[Q] Duplicate messages being sent - AT&T HTC One (M8)

So I know there's a million reasons, usually network related, for sending a receiving duplicate messages. However, my default texting app is physically sending duplicates. If I send a message, it pauses as it's sending, and then all of sudden a duplicate appears. On my actual phone, I can see my sent message twice. Then of course the recipient gets two as well. This is literally happening more than 50% of the time I send messages.
At one point I was testing out other message apps, but have since deleted ALL 3rd party messaging apps (to my knowledge), and this is occurring with the default app.


Set Text Messaging App to Send Long Messages as MMS

Is there a way to set the stock texting app to send long messages as one MMS instead of multiple SMS? My contacts are tired of receiving multiple broken up texts. I don't mind switching to a different texting app if it offers this function.
I tried playing around with the settings but couldn't find anything. There is an option to re-assemble long messages, but that is only when you receive them, not when sending.
There may be a limit for some reason. You could always try an alternative message app like Go SMS or Handcent.

Text Messaging - 57,000 text messages. Can not delete them.

I started noticing a slowdown on my LG V20 in the last week or 2. It was very random. I believe it is because I have about 57,000 text messages.
I do not need 57,000 text messages. I normally use Chomp or Textra apps. At this time, some text messages started to not come through to me. For example, my boss texted me and then called me later when I did not respond. Screenshots show she sent the text but I never received it. This happens rarely, but has happened with my sister and my wife as well.
I loaded the default AT&T text message and asked it to truncate all converstaions at 1000 messages per thread (I have 2 threads over 12000 messages). It was unable to do it. I then installed Textra again and asked it to do the same thing - it could not delete old messages or keep conversations at 1000. However, Textra shows some of the dropped text messages. The other apps (Chomp, default AT&T, and Handcent) do not show them at all.
My only solution is to delete all the text messages. I would like to keep the recent ones but no app seems to be able to keep the limits I have set on the threads.
Is there some type of SMS/MMS management app that would manually force the conversations to their limits (1000 messages per conversation?).
I believe when I updated to this phone, and I transferred my messages from my S7, maybe an error was introduced?
One conversation thread has a triangle with an exclamation point inside it. Maybe that thread is damaged?
Any advice appreciated.

Large text messages are received out of order for my contacts

I am a Project Fi user and have had this issue on both my Nexus 6 and Pixel 2. I typically use the stock Android Messages app, but have occasionally used GoSMS Pro with the same results. When I send a large text message that is split into multiple messages, everyone (as far as I know) says the messages are received out of order. Something tells me this isn't related to the app, but through the service itself, but I have no proof of that - just speculation. It would be nice if I could convert multiple SMS messages into MMS, but I don't see that option.
Any thoughts?

Issues with Google Android Messages App Not Receiving MMS and LG's Messenging App

Hey guys...so since I've owned my V30 I've always been a user of Google's Messages app. It works flawelessly other than the fact that MMS's and Group Messages don't always come through. They'll show who sent them and state something along the lines of "unable to download, please click to retry" after doing so, sometimes the message is recovered sometimes it is not able to. More often not able to. Recently, it would seem I've become more annoyed with this issue. After many calls back and forth the with T-Mobile they've recommended I ditch Google's Messages app and use the included LG Messaging app.
Well, I can tell you...I no longer have issues not receiving MMS's or Group Messages....The issue I have now is, the LG app is SUPER SLOW. It can take 10-30 seconds just to open a chat....and if I have a group chat open with an active chat...the entire phone and app will freeze until the last message has stopped being received.
Does anybody have any suggestions to getting Google Messages working, or speeding up the LG Messaging app? I am not rooted so I'm stuck using this crappy app even disabled and not the default messaging app. I also removed LG Package disabler to see if turning something off was the issue but it is not.

Read Receipt

Has anyone else been having issues with messaging iphones requiring a read receipt request lately?
This didn't happen for the first few months. Recently been getting this pop-up every time I receive a message from iPhone users.
Is apple trying to get into RCS and it's causing issues?
Tried all the combinations of settings, chat, SMS, MMS, or otherwise within default SMS app settings. Checked settings on iPhone test phone (couldn't find a "request read receipt" setting), still happens. Group message or otherwise.
The only workaround I've found is using the chat bubble (or using G.messages) . However the read receipt pops back up if I ever open the thread in the default SMS app.

