Wpa2 Enterprise - Ubuntu Touch Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi I can't connect to the Wlan Network at our university, which is using wpa2 enterprise.
When I click on the network nothing happens. On askubuntu I found something, but I don't know in which file on my phone I have to put the text in.

Yes, WPA2 Enterprise isn't supported by the GUI yet.
The file you need to save that to needs to be called
/etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/<your network's id>
Replace <your network's id> (including the brackets) with the ID of your Wifi network. In the example it would be "eduroam".
(Please note that you need to save the file as root, i.e. using sudo.)

I tried it yesterday with the file, but it didn't worked. But I am not sure if the file is correct for our network.

I followed this guide http://www.danbishop.org/2015/02/21...ther-802-1x-wireless-network-to-ubuntu-phone/ and now I get a connection. Only username and password have to be changed.
Sent from my awesome Ubuntu Touch device using the Forum Browser app

Sorry if this is a semi-hijack, but this seems the most relevant place for my question. I can't get access to my uni's wi-fi either (aquaris ubuntu edition phone), and I was wondering if anyone knows if the functionality for wpa2 is going to be added in the near future? I don't have ubuntu on a desktop atm and I don't want to have to install it just to tinker with my phone, which also seems a little bit daunting to me, worried I will explode my phone or something.

I don't know when they bring wpa2 enterprise support via gui, but I think it is a must have feature. You don't need ubuntu to get it working. I can upload the file I used, you just have to change 2 lines. You can use putty to put the file in the right location.

jonny-boy said:
I don't know when they bring wpa2 enterprise support via gui, but I think it is a must have feature. You don't need ubuntu to get it working. I can upload the file I used, you just have to change 2 lines. You can use putty to put the file in the right location.
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That'd be great, although I've no idea what I'm doing with this sort of thing, would it be possible for you to explain it to me in idiot terms? I'm not familiar with putty or this kind of exercise

1. Activate Developer Mode on your phone
You can activated the Mode under Device info, developer mode
(But you have to set a password for your phone before, if I am not mistaken)
2. Connect your Phone via usb to your computer
3. Download adb for windows: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=48915118
The installer asks some questions, I answered all questions with yes.
4. I attached a File. Just change username and password.
Then remove the file extension (remove the .txt)
You have to activate show file extensions in the windows explorer, to remove the file extension
5. Move the File on your phone e.g. in the download directory via usb
6. Run the windows command line tool (I use Super+R and then just run "cmd")
7. Run "adb shell" in the cmd
(When it says: "error: closed", you have to unlock your phone)
It should say something like "[email protected]" now.
8. Move the file from the Download-Folder to the Network-Manager-Folder:
"sudo cp Downloads/eduroam /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/"
Password should be your phone unlock password
9. Now go into the Networkmanager directory:
cd /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/
10. Run the following commands to set the right permissions for the file:
"sudo chown root eduroam"
"sudo chgrp root eduroam"
"sudo chmod 600 eduroam"
11. Reboot your Phone
For me this worked. My English is not that good, so just ask, if you have questions.

jonny-boy said:
1. Activate Developer Mode on your phone
You can activated the Mode under Device info, developer mode
(But you have to set a password for your phone before, if I am not mistaken)
2. Connect your Phone via usb to your computer
3. Download adb for windows: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=48915118
The installer asks some questions, I answered all questions with yes.
4. I attached a File. Just change username and password.
Then remove the file extension (remove the .txt)
You have to activate show file extensions in the windows explorer, to remove the file extension
5. Move the File on your phone e.g. in the download directory via usb
6. Run the windows command line tool (I use Super+R and then just run "cmd")
7. Run "adb shell" in the cmd
(When it says: "error: closed", you have to unlock your phone)
It should say something like "[email protected]" now.
8. Move the file from the Download-Folder to the Network-Manager-Folder:
"sudo cp Downloads/eduroam /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/"
Password should be your phone unlock password
9. Now go into the Networkmanager directory:
cd /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/
10. Run the following commands to set the right permissions for the file:
"sudo chown root eduroam"
"sudo chgrp root eduroam"
"sudo chmod 600 eduroam"
11. Reboot your Phone
For me this worked. My English is not that good, so just ask, if you have questions.
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So far I can't get the adb shell to recognise the phone is there, it just keeps saying "error: device not found" so I'm kinda stumped right now

I got this error the first time, too. I just reinstalled adb, while the phone was plugged to my computer and unlocked and answered the driver question with yes, then some driver were installed.

jonny-boy said:
I got this error the first time, too. I just reinstalled adb, while the phone was plugged to my computer and unlocked and answered the driver question with yes, then some driver were installed.
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Did that, still says Error: device not found =/

Garatolla said:
Did that, still says Error: device not found =/
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Tried it on my friend's linux pc as well and it still says error device not found, guess I'm just going to have to wait for them to officially add in wpa2 functionality. Welp, back to my old phone for a while then, thanks for the help jonny-boy

@garatola Do you have the phone unlocked and the screen turned on when trying to connect? That's one requirement on Ubuntu.
Sent from my awesome Ubuntu Touch device using the Forum Browser app

nikwen said:
@garatola Do you have the phone unlocked and the screen turned on when trying to connect? That's one requirement on Ubuntu.
Sent from my awesome Ubuntu Touch device using the Forum Browser app
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Yup, I managed to find out about that before I first started trying to figure out how to fix this unfortunate situation

Does anyone know if or when there will be wpa2 functionality on this os? Or where I might ask? I need it for accessing my uni wifi stuff, and if it's going to be a while, I'll just shelf the phone and forget about it as a phone without internet access is pretty much just a paperweight for me. Thanks again for the help given so far everyone

Garatolla said:
Does anyone know if or when there will be wpa2 functionality on this os? Or where I might ask? I need it for accessing my uni wifi stuff, and if it's going to be a while, I'll just shelf the phone and forget about it as a phone without internet access is pretty much just a paperweight for me. Thanks again for the help given so far everyone
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According to the corresponding launchpad issue, a fix has just been made available. However, it will probably take a month until it is in the stable builds.
If adb still doesn't work for you and the issue is that important to you, you can always also try following the guide using the terminal app on the device itself. Will take some time to type the commands in but it should work.

nikwen said:
According to the corresponding launchpad issue, a fix has just been made available. However, it will probably take a month until it is in the stable builds.
If adb still doesn't work for you and the issue is that important to you, you can always also try following the guide using the terminal app on the device itself. Will take some time to type the commands in but it should work.
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I don't have access to a linux pc, and for some reason ubuntu wouldn't install for a dual boot when I tried that either. I also didn't see an app that would let me use the terminal on my phone - I've not had much luck with this lol. However, for some reason the adb stuff randomly started working on my friends linux pc and he friend managed to fix something up for me today, so all is well, for now at least :s (I also noticed the terminal app on the ubuntu store once I finally did get the net working.)
In the end, my friend used this http://www.danbishop.org/2015/02/21...ther-802-1x-wireless-network-to-ubuntu-phone/ to get it working, although the first time he tried adb wouldn't recognise my phone, and we don't know how it was righted, so sorry I can't pass on more info to people who might have the same problem =/
Thanks for all the replies again

Garatolla said:
I don't have access to a linux pc, and for some reason ubuntu wouldn't install for a dual boot when I tried that either. I also didn't see an app that would let me use the terminal on my phone - I've not had much luck with this lol. However, for some reason the adb stuff randomly started working on my friends linux pc and he friend managed to fix something up for me today, so all is well, for now at least :s (I also noticed the terminal app on the ubuntu store once I finally did get the net working.)
In the end, my friend used this http://www.danbishop.org/2015/02/21...ther-802-1x-wireless-network-to-ubuntu-phone/ to get it working, although the first time he tried adb wouldn't recognise my phone, and we don't know how it was righted, so sorry I can't pass on more info to people who might have the same problem =/
Thanks for all the replies again
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Great that it finally worked.


my situation....please help

rooted via ubuntu and have recovery
i tried doing stuff in windows, but it wont install the drivers properly.
what do i do to get this to work?
i want to be able to install 3rd party apps and get rid of att bloatware.
i have no idea where to start.
ubuntu or windows...
download the Android SDK for Windows
install and download ONLY THE USB DRIVERS
open cmd window, connect usb cable, navigate to the <folder>\tools where you installed, ie. c:\android\tools
paste the following into a small batch file, call it anything you want dot bat,
ie. c:\android\tools\yourname.bat
---cut here--
adb remount
adb pull /data/data/com.android.providers.settings/databases/settings.db settings.db
echo update secure set value = 1 where name = 'install_non_market_apps';|sqlite3 settings.db
adb push settings.db /data/data/com.android.providers.settings/databases/settings.db
pause 1
adb reboot
-- cut here--
ok i'll try right now
still must be missing something
what setting is my phone on when i plug it in? recovery? or just regular charge only or hard disk mode?
how do i get the usb drivers to work? when i try to install them is says "windows was unable to install your adb". is there something else i need on my pc?
when i run that .bat file it says a bunch of things, but basically says device not found.
please start from step #0.
there is no one place that has every single step we need to do.
it makes it next to impossible to get this to work.
dh4645 said:
how do i get the usb drivers to work? when i try to install them is says "windows was unable to install your adb". is there something else i need on my pc?
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I'm not sure I've ever seen this error come up before by anyone. Saying this is impossible isn't really true since several people have gotten it working, and the information is on these forums. The best thing to do would be to go to the IRC channel and get stepped through it. http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=#liberatedAria
I'm not quite sure what's up with your ADB install, but you should download HTC Sync from the HTC site, because it includes a driver install. http://www.htc.com/us/support/aria-att/downloads/. Then go through the process in the post above. Your phone should be in the "Charge Only" mode when connected to the computer.
ocswing said:
I'm not sure I've ever seen this error come up before by anyone. Saying this is impossible isn't really true since several people have gotten it working, and the information is on these forums. The best thing to do would be to go to the IRC channel and get stepped through it. http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=#liberatedAria
I'm not quite sure what's up with your ADB install, but you should download HTC Sync from the HTC site, because it includes a driver install. http://www.htc.com/us/support/aria-att/downloads/. Then go through the process in the post above. Your phone should be in the "Charge Only" mode when connected to the computer.
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i know it's not impossible, it's just that usually when the people explaining the steps to accomplish this leave out steps that they think is common knowledge/sense, but is not to total noobs.
it would be nice to have a definitive step-by-step guide:
step 1 - root your phone (this was actually really easy with the ubuntu cd)
step 2 - go back to windows and download/install these specific programs . . . (i did not know i needed htc sync, the steps i saw said just to use the sdk and the usb drivers in there to set up my phone)
step 3 - enable debugging on phone, plug your phone into pc and use charge only. (don't we use recovery for anything, i've seen steps about having this open and using the mount /system to do stuff)
step 4 - get the adb usb drivers to install properly (i guess this is my main issue at the moment...is that what is causing the device not found error when i run the .bat file?)
step 5 - copy and paste code into notepad an save as a .bat file.
step 6 - run the .bat file (within cmd? double click on the file? does it matter?)
step 7 - ????
alternate step 2 through whatever - use the ubuntu cd to do everything... (???)
dh4645 said:
i know it's not impossible, it's just that usually when the people explaining the steps to accomplish this leave out steps that they think is common knowledge/sense, but is not to total noobs.
it would be nice to have a definitive step-by-step guide:
step 1 - root your phone (this was actually really easy with the ubuntu cd)
step 2 - go back to windows and download/install these specific programs . . . (i did not know i needed htc sync, the steps i saw said just to use the sdk and the usb drivers in there to set up my phone)
step 3 - enable debugging on phone, plug your phone into pc and use charge only. (don't we use recovery for anything, i've seen steps about having this open and using the mount /system to do stuff)
step 4 - get the adb usb drivers to install properly (i guess this is my main issue at the moment...is that what is causing the device not found error when i run the .bat file?)
step 5 - copy and paste code into notepad an save as a .bat file.
step 6 - run the .bat file (within cmd? double click on the file? does it matter?)
step 7 - ????
alternate step 2 through whatever - use the ubuntu cd to do everything... (???)
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Run the bat file in the cmd window. Once the bat has successfully run you can unplug the phone and you'll be good to go.
Shad0wguy said:
Run the bat file in the cmd window. Once the bat has successfully run you can unplug the phone and you'll be good to go.
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so what is the point of the sdk...other than to have the tools folder to run that .bat? so i'm the only one that can't get the sdk usb drivers to work?
and by good to go, u mean i can install 3rd party apps?
how do i get rid of the the at&t bloatware?
There are other threads explaining how to install third party apps and remove ATT bloatware.
Sent from my HTC Liberty using XDA App
The problem with trying to do a step-by-step guide is that things like rooting, removing bloatware, and sideloading apps are all separate processes that require different steps and can be done in multiple ways. Some stuff requires you to be in recovery, some stuff doesn't, and other methods may require additional software. That's why there are specific separate threads that discuss them.
You've rooted your phone already, yay! Now you decide what you want to do next. Remove the bloatware? It's important that you don't lump everything together when trying to figure out what you need to do.
It seems like the first step you need to do is get ADB working and recognizing your phone when it's plugged in. ADB is necessary because it provides all the tools/commands necessary for us to interact with the phone through the command line. Windows is notoriously bad about the USB drivers. That's why the Ubuntu method was streamlined for people so they wouldn't have to deal with it. (Linux and Mac have no such usb driver issues.)
ocswing said:
It seems like the first step you need to do is get ADB working and recognizing your phone when it's plugged in. ADB is necessary because it provides all the tools/commands necessary for us to interact with the phone through the command line. Windows is notoriously bad about the USB drivers. That's why the Ubuntu method was streamlined for people so they wouldn't have to deal with it. (Linux and Mac have no such usb driver issues.)
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thanks for the reply.
yeah i rooted via the ubuntu disc, but then all the other steps people were telling me were using the sdk, getting the drivers, htc sync, yada yada. via windows. so thats the method i've been trying.
is there a step-by-step guide on how to allow 3rd party apps using the ubuntu disc? or... removing bloatware?
is it the same steps, but you just dont have to worry about the drivers?
The steps listed once you're in the SDK are actually the same regardless of what OS you're using.
So for Ubuntu install the SDK. Steps should be the same, just make sure you download the Linux version. Then you'd open a Terminal window (should be called Terminal in Ubuntu.) Then you should be able to use the same commands/steps you find in the other threads.
Since you've been having trouble getting your phone to connect the first thing to do is make sure SDK can actually see your phone. You should be able to open up your Terminal window, navigate to the SDK folder, connect your phone and then type 'adb devices' in the terminal window. It should then list out your phone as HTXXXXXXXX. X being some numbers and letters. If it does show that then you're on your way.
After that I'd go with removing bloatware and the steps listed in this thread. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=735255
ocswing said:
The steps listed once you're in the SDK are actually the same regardless of what OS you're using.
So for Ubuntu install the SDK. Steps should be the same, just make sure you download the Linux version. Then you'd open a Terminal window (should be called Terminal in Ubuntu.) Then you should be able to use the same commands/steps you find in the other threads.
Since you've been having trouble getting your phone to connect the first thing to do is make sure SDK can actually see your phone. You should be able to open up your Terminal window, navigate to the SDK folder, connect your phone and then type 'adb devices' in the terminal window. It should then list out your phone as HTXXXXXXXX. X being some numbers and letters. If it does show that then you're on your way.
After that I'd go with removing bloatware and the steps listed in this thread. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=735255
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ok cool thanks a lot!
i didn't even think to go back to linux to try this stuff until today at work.
i'll check it out later tonight after i mow the lawn and eat dinner....priorities...
i tried in windows one last time. it actually found the htc sync drivers (i in/uninstalled htc snyc earlier...i guess thats what did it)
adb devices command finds my phone, but when i try and run that .bat file, it goes through a bunch of things, but basically says:
remount failed: operation not permitted
failed to copy...
permission denied
all those types of things. then it says to hit enter and then it restarts my phone
did u try installing HTC sync connect phone to htc sync, then unistall the htc sync software usb drivers should stay behind
b_atman said:
did u try installing HTC sync connect phone to htc sync, then unistall the htc sync software usb drivers should stay behind
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i said i did that above...that was the only way i got the usb drivers to work/recognize my phone...the sdk ones didnt work)
my phone is recognized when i run adb devices command
i'm having issues when i run the .bat file as i said in my last post
my bad
maybe i missed it, after you did the mount command did you do the read/writes permissions change?
b_atman said:
my bad
maybe i missed it, after you did the mount command did you do the read/writes permissions change?
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uuu, no, whats that?
i thought i just had to open cmd and run the .bat file
so what did i miss now? ha
thanks for your help!
i ran this .bat file
adb remount
adb pull /data/data/com.android.providers.settings/databases/settings.db settings.db
echo update secure set value = 1 where name = 'install_non_market_apps';|sqlite3 settings.db
adb push settings.db /data/data/com.android.providers.settings/databases/settings.db
pause 1
adb reboot

Im going CRAZY trying to root!

Heres the deal. I have a MAC with a newly installed hard drive. On my old hard drive I had everything setup with SDK and Adb but that was when I had an HTC Hero. My problem is this: When in terminal my damn computer keeps prompting me for a password but it doesnt allow me to type anything except control C which aborts the program. It never was like that with the old hard drive.
2. Ive dl SDK for MAC unzipped it and saved it to my desktop and my hard drive.
3. When I click on tools it says "adb_has_moved.txt"
4. It says the adb tool has moved to platform-tools/ and if you dont see this directory in your SDK, launch the SDK and AVD manager and install "android SDK Platform-tools and also update my path environment variable to include the platform-tools/ directory, so I can execute adb from any location. What the heck does this mean and how do I fix it. Also how do I know if SDK is installed correctly.
5. I DL some version of eclipse that was recommended from SDK but I dont know how to use that either.
6. I have tried all the root methods shown here in XDA except the on with the Dock since I dont have a dock.
7. Also ADB does not recognize my device and my debug is selected. I cannot get it to find my device.
8. One last question when some instructions say unzipped and move the root exploit to /data/tmp/ is that the file labeled under sdcard/data or is it the one inside the Android Folder listed as "data"
Please anyone help if possible.
let me try that
Stupid question but How do I launch SDK?
laraiza said:
Stupid question but How do I launch SDK?
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Make sure your phone has USB Debugging Mode enabled. Otherwise, adb will not recognize your device.
Check this thread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=879701
However, you will have to modify for MAC.
In my opinion the easiest way to root the Photon is still using the dock method. Otherwise, try the One Click Root method (Torpedo) as mentioned above. Then you don't have to worry about issuing all the commands.
I got it done I got it done. What I did was borrow my daughters windows netbook and the one click method worked on the first try. Thanks to all who replied. I will definitely hit your thanks buttons.
Sent from my MB855 using XDA App
im sorry.. my tool was a one click i dint think i needed to give it instructions.. especially teh part of how to run it on your computer... just fyi.. when invoking sudo (to do things as admin/root) on your computer. you are asked to enter in your password.. as a privacy/security feature it will NOT display any characters.. ergo it looks blank...
as you arent teh first one to run into this issue ill add instructions for mac users ( i know anyone running linux can figure out how to run a bash script, and windows users have a bat file after installing 209387249087 drivers... but they still figure it out ;P)

Official "How To" root Lenovo Tab S8-50

Its finally here guys, the moment you've been waiting for, ROOT for the Lenovo Tab S8-50. To Root Your Device, All you have to do is enable developer options/mode by tapping on your build number multiple times. Then navigate to Developer Options and make sure you enable USB Debugging or else your PC wont recognize the tablet. Make sure that you have Installed the proper ADB drivers for your device and its Drivers.
Requirements and conditions:
1-Make sure that your computer is not connected to other Android devices
2-Make sure that you have installed the ADB drivers for S8-50 tablet
3-Make sure that the machine is turned on USB debugging
4-Connect the device to your computer via USB
5-Download the below attached file, extract it, and run the program
6-If all the conditions and requirements are met, after working program closes automatically, the device will reboot automatically and will appear on the unit program SuperSU .
Download Links will be provided at the end of this post ! I/we are not responsible for any harm or damage done to your device during the process of rooting it. If it fails and bricks, that's your fault. I've successfully rooted mine and it was easy.
If you get an error during the rooting process that said "adb server is out of date killing adb server didn't ack" or something like that, there is a way to fix it. Open Task Manager on your PC and try closing adb.exe and restarting it, or just Google the error and you will most likely find a way.
All Credit Goes to its Respectful Owner "Xakep" From Lenovo-Forums.ru.
Requires 7-zip to open or WinRar
Added English version manual on Lenovo-Forums.ru
Hash.H said:
Its finally here guys, the moment you've been waiting for, ROOT for the Lenovo Tab S8-50. To Root Your Device, All you have to do is enable developer options/mode by tapping on your build number multiple times. Then navigate to Developer Options and make sure you enable USB Debugging or else your PC wont recognize the tablet. Make sure that you have Installed the proper ADB drivers for your device and its Drivers.
Requirements and conditions:
1-Make sure that your computer is not connected to other Android devices
2-Make sure that you have installed the ADB drivers for S8-50 tablet
3-Make sure that the machine is turned on USB debugging
4-Connect the device to your computer via USB
5-Download the below attached file, extract it, and run the program
6-If all the conditions and requirements are met, after working program closes automatically, the device will reboot automatically and will appear on the unit program SuperSU .
Download Links will be provided at the end of this post ! I/we are not responsible for any harm or damage done to your device during the process of rooting it. If it fails and bricks, that's your fault. I've successfully rooted mine and it was easy.
If you get an error during the rooting process that said "adb server is out of date killing adb server didn't ack" or something like that, there is a way to fix it. Open Task Manager on your PC and try closing adb.exe and restarting it, or just Google the error and you will most likely find a way.
All Credit Goes to its Respectful Owner "Xakep" From Lenovo-Forums.ru.
Requires 7-zip to open or WinRar
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Do this root apply to the s8-50F ?
EDIT: This method indeed does work on the S8-50F variant. Was having problems with device staying in adb while running program, but a reboot of pc fixed that and gained root effortlessly. THanks!
Glad It Helped !!!
Hash.H said:
Its finally here guys, the moment you've been waiting for, ROOT for the Lenovo Tab S8-50. To Root Your Device, All you have to do is enable developer options/mode by tapping on your build number multiple times. Then navigate to Developer Options and make sure you enable USB Debugging or else your PC wont recognize the tablet. Make sure that you have Installed the proper ADB drivers for your device and its Drivers.
Requirements and conditions:
1-Make sure that your computer is not connected to other Android devices
2-Make sure that you have installed the ADB drivers for S8-50 tablet
3-Make sure that the machine is turned on USB debugging
4-Connect the device to your computer via USB
5-Download the below attached file, extract it, and run the program
6-If all the conditions and requirements are met, after working program closes automatically, the device will reboot automatically and will appear on the unit program SuperSU .
Download Links will be provided at the end of this post ! I/we are not responsible for any harm or damage done to your device during the process of rooting it. If it fails and bricks, that's your fault. I've successfully rooted mine and it was easy.
If you get an error during the rooting process that said "adb server is out of date killing adb server didn't ack" or something like that, there is a way to fix it. Open Task Manager on your PC and try closing adb.exe and restarting it, or just Google the error and you will most likely find a way.
All Credit Goes to its Respectful Owner "Xakep" From Lenovo-Forums.ru.
Requires 7-zip to open or WinRar
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The download isn't working for me. It's not downloading as a zip? Any suggestions?
If youre using windows, download a program called 7-zip and downoad the file. right click the root software and click extract here. or open with 7-zip. You could also use winrar. The format of the file is in .7z right ? that means search up http://www.7-zip.org/
Any idea how to unroot?
Not sure. Have you tried the full unroot method in the su app?
__McB__ said:
Any idea how to unroot?
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SuperSU.apk.....in the setting, unroot, cleanup...
icanttinkofaname said:
Not sure. Have you tried the full unroot method in the su app?
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jazzespresso said:
SuperSU.apk.....in the setting, unroot, cleanup...
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Thanks both of you. I ended up returning it, root and all, but I'm sure your suggestion would have worked.
After rooting, has there been anything anybody's been able to do about battery life? I don't imagine there's been any Roms built for this device yet, but didn't know if maybe someone's figured out something that's helped extend their battery life, because when playing certain games like clash of clans for instance, I'm lucky to get an hour and a half of game play, and that's with my brightness turned all the way down. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
Sent from my Lenovo TAB S8-50F using XDA Free mobile app
This root guide works on s8-50f! thanks Xakep
This is a very easy and usefull root instruction, i rooted my tab s8-50f with no problems.
I followed the steps described and got instant root without any issues.
My machin is windows pc with windows 8.1 pro 32bit. Plug your tab and windows recognized the drivers just make sure your device mngr shows lenovo s850 and you are all set. Then just run the flash tool and it will run in less than a minute your tablet will reboot and your tab will be rooted.
Yes this is probably the easiest I've ever rooted any device in the past. If at first it doesn't take, don't worry it will. Just repeat the process till it does. Thanks Hash.h for putting up this thread and passing along the info
Sent from my Lenovo TAB S8-50F using XDA Free mobile app
Where can I download the ADB drivers for S8-50 from?
I think drivers come with tablet. Try to connect the tablet and it will show CD drive on which is the driver.
error: device offline?
I followed this with no luck. I have adb installed and running "adb devices" shows the tab connected, but when I run the tool "error: device offline" scrolls repeatedly and no root.
Any suggestions?
Worked great. Thank you.
Awesome little tablet.
Jirbo said:
I followed this with no luck. I have adb installed and running "adb devices" shows the tab connected, but when I run the tool "error: device offline" scrolls repeatedly and no root.
Any suggestions?
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Tried on another computer and succeeded.
This worked brilliantly...
but then I upgraded my firmware using the in-built system and it de-rooted. Now the exe no longer works.
New firmware is S8-50F_S000200_150121_ROW
Exe -appears- to run well, but appears to fail on the last command. Unfortunately it disappears off the screen before I can check the exact nature of the error. It appears to go fine until the final attempt to copy the SU binary into place fails with a 'File not found' error.
I've also tried the other method here:
The flashtool fails to find the device (I know the drivers are installed), so I'm unable to install the new boot image.
ADB shell fails
mount -o remount,rw /system
with the response
mount: Operation not permitted
so none of the 'push' operations will complete as the /system folder is read-only.
Any suggestions?
moogthedog said:
This worked brilliantly...
but then I upgraded my firmware using the in-built system and it de-rooted. Now the exe no longer works.
New firmware is S8-50F_S000200_150121_ROW
Exe -appears- to run well, but appears to fail on the last command. Unfortunately it disappears off the screen before I can check the exact nature of the error. It appears to go fine until the final attempt to copy the SU binary into place fails with a 'File not found' error.
I've also tried the other method here:
The flashtool fails to find the device (I know the drivers are installed), so I'm unable to install the new boot image.
ADB shell fails
mount -o remount,rw /system
with the response
mount: Operation not permitted
so none of the 'push' operations will complete as the /system folder is read-only.
Any suggestions?
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Same problem here. Lost root after the last update and now I can't get either root method to work.

[Q] How to setup an WLAN with static IP in Ubuntu Touch?

Hi everyone,
since a while i try to set up an WiFi Network with static IP adresses on my Nexus 5 with Multirom and Ubuntu Touch-rtm installed, but it seems i'm a bit dumb. :silly:
i followed the instructions from an website wich url i can't post, because i am an new user and i don't have written 10 posts ...
but nevertheless, all i get after saving the configuration file and reconnecting is an new configuration file - of course without my changes.
So, what did i do wrong?
You could try doing the following before the reboot:
sudo stop ofono
sudo stop urfkill
sudo stop network-manager
sudo rm /var/lib/urfkill/saved-states
# Your changes to the config file
sudo reboot
(This will, among other things, stop the network connection services in the background, so you cannot run these commands via SSH. You need to use adb for that. )
That's the only idea I have right now. Let's hope that your files won't get overridden again.
thanks for the tip, but that also does not help anything.
meanwhile i think i got something wrong in the config syntax, but i don't know where. I also took the configuration of my Linux Mint pc for comparison, but without success. when i try to reconnect the wlan, a new file will created and the "old"-changed one simply be ignored.
@the_Pan Have you tried simply copying over the file from your PC? Make sure it has the same name on your phone which it also has on your desktop.
Sent from my awesome Ubuntu Touch device using the Forum Browser app
Only copying wouldn't work, my pc is in LAN, but yes i used the same parameters for IPv4 as in this file (except from the IP).
The only idea i got for now, is that something went wrong with the file permissions when i edit the file on pc with the adb shell, but if i take a look with "ls -l" everything seems alright.
EDIT: nope, has nothing to do with editing on pc. it also happens if i edit the file within the terminal directly on the phone.

Mobile HotSpot not working

Hi guys so I got the ATT version of LG V10 and I unlocked it. after put in my T mobile simcard everything works fine except for I wasnt able to get mobile data. So i set up a new APN and now mobile data is working fine with 4g Lte. However, when i tried to turn on my mobile hotspot, I kept getting this error.
Authentication was unsuccessful.
There is a temporary network problem that prevents the enablement of the Mobile Hotspot function. Please retry later.
I tried messing with the set ups and restarting and about all the things i can think of but still cant fix the error. if somebody know how to fix this please help me.
Thank you very much
Hi guys so I got the ATT version of LG V10 and I unlocked it. after put in my T mobile simcard everything works fine except for I wasnt able to get mobile data. So i set up a new APN and now mobile data is working fine with 4g Lte. However, when i tried to turn on my mobile hotspot, I kept getting this error.
Authentication was unsuccessful.
There is a temporary network problem that prevents the enablement of the Mobile Hotspot function. Please retry later.
I tried messing with the set ups and restarting and about all the things i can think of but still cant fix the error. if somebody know how to fix this please help me.
Thank you very much
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Hello, I was just wondering if you ever found a solution to this problem? I am thinking about unlocking my AT&T LG V10 and switching it over to T-Mobile but I would hate not being able to use the phone as a mobile hotspot on T-Mobile.
Please let me know if you found a solution, thank you.
Possible solution
In case anyone is interested, I found that the following helped my laptop to connect to my mobile hotspot and have interent access.
1. Download Settings Database Editor from Google Play
2. Scroll down to find "tether_entitlement_check_state" under the System Table and set it to "0" without the quotations.
3. Then you will need to download adb onto your computer. This tutorial is helpful: https://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2141817
3. Once you install adb onto your computer you will want to follow the steps about opening the cmd function as administrator and type "adb devices" in lowercase and no quotations so that your computer can find your device. If it cannot find the device then you will need to download the necessary drivers to your computer. This can be found at the lg main website. I just downloaded all of them.
4. Once it can find your device then type in adb shell. However, if it cannot find your device you may need to switch some things up like under Tethering in your phone, turn on the USB tethering. Type the command adb device once more. This should allow your computer to find it and authorize it.
5. Once device is found and authorized type in adb shell. Once that commands registers, then type in the following: "pm grant by4a.setedit22 android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS" without quotations.
6. Now you should be able to go back to the Settings Database Editor app, change to global table and scroll down to find "tether_dun_required" and set that to 0. (You may find it helpful to also add these prompts in the adb command prompt as well by typing "settings put global tether_dun_required 0" without quotes after the adb shell command)
7. Now your laptop should be able to connect to your mobile hotspot (once it's set up and turned on your lg v10) If it still doesn't have internet access even though it's connected then you need to follow the steps from this website: https://www.digitalreborn.com/fix-android-wifi-tethering-dns-responding/
Yay! Success it should all work. Note I did not find the DNS Changer described in the above link. I just went to google play and typed in DNS Charger and picked the one that popped up first and followed the instructions, turned on my VPN and once it was set up and connected I had internet access on my laptop through my mobile hotspot! However, you will need to go through all these settings again if either phone or laptop restarts. I haven't figured out how to make phone and laptop to keep these changes. Hope this helps someone because it took me forever to figure this out. Shalom.
combat_chicka said:
In case anyone is interested, I found that the following helped my laptop to connect to my mobile hotspot and have interent access.
1. Download Settings Database Editor from Google Play
2. Scroll down to find "tether_entitlement_check_state" under the System Table and set it to "0" without the quotations.
3. Then you will need to download adb onto your computer. This tutorial is helpful: https://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2141817
3. Once you install adb onto your computer you will want to follow the steps about opening the cmd function as administrator and type "adb devices" in lowercase and no quotations so that your computer can find your device. If it cannot find the device then you will need to download the necessary drivers to your computer. This can be found at the lg main website. I just downloaded all of them.
4. Once it can find your device then type in adb shell. However, if it cannot find your device you may need to switch some things up like under Tethering in your phone, turn on the USB tethering. Type the command adb device once more. This should allow your computer to find it and authorize it.
5. Once device is found and authorized type in adb shell. Once that commands registers, then type in the following: "pm grant by4a.setedit22 android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS" without quotations.
6. Now you should be able to go back to the Settings Database Editor app, change to global table and scroll down to find "tether_dun_required" and set that to 0. (You may find it helpful to also add these prompts in the adb command prompt as well by typing "settings put global tether_dun_required 0" without quotes after the adb shell command)
7. Now your laptop should be able to connect to your mobile hotspot (once it's set up and turned on your lg v10) If it still doesn't have internet access even though it's connected then you need to follow the steps from this website: https://www.digitalreborn.com/fix-android-wifi-tethering-dns-responding/
Yay! Success it should all work. Note I did not find the DNS Changer described in the above link. I just went to google play and typed in DNS Charger and picked the one that popped up first and followed the instructions, turned on my VPN and once it was set up and connected I had internet access on my laptop through my mobile hotspot! However, you will need to go through all these settings again if either phone or laptop restarts. I haven't figured out how to make phone and laptop to keep these changes. Hope this helps someone because it took me forever to figure this out. Shalom.
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This worked for me, but I have a couple clarifications to add.
First, in case it wasn't clear, this does NOT require root to work. But after restarting the phone and/or uninstalling Settings Database Editor these steps need to be repeated again and again. Not that big a deal if u don't restart your phone often but still a pain in the neck. For me it's still preferable over rooting and installing a custom rom though so I'm very appreciative for this solution.
Also, finding the LG v10 adb drivers was the most time consuming part of the process. I found working ones here
Drivers also attached in case link goes dead

