[Q] How to Add Pull-To-refresh in Android Studio WebView App???? - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi developers,i just wanted to know how to add pull to refresh feature to my webview application,i am using android studio,i just need the codes and where to insert them and thanks please help me out guys


[Q] Help pls! How do I create an SDK for my app that will show an appwall in my app?

Hello all,
I and my friends are young programmers. We have created some android apps. Please I need your professional help
1. How can I add an SDK to my apps that will show an appwall?
2. What codes should be in the SDK to show an appwall in the app?
3. How can I add the content(apps) that will display on the appwall?
Thank you all for your answers.

[Q] Application of recovery

Hi my friends
I want to do an android application which restore a deleted files(pictures,songs,;; .
Do you have a code source of application like this.
Thanks a lot.

[Q] enable apk support lower android version

i got an app which is the snote apk from galaxy s5..it can be install as normal apk in any android 4.4.2 devices..however it can't be install in android 4.3 or lower..so can anyone here help me to make this app install-able on android 4.3? thanks in advance
as i am new user..if someone willing to help me..u can leave ur email there and i can send u the link through ur email..or add me in facebook (Ming CCM) ..thanks

[Q] Edit an app

Hi guys, my question is: if a developer stopped in beta project the work on an app, can you please fix a thing if I send you the apk?

Looking for Block APK

Hello everyone!
I have one application running in android 4.4.2 (tablet 9')
What i need:
- Lock this app... When it's open, cannot be closed or minimized.
- Unlock is allowed only with a password or something like that.
Someone can help me?

