Phone Dies when not plugged in - AT&T LG Optimus G

Alright, I've got a hum-dinger here. I've been running CM12 for some time now, I started noticing much more frequent blue screens due to modem crashes so I wiped and reinstalled the ROM. Now I'm getting a really strange problem where so long as the phone is plugged in to something (charger, or computer) I can use the phone completely normally. The moment I unplug I get 1 of 2 scenarios:
1: the screen immediately goes blank (no power down sequence, no blue screen) and I'm kicked back to LG splash screen which then proceeds to go to the power off state. Attempting to power on again gets as far as the CM12 boot animation and then screen goes blank again. I've tried powering on several times from the stage only to get part way through the boot animation and then kicked back to the black screen.
2: Screen does not immediately go blank, I can swim around the home screens scroll to an app, even start an app - but about 10 seconds into the app the screen suddenly goes blank and I'm back at scenario 1.
The only way to get the phone past the ROM boot animation is to plug it back into something....but then I can't unplug lest I end up back at scenario 1.
The shutdown sequence almost looks like I tanked the battery, but going into the recovery (TWRP) I can see that I actually have a good 98% left.
Thinking CM12 had some issues, I tried another Lollipop ROM (blisspop) and I got the exact same behavior. Thinking Lollipop was still half-baked for this LG I reverted back to a KitKat ROM (CM11) and I got....the exact same behavior.
I tried wiping all the data, system, cache, dalvik, partitions and reinstalling completely from scratch -- but I get the exact same problem. The only thing I haven't tried yet is LGNPST back to 100% stock, but I'm struggling to see what difference that would make as I'm wiping out everything except the recovery between tries.
Anybody have any ideas, thoughts, comments? I'm grasping at straws here.....

You could always try to load the stock rom back on the phone to see if that does anything. Another thing you can try is to power off the phone, plug it up to the charger and see if it charges overnight, however I have a sneaking suspicion that the battery is toast.

Kilogrm, I've left it charging overnight and and am able to carry it around all day without issue doing the occasional glance at the time, but if I try to do anything of significance I will end up at a black screen again, so I'm rather inclined to believe it isn't the battery. I do have a replacement battery that I bought a while back that I never got around to I could try that.
I'm guessing that if I'm going to install a stock ROM I might as well just LGNPST back to stock....thoughts?

Ok well I used LGNPST to go back to JellyBean Stock, and I got the exact same behavior. I'm thinking it might be a hardware problem, but not sure what.

Well, it was definitely a hardware problem. I opened up the phone and took a look at the rigid-flex board that LG used to connect to the micro-usb jack and I noticed that one of the footprints was missing a component. I quick look around showed that a small(looked like 0402 size) diode had somehow sheared off at the solder joint and was rolling around in the case. I soldered it back on, replaced the battery with the new one I had gotten and closed the phone up. Everything works like a charm again. Now I just have to go back through the root/freeg/rom process again because I flashed all the way back to at&t ROM.

Remove the back cover, remove tiny screws on bottom and pop the cover off. There are another two tiny screws holding the battery connector on the pcb. Unscrew the tiny screws and unplug the battery, then plug in to power. Then unplug, plug battery in and plug power in. Let it charge. This added 8 extra hours on my battery from 15 hours to 24 hours. It appears to be going up too if u drain it to 0 dead and charge to 100 and unplug. Do it over and over again forever and the battery will slowly repair the damage.


Phone won't boot up

I have a Cingular 3125, working fine for weeks, happened that two days ago, I was charging the phone and transferring files to my computer via Bluetooth, nothing unusual, then it just got frozen, nothing responding, so I just took out the battery to manual reset the device and reinserted it, then tried to turn on the device, but it refuses to boot, no lights at all, also when I attach the phone charger, it doesnt show the usual orange led when charging, but I can feel that the phone gets warmer because the charger is attached and then after a while it gets a bit cooler, just like when it finishes charging, the usual behavior, but again, no lights at all trying to boot it or even attaching the charger, I've tried taking the battery off for hours and nothing also, and I wasnt overclocking the phone... would you say it just died? or maybe someone had same issues and solved it someway? thanks.
try this
OK, I don't remember where I read this, or the exact procedure, but give this a try.
remove the battery, press and hold the red call end key (power key) for 30-45 seconds. insert battery and do a hard reset, IE.. power on holding the 2 top soft keys while powering on the phone.
this method is supposed to clear any mother board issues and reset the phone. It has been a couple of years since I read the procedure so I am not sure if this is the correct way, if it does not work, try the same thing, only try taking the battery out, then put it back in and press and hold the power key for 30 - 45 seconds.
may or may not work, but can't hurt to try.
i had the same problem with startrek which i had bought from eBay
one more advice - try to hold record (notes) and camera buttons and insert an USB cable to your PC, it should enter to Bootloader mode
well, I have dissasembled the whole thing, I havent reached anything, even disconnected the backup battery, nothing, have checked battery with a multimeter and is full loaded... in short, someway the cell phone seems has just died, Erofich, to enter bootloader mode, the phone must turn on, it just doesnt want to start at all, no lights when connecting charger or USB cable... I'm sad because it was working fine with no problems for three months and more sad because it's the end for me to windows cellphones for a long time, I've invested a lot in this phone, accesories, unlocking, and even the same day it died also bought more memory and a neat skin cover and I'm not in mood to invest more in a cell phone so I'll use a spare crappy feature phone.
Thanks for your support.
one last effort
You could try one last thing, this has worked for me with a couple of startreks,
take the phone apart, and take the motherboard out, use a hair dryer to heat the motherboard, don't get crazy with it, but using the hair dryer on the high setting for about 30 to 45 seconds at about 3-5 inches, might revive the phone. (don't heat the battery, just the motherboard)
Put the phone back together while it is still hot (but not so hot that it will burn your fingers) and try to fire it up.
This has worker for me in 3 cases (phones that I bought off eBay that had the same symptoms as you have described)
good luck
big problem!!!!!!!!
I have been struggling to flash (again) the great pro V2 rom, but I always used my VMWare based XP windows version on my Vista laptop. Today I could use a genuine XP Laptop and I could make a connection and start the upgrade!
Sounds good? That's what I thought too, until the upgrade stopped at 70% (and I didn't touch anything), because of a connection error. I followed the text on my PC screen and I finally it started flashing again for a few seconds and then my startrek suddenly restarted, but it stops at the first splash screen! I tried to get my device back to bootloader mode (push 2 soft buttons and start), but no bootloader mode, only the 1st splash.
I solved the problem.

Samsung Galaxy S2 - Wont turn on.

Well back again with new problem.
Have just had my phone back after it was repaired only a week ago by samsung; they repaired the software, replaced screen, battery and USB port. Now my unrooted phone, with only usual apps, has again failed on me. Was on the home screen, nothing else running, and it turned itself of. After a minute turned itself back on, held at the Logo, and then turned of again. Now it wont turn on what so ever. Its not got hot, its not got cold, its not been in a room with steam, its been sat in a decent zenus case, in a house with radiators etc on.
I seem rather unlucky with phones, my old Nokia 5800 went into repair 6 times, until I gave up and brought a £10 phone, that I'm having to use again now.
I have tried charging, despite the fact it was still 62% full when the phone went of. I don't do extreme sports with the thing, I barely use the phone, yet it still keeps breaking. Disappointed, because the phones pretty decent, but starting to feel like I don't do well with them.
Rant over.
Update: Just tried after 30 minutes to turn it on. It turned on for about 15 seconds, got into the unlock screen, unlocked, went to the menu screen and it turned itself of. I put the charger straight in, was charged up to 59% anyway, but thought maybe might be battery... But doesn't seem to be.
Wont turn on/Charge again. The phone is fine temp.
What you're describing could be a phone with a drained battery.
So check the battery with a voltmeter and check the charger. One (or both if you're really unlucky) of them could be busted.
Edit: You can check the charger by plugging your phone to your PC and charging it from there. If it works then it's the charger if it doesn't then check the battery.
Is all else fails return the phone to a service center.
Try this-
Take out the battery, then press and hold the ON button for 7-10 seconds (the longer the better). Reinsert the battery, then press ON button to start it. This is a soft reset, and wipes the temporary memory and empties all remaining power in the circuits. This helps on many phones and even laptops that won't start properly or show anything on screen.
If this does not work, try the next step. Again, do as above. But after inserting the battery, do not turn the phone on, but press and hold the ON button and the HOME button at the same time for 7-10 seconds. This is a hard reset, and works best if done after a soft reset. Just be sure the battery has at least some juice in it and isn't empty. If possible, try with another battery if this does not work.
I read earlier about a similar problem and it turned out to be a loose fitting battery. They put some foam or something at the bottom of the battery so that it would stay tight and retain contact.
You could probably test for this by removing the back cover and pushing the battery upwards while powering on.
Sent from my GT-I9100T
Thank you very much MichaelAmrs. you saved my Galaxy S2
Awesome Advice
Thanks MichaelAmrs
I have had some serious trouble with my GS2 not working and the latest has been it not turning on. I stuck my battery in the freezer and then did what you suggested and it worked like a charm. Instead of getting it to boot I tried putting it in Download mode and was able to install the Stock ROM on it and hopefully now it will last. But if nothing else at least it is turning on again.
Good luck.

Phone not charging, sudden death.

Hi guys,
I've had me evo3d from the first day it came out here, august 6th. Never had any problems at all. Until now. Srry about the novel... I've highlighted the most important parts for your convenience.
About 2 weeks ago, i dropped my phone from about 60cm, but with no apparent damage. Later that night, my battery went completely empty (not unexpected, it was a long day). Plugged it into the charger when i got home, led flashed to indicate a completely empty battery then stayed on to indicate charging, no problem. Then it stopped charging after a little while and didn't resume.
I took the phone apart so see if maybe some wire had come loose from falling. None had, but after putting it together again, it did charge again for a moment (also showed flashing leds again), and then it stopped again.
A friend of mine suggested it might be that battery's contacts, so he scratched them with a screwdriver. This actually seemed to help and everything was fine for about a week and a half.
Now trouble has started again. Taking the battery out and blowing on the contacts (NES cartridge style) worked at first, giving me about 10 minutes until it died again. But it seems to be getting worse, and by now it will only turn on or even just charge sporadically. Always flashing the led, indicating the battery is completely empty.
additional info:
It's not the rom that's faulty, as i hoped at first (re-installed an old rom after trying some ICS-goodness the day before all this started), because it also crashed in Recovery at least once. And i've already installed a diffrent rom without any success.
When it crashes, it doesn't just die instantly. Instead, it freezes for about 1/3 of a second. When it crashed in Recovery, during this freeze the text got a weird yellowish background-color and a different font color as well.. but the parts of the screen without text retained their original looks.
What else could i try to fix this? I don't know anyone with a shooter, but i've heard pyramids battery works as well, is this true? Can i try one of those to see if it's just the battery that's tripping?
Let me know if you need any more info.
Thanks a lot for your help in advance!
I didnt had the same problem, but I had something similiar.
Try this:
1. Unplug from charger
2. Get battery out
3. Wait a bit, and put battery in
4. Press Volume Down + Power button
4. (better solution) Press Power + Volume Up + Volume Down + Camera button
5. Phone will start
6. Just plug it in
It's known as "Chargning bug" when you flash some roms
It's the charging bug due to flashing clockwork recovery-- search the forum there are many similar threads and solutions
Thanks for your responses. But that's not what's happening. In fact, i have an old clockworkmod that's never been a problem at all and i never updated it.
I tried your solution, though, but it only allowed my phone about 15 minutes of charging before it died again.
If it charges, it charges just fine while the phone is off.

[Q] Battery "pull"?

Just curious if anyone out there has taken the back of their DNA and unhooked the battery as a form of resetting the phone.
Here the backstory. I was testing out the VRtheme system and had a bad a fool I attempted to reboot the phone instead of flashing back to where I was. It should have only messed up the systemui.apk, but as of now my phone is completely dead. I've left it on the charger overnight, held down all button combos I could think of (there are only 3, so its not a lot of combos)...and I get nothing. Capacitive buttons don't flash. Charge light doesn't come on when plugged in.
So what I was thinking is that a battery pull for 20 minutes or so normally "resets" phones (with removeable batteries of course) maybe I could remove the back cover and unhook the battery for a while. Thoughts?
Not sure about the battery pull but I've always just plugged it into the charger then pressed and held power+volume down for as long as it takes (about 20 seconds maybe a little longer). Should reboot in to the bootloader.
I'm hoping that will be the case when I get home from work today. But up until now I haven't got it to respond to anything.
When I first got mine it seemed like I couldn't get it to come back to life unless it was plugged into the charger. Later it seemed that I just needed to hold down the buttons like I said above. YMMV.

[Q] SGH-i777 - From Shoebox to Brick

Hey Folks,
I have a Samsung Galaxy SII (SGH-i777) that I used a couple of years ago. It was my first Android phone and I loved it very much (until corporate made me an iSheep).
The phone was retired to a shoe box for the last 1+ years and I recently dug it up so I could get it set up for my little bro who somehow recently fell on his phone with it in his pocket and shattered the screen (don't ask... I don't get it either).
Anyways long story short -- the phone sat idle for a long time, when I pulled it out it wouldn't boot up at all. Assumed that the battery had discharged so I plugged it in to see if it would start up. The battery logo would intermittently flash on the screen and show a drained battery logo but even letting the phone sit for a day did not provide me any results.
Fast forward 3-6 months. Today I replaced the charging board thinking that there was some issue with the USB connector on the phone that was preventing it from getting power. Once that was done I discovered that I was able to get the phone to boot into Odin mode. Great! No boot, no recovery, but download mode seemed to be better than nothing.
I have tried, in vain, to flash stock firmware to this phone via Odin, and even though all indicators point to it being successful, once I finish the Samsung logo comes up on the screen, goes off and that's it. I can see the 4 LEDs on the buttons at the bottom of the phone flash every 5 seconds as well as a faint flicker on the screen staggered between the LED flashes.
Looking for any further suggestions as to what I may be able to try. I have searched various sources on XDA and other sources but I haven't quite found anything that matches my exact symptoms.
Furthermore, I can't be sure what Kernel/ROM I was last running on this phone. Maybe Siyah kernel, maybe CM 10,1 with Flux kernel. Idk.
Any input is appreciated!
Seems I should mention this other detail --
With the battery in, I cannot get into download mode -- it just states 'Low Battery!! Can't Download!!" This is presumably due to the fact that the battery is completely discharged -- maybe incapable of holding a charge but perhaps this is indicative of a more serious hardware failure.
I'd guess the battery is completely shot.
I bought a replacement battery from here:
No problems with it.
bleggy said:
I'd guess the battery is completely shot.
I bought a replacement battery from here:
No problems with it.
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Very likely --
Since you got me to shift focus here, a quick search is telling me that it won't boot without a battery due to a feedback circuit. This would explain the ability to go into download mode but the lack of boot / flashing LEDs I guess.
Can someone confirm?
If the phone was working normally when it was put away, I would expect it to be working normally when it was pulled it back out. Your story is a little confusing, but did you ever try booting the phone with a fully charged battery? In the circumstances you describe, that would be the first logical trouble shooting step. And if you haven't tried that, then it is still the next logical trouble shooting step. Also, you can't assume that the original battery that you left in the phone is still able to hold a charge. It still may be good, but you can't assume that for testing purposes. Incidentally, the battery should have been pulled from the phone before it was put away.
I do not get any indication that the original battery is actually charging. Charging icon just flashes on the screen briefly in between LED and screen flashes (again, presumably due to the battery being completely dead/incapable of holding a charge since I left it in the phone this entire time).
I guess I'll go ahead and buy another battery and see what happens.
It is my understanding then that this phone will not boot on the charger without battery due to a feedback circuit. Correct?
kleinschmizzy said:
I do not get any indication that the original battery is actually charging. Charging icon just flashes on the screen briefly in between LED and screen flashes (again, presumably due to the battery being completely dead/incapable of holding a charge since I left it in the phone this entire time).
I guess I'll go ahead and buy another battery and see what happens.
It is my understanding then that this phone will not boot on the charger without battery due to a feedback circuit. Correct?
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Even if the battery is good, but fully discharged, it may not charge in the phone. You would have to have an external charger. Phones are not consistent, and many phones probably would charge a fully discharged battery, but I have seen a number of people report that a fully discharged battery would cause the exact same behavior as you report. If it were mine, I wouldn't throw the battery away yet.
If you know anyone with an I777, you could borrow their fully charged battery for a few minutes just to see if your phone will boot.
You are correct that the phone will not boot on the charger when the battery is out, although you should be able to successfully flash firmware through Odin with the battery out, and the computer supplying the power, but still, as far as I know, it will not boot after the flash without a working battery.
The battery was indeed at fault. Ordered a new one on Amazon, popped it in and voila -- we're up and running.
Thanks for the input guys! Much appreciated!

