Hi everybody.
I own a Samsung Galaxy A3 (model SM-A300FU) running android KitKat and I want lollipop, rooted with KingRoot (a one click root app ) because I wanted to keep Knox 0*0 . But I got system status : custom so can no longer have OTA (I tried Wanam Xposed but it changed nothing). I also want to get stock ROM because I got my operator ROM (Bouygues, a French operator) because on SamMobile the French ROM is lollipop and Bouygues ROM is KitKat. I also don't care about my root because it's so easy with KingRoot.
So my question are :
1. Should I flash KitKat France ROM and use OTA then re-root or flash Lollipop France ROM directly and root ? Will it be unstable and will I have bugs ?
2. Will I need to do wipe data/factory reset ? If yes will I lose all my apps, contacts, settings, etc... ?
3.With France ROM will I have system status : custom ?
4.I want to keep my warranty, will I have problems with flashing France ROM ?
Thank You.
1. I flashed the french Lollipop rom on my a3 (german, but not branded) and it runs very smooth, no bugs!
2. I flashed it via Odin and I did not have any data loss or any settings were changed.
3. I don't know what you mean with "system status" but for me the device status is "official". Maybe that's what you mean. (settings -> about the phone ->status)
4. I don't know what happens to the warrenty, sorry
I'm currently on official
AP: G925FXXU1AOCV non-rooted bought in Belgium
CSC from Luxembourg: G925FLUX1AOCN
I heard that 5.1 should be released in June.
one forth of my tasker profiles require root... So i'm interested in rooting asap but wanna keep being up to date with the officials fw versions (since i still have the night clock bug on mine)
- If i root it with PingPong, i know i'll lose OTA, so question is how will i know if a new firmware is released ? Does it matter if get a different CSC if necessary ??
- With all those differents fw versions and letters, i'm getting lost , how can i know i have the latest up to date ?
Shoud i proceed this way ?
1) I'll root using pingpong
2) When a new fw is released , is it better (and possible?) to use Smart Switch to get the official update ? (of course i know it will unroot)
3) will i loose my data doing so ???
3) Is Odin better to use than Smart Switch ? if so, why ?
Thanks for your help
kaemon said:
I'm currently on official
AP: G925FXXU1AOCV non-rooted bought in Belgium
CSC from Luxembourg: G925FLUX1AOCN
I heard that 5.1 should be released in June.
one forth of my tasker profiles require root... So i'm interested in rooting asap but wanna keep being up to date with the officials fw versions (since i still have the night clock bug on mine)
- If i root it with PingPong, i know i'll lose OTA, so question is how will i know if a new firmware is released ? Does it matter if get a different CSC if necessary ??
- With all those differents fw versions and letters, i'm getting lost , how can i know i have the latest up to date ?
Shoud i proceed this way ?
1) I'll root using pingpong
2) When a new fw is released , is it better (and possible?) to use Smart Switch to get the official update ? (of course i know it will unroot)
3) will i loose my data doing so ???
3) Is Odin better to use than Smart Switch ? if so, why ?
Thanks for your help
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News sites & these forums will let us know when new updates drop.
Using Odin to flash a previous firmware will not wipe data.
Once the 5.1.1 update comes out, someone will forward the kernel & build prop info to idler, who will in turn let us know whether Ping-pong Root is still possible.
Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk
I flashed twrp 2860 onto my jp softbank s6 edge sm925Z. 5.0.2 android.
I want to remove this bloatware trash.
Is there a way for me to backyp my current firmware
And then try another countrys firmware with odin, from the samsung
Firmware page?
Samsung does not release the jp softbank sm925z firmware.
So my question is, . . .
If i flash chinese firmware i will lose TWRP right?
Then i can not return to my backup stock rom. Because no twrp.
So i would need to hope i can reinstall twrp on the chinese rom right?
If i try other firmwares, i will lose wifi and cellular service right?
Is there a way for me to change or insert my wifi cellular partition information
To new roms or firmwares?
RecIV said:
I flashed twrp 2860 onto my jp softbank s6 edge sm925Z. 5.0.2 android.
I want to remove this bloatware trash.
Is there a way for me to backyp my current firmware
And then try another countrys firmware with odin, from the samsung
Firmware page?
Samsung does not release the jp softbank sm925z firmware.
So my question is, . . .
If i flash chinese firmware i will lose TWRP right?
Then i can not return to my backup stock rom. Because no twrp.
So i would need to hope i can reinstall twrp on the chinese rom right?
If i try other firmwares, i will lose wifi and cellular service right?
Is there a way for me to change or insert my wifi cellular partition information
To new roms or firmwares?
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If you install a stock firmware you'll lose TWRP, and you'll have to install it again. You'll not lose wifi.
I have a SM-G925FQ
This is a specific model for Turkish market.
I have rooted it with root method for SM-G925F
Now I want to unroot , to update it when Marshmallow is distributed for this model.
How can I unroot ? (any easy methods ?)
And then of course I will root when it is updated to 6.0
- Do we have root for Marshmallow possibility now ?
- Is it better to upgrade with root ?
- Or is it better to do it as I would (unroot then upgrade ?)
mrmrmrmr said:
I have a SM-G925FQ
This is a specific model for Turkish market.
I have rooted it with root method for SM-G925F
Now I want to unroot , to update it when Marshmallow is distributed for this model.
How can I unroot ? (any easy methods ?)
And then of course I will root when it is updated to 6.0
- Do we have root for Marshmallow possibility now ?
- Is it better to upgrade with root ?
- Or is it better to do it as I would (unroot then upgrade ?)
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You can only safely take the ota by reflashing your stock rom via odin if the odin flash file exists. I recommend searching sammobile.com to find it and if its not there 9/10 it doesnt exist. Idk if root exists for your varient on mm but i do know that there is a root people use but i would say it is just for them. G925F only just got mm so root may be tricky. Anything else further i can help with is odin flashing to unroot besides that there is nothing else i can tell you other than you need a pc.
Sent from my SM-G925P using Tapatalk
Flashing stock rom via Odin is a good idea to unroot and have the opportunity to upgrade.
But SM-G925FQ rom does not exist on Sammobile.
Once I had downloaded it through Samsung's official PC app (was not Kies, the newer one)
But I don't remember how I had done that.
Does anyone know how to download original rom through PC app ?
mrmrmrmr said:
Flashing stock rom via Odin is a good idea to unroot and have the opportunity to upgrade.
But SM-G925FQ rom does not exist on Sammobile.
Once I had downloaded it through Samsung's official PC app (was not Kies, the newer one)
But I don't remember how I had done that.
Does anyone know how to download original rom through PC app ?
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Is there any rooted (and possibly deodexed) rom based on G925FXXU3DPBG ?
I flashed the latest firmware available for my S6 edge (SM-G925F) : G925FXXU3DPDP (XEF).
I've never used Android 5.1.1 on my phone and I asks to you if downgrade is possible at this point (latest BL I think) and if yes, how ?
Thanks you for your further replies
I Think Once u Flashed The latest Firmware U can't Go back
Because Of bootloader
Bt U can try Download Android LP And boot loader And put Ur phone in Download Mode Flash with odin
i updated on 6.02...
didn´t like it...
flashed back to 5.1.1 stock without problems (odin)
Hello poci,
You were running with which firmware ?
It's easy to go back to lollipop?
I'm reading some comments off people wich say No, ando some less who say Yes.
i made an OTA update from 5.1.1 to 6.0.2... but i didn´t like the battery drain on 6.0.2......(or 6.0.1 i don´t know anymore)
after clean install of 6.0.2....there was no change at all...
then i went back to 5.1.1 by flashing a stock 5.1.1. firmware with odin...no trouble or anything else...
If flash fails, is my device will be hardbricked ???
if you have the right firmware...i would say "no"
so why should it fail?
i used this firmware for my o2 edge
Beceause newest bootloaders blocks downgrade, you was in which firmware on Marshmallow ?
don´t know exactly...60.1 then
when 6.0.2 blocks downgrade...
Hey guys, i wanna share with you guys some experience when i flashing the Pre-Rooted Firmware by Andro-Man here
I got bootloop and after workaround here the fix.
If u have latest stock rom with "ASKS Security"....before flashing Pre-Rooted Firmware,pls downgrade to the older version of stock rom.
How to know if u have "ASKS Security" installed ?
-Go to Settings > About Phone > Find "ASKS Security Version"
If dont have it then u are on the old version of stock rom and can do any root method or flash the pre-rooted firmware without any problem.
it is because the security block every possible way to root ur device even u using Kingoroot.
So how to downgrade to the older version of stock rom ? here:
-Download this rom
-Flash it using odin.
-and now try to flash the pre-rooted firmware
press the thanks the button if it work you