Hello Brothers of xda I need your help please
How put toogles transparent in status bar,,, without apps,modules xposed ...etc...,,,
I need Mofify the xml files of systemui to put transparent okk !!! help please !!!
Mark XP said:
Hello Brothers of xda I need your help please
How put toogles transparent in status bar,,, without apps,modules xposed ...etc...,,,
I need Mofify the xml files of systemui to put transparent okk !!! help please !!!
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JB, KK or CM11?
For example, to make only transparent statusbar on JB, you need to decompile/edit 3 apk's and 1 jar...
maxx_hr said:
JB, KK or CM11?
For example, to make only transparent statusbar on JB, you need to decompile/edit 3 apk's and 1 jar...
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Hello guy i need a example for make transparent toogles and notiFICATIOns is for Kitkat but i need a exaple ok
Mark XP said:
Hello guy i need a example for make transparent toogles and notiFICATIOns is for Kitkat but i need a exaple ok
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Try this:
In LGSystemUI\smali\com\android\systemui\statusbar\phone\PhoneStatusBar.smali, find line:
and remove line below:
invoke-virtual {v1, v4}, Landroid / view / View; -> setBackground (Landroid / graphics / drawable / Drawable;) V
To adjust transparency, change in LGSystemUI\res\values\colors.xml red value
<color name="bg_expanded">#[COLOR="Red"]ef000000[/COLOR]</color>
7F000000 - 50%,
3F000000 - 75%,
00000000 - 100%
For toggles etc use brain and try change it like described here:
or simply make transparent pictures of that backgrounds in eg. Paint.net...
Another way (suitable for all platforms) is to install Xposed/GravityBox (your device should be rooted). There you have the Transparency Management tab that will give you just that. I suggest installing this module for many other reasons (best tweaking module out there).
How to make any gingerbread or cm7/cm9 status bar transparent
Check my signature for all my statusbars including pre-made stock cm7/cm9 and Aosp statusbars and guides
There's three ways to make the statusbar bar Transparent and I'll post them all
One way works with any gingerbread rom (deodex & rooted) and one with cyanogen 7
I have not tried it on ics or jelly bean but you can try (for people who stumble across this thread who are not galaxy y users)
Please dont ask for support unless you are using a custom rom on galaxy y
Any other phones please goto your own phone forum for support
You also need a launcher that is capable of transparency
Adw works but you need to disable wallpaper hack in settings
holo launcher works
any other launcher if it doesn't work look in it's settings & try & disable wallpaper hack or manage internally
Method one for non cm (Stock Deodex Rom)
You need apk tool installed - if you don't know how to use it see my guide here
Once you have decompiled SystemUI.apk using apk tool goto res/layout Open status_bar.xml in notepad
Find the following line
<com.android.systemui.statusbar.StatusBarView android:orientation="vertical" [COLOR="Red"]android:background="#ff000000"[/COLOR] android:focusable="true" android:descendantFocusability="afterDescendants"
Notice the part highlighted in red android:background is normally a hexadecimal value or it could be a drawable value
either way change the red part to the following
<com.android.systemui.statusbar.StatusBarView android:orientation="vertical" [COLOR="Red"]android:background="@drawable/nameofpng" [/COLOR]android:focusable="true" android:descendantFocusability="afterDescendants"
Notice that android:background is now a drawable value
Change nameofpng to the name of your transparent background image (just the name - do not include the file extension .png)
place this image with the same name as the drawable value in res/drawable-ldpi
(of course other devices might be in mdpi or hdpi)
Recompile and sign apk
Put in a flashable zip and flash with system mounted
You can download and use the pngs in the attachment (for ldpi like galaxy y) or create your own
To create a transparent status bar image just take a non Transparent one and edit it in a photo application to make it Transparent (make sure image dimensions stay the same and is for your phone resolution)
Method two for cm7
Note you will need apk tool installed and notepad++ installed
Download the patcher tool by Z25 in attachment
Unzip the contents to a folder
Place your SystemUI.apk and framework-res.apk in files_to_patch
Run patcher.bat
Select status bar tweaks and enable only transparent status bar
Edit the smali file as described in the text file that pops up
Select option build and sign
Select option to create zip files
You now have a zip file called patch.zip
unzip this and take out the SystemUI.apk - we will save this for later
Now we have to either make our own transparent theme or you can download a theme from the playstore for theme chooser that already contains status bar transparency
If you are downloading a theme from the playstore skip the part "To create your own theme" and go straight to the part "final steps"
To create your own theme
Goto uot kitchen http://uot.dakra.lt/kitchen
Take cyanbread.apk from the app folder of your cm7 rom & place on pc (or any other Theme Chooser Theme you wish to make transparent)
Rename it to what you want to call theme
Upload it to kitchen (under cm7 theme in file upload)
In status bar tweaks set background transparency to around 70% Transparent and any other settings you need like carrier or footer - don't forget to generate preview once done
Make sure you have selected ldpi in statusbar tweak settings and ldpi/mdpi for theme chooser preview in file upload (other devices may vary) and in file upload change update binary to galaxy
Then goto summary section
If everything is green create the theme
If not make sure you have clicked generate preview on status bar tweaks
Kitchen will then create theme for you
Download the zip file from kitchen and unzip it
Take out your theme apk
Final Steps
Sign both your theme apk and SystemUI.apk that you saved from earlier with a platform key using zipsigner (playstore)
Put both apks in a flashable zip and flash in cwm with system mounted
(note if you are using a theme from the playstore just do this for SystemUI.apk)
Once the phone has booted goto
System Preference
Disable Wallpaper Hack (untick the box)
Your status bar is now transparent
Method three for cm9
Once you have decompiled SystemUI.apk with apktool
Goto smali/com/android/systemui/statusbar/StatusBar.smali
Find the following line
invoke-direct/range {v11 .. v16}, Landroid/view/WindowManager$LayoutParams;-><init>(IIIII)V
Above this line change
const/16 v16, 0x4
To the following
const/16 v16, -0x3
Now in notepad++ open the following
Find the following line
<item type="drawable" name="status_bar_background">#ff000000</item>
Change the hex value to the hex value of the colour/transparency you want
For example
Completely transparent:
<item type="drawable" name="status_bar_background">#00FFFFFF</item>
70% transparent
<item type="drawable" name="status_bar_background">#b3000000</item>
50% transparent:
<item type="drawable" name="status_bar_background">#7f000000</item>
Sign with a platform key using zipsigner (playstore)
Put in a flashable zip and flash in cwm with system mounted
What is the name for the png to put in drawable-ldpi?
Re: [Guide] [Mod] How to make any gingerbread or cm7 status bar transparent
remo1995 said:
What is the name for the png to put in drawable-ldpi?
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You can rename it to ur own like
Jst open statusbar.xml in layout folder and on 2nd line u will find an attribute android;background change the file u want to add next to drawable/xx folder and put that file in ur drawable ldpi folder
Reporting from incomplete blue theme
remo1995 said:
What is the name for the png to put in drawable-ldpi?
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Name it the name of the @drawable value
In my example it's nameofpng
Re: [Guide] [Mod] How to make any gingerbread or cm7 status bar transparent
Great guide :thumbup:
Sent from my GT-S5360 using xda app-developers app
Thank you, but when I go to recompile the file gives me error
remo1995 said:
Thank you, but when I go to recompile the file gives me error
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what rom are you using?
decompile then recompile the apk without making any changes - if it compiles correctly you know you have edited the xml file wrong or not placed the corresponding png in the drawable folder
if it still gives errors without you making changes then either you are using apk tool wrong or the apk has other errors from the orig source
marcussmith2626 said:
what rom are you using?
decompile then recompile the apk without making any changes - if it compiles correctly you know you have edited the xml file wrong or not placed the corresponding png in the drawable folder
if it still gives errors without you making changes then either you are using apk tool wrong or the apk has other errors from the orig source
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I use the cod rom and I'm trying to change the systemUI of marinalin85, the bar s3 style android 4.2.2
remo1995 said:
I use the cod rom and I'm trying to change the systemUI of marinalin85, the bar s3 style android 4.2.2
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No reason why it shouldn't work - make sure you have loaded SystemUI.apk and framework-res.apk into apktool using the apktool if command
Make sure all your apk tool commands are correct I'll post a guide on it soon
marcussmith2626 said:
No reason why it shouldn't work - make sure you have loaded SystemUI.apk and framework-res.apk into apktool using the apktool if command
Make sure all your apk tool commands are correct I'll post a guide on it soon
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to compile and decompile it does! the file does not work gives me forced closure! I made you those passages
Apk tool guide added see http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2206938
remo1995 said:
to compile and decompile it does! the file does not work gives me forced closure! I made you those passages
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Follow my apk tool guide I just posted - I can assure you if you follow all my guides correctly and Fully you will not get force closes - I have made many status bars using this method
Decompile my SystemUI.apk from my status bar thread so you can compare the line for the statusbar background in status_bar.xml with yours
If you get errors when you decompile the apk it means the apk was wrongly compiled to begin with and apk tool can't decompile it correctly - you will need to correct any errors that are in the original apk before you can recompile
how can i make launcher compatible with transparency like TW launcher?
Sent from my GT-S5360 using Tapatalk 2
iMaker said:
how can i make launcher compatible with transparency like TW launcher?
Sent from my GT-S5360 using Tapatalk 2
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Some launchers do not support transparency
if it doesn't work and there is no option to disable wallpaper hack or manage internally in the launcher settings or something similar you will need to use a different launcher if you want transparency
even in go launcher it still wont have transparency
Sent from my GT-S5360 using Tapatalk 2
iMaker said:
even in go launcher it still wont have transparency
Sent from my GT-S5360 using Tapatalk 2
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I don't think go launcher supports transparency
launchers that definitely do are
holo launcher
adw launcher (disable wallpaper hack in settings)
Added a zip of the full and semi transparent png images for people to use themselves with the guide
off topic question sir, how did you move the jellybean clock and date above toggle bar?
joelquerty said:
off topic question sir, how did you move the jellybean clock and date above toggle bar?
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By placing <com.android.systemui.statusbar.policy.DigitalClock with the corresponding ids and smali files under the relative layout in status_bar_expanded.xml above the line for toggles
marcussmith2626 said:
By placing <com.android.systemui.statusbar.policy.DigitalClock with the corresponding ids and smali files under the relative layout in status_bar_expanded.xml above the line for toggles
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can you plzz give me the link of tutorial. i searched in google and xda but i could'nt find it... thank you
Hey guys new Xposed apk which we can easy modify the status bar ....
WisdomSky Xploit is a module for Xposed framework. This module will customize the colors of your statusbar(for now). You don't need to decompile any apk. You just need to install the needed android applications. Very safe, and 100% noob-friendly!!!
v3.0 (coming soon)
- Added remove AM/PM option to clock
If you have simplistic framework mod means its ok .....if not
Thanks to WisdomSky
Go with it
is this your?
if yes, i have a suggestion, how about add option for transparency value for the status bar.
it would be nice
imrude said:
is this your?
if yes, i have a suggestion, how about add option for transparency value for the status bar.
it would be nice
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(sorry for my english )
takes tweakbox Module.he have the transparency.
look here
Please delete this thread :silly: :silly:
Linux OS said:
Screenshots: Soon.
- 1% Battery increment (Users request )
- Transparent Lockscreen
- Resized Hyperion logo in lockscreen
- Resized and re-positioned Hyperion logo in Owner
- Changed toggle icons (Icons are from H8B2)
- Statusbar color changer (Notification panel color changer is disabled)
- Re-patched some 9pngs
- Text colors fixed
- Voice Recorder minor UI bugs fixed
- Statusbar brightness slider has been removed
- Statusbar center clock
- Added visible brightness slider (Swipe Clock/Date/Settings/ClearButton panel from right to left to see it)
- TouchWiz30Launcher resized app labels
- Fixed stretched radio buttons
- 5 way boot method
- Reiszed some text size
- Smooth spinners
1. Go to CWM
2. mount system
3. install zip from sdcard
4. choose zip from sdcard
5. Find H8.GM-Final.MODS.zip then install
6. Reboot system now when the installation is done
Sniper Killer
- If you see you contributed something here and your name isn't here, just PM me.
No link mirroring please...
Press thanks if you like it.
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Linux OS said:
- 1% Battery increment (Users request )
- Transparent Lockscreen
- Resized Hyperion logo in lockscreen
- Resized and re-positioned Hyperion logo in Owner
- Changed toggle icons (Icons are from H8B2)
- Statusbar color changer (Notification panel color changer is disabled)
- Re-patched some 9pngs
- Text colors fixed
- Voice Recorder minor UI bugs fixed
- Statusbar brightness slider has been removed
- Statusbar center clock
- Added visible brightness slider (Swipe Clock/Date/Settings/ClearButton panel from right to left to see it)
- TouchWiz30Launcher resized app labels
- Fixed stretched radio buttons
- 5 way boot method
- Reiszed some text size
- Smooth spinners
1. Go to CWM
2. mount system
3. install zip from sdcard
4. choose zip from sdcard
5. Find H8.GM-Final.MODS.zip then install
6. Reboot system now when the installation is done
Sniper Killer
- If you see you contributed something here and your name isn't here, just PM me.
No link mirroring please...
Press thanks if you like it.
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Nice work mate... :thumbsup: .... I m just making ur link clickable....
Awsm mod....gud work.....new budding themer here
Good work mate.
But guys dont quote the whole op it violates xda rules.
||""Playing Asphalt™ 8 Airborne on my sgy. LoLz.
Joke of the year. Gameloft devs will die if they hear this. ""||
stuck in samsung galaxyy young logo... help me to out of it
You should team up with hyperion devs. It will fasten the update lil bit :fingers-crossed:
Good work
cool mod thx for this!:good:
i am wondering if you could also mod the new megabass mod for the sound effect equalizer layout it would be awesome
you can ignore this but would be nice for more options on the sound effects
anyway thx for this the transparent lockscreen looks great.
Stuck at boot logo.
I don't understand why you kept on saying "Text colors fixed"
a joke?
Linux OS said:
- 1% Battery increment (Users request )
- Transparent Lockscreen
- Resized Hyperion logo in lockscreen
- Resized and re-positioned Hyperion logo in Owner
- Changed toggle icons (Icons are from H8B2)
- Statusbar color changer (Notification panel color changer is disabled)
- Re-patched some 9pngs
- Text colors fixed
- Voice Recorder minor UI bugs fixed
- Statusbar brightness slider has been removed
- Statusbar center clock
- Added visible brightness slider (Swipe Clock/Date/Settings/ClearButton panel from right to left to see it)
- TouchWiz30Launcher resized app labels
- Fixed stretched radio buttons
- 5 way boot method
- Reiszed some text size
- Smooth spinners
1. Go to CWM
2. mount system
3. install zip from sdcard
4. choose zip from sdcard
5. Find H8.GM-Final.MODS.zip then install
6. Reboot system now when the installation is done
Sniper Killer
- If you see you contributed something here and your name isn't here, just PM me.
No link mirroring please...
Press thanks if you like it.
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that mini heart attack at the end of installation it says i successfully BRICKED my phone.. WOOOH!
bad joke! HAHAHA thanks devs! ^.^
CarlDeanCatabay said:
I don't understand why you kept on saying "Text colors fixed"
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Something like, when you're focusing on a global action, text color becomes gray. No offense sir but it is too hard for me to see the word that i'm focusing on.
Flashed but the lockscreen is not transparent on my device.
Rhonald said:
Flashed but the lockscreen is not transparent on my device.
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Thread updated. Read the FAQ's at the page 1.
pls add ss pls. . Tnx
deathfalls said:
pls add ss pls. . Tnx
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Ok sir/maam. As soon as i posted 10 posts. hehe.
Screenshots please
thx for the nice mod
i need to ask
how to bring the clock to the right cuz when i put my phone silent and it attempt to synec the synec mark goes behind the clock and it s ugly like this and u cant see the clock from there
there s no need for the clock in the middle
thx in advance and srry for my bad english
thebiggboss180 said:
thx for the nice mod
i need to ask
how to bring the clock to the right cuz when i put my phone silent and it attempt to synec the synec mark goes behind the clock and it s ugly like this and u cant see the clock from there
there s no need for the clock in the middle
thx in advance and srry for my bad english
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Decompile SystemUI.apk with apktool & open status_bar.xml in notepad++
change the clock gravity from center to right (might need other changes depending on how it's written)
Or copy the line for the clock in status_bar.xml from the original SystemUI.apk & replace the one in new SystemUI.apk
You could always use original SystemUI.apk from rom zip instead but of course any other changes that were made to SystemUI.apk would be reverted too
marcussmith2626 said:
Decompile SystemUI.apk with apktool & open status_bar.xml in notepad++
change the clock gravity from center to right (might need other changes depending on how it's written)
Or copy the line for the clock in status_bar.xml from the original SystemUI.apk & replace the one in new SystemUI.apk
You could always use original SystemUI.apk from rom zip instead but of course any other changes that were made to SystemUI.apk would be reverted too
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thx for replay
i tryed but didnt find clock gravity ..etc
can u plz make one fixed to right ..only the status_bar.xml file
and thx in advance
Hi guys. I want to make transparent the toggle's background. Can someone tells me how to do it? What .pns or xml that i need to edit ????
The image is on the attached link below.
bad news i'm afraid
sanydeadpool said:
Hi guys. I want to make transparent the toggle's background. Can someone tells me how to do it? What .pns or xml that i need to edit ????
The image is on the attached link below.
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on l3 II not yet
but dont give up
if you find solution post here for people to use
sanydeadpool said:
Hi guys. I want to make transparent the toggle's background. Can someone tells me how to do it? What .pns or xml that i need to edit ????
The image is on the attached link below.
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This instructions is for L7 II, but you can try:
1. Make backup!
2. To make it transparent, you must decompile LGSystemUI.apk
3. In LGSystemUI\smali\com\android\systemui\statusbar\phone\PhoneStatusBar.smali find this line:
4: Remove line below:
invoke-virtual {v0, v1}, Landroid/view/View;->setBackground(Landroid/graphics/drawable/Drawable;)V
5: Adjust transparency in LGSystemUI\res\values\colors.xml, find:
<color name="bg_expanded">#[COLOR="Red"]ef000000[/COLOR]</color>
And change red value.
Some values of transparency:
bf000000 - 25%,
7F000000 - 50%,
3F000000 - 75%,
00000000 - 100%
Good luck
need lgsystem.apk pls
guys i edited my systemui.apk file and now lost status bar and some other funtion
can u guys help me with it my phone is lg p715 dual
maxx_hr said:
This instructions is for L7 II, but you can try:
1. Make backup!
2. To make it transparent, you must decompile LGSystemUI.apk
3. In LGSystemUI\smali\com\android\systemui\statusbar\phone\PhoneStatusBar.smali find this line:
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There are many PhoneStatusBar.smali files like
which to use?
mid143 said:
guys i edited my systemui.apk file and now lost status bar and some other funtion
can u guys help me with it my phone is lg p715 dual
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This guide is for deodexed rom.
To restore functionality, just copy stock LGSystemUI.apk, change permission like other files in folder and restart.
If you have odexed rom, do the same, but with LGSystemUI.apk and LGSystemUI.odex.
If you have backup (CWM or TWRP), restore only System.
yashgumaste said:
There are many PhoneStatusBar.smali files like
which to use?
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Without $ etc.
Only one is in that folder, and it is bigest.
maxx_hr said:
5: Adjust transparency in LGSystemUI\res\values\colors.xml, find:
<color name="bg_expanded">#[COLOR="Red"]ef000000[/COLOR]</color>
And change red value.
Some values of transparency:
bf000000 - 25%,
7F000000 - 50%,
3F000000 - 75%,
00000000 - 100%
Good luck
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Can we also add other colors by their hex code
---------- Post added at 12:19 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:05 PM ----------
I want to change the notification dropdown simlar to lollipop.
Any idea how to change background of other parts.
Can we also add other colors by their hex code
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I want to change the notification dropdown simlar to lollipop.
Any idea how to change background of other parts.
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You must research how to do this.
please can any dev convert this mod for mdpi
I tried to port gradinet_bg.xml from drwable from this post and change line statusbar _bg from status bar.xml from layout from my systemui.apk and compile it again
but when open any xml in my computer by notepad++ I get strange characters like nul in black box and can't fix this problem any way I work on windows 8.1
please help me
and sorry for my bad English
my systemui in attach and I want to do this mod for my systemui file
sent from mini pro
my systemui
medozzz0 said:
please can any dev convert this mod for mdpi
I tried to port gradinet_bg.xml from drwable from this post and change line statusbar _bg from status bar.xml from layout from my systemui.apk and compile it again
but when open any xml in my computer by notepad++ I get strange characters like nul in black box and can't fix this problem any way I work on windows 8.1
please help me
and sorry for my bad English
my systemui in attach and I want to do this mod for my systemui file
sent from mini pro
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my systemui from my phone
117 view and no reply
please any suggest any help any mod systemui gredient like post for mdpi
medozzz0 said:
117 view and no reply
please any suggest any help any mod systemui gredient like post for mdpi
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search tutorial how to decompile recompile apk, how to make transparent statusbar on ICS, if you done with that I will sent you PNG with gradient effect, it better and easier than that gradient.XML
please attach png with gredient effect and I will try to mod my systemui with your method
medozzz0 said:
please attach png with gredient effect and I will try to mod my systemui with your method
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here https://db.tt/EbgO113Y