that if its something with my router or if the replacement is going to do the same thing.
I am using Viper 4G and have been having issues with my wifi connection dropping but more recently my phone has been restarting only while connected to Wifi. I haven't tried changing the wifi Frequency band to only 2.4GHz , but I will once I get home after work. I hope it works because its getting kinda annoying to have my phone restart so much while its just sitting idle.
I believe the rapid connect/disconnect issue some of us are having is also related to the phone not playing nice with particular routers. HTC referenced that fact when the 1.22 OTA came out. The changelog said the issue was fixed on how the phone communicated with certain routers and the disconnects should be eliminated. I can attest that the new update has made it a little better, but still not 100%.
The router at my work has been perfect, I've never disconnected from it once.
The router at my house is a whole different story. I have given up on downloading a ROM with my phone, directly to my phone. I will start the DL, sit the phone down and go do something, only to come back and find "download unsuccessful" every single time. I know it is because it is disconnecting. I can sit there and watch it happen.
The router at my friend's house is fine. Connect once, and never worry again the rest of the night. Obviously I need a new router. More obviously, HTC's software needs fixing. I shouldn't have to buy a new router just so one of my devices can stay connected to it.
Interesting seeing all these reports of dropped connnections with Viper4G. I've been running it for a few weeks and have never had a connection drop while it was in use on either the 2.4ghz or 5ghz bands of my d-link router. This thread over here suggests that replacing your Sense Settings.apk with an AOSP Settings.apk solves the problem for some people. I can't verify since I wasn't experiencing disconnects, but the AOSP menus are cool anyway
My issues (detailed above) have apparently resolved themselves. I haven't lost connection once today, and I was streaming and downloading all day.
I don't see how this actually did anything but here's what I did. I decided to try another kernel instead of the stock one that comes in the viper rom. I knew the wifi fixes that HTC supposedly made were in the new kernel, and I knew I wasn't having any issues until I updated, so I thought I'd give a custom kernel (based off the old base) a shot, and play around with some new governors and overclocking while I'm at it. I did a nand backup and flashed awesome sauce. Wifi issues were gone, but I didn't like the kernel, stock seemed smoother. So i restored my backup, and for whatever reason, my wifi issues remained gone. Like I said, I can't explain it, but there you go.
Nice to know I'm not alone with this. My Wifi drops every so often, particularly at night time or with downloads. Hopefully HTC figured out a way to sort this out 100%.
Sent from my LTEVO
If you have a wireless router like myself that operates at two distinct bands, go into your Wi-Fi settings and choose the band that is at the higher range, and setting best performance is also a good idea, although this might result in greater battery drain. HTH!
Sent From My S-OFFed, R00ted, 100% Tricked-Out HTC Evo 4G LTE via XDA Premium!

[Q] Slow Data Connection ARHD 13.3

I have AT&T version of HTC One. I had it stock at 4.1.2 and flashed Android Revolution HD 13.3 to get the optimized version of 4.2.2.
Everything works great but I have a very slow data connection (500kbps 4G.) LTE is also 542kbps with -108DBM. Normally in the same exact spots data is a ton faster.
I did not upgrade my radio firmware. I cannot find a firmware number in about. I can provide more information if I know where to look.
Has anyone had this problem? I've tried searching and only found one remotely close (with no replies.)
Further Information
It appears that after I do a reboot on the phone the test is back up to normal speeds (about 15,000kbps LTE,) but when I try and update or download anything in google play the speed drops down. Then after that the speed test shows around 500kbps again. Wtf?

Adding support for all the 5GHz wifi channels on Nexus 10 (Lollipop)

I hate the Nexus' lack of 5GHz UNII-2 and UNII-2extend channels.
Poking around I found the /system/etc/wifi/ file. With root access you can change this file.
For some reason my tablet says ccode=EU which should be Europe.
I switched it over to ccode=US and now I can join my channel 52 AP
You can also set it to ccode=ALL. I am guessing this allows all the channels...
After the change just turn the wifi off and on and it should apply it.
Not sure why it was set to EU, maybe a bug?
I was having the same problems as others after upgrading to 5.01 - bad wifi, would connect for a short time the no data, would not connect to 5GHz access point, etc.
After making this edit on my tablet wifi is much improved. It is much more stable, have no issues with dropped connection and connect on 5GHz channels.
I set mine to US.
I was having the same problem, as well. This resolved the WiFi issues that I've had some upgrading to Lollipop.
Sent from my Nexus 10 using Tapatalk
After running on 5.01 with this edit for two weeks I have reverted to 4.4.4. The edit improved WiFi performance at home but I still have lots of issues connecting and keeping reliable connections when at other locations and even after returning home. Most of the time a reboot allows me to connect when it initially can't but that is a pain to do every time I change location.
Hope that 5.1 fixes this for good.
Tried this out and immediately connected to 5GHz, got 40MB/s from my bedroom, besting my wife's iPad. Streamed a couple 1080p videos no problem. Came back later and it was garbage again, <1MB/s despite full bars. Gave up and reverted back to 2.4GHz and my lousy 3-5MB/s.
Sent from my HTC6525LVW using Tapatalk
I just poked in my KK N10 and saw the same exact code. I've never upgraded to Lollipop on this device. Made a backup and changed it to US. Never had an issue before so lets see what happens...
Well been a few weeks now after making the change. I see no discernible difference before / after.
Not that anyone here cares anymore apparently? Lol

Factory Reset my G6

I was on the latest update from Verizon from the update on December 9. But for a while I was experiencing slow wifi in my house as well as it just randomly disconnecting from it even if I was in the same room as the router. The phone was just overall slower than it should be. So I finally was brave enough to factory reset the phone. It was easier than I had expected. With the ability to restore every app and almost all of my data through Android's ability to store it in the cloud, I was back up and running in about an hour and a half. I just had to sign back in to all of my accounts and set up Nova launcher the way I like it. I'll let you guys know if my wifi performance gets better. But definitely consider resetting your phone if you're experiencing any lag or issues, especially after a software update.
Sent from my VS988 using Tapatalk

