[Q] Permanently chance background process limit? - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I've seen several people asking about this on here, Facebook & G+ as well & most were only suggested apps, or just keep using the developer options, etc.... Never reaching a solution to the original subject
Is there a way to permanently change the background process limit?
... Either by editing a file, or adding in a init.d file?
# android 4.4.4

.... Anyone.. ?

would be useful for old smart-phone running especially lollipop on 1gb ram to have a persistent (at reboot) solution to limit background process


[Q] How does the permission system within the android OS operate?

Hello everyone,
I am a computer science student, noob java developer, web and database programmer and a general all around nerdy fellow.
Short Version (if you don't want to read):
How does the application level permission system work on the Android OS? Is it all simply held within the Manifest.permission xml file? Every time an application commits to an action that would require permission, does it simply do a quick check of the ID and then cross-reference the Manifest.permission file at the system level?​
Long Version (if you want to read):
I have been looking at LBE Security as an app to allow me to control on a per app basis which permissions they are allowed to have. A wicked awesome idea. The only problem (aside from it not being open source) is that it drains the battery through CPU usage of its active guard feature.
I thought to myself there must be a simple way to manage the permissions of all apps without the necessity of a background service continually running. Could not an app be created (which would of course require root access) that would allow you to edit (through a GUI) the permissions of all your applications. Write to the Manifest.permission the appropriate changes and then close. Thus negating any continuously running background service drain on the CPU/mem=> battery?
Is this how all permissions for applications are handled through this one file? Or am I missing something?
I have searched quite a bit, as far as I can tell its all handled by Manifest.permission. Please enlighten me if I am mistaken.

Question regarding root access to memory space, low-level actions and best env.

Considering this is my first post - Hello, greetings, hi.
Straight to the question.
I have a certain amount of tasks that I do on my PC and for convenience, I've developed a program that does majority of these tasks for me (basically fetch new mail from my countless e-mails, messages from facebook etc. and put them into one single window displaying inside a widget.
I would certainly love to automate things on my phone aswell, but for that I need several things that I have to ask you about first.
Answer as many as you wish, thanks for any help!
1. Do I need root access to emulate human behaviour in certain apps? Behaviour such as screen click, drag etc.
2. Do I need root access to have unsafe access to memory chunks of other software? Probably similar access as one would require in order to make a cheat/hack for a game.
3. Can emulation apps work in background and still emulate clicks even when in fullscreen app such as facebook etc?
4. What's the best envirnoment for developing an android app, one that supports programming in C#?
Thanks again!

How to redefine app "system permissions" ? Or if not possible howto make app that ...

How to redefine app "system permissions" ? Or if not possible howto make app that ...
Hi Everyone,
I'm new to android, and having 2 different phones (running 5.1.1 and 6.0.1 versions, both rooted) and numbers I have quite some issues with apps (paying gps outdoor app, whatsapp,...) and since I travel a lot many connections issues to accounts on other apps "you seem to not be...." with codes I don't get because I'm roaming
In order to find a way to use them with the same accounts and settings on both phones and to solve the authentication issues, I took different angles to solve it, but none worked. In doing so I discovered many ways to enforce permissions through the code that where disabled by the user (worse than I thought). Well I dislike and want to change it.
Anyway to make things shortne approach is to completely limit the app access all localisation approach, phone ID, number, carrier, IP number, other accounts on the phone....
On the 5.1.1 I tried:
App Ops => allows to "change" if one looks in the App, but changes are not effective (way apps work and according to "Explorateur de permissions")
Apk permissions works but only on some user installed apps, I tried moving system apk to other folders, change them through the Apk permissions and reinstall them, didn't work
Decompiling the apk with Apk Studio, changing manifest, recompiling, reinstalling seems to not be enough, if I understood it right if the code contains specific rights and there not in the manifest, it doesn't work. Right
next step would be to dig into the code and change it...
All this is extremely time consuming even if it would be the "clean way"
On the 6.0.1 :
I removed the bloatware with Root Uninstaller,
Modified the permissions apps had, incl system apps
And since some apps still seemed to exchange some information over data or wifi, I limited all background data usage over data or wifi.
All this make my phone much less user friendly and does not solve my issues
So please, I you know of a reliable "easy" way to really manage permissions, or to generate a master permission file that overwrites apps permissions? removing all weird "granted", or if you have any idea on how you'd start it, please let me know
From this "clean approach" I got to spoofing, which seemed to be a solution to work around some issues using several different apps that would change the location, the IP, the network, VPN, spoof caller ID, ...
Well... since I had discovered all kind of right that can be given to an app, I checked their manifests before installing them. They might solve some issues, but generate worse problems (billing?!!all social media accounts?! create social accounts?!?)
So is there a clean app that lets you temporarily "clone" phone1 on phone 2 considering they are not at all the same (manufacturer, android, phoneID, carrier, phone number) and change the location and this only to some apps? Still have to use SIM carrier.
If not, any hints on how to write this?
thx :laugh:
Hasbeen developper, totally new to Android who still believes that technology should allow to increase productivity and respect FREEDOM and PRIVACY.

How to find Info/Errs from an Android App Crash to steer toward App's bad Settings?

I'm a long time developer but brand new to Android, with my having past experience developing in Unix systems as well as a lot using Cygwin in Windows. I have a newly-installed App that seems popular called 'C Locker'. So far, I've just got the Free version because I'm trying it out to see if it does what I need. Unfortunately, it's now crashing with the Settings that I've enabled, and as a general developer, I'm interested in seeing if I can glean information from the Bugreport (or whatever else I can use...perhaps even gdb on the device itself?) to help me know what specific Settings might be the problem being that there are so many of them and I would prefer to gain some type of help from my phone in figuring out what the bad settings might be that I've enabled that are causing the problem rather than to spend all day flipping them around. I've already scanned through the Bugreport after uploading it to my computer, examining all of the references it makes in there to "com.ccs.lockscreen" with this apparently being the process name for the C-Locker program. I've seen indications in there where it indeed shows that it has crashed, but I couldn't yet discern if it is able to give me pointers as to what the cause of the crashes might have been. Is that possible to gain such information out of these Bugreport files? Or is there a way to run it directly in gdb on my device to perhaps see the stack at the time that it crashes, for which the names provided might help to discern what specifically it was trying but failing to do at the time? If it helps, as an intended future Android developer, I've already gotten Android SDK set up on my computer, although I haven't yet really used it much to speak of for anything. I also have adb working from my computer to the smartphone and even have rooted it using a rare method being that I have an older phone purchased years ago via Amazon that I didn't activate until about a month ago. (It's an LG G4 VS986 version 13B so I couldn't use the popular rooting method for version 11A but instead had to use the "Injection" method which took me FOREVER although I finally got it to work!) And just in case it helps perhaps even to bypass a direct answer to this question (although it will still of course be appreciated), my Settings within C Locker involve having set it to be a Device Admin and to bring it up as the first App upon Reboot as well as I've selected within the Root category to make it a System App as well as my then having Disabled ALL things that typically show on the screen (such as 9-1-1, camera, Etc). I had left it set to the default "Gesture" Unlock method, but whenever I bring up the App again and go into "Unlock Methods", it now immediately crashes each time (as well as upon Restarting the phone!). So this covers the majority of the most significant of the Settings that I've made on it so far to the best of my recollection. And I feel that if I could get some indications from the system as to what the specific errors may be when its crashing (or from a stack trace or whatever else), then it might help me to discern what specific Settings are creating the problem being that perhaps I just have an odd (rare) combination of Settings on it that I can tweak to get it working. My goal is to ultimately get a lockscreen App that I can use a Pattern type Unlock with that allows an UNLIMITED number of Failed Attempts (so that it won't ever Factory Reset my phone after the 10th or ANY number of failures!!!). I also--as mentioned above--don't want ANY shortcuts whatsoever being accessible BEFORE the phone is unlocked...not even 9-1-1. Anyway, so if there's a way to glean information from the Bugreport (or from whatever other methods available) to find the specific cause (involved errors) of this or any other App that's crashing that I do NOT have the source code for (being that I of course am not its developer) then it will be greatly appreciated to know how to best find this information. (And I promise that I've already searched extensively on Google but couldn't filter out its replies all being based on the idea that I'm the developer of the App that's crashing, with my even trying adding phrases such as "not my app" and "not the developer of" Etc to no avail...lol). Thanks.
By the way, if I shouldn't have combined the 'C Locker' Settings details into this post, then please just let me know because I'm new to posting here. Also, unfortunately, if I don't receive any help with this right away, then I'll be forced to start testing different Setting combinations anyway, which would then of course solve this problem but without knowing truly what exactly was causing the issue. Even if so, it will still be helpful in the long run with other potential App crashes to get the answer to this general question.
Unless not disabled by user, all runtime activities in Android are logged, so app crashes and their reason also. You can view this log by means of Android's logcat command-line tool or by means of a LogCat Viewer app. My POV: logcat is essential for determining what an app and the Android OS are doing while the app is running on a device.
BTW: Android's log can be filtered per package, too.
jwoegerbauer said:
Unless not disabled by user, all runtime activities in Android are logged, so app crashes and their reason also. You can view this log by means of Android's logcat command-line tool or by means of a LogCat Viewer app. My POV: logcat is essential for determining what an app and the Android OS are doing while the app is running on a device.
BTW: Android's log can be filtered per package, too.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thank you, and since posting this, I've been learning more about Android Studio and have used it to actually see the stack trace within the "Android Monitor" pane there in order to find the instant reason why the/ANY (meaning 3rd party as well) App is crashing at the time! Thanks again for the help!

Bypass Background Processes Limit

Hello everybody
Search and search I could not find a solution for this I ask the forum for help: generally you want to limit the background processes to limit battery use blah blah blah and various things ... and generally this limit is around 20 applications (at least to myself)
Let's assume I want to get around this limit with Android 7 or higher. That is, I don't care about battery consumption or keeping the Ram free, but I need to have n processes running in the background
In this case how could I get around or eliminate the maximum number? From developer settings i can only choose a lower number and with an Android up to 4 you can use the command line "SERVICE CALL ACTIVITY 51 i32 x" where x is the maximum number of processes
But with the latest Android?
Thanks to those who want to dedicate time to me
Take note that the Android low memory killer daemon (lmkd) process monitors the memory state of a running Android system and reacts to high memory pressure by killing the least essential processes to keep the system performing at acceptable levels.
More info here.
Thank you very much for your fast feedback... In my situation (emulating android on a pc) I don't have a saturable limit under standard conditions
So in your opinion, is it possible to bypass the system restriction?

