No notifications during chat conversation? - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I am using a note 3 with stock 5.0 rooted..
When I get a text.. My phone vibrates and played my notification sound... This works fine.. However.. When I am done reading a text sometimes I just set my phone down with the conversation still open.. And when I receive a new text the phone assumes I am just looking at the conversation because it's open and doesn't give me any kind of notification or vibration what so ever... My girlfriend has got upset on more than one occasion be a use I didn't text her back.. Cause I would check the phone then set it down and then she would text me like 3 times and my phone doesn't tell me.
How can I get it to make a sound or vibrate for every text? Regardless if the app is open or not

bump... would really appreciate some help on this

Yes, my phone on android 5.0 behaves the same.
Generally after reading a text, I usually press home button or lock the screen to make sure i don't miss such notifications..


[Q] Notification

Hello XDA,
I'm fairly new so please excuse me if this has already been addressed or answered. I've searched but haven't found an answer so if there's a post on this, please reply with a link and I'll do the rest.
Okay, when I get a text message, the message alert goes off. But say I'm not with my phone, or in a loud environment, is there a way to get the phone to vibrate and play the alert when I get an sms? Also, is there a way to get the phone to periodically alert me when there is an unread text ? My last phone (GSM HTC Hero) had an LED that would flash. But this phone, the Samsung Vibrant, doesn't have an LED, and apparently no way of letting me know I missed a text message.
If not, is there an app that might provide that functionality?
Thanks in advanced for any reply.
Thank you.
This is exactly what I was looking for. If only it would occasionally vibrate, it would be perfect.
Thanks again.
Look in the Market for SMS Popup. It has a lot of notification options (custom vibrate patterns, notification icon), it can turn on the screen, and it can also remind you in time increments.
If you decide to go this route, be sure to turn off your default messaging notifications, so you dont get double.

Notifications for messages

Hi folks,
Is there any way to get decent notifications for messages on the Xperia Z2?
I'm used to old nokias and iphones. If I get a message it plays a sound (if the sound is on) and notifies me on screen. I don't need to turn on and unlock my phone to check if I have a missed message or a missed call.
So far on the Z2 I can just set the vibrate and tone, which is fine if I'm near the phone when I get the message, but if I'm not then I probably won't see it until I unlock the phone to do something, which could be hours later.
Can you set the Z2 to flash the led when there are missed calls/messages, or display something on the screen?
Usability-wise this is right up there with the motorola startac 130, which in my mind is still the most user unfriendly phone in the world.
If this can be done without a root/unlock it would be even better!
you have to activate the LED in setting -> display -> last line (as I can remember)
Try Frozen LED, a free app that let's you control the led notifications.
It let's you set colours and flashing speed for different apps.
Even better is you can set them by name. For example if my wife texts, messages or emails me the led flashes purple 4 times a second. Easy to spot.

[Q] Vibration and keyboard/sms questions

One thing that's a love/hate thing for me with this phone is the vibration. It's super loud and powerful. At first I loved it, but at work, it's actually a little obnoxious. Every time I get a text you can hear it from the other side of the room. I know with some phones there's options for pattern and intensity.. haven't seemed to find this. Anyone have an idea? I know I could also turn off vibrate notifications and just put the ring volume lower, but that can be just as distracting. And then I have to change it back to vibration on when I leave work.
Also one of my big issues is with the keyboard disappearing after every text I send. I'm using the stock Sense keyboard. I'm unsure if this is controlled by the keyboard itself or the messaging app. Normally this phone is super speedy, but every text I send, the keyboard disappears, and then it requires about 3 seconds before I can load it back up again if I'm sending back to back texts. I've seen this option in other messaging apps to hide/keep the board after sent message. Anyone see this functionality anywhere?
I've got everything stock, btw.

notifications on s6 with moto 360

i have the moto 360 and its not working with the s6 messages app
well its not vibrating or turning the screen on when i get a text
it does show the notification card tho
i had it working the other day when i first got the phone but now its not
it works with other apps and other sms apps
anybody having this problem or know a fix?
i know sort of a fix but would like to get it resolved
when the phone is on silent or volume on the moto will vibrate,when the phone is on vibrate the moto will not vibrate
anyone know a solution?
lilmikey201 said:
i have the moto 360 and its not working with the s6 messages app
well its not vibrating or turning the screen on when i get a text
it does show the notification card tho
i had it working the other day when i first got the phone but now its not
it works with other apps and other sms apps
anybody having this problem or know a fix?
i know sort of a fix but would like to get it resolved
when the phone is on silent or volume on the moto will vibrate,when the phone is on vibrate the moto will not vibrate
anyone know a solution?
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I bet what you're dealing with was my problem too. I would send a text, turn the screen off but leave the messaging app up and then when they responded the screen would come back on and the phone would think I read the message since it opened right back up to the same conversation. The only way for me to fix this was to turn instant lock on so when the screen came back on it went to the lock screen instead of completley turning on the phone. This is a stupid feature from Samsung IMO and they have always done it.. Problem is that I like their messaging app (especially the quick reply and favorites at the top) so I don't want ot switch to something else... hoping someone comes out w/ a modded app like they have on other Galaxy's. Just not sure if I'll be able to install it since I have the Verizon varient and likely will never get root.
Powell730 said:
I bet what you're dealing with was my problem too. I would send a text, turn the screen off but leave the messaging app up and then when they responded the screen would come back on and the phone would think I read the message since it opened right back up to the same conversation. The only way for me to fix this was to turn instant lock on so when the screen came back on it went to the lock screen instead of completley turning on the phone. This is a stupid feature from Samsung IMO and they have always done it.. Problem is that I like their messaging app (especially the quick reply and favorites at the top) so I don't want ot switch to something else... hoping someone comes out w/ a modded app like they have on other Galaxy's. Just not sure if I'll be able to install it since I have the Verizon varient and likely will never get root.
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no thats not my problem,i can exit the app,turn it to instant lock or whatever, the moto will only vibrate when the phone volume is ON or Silent
and yea i like this app better than any other one so i dont really want to switch
lilmikey201 said:
no thats not my problem,i can exit the app,turn it to instant lock or whatever, the moto will only vibrate when the phone volume is ON or Silent
and yea i like this app better than any other one so i dont really want to switch
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hmmm. one thing ive noticed is my watch would get notifcations and wouldn't vibrate if i didn't have the app set to vibrate on my phone. IE Bleacher Report is silent on my phone so I get a card but no vibrate on my watch. not sure if it's supposed to be like this though as I'm new to android wear.
Guys I think I've figured this out!
Okay so my text my messages are set to vibrate only but I only get the vibrate on my watch if I have a ringtone set. If its on silent it won't work.
To fix this set your default text messaging app's notification to "default notification sound" and your main notification sound under your phones main settings to "silent" ever since then my watch vibrates and the screen lights up every time!

Incoming Calls on Second Screen & Main Screen?

I am looking to get my calls to come in on both the second screen and home screen. I dont want to miss the calls which i sometimes can when its so small on the second screen but i also want it to show on the second screen aswell in case i need to use the phone while on a call. In the settings there only seems to be 3 options - Show voice calls while in app :
Second Screen
Pop Up
Main Screen for incoming only
Is it not possible for the call to show in the second screen always and also incoming on the main screen? Thanks
Not to sound snarky ... but are you asking for the phone to tell you there's a call coming in 2 times in the same 5 inches?
I don't think you're going to find this in the stock version of the phone. Maybe an app might offer that to you, but even then it's asking for redundancy when most are looking for multi-tasking.
No sorry i must not be explaining myself correctly. I like the feature of the call being shown on the second screen. However it is a bit of a pain to hang up the call and answer sometimes. So i would like to receive the notification in both the tiny second screen area and the main screen. Say i am using an app on the call then i can either switch back to the call on the main screen again or use the second screen to end the call. Currently if i choose for the second screen to show the incoming call then i cannot receive the call to the main screen at all. Perhaps it is asking for too much, though i would actually have assumed this would be relatively normal.
I "think" I understand you now.
If you're on the phone, you want any incoming call notification to be shown as if it's the first call on the big screen with all the options to cancel, auto-reply or pick up while putting the first caller on hold.
I haven't figured out the nuances of that scenario yet - it doesn't work the same as my previous phones, and I've screwed up the connection with the first caller when taking a second call ... I guess I'll have to borrow another phone and play with the settings till I get it down.
If I get it figured out, I'll post back. It might be a few days till I can get to it.
That's it! Kind of hard to explain Thanks and if i figure it out i will also post here.

