HOW TO ROOT G900TUVD0B1 w/ Knox (0x1)
Im am writing this rooting method because it worked for me. And there also seems to be alot of questions regarding root on 5.0. So I'm going to tell you how to do it. Very simple task. Just follow the direcrions and you will be rooted and on your way...
I am NOT responsible for what you do with the information in this thread. You are doing so at YOUR own risk.....
If your phone blows up, starts sweating, or starts to look like a IPhone its your problem, NOT mine.....
I myself am not concerned with Knox what so ever. It was introduced to us on 4.3........And of course EVERYONE freaks out. By why the fuss?
Knox isnt a concern for everyday users. Knox is business directed. IE: secure emal, network, etc......And IF you are on a "company" phone why are you
trying to root anyways?
I have not seen one thread, nor one post were a user said he/she was denied service through exchange, warranty, etc due to Knox
being tripped. But, I have read that users
have done warranty exchanges etc with root, custom recovery AND Knox.....
Just so you know this method of rooting WILL trip Knox. Again, it WILL trip Knox.
For more info from Samsung on Knox, go here.
First thing to do is go to Sammobile and download the Official Tmobile G900TUVD0B1 Firmware.
While that is downloading you are going to need Odin. No link.......I use Odin 3.07. There are newer versions out that will work just as well.
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Once you have downloaded the Official Tar file unzip it and place the tar file in your Documents on your PC. Now open Odin....
In order to use Odin your phone MUST be in "download mode". To do this power of your phone. Hold down the home key, volume DOWN,
and the power key. Just as soon as the screen changes press UP on the volume key. You will then be in download mode.
Now plug your phone into your PC via a usb. When Odin recognizes your phone a light blue light will light up where it says ID:COM.....
It will also say "added" in the message screen. After that is done you now need to click on the PDA Tab. It will pull up another window that
contains your documents.
Hightlight the Official Tar then choose "select". In the message screen on Odin it will say its checking MD5. Once its complete with the check hit the
Start Button on Odin. It will take approx. 20 to 30 minutes to complete. Once complete your phone will reboot into a little droid fella with his little cube. Just as soon as its finished
and the screen goes black pull your battery and go into stock recovery. Inside recovery select to do a factory reset. Reboot.
You can at this point go and set up your phone if you wish. After the factory reset I pull the battery again and go back into "download mode" again. And continue.....
Now we need to root your phone. As of right now there is no root method for 5.0. BUT, the root method by @Chainfire CF-Auto Root for
4.4.2 works just fine. Go here for the download.
However you choose to set up your phone or go directly back to download mode after the factory reset,
you will then need TWRP. Which you can find here.
Once TWRP is downloaded plug your phone back into Odin. (Make sure you are in download mode). Select PDA Tab. Find the TWRP zip and select it.
Press Start. Your phone will reboot when the process is complete.
You are now rooted and have a custom recovery. More than likely SuperSU will need to be updated in the
Play Store so it can install the new binaries. If I have missed something, or if anyone has something to add, please feel free to post it.
Much thanks for the step by step. Thank you for all of your hard work. Because of you an idiot like me can stay up to speed with the latest and greatest.
this is an awesome guide! only thing stopping me now is a stable version of xposed..
why is it necessary to install twerp? does this root method require a custom recovery?
ashraf sharif said:
why is it necessary to install twerp? does this root method require a custom recovery?
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It's not necessary to install TWRP. You can use whatever recovery you wish. I personally use TWRP.
A custom recovery isn't required. But, you need one in order to flash roms.
The Sickness said:
It's not necessary to install TWRP. You can use whatever recovery you wish. I personally use TWRP.
A custom recovery isn't required. But, you need one in order to flash roms.
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What a Awesome guide @The Sickness!!!! Thanks for making it. XDA as well as use user's are lucky to have a dev such as yourself!!! Thanks for all that you do
Maybe dumb question but never specifically stated.. Search didn't find anything but may be badly worded search. Am on NG4 now.. Odin'ed that last year. Have been flashing back and forth between various 4.4.4 and lolli ROMs without issues on KKs but lolli ROMs have some minor bugs. Would I necessarily NEED to Odin to OB1 firmware now or is the fact that lolli runs relatively fine make it a moot point? Thanks in advance.. You are the benchmark!
Sent from my klte using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
bonetweeter122 said:
Maybe dumb question but never specifically stated.. Search didn't find anything but may be badly worded search. Am on NG4 now.. Odin'ed that last year. Have been flashing back and forth between various 4.4.4 and lolli ROMs without issues on KKs but lolli ROMs have some minor bugs. Would I necessarily NEED to Odin to OB1 firmware now or is the fact that lolli runs relatively fine make it a moot point? Thanks in advance.. You are the benchmark!
Sent from my klte using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
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You don't have to upgrade to 5.0. But, in my opinion its best for the bootloader/modem to match the firmware.
Thank you very much for your help!
Sent from my klte using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
The Sickness said:
It's not necessary to install TWRP. You can use whatever recovery you wish. I personally use TWRP.
A custom recovery isn't required. But, you need one in order to flash roms.
Just a added note: Rooting doesn't trip Knox. Knox is triggered when you flash a custom recovery.
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using cf autoroot does not trip knox?
ashraf sharif said:
using cf autoroot does not trip knox?
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No. It doesn't flash a custom recovery
The Sickness said:
No. It doesn't flash a custom recovery
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AFAIK CF autoroot has always tripped knox. the only root method I know of that does not trip knox is Towelroot. Just to be sure I am asking again because I would like to root my phone without tripping knox. If I only use cf autoroot and do not install a custom recovery , I will have root and knox will remain OxO? for some reason I am reluctant to beleive this.
here is an older thread about cf autoroot that clearly says knox will get tripped
---------- Post added at 04:46 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:19 PM ----------
ashraf sharif said:
AFAIK CF autoroot has always tripped knox. the only root method I know of that does not trip knox is Towelroot. Just to be sure I am asking again because I would like to root my phone without tripping knox. If I only use cf autoroot and do not install a custom recovery , I will have root and knox will remain OxO? for some reason I am reluctant to beleive this.
here is an older thread about cf autoroot that clearly says knox will get tripped
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I'm pretty sure that flashing anything in pc Odin that is not signed by Samsung will trip Knox. This includes cf autoroot
---------- Post added at 04:54 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:46 PM ----------
Here is a link to chain fire's site confirming that cf autoroot does trip knox
ashraf sharif said:
AFAIK CF autoroot has always tripped knox. the only root method I know of that does not trip knox is Towelroot. Just to be sure I am asking again because I would like to root my phone without tripping knox. If I only use cf autoroot and do not install a custom recovery , I will have root and knox will remain OxO? for some reason I am reluctant to beleive this.
here is an older thread about cf autoroot that clearly says knox will get tripped
---------- Post added at 04:46 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:19 PM ----------
I'm pretty sure that flashing anything in pc Odin that is not signed by Samsung will trip Knox. This includes cf autoroot
---------- Post added at 04:54 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:46 PM ----------
Here is a link to chain fire's site confirming that cf autoroot does trip knox
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I stand corrected. CF-Auto Root will trip Knox. But, Knox is for company security more or less. If your concern is warranty.....I have not seen one post where someone was denied service due to Knox.
I found this
and in this thread look at post # 18 and #36
First, you NEVER send your phone to Samsung. NEVER.
The other thread im aware of.
Just one question, I'm about to do this, you used the USB 3.0 cable or a normal USB 2? I don't have a USB 3.0 in my PC, what should I use?
Negrin82 said:
Just one question, I'm about to do this, you used the USB 3.0 cable or a normal USB 2? I don't have a USB 3.0 in my PC, what should I use?
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Any usb really. As long as Odin recognizes your phone your good to go
Thanks Sickness. Do you think there is any difference between this method and the other way to root (Odin-flashing TWRP and then flashing the SuperSU zip file in TWRP)? Do both these techniques offer the same end result, meaning fully functional root access and custom recovery?
---------- Post added at 11:18 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:10 PM ----------
ashraf sharif said:
why is it necessary to install twerp? does this root method require a custom recovery?
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That's a trick question. CF Autoroot, once installed via Odin, runs a custom recovery (trips Knox) to inject root, then restores the stock recovery. So the answer to your second question is, technically, yes.
Dr. Fed said:
Thanks Sickness. Do you think there is any difference between this method and the other way to root (Odin-flashing TWRP and then flashing the SuperSU zip file in TWRP)? Do both these techniques offer the same end result, meaning fully functional root access and custom recovery?
End result should be the same. Your doing the same as flashing a custom recovery.
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ashraf sharif said:
I found this
and in this thread look at post # 18 and #36
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See post #772
Hello everyone,
I have searched the forums for Galaxy SIII models which are vulnerable to risks when attempting to root them. Unfortunately I didn't find what I was really looking for..
The reason for this post is because a friend of mine hard bricked his Galaxy S2 because his particular phone was one of those who had the emmc bug.
It is described in this thread:
I was searching for similar threads regarding my SIII to make sure that it is safe to root it.
My baseband model is: I9300XXLH1
I know that there is always a certain risk when rooting your phone.
But I just want to make sure that there is not something like the emmc bug for the S3 and if my particular model is at risk.
Thank you
I'm in the same boat as you are! Would really love to root my fone but I have this obsession that by rooting, my efs folder gets corrupt and there is no way to get it back as it was since you can't back up the efs folder unless you are rooted in the first place!
Root using this, safe as houses as long as you follow instructions and read the whole op
[03.07.2012] CF-Root 6.4 - SuperSU+CWM5.5+CWMManager
slaphead20 said:
Root using this, safe as houses as long as you follow instructions and read the whole op
[03.07.2012] CF-Root 6.4 - SuperSU+CWM5.5+CWMManager
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There is this thread posted today about someone rooting their phone and corrupting the efs folder! Now that has really put me off rooting guess ill have to stick with stock ROM
luger77 said:
There is this thread posted today about someone rooting their phone and corrupting the efs folder! Now that has really put me off rooting guess ill have to stick with stock ROM
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that was a i9305......and I suspect he didn't read properly first!
1) Install system-replaceable apps and/or remove bloatwares and unwanted apps from carriers or stock roms.
2) Install root level apps, those apps that require root/system access.
3) Install, uninstall. Install, uninstall. Well that's it, to cut this short, basically, you will be able to install and use anything that is compatible to your phone.
1) VOIDS WARRANTY. There are ways to reverse the procedures but I will not navigate you to this because you cheat the manufacturer, please don't pm me.
2) You increase the chances of malware infecting your phone's system.
3) Improper personal configuration and improperly developed apps can limit or destroy your phones configuration and function.
4) Rooting is best only for people who reads and comprehends.
bordikun said:
1) Install system-replaceable apps and/or remove bloatwares and unwanted apps from carriers or stock roms.
2) Install root level apps, those apps that require root/system access.
3) Install, uninstall. Install, uninstall. Well that's it, to cut this short, basically, you will be able to install and use anything that is compatible to your phone.
1) VOIDS WARRANTY. There are ways to reverse the procedures but I will not navigate you to this because you cheat the manufacturer, please don't pm me.
2) You increase the chances of malware infecting your phone's system.
3) Improper personal configuration and improperly developed apps can limit or destroy your phones configuration and function.
4) Rooting is best only for people who reads and comprehends.
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Well, all those pro's are what I want.
I had a Galaxy SII which I rooted and tried come custom roms without any problems.
I know how to root. I used CF Root for my SII as well.
I am afraid to root my SIII though. This because I've seen what happend to that friend of mine who hard bricked his phone becuase it had the emmc bug.
dinci5 said:
Well, all those pro's are what I want.
I had a Galaxy SII which I rooted and tried come custom roms without any problems.
I know how to root. I used CF Root for my SII as well.
I am afraid to root my SIII though. This because I've seen what happend to that friend of mine who hard bricked his phone becuase it had the emmc bug.
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the emmc bug isn't present on the s3
slaphead20 said:
that was a i9305......and I suspect he didn't read properly first!
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Ok then thats a different story altogether .............but how on earth could you tell its an i9305? OP didnt say which s3 version it is
---------- Post added at 04:53 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:46 PM ----------
I just re read the thread again and the OP states that he rooted with the CF Auto Root v1.0 which is applicable to the i9305 version! He still bricked the fone by corrupting the EFS folder..............this is very confusing indeed
Still dying to root my s3 but scared to the bone that this might happen to me............and knowing my luck...........
All I know is the original cf root works fine if you follow the instructions......if you have doubts then don't root, or read read read till you are certain what you are doing! It really is up to you, but is incredibly simple. Points to note.
If you have kies installed make sure kies is disabled before using Odin.
Make sure repartition is unticked
If after the root it doesn't seem to have worked, reflash but with auto reboot unchecked, when Odin has finished, boot into recovery and this triggers installation (see chainfires op if you want to verify this)
Never panic!
---------- Post added at 05:04 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:02 PM ----------
additional info......thanks button makes people want to help you
slaphead20 said:
All I know is the original cf root works fine if you follow the instructions......if you have doubts then don't root, or read read read till you are certain what you are doing! It really is up to you, but is incredibly simple. Points to note.
If you have kies installed make sure kies is disabled before using Odin.
Make sure repartition is unticked
If after the root it doesn't seem to have worked, reflash but with auto reboot unchecked, when Odin has finished, boot into recovery and this triggers installation (see chainfires op if you want to verify this)
Never panic!
---------- Post added at 05:04 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:02 PM ----------
additional info......thanks button makes people want to help you
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Yes i know what u mean..........i have made tons of research and know how easy it is to root
Still the fear lingers on but im sure one day i will get to it
I have run CF root at least two hundred times without problem . But i had a head start i read the instructions i read the faqs and guides before flashing any firmware to any phone .
The nub of users problems with this phone is simple they blindly go on the web get a root link bang it on the phone and then have to be taught how to read the instructions as its all gone wrong and they have flashed SGS with another phones firmware .
I've just rooted it...
Everything working fine so far
dinci5 said:
I've just rooted it...
Everything working fine so far
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Well done :thumbup:
dinci5 said:
I've just rooted it...
Everything working fine so far
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The only reason I use root is ad blocking :')
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
KrewsialNL said:
The only reason I use root is ad blocking :')
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
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Honestly, the only reason I use root is to be able to install custom ROM's
I have to say that I like the S3 stock rom... that's why I've installed the Wanam ROM right away because it's the same as the stock rom without the bloatware.
Thanks guys.
I love this forum!
1. Read instructions.
2. Root using CFRoot.
3. ??????
4. Profit
[HOW-TO] Update to 4.4.2 NAB & NC5 w/Root from MJ4 Rooted without triggering Knox 0x1
This How-to guide will show you how to update from Jellybean MJ4 Android 4.3 with Root and Knox 0x0 to KitKat NAB Android 4.4.2 with Root without triggering the Knox 0x1 Warranty Bit.
This guide will be useful to those who want to have Root on their phone without triggering the Knox Warranty bit (and losing your warranty) and don't care/mind about flashing custom recoveries, kernels and ROM's. I, for one, only need Root so I can use Root apps like Xposed, Titanium Backup, AdAway, etc.
I also have a Galaxy S4 and a Nexus 5 and I don't use custom kernels and ROM's on those phones either (I just like stock & Root, lol~). And I don't have phone insurance on my Note 3 and S4 so that's why I want to keep Knox at 0x0 just in case. Also, I like the feeling of out-smarting/going around Samsung's ridiculous Knox implementations.
You undertake these steps at your own risk to your phone. This method has been used successfully many times by many users to go from Rooted 4.3 to Rooted 4.4.2 without triggering the Knox Warranty bit. Please read the instructions carefully in the entire post and download/install all the files before proceeding.
Now, onto the steps.
Before beginning the process, make sure you have the following installed on your phone and Windows laptop:
1. Samsung USB driver (PC) (So your Windows PC can detect your Note 3 when you plug it in.)
2. Odin v3.09 (PC) (You'll be using this to flash the NAB bootloader. I modified the .ini file for flashing the bootloader correctly. Clicking on the link will lead you to download Odin v3.09 from my Dropbox account.)
3. Mobile Odin Pro v4.0 (phone) (You'll be using this to flash the NAB tar file to update to Android 4.4.2.)
**Please DO NOT use Mobile Odin Lite. It won't work. If you already have Mobile Odin Lite installed, uninstall it & reboot your phone. Then download & install Mobile Odin Pro.
4. The NAB tar file, transferred over to the root directory of your phone (phone) (Thanks to @freeza for getting this for us~!)
5. The NAB engineering bootloader (PC) or stock NAB bootloader (PC). (Again, thanks to @freeza ~!!)
6. Kingo Android Root (I used v1.1.8.1835 to Root MJ4 4.3) (PC) (You can use this, without triggering Knox 0x1, to Root your stock MJ4 4.3.)
7. Stock NAB 4.4.2 CSC.tar file. (PC) You'll need to flash this with desktop Odin in order for your phone to have the correct CSC information as well as important System apps. If you don't flash this, you'll lose the ability to choose GSM/UMTS in the Mobile Network setting and you'll have S-Pen-related app crashes.
8. Odin v3.04 (for flashing the above CSC.tar file) (PC).
** Optional: If you don't like seeing multiple lines of code every time you reboot your phone (b/c of the engineering bootloader that has been flashed), you can flash the stock NAB bootloader prepared by rwilco12 for us.
His One-Click stock NAB bootloader can be downloaded here.
If you want the stock NAB bootloader in tar format, you can download it from my Dropbox here.
Before I began the process, my Note 3 was as follows:
Stock MJ4 Rooted (achieved with Kingo Android Root)
Stock MJ4 kernel
MJ4 baseband
MJ4 bootloader
Knox Warranty Bit = 0x0
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[1] Backup anything that's important to you first just in case (e.g., app data, pictures, videos, SMS, call log). I like to backup using Helium, MyBackup Pro, Titanium Backup, & SMS Backup & Restore.
[2] Open up Mobile Odin Pro v4.0 and click on "Open file...". Select the NAB tar file. Make sure the following options are checked:
-"Enable EverRoot"
-"Inject Superuser (SuperSU)"
-"Inject Mobile Odin"
[3] Click on "After flash..." and choose "Download Mode."
[4] Finally, click on "Flash firmware." The phone will reboot automatically and MOP will begin flashing the NAB tar. You'll see a screen like this:
(Modile Odin Pro v4.0 flashing the NAB tar)
[5] Once MOP has finished flashing the NAB tar, it'll boot you directly into Download mode.
(Knox Warranty Bit is still 0x0)
[6] Now, open Desktop Odin v3.09 (download from link above). Click on the "BL" button and select the NAB bootloader you downloaded earlier.
-Be sure the following options are unchecked: "Auto Reboot" and "F. Reset Time."
-Also, the "Phone Bootloader Update" box should be checked.
Now, click on the "Start" button. Wait until it reports "Pass."
[7] Hold down the Power button until the phone reboots. Right when the phone vibrates and begins to restart, press and hold down "VOL UP + HOME + POWER" until the phone enters into this screen:
(The screen looks like this b/c the NAB bootloader is the engineering bootloader version. Note that the Knox Warranty Bit is still 0x0.)
[8] Press the Power button until the phone reboots. Right when the phone vibrates & begins to restart, press and hold down "VOL DOWN + HOME + POWER" until you get to this screen:
[9] Press "Volume down" to cancel and restart the phone.
[10] The phone will reboot and start up normally. Your Note 3 may stay at the yellow Sprint screen for longer than you're used to. Be patient.
Next comes the normal Samsung boot animation.
Then the "Android is upgrading..." pop-up will appear and your apps will be optimized.
Let the phone settle for about 5 to 10 minutes. Upon settling down, reboot your phone once.
[11] Now that your phone has settled down, shut it off completely. Then boot into Download Mode (VOL DOWN + POWER + HOME).
[12] Open desktop Odin v3.04 by right-clicking it & choosing "Run as administrator."
[13] Click on the PDA button and select the csc.tar file. Click Start and let the flash finish and auto-reboot your phone.
And now, everything's finished~!
Some people have experienced unstableness in the NAB 4.4.2 environment after the flash. It could be because of some apps that were installed in the MJ4 4.3 environment that's causing the problem. If that's your case, I recommend booting into stock recovery and performing a factory reset/data wipe. You'll have to reinstall your apps again but at least you'll have a clean start.
**Warning: If you decide to flash the NAB tar file with Desktop Odin instead, you'll lose Root.
Through this method, I was able to go from Stock Rooted 4.3 to Stock Rooted 4.4.2 while keeping my Knox Warranty bit at 0x0.
You can check on your Knox Warranty Bit status by restarting the phone and going into Download Mode.
Full setting available under Mobile Network
Writing a text message with the S-Pen
Screen write
How to Update from Stock, Rooted NAB 4.4.2 to Stock, Rooted NC5 4.4.2 (Knox stays 0x0)
Files Needed
1. NC5 tar file. You can download the tar file from here:
I placed the NC5 tar into my Internal Storage of the phone (not microSD).
2. NC5 CSC file ( <-- Download from my Dropbox)
3. Odin v3.04
4. NC5 modem file ( <-- Download from my Dropbox) (Credit goes to freeza)
5. NC5 stock Bootloader (optional) ( <-- Download from my Dropbox) (Flash with my modified Odin v3.09 & use the BL button).
Flashing Instructions
1. Make sure your copy of Mobile Odin Pro is at version 4.10.
2. Open MOP v4.10 and select the NC5 tar file. You don't need to set up the phone to boot into Download Mode after the flash. Click on "Open file...". Select the NC5 tar file. Make sure the following options are checked:
-"Enable EverRoot"
-"Inject Superuser (SuperSU)"
-"Inject Mobile Odin"
3. After the flash has completed and phone has rebooted, check Settings. Everything should be NC5 except for the baseband.
4. Shut off the phone completely. Then enter into Download Mode by holding down POWER + VOL DOWN + HOME.
5. Flash the NC5 baseband/modem using Odin v3.04 and using the PDA button. Let the phone reboot.
6. Check Settings. Everything should be NC5 now.
7. Reboot the phone into Download Mode again. Using Odin v3.04 and the PDA button, flash the NC5 CSC file.
8. You're done~!!
9. (Optional step) Steps 1 through 7 will update your phone to NC5, except for the bootloader. The bootloader will remain NAB. Even with the NAB bootloader, the phone will work just fine after updating to NC5 for everything else.
However, if you would like to have the bootloader version to be NC5 as well, then flash the stock NC5 bootloader via Odin v3.09. Be sure to power down the phone completely and reboot into Download Mode from a cold state in order for the bootloader flash to stick.
Can someone with the phone info app and Knox tripped see if it reports 0x1. I was unaware that the app developer found a way to read the actual bit.
Thank you for this guide! Will try it out when I get home
Sent from my SM-N900P using xda app-developers app
NAE? Where is this coming from?
Sent from my SM-N900P using Tapatalk
MikeyLee said:
NAE? Where is this coming from?
Sent from my SM-N900P using Tapatalk
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LOL fixed the title~
Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
optimummind said:
LOL fixed the title~
Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
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lol I was gonna say
First thank you very much for posting this.
I have just one question. Do we have to flash the engineering bootloader?
Porsche928Guy said:
First thank you very much for posting this.
I have just one question. Do we have to flash the engineering bootloader?
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Yes, until @freeza has the time to release the official NAB bootloader for us to flash.
Sent from my SPH-L720
I'm trying this now, wish me luck! One thing I'd like to mention regarding your step #4. You said, "The NAB tar file, transferred over to the root directory of your phone (phone)". I tried copying the file to the root of my phone and it locked up my phone, probably because it is too big. I had to do a battery pull to get back up. Mobile Odin Pro found the file in a directory on my external card so I would advise copying it there.
Uh-oh, one more thing. I got the NAB tar file flashed with MOP, but in PC Odin 3.09.03 you said, "-Also, the "Phone Bootloader Update" box should be checked." That option is grayed out. How can I enable that? I'll wait for a reply before flashing the engineering bootloader.
JimSmith94 said:
I'm trying this now, wish me luck! One thing I'd like to mention regarding your step #4. You said, "The NAB tar file, transferred over to the root directory of your phone (phone)". I tried copying the file to the root of my phone and it locked up my phone, probably because it is too big. I had to do a battery pull to get back up. Mobile Odin Pro found the file in a directory on my external card so I would advise copying it there.
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That's interesting that a simple file transfer would lock up the phone. Which app did you use to make the transfer? I used ES Explorer.
Sent from my SPH-L720
optimummind said:
That's interesting that a simple file transfer would lock up the phone. Which app did you use to make the transfer? I used ES Explorer.
Sent from my SPH-L720
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I used Root Explorer. I assume that it either can't handle 2.2+GB files or the phone didn't have enough space left for the copy.
---------- Post added at 07:44 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:39 PM ----------
Thought I'd make this a separate post: One more thing. I got the NAB tar file flashed with MOP, but in PC Odin 3.09.03 you said, "-Also, the "Phone Bootloader Update" box should be checked." That option is grayed out. How can I enable that? I'll wait for a reply before flashing the engineering bootloader.
JimSmith94 said:
I used Root Explorer. I assume that it either can't handle 2.2+GB files or the phone didn't have enough space left for the copy.
---------- Post added at 07:44 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:39 PM ----------
Thought I'd make this a separate post: One more thing. I got the NAB tar file flashed with MOP, but in PC Odin 3.09.03 you said, "-Also, the "Phone Bootloader Update" box should be checked." That option is grayed out. How can I enable that? I'll wait for a reply before flashing the engineering bootloader.
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Did you download Odin v3.09 from my Dropbox in the 1st post? It's been modified to allow that checkbox to be checked already.
Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
optimummind said:
Did you download Odin v3.09 from my Dropbox in the 1st post? It's been modified to allow that checkbox to be checked already.
Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
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Oh sorry, my bad. I had a newer version and thought newer was better. Okay, everything flashed, and I did the two reboots with volume up and volume down as you said. It rebooted and updated apps, and got to the lock screen with a couple notifications in the notification bar.
However, I got a "waiting for connection" message at the bottom of the screen and the screen went black and I couldn't wake it up with the power button. I have rebooted it several times and was able to boot all the way a few times, but the screen times out whether I am using it or not and it won't wake up. I also get a smartcardservices has stopped message and the phone is running quite hot.
Any ideas?
Thanks for this. Exactly what ive been waiting for!
Sent from my GT-N8013 using Tapatalk
JimSmith94 said:
Oh sorry, my bad. I had a newer version and thought newer was better. Okay, everything flashed, and I did the two reboots with volume up and volume down as you said. It rebooted and updated apps, and got to the lock screen with a couple notifications in the notification bar.
However, I got a "waiting for connection" message at the bottom of the screen and the screen went black and I couldn't wake it up with the power button. I have rebooted it several times and was able to boot all the way a few times, but the screen times out whether I am using it or not and it won't wake up. I also get a smartcardservices has stopped message and the phone is running quite hot.
Any ideas?
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The "Waiting for connection" message should disappear once your phone connects to Sprint via 3G or 4G. My phone did something along the line of "Final connection has completed" thing after first boot.
If you keep getting errors, you might want to do a factory reset/data wipe from within the stock recovery (hope you backed up your files).
Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
Does this works (and keeps 0x0) with OTA 4.4.2 ? I mean can I root 4.4.2, flash kernel and 0x0?
Sent from my SM-N900P using xda app-developers app
erik077 said:
Does this works (and keeps 0x0) with OTA 4.4.2 ? I mean can I root 4.4.2, flash kernel and 0x0?
Sent from my SM-N900P using xda app-developers app
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I don't know whether this engineering bootloader will trip the Knox warranty bit or not when one flashes a custom recovery afterwards. It'd be great if someone could verify for us. It'd be sweet if it didn't so that people can flash custom kernels, recoveries, and ROM's without tripping Knox.
Edit: Sorry for any confusion. I've updated my words in the above paragraph.
optimummind said:
I don't know whether this engineering bootloader will trip Knox or not. It'd be great if someone could verify for us. It'd be sweet if it didn't so that people can flash custom kernels, recoveries, and ROM's without tripping Knox.
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As of this writing, one will never be able to flash custom recovery, flash kernels or any rom in the dev forum without tripping Knox.
Sent from my SM-N900P using Xparent BlueTapatalk 2
Someone once reported that they had a knox tripped phone they brought in to a sprint store and a guy actually reset his phone to factory, including knox was set back to 0x0. I never heard any other stories like that though so who knows.
Sent from my SM-N900P using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Okay, I'm officially lost. This guide is about not tripping Knox and the OP says the engineering bootloader must be flashed, but then a few posts above this states they don't know if flashing the engineering bootloader will trip Knox. So does it trip Knox or not? Or is this referring to the comment I made about phone info not reporting everything for our phone correctly?
Sent from my SM-N900P using xda app-developers app
evilvoice said:
Okay, I'm officially lost. This guide is about not tripping Knox and the OP says the engineering bootloader must be flashed, but then a few posts above this states they don't know if flashing the engineering bootloader will trip Knox. So does it trip Knox or not? Or is this referring to the comment I made about phone info not reporting everything for our phone correctly?
Sent from my SM-N900P using xda app-developers app
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I may hedge on the Knox question, likely will in my prior post, but that does not detract one jot from the utility of this thread.
Sent from my SM-N900P using Xparent BlueTapatalk 2
---------- Post added at 09:17 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:10 AM ----------
KEYofR said:
Someone once reported that they had a knox tripped phone they brought in to a sprint store and a guy actually reset his phone to factory, including knox was set back to 0x0. I never heard any other stories like that though so who knows.
Sent from my SM-N900P using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
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Either urban legend or maybe true. William of Occam would assert the former, I'll not speak in absolutes and simply state that it were true, more would know about it. The latent desire in having this capability is strong enough to believe that, if it is possible at the Sprint store, the good folks here would've published it.
Sent from my SM-N900P using Xparent BlueTapatalk 2
As always, a HUGE thanks goes to my partner in crime, @garwynn, for all the hard work he puts in on our site and all that he does for the community. He is the man!
Second, thanks to @vinman12 for posting the TAR here.
This Odin One-Click.exe contains the Stock ND2 Bootloader, Kernel, Modem and ROM for the Sprint Samsung Galaxy S5(SM-G900P). Yes, that means this comes with the full Knox Bootloader.
There has been no change to the ROM from the initial build released by Samsung.
This will NOT trigger the Yellow Triangle NOR will it increment the Odin flash count.
This one-click resets your whole phone to the stock ND2 experience, similar to a factory restore and it may wipe all data. It also contains the full bootloader and Knox.
1: Backup anything important and Disable any PINs.
During this process your phone's software will be returned to the Stock setup. All system data will be lost. To be safe, it is best to archive your backup off your phone, ie on your PC or Dropbox.
2: Install Samsung USB/Android drivers (if necessary).
Samsung Drivers Download Link
3: Download the ND2 Stock ROM One-Click.
SM-G900P_ND2_Full Restore_UNROOTED (Compressed Archive).exe (Resets user data)
4: Unzip One-Click ROM using 7zip (this package is a self-extracting exe you should just be able to double-click on it after download and it will do the rest).
5: Start the Odin One-Click.
Navigate to the location where the SM-G900P_ND2_Full_Restore_UNROOTED.exe was saved upon extract from the 7Zip archive.
Double-click on SM-G900P_ND2_Full_Restore_UNROOTED.exe. *On Vista or newer, you may need to right-click on the file and select Run as Administrator.
6: Place phone in Download Mode.
- Power phone completely off.
- Press and hold Volume Down, Home and Power buttons, all at the same time.
- Release the buttons only when the ‘Warning!!’ message appears.
- Press [Volume Up] to enter Download mode.
7: Connect USB cable to PC and phone.
Odin should show a yellow COM port in the second column. If you do not see a yellow COM port, you may need to run the Odin One-Click as Administrator and/or unplug/plugin the USB cable after starting Odin One-Click.
8: Start Odin flash process.
Press [Start].
9: Complete - PASS!
Status should change to green PASS! At this point your phone should automatically reboot.
The boot process will take slightly longer than usual during which time you'll see the Sprint 4G/Spark logo screen.
Congratulations! You've flashed the Factory Restore ND2 build!
View attachment 2799603
XDA:DevDB Information
[ROM][ODIN]SM-G900P ND2 (ND2 Modem/Kernel/Bootloader/ROM - Full Restore - Unrooted), ROM for the Sprint Samsung Galaxy S 5
ROM OS Version: 4.4.x KitKat
Version Information
Status: Stable
Created 2015-02-10
Last Updated 2015-02-10
Great work as usual. Your hard work is appreciated!
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Hopefully i will never need to use this but thanks for your work!!
Nice to have this ty
Sent from my SM-G900P using Tapatalk
Will this restore knox to 0x0?
Sent from my SM-G900P using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
g.armour said:
Will this restore knox to 0x0?
Sent from my SM-G900P using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
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Unfortunately it doesn't. It does reset system status to official but no change to Knox.
Sent from my SM-G900P using Tapatalk
So if this doesn't reset Knox is the phone warranty still void? Or is it good enough to use for warranty work?
Sent from my SM-G900P using XDA Free mobile app
Dgsaxhitman84 said:
So if this doesn't reset Knox is the phone warranty still void? Or is it good enough to use for warranty work?
Sent from my SM-G900P using XDA Free mobile app
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Not yet, so far stock will not reset counter, warranty still voided.
---------- Post added at 01:07 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:04 PM ----------
I think stock rom far better versus modded roms. Feels more responsive especially for calling app which is mandatory for me and I'm sure for you too.
---------- Post added at 01:07 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:07 PM ----------
rwilco12 said:
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What's this link?
Thanks for this rwilco12, great to have you here with us
Enviado desde mi SM-G900P mediante Tapatalk
HD-man said:
What's this link?
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That's the link to my site where got can download the files from.
Sent from my SM-G900P using Tapatalk
Was pretty cool didn't even change the ROM and for some reason I didn't get the Sprint bootloader back.
Knox counter
will flashing this stock rom trip my knox count? my phone was rooted with towel root but having some issues with my phone. now i want to return it back to full stock
Thank you so much man! I wiped my phone clean of an O/S like a d*** and this helped out a lot. I know it wasn't much but I had to give you a little $ for that. Again, thank you!
Back to stock
I currently have rooted S5, running MOAR with philz recovery. My phone has been running a bit wonky with quite a few problems and I think starting fresh as if I just opened the box with my shiny brand new S5 (instead of normal factory reset when flashing rom) would be the way to go. I have been searching and reading and to be honest, my head is spinning. I think this procedure is what I need to accomplish my goal :fingers-crossed: but just wanted to confirm. Appreciate any help!!
andee39 said:
I currently have rooted S5, running MOAR with philz recovery. My phone has been running a bit wonky with quite a few problems and I think starting fresh as if I just opened the box with my shiny brand new S5 (instead of normal factory reset when flashing rom) would be the way to go. I have been searching and reading and to be honest, my head is spinning. I think this procedure is what I need to accomplish my goal :fingers-crossed: but just wanted to confirm. Appreciate any help!!
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This is exactly what you need. However, I would suggest flashing TWRP and wiping internal storage before flashing. That way you are 100% brand new.
rwilco12 said:
This is exactly what you need. However, I would suggest flashing TWRP and wiping internal storage before flashing. That way you are 100% brand new.
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Do you mean flashing TWRP and wiping internal storage before this procedure or after but before re-rooting and flashing rom? I would love to go back to using TWRP all the time but had heard there were issues if you ever needed to do a recovery so that is why I use philz, But I guess if you are referring to before this process then I could flash philz again after re-rooting.
Thanks so much for your assistance!
andee39 said:
Do you mean flashing TWRP and wiping internal storage before this procedure or after but before re-rooting and flashing rom? I would love to go back to using TWRP all the time but had heard there were issues if you ever needed to do a recovery so that is why I use philz, But I guess if you are referring to before this process then I could flash philz again after re-rooting.
Thanks so much for your assistance!
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I would do it before and wipe data and internal. Then immediately boot to download mode and flash the one-click. You can root and flash Philz after that.
rwilco12 said:
I would do it before and wipe data and internal. Then immediately boot to download mode and flash the one-click. You can root and flash Philz after that.
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Oakie dokie, that is what I will do. I do have one last question. When I rooted with CF Auto-Root and installed philz with Odin, you select the tar file in one of the boxes in Odin and then press start. Here it says to double click on exe, put phone in download mode and then press start in Odin. You don't need to select a file within Odin before pressing start? Hopefully not a completely dopey question.
Not a dopey question at all! The difference between this and most Odin packages is that this is in fact a One-Click Odin package. We have selected all the options and set everything up so that all you need to do is hit start and wait for the flash. No more accidentally loading something to the wrong slot or hitting the wrong button and having your device blow up in your hands. Ultimately it is the same process but simplified.
If upgrading to 4.4.4 (NH7) are you then able to revert back to 4.4.2 (NC5)? Complete stock including boot and recovery. Knox 0x0
Thank for your help!
elephant007 said:
If upgrading to 4.4.4 (NH7) are you then able to revert back to 4.4.2 (NC5)? Complete stock including boot and recovery. Knox 0x0
Thank for your help!
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Yes you can. first, after you upgrade to 4.4.4, you can try to do a factory reset back to 4.4.2. If you are still at 4.4.4 after the reset, than you will have try one of the options below.
Its tricky, your device may or my not boot loop when you go back to 4.4.2. However, if you check out my post we found two ways around the boot loop. In post #7 he did it by going into factory recovery and doing a factory reset, this will work without tripping KNOX. My way works, but it is for a device with KNOX already tripped.
Does this really work about downgrading without knox tripped. I am pure stock I have NC5 tar. and odin already
---------- Post added at 03:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:06 PM ----------
If I have offical tar and odin NC5 firmware. Can you downgrade without tripping knox count
tommyjoesanders said:
Does this really work about downgrading without knox tripped. I am pure stock I have NC5 tar. and odin already
---------- Post added at 03:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:06 PM ----------
If I have offical tar and odin NC5 firmware. Can you downgrade without tripping knox count
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Check your PM
---------- Post added at 03:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:46 PM ----------
tommyjoesanders said:
Does this really work about downgrading without knox tripped. I am pure stock I have NC5 tar. and odin already
---------- Post added at 03:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:06 PM ----------
If I have offical tar and odin NC5 firmware. Can you downgrade without tripping knox count
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You should post your battery draining issues with 4.4.4 can always use the info !!!
Reverted back to 4.4.2
I did the OTA today to 4.4.4. After a successful upgrade, I flashed back to 4.4.2 using Odin and the stock NC5 ROM. My phone ended up in a boot loop and I did what was suggested if your phone gets into a boot loop. I booted into stock recovery and did a factory reset. I was then able to boot successfully into 4.4.2! Everything still stock. Knox still 0x0 and device status Official
Downloaded NC5 from here N900PVPUCNC5_N900PSPTCNC5_N900PVPUCNC5_HOME
Odin provided in attachment (from CF-Auto)
Thank you for everyone's suggestions
Default disclaimer: Use at your doing, only you are responsible for your own actions.
jimzweb1 said:
Yes you can. first, after you upgrade to 4.4.4, you can try to do a factory reset back to 4.4.2. If you are still at 4.4.4 after the reset, than you will have try one of the options below.
Its tricky, your device may or my not boot loop when you go back to 4.4.2. However, if you check out my post we found two ways around the boot loop. In post #7 he did it by going into factory recovery and doing a factory reset, this will work without tripping KNOX. My way works, but it is for a device with KNOX already tripped.
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elephant007 said:
I did the OTA today to 4.4.4. After a successful upgrade, I flashed back to 4.4.2 using Odin and the stock NC5 ROM. My phone ended up in a boot loop and I did what was suggested if your phone gets into a boot loop. I booted into stock recovery and did a factory reset. I was then able to boot successfully into 4.4.2! Everything still stock. Knox still 0x0 and device status Official
Downloaded NC5 from here N900PVPUCNC5_N900PSPTCNC5_N900PVPUCNC5_HOME
Odin provided in attachment (from CF-Auto)
Thank you for everyone's suggestions
Default disclaimer: Use at your doing, only you are responsible for your own actions.
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Worked like a charm. Thanks for info.
installing update firmware 4.4.4
tommyjoesanders said:
Worked like a charm. Thanks for info.
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Please forgive me if I am in the wrong forum. Just a couple of questions. I am currently on the rooted nc5 touch wiz rom on my sprint galaxy note 3. Here goes: Do I have to unroot to install the 4.4.4 stock firmware. Or just flash it with odin. Secondly, what about my nandroid backups on nc5. Can they be used again after rooting the 4.4.4 firmware. I have cm11 nightly ( awesome rom btw ) or do I have to go thru the whole process from scratch. Thanks in advance.
wally18324 said:
Please forgive me if I am in the wrong forum. Just a couple of questions. I am currently on the rooted nc5 touch wiz rom on my sprint galaxy note 3. Here goes: Do I have to unroot to install the 4.4.4 stock firmware. Or just flash it with odin. Secondly, what about my nandroid backups on nc5. Can they be used again after rooting the 4.4.4 firmware. I have cm11 nightly ( awesome rom btw ) or do I have to go thru the whole process from scratch. Thanks in advance.
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NO, you do not have to unroot your device. BACK UP YOUR DATA FIRST !!! Just boot into download mode and flash through Odin here is a link to a complete copy of 4.4.4 . Now you might lose your nandroid backups. So here is what I would do. First make a copy of your backups file to the desktop of your PC. Now after you get 4.4.4 installed and rooted, install the same recovery you used before. After you make a backup of rooted stock 4.4.4 to your sd card, copy the old backups file on your PC to your new backup file. Now try and restore an old backup. Chances are its going to come back md5 mismatch error, no problem !!! YES, just use a root file manger like Root Explorer go to the old backup file that failed, and click on it. You will see all the files that make up the OS, delete the nandriod.md5 file. Now click on add a new file, and add nandroid.md5 where the old one was, check permissions rwxrwx---. Restore the backup again since the new nandroid.md5 is empty it forces the system to ignore it and it will restore your old backup. Once it boots up, and everything is good make a new backup of the old one, this will have a new md5 and you will be able to restore with no problem the next time.
jimzweb1 said:
NO, you do not have to unroot your device. BACK UP YOUR DATA FIRST !!! Just boot into download mode and flash through Odin here is a link to a complete copy of 4.4.4 . Now you might lose your nandroid backups. So here is what I would do. First make a copy of your backups file to the desktop of your PC. Now after you get 4.4.4 installed and rooted, install the same recovery you used before. After you make a backup of rooted stock 4.4.4 to your sd card, copy the old backups file on your PC to your new backup file. Now try and restore an old backup. Chances are its going to come back md5 mismatch error, no problem !!! YES, just use a root file manger like Root Explorer go to the old backup file that failed, and click on it. You will see all the files that make up the OS, delete the nandriod.md5 file. Now click on add a new file, and add nandroid.md5 where the old one was, check permissions rwxrwx---. Restore the backup again since the new nandroid.md5 is empty it forces the system to ignore it and it will restore your old backup. Once it boots up, and everything is good make a new backup of the old one, this will have a new md5 and you will be able to restore with no problem the next time.
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Thank You very much were on the same page, my recovery is philz_touch_6.12.9-hltespr, The best recovery I've ever used.
wally18324 said:
Thank You very much were on the same page, my recovery is philz_touch_6.12.9-hltespr, The best recovery I've ever used.
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I also use Philz 16.12.9 hltespr, beat that recovery to death. It has never failed !!!:fingers-crossed:
I've soft bricked 2 times this week on nh7 and just went back to nc5 cuz I had the tar right there so yes you can. Resets Knox to untripped and I actually get better data signal with nc5.
jbnorton0524 said:
I've soft bricked 2 times this week on nh7 and just went back to nc5 cuz I had the tar right there so yes you can. Resets Knox to untripped and I actually get better data signal with nc5.
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Are you saying your Knox was tripped 0x1 then you Odin flashed NC5 and now your Knox is 0x0?
Philtz 6.12.9
jimzweb1 said:
I also use Philz 16.12.9 hltespr, beat that recovery to death. It has never failed !!!:fingers-crossed:
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Incredible I had no issues . After I installed nh7 firmware, then rooted. Restored my cm11 backup. No md5 mismatch. That is why I love this recovery.
wally18324 said:
Incredible I had no issues . After I installed nh7 firmware, then rooted. Restored my cm11 backup. No md5 mismatch. That is why I love this recovery.
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Awesome !!!
elephant007 said:
Are you saying you Knox was tripped 0x1 then you Odin flashed NC5 and now your Knox is 0x0?
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I'm sure we'd all like to know the answer to this!
resetting Knox
JimSmith94 said:
I'm sure we'd all like to know the answer to this![/QUOTE
I know I would.
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I just tried to upgrade to Alliance build 30 from build 26. I also loaded TWRP latest version after using CWM for a few years now. I had no idea CWM files would not restore with TWRP. Yes I was stupid but now I cannot install anything or get out of recovery having no working recovery file in TWRP. Do I have to start over with Odin? Can I somehow get back to CWM recovery files and bypass TWRP? I see my counter does not show any custom files and is still at zero. Please help me!
NB2A said:
I just tried to upgrade to Alliance build 30 from build 26. I also loaded TWRP latest version after using CWM for a few years now. I had no idea CWM files would not restore with TWRP. Yes I was stupid but now I cannot install anything or get out of recovery having no working recovery file in TWRP. Do I have to start over with Odin? Can I somehow get back to CWM recovery files and bypass TWRP? I see my counter does not show any custom files and is still at zero. Please help me!
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When you are in twrp have you tried flashing the cwm recovery zip to switch back yo cwm?
bigmarv31 said:
When you are in twrp have you tried flashing the cwm recovery zip to switch back yo cwm?
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Yes I did try that too. I was finally able to get Alliance rom to load but it gets stuck at logo never completing. In fact now it put into yellow triangle saying return to Verizon store so even Odin cannot see it.
Thank you for helping anyway
Did you put phone in download mode then try to use odin
I just put it in Odin mode
I guess I need to start all over again
Should I use Adam's thread?
bigmarv31 said:
Did you put phone in download mode then try to use odin
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where you on stock 4.1.2?
If you were on stock 4.1.2 use odin with the proper files then you can use Adams Casual No You Verizon.
bigmarv31 said:
where you on stock 4.1.2?
If you were on stock 4.1.2 use odin with the proper files then you can use Adams Casual No You Verizon.
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NB2A said:
Thank you for responding with such detail. It finally started to boot into Alliance logo but never completed. Now it says with yellow triangle phone needs to be returned to Verizon. It does not even work in Odin. I do have an external reader for the card but I guess I am screwed now anyway.I wonder if Verizon will even help me at all back to stock.
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@NB2A - I see where you have 2 threads on this.... so I'm just going to respond in this thread to avoid confusion.
If you can get into download mode again with Volume Down+Home+Power button combo.... then you should be able to use ODIN to restore the phone to whatever firmware version would be appropriate. Like bigmarv31 said, you should be able to restore back to 4.1.2 as long as you never installed factory stock 4.3 or 4.4.2. If you did install 4.3 or 4.4.2, then your bootloader has been locked and you would have to restore back to one of those firmwares and can't go back to 4.1.2 because of locked bootloader. (I had assumed you were still on 4.1.2 bootloader because you said you had TWRP CWM on the phone). If you can't get into download mode, then do a Google search for tricks to force phone into download mode. I've read where people say you can pull the battery and plug in the phone... or use a special usb jig to get the phone into download mode if the button combo doesn't work anymore. These tricks aren't guaranteed to work, but would be worth a shot.
You can buy a usb jig from eBay for less than $5. (This may be a good one:
Good luck.
PS: If you can get the phone into download mode again, use section 1b of Droidstyle's restore guide to restore the phone (
Thank you again
I was able to finally get phone to work using Odin. Now I need to root it and since it is using a 4.3 build My options are only touch wiz apps I am told and can only use safestrap to use another rom. I would be happy to simply be back on what I had working fine in it before this yesterday. I had Beanstown build 26 before Alliance build 30 messed me up. I cannot seem to find root to use now.
Thank you again
mattnmag said:
@NB2A - I see where you have 2 threads on this.... so I'm just going to respond in this thread to avoid confusion.
If you can get into download mode again with Volume Down+Home+Power button combo.... then you should be able to use ODIN to restore the phone to whatever firmware version would be appropriate. Like bigmarv31 said, you should be able to restore back to 4.1.2 as long as you never installed factory stock 4.3 or 4.4.2. If you did install 4.3 or 4.4.2, then your bootloader has been locked and you would have to restore back to one of those firmwares and can't go back to 4.1.2 because of locked bootloader. (I had assumed you were still on 4.1.2 bootloader because you said you had TWRP on the phone). If you can't get into download mode, then do a Google search for tricks to force phone into download mode. I've read where people say you can pull the battery and plug in the phone... or use a special usb jig to get the phone into download mode if the button combo doesn't work anymore. These tricks aren't guaranteed to work, but would be worth a shot.
You can buy a usb jig from eBay for less than $5. (This may be a good one:
Good luck.
PS: If you can get the phone into download mode again, use section 1b of Droidstyle's restore guide to restore the phone (
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NB2A said:
I was able to finally get phone to work using Odin. Now I need to root it and since it is using a 4.3 build My options are only touch wiz apps I am told and can only use safestrap to use another rom. I would be happy to simply be back on what I had working fine in it before this yesterday. I had Beanstown build 26 before Alliance build 30 messed me up. I cannot seem to find root to use now.
Thank you again
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Cool. Glad you got it restored. If you're on factory stock 4.3, then you can use safeRoot to gain root access. Here's the link to saferoot--
---------- Post added at 01:05 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:00 PM ----------
Oh... and you probably know, but you need to use the modified TWRP called Safestrap in order to run Alliance 26 again.
mattnmag said:
Cool. Glad you got it restored. If you're on factory stock 4.3, then you can use safeRoot to gain root access. Here's the link to saferoot--
---------- Post added at 01:05 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:00 PM ----------
Oh... and you probably know, but you need to use the modified TWRP called Safestrap in order to run Alliance 26 again.
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This looks like a real PIA to root. Thank you so much.
NB2A said:
This looks like a real PIA to root. Thank you so much.
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I unzipped that file on that thread and there does not seem to be any install bat file to use for step 5.
NB2A said:
I unzipped that file on that thread and there does not seem to be any install bat file to use for step 5.
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This rooting process is actually very easy. I just downloaded and unzipped the saferoot zip package, and the batch file is definitely there. (see the below screenshot) It's not named "install.bat" -- just "install" (but you can see which one is the batch file).
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mattnmag said:
This rooting process is actually very easy. I just downloaded and unzipped the saferoot zip package, and the batch file is definitely there. (see the below screenshot) It's not named "install.bat" -- just "install" (but you can see which one is the batch file).
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No matter what either saferoot or safestrap does not seem my phone
The drivers are there too when I plug phone
NB2A said:
No matter what either saferoot or safestrap does not seem my phone
The drivers are there too when I plug phone
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I'm sorry, but I don't really understand what you mean. You mean when you followed all the steps in the saferoot thread, and double clicked on the install batch file.... that the saferoot install script could not see your phone? Did you make sure to enable usb debugging in the developer settings on your phone? When you connect your phone to your computer with the usb cable, open a command terminal screen... then type "adb devices" (without the quotes) into the terminal... does it show your phone's serial number to ensure your phone is being seen by the computer? If not, you probably need to install the stand alone Android SDK tools from here:
( ).
Also.... I don't understand what safeStrap would have to do with this. SafeStrap is a modified version of TWRP that you would install onto your phone only after you get the phone rooted with safeRoot. You would need to use SafeStrap as the recovery now because the bootloader was locked permanently after you put factory stock 4.3 on the phone... and regular TWRP and CWM won't work with locked bootloaders. After you get Safestrap on there, you would boot into it to flash the Alliance 26 ROM back onto the phone. You'll need to research in the Safestrap thread for the steps, as I am actually still on 4.1.2 bootloader and don't need to use Safestrap.... so I've never used it. As I recall though, you need to make a full backup of your stock ROM first (also backup the efs if you haven't already). Then you have to flash the custom ROM over the stock ROM slot in Safestrap. Here's a link for the Safestrap thread for your reading pleasure :
PS: I see where you're posting in the Alliance Build 30 thread for help. To avoid confusion, make sure they know you're on factory stock 4.3 and your trying to root and install Alliance 30 (which is based on Android version 4.4.2). You're going to end up soft bricking the phone again if you try to install Alliance 30 in SafeStrap with stock 4.3. Alliance 30 is based on 4.4.2 and uses a different kernel than Alliance 26 (which is 4.3 based).
I appreciate your help. One major unexplained problem I had was safestrap or saferoot could not see my device at all using a machine with XP. After switching to a machine with windows 7 both worked and saw device fine. I am now running Beans build 26 and used Safestrap as well. I now ned to make a recovery copy of 26. I did make a copy of the working stock room too just in case. I just need to determine what is the best place to save it off the device too.
NB2A said:
I appreciate your help. One major unexplained problem I had was safestrap or saferoot could not see my device at all using a machine with XP. After switching to a machine with windows 7 both worked and saw device fine. I am now running Beans build 26 and used Safestrap as well. I now ned to make a recovery copy of 26. I did make a copy of the working stock room too just in case. I just need to determine what is the best place to save it off the device too.
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Save them to your sd card and if u want copy them to your computer just in case you ever need them.
mattnmag said:
PS: I see where you're posting in the Alliance Build 30 thread for help. To avoid confusion, make sure they know you're on factory stock 4.3 and your trying to root and install Alliance 30 (which is based on Android version 4.4.2). You're going to end up soft bricking the phone again if you try to install Alliance 30 in SafeStrap with stock 4.3. Alliance 30 is based on 4.4.2 and uses a different kernel than Alliance 26 (which is 4.3 based).
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I was one of the guys trying to help over there. It was confusing to say the least. There was never any mention of whether the bootloader was unlocked or not. I assumed it was and made suggestions based on that premise. I'm sorry I didn't ask for more detail before I did.
If I had known it was locked I would have never said a word. I know nothing about SafeStrap. I've been on the unlocked VRALJB Bootloader ever since I've had my phone. Sorry I stuck my nose in where it didn't belong.
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