Working Unbrick Solutions - Kindle Fire HDX 7" & 8.9" Q&A, Help & Troubleshoot

From reading through logs of my boot looping HDX 7", i have found this method is working to re-flash an update file onto a kindle. needs ADB and ROOT access.
Use your current version or higher update file. This was on STOCK recovery, going from to
1. Download update file
2. ADB PUSH <yourupdate>.bin /data/local/tmp/
3. su
4. echo '--update_package=/data/local/tmp/<yourupdate>.bin' >> /cache/recovery/command
5. reboot recovery
Once recovery starts, it will look at /cache/recovery/command for any tasks, and see that it needs to install the update package.

osmorgan said:
From reading through logs of my boot looping HDX 7", i have found this method is working to re-flash an update file onto a kindle. needs working ADB, and possibly root access.
(not sure if latest update is required, this method ?could? be used for downgrade)
1. Download update file
2. ADB PUSH <yourupdate>.bin /data/local/tmp/
3. su
4. echo '--update_package=/data/local/tmp/<yourupdate>.bin' >> /cache/recovery/command
5. reboot recovery
Once recovery starts, it will look at /cache/recovery/command for any tasks, and see that it needs to install the update package.
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Thanks for the guide, but you should also add from which FW to which FW your recovery was successful (i.e. from to In general is not recommended downgrade from FW 1x.3.2.8 to lower FW because Amazon activated efuse, which is blowed in case of downgrade, and result is HW brick...

jeryll said:
Thanks for the guide, but you should also add from which FW to which FW your recovery was successful (i.e. from to In general is not recommended downgrade from FW 1x.3.2.8 to lower FW because Amazon activated efuse, which is blowed in case of downgrade, and result is HW brick...
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have edited original post.

root access is necessary to write into /cache
you cannot downgrade (except 3.2.8) and flash same version
you can flash 4.5.3 or 3.2.8
and of course this works until you have adb
with adb access and root always could restore device

Thank you for this!
Unbricked my kindle successfully by rolling back to 3.2.8

Glad I could help

Bricked HDX 8.9 (3rd) [4.5.2], but ADB is available
I bricked my HDX 8.9 (3rd).
It has ROM version: 4.5.2.
Here's exactly that I have done.
I have rooted it with the cve20147911.apk,
Installed RootExplorer
disabled OTA and tried to install gapps with this tutorial
But the gapps package is too big, so I installed Titanium backup to convert some amazon apps (goodread, special offers, market, firefly, and some others) from system apps to user apps to free up some space on the system drive. I also freezed them, as I don't need them at all.
I managed to get about 80 MB free space on the system drive, then created a folder called "x" in the root, then copied the "system" folder to this "x" from the gapps package.
Selected the "system" folder in my "x" temporary folder, then selected Permission option, then set permissions to 644 RECURSIVELY to the "system" folder.
Then selected "system" folder in my "x" folder, then selected "cut" from the options, then pasted the clipboard content to "/" then the folder structure would match, so the system can copy all the files to the right place in a single step.
Root explorer asked about the existing folders, I selected "merge". There were no question about files, so all of them were new, which means I did not overwrite anything.
After finishing this copy, the screen started to blink very quickly in black and grey, then I turned off the tablet.
I tried to turn it on.
It stuck on the gray "Kindle Fire" screen, and couldn't get to the golden "Fire" loading screen.
After about a minute, it restarted itself to Recovery mode.
Tried to restart, but it stuck again the grey kindle fire screen, and restarted itself to recovery.
I made a (now I know) wrong decision at this point.
Restored to Factory defaults. Did not help.
In Windows 7 32bit, it appears as "Android Composite ADB Interface", but I can not see it in adb devices from now.
Rebooted to Linux mint 17.1 (Ubuntu 14.10).
It appears in lsusb for some seconds as:
Bus 001 Device 003: ID 1949:000d Lab126, Inc.
So I installed ADB and set the /etc/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules file with the following lines:
# Amazon Kindle Fire HDX 8.9
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="1949", MODE="0666", GROUP="plugdev"
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="1949", ATTR{idProduct}=="0006", MODE="0600", OWNER="<username>"
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="1949", ATTR{idProduct}=="0005", MODE="0600", OWNER="<username>"
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="1949", ATTR{idProduct}=="000d", MODE="0600", OWNER="<username>"
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", SYSFS{idVendor}=="1949", MODE="0666"
I know not all of them necessary...
Then ran:
sudo service udev restart
Now I can see it properly in adb devices.
List of devices attached
B057070xxxxx device
At this point I thought everything's fine despite the factory reset I still has access ADB.
The truth is that I can pull files (and probably push too) from my device (tried/system/ build.prop) to my computer.
But when I try "adb shell", it throw this error:
WARNING: linker: could not load library "/vendor/lib/" from LD_PRELOAD for "/system/bin/sh"; caused by could not load library "" needed by ""; caused by library "" not found
CANNOT LINK EXECUTABLE: could not load library "" needed by "/system/bin/sh"; caused by library "" not found
(adb logcat give the same error)
At the moment I can not push anything to the "/system" because that is mounted Read Only, but I might be able to push to some RW folders, but have no idea how to move it without shell.
I managed to pull some files from the "/system" so it is readable (at least for some seconds).
Additional info:
There's a "No command." message in the middle of the screen in Recovery Mode
Please, if you have any ideas that we can do with my half-bricked HDX 8.9 (3rd), please share them. I would be very thankful.
Thank you.

The fact that you are in linux might help, but when you reset to factory defaults, you removed root access and your ability to fix the problem. Try to install cve and run it from adb. I do not think it will work, but you could try.
Sent from my KFTHWI using Tapatalk

Broken sh
The cve is only a su hack.
My shell is broken. I will be unable to run su from shell.

Thank you so much for this. After trying literally everything else, this is the only thing that worked, and worked the first time.

Command prompt stuck
I have a Kindle Fire HDX 7 inch soft bricked at the white and gold screen where the animation moves across. I can get to the very end of step 4. After entering that in the command prompt it shows > and will not let me enter any other command to reboot recovery. Anything that is typed just kicks the prompt back to > do you guys have any ideas on how to get to step 5. Anything would help. Thanks.

Just a thought, you could try adding the argument -v to step 4 and see why it is stalling. Also, do you know what you did to get to the softbrick, and what version os/recovery you have?

Command prompt stuck
lekofraggle said:
Just a thought, you could try adding the argument -v to step 4 and see why it is stalling. Also, do you know what you did to get to the softbrick, and what version os/recovery you have?
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I believe I know what soft bricked it. I downgraded to 3.2.8 and added safe strap and made a backup in case of a mistake. When everything was fine I moved to 4.5.2. I installed google play and got the white screen error. I removed the google play apks. While doing that I deleted the twrp folder with the backup since I moved from 4.5.2 I figured it wouldn't matter, but it seems like I was wrong. I have adb access and root still I'm on 4.5.2 and I have the kindle recovery, or atleast that's what comes up when I use the adb reboot recovery. I think I can still save it if I can get to step 5.

I agree, but unfortunately, I think that no you need to wait for someone with more expertise than me to help I do not know why it won't copy the files. Sorry.

Command prompt stuck
Here is a screen shot
Thanks for the help.

Robo101007 said:
Here is a screen shot
Thanks for the help.
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Disclaimer: I didn't try these commands, I only look on your posted pictures and compare them with OP...
Your commandline for part 4 is wrong, it should look like this (focus on parts in bold, in part two you are copying myupdate.bin to kindle, so in part 4 you already have file in kindle, no need to add path to myupdate.bin on your PC to the path described in part 4, also there is missing >> in your pictures)
2. ADB PUSH myupdate.bin /data/local/tmp/
3. su
4. echo '--update_package=/data/local/tmp/myupdate.bin' >> /cache/recovery/command
5. reboot recovery
Hopefully if you type it correctly, it will work and you save your kidle, good luck...

jeryll said:
Disclaimer: I didn't try these commands, I only look on your posted pictures and compare them with OP...
Your commandline for part 4 is wrong, it should look like this (focus on parts in bold, in part two you are copying myupdate.bin to kindle, so in part 4 you already have file in kindle, no need to add path to myupdate.bin on your PC to the path described in part 4, also there is missing >> in your pictures)
2. ADB PUSH myupdate.bin /data/local/tmp/
3. su
4. echo '--update_package=/data/local/tmp/myupdate.bin' >> /cache/recovery/command
5. reboot recovery
Hopefully if you type it correctly, it will work and you save your kidle, good luck...
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Jeryll thank you so much. I really appreciate it. That did install the update and that makes sense as to why I was having issues. Thanks for the response.

osmorgan said:
From reading through logs of my boot looping HDX 7", i have found this method is working to re-flash an update file onto a kindle. needs ADB and ROOT access.
Use your current version or higher update file. This was on STOCK recovery, going from to
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Help my kf hdx7, it's bootloop and only system recovery, I can enter stock recovery but phone don't connect with pc, how to connect it and run adb?


*Root the Slide & Other HTC Devices*6/15/2010* How-To Updated 8/14/2010

How-TO Root the
HTC Slide
HTC Aria + See this Link >
Nexus One
Works With ALL 2.1 HTC PHONE"S with 2e Recovery!
Must be able to See the Device From the ADB in recovery for it to work!
See this Thread if you Have a New Slide or Updated the OTA to version 1.35.531.1
If at anytime You have Trouble or Can't get my Method to work, Please see wesgarner's [Root] SimpleRoot v1.3 (Linux/Windows)
Link >
Just use my if you just want root only
Download This Package >
*EDITED* 6/29/2010 Update Now Contains Su & Superuser.apk. Permission Fixed on SU / Sh as well
-Contains Dusty51 script for Partitioning the a2sd & Swap
-fstab install so swap will work
-Default partition table's are:
-Linux Swap @ 32mb
-ext2 a2sd partition @ 512mb
-Fat32 Partition is based on the size after the 2 above
How-to Use:
Once You load the Recovery via, Unplug & Plug the USB to make sure the Device is Seen..
- Open Command Prompt from Computer
- Adb shell
- sdparted
- Next Follow the Command, y = Y to confirm..
Note: Backup your SDCARD first, only thing should be on it is the then Follow the above to Format for a2sd support!
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Stratis1978 said:
I've got root now and just wanted to repeat what made the difference for me (also posted pages back):
when you're ready to run recovery in the bootloader be sure to unplug the USB from your phone until 'HBOOT' not 'HBOOT USB PLUG' displays.
So basically you unplug the phone until 'HBOOT' appears, have 'RECOVERY' highlighted, and plug the phone in a moment before you select 'RECOVERY'.
The moment I did that I had 'recovery' displaying in my loop.
Continue with the directions...
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How-TO Root the Slide
First!! - Go to Settings > Application > Development and turn on USB Debugging. This should save you headaches.
NOW… Power Off the Slide
Step 0.
Un-zip the Package you Downloaded
Step 1.
Place the Contents of "" & "" & "loop" into your Android SDK Tools folder.
Step 2.
Open Command Prompt or Terminal and CD to the SDK/Tools Directory.
Step 3.
Power on the Slide into the bootloader by Holding Down ( Volume Down + Power Button )
Step 4.
Now run your loop file from the prompt (either type "loop" in windows or "./" in a *nix like) ( ./ Is used For OSX )
Step 5.
Once your loop is running in your prompt, select Recovery from the bootloader menu.
Step 6.
When recovery loads, you should Have an Offline Device. You can use ctrl+c to stop your script & see.
If this doesn't happen, Power Off and try again..
Step 7.
Un-plug your USB cable from the back of your phone & Plug it back in for it to Detect ADB Correctly!!! This is an important step. At this point you can adb devices to see if you can see your device and that it is in recovery mode.
Step 8.
Hit Volume Up + Power button to Bring up the Selectable Menu
Select from the menu. (This will fail, but we already know that! Select it anyway).
Step 9.
adb push /sdcard/ (*OSX users add a ./ in front of all terminal commands please.)
Step 11.
This is Very important!! Have this Command ready in your prompt before applying again!!
This is the Command, We do not Push this Yet adb push /sdcard
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step 12.
Hit run, as soon as you see a Little Bar appear under the text, push Enter to execute the command in your prompt (adb push /sdcard )
Step 13.
In successful, you should see Clockwork Recovery & you Now have Su & Superuser.apk Installed! You can Now Reboot Your Phone into the OS to verify.
If unsuccessful, repeat steps 11 & 12.
Next Guide For Flashing the ENG-BUILD with Test-key Recovery​​
Updating the Radio Once Everything Is Done​​
Special Thanks to:
Paul O'Brien: >
Koushik K. Dutta: His ClockWorkMod Recovery can Be found here >
& OTA Spoofing Method
ChiefzReloaded for Huge amount of Suggestion & Brain Storming.
Thank you sir, for your diligence, and hard work! Let's get to work boys!!!
Tips: May want to be a little more clear on "SDK Directory". Some may think that you "must" have this directory, but all that is important to know is that you know the directory where the contents were placed... If that IS the case, then I'd mention that...
Also, might be important to mention the phone should already be plugged in, and should have prerequisite of ADB working...
Thaaaaaaank you! got some fun stuff to do right after work now
Re: How-TO * Root The Slide * *6/15/2010*
Thanks guys. You've made a lot of people happy.
Sent from my T-Mobile myTouch 3G Slide using Tapatalk
Having trouble at step 5. ADB works when the phone is powered on. However, when in Recovery, adb devices list is blank.
Other problems: is Step 8 really a step? It says to select is this just anecdotal, as in "Now we will select an"...?
And how are you "selecting" things in Recovery? My recovery simply has the phone with a triangle...
What is ADB i come from rooting g1 and i dont remember or know what it is i rooted my g1 when it first came out and every since then all i had to do is name file update then push. could u be alittle more clear for a retard like me I dont want to miss my phone up when i just got it today, I really want to get rid of some of the bloatware on it tho
richierich118 said:
What is ADB i come from rooting g1 and i dont remember or know what it is i rooted my g1 when it first came out and every since then all i had to do is name file update then push. could u be alittle more clear for a retard like me I dont want to miss my phone up when i just got it today, I really want to get rid of some of the bloatware on it tho
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ADB is part of the Android SDK, you'll need to download it and extract it to your PC before you can use it.
My problem may be that I'm using a Mac, but I cannot get my Terminal to recognize the "loop" command. I've tried many things and it won't work properly just keeps giving me errors. I'm gonna keep trying though.
android007 said:
My problem may be that I'm using a Mac, but I cannot get my Terminal to recognize the "loop" command. I've tried many things and it won't work properly just keeps giving me errors. I'm gonna keep trying though.
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Loop is just a batch file (.bat). I don't know about Macs using batch files. All it's doing is looping the "adb devices" command to see if it detects the device.
fermunky said:
Having trouble at step 5. ADB works when the phone is powered on. However, when in Recovery, adb devices list is blank.
Other problems: is Step 8 really a step? It says to select is this just anecdotal, as in "Now we will select an"...?
And how are you "selecting" things in Recovery? My recovery simply has the phone with a triangle...
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You have to Repeat then... It Don't always work everytime!! That's why I said Repeat.. You have to Power Off, run loop & if you see now Devices then you have to Repeat again!!
You Must boot into bootloader First!! Run Loop, Then to Recovery!
my computer doesn't find the device in recovery mode. Any advice on getting around this? adb works when phone is on.
eugene373 said:
You have to Repeat then... It Don't always work everytime!! That's why I said Repeat.. You have to Power Off, run loop & if you see now Devices then you have to Repeat again!!
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Wow, cant believe I missed that order. May need to update the how to though... it says to run loop, then go to bootloader, then to recovery. You need to add a step after getting into bootloader of "Wait for device to be listed, then goto recovery"... or similar.
My error when trying to invoke the loop file:
: command not founde 1: :TOP
sdk/tools/loop: line 2: adb: command not found
sdk/tools/loop: line 3: GOTO: command not found
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Sweeeet! Awesome job guys.
On Mac replace the loop.bat with and change the contents of the file to the following:
while [ 1 ]
adb devices
On the command line, run "chmod 755" to give it execute permission. To run the file type "./"
Are there any roms for it yet?
android007 said:
My error when trying to invoke the loop file:
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You have not added the tools directory to your PATH system variable. Explained on the SDK page. Also, you don't need to be in the /tools folder, just go to the folder you extracted the files to.
Eugene, I noticed while the loop was running, I chose recovery, and on one instance, I saw an offline device, but then subsequent loop commands, it stopped listing them. Also, it is still not clear what to do on Step 8. Most of us only see an image in recovery, no menus.
With no menus, anyone know how to reboot the phone in recovery other than removing the battery?
marvinp said:
On Mac replace the loop.bat with and change the contents of the file to the following:
while [ 1 ]
adb devices
On the command line, run "chmod 755" to give it execute permission. To run the file type "./"
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you think you can do quick little rewrite of the tutorial for us mac users

[HOWTO] Unbrick your device

This unbricking method requires that you have adb working and have root access.
First, download the latest system update for your device.
For the 7" HDX, they are posted at
For the 8.9" HDX, they are posted at
Now, please note that I DO NOT have a Kindle Fire HDX, so if this doesn't work, let me know and I will remove it immediately.
Try these commands:
adb shell
mount -o rw,remount /cache
mkdir /cache/recovery
echo install /cache/kindleupdate.bin > /cache/recovery/openrecoveryscript
chmod 0777 /cache/recovery/openrecoveryscript
adb push your-downloaded-update.bin /cache/kindleupdate.bin
adb reboot recovery
The only thing that you have to do is replace "your-downloaded-update.bin" with the path to your downloaded update. (To make it easier and avoid typos, I always just drag and drop the file into the terminal/command prompt window.)
Please also note that IT IS OKAY if the command "mkdir /cache/recovery" fails, as long as the error message says file already exists or something along those lines.
If this helped you repair your beloved HDX, feel free to hit that "Thanks" button.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk
We really did need this excellent thank you very much!
jimyv said:
We really did need this excellent thank you very much!
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I still don't know whether this works or not. There's no reason it shouldn't work, but you never actually know until you try.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk
Sorry for the dumb question, but when you say try those commands, where do you enter them?
Let's Note. Comback to 4rum.xda....
Big thank for your method, Senior r3pwn
dburns865 said:
Sorry for the dumb question, but when you say try those commands, where do you enter them?
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I have the same question with you
danhvt said:
I have the same question with you
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I'm sorry guys but if you really need to ask this then you probably shouldn't have been modifying your devices in the first place
Fix Bricked
Sorry, Im slightly confused, how are we able to fix the device with ADB if it is bricked? Mine will not get past the white "Kindle Fire" page, any ideas?
i will test this tonight. Bricked my kindle hdx but my wife has a working one so hoping if this doesn't fix mine i can somehow use her system files to fix mine.
thanks and will update tonight!
It worked for me
r3pwn said:
This unbricking method requires that you have adb working and have root access.
First, download the latest system update for your device.
For the 7" HDX, they are posted at
For the 8.9" HDX, they are posted at
Now, please note that I DO NOT have a Kindle Fire HDX, so if this doesn't work, let me know and I will remove it immediately.
Try these commands:
adb shell
mount -o rw,remount /cache
mkdir /cache/recovery
echo install /cache/kindleupdate.bin > /cache/recovery/openrecoveryscript
chmod 0777 /cache/recovery/openrecoveryscript
adb push your-downloaded-update.bin /cache/kindleupdate.bin
adb reboot recovery
The only thing that you have to do is replace "your-downloaded-update.bin" with the path to your downloaded update. (To make it easier and avoid typos, I always just drag and drop the file into the terminal/command prompt window.)
Please also note that IT IS OKAY if the command "mkdir /cache/recovery" fails, as long as the error message says file already exists or something along those lines.
If this helped you repair your beloved HDX, feel free to hit that "Thanks" button.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk
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Thanks dude, it worked for me. I mistakenly formated data after wiping system so I stuck in safestrap recovery. I transfered a stock Rom through ADB but It failed while flashing... because there was some kinda problem with Cache partition... so i tried your method and it worked... but i made a little change in last Commands... I gave it "EXIT" command only 1 time and did not give the command "ADB reboot Recovery"... I recommend you guys to manually boot to safestrap recovery after quitting CMD.... Ahhh my device is Kindle Fire HDX 7"
root not required?
Thanks, r3pwn, this works well. Nice, easy instructions that should be instructive to anybody messing with their device.
This helped me after a botched update to newer Amazon firmware. Quick question though: It seems like you don't really need to be root / use su to do these steps. I had lost su in that update but was able to execute the rest of the adb commands without root. I guess that should be the same for anyone who doesn't have root, right?
scaftogy said:
Thanks, r3pwn, this works well. Nice, easy instructions that should be instructive to anybody messing with their device.
This helped me after a botched update to newer Amazon firmware. Quick question though: It seems like you don't really need to be root / use su to do these steps. I had lost su in that update but was able to execute the rest of the adb commands without root. I guess that should be the same for anyone who doesn't have root, right?
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Do you mean I can use this way to downgrade my firmware?
Thanks. but i have question now.
does it work on 4.5.2? as my friend remove the framework-res, and get it bricked T_T.
r3pwn said:
This unbricking method requires that you have adb working and have root access.
First, download the latest system update for your device.
For the 7" HDX, they are posted at
For the 8.9" HDX, they are posted at
Now, please note that I DO NOT have a Kindle Fire HDX, so if this doesn't work, let me know and I will remove it immediately.
Try these commands:
adb shell
mount -o rw,remount /cache
mkdir /cache/recovery
echo install /cache/kindleupdate.bin > /cache/recovery/openrecoveryscript
chmod 0777 /cache/recovery/openrecoveryscript
adb push your-downloaded-update.bin /cache/kindleupdate.bin
adb reboot recovery
The only thing that you have to do is replace "your-downloaded-update.bin" with the path to your downloaded update. (To make it easier and avoid typos, I always just drag and drop the file into the terminal/command prompt window.)
Please also note that IT IS OKAY if the command "mkdir /cache/recovery" fails, as long as the error message says file already exists or something along those lines.
If this helped you repair your beloved HDX, feel free to hit that "Thanks" button.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk
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any glue what went wrong with a permission denied? everything in the adb shell session was ok, but adb push says (after several minutes!):
D:\adb_fastboot>adb push update-kindle- /cache/kindleupdate.bin
failed to copy 'update-kindle-' to '/cache/kindleupdate.bin': Permission denied
sn123py said:
any glue what went wrong with a permission denied? everything in the adb shell session was ok, but adb push says (after several minutes!):
D:\adb_fastboot>adb push update-kindle- /cache/kindleupdate.bin
failed to copy 'update-kindle-' to '/cache/kindleupdate.bin': Permission denied
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No, sorry, I don't even have this device. There are newer, better ways to unbrick now.
I think trying to find eMMC pointer
i have tried this.. but when rebooting it takes me back to recovery menu with 2 options.
1. reboot
whichever i chose, still takes me back to boot loop (animated logo)
any ideas?
does this method require TWRP? As i cant get this working..
Ali Ejea Mc said:
Thanks dude, it worked for me. I mistakenly formated data after wiping system so I stuck in safestrap recovery. I transfered a stock Rom through ADB but It failed while flashing... because there was some kinda problem with Cache partition... so i tried your method and it worked... but i made a little change in last Commands... I gave it "EXIT" command only 1 time and did not give the command "ADB reboot Recovery"... I recommend you guys to manually boot to safestrap recovery after quitting CMD.... Ahhh my device is Kindle Fire HDX 7"
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I was trying to root my Kindle fire HDX 7 for android apps and google apps on it. it was successfully rooted and google play services working on it perfectly. Than suddenly google play stop working on it. but games installed on it working properly. Then i go to recovery option and press the Wipe button "Cache and Dalvik Cache". after that my Kindle fire HDX 7 boot and stuck on Kindle fire starting Grey logo. I tried to factory reset but still keep stuck on start logo. While connected to PC, only hear one connectivity beep with PC and in device manager only shows connectivity as MTP USB device. But no device show in my computer. Snapshot attached. Please assist any solution. I am not familiar with developer language. So please assist step by step.. Thanks
My Kindle fire HDX 7 i think bricked any solution?
I was trying to root my Kindle fire HDX 7 for android apps and google apps on it. it was successfully rooted and google play services working on it perfectly. Than suddenly google play stop working on it. but games installed on it working properly. Then i go to recovery option and press the Wipe button "Cache and Dalvik Cache". after that my Kindle fire HDX 7 boot and stuck on Kindle fire starting Grey logo. I tried to factory reset but still keep stuck on start logo. While connected to PC, only hear one connectivity beep with PC and in device manager only shows connectivity as MTP USB device. But no device show in my computer. Snapshot attached. Please assist any solution. I am not familiar with these developer language. So please assist step by step.. I tried below command but su Permission denied.

Fire HD 6 - - How to root correctly?

Hello Fire users
I am not really a newbie but until today I have worked only with Samsung devices.
My daughter got an Fire HD 6 in the christmas days and we started to play around and we have done all updates up to But it's not running perfectly for my wishes. I have read thats it's possible to root the tablet incl. TWRP, xposed framework and go with this up to but it's hard to read out what I have exactly to do because there are many warnings when to do something and when not.
Could you please help what to do exactly? ADB is running and phone is recognizing on Mac and Windows...
Thanks for your help ?
cuki3r3k83bln said:
Hello Fire users
I am not really a newbie but until today I have worked only with Samsung devices.
My daughter got an Fire HD 6 in the christmas days and we started to play around and we have done all updates up to But it's not running perfectly for my wishes. I have read thats it's possible to root the tablet incl. TWRP, xposed framework and go with this up to but it's hard to read out what I have exactly to do because there are many warnings when to do something and when not.
Could you please help what to do exactly? ADB is running and phone is recognizing on Mac and Windows...
Thanks for your help
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From latest news, OS 5.3.1 can't be rooted(directly). You'll need to downgrade to 4.5.3, root, and go back to 5.3.1 as explained here
If you want to feel android experience, you can either install custom launcher and Play Store from here or just totally install Cyanogenmod 11 from here
Killa8 said:
From latest news, OS 5.3.1 can't be rooted(directly). You'll need to downgrade to 4.5.3, root, and go back to 5.3.1 as explained here
If you want to feel android experience, you can either install custom launcher and Play Store from here or just totally install Cyanogenmod 11 from here
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@Killa8, as I mentioned HERE in more detail, the procedure for downgrading to 4.5.3 doesn't appear to be explained in the linked tutorial. Any help would be greatly appreciated! I'm trying to root and install CM on my daughter's tablets as they find Android to be far more intuitive than FireOS. Many thanks!!!
Downgrade to 4.5.3 and root as seen here (skip step 1):
Jump down to the 2nd post here: and install TWRP on your device.
Then go to post 1 where it says "1) boot into TWRP, and, in a single session (!!!!!)" and follow the directions. MAKE SURE YOU USE THE RIGHT BOOTLOADERS!!
Enjoy rooted FireOS 5.3.1
RadRacer said:
Downgrade to 4.5.3 and root as seen here (skip step 1):
Jump down to the 2nd post here: and install TWRP on your device.
Then go to post 1 where it says "1) boot into TWRP, and, in a single session (!!!!!)" and follow the directions. MAKE SURE YOU USE THE RIGHT BOOTLOADERS!!
Enjoy rooted FireOS 5.3.1
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Thank you for this! I was having the same issue as the OP and this solved it.:good:
geoyou said:
Thank you for this! I was having the same issue as the OP and this solved it.:good:
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Can you tell me how you installed TWRP? the 2nd post of the page is confusing to me.
NVM i found a video tutorial
I've seen too many threads mentioning 5.3.1 and implying that is the same.
Even if that is the case, all the tutorials I have read left me scratching my head at various points. So here is a walkthrough of what I just went through to root my Kindle fire HD 6
It's now running and will stay there for the time being (unless I can get solid answers on
I started with this tutorial thread but I found it easy to make mistakes and I ended up bricking my device (fortunately the unbrick iso is very good and the tutorial video is excellent).
So here is my procedure. Doing this on Windows is probably less involved thanks to the bat file in one of the steps.
Start by getting the stuff you will need together.
You will need ROMs from here.
Specifically, the 4.5.3 and ROMs.
The 4.5.3 file name is update-kindle-
The file name is update-kindle-
Note: The version number on that second file makes no sense to me, and I made a mistake trying to flash the wrong one in TWRP. Here is the correct name for reference. You might change the file names to reflect the version number.
Go ahead and change the extension of the bin file to zip instead. TWRP will need it this way.
Download the stock recovery image. There is a link at the bottom of the second post in the tutorial thread I linked above. Or you can just click here.
Grab the from the tutorial thread (or click here).
It has the Windows ADB executable and drivers in it so it will save you some hassle on a Windows machine.
For Macs, I found a video from that linked to tools at I was able to do everything from my Mac with these.
As a side note, the video I found these on was, but it's not important to watch.
It will help to gather zips and APK files you will need right now as well.
Get a copy of ES file explorer, Kingroot (I used the APK, but if you have a windows system, it might be easier to use the Windows version instead), and an android launcher of some sort.
For additional images, you will need the following:
From the tutorial thread: linked at
Xposed which if you follow the link from the tutorial through the forum thread should lead you here: I grabbed
flash Pico (Uni) GAPPS for 5.1 which again, if you follow all the links, will take you here:
Make sure you have all the files gathered in one place, it's really helpful.
If you are using a Mac, you will also need Android File Transfer at
Something optional that might help is a USB OTG cable or one of those USB drives that support USB OTG with its own micro USB connector. It's not necessary but it might help if you need to get files to your tablet in TWRP.
At this point, I'm going to go into Mac instruction mode. If you know that the Windows command prompt is sort of like the terminal application on OS X, that you don't use ./ path specifies on windows, etc, you should be able to come up with some
Once you have everything in place, shut down your Kindle Fire 6.
On your computer, open a terminal window and get to where you unzipped your ADB tools.
The simple way is to type cd followed by a space then drag the folder with your tools from finder to the terminal widow so you get something like cd /users/me/abd
The actual path will be dependent on your system.
This terminal window should remain open for the entire process. It will make life easier.
Hold volume up and turn the Kindle Fire on. You should enter recovery.
Back at your computer type ./adb devices
Your kindle should show up there. When it does, go back to your tablet and select "apply update from ADB".
Then, from the terminal, enter ./adb sideload 4.5.3 file name is update-kindle-
If you just type ./adb sideload then drag the file into the terminal window, it will fill the name and path out for you.
Note that this all seems kind of like the video I linked above but we are downgrading to 4.3.5 instead as the tutorial thread says we should.
Once that's done, you end up back at the recovery screen. I went ahead and did a wipe data/factory reset. I don't know if this is necessary though.
When you get into 4.5.3, you need to shut down wifi if you are not prompted through new device setup.
If you are prompted, just skip it.
You may need to enable debugging. Go to setting, device options, find the serial number field and tap it 7 times.
Open the now revealed developer console and toggle "enable ADB" so it's on.
Install the APKs you downloaded earlier.
Use ./adb install <name of ES file explorer apk>
If you're on Windows, you can go ahead and run the Windows root util.
If you are on a Mac, install the Kingroot APK using the ./adb install command.
If you go the APK route, Kingroot requires a wifi connection. This will expose you to Amazon's OTA updates. You will need to watch your Kindle carefully at this point.
The download with probably download but as long as you don't let it sleep, it should not reboot and install.
Kingroot may take a couple of tries to get root.
As soon as it does, turn off wifi!
After that, open ES file explorer, give it root permissions, then navigate to the root folder, then to cache. Look for a bin file there. If there is nothing, you didn't get the OTA update pushed to you. If you did, delete it. See post 5 in this thread:
To prevent any OTA relapses until we can go further, use ES file explorer to rename /system/etc/security/ I replaces the first o and last p with _ characters.
It should be safe to turn on wifi at this point.
If you deleted a bin file in /cache, you aren't out of the woods yet. The Kindle could still reboot on you and it will give you the red ! but I found booting into recovery then just rebooting the Kindle caused it to work itself out after a couple tries.
We should be good to go for TWRP at this point.
In the terminal type ./adb shell
When the shell opens type su
Grant the shell permissions on the Kindle
Type exit twice.
On a Mac, we cannot run the bat file included in the file.
But here are the commands to enter manually:
./adb devices
./adb install gscript-android.apk
./adb shell "mkdir /sdcard/gscript"
./adb push gscript /sdcard/gscript/
./adb shell "cp /sdcard/gscript/ /data/local/tmp/"
./adb shell "ls /data/local/tmp/"
./adb shell "su -c 'chmod 777 /data/local/tmp/'"
./adb shell "su -c 'sh /data/local/tmp/'"
Once complete open ES file explorer again
DELETE sdcard/gscripts/!!!!!!!
It's too easy to mistakenly flash this in TWRP and it WILL brick your kindle.
We will now copy those zip files we downloaded earlier onto the Kindle.
I used the Android file transfer unity to put them in the scripts folder but copying them to Downloads on the Kindle might be easier.
If you are a command line type of person, you can also use the adb push command.
You want to copy over the following:
The file name is update-kindle- (or whatever the current version you downloaded is) (or whatever the version you downloaded is. The version could have changed after I wrote this.)
tk_gapps-modular-pico(uni) (again, based on what version was available when you downloaded it)
It might be a good time to sideload that extra launcher you downloaded earlier. I didn't need it, but you might.
Again the command is ./adb install <apk file name>
In the terminal, type ./adb reboot recovery.
You *should* end up in TWRP.
These next steps are important to do in one go. Don't exit TWRP until you have installed all the zip files you copied over.
The order in the tutorial thread is the system image, the recovery image, the make_space zip, the Supersu zip, the xposed zip, and the tk_gapps-modular-pico(uni)... zip.
Do all this from the Install menu in TWRP. I did not try to queue up all the zip files at once, I don't know if that would work.
If you forgot to copy a file, TWRP should allow you to copy files via a USB cable to your tablet.
If you do this on a Mac and Android file transfer craps out on you as it did with me, that is where the USB OTG cable comes in handy. But lets hope you copied everything or that the USB connection doesn't crap out on you.
Select the wipe menu, then advanced wipe. Check the cache and dalvik cache. Once done use the back arrow and swath the "swipe to factory reset" slider.
If you are brave, you can just reset and wait through the fire logo.
If you are trying to follow along with the tutorial I linked, reboot while holding volume up to see what recovery you land in. If it's not TWRP, proceed.
When you finally get to Android, you can use ES file explorer as one way to check for root privileges. I'm sure there are others.
I'm no expert, but if you run not problems with the Kindle Fire HD 6 (4th gen) and you started with, I can tell you some of the pitfalls I ran into and how I got out of them.
Excellent guide, thanks elementcarbon12!
I'm a total new comer to rooting and getting my hands dirty with android (although I am a long time linux user), and i made it work, and now have a fire hd 6 that I can sort the way I want it!
I did encounter a few problems though, first, I did not do a factory reset /data wipe after the downgrade and ended up in a boot loop. This was easily sorted by using the "adb reboot recovery" command, doing the data wipe/reset and then holding down power for 20 sec.
Everything was smooth sailing again until the reboot out of TWRP after installing the ZIP files. I did the wimps reboot to recovery to make sure I didn't get TWRP, which I didn't, so rebooted to get into android, however I entered a boot loop again. This time a simple hold the power for 20 sec and then turn on worked and the system started it's 'optimization'.
Upon completion, i still had root, although ES and my chosen launcher had gone, so had to reinstall them. No problems there though.
So thank you very much for collection all of the information and links from other pages into this one easy to follow post!
hi guys i have a question I'm on cm11 on fire hd 6 i also have a android backup of 4.5.3 my question is I'm note sure what boot loader i have at one point it did have 5xxx on it but not sure what version can i just side load 5.4.0 and be okay since the stock rom was put back to 4.5.3 thats how i installed cm11 or does it need boot loader from a 5xxx rom

[GUIDE] Modfying CF-AutoRoot kit to enable ADB debugging on phone with broken screen

After breaking the screen on my phone I spent the following months reading about how to extract data. It all comes down to enabling ADB debugging and having your computer authorised. Usually this can be done from recovery and you're good to go. However, if you have a broken phone that is fully stock, with ADB disabled and with no custom recovery support then your data is as good as bricked. Such was the case with me when I broke my rare Samsung G360G. However, my phone was supported by CF-AutoRoot by Chainfire, and this gave just the opening I needed to go full wide.
Your phone needs to be supported by CF-AutoRoot. Check on there and the new site linked for support of your phone. If it's not there then you will need to download a stock ROM and use the CF-AutoRoot site tool to generate a root package for you. But that is outside the scope of this tutorial. This procedure has only been tested on Samsung. Your phone should have a minimal working charge.
This tutorial is also based on Linux. It should be translatable to Windows and Cygwin. But for simplicity I'll just use the method I used on Linux. However, if using Odin like I do, you'll need Windows to finish it off.
Aside from this it assumes files in are named in a particular format with a certain file format.
1. First you need to download a CF-AutoRoot package for your phone. Won't get far without it.
2. Open up a terminal in Linux. We need to download some depends so enter this command:
sudo apt-get install android-tools-adb android-tools-fsutils
3. We need to extract the archive contents out. Create a suitable folder inside your home folder to build the patch in and cd to it. This uses an example file named CF-AutoRoot-example.tar.md5. Substitute with your actual archive name. Like so.
mkdir cfar-adb
cd cfar-adb
tar -xf CF-AutoRoot-example.tar.md5
4. There should be a recovery.img and a cache.img.ext4 extracted out. We just need to modify the cache.img.ext4. But first we need to convert it to a workable format. From a sparse to a raw image.
simg2img cache.img.ext4 cache.raw.ext4
5. We need to mount the cache image
mkdir cache
sudo mount -t ext4 -o loop cache.raw.ext4 cache
6. The big one. Doing the mod. So now we need to modify the cfar cleanup script. We need to insert commands on the end to enable ADB and add the key to authorise the computer. The following will do just that in this fashion.
You will need to load in the file inside the cfroot folder from the cache point mounted. Locate the end and paste the following lines before the reboot and exit commands on the end. Don't save yet.
echo -n 'mtp,adb' > /data/property/persist.sys.usb.config
mount -o remount,rw /system
echo '' >> /system/build.prop
echo 'persist.service.adb.enable=1' >> /system/build.prop
echo 'persist.service.debuggable=1' >> /system/build.prop
echo 'persist.sys.usb.config=mtp,adb' >> /system/build.prop
chmod 644 /system/build.prop
mount -o remount,ro /system
mkdir -p /data/misc/adb/
echo '' >/data/misc/adb/adb_keys
chmod 640 /data/misc/adb/adb_keys
Load up the ~/.android/ file in a text editor and copy the entire contents in the clipboard. Now back at the script locate that last echo command you pasted into it and set the cursor just after the first single quotation mark. Now paste the clipboard in! This will add your key in. Make sure it's only between the single quotes with no extra characters or line feeds. The lines will naturally split if they don't fit on screen. Otherwise it should be good to go.
Okay now save the file. The above will enable ADB and authorise your computer on the main Android system after the rooting script has done it's work. Before it reboots normally.
7. We need to unmount the cache so it's ready for use.
sudo umount cache
8. We need to convert the raw image back into a sparse image.
img2simg cache.raw.ext4 cache.img.ext4
9. Okay were almost done. Now we repack the files into a new Odin archive. Choose a suitable new filename. Like I have done here with my example file.
tar -H ustar -c recovery.img cache.img.ext4 > cfar-adb.tar
md5sum -t cfar-adb.tar >> cfar-adb.tar
mv cfar-adb.tar cfar-adb.tar.md5
10. The final step! So now the new package is ready for use. We just to use Odin and flash it to the phone. Save the package to a USB stick if needed.
Reboot into Windows. Or you can run it virtualised from Linux. But I prefer to use the real things when dealing with things of a delicate manner and working blindly. Unplug your phone from the computer if connected. Now load up Odin in admin mode.
Just to make sure pull the battery from your phone. Give it a few seconds then put the battery back in and click the back cover on. Now hold down volume down, then home key, and finally hold down power. Wait for the vibration. Then release power after a few moments. Finally release the other keys. At this point press volume up briefly. You should have just put your phone blindly into download mode. I've done this numerous times.
Plug your phone into your computer. After a moment you should see Odin respond with a device added. Usually the phone can vibrate also when it connects giving more positive signs. If nothing happens disconnect the phone from the computer and retry the last step again to put it into download mode. Took me a few tries before I could do it blindly. It helps if you have a working Samsung to test it out on so you can see what happens before you can only feel it.
Now in Odin press the PDA (or AP) button. Select the cfar-adb.tar.md5 package you made up. If the package is fine it will pass the md5 test. Now press the Start button and watch it go! If all goes well it will upload recovery, cache, give you a pass and then the phone will reset. At this point it will be in the process of being rooted, enable ADB, then reboot. If something goes wrong then you may need to go back and check all the patched files. Then rebuild the package again. But be careful, if the ADB has been enabled in the build.prop file one time, you don't want to add it in again and create duplicates, no matter how keen. Once I had it added the only other major problem I encountered was using the correct adb key.
Hopefully now your phone is rooted, has ADB enabled and is booting up normally. Give it a few minutes. You can even see signs of life in Odin with adds and removes on USB activity. Your phone should also vibrate at times. And making noises is also a good sign.
1.1. So I just cranked it up to eleven. Open a Linux terminal again and give it a test. With your phone plugged in.
adb devices
If all goes well then adb will find your phone as well as list your device as authorised. You can now open shell to the inside. USB debugging is now enabled.
Well I hope this helps those who have their app data stuck under a broken screen. As long as it was to type in this tutorial It still took me less time to write this tutorial than to learn all that was needed and apply it to my phone. This ends here but for you it may be only the beginning. A next step would be a screen mirroring app which I think is a must have for visual feedback. And USB debugging opens up these possibilities. One thing to be careful of, in a related issue, is that just because you can use adb and the phone is also rooted doesn't mean it will all work at once. If you are tempted to "su" it in an adb shell and get right in there then SuperSU will ask for permission on a blank screen. As will also happen if you try to do an adb backup, it will ask for confirmation on screen. So just expect to work with USB debugging blindly unless you already have a screen mirroring app installed. If you don't have one installed that is your next step.
And on that note. Good luck!
Hi there,
Your tutorial on how to achieve this on Linux looks real neat and complete. Unfortunately, i'm on Windows and i would like to know if you would be able to rewrite this totorial for a Windows user?
I've been reading online for about a week and i've never saw such a complete guide to help newbies to ADB to be able to retrieve data on their locked broken devices.
Hi RaiM1986 and thanks for your kind words. Yes I wrote it so it would be useful to newbies and seasoned hackers alike. Plus I needed to write down some instructions in case I need to do it all again.
Looking at the tutorial it is a bit Linux-centric. I don't know how well it would translate to Windows. Though there would be Windows version of the tools used the main problem would be mounting the filesystem image and making modifications without corrupting it. Because of things like Linux file modes.
However the following tools may be of assistance.
ADB tools:
Cygwin provides Linux tools if needed:
For mounting the ext4 image:
img2simg and other tools:
For the ADB key it should be in %USERPOFILE%\.android and other spots I've read of are C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile\.android
In case any of the above fails, since I haven't tested them, the easiest alternative might be to just download a Linux live CD, boot it and do the steps inside. Of course any work is lost when you shut it down. You could also boot it in VM program running on Windows.
Amazing guide, Hypexed! The amount of work you put in to figure this out is incredible.
However, I'm stuck on step 6c, where I'm supposed to save the file. It's not letting me save it at all, either within the mount point or to another location, it says that I don't have permissions to save the file. I tried the 'sudo chown' to change ownership to try to edit the permissions, but that didn't work either with it still saying I can't have access to the file. Any ideas? There is probably a simple solution, but this is my first time really using Linux so I'm a noob. I'm using Ubuntu 18.04.1LTS installed, not live, dual-booted with Windows, if that's important to know
SpinningQyarks said:
Amazing guide, Hypexed! The amount of work you put in to figure this out is incredible.
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Thank you for noticing. It really was the culmination of months of hacking and cracking. Not to mention research. I decided I had to write a guide so I could document what I did in case I needed to do it again. And of course if it helped anyone else.
However, I'm stuck on step 6c, where I'm supposed to save the file. It's not letting me save it at all, either within the mount point or to another location, it says that I don't have permissions to save the file. I tried the 'sudo chown' to change ownership to try to edit the permissions, but that didn't work either with it still saying I can't have access to the file. Any ideas? There is probably a simple solution, but this is my first time really using Linux so I'm a noob. I'm using Ubuntu 18.04.1LTS installed, not live, dual-booted with Windows, if that's important to know
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Sorry you got stuck. I can see some issues in my guide. Especially after trying to do 6c again. First I notice I didn't specify where to store all the folders. Somewhere in the home folder obviously but it looks like you sorted that out fine.
I have tested a working solution to the permissions problem. In fact two:
1. Locate cf folder in the cache mount point on the desktop and go into it. Now right click in the window to bring up the context menu and select "Open as Root". Open up the editor as before.
2.. In the terminal run the editor as root. For example:
sudo gedit
I've tested this on Mint which is a "relation" of Ubuntu so should work the same.
Now the original permissions should be left intact. I checked and they didn't have the execute bit set which is unusual. It may help here to save your work on the file to a place you can save to in the meantime. So you don't get stuck again. And then unmount your cache mount point, extract the raw image again as per step 4 and remount as per step 5, if the permissions need restoring. They really should be as they are originally set in the image.
Then continue through to step 6 and beyond as you were.
Good luck!

Unbricking Apollo: Can I pause bootloop so I can finish .bin transfer over ADB?

I have a soft bricked HDX 8.9 Apollo. I've scoured dozens of threads about unbricking my Apollo device and I feel fairly confident I could unbrick my device if I could just keep my device on long enough to transfer my ~600MB rom, but my device only has ADB (with root) access for about 45 seconds before it reboots, interrupting my file transfer (getting "Connection reset by peer" transfer error when the device resets).
- I can boot to recovery and fastboot modes which stops the boot loop, but I don't have ADB access in either of these modes.
- I've tried "adb -d shell stop" (which is a command I've seen used to stop a boot loop on other devices) but this does not prevent the boot loop.
Surprisingly no one in any of the threads I checked mentioned a similar problem so I guess I'll just ask here. I can give details if you want but really I just need to know if there's any way I can pause the boot loop while maintaining ADB access and I should be able to handle the rest.
Jabbernaut said:
I have a soft bricked HDX 8.9 Apollo. I've scoured dozens of threads about unbricking my Apollo device and I feel fairly confident I could unbrick my device if I could just keep my device on long enough to transfer my ~600MB firmware, but my device only has ADB (with root) access for about 45 seconds before it reboots, interrupting my file transfer (getting "Connection reset by peer" transfer error when the device resets).
- I can boot to recovery and fastboot modes which stops the boot loop, but I don't have ADB access in either of these modes.
- I've tried "adb -d shell stop" (which is a command I've seen used to stop a boot loop on other devices) but this does not prevent the boot loop.
Surprisingly no one in any of the threads I checked mentioned a similar problem so I guess I'll just ask here. I can give details if you want but really I just need to know if there's any way I can pause the boot loop while maintaining ADB access and I should be able to handle the rest.
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No clue what you're trying to do. I'll throw this out, use the Terminal found in recovery mode.
---------- Post added at 09:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:37 PM ----------
gwardsc65 said:
No clue what you're trying to do. I'll throw this out, use the Terminal found in recovery mode.
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With all the necessary files along with the commands ready to copy and paste, you could replace recovery (if needed), aboot, and unlock the bootloader in 45 seconds or less. Boot into recovery and flash whatever you wanted to. Other options you could look into are bulk mode and 1-Click.
gwardsc65 said:
With all the necessary files along with the commands ready to copy and paste, you could replace recovery (if needed), aboot, and unlock the bootloader in 45 seconds or less. Boot into recovery and flash whatever you wanted to. Other options you could look into are bulk mode and 1-Click.
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Absolutely agree. Forget the dated unbrick threads. Use 1-click or manually replace the bootloader and recovery. If pursuing the latter don't worry about immediately unlocking; that can be done later after device is stable.
Sorry for the limited info, but I can offer more clarity now that I have more time. Basically I soft-bricked an Apollo back in 2015 by accidentally flashing a rom designed for Safestrap v4 onto Safestrap 3.75. The last thing I had done before flashing the rom was I rolled back to 3.2.8 and towelrooted it. At the time I declared it a loss.
So yeah I guess I need to replace the bootloader and recovery. I don't have access to a linux or mac machine atm, so I guess I'll be doing this manually.
I was able to get my unlock file and and push twrp and aboot to /sdcard/ just fine, and it looks like I was able to get superuser in adb shell.
C:\ADB>adb shell
[email protected]:/ $ su
255|[email protected]:/ $ I have SU now right?
but when I run
255|[email protected]:/ $ dd if=/sdcard/twrp_cubed.img of=/dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/recovery
it returns
/dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/recovery: cannot open for write: Permission denied
Do I need to change folder permissions to be able to execute this? If so, how do I do this?
EDIT: Oh I just realized I guess 255 isn't SU? Seems strange that the su command is going through without error if I don't have root access.
It looks like the one-click bootloader unlock method does not require root. Is there a way to accomplish a rootless unlock without one-click?
Jabbernaut said:
Sorry for the limited info, but I can offer more clarity now that I have more time. Basically I soft-bricked an Apollo back in 2015 by accidentally flashing a rom designed for Safestrap v4 onto Safestrap 3.75. The last thing I had done before flashing the rom was I rolled back to 3.2.8 and towelrooted it. At the time I declared it a loss.
So yeah I guess I need to replace the bootloader and recovery. I don't have access to a linux or mac machine atm, so I guess I'll be doing this manually.
I was able to get my unlock file and and push twrp and aboot to /sdcard/ just fine, and it looks like I was able to get superuser in adb shell.
C:\ADB>adb shell
[email protected]:/ $ su
255|[email protected]:/ $ I have SU now right?
but when I run
255|[email protected]:/ $ dd if=/sdcard/twrp_cubed.img of=/dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/recovery
it returns
/dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/recovery: cannot open for write: Permission denied
Do I need to change folder permissions to be able to execute this? If so, how do I do this?
EDIT: Oh I just realized I guess 255 isn't SU? Seems strange that the su command is going through without error if I don't have root access.
It looks like the one-click bootloader unlock method does not require root. Is there a way to accomplish a rootless unlock without one-click?
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Bulk Mode:
Thanks for the tip! Unfortunately I do not have access to the filesystem via windows, I can only copy files over via ADB. So unless there's some way to gain access to the filesystem with an ADB command I'm probably sunk there
So that's it then I presume?
Jabbernaut said:
Thanks for the tip! Unfortunately I do not have access to the filesystem via windows, I can only copy files over via ADB. So unless there's some way to gain access to the filesystem with an ADB command I'm probably sunk there
So that's it then I presume?
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Nope. There's usually a way if the HDX boots into recovery or bootloader. If recovery is twrp and not stock, it may be possible to issues the commands to replace aboot via the Terminal. It's not ideal, but may work. I think you really need to take another look at Bulk Mode. Follow the instructions very carefully or you will be out of luck. If you have any doubts, don't attempt using Bulk Mode.
gwardsc65 said:
Nope. There's usually a way if the HDX boots into recovery or bootloader. If recovery is twrp and not stock, it may be possible to issues the commands to replace aboot via the Terminal. It's not ideal, but may work. I think you really need to take another look at Bulk Mode. Follow the instructions very carefully or you will be out of luck. If you have any doubts, don't attempt using Bulk Mode.
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I guess I should have clarified, I don't have twrp, I only have access to stock recovery. If I had twrp running I probably wouldn't be here lol.
Unless there is another thread that explains how to use this "Bulk Mode" without access to the tablet's filesystem in Windows, in the guide linked above, the very first step is to pull the diskindex from the drive as it appears in Windows. Obviously this will fail because it is not mounted, but here is the result with the tablet connected and ADB working anyway:
C:\ADB>wmic partition where index=22 get diskindex
No Instance(s) Available.
C:\ADB>wmic partition where (index=17 and numberofblocks=20480) get diskindex
No Instance(s) Available.
C:\ADB>wmic partition where (index=5 and numberofblocks=4096) get diskindex
No Instance(s) Available.
Without a diskindex reference to the tablet's drive, I can't proceed to the next step to copy twrp and aboot into the recovery folder. And as far as I can tell I don't have root anymore so I can't do it via ADB.
So I would assume I'm dead in the water here since as far as I can tell I don't have any access to the folders I need to place the files in? Unless I can like directly sideload them or something. I have virtually nothing to lose here so I'll try whatever.
Just to clarify, I definitely don't have root? What exactly does it mean if the "su" command does not throw an error but instead returns "255|[email protected]:/ $" ?
C:\ADB>adb shell
[email protected]:/ $ su
255|[email protected]:/ $ In what way did my permissions change here?
Jabbernaut said:
I guess I should have clarified, I don't have twrp, I only have access to stock recovery. If I had twrp running I probably wouldn't be here lol.
Unless there is another thread that explains how to use this "Bulk Mode" without access to the tablet's filesystem in Windows, in the guide linked above, the very first step is to pull the diskindex from the drive as it appears in Windows. Obviously this will fail because it is not mounted, but here is the result with the tablet connected and ADB working anyway:
C:\ADB>wmic partition where index=22 get diskindex
No Instance(s) Available.
C:\ADB>wmic partition where (index=17 and numberofblocks=20480) get diskindex
No Instance(s) Available.
C:\ADB>wmic partition where (index=5 and numberofblocks=4096) get diskindex
No Instance(s) Available.
Without a diskindex reference to the tablet's drive, I can't proceed to the next step to copy twrp and aboot into the recovery folder. And as far as I can tell I don't have root anymore so I can't do it via ADB.
So I would assume I'm dead in the water here since as far as I can tell I don't have any access to the folders I need to place the files in? Unless I can like directly sideload them or something. I have virtually nothing to lose here so I'll try whatever.
Just to clarify, I definitely don't have root? What exactly does it mean if the "su" command does not throw an error but instead returns "255|[email protected]:/ $" ?
C:\ADB>adb shell
[email protected]:/ $ su
255|[email protected]:/ $ In what way did my permissions change here?
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Your best bet is to use 1-Click. 1-Click basically does the same thing as Bulk Mode, but does it automatically for you. Bulk Mode hint - bootloader.
gwardsc65 said:
Your best bet is to use 1-Click. 1-Click basically does the same thing as Bulk Mode, but does it automatically for you. Bulk Mode hint - bootloader.
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Does 1-click not require USB access to the filesystem or root access? I guess I could install and run linux on a flash drive just to test this but it would be nice to know if the interface to the device is likely to work, I don't know anything about VirtualBox. If we're not sure I'll probably try it later.

