[Q] Problems viewing CWM Backups on my PC and phone - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hey guys, I realise that I may not be on the correct forum for this and for that i apologise, however I am quite new to this website and don't know my way around.
Anyway, I have recently backed up my whole phone storage to SD card using CWM recovery as there was no option to backup to an internal device. I wanted to take the backup and move it to my computer but I have a HTC One m7 which has no SD card. This isn't normally a problem for me because all the files seem to show up on the internal storage when i look on my computer anyway however despite searching through all of the folders, I simply cant find. The backup is 5gb in total and I know that it has been made sucessfully because my available storage has decreased by 5GB but it simply can't be found. Even when i look at the file manager on my phone I can't see it. Even if I can't move it to my PC I atleast want to be able to delete it, will factory resetting the device remove root access aswell as everything else and will I have to start all over again to delete this hefty 5GB backup?
Thanks for reading


Recover images deleted from root drive?

Hey guys,
Gonna try explain this best I can. If I need to be corrected or any blanks filled in then please let me know
Basically, I had around 25 images that were taken a few weeks ago when my family visited from New Zealand on my SD. I thought to be safe, I'll move them to a folder on the root drive so popped onto root explorer, made the folder on root and copied the pictures over (well moved them actually).
Now, issue is I stupidly named the folder (in my wisdom god knows why I chose this) 'PICREC130910'. I do understand the name of the folder is fairly irrelevant but thought since I'm asking for a hand, best explain myself best I can.
Now, again in my wisdom, I was browsing about using root explorer and somehow managed to delete that folder (let's blame working 14 hour shifts for that wonderful mishap).
I tried a recovery using various deleted file recovery softwares on my SD using the computer, but to no avail. It finds the image names but when I recover them it only recovers a non readable file that every viewer I've tried can't see. this might be because I had just before deleting root folders, put about 6gb of music on the SD so probably overwritten the pictures.
Anyway, because the root is generally less written to than the SD I'm hoping they're still in a recoverable state so to put my question out there... is there a software that can do a similar recovery search but on the root drive? Would really appreciate any help cause I only get to see my family from nz about once every 5 years.
Thanks for reading guys,
What recovery software have you used?
One I have tried with great success is Recuva.
I used that and another one, can't remember the name just now but my issue is how do I search the root drive?
What I'm looking to do is somehow mount the root drive to allow a windows based piece of software search it or alternatively find another way to do so using a terminal to show all deleted files so I can find these pictures somewhere.
Hopefully (and I'm asuming..) the internal is a similar structure to the flash-based memory system in the SD card and therefore as long as it hasn't been overwritten, should be recoverable.
Would I be right in this assumption?
Nobody help here?
Sorry dude, but i am pretty certain there is no software available that would allow you to recover deleted files from a Mobile Phone internal memory. I can only suggest that you remove your SD card and connect that to you PC and see if you can recover any pics direct from the SD. You will have to use an SD Card reader as it will not work if you connect the phone to the pc.
I personally use Recover My Files. It always works for me.
Have a look with THIS, worth a shot.
First off can I offer my greatest thank you to all those that have replied so far. I'm avoiding installing or deleting a thing until I know what I can do with this.
Isn't mounting the phone to the computer (Ie mount SD card) the same as putting it into an SD card reader? Higher chance of it working with a reader?
As said, it can find the image names, just not the images (ie recovers a non readable file!)

Help SD space is gone

So i just went to download something off the internet it said i did not have enough space on my sd card. I don't know how this is because yesterday i had 2gb left and now all of a sudden i only have 30.56mb. So i unistalled a bunch of apps and i am still stuck with 30.56mb which that should of went way up. I only have like 20 apps so there is no way there should be only 30mbs left. Does anyone know how this has happened or how i get it back?
apps will not take up any space on the sd card unless you explicitly move them there through the applications menu or other means... so deleting apps that weren't on the sd card to begin with would not free up any space... If I were in that situation, I would connect the phone to the computer and check the size of each folder on the sd card and see which folder is the biggest... though I'm sure there are quicker methods... have you been doing a large amount of backups or downloads or taking lots of 3d photos and videos?
Omg so i just deleted 440 mb off of it cause i got rid of titanium backup and the free space went down even further! now its at 4.59 mb. wtf
what did you use to delete the titanium backup data? did you do it through something like ES file explorer or Astro? or did you connect the phone to your computer to delete the files?
the phone to the computer? why
are you using a mac by any chance?
nope ubuntu
check your LOST.DIR and see how much data resides in there - if I'm researching this right, theres a chance that the deletions you are making are somehow not completing or something like that...
I did that but that only gave me 50mbs, i got rid of 440 from titanium so why isnt that showing up in free space?
well, I'm stumped and unfortunately, the GF is home from work so it's bed time... at this point I'd probably copy the entire contents of the sd card to the computer - format the SD card - and copy the contents back... that should remove any chance of there being a "ghost file" or anything taking up unnecessary space... see you in the morning -
Did you nand backup anything
Like the person above said nanodroid back ups take a lot of memory
I did a factory reset and that didn't fix it but then i noticed a new folder called .Trash-1000 so i checked that deleted it and now have 3gb. So that worked i don't know how that happened tho. Thanks for helping tho.
.Trash-1000 is apparently the "recycle bin" for Ubuntu. the files you were deleting were simply going there to await permanent deletion. good to hear you got it figured out though...

ASTRO deleting files? Or is it the phone?? Help!

I just got the new Evo LTE, and I had photos on phone storage/internal storage. Using ASTRO, I tried to move them into my new 16gb SD card (it was clean, fully formatted and everything). However, it stated that the "MOVE FAILED." and then the pictures were just gone! They didn't go back to the original location or anything, it seems as if they were deleted off the phone and SD card completely!
Was it the phone? Or was it ASTRO? Should I have not mingled with the internal storage and the external storage the way I did? Is there any way I can get those photos back (there were about 500 photos)??
Please help, I've grown desperate. I even went to the sprint store but no luck.
no comment on the error (although I've only moved that many photos back and forth between the phone and card while plugged into the computer), but I've used Hexamob Recovery PRO *ROOT* with great success to restore accidentally deleted photos (there's a free version too - I don't know what the difference is). You should also consider automatic photo backup through dropbox if/when you're able to recover them.
I have to root this phone to be able to use that? I wasn't planning on rooting it yet because I just got it.. Is there another way to recover them? I don't even know if it'll be found in the SD card or the internal memory..
I think all of the "undelete" apps (and there are a few of them out there) require root - sorry.

[Q] [CM 10.1] Link2SD and internal SD

Hi there, noob speaking... (at least in terms of Android)
Let's start with the fact that I bought rooted phone with Cyanogenmod alredy installed which is my 1st Android device. That way I omitted few steps of learning how to root, how to flash it, etc. not to mention that I'm not a Linux guy, so even the way system handles folders and files is new for me. As the problem is more phone-related than system-related I'm posting it here, on XDA.
I'm trying to learn how to partition an "internal SD card" to make it work with Link2SD. I've found lots of tutorials how to do this with an external memory card, but there is not much info about doing the same with internal storage. I've found a tutorial for a diffrent phone, but I'm worried that droid devices seem to be very diffrent and simply retyping everything without understanding what I'm actually doing may cause more harm than good.
My biggest objection is the fact that I'm alredy using my internal SD and beside various media files (photos, music, etc.) there are lots of system, or app related stuff there. There are folders like .android_secure which as I guess store app-related files (or even parts of apps that I moved to SD with build-in feature). If this was Windows, I'd simply back up everything, format it, partition into "general storage" and "app memory" and put backed up files back directly onto new partition only worrying to keep correct letters assigned to new partitions. I'm preety sure that doing same in Android (by copying everything to PC and back to phone) would not work because all those permisions, or am I wrong?
Anyway - Any advice how to do this?
Additional question is related to accessing whole phone memory via PC connected by USB. I know that Android phones are made with security in mind and "system" partition is hidden when connecting USB, but there should be some other way than browsing everything from some phone apps with root permissions. I'd really like to browse my phone both for educational reasons and to check what really takes up space on my "system storage". I'm suspecting that some app went crazy eating lots of space, because once every time I uninstalled something my storage after few minutes was again at 20mb level and it continiued for some time.
BTW: Is there any reason why having about 200mb empty space for apps is not enough to install or update some small applications, while other install even when just 100mb is left?
-How to partition internal SD to make it work with link2sd while there are some system/app files on internal SD alredy?
-How to browse "system memory" from PC via USB?
-Why some apps don't install when there is still 200mb+ free space?

[Q] SD card is full (but, its not)

another forum recommended I register and ask my question here. I am not a techie. I don't know what I'm doing. This is probably a basic question, but with all the googling I've done, I can't find the answer!
Here goes, and please be easy on me:laugh:
My GS3 was running really slow, running down the battery, just in general not running as well as I remembered from a year before buying it. I decided to back it up, reset it and start from scratch. The phone has run AWESOME! One problem though; when it updated, it installed 4.3. Ever since, I can't do anything with my SD card. I get an error that the SD card is full, and if I look in the settings, it shows zero space on the SD card. If I plug it into my mac, it shows like 12gb of space.
I used to use Android File Transfer and that doesn't work anymore. I recently tried Airdroid, which works great for the internal storage, but tells me that my SD card is full.
PS I tried to post a link to a screenshot of what storage on my phone looks like, but since I'm a noob, I'm not allowed
When you upgrade to android 4.3 it will change your storage partition from sdcard0 to emulated/0 ... simply it will change its partition so all your old files will not be visible there but they are still in your memory... I suggest you find your old files and move them to new directory... There are many threads on how to find your old files.. Search
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