I wan't xposed for xperia c3 dual d2502 please ... lollipop 5.0.2
Does anyone know about Xperia Tipo Dual Kitkat Rom, if so please provide the link along with tutorial
aokp-20140626-UNOFFICIAL-mesona --- tried it soft bricks my phone
BTW I need latest CWM recovery mode for Xperia Tipo Dual and Guide how to do it
Hello developers,
Please help me to find synogebmod os for my sony xperia m dual.
Also please let me know, what will be the disadvantages, what will not support by that os..
Hello developers
Could anyone one please guide me if it is possible to port xperia lollipop rom to non xperia device ? in case yes, please how ?
How can I update 6.0 marshmallow on my rooted Xperia c5 ultra dual??
I too...., i try many time about flashtool for xperia c4 e5333. But don't success. Please help for sony rooted devices
check the other thread about root removal
Any tutorial to root and twrp on Z2 tablet Docomo / Ex Japan ?? I am on Lollipop 5.0.2 . Please and Thanks
Anyone please ????