Building Alcatel ROM from Source! - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hello guys,
Since i couldn't find any Custom or Stock rom for OT-993 (not 993D), I'm trying to compile it form the source code,
Only found an open source firmware, Which need to be compiled first in order to be flashed via custom recovery,
Here is the file info,
File name: OT_993_ICS_20130130.tar.xz
Link: HERE
external kernel system
bison dbus genext2fs jpeg qemu
blktrace dnsmasq grub libffi quake
bluetooth e2fsprogs hostap libpcap webkit
bluez elfutils iproute2 libpng wpa_supplicant
chromium esd iptables ppp wpa_supplicant_6
Code: crypto init MAINTAINERS samples virt
arch Documentation ipc Makefile scripts
block drivers Kbuild mm security
chromeos firmware Kconfig net sound
COPYING fs kernel README tools
I just need to know how to compile it so i can flash it via recovery and get the phone working again,
So, if someone knows about this, Please consider helping me in this,
Thanks in advance.

No one care enough to help in this ?? or no one knows what i'm talking about ?? - I think this guide may be helpfull


[Q] kernel modules for ICS,, error loading module

Hi there,
I would have posted this in /dev but you know...first post.
I was trying to apply these kernel modules:
but I'm getting the error "insmod: init_module '/system/lib/modules/cifs.ko' failed (Exec format error)", or if i use the busybox insmod i get the following error: "insmod: can't insert '/system/lib/modules/cifs.ko': invalid module format"
Are updated versions available for I'm guessing the ones for aren't inter-operable.
I haven't used the other and config from the above link, is that necessary for this to work?
Thanks for any tips on getting these kernel modules working.
IRC channel
Is there an IRC channel that's in use for sony tablet S, by any chance?
compile module yourself?
You might be successful compiling the kernel modules yourself from the available source code and a crossplatform compiler on linux. It has worked for me for the tun module
Source code at, I cannot publish external links yet. But you can find the link e.g. in this thread at first page
The free Sourcery G++ Lite for ARM GNU Linux did a good job for me.
I don't know of any Tablet S IRC channels, but it would be cool if there was.
As for the modules, you do need to recompile it. Kernel modules (in practically every Linux flavour) are completely incompatible, even across minor revisions, but recompiling against the newest code and headers should yield the same result with a new module.
The link walsera mentioned is (I believe) this one
Thanks guys,
I'll look into it. I've compiled c code for android under mingw, but I don't have a linux toolchain setup. Anyone try to compile these sorts of things on the device itself (I.e. not cross_compiled)? I just started playing around with a native android/arm gcc toolchain, but I was having linker issues I think, with crt0.o and libc and whatnot.
Thanks and take care,
I've never tried it natively on the device, but there have been a couple of developments into native versions of gcc and whatnot, so that may be worth a look. You can always compile on your PC, then copy the ko over...
After mounting a debian chroot on the tablet and installing the needed tools, unpacking the kernel source, and copying over config.gz, and editing .config to build the needed modules then calling make modules everything seems to work. What's the best way to make them available and what modules do people need? I've done ntfs and tun so far.
Take care

MELE A1000 (Cortex A8) Kernel compiling - Modules

I've recently bought a MELE A1000 [link], which currently has ICS and Linux kernel version 3.0.8.
But I've come across a problem; my Xbox 360 wired usb joystick isn't working with the MELE.
Research tells me that the module isn't compiled/included in the kernel [link]
This gives me two options, each with it's problems:
1- Re-compile the kernel, including the Xpad module:
I'd have to get the kernel source (either this "generic" kernel, or this Allwinner-specific kernel) then include it in the boot image, which is specific for the MELEA1000 link (check the first comment with the Chinese link to the official image)
Problems with this option
a) I don't know if the generic kernel will work with my device (Are there differences other than included modules?)
b) I can't compile the specific Allwinner kernel for some reason
c) Will the specific boot image work with a custom kernel? I think so.
2- Compile and include the module with insmod
I'd have to get the source of the ffmemless module [Source] and the xpad module [Source], compile them and do insmod to get them working.
Problems with this option
a) I can't seem to compile the modules in the correct version for my kernel (kernel 3.0.8+ #24 PREEMPT, armv71)
b) the precompiled modules I found were for 2.6*
Easiest scenario: compile modules + insmod.
Ideal scenario: get custom kernel, working + mod the rom (this is not within this thread's scope)
Could you give me any links, ideas or keywords to help me continue?
PS: I'm a programmer and I have previously modded/compiled kernels (from Debian's official repositories though)
With information I've been reading I got up to this point:
Download the ARM kernel
git clone git://
Install the necessary libraries / binaries
apt-get install gcc-4.4-arm-linux-gnueabi build-essential u-boot-tools (if u-boot-tools not found, try uboot-mkimage)
make ARCH=arm sun4i_defconfig
make ARCH=arm xconfig
Check the following modules:
Input device support -> Support for memoryless force-feedback device
Input device support -> Joystick / gamepad
Input device support -> Joystick / gamepad -> X-box gamepad
Compile the modules
make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabi- -j3 INSTALL_MOD_PATH=output modules
Then move the xpad.ko module to the MELE and run insmod xpad.ko, but I'm stuck with xpad: disagrees about version of symbol module_layout
I'm guessing this is a compile issue.
I've started a blog in which I'll try to document everything I do in the most detailed way I can.
I think easier will be to get already compiled modules for A10 3.0.8+ from some firmware. I got cp210x.ko from "Aurora CM9 Nightly By Feiyu", successfully insmod-ed it into my device, and later added that insmod command to autorun with script manager app. I checked xpad module - it is in this firmware.

[TUT] Introduction into Kernel development

This guide is NOT a full development tutorial! For development of kernels you should be familiar with C. I cannot teach you full C - would be too much for me - but I can show you how to prepare a build environment especially for RAZR Kexec Kernel building! At the end you will find some first steps about how to develop a kernel.
As soon as you have a full dev setup you will be motivated to proceed with learning C - hopefully
For me it worked!
The reason is that I would like to see more people giving it a shot! Kexec is wondeful and it would be great if there are some more people working on kernels.
Please leave me some credits if this tutorial helped you wherever you provide your work! THX!
1. Install Linux
2. Setup build environment
3. Initialize Kernel Source
3.1 Branches
3.2 How to compile a kernel
4. Create your first development branch (Add a new Governor)
5. Git Commands
I will tell you the way I started once and guide you through the preparation.
It's important to know how to setup a build environment! The best way to learn about kernel development is to learn by practice!
How to setup a build environment
I suggest Linux Mint 15 Cinnamon (or Linux Mint 15 Mate is good for older for low-spec Systems) - it's free and very easy to install near Windows 7 (dual boot). After the installation you will have a very Windows-like desktop environment which is easy to handle also for beginners. Then you need to learn the Linux Shell!
*of course you can install any other Linux, like Ubuntu. Linux Mint is based on Ubuntu 13.04 and I use it as well.
If your CPU supports 64 bit you should install the 64 bit version! This is impossible also later when it comes to install libraires for development, etc. There are mostly two versions, whether for x32 or x64.
After the installation of Linux you need to imstall related software and depencies.
Now, Linux is installed, we begin to setup the build environment.
First install Git which is the main part for using services like Github, etc..
We will install also adb and fastboot!
The main installation command for packages in Linux is:
apt-get install (mostly used with 'sudo' ("superuser doers" - admin), then it will be:
sudo apt-get install package-name
You can combine one command to imnstall multiple packages, like:
sudo apt-get install package-name package-name ...
It doesn't matter how much names you enter!
NOTE: Sometimes you will have to confirm the installation of a specific package, means it will ask you for proceed (e.g.: ...this will take xx mb of space (J/n) ?).
Press "j" and enter in this case.
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Let's start!
Open a shell (terminal) and type:
sudo apt-get install git android-tools-adb android-tools-fastboot
(you will have to enter your password. Keep in mind that you won't see any input when typing passwords in Linux!)
Now you have installed adb, fastboot and Git!
After this you need to create a working space which means you have to download the full Android source to be able to build your kernel later.
Still in Terminal make sure you're in your user root directory (just type "cd" to get back into your root dir). Now you have to create a new directory for Android sources. Therefor we use the "mkdir" command (make directory). We need to create a folder structure, so we create another folder inside of your new folder:
mkdir android
cd android
mkdir system
This will create: /home/android/system
There is a simpler way to create a folder structure by using on single command. Just add a "-p" to the mkdir command to create multiple directories:
mkdir -p ~/android/system
The "-p" lets you also create directories while being somewhere else!
The "~" symbol is a placeholder for your home folder! It tells the terminal that you want to create the folders in your "home" dir. For better understanding I'll show you the command w/o the placeholder again:
mkdir -p /home/android/system
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Now you have install the depencies (libraires, etc, needed for compiling Android). So you are still in your terminal and type:
sudo apt-get install git-core gnupg flex bison gperf libsdl1.2-dev libesd0-dev libwxgtk2.8-dev squashfs-tools build-essential zip curl libncurses5-dev zlib1g-dev openjdk-6-jre openjdk-6-jdk pngcrush schedtool libxml2 libxml2-utils xsltproc
These depencies are for 32 bit & 64 bit systems!!
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Now we need some additional libs because we are using a 64 bit system. Still in terminal install them by using the apt-get command. I will only show you the package names now, so you can practice and see if you have understood it. Install these:
g++-multilib lib32z1-dev lib32ncurses5-dev lib32readline-gplv2-dev gcc-multilib
You can simply use copy&paste
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Next step is the creation of the repo base directory. It is needed by the repo software which lets you control and use the git repositories on your local machine (your computer). Use the "mkdir" command to create the following directory:
mkdir -p ~/bin
Now you have to install the "repo command". It's a binary file, so you have to make it "executable" (runable) by using the "chmod" command. Chmod is similar to the "set_perm("...")" command used by updater-scripts (EDIFY script language). It just sets the permissions of a file, i.e. to allow the execution of this file or to make sure the file can be accessed by any people or other programs.
Enter the following to download the "repo" binary and make it executable (runnable):
curl > ~/bin/repo
chmod a+x ~/bin/repo
It would be too much to explaing stuff like "Curl", etc..
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Now we have to make sure that we can call "repo" from anywhere. This means if you're in terminal in for example: $ /home/Downloads and you type "repo" it will tell you usually that "repo" is an unknown command. To avoid this we need to make it generic by adding "repo" to your static PATH (Path of execution). The command:
export PATH=${PATH}:~/bin
if you set an "export" for anything (lkie repo) in your terminal, it will be gone as soon as you exit the terminal or also after a reboot. To keep it in your PATH forever you have to add the "export" to your bashrc file (this file stores your preferred Path commands, it's like a list where you can add whatever you need) to make this change to the path permanent for all future Terminal sessions:
gedit ~/.bashrc
This will launch a graphical text editor (if it doesn't work, try it with "sudo"). Just copy&paste the following line into it, save it and close:
export PATH=${PATH}:~/bin
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Fine! So far we are prepared! Now we have to download the android source!
Still in terminal, type:
cd ~/android/system/
repo init -u git:// -b cm-10.2
"repo init" initializes a repository oy your PC
the Git address is the link to the CM source code repo. YOu just told the computer that you just initialized a CM Git repo in the specifi folder /android/system
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To start the download of all the source code to your computer:
repo sync
This process can take a very long time - depends on your internet connection speed. The source is about 10 GB!!
"repo sync" will be your further command to keep the rpo up-to-date! Just enter it while being in the root dir of the android source (/android/system) at least once a day!
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Now, when the download has been finished we have to download the prebuilt apps (like terminal emulator, etc):
cd ~/android/system/vendor/cm
then enter:
Now there are the vendor files needed! There are two ways to do that: The "easy" way and - sometimes it doesn't work, then you have to use - the "harder" way.
The easy way:
source build/
breakfast spyder
this will usually download the vendor files (motorola speific device drivers). If you get an error message you have to use the second way (harder way).
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The harder way:
cd to you vendor dir and clone the proprietary files manually:
cd ~/android/system/vendor
git clone -b cm-10.2
"git clone" will be used always when you want to download a git repository to your computer, so you can work with it locally. e.g on there is always a clone URL given at the right side of the repo. Just type "git clone <link>" into the terminal to clone this repo.
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Now open the file explorer (whether by using the mouse or in terminal: nautilus (maybe you you have to install this first) and head to /android/system/vendor.
You will find a folder called "proprietary_vendor_motorola".
Just rename it to "motorola".
In the future, everytime you update your repo (repo sync) you will have to update the vendor repo too. Perform this by using "git remote update" command in terminal. Therefore you have to be in /android/system/vendor/motorola, and type:
git remote update
git pull
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Congratulations! You have successfully setup your Android build environment!
Now we need the kernel source!
So you learned some basics about Git! Proof that you understand it and clone the kernel source repo to your PC! I'll give you the links but you have to clone it yourself! Use the clone URL you find at the following Github repo. Make sure you are NOT cloning into your Android source dir /android/system!)
The source for our 3.0.8 Kernel:
Too hard? Let me help you (You can even copy&paste my stuff - but for real learning experience you should try to make it on your own)
Head into this dir:
cd ~/android
Clone the kernel source:
git clone
The new folder will be: ~/android/android_kernel_motorola_omap4-common where your kernel source sits.
When done, you have successfully loaded the kernel source! Fine!
3.1 ---> BRANCHES
Now I am going explain you something about "branches" and how to use them!
A "branch" is a part of almost all git repos. It is very important and also very useful to work with branches!
A typical repository looks like that:
master branch
/ \
/ \
branch: Test branch: Stable
\ /
\ /
\ /
MERGE changes[/CODE]
The repo contains mostly multiple branches. There is always the "master branch" (can have another name of course, branches can be named like you want) and some lower branches.
The "Master branch" is the main branch!
All other branches are custom and mainly used to test new code or sth else.
Let's say we have a kernel repo! This repo contains the JBX-Kernel. The master branch contains the current STABLE Version of the kernel. Now we want to implement a new feature. But when we use the master branch for development (which is sometimes an experiment) we could potentially break the kernel or its source and make it becoming unusable. Therefore we can use a different branch.
NOTE: A branch is always a copy of this branch where you are while creating a new branch! This means when I am currently in the JBX-Kernel master branch, and I create a new branch from there, then I will get a new branch which includes a full copy of my JBX-Kerne master branch. -- But I can work with it without being scared about breaking my repo!
Then many devs are using a "Merge branch". There we could in example copy all changes (which have been tested successfully before) together into a new branch. This process is called "merging".
Let's say we have finished our new feature inside of a test branch. Now the feature is ready to be built in into the Stable Kernel. Then we merge the test branch into the master branch. Thsi results in an updated master branch which now includes our new feature!
Another possibility to use branches can be found if you want to split our repo into different systems, such like the CM kernel source contains branches for CM10.1 and CM10.2. So there is a branch calld "cm-10.1" and another branch called "cm-10.2".
When you look at the part where we initalized the CM repo, you might notice that the repo URL includes this:
repo init -u git:// -b cm-10.2
The line marked with red in the URL points to a specific branch, the cm-10.2 branch.
Now we are still in the kernel source dir!
Because you want to build a 4.3 Kernel we need to be in the right branch for this! There are already branches exisiting in the kernel source (like explained above), it's splitted into different versions (4.2.2 and 4.3).
Still in terminal be sure you're inside your kernel source root dir (~/android/android_kernel_motorola_omap4-common), type:
git checkout cm-10.2
"git checkout" is the command to switch to another branch. But it's also used to create or delete branches. More about that later...
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The output in the terminal will tell you sth like: "Switched to branch cm-10.2"
(if it's the first time you enter a branch it will download the files first and tell you: "Switched to a new branch cm-10.2". Don't be confused by this. If you try to enter a non-existing branch it will give you an error).
Now you are in the kernel repo, in the 4.3 branch!
Before we start to play with the source code I will show you how to build a kernel! As long as the kernel source is untouched you can be sure that it will work! Also this will make sure you have done everything right so far - as soon as the kernel boots you've built!
To get a first impression about how to build the kernel, please have a deeper look at my personal JBX build script:
The script is very simple and contains only a few commands which can be used in the terminal as well. For your the script is only interesting until the poiont where it says: "make -j4 TARGET_KERNEL_SOURCE=/home/dtrail/android/android_kernel_motorola_omap4-common/ TARGET_KERNEL_CONFIG=mapphone_OCE_defconfig $OUT/boot.img"
Since the latest Android version and the modified kexec stuff it's not enough anymore to build the kernel only. The PVR source has been moved into the Android source and it must be built together with the kernel in order to get a working (booting) kernel! That's why I don't show you the common way.
In fact you can now build your kernel by taking my build script commands, and enter them - one by one - in your terminal. BUT you have to modify the paths because script was made for use on my computer (so, you probably are not called "dtrail!" ). You have to start in your kernel source dir (this is the location where my build script is being executed). To make it easier for you, I have pasted the script here and changed it so it will work for you. I have removed all comments and echo (output) commands so there are only the related build commands left. I just added comments just for you:
# THESE LINES (those beginning with #) ARE COMMENTS!!!
# Be in your kernel source: /android/android_kernel_motorola_omap4-common
# this command cleans all leftover files from prior compile (needed)
make mrproper
# We build the kernel and its modules
# enter the Android source dir
cd /android/system
# This command makes sure to use the additional build cache. It will make all fufutre build processes MUCH faster! (YOu have to install ccache first by using apt-get)
export USE_CCACHE=1
# Clean also the Android source dir
make mrproper
make ARCH=arm distclean
# Tell the compiler that we want to build now
source build/
# Tell the compiler which device we want to build for
lunch cm_spyder-userdebug
# built kernel & modules (This command includes the full path to the kernel course and the used kernel config)
make -j4 TARGET_KERNEL_SOURCE=/home/YOUR_USERNAME_HERE/android/android_kernel_motorola_omap4-common/ TARGET_KERNEL_CONFIG=mapphone_mmi_defconfig $OUT/boot.img
After you entered this your computer will start building. The first compiling process will take longer! But future bui9lds will be built much faster thanks to the use of CCACHE!
CONGRATULATIONS!! You built your first kernel!!
Now we have to create a flashable zip file and flash the kernel to see if it works. >The advanced Linux users from you should have another look into my build script I linked above, there you can see how it automaticall pushes (copy) the fiules into a prepared folder which includes everything needed for a flashable zip and compresses it to a ready zip file!
Other less experienced users can just download my latest JBX-Kernel, unpack it, delete "logo.bin" and do this:
go to (by using mouse or terminal):
There you will find a file called "kernel" - this is your fresh compiled kernel! Copy it to the unpacked JBX-Kernel folder, into:
(and overwrite the previous kernel in there)
Now go to:
There are all the modules you've just built. Copy them to:
Now compress the folders to a new zip file, copy it to your phone and flash it in recovery!
to create a new branch locally, be in terminal inside the root of your kernel source, and type:
git checkout -b BRANCH_NAME
Replace BRANCH_NAME with whatever you want!
Now you created and switched to your new branch! Here you can start plaing with the files!
To develop Linux kernel (Android IS Linux!) you will have to learn C! The kernel is developed in pure C which is the best programming language for drivers (machine controlling).
if you're German I can suggest your the "open Book - C von A bis Z" (Galileo Computing, gratis).
Otherwiase just google for free C books or tutorials.
Take your time, this is not easy in the fist place - but as soon as you are more experienced you will find it more easy!
The best way to learn it is to read and browse others Kernel repos! You are always free to watch my JBX-Kernel Repo! Read the commit messages to see what this commit is for and look at the code-side changes! If you read carefully, and learn C at the same time, you will understand the commits, step by step.
Let me give you some more hints:
Set you some smaller goals and start to reach them one by one! Don't set yourself too high goals, otherwise you will make yourself too much pressure!
Small steps are the way to your success!
Some of you might only want to make some minor changes, such like adding new governors, etc. Therefor you can i.e. use google to find related commits. So open Google and type:
github kernel omap add governor
We hope that google will show us some repos where the dev(s) wrote commit messages like "Added XXX governor", etc, etc..
In this example Google will put out this:
If you click the link you will find the very first result, which leads us to:
There click on Commits and you will see a commit "Add SmartassV2 governor". Now open this commit, you will find this:
There you can see now the FULL commit with all its details! It shows you exactly how to add a governor! The green parts are ALWAYS insertions on Github, while red parts are deletions! SO you can see exactly:
1. WHICH files have been changed
2. WHAT has been changed in these files
3. WHERE in the files were the changes made
4. HOW were these changes performed
Now, if you study this commit for a while, you might know what has to be done in order to add a new governor!
NOTE: The very long files which are COMPLETELY green are NEW FILES!
Let's say you want to take this SMartassV2 governor into your kernel:
You can do it with different ways.
1. Cherry-Pick
For this weay you have to add the "glass-omap-xrr02" repo as remote to your repo. So you get the clone URL and use the git remote command (in your kernel root dir with terminal):
git remote remove upstream
git remote add upstream
Now we must fetch the repos content:
git fetch upstream
Wait until the fetching process is finished.
Now we need the SHA1 sum of the commits. You go to your browser and look at the commit. The SHA1 is a very large number you can find at the upper right.
In this case this is the SHA1 for the commit "add SmartassV2 governor":
So, we need to cherry-pick this commit by typing in the terminal:
git cherry-pick f959e0e8c16412319e991b26aaa50d8fe3555a4e
Now there are three possibilites! If you see a message about "...conflicts" then it didn't work correctly because your local kernel source files might be a little bit different than those from the remote repo. In this case you open these files with a text editor (gedit) and find the lines with the errors, they are looking like this:
<<<<< HEAD
..some code...
>>>>>> Add SmartassV2 governor
Compare the files to those in the remote commit in your browser qand correct the issues or just this:
git cherry-pick --abort
This reverts your cherry-pick and your files are clean and like they were before the cherry-pick!
YOu can add the governor manually by simply looking the remote commit in the browser and copy the green stuff into your local files. Make sure you insert the codes in the right places!!! When you copy it from the green parts you will have to remove EVERY SINGLE "+" at the beginninf of each line!
There is another view in github for files, called "RAW". This will shows the pure file - but also without green/red marks! But in case you add the SMartassV2 governor, you can just search for the keyword "smartass" in the raw view of the file and then copy all lines which are including "msartass" into your local files
The governor itself is a complete new file, so you canswitch to the raw view, right click --> select all --> copy. Then create as new file in the right location (/kernel_source_dir/drivers/cpufreq/cpufreq.c) with the same name like in the commit (cpufreq_smartassv2.c) and paste the whole code into it, save and close.
Don't forget the rest of the code in the other files!!
At last you have to insert the new governor into your kernel configuration! The kernel config is mostly a "defconfig" file!
ALl the related defconfigs we need are located in:
The default defconfig for our RAZR is the:
The defconfig file inlcudedes everything which is built into the kernel later. If you search for keyword "GOV" you will see the other governos, like Hotplug, etc.. YOu can see how they are used in the defconfig file, so add your new governor the same way. This should be:
*The second line is for setting it as default governor.
Thats was it! Now make sure everything was done the right way, save and close all files. In terminal type:
git status
This shows you info about the current status. In this case it will show you the changed files and the new file(s) in red color.
Now you have to stage your commit:
git add .
Adds all new/changed/untracked files to the commit, then:
git commit -m "Added Smartassv2 governor"
Done! Your new commit is staged to the index and can be uploaded! (Uploading is not part of this at the moment! If you want to learn more about git, use Google)
Now repeat the compile process like you did already! See if your new governor is included and working.
For further learning it's a good way to proceed with learning C and read, compare and understand commits from other devs/repos.
Ok, guys! I hope you enjoy the guide and it's helpful for you! I will extend/fix/correct this time by time... for now I'm done!
Here are some basics about using git by Terminal:
git branch -D BRANCH_NAME - Delete a branch
git branch -b BRANCH_NAME - create a new branch (but don't switch to it)
git checkout -b BRANCH_NAME - create & switch to a new branch
git checkout BRANCH_NAME - switch to a exisitng branch
git push origin BRANCH_NAME - upload your changes to your repo on Github (You have to be in that branch you are also uploading to!)
git remote update - checks for the latest changes in the original repo (that one where you took the source)
git pull - after you used "git remote update" use "git pull" to download the changes to your computer
git diff BRANCH_NAME - shows differences between the current branch and any branch
git add . - Adds all your changed files to the index (this is important to upload your changes)
git commit -m "this is my commit message" - USe this after "git add ." to append a message to your changes, so other devs can
see why you did it, etc..
git log - Shows the commit history (the history of changes in this repo) inlcuding the related SHA1 for each commit
git revert SHA1 - this reverts (undo) one spedific commit. The SHA1 sum can be found near the commit messages (whether you
can look the with your browser or by us ing "git log")
git remote remove upstream - Removes the current upstream repository
git remote add upstream <git URL> - Adds a new upstream, useful if you want to take over changes from another repos/devs
git fetch upstream - get the new remote repo's content
git cherry-pick SHA1 - this picks one single commit from your current upstream repo - or from another branch
git cherry-pick --abort - This aborts your curerent cherry-pick, useful if you run into conflicts
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If you find any mistakes or somethings missing in your mind, PM me or post it here.
Please leave me some credits if this tutorial helped you wherever you provide your work! THX!
*Cyanogenmod - took some single infos from their website
How to build Cyanogenmod for Droid Razr (website):
*Hashcode - for being always helpful and supportive and of course for his great work with dhacker
*Linux, Google, XDA-DEVELOPERS
-- reserved --
Another reserver
Great write-up @dtrail1,
And I completely agree. I'm always hoping for more devs to jump into kernel development to learn and have fun with their devices.
Deffinitely interested in this. Il be hitting this guide up soon as I pick a better internet provider for Repoing.
Saving your book
Sent from my XT910 using xda app-developers app
Thanks for the write up .
Sent from my XT912 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Thanks. Perfect for youngsters like me
Sent from my XT910 using Tapatalk 2
Corrected a typo where a .git extension was missing (and users might not be able to clone the repo without it)
Thank you dtrail1 for the great guide.
as XT910 owner, i guess that everywhere I see spyder in the code, I should replace it with umts_spyder ?
tester5224 said:
Thank you dtrail1 for the great guide.
as XT910 owner, i guess that everywhere I see spyder in the code, I should replace it with umts_spyder ?
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No, just use the SPYDER source - otherwise your kernel won't support LTE for the CDMA users. The LTE modules are only built with the SPYDER source, that's why we use it.
But you can repeat these steps with UMTS_SPYDER, it will only download the UMTS depencies then, so you are able to build CM10.2 for the XT910. For the kernel only use SPYDER source.
dtrail1 said:
No, just use the SPYDER source - otherwise your kernel won't support LTE for the CDMA users. The LTE modules are only built with the SPYDER source, that's why we use it.
But you can repeat these steps with UMTS_SPYDER, it will only download the UMTS depencies then, so you are able to build CM10.2 for the XT910. For the kernel only use SPYDER source.
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So if I understood correctly, the GSM\UMTS and LTE\CDMA are using the same kernel in CM ?
thanks for the reply
tester5224 said:
So if I understood correctly, the GSM\UMTS and LTE\CDMA are using the same kernel in CM ?
thanks for the reply
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If I understood it correctly in the normal cm there are two different kernels. One for gsm without LTE modules and one cdma with LTE modules. So in case want to build for both you need the cdma version as it has the LTE modules and so cdma users have LTE and as usually gsm users will have there normal network.
Sent from my XT910 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Para94 said:
If I understood it correctly in the normal cm there are two different kernels. One for gsm without LTE modules and one cdma with LTE modules. So in case want to build for both you need the cdma version as it has the LTE modules and so cdma users have LTE and as usually gsm users will have there normal network.
Sent from my XT910 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
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No, the kernel has no differences! It's about the modules. The kernel is always the same but the mlodules are not. If you build the kernel with UMTS_SPYDER depencies you will get umts baseband modules only. But if you build it with the SPYDER source you will get a working modules for umts and cdma.
:good: got it, thanks
tester5224 said:
:good: got it, thanks
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It's special for our device. Usually it's enough to build the kernel only w/o using the full 15GB rom sources. But since 4.2.2 some parts of the kernel source were moved into the android rom source (e.g. the PVR (SGX) Sources), so we have to use the full rom source to build a working kernel - otherwise your kernel will cause a black screen on boot.
@dtrail1 Question regarding the script you use to build the kernel.
Your script shows: make mrproper
When I run this command I receive an error message: make: *** No rule to make target 'mrproper'. Stop.
Do you have any advice on where I set the target?
Edit: After continuing with the remainder of the script the last error I receive is: make: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
This command is needed to clean out the source directories. The error message is normal, just don't care about.
The second error you wrote about sounds like you tried to build without defconfig.
Make sure you have all related "export" commands AFTER the mrproper/distclean commands.
If you did so, then the error is caused by something else. Please post me the full last few lines of your terminal output, then I can tell you more.
Gesendet von meinem XT910 mit Tapatalk 4
awesome guide brother. thank you. i ll give it a try today

ArnoldTheBat r72 booting to blank screen on Acer Chromebook C720P

I am thinking of starting a new thread to solve the issue of ArnoldTheBat r72 booting to blank screen on Acer Chromebook C720P
oops I just did -
Building Chromium/Chrome OS r71 or r72 Kernel RFC
It seems the only way to tackle drivers issues is to build the Kernel.
So, trying to build a Chrome OS r72 Kernel to use on ATB r72 to address these drivers issues, particularly the inability to boot Acer Chromebook C720P -
As I have never done this before, I need some pointers as documentation for this is very sketchy on Google groups. RFC alesimula...
What I have available is Ubuntu Bionic, & necessary storage to build (over 100 GB) -
I also have a chromefied Nocturne then eve 73/swtpm.tar SSD (on top of ABT r72) with Bionic crouton with same over 100 GB storage available.
First steps to build Kernel
Build chrome os kernel and kernel modules
In a Chrome OS box (like Nocturne r71 with kernel 4.14) - install crouton Bionic
$ sudo sh ~/Downloads/crouton -r bionic -t xfce,xiwi,touch,extension,keyboard,cli-extra,chromium
after installation enter chroot
$ sudo enter-chroot
$ sudo apt-get install git-core make kernel-package bc nano
$ git clone -b chromeos-4.14
TBC after download
adapted from
Kernel download Chrome OS Kernel 4.14
After issuing the git clone command - I received some errors...
such as
error: RPC failed; curl 56 GnuTLS recv error (-54): Error in the pull function.
fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly
fatal: early EOF
fatal: index-pack failed
& after several tries succeeded with the message:
remote: Sending approximately 2.11 GiB ...
remote: Counting objects: 24648, done
remote: Total 7215674 (delta 5927776), reused 7215674 (delta 5927776)
Receiving objects: 100% (7215674/7215674), 2.10 GiB | 1.59 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (5927776/5927776), done.
Checking out files: 100% (62736/62736), done.
So now the next business after securing the source code is to compile the kernel adding the modules/drivers needed to resolve issues such as camera & graphics, etc.
Hopefully this info is in here too
I am using Acer Iconia W700 with chromefied nocturne on top of arnoldthebat r72...
crouton bionic with xfce4 is my chroot environment to compile the kernel...
I guess I need to dig in, get the proper commands, it should not be different from compiling other Kernels for Android, Ubuntu, Arch Linux...
What I know is that it takes time...
hopefully if I get drivers, it will be worth the effort
Extra refs to solve cloning issues
Compressed Chrome OS Kernel 4.14 using tar/xz is bleeming 2.4 GB!
$ tar cJvf kernel.tar.xz kernel
References for setting up configuration to build the Chrome OS kernel -
Building Chrome OS kernel 4.14
Putting it together - trial & improvement (PC of trial & error)
in bionic chroot
sudo enter-chroot
go to kernel source code (folder where cloned)
$ cd kernel
$ ls chromeos/scripts/ kernelconfig prepareconfig README splitconfig update_smatch_whitelist
challenge - how to generate .config to build kernel - & what are the commands to build it - I know how to with Ubuntu & Arch Linux, even done it a few time for Android Jelly Bean...
scratch - here goes...
from bionic chroot - kernel folder source code kernel/
sh ./chromeos/scripts/prepareconfig chromeos-intel-pineview
sudo modprobe configs; zless /proc/config.gz
cat /proc/config.gz | gunzip > ~/Downloads/base.config
base.config contains all the current configuration of ATB v72 kernel. This file should replace the current file on path kernel/chromeos/config/base.config
Editing base.config - to get extra kernel modules
I use nano
cd ~/Downloads/
nano base.config
it starts like this:
# Automatically generated file; DO NOT EDIT.
# Linux/x86_64 4.14.83 Kernel Configuration
First change is Apple backlight keyboard replacing where it says is not set by:
Improving Kernel 4.14.83 from ATB v72 Methodology
Extract base.config from FydeOS 5.3.1 (Chromium OS v70) & merge in its settings into base.config extracted from ATB Chromium OS v72...
Busy doing this, as I am not good at coding, so cannot devise an automated script, doing it manually is a long bummer
My comment in Telegram, frustration included -
Modifying kernel basic.config of ATB v72 to incorporate all settings/modules of FydeOS 5.31 (v70) is so tedious, it's a nightmare - I wish there was a way to automate this with a script that merges in FydeOS basic.config entries that are not present in ATB v72 - I am crap at coding & scripting, so doing it manually, it takes forever, & I keep making mistakes :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: - as I am not sure what stops ATB v72 Acer C720P from booting, I have to include all missing settings in basic.config before building the kernel.
Chrome OS Kernel 4.14.96 built with extra modules for ATB v72
It does generate .config after all as usual for Linux kernels - got some issues from enter-chroot - had to do it from Ubuntu bionic proper with (from kernel source folder):
$ sh ./chromeos/scripts/prepareconfig chromeos-intel-pineview
$ make oldconfig
$ make -j4
Just now...
Finished compiling Chrome OS 4.14.96 for ATB v72 (which has Kernel 4.14.83), got vmlinux & modules - now need to find out how to deploy them on a Chrome OS installation...
After some struggle, managed to boot the new kernel as 4.14.96-09859-ga5c3f2f0428a-dirty
installed extra modules
by doing in crosh shell (not chroot)
in kernel compiled source code folder:
$ sudo make modules_install
it creates a new folder /lib/modules/4.14.96-09859-ga5c3f2f0428a-dirty
to get the kernel I just overwrite vmlinuz.A in /dev/sdb12 by kernel/arch/x86/boot/bzImage
(backup vmlinuz.A as vmlinuz.C)
to get to this:
$ mkdir efi
$ sudo mount /dev/sdb12 efi
$ cd efi
$ cd syslinux
$ sudo cp vmlinuz.A vmlinuz.C
$ sudo cp bzImage vmlinuz.A
It boots great on Acer Iconia W700 & MacBook Air mid-2011
the joke is despite modules still no WiFi & no trackpad for MacBook Air
other joke does not boot Acer Chromebook C720P
well at least I tinkered with building this darn Chrome OS kernel - not much documentation on it (apart from how to do this in arm architecture)
Linux localhost 4.14.96-09859-ga5c3f2f0428a-dirty #1 SMP PREEMPT Wed Feb 13 08:04:55 GMT 2019 x86_64 Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-2365M CPU @ 1.40GHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux
As I do not know how to proceed from this due to lack of Google documentation - I will stop.
I think to get it working, I need to install Chromium OS from scratch, but documentation is unclear, & arnoldthebat has no instructions on how to do this.
So I am starting an effort to build a full Chromium OS from scratch - as
the best way to learn is to share know how.
New thread -
Chromium OS building effort here -
Rebuilding Chromium OS kernel - a little extra...
Small improvement - removing dirty label from kernel name -
in scripts/setlocalversion # comment out:
if git diff-index --name-only HEAD | grep -qv "^scripts/package"; then
printf '%s' -dirty
will rebuild it again to see if this helps for deployment
Rebuilt successfully - works OK on Acer Iconia W700, including camera & camera migration...
Notes -
in chroot
sudo enter-chroot
in kernel/
sudo make modules_install
sudo make install
outside chroot
in kernel/
sudo mkdir /boot
sudo make modules_install
sudo make install
in ~/Downloads
sudo mount /dev/sdb12 efi
sudo cp efi/syslinux/vmlinuz.A efi/syslinux/vmlinuz.A.83
sudo cp kernel/arch/x86/boot/bzImage efi/syslinux/vmlinuz.A
& for backup
sudo cp efi/syslinux/vmlinuz.A efi/syslinux/vmlinuz.A .96
I think this wraps it up - sadly still not booting Acer CB C720P
Linux localhost 4.14.96-09859-ga5c3f2f0428a #4 SMP PREEMPT Sun Feb 17 11:02:41 GMT 2019 x86_64 Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-2365M CPU @ 1.40GHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux
Not exactly... always something
Installing Chrome OS Kernel removes crostini, wonder why that is...
solution might be flags - as new kernel, some flags might have been lost
will check
crostini already there - must be some settings lost with new kernel, or dependencies unmet
NB - all previous commands presuppose you have r/w privilege as root, i.e. issue:
$ sudo mount -o remount,rw /
$ sudo mount -o remount,exec /mnt/stateful_partition
Note - my gripe after all this is that drivers I needed do not seem to load, or I did not select the proper entries in base.config / .config
What's the point of building a kernel if modules cannot be loaded
Google Chrome OS is well protected, & Chromium OS does not seem to bypass kernel protection.
nabil2000 said:
Extract base.config from FydeOS 5.3.1 (Chromium OS v70) & merge in its settings into base.config extracted from ATB Chromium OS v72...
Busy doing this, as I am not good at coding, so cannot devise an automated script, doing it manually is a long bummer
My comment in Telegram, frustration included -
Modifying kernel basic.config of ATB v72 to incorporate all settings/modules of FydeOS 5.31 (v70) is so tedious, it's a nightmare - I wish there was a way to automate this with a script that merges in FydeOS basic.config entries that are not present in ATB v72 - I am crap at coding & scripting, so doing it manually, it takes forever, & I keep making mistakes :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: - as I am not sure what stops ATB v72 Acer C720P from booting, I have to include all missing settings in basic.config before building the kernel.
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hi, how did you extracted fydeos base.config ? if possible, can you provide me with a dropbox link to fydeos 5.3.1 base.config. Thanks
improving kernel 4.14.96
Hello2Clans said:
hi, how did you extracted fydeos base.config ? if possible, can you provide me with a dropbox link to fydeos 5.3.1 base.config. Thanks
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Here is the dropbox link
it has the FydeOS 5.3.1 base config I extracted & your ATB v72 which I merged Fydeos 5.3.1 entries into - it updates to 4.14.96 from your 4.14.83 (replace z.config by .config)
It does compile a kernel OK - I did this manually, still learning how to do it signed. As I said details in my XDA thread.
I added all LCD panels modules, maybe it will finally allow to boot Chromebook C720P to GUI.
Oddly, I lose crostini, maybe unsigned kernels do that.
Linux localhost 4.14.96-09859-ga5c3f2f0428a #4 SMP PREEMPT Sun Feb 17 11:02:41 GMT 2019 x86_64 Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-2365M CPU @ 1.40GHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux
You are welcome to improve on it - it builds, but modules I thought added did not work on MacBook Air nor graphics of Acer CB C720P
Hello2Clans said:
hi, how did you extracted fydeos base.config ? if possible, can you provide me with a dropbox link to fydeos 5.3.1 base.config. Thanks
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I show how to do it in a previous post - but you need to be in a running FydeOS box, same with ATB.
sudo modprobe configs; zless /proc/config.gz
cat /proc/config.gz | gunzip > ~/Downloads/base.config
.config for Acer CB C720P
Still no luck with Acer Chromebook C720P - tried several changes to .config with make menuconfig & manually - boots to a blank screen still
Fydeos 5.3.1 does not have this problem.
Also tried just the .config of FydeOS on its own, & strangely no luck - there must be something else -
will now try this
# Display Panels
scratch - learning about kernel blobs /dev/sdx2 & /dev/sdx4
Just building the kernel & forcing in vmlinuz.A in /dev/sdx12 syslinux using bzImage (& modules in /lib/modules)
is apparently not enough...
It seems I also need to generate a new blob for the kernel which is /dev/sdx2
From documentation -
we have
Kernel Root
pair A /dev/sda2 /dev/sda3
pair B /dev/sda4 /dev/sda5
in my case (as installed to usb)
Kernel Root
pair A /dev/sdb2 /dev/sdb3
pair B /dev/sdb4 /dev/sdb5
Some pointers here:!topic/chromium-os-dev/zmaziTddu5E
Major learning curve for me here...
what I need to do is upgrade the Arnoldthebat kernel blob KERN-A (4.14.83) with a new one for the new kernel (4.14.96).
I would appreciate if someone knew how to do this - that might be the cause issue of losing crostini when loading the new 4.14.96 instead of the original ATB.v72 4.14.83 one.
Share knowledge if you know how to do this, thanks.
Cooking -
I just flashed FydeOS 5.3.1 ROOT-A /dev/sdx2 blob which is 16MB over ATB v72 ROOT-A /dev/sdx2 blob which is 64MB & it booted, might be the solution I was looking for...
FydeOS (v70) is more compatible than ATB (v72) for many things. If the blob is involved, then it could be good news, easier than producing a new blob from scratch (don't know how either).
If so, working on blobs is an addition to-do list for hacking Chrome OS.
Hello. I am really glad someone is trying to build and install a custom kernel for ChromiumOS, as it will help fix *many* compatibility issues as well as it will make possible to add support for some hardware and features (for instance, audio over Bluetooth doesn't work as of now because the support library needed for BlueZ isn't included).
My computer isn't working properly and I don't have much space to build the kernel by my own, but I can help with testing and research. If you could share the binaries online (maybe a Git with releases?), this would be great.
What I have found and read about kernel on ChromiumOS so far:
1. Official documentation, it explains about the partition pairs:
2. More info (I think you have it already) but I think it is outdated as "console=tty1" doesn't work anymore (ChromiumOS now uses Frecon):
3. This is a nice repo, it explains a lot, specially about kernel modules (drivers):
From what I have used and tested, you can use GRIB to either boot from the vmlinuz.A/B image or use the partition with the kernel, using the partition is much complicated as you found out because it would need some blobs/keys.
lfom said:
Hello. I am really glad someone is trying to build and install a custom kernel for ChromiumOS, as it will help fix *many* compatibility issues as well as it will make possible to add support for some hardware and features (for instance, audio over Bluetooth doesn't work as of now because the support library needed for BlueZ isn't included).
My computer isn't working properly and I don't have much space to build the kernel by my own, but I can help with testing and research. If you could share the binaries online (maybe a Git with releases?), this would be great.
What I have found and read about kernel on ChromiumOS so far:
1. Official documentation, it explains about the partition pairs:
2. More info (I think you have it already) but I think it is outdated as "console=tty1" doesn't work anymore (ChromiumOS now uses Frecon):
3. This is a nice repo, it explains a lot, specially about kernel modules (drivers):
From what I have used and tested, you can use GRIB to either boot from the vmlinuz.A/B image or use the partition with the kernel, using the partition is much complicated as you found out because it would need some blobs/keys.
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Thanks for the resources, I am getting old, so rather hard to learn & deal with new stuff - tinkering OSes & software is a hobby for me, but I usually do test stuff, not create - I had nice experience with Hackintosh, before I owned my own Macbook Air, still use it from USB's & PC when needed.
So far, I find out blob does not improve matters, it just gets used, like above blob from ATB or FydeOS does same thing.
The way I started in this was just to get Acer Chromebook C720P to load Android, chromefy carried on better than where I started.
The most successful outcome for me is Acer Iconia W700 which works with eve 73 (leaked on Telegram)...
I have the resources to build the kernel - but it is not doing what I want, like booting ATB v72 in Acer CB C720P - it i not vital, C720P works well with FydeOS & cyan or eve 71, just a challenge - why is ATB v72 not booting properly - i's a graphics VESA or LVDS bios issue I believe (C720P board uses LVDS for graphics), but where does it get loaded, I believe it's before loading modules...
FydeOS 5.31 boots to a black screen on my Miix320 but I have to wait until it loads everything then I must hit Ctrl+Alt+F2 then go back to main screen and then it works properly thereafter. Is your Acer the one bellow? Maybe it's related?
By the other hand, I cannot enable clicking for the detachable touchpad (+keyboard), what is almost a dealbreaker... Neither it goes to tablet mode when I detach it from the keyboard (not a big deal).
By the other hand, it boots correctly on a ThinkPad 8 tablet, but if freezes after a few seconds unless I use acpi=off or noacpi as kernel parameters, what makes it usesless since it only detects USB hardware.
From the text I linked it seems that the extra data added to the kernel before flashing it to a disk partition is both its signature and kernel paramenters, so you may want to check if there is any special paramenter needed for the kernel to boot correctly on your C720P.
FydeOS base upgrading kernel from 4.14.67 to 4.14.96
Kernel 4.14.96 upgrade progress -
I allowed
in .config
& this allowed me to update a chromefied FydeOS with eve/caroline 71 to eve 73 dev by using chromefy2!
this in turn allowed me to use an edimax Wifi USB dongle in MacBook Air -
the onboard WiFi still not loading, no trackpad but still progress :relaxed:
so modules do get loaded unlike my concern, it's just a matter to identify the proper entry in .config to load them when compiling the kernel...
now what are the proper entries for internal WiFi & trackpad?
Extra - Icing on the cake -
FydeOS 5.3.1 with eve dev 73 - putting the correct files in place allows to load kernel 4.14.83 & its modules to get crostini -
of course loading FydeOS kernel which is 4.14.67 stops Android 9.
This amended script might help with MacBooks for trackpad & WiFi.
*** Important note ***
To install the kernel modules in the Chrome OS box, you need to install Chromebrew to have access to the necessary commands -
$ curl -Ls | bash
In kernel source code folder:
$ sudo make modules_install
then copy bzImage over vmlinuz.A (after backing up the original)
I am planning to release an archive with kernels & modules including the one I built, it will be
vmlinuz.A.67(4.14.67); vmlinuz.A.83 (4.14.83); vmlinuz.A.96 (4.14.96); & corresponding /lib/modules folder
FydeOS 5.3.1 - ATB v72 - my built kernel
Notes -
Kernel 4.14.96 upgrade progress - I allowed CONFIG_TCG_VTPM_PROXY=m so this allowed me to update a chromefied FydeOS to eve 73 dev by using chromefy2! this in turn allowed me to use an edimax Wifi USB dongle in MacBook Air - the onboard WiFi still not loading, no trackpad but still progress :relaxed:
Icing on the cake - FydeOS 5.3.1 with eve dev 73 - putting the correct files in place allows to load kernel 4.14.83 & its modules to get crostini - of course loading FydeOS kernel which is 4.14.67 stops Android 9.
Cool progress - I managed to boot to the GUI of Acer CB C720P with eve dev v73 - still need to iron out something, but could get into guest mode, & to linux prompt - this is great :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: this is using kernel 4.14.83 on top of FydeOS 5.3.1
Finally managed to log into my google account in Acer CB C720P- next hurdle, will Android 9 work? - crostini back in the menu -
hurdle - despite changing vmlinuz.A to 4.14.83 or 4.14.96 - it still only loads FydeOS 4.14.67
I learnt something new, which means I need to learn more -
when you boot to a real chromebook from usb or internal, it will look for the kernel in the blob KERN-A /dev/sdx2, & will not use the vmlinuz.A in /dev/sdx12 -
so with FydeOS stuck with kernel 4.14.67 -
if I boot from other laptop, blob is not used, vmlinuz.A instead -
so I need to produce new KERN-A /dev/sdx2 blob for new kernel,
FydeOS blob is 16MB, ATB v72 blob is 64MB,
so to flash I need to play with partitions, tricky, & did not work...
still didn't figure out how to make a new blob for a new kernel...
RFC - how to produce a blob for loading a new kernel?
RFC - how to produce a blob for loading a new kernel?
If there is a way to find out how to produce a blob of an updated kernel for a genuine vanilla chromebook such as Acer Chromebook C720P - I will post it here...
Google open source documentation is very confusing about this - it might also be generated when setting up a Chromium OS from scratch (my thread on this is halted for now, but I have all the setup foundation to build)...
What I gather is that vmlinuz.A is the kernel, but for chromebooks, the kernel is also contained in the blob which is in partition /dev/sdx2 labelled KERN-A -
so I need to produce an image kern-a.bin which I then flash to /dev/sdx2 - with FydeOS 5.3.1 the KERN-A blob contains Kernel 4.14.67, with ATB v72 Kernel 4.14.83...
the dilemma is that KERN-A size for FydeOS 5.3.1 is 16 MB & for ATB v72 it is 64MB, so I cannot flash the latter onto the former.
I need to find out how to create a 64MB image for KERN-A from a given kernel, such as ATB v72 or my compiled one which is 4.14.96 -
Anyone who has a clue, & better has the correct instructions to do so, please help...
Actually, you don't need to: you can use the compressed image with GRUB2, and it will boot using your system and state (data) partition.
lfom said:
Actually, you don't need to: you can use the compressed image with GRUB2, and it will boot using your system and state (data) partition.
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Using a modified FydeOS 5.3.1 as base, no matter I change the kernel, it boots its own 4.14.67 kernel on Acer CB C720P - however using non chromebook devices such as macbook, allow me to boot vmlinuz.A & its associated /lib/modules/...
Care to share how to use grub2 to override the above?

[REFERENCE] My experience building the Tucana kernel & Rom

Little info on what this all is.
If you are expecting a working kernel or rom after reading this all. That is not what this thread is.
What this all is intended for is material to help with getting you to the next step, if you are at a road block.
What will you gain from all this?
A fair bit of knowledge on working with msm-4.14 kernel and maybe others.
Make sure to have your search bar ready with a piece of the issue (key word of the error will do) and go through the hidden tabs until you pick up your error, with the browser search function (ctrl+f on most browsers)
Spoiler: OLD info
Method I used for building the kernel
1. Dowload AOSP common-kernel-4.14 through git
ANDROID 10 Specific
refs/heads/q-common-android-4.14 - kernel/manifest - Git at Google
2. Download Xiaomi TUCANA-Q-SOURCE for android 10 source code from MiCode git.
GitHub - MiCode/Xiaomi_Kernel_OpenSource: Xiaomi Mobile Phone Kernel OpenSource
Xiaomi Mobile Phone Kernel OpenSource. Contribute to MiCode/Xiaomi_Kernel_OpenSource development by creating an account on GitHub.
TUCANA Android 10
GitHub - MiCode/Xiaomi_Kernel_OpenSource at tucana-q-oss
Xiaomi Mobile Phone Kernel OpenSource. Contribute to MiCode/Xiaomi_Kernel_OpenSource development by creating an account on GitHub.
3. extract if you did not use git to download sources.
You will need AOSP 10 R29 downloaded. R29 Matches Stock MIUI 12.0.4
4. mkdir kernelbuild (can be what ever) then extract both AOSP KERNEL (git) ,build, common, kernel, prebuilts, master-prebuilts folders to the kernelbuild folder.
5. just use TUCANA source and don't merge with AOSP common source. Don't delete common either
4. copy AOSP kernel folder (contains 4.14) to TUCANA source and merge (Still not sure if you need to do this)
5. make sure you have AOSP-10 from git already. If not, repo it.
6. Go to AOSP-10 REPO>prebuilts>gcc>linux-x86>aarch64 location and get (aarch64-linux-android-4.9) folder and copy it to root Tucana source files folder make a directory call toolchain TUCANA source. in prebuilts>gcc>linux-x86>aarch64 folder replace and merge all
7. Not sure if this is outdated but got the export info from MSM section at
export CROSS_COMPILE=/<toolchain-location/prebuilts>GCC>/bin/aarch64-linux-android-
mkdir out
cd out
Taken from mi code section for MSM 4.14
export ARCH=arm64
export SUBARCH=arm64
export DTC_EXT=dtc
(does not work from what i can tell. Have to enable using menuconfig)
if not inside the "out" folder use O=out on next command, will also have to type cd ../ to go back in source if using this command.
(-jN (N is for a number))
make -jN tucana_user_defconfig
make menuconfig (configure config to your liking)
use save button (highlight save and press enter, can use arrow key right and left as well)
make -jN
Or it could be
make -jN ARCH=arm64
After doing all this, for me the build fails. Its driving me insane!
I think I also was using the wrong AOSP kernel, was using common-4.14 and now using this one
refs/heads/q-common-android-4.14 - kernel/manifest - Git at Google
guessing the Q is for Android 10
i think it is not working because i am using Android 10 R41 and should be using Android 10 R29. Testing it now.
Alright, went from ubuntu version 20 to 18 (Bionic is more reliable and easier to set up).
Had 20, due to bionic auto updated (my own fault).
Version 20 does work with some modding and adding bionic to the repo's of ubuntu.
I tried using AOSP toolchain and also Qualcomm's (QQ-LLV) LLV toolchain 8.0 for clang.
The part from MiCode wiki on github is saying to use CLANG_Triple with aarch64-linux-gnu which I can not find this file anywhere.
Not in QQ-LLV, AOSP-10-R29 aarch64 that is located in prebuilts > gcc
so the main problem I am getting is the cpu timer failing, during the build process. I try to modify the config by typing "make menuconfig" and then change the cpu govern type from performance to ondemand and saving it as .config (not sure if it is supposed to be the same name as the tucana-user-defconfig, let me know if this is the problem)
the AOSP android version I am using is R29. The AOSP kernel I am using is common-4.14
none of these files have aarch64-linux-gnu.
I am starting to slowly give up on this whole thing. spent 7 days just to get a cpu timer problem during build.
Oh and the source i am using is from Micode github under tucana for android 10 (Q)
Just sprung up an idea. I think i am supposed to first use Qualcomms LLVM toolchain 8.0 with the Mi source code package to make up the files needed in order to use anything from AOSP. please let me know if this is correct.
No matter what guide i find for it, it shows CLANG_TRIPLE=aarch64-linux-gnu- and every time. it just can not find it. no idea how to get this.
it work in clang triple for -gnu
refs/heads/q-common-android-4.14 - kernel/manifest - Git at Google
Spoiler: Kbuild config
OMFG!!!!!!! VICTORY!!!!!!!!
I think.
Spoiler: New info
Alright Managed to fix most of the problems in the OLD area, mostly due to path issues, always check your paths (PATH).
Spoiler: build.config
Don't know if most of what is in there is needed or if everything I need is there but that is what i have so far.
One thing that i know always does not work is the check_defconfig. fails to match every time.
Tried using ld.ldd and it just keeps saying the vmlinux file size is too large. I have not given up and can say i have learned a lot.
Will update more as I go.
Spoiler: Links
Toolchain and kbuild config help
Hello I have been trying to extract the kernel from Tucana android 10 source. I would like to know if anyone has a working config to be able to build up the kernel. I have a config but it does not extract everything, well I don't think it does...
[SOLVED] dts not found
Hello. Been working on how to get a device kernel from source for the Mi note 10 pro (Mi CC9 Pro). I have gotten up to the point where it builds but fails due to dts folder is not found. I need an example of what goes in DTC_EXT= All I see on...
Alright I decided to give it another shot in 2022 because of getting replies.
1. Get your source from device brand. (
2. Use Mi code wiki to learn how to build (
3. Go right hand side for standalone kernel. Because the how to section just waste hours on end with nothing built and Soong and clang errors.
4. Follow msm-4.14 for a guide. (
5. Make sure to have dtc binary file from aosp source ( choose your android version. Check device for android version. Can use CPU ID in playstore under System, section API LEVEL.
6. Get llvm Snapdragon from Qualcomm. ( I used both but you should be able to use 8.0. both have off same results during the build process.
7. Get Aosp gcc
8. Put LLVM Snapdragon toolchain and AOSP gcc into a folder in root of kernel folder called toolchain.
9. Run the script mi provided. Change the 6.0 on the last 2 make commands to 8.0 unless you are already using 6.0, then you can leave it at 6.0.
10. Build.
11. Get a boot.img extractor from github or on these forums. I can't recommend one yet, due to not having full success. Can search boot.img extractor or boot.img unpacked as seperate search terms.
Boot and Recovery
GitHub - xiaolu/mkbootimg_tools: Unpack and repack boot.img,support dtb(dt.img).
Unpack and repack boot.img,support dtb(dt.img). Contribute to xiaolu/mkbootimg_tools development by creating an account on GitHub.
Android Kitchen
GitHub - osm0sis/Android-Image-Kitchen: Automated scripts to unpack/repack Android kernel/recovery images + ramdisks
Automated scripts to unpack/repack Android kernel/recovery images + ramdisks - GitHub - osm0sis/Android-Image-Kitchen: Automated scripts to unpack/repack Android kernel/recovery images + ramdisks
Android Kitchen
GitHub - cfig/Android_boot_image_editor: Parsing and re-packing Android boot.img/vbmeta.img/payload.bin, supporting Android 13
Parsing and re-packing Android boot.img/vbmeta.img/payload.bin, supporting Android 13 - GitHub - cfig/Android_boot_image_editor: Parsing and re-packing Android boot.img/vbmeta.img/payload.bin, supp...
12. Extract boot.img from stock rom.
13. Put image.gz.dtb in unpacked boot image. Delete original file and rename new one as the same name.
14. Repack boot.img and either upload using fastboot or use twrp to install the boot.img
The problem I have at the moment is I am unable to use touch input at all. It boots loads system but can't touch anything. No input at all. Hardware buttons work though.
Might be solution on 3rd post to no touch input.
Hi @Squida, I've also been on this road, I just hit a milestone when I actually have something booting (but not much working), see the thread I started if it works for you too
b100dian said:
Hi @Squida, I've also been on this road, I just hit a milestone when I actually have something booting (but not much working), see the thread I started if it works for you too
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Spoiler: Reply
Hey mate, thanks for the reply. Could you put a link to your thread so I can check it out.
Found it:
I also have posted on Qualcomm forums.
I found out qcomm has its own builder for msm devices. It's known as QAEP. I have been trying to build the sm6150 with Tucana defconfig. The thread above is the issue I have in trying to build it. No idea how to get "SDClang" so as soon as I work that out. It should build with QAEP instead of using AOSP.
There's a commit where I add SDCLANG support (but I don't think that's needed, is backed out atm) )There's a similar commit in the kernel.
You need to register to Qualcomm to download it, and unzip it in kernel/toolchains, just as says under "You must get llvm clang from qcom". You just have to get the 8.x version.
Some snippets for the commands I've tried
Spoiler: Reply
Yeah I am not trying to use Lineage sources. so far steps I have taken are as follows.
1. Mi source code download of Tucana android 10, data source, wifi source, audio source.
2. Extracted Mi tucana source in a directory (also tried the git way to update CAF tags).
3. using AOSP as the source for build. I tried using Clang with cross compile with gcc (GNU)
4. with using all AOSP toolchains so clang and gcc from AOSP and then using LLVM clang as reall cc, due to it does not contain clang itself.
all that for kernel and it builds but I feel its missing drivers. due to the warnings that Qcom gives. also got wifi modules installed but not audio. Audio source is a little different then the wifi source.
For the proprietary binaries. I used lineage Extract script with the lineage 17.1 tucana proprietary-files.txt list.
extraction worked on
but of course the device tree is missing, found the platform sm6150 device tree on QAEP. so now trying to use QAEP to build not only the kernel but the rom as well using QAEP instead of AOSP. think we need to use QAEP, then using the files built. can then move over to aosp for upgrading, etc.
Could you explain this error considering you managed to get SDClang working. it may solve my problem. error provided below.
Spoiler: sdclang error
I have a SDCLANG_PATH set in in the commit I pointed to earlier.
Basically is from a toolchains folder creaded with `tar -xvzf snapdragon-llvm-8.0.6-linux64.tar.gz` in the kernel/xiaomi/tucana folder
b100dian said:
I have a SDCLANG_PATH set in in the commit I pointed to earlier.
Basically is from a toolchains folder creaded with `tar -xvzf snapdragon-llvm-8.0.6-linux64.tar.gz` in the kernel/xiaomi/tucana folder
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what i have setup in boardconfig is as follows.
ifneq ($(HOST_OS),linux)
SDCLANG := true
SDCLANG_PATH := toolchain/ndk/android-ndk-r22/toolchains/llvm-Snapdragon_LLVM_for_Android_8.0/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin
SDCLANG_LTO_DEFS := device/qcom/common/
this has been added just above wifi. still fails with same error.
I think I just solved it, so i noticed you talk about and when i checked out your git code, it had in the same config the target. well QAEP is a little different it not only has a Boardconfig file but also a AndroidBoard config file. so i think i am supposed to be adding it in there instead of Boardconfig. testing it now.
Something else i also noticed that is not working.
Spoiler: .ko files missing
And can confirm above configuration changes are not working, not sure where it is located to tell it the path.
I cannot speak for QAEP (I barely began reading about lineage but in my case I don't have out/target/product/sm6150 at all, only out/target/product/tucana, which seems to be the name of the kernel (or device or vendor). Do you also have other repos pulled in that contain kernel named sm6150? Like Maybe you should not have both
b100dian said:
I cannot speak for QAEP (I barely began reading about lineage but in my case I don't have out/target/product/sm6150 at all, only out/target/product/tucana, which seems to be the name of the kernel (or device or vendor). Do you also have other repos pulled in that contain kernel named sm6150? Like Maybe you should not have both
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Spoiler: b100dian reply
So where yours is out/target/product/tucana, the one for QAEP is SM6150 which is in the same location. so I think maybe on the right track here. also thanks for the help for llvm dragon, had to set bin path, for it to work. but i have not gone a built the rom yet, doing the kernel build first now.
Instead of relying on QAEP builder. I went and got kernel/build from code-aurora for android 10 r40 and ended up getting misc linux folder in kernel also gcc and build tools from the device tag release repo on codeaurora.
Usually i was using AOSP but now switched over to all QAEP tools and sources.
I am testing the Micode Audio and wifi source. got wifi working during kernel build by adding this below.
I believe that installs the wifi drivers for the device as a module. but building with clang, gcc and gnu as clang tripple this is all related to only kernel building.
Spoiler: Update
Done an overhaul on everything for the kernel. decided to switch from QAEP to AOSP.
Reason for the switch, I noticed with AOSP I am able to not only download the kernel/msm4.14 common folder but it also downloads build, prebuilts, prebuilts-master folders with everything included.
Differences aside from what I mentioned above.
AOSP common-4.14 comes with up to date builder, gcc, clang, etc. But when I download the release tag for example, LA.UM.9.1.r1-06700-SMxxx0.0 at codeaurora on the otherhand, it only downloads the common folder and no extra folders for it.
So then in turn. you have to go on codeaurora and download by using git clone, the build folder for what ever android version it is. for example, I had android version 29 (r29) though it does not exist in the branch list on codeaurora so i went with 28.
I should also note that making the change from QAEP to AOSP I started again with the kernel source.
With making the change, I have noticed improvements right away, but also I noticed that having CC=clang, the build would not work untill I also put in HOSTCC=gcc. guessing its to do with the AOSP version being a little different. still using QualComms LLVM clang compiler for everything clang related.
Spoiler: Problems I have so far.
Have it building but get this spam, been trying to solve it.
This error pops up when using LD=ld.lld
this is what is set in the build.config
export O=out/android-4.14 LD_LIBRARY_PATH
HOSTLDFLAGS="-fuse-ld=lld" (added it so i can modify)
export O=out/android-4.14 LD_LIBRARY_PATH
Same as above.
Spoiler: Config commands
This right here may have just solved all my problems. can confirm in all my config tries. Never once thought to put aarch64-linux-android before all variable values.
# Tell configure what tools to use.
export AR=$target_host-ar
export AS=$target_host-clang
export CC=$target_host-clang
export CXX=$target_host-clang++
export LD=$target_host-ld
export STRIP=$target_host-strip
Also discovered that LD=ld.lld is for clang compiler. could be why the above Problem is happening.
This is using the toolschains without NDK, may have to put qualcomm and gcc in NDK and path them.
So after trying to downgrade to android 10 from 11, had no luck in doing so.
So now sticking with android 11 and I can safely say that I have reached a mile stone.
I ended up downloading android 11 R30 and using all the tool chains from AOSP while still using Qualcomm's LLVM compiler 8.0.6 as REAL_CC. But the clang pre-built path is clang from AOSP. Just trying to work out how to include the Xiaomi audio source. Unable to work out where to put it. Still testing, have not given up.
Hi @Squida, where is `mods/wlan/qcacld-3.0` from, the qcom talos referenced above in
Do you have an exact link to the repo?
In the meantime I can confirm I am missing something form the kernel. If I build everything myself and replace _just_ the kernel (with my dtb appended etc) it has sound/wireless, so knowing what wifi / audio module to link in seems the way to go.
b100dian said:
Hi @Squida, where is `mods/wlan/qcacld-3.0` from, the qcom talos referenced above in
Do you have an exact link to the repo?
In the meantime I can confirm I am missing something form the kernel. If I build everything myself and replace _just_ the kernel (with my dtb appended etc) it has sound/wireless, so knowing what wifi / audio module to link in seems the way to go.
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Spoiler: Reply
No problem at all, anything to get this build done lol.
All links are for Android 11
If you want Android 10, replace pheonix-r-oss with tucana-q-oss
**Example for Android 10**
GitHub - MiCode/Xiaomi_Kernel_OpenSource at tucana-q-oss
Xiaomi Mobile Phone Kernel OpenSource. Contribute to MiCode/Xiaomi_Kernel_OpenSource development by creating an account on GitHub.
******ANDROID 11******
GitHub - MiCode/Xiaomi_Kernel_OpenSource at phoenix-r-oss
Xiaomi Mobile Phone Kernel OpenSource. Contribute to MiCode/Xiaomi_Kernel_OpenSource development by creating an account on GitHub.
GitHub - MiCode/vendor_qcom_opensource_data-kernel at phoenix-r-oss
xiaomi opensource for data-kernel. Contribute to MiCode/vendor_qcom_opensource_data-kernel development by creating an account on GitHub.
GitHub - MiCode/vendor_qcom_opensource_audio-kernel at phoenix-r-oss
Contribute to MiCode/vendor_qcom_opensource_audio-kernel development by creating an account on GitHub.
***WIFI (mods/wlan/qcacld-3.0)***
Contribute to MiCode/vendor_qcom_opensource_wlan development by creating an account on GitHub.
Thanks, I think I get now what you're saying with 'talos', I poked at those repos now.
It seems to me the modules are built out of tree, as they don't appear in the extracted kernel config. (See
Also, having dlkm from does not seem to help automate the build, I get all sorts of errors when is included and it includes back the
Getting these into drivers/staging seems easier at first but..for now, I've only managed to build wlan.ko but that still errors out with `wlan: disagrees about version of symbol module_layout` :-S
b100dian said:
Spoiler: Reply
Thanks, I think I get now what you're saying with 'talos', I poked at those repos now.
It seems to me the modules are built out of tree, as they don't appear in the extracted kernel config. (See
Also, having dlkm from does not seem to help automate the build, I get all sorts of errors when is included and it includes back the
Getting these into drivers/staging seems easier at first but..for now, I've only managed to build wlan.ko but that still errors out with `wlan: disagrees about version of symbol module_layout` :-S
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Spoiler: Reply
It seems you are having a similar issue.
When doing everything I have done so far, The biggest wall for me is getting <LD=LD.lld> to work properly, I either get clang error with a file having a linking problem with using clang from QQ llvm compiler. And when I switch over to using AOSP's 4.14 stable kernel prebuilts-master clang. It works but then another error to do with CPU timer pops up. Which was originally because of using gcc instead of clang in the CC=clang environment variable, or removing it out of the build.config file.
i myself did a major overhaul of Ubuntu and have upgraded to LTS 20.04 from 18 bionic.
Noticed some things right away.
When you install gcc-multilib and g++-multilib. You get version 9 instead of you being on Ubuntu bionic and getting version 7. Also faster in general with general use of the operating system using Oracle vmbox. On windows 10.
Apart from linking errors, kernel is buding but only with not having LD=LD.lld in the build.config file.
Spoiler: wifi-info
And for the wifi qcom. Mods folder I added manually. Inside the devices source folder. Then copied WLAN sources inside and renamed the folder to just WLAN.
Spoiler: where I am at now
I have got both android 11 and android 10 kernel and ROMs. Also went and downloaded the kernel for coral. That's how I found out about the wifi and how I got a lot of the settings for the build.config.
I am gonna have a break on this whole thing, gotten to a point where with android 11 Xiaomi Phoenix. I get one error with a file in kbuild, using the same config settings for android 10. I get none. Apart from the qcom space which is either DTC not working or failing at some point. Not sure if we need to use LD=LD.lld I have been reading it is not needed due to the builder choosing the correct one for you.
Overall though it builds. Just the spam for qcom warnings I just can not get rid of and it's to do with the sensors.
If anyone has information on what causes the qcom spam. Please let me know, thank you.
Plus this all started with vmlinux not working right. Something to do with channel scratch. Can not fix it.
Spoiler: My Thoughts
I have just found this exploring info on the rom.
Build AOSP with LineageOS device tree
My device (Xiaomi Redmi Note 5, whyred) have official LineageOS support and therefore there is device tree and kernel. I want to build AOSP without any modifications or tweaks. How can I use (or po...
Key part taken from above link.
**Its hard to build pure AOSP than other ROMs. While building a custom ROM a lot of components wont work**
I think for our devices we have no choice but to use QAEP instead of AOSP, it explains why it fails to build properly. we first need a full working rom and then I think we can move over to AOSP and modify lets say, coral device and match it for our device. Though I think it is just easier using QAEP and why QAEP exists in the first place.
When I used QAEP, I got the SDCLANG problem, the build process according to the Micode git wiki, section "How to use" explains on how to configure and by the looks of the guide. It seems simple as cooking a boiled egg with only a couple of modifications to a device tree and adding your kernel to the kernel folder. It is supposed to build. I myself get SDClang path problems when using QAEP though.
I will go back to QAEP but i will be using all android 11 sources. due to unable to downgrade my phone from android 11 to 10. Having issues at the moment with TWRP installing. Shows my folder structure folder and file names. all random characters.
I will update as i get further in building the kernel and rom
Spoiler: Thoughts2
So I am now merging the built kernel into the kernel directory of AOSP 10. Made a folder called common and moved the built kernel into it. Also made a folder called prebuilts and put in all the .gz into it under a folder called 4.14. discovered that the AOSP 10 picked up the common folder with the built kernel but is having errors with Android.bp, will update as I find out more. Right now, just tinkering.
This is the issue when you have the build tools outside the source folder.
Could be a path I have not set properly. once I removed the command from POST_DEFCONFIG_CMDS="" it is now building.
Couple of things to note.
REAL_CC= I believe has now changed to HOSTCC=. Command is not found in any files in the build directory of the AOSP 4.14 STABLE Kernel.
QualComms LLVM 8.0.6 Compiler does not contain clang files. you still need to either download it, or just use the one in AOSP 4.14 Stable kernel, plus the clang version in AOSP stable kernel is a later version and also contains clang version for android 10+ instead of android 9.
New error I get after changes mentioned above are made.
Not sure where to put -fPIC to make the command function.
Fixed it, was a pathing issue with folders.
But now I am stuck now on finding out the directory for LD_LIBRARY_PATH=
DTC arch/arm64/boot/dts/qcom/apq8016-sbc.dtb
dtc: error while loading shared libraries: /home/avm/dev/source/kernel/prebuilts-master/ndk/toolchains/llvm-Snapdragon_LLVM_for_Android_8.0/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/lib/ file too short
make[4]: *** [scripts/Makefile.lib:325: arch/arm64/boot/dts/qcom/apq8016-sbc.dtb] Error 127
make[3]: *** [/home/avm/dev/source/kernel/mi10/scripts/ arch/arm64/boot/dts/qcom] Error 2
make[2]: *** [arch/arm64/Makefile:187: dtbs] Error 2
make[2]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
CC lib/rhashtable.o
Spoiler: Extra Discovered Info
${ROOT_DIR} is used. With it and you don't need to export it. Builder already knows what it is. so you use it like this for example
CC=${ROOT_DIR}/path-to-QQ_LLVM_COMPILER clang binary file, located in bin folder.
Also do this for ld.lld
Found another odd thing that happens
Having CC=PATH-TO-QQ-llvm-compiler/clang with CC_PREBUILT_BIN as aosp's location and HOSTCC=clang
It builds.
But with LD=
It fails.
I try using QQ-LLVM-Compiler as CC_Prebuilt_bin=
So far I have managed to get to this point.
And can safely say that using QualComs LLVM 8.0.6 compiler does not work with android 10 so stick with AOSP's prebuilt clang either in Kernel stable git or AOSP android-Number-Revision
Again, REAL_CC does not work, nor show up in the enviroment as a used command.
These below all do.
<CC=>, <HOSTCC=>, <HOSTLDFLAGS=-fuse-ld=lld>, <NM=llvm-nm>, <OBJCOPY=llvm-objcopy>, <HOSTLD=>, <LD=>,
HOSTCC= will use what is put in CLANG_PREBUILT_BIN=
CC= you are able to add QQ-LLVM-COMPILER's clang and it will run.
Proof of QQ-LLVM-COMPILER failing, when using it for <CLANG_PREBUILT_BIN=>
Instead of using AOSP's clang.
So far that is all I have seen pop up.
All these changes were done with the Kernel AOSP-COMMON-4.14-STABLE build, kernel, prebuilts, prebuilts-master folders and then with the devices source in a folder with a build.config file in the same location as the AOSP-kernel build folders. this all seems to work, Only thing I lose out on, is using POST_DEFCONFIG_CMDS="" to use make menuconfig.
Reason that make does not work is because according to AOSP coral's kernel you have another build.config file which is with the build folder, prebuilts, master-prebuilts folders which connects to the main build.config.common and clang config that has the extra commands. So in turn I do not think we use LD=ld.lld
We let the builder choose it for us.
95% sure that the DTC is what is causing qcom to have that warning spam.
Device tree compiler (DTC) linking seems to be the full cause of all the issues.
Okay to prevent fixdep.c:105:10: error all you need to do is have HOSTCC=gcc and it works. so then in turn. You can now use QQ LLVM Clang compiler in CLANG_PREBUILT_BIN= instead of AOSP.
Spoiler: Helpful Links
GitHub - nathanchance/android-kernel-clang: Information on compiling Android kernels with Clang
Information on compiling Android kernels with Clang - GitHub - nathanchance/android-kernel-clang: Information on compiling Android kernels with Clang
Spoiler: Still going
Still going at it, manage to find out a couple of things.
If your build is failing due to files missing, check your build directory and make sure the files in the path folder and in Linux-x86>bin folders are indeed "symlinked" something I was unaware of with Linux due to me being a windows user. none of the icons can have an X on it. it means its broken. this solved a ton of my issues during Rom building.
the build folder itself is a symlink folder. (Not all files)
Just locate and put files in correct places. so instead of having a folder called toolchains, like we are told on the Micode wiki, etc. If you use the AOSP-kernel build, prebuilts, prebuilts-master. which contains all kernel and build tools. and are already linked. so then you just add QQ-LLVM-Compiler to either prebuilts or pre-builts master and link it in the config.
If you do all this correctly and having all files in the proper location, you should not have any more build errors in regards to missing files.
Summed up
Build directory contains symlinks to binary files which are located in prebuilts and prebuilts-master. you need all 3 folders in the device source root directory.
Inside the build directory you will find a file called build.config, its not a config. its a symlink for one. Rename it to the build.config.Aarch64 for example, or what ever your config is called located in your root devices source directory. this solved a **** load of my problems.
The problem I have now is actually got to do with Repo, AOSP, QAEP. found out using the manual install method of repo makes it so you can download off google when you have the pgp key installed. but having it installed this way, stuffs up gpg for QAEP. I am looking for a way to merge all PGP keys in one location.
and to get QAEP downloading without showing this error.
All you have to do is remove the manual repo you installed and then also deleting the .repoconfig folder and .gnupg folder.
Then install repo with <sudo snap install git-repo>
it will work, you will get a public key under john doe and it will use CAF as well. problem is. You lose out on public key to AOSP and also the repo that is inside the AOSP folder needs to be replaced. trying it just causes errors though.
What happens when you do above by removing the manual repo and adding the snap git-repo
So why does it matter that I need both public keys to work?
Because I am using AOSP and also QAEP for testing.
I'll be sticking with the snap instal git-repo for now. i'll have to work out how to add the key from AOSP.
**Error when going back to AOSP**
**what happens when you delete the repo folder inside .repo of AOSP**
Only way I got it to work is by removing the snap install version of repo and install the manual way.
But then I lose out on CAF.
Think i may have worked out what is happening with the keys. 2 folders are being made. .repoconfig and .gnupg.
.gnupg only gets created when using AOSP pgp key.
and there is a gnupg folder in .repoconfig, might be a command to merge the files.
this command below makes it so you can change the name.
put it at the end of the repo init command.
from what I understand for the tucana_user_defconfig.
#CONFIG_BUILD_ARM64_DT_OVERLAY does not need to be set. for mi 9, yes. not for mi note 10. Just pulled the defconfig from my device using the command below.
MSM devices
CMD> adb pull /proc/config.gz
files appears as config.gz in same directory
I should also note that I ran 2 builds one with DT_OVERLAY=Y and then one =N
the outcome was with the change of CONFIG_BUILD_ARM64_DT_OVERLAY=n
That is not how it is setup, the proper way to disable it is as follows.
I got a bigger file size for Image.gz-dtb. instead of under 20MB
Have it on so you can extract DTBO and dtb files. having it off stops it from extracting.
THIS error or what ever the hell it is, is driving me insane.
My understanding is that DTBO (overlay), when enabled, ends up in dtbo.img, and when disabled, probably ends up in dtb which is appened to the kernel Image.gz.
The gsi_write_channel_scratch error is... maybe this helps?
Spoiler: reply
Btw, thank you @Squida for pointing me out the correct repos for wifi and audio, I managed to compile both into my build and the audio one inline (the wifi needs to be insmod'ed).
b100dian said:
My understanding is that DTBO (overlay), when enabled, ends up in dtbo.img, and when disabled, probably ends up in dtb which is appened to the kernel Image.gz.
The gsi_write_channel_scratch error is... maybe this helps?
Spoiler: reply
Btw, thank you @Squida for pointing me out the correct repos for wifi and audio, I managed to compile both into my build and the audio one inline (the wifi needs to be insmod'ed).
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You sir, are a Legend!
Okay So if I am reading that right.
If you mean DT_OVERLAY=y in defconfig, makes it so I can get the dtbo.img file. I tried adding the dtbo.img to the list of files for extraction and with it on, no dtbo image is made nor found, with it off. still the same thing but unable to extract any dtb or dtbo images from the boot directory. have to have it on.
dtbo.img just does not want to extract for me.
Again, using the clang config and not the mi 9 config used on Micode wiki.
the Micode Wiki settings do not work correctly. you lose out on about a GB of stuff and I know its a DTC issue I have been having due to the Qcom spam.
I have reduced the space though so now you can actually scroll through the whole build process, including the spam.
I will definitely be looking into that solution for channel scratch.
Also if you could please show me the config for the SDClang settings you put it to get it to detect. I tried looking over your git page and failed to understand why you have it in and if lineage has other files for the device.
Reason being is because on QAEP it talks about SDclang-3.8 and i have no idea where it is.. Supposed to be in QQ-LLVM-compiler and you copy it to the prebuilts folders, it just does not exist to do that.
the major problem I have is building the device tree when building the kernel. from my understanding, Xiaomi have set it up so DTC creates a Device tree for you. well that is the part that is failing and the whole reason why I can not make a rom.
My guess because you are using lineage sources, everything I am talking about. they already did for you. I am trying to do it all manually. learning purposes.
Okay so it turns out, we need LD=ld.lld
Though we must modify files, this is ridiculous just to get your own rom for xiaomi devices.
This thread below may have the solution for me and an easier one then having to modify files manually. Might have to update the Devices Kernel to the stable aosp 4.14 kernel. this is my theory anyway.
[REFERENCE] How to get an Android kernel up to date with linux-stable
Introduction Hello everyone! This will be a thread to assist people with getting their device's Android kernel up to date with the latest linux-stable tag from This process will henceforth be referred to as "upstreaming". This thread...
Squida said:
Spoiler: Reply
You sir, are a Legend!
Okay So if I am reading that right.
If you mean DT_OVERLAY=y in defconfig, makes it so I can get the dtbo.img file. I tried adding the dtbo.img to the list of files for extraction and with it on, no dtbo image is made nor found, with it off. still the same thing but unable to extract any dtb or dtbo images from the boot directory. have to have it on.
dtbo.img just does not want to extract for me.
Again, using the clang config and not the mi 9 config used on Micode wiki.
the Micode Wiki settings do not work correctly. you lose out on about a GB of stuff and I know its a DTC issue I have been having due to the Qcom spam.
I have reduced the space though so now you can actually scroll through the whole build process, including the spam.
I will definitely be looking into that solution for channel scratch.
Also if you could please show me the config for the SDClang settings you put it to get it to detect. I tried looking over your git page and failed to understand why you have it in and if lineage has other files for the device.
Reason being is because on QAEP it talks about SDclang-3.8 and i have no idea where it is.. Supposed to be in QQ-LLVM-compiler and you copy it to the prebuilts folders, it just does not exist to do that.
the major problem I have is building the device tree when building the kernel. from my understanding, Xiaomi have set it up so DTC creates a Device tree for you. well that is the part that is failing and the whole reason why I can not make a rom.
My guess because you are using lineage sources, everything I am talking about. they already did for you. I am trying to do it all manually. learning purposes.
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My guess because you are using lineage sources, everything I am talking about. they already did for you. I am trying to do it all manually. learning purposes.
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Of course, this is the reason. I don't know exactly how the lineage build scripts generate dtbo.img. There's make bootimage, make vendorimage and maybe make dtboimage too. Probably this command helps you generate it, but I don't think I had success with that:
The image size differs and the one created by lineage build scripts is the same size as the original one.
I also have console spam when the device tree is generated, I just didnt sweat on it as being an error.
BoardConfig is probably central to the lineage build, but I assume the variables set here are available to kernel's make commands.
For a lineage-less built I used the first two commands here: (the rest of the things are my attempts to construct back the boot.img with the kernel).
To actually boot the kernel you can gzip it, and append the dtb file to it (
cat Image.gz dtb > Image.gz-dtb
, and _then_ reconstruct a deconstructed original boot.img with that (w/o the --dtb parameter if I remember correctly). But I think kernel output already has -dtb concatenated in out/arch/arm64/boot
b100dian said:
Spoiler: Reply
Of course, this is the reason. I don't know exactly how the lineage build scripts generate dtbo.img. There's make bootimage, make vendorimage and maybe make dtboimage too. Probably this command helps you generate it, but I don't think I had success with that:
The image size differs and the one created by lineage build scripts is the same size as the original one.
I also have console spam when the device tree is generated, I just didnt sweat on it as being an error.
BoardConfig is probably central to the lineage build, but I assume the variables set here are available to kernel's make commands.
For a lineage-less built I used the first two commands here: (the rest of the things are my attempts to construct back the boot.img with the kernel).
To actually boot the kernel you can gzip it, and append the dtb file to it (
cat Image.gz dtb > Image.gz-dtb
, and _then_ reconstruct a deconstructed original boot.img with that (w/o the --dtb parameter if I remember correctly). But I think kernel output already has -dtb concatenated in out/arch/arm64/boot
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Thanks for the quick reply.
Spoiler: Might be the solution to DTC
DTC_EXT=~/android/lineage/prebuilts/tools-lineage/linux-x86/dtc/dtc ARCH=arm64 SUBARCH=arm64 CROSS_COMPILE=${PWD}/toolchain/bin/aarch64-linux-android- make O=../tucana-out REAL_CC=${PWD}/toolchains/llvm-Snapdragon_LLVM_for_Android_8.0/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin/clang CLANG_TRIPLE=aarch64-linux-gnu - vendor/tucana_user_defconfig
DTC_EXT=~/android/lineage/prebuilts/tools-lineage/linux-x86/dtc/dtc ARCH=arm64 SUBARCH=arm64 CROSS_COMPILE=${PWD}/toolchain/bin/aarch64-linux-android- make -j8 O=../tucana-out/ REAL_CC=${PWD}/toolchains/llvm-Snapdragon_LLVM_for_Android_8.0/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin/clang CLANG_TRIPLE=aarch64-linux-gnu- 2>&1 | tee ../kernel.log
Above solution might be the key thing to solving my issues with DTC. i can safely say I never once put the ARCH= and SUBARCH= in DTC_EXT= this may have solved it.
As for the rom building itself, I may have to use AOSP over QAEP, due to the whole SDCLANG issue
Those issues are all related to QAEP, I have less problems with AOSP.
Just don't have a device tree for it. that is why I need DTC working perfectly.
For what it is worth, tried looking for a default device tree that was not based off lineage-os. No luck thus far.
But isn't the device tree what's in arch/arm64/boot/dts/qcom/ in the kernel sources?
There's even a Makefile there where you can see CONFIG_BUILD_ARM64_DT_OVERLAY in use
b100dian said:
But isn't the device tree what's in arch/arm64/boot/dts/qcom/ in the kernel sources?
There's even a Makefile there where you can see CONFIG_BUILD_ARM64_DT_OVERLAY in use
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Lmao holy ****, I think I know where I stuffed up. I was navigating extract only at boot. Did not go further then boot directory lol. I'll test now with navigating to qcom. Thanks for the tip.
Managed to work out why all these problems are occurring.
Okay so from what I understand, there is 2 building methods.
1. Using terminal and using export commands.
2. build.config file
To test the theory to make sure that indeed there is a double up on builds, I decided to put the whole Micode Mi 9 export guide into the build.config that I have (made a backup of it) after executing it did indeed show errors.
so then I investigate how it is failing and it came to my attention that the export method for the make defconfig and then build is seperate for build.config.
for the kbuild, we issue the environment variables for example, these below.
When I say its Kbuild variables, it could be clang or gcc. Not 100% sure though.
Spoiler: Kbuild Environment Variables
# Command evaluated before `make defconfig`
# Command evaluated after `make defconfig` and before `make`.
# Command evaluated after `make`.
# Command evaluated after building and installing kernel and modules.
# Command evaluated after copying files to DIST_DIR
# When building vendor boot image, VENDOR_RAMDISK_CMDS enables the build
# config file to specify command(s) for further altering the prebuilt vendor
# ramdisk binary. For example, the build config file could add firmware files
# on the vendor ramdisk (lib/firmware) for testing purposes.
Spoiler: extra-info
and instead of having "make" command by itself I put it for example in PRE_DEFCONFIG_CMDS="make <code>*
and it will add in REAL_CC, etc to the defconfig and upon making the build it should inturn do the rest.
Does anyone know the environment variable for kernel build so i can then put in the make command for the build and include REAL_CC=, etc. I managed to get the first make command for the defconfig working.
PRE_DEFCONFIG_CMDS="make O=out/android-4.14 REAL_CC=${PWD}/prebuilts-master/ndk/toolchains/llvm-Snapdragon_LLVM_for_Android_8.0/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin/clang CLANG_TRIPLE=aarch64-linux-gnu- tucana_user_defconfig"
I just now have to get the below command working. not sure what environment variable to put it under.
make -j$(nproc) O=out/android-4.14 REAL_CC=${PWD}/prebuilts-master/ndk/toolchains/llvm-Snapdragon_LLVM_for_Android_8.0/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin/clang CLANG_TRIPLE=aarch64-linux-gnu- 2>&1 | tee kernel.log
Found it!
By searching in build directory then file.
and ** has settings as well that will help.
export MAKE_ARGS=$*
Could be useful
echo "========================================================"
echo " Building kernel"
set -x
(cd ${OUT_DIR} && make O=${OUT_DIR} ${CC_LD_ARG} ${MAKE_ARGS})
set +x
***Linux update script***
GitHub - android-linux-stable/script: A script to help with merging linux-stable into your own repository
A script to help with merging linux-stable into your own repository - GitHub - android-linux-stable/script: A script to help with merging linux-stable into your own repository
Better to use CAF for MSM devices.
[REFERENCE] Merge latest CAF Tag in Kernel
Introduction: Hello folks! In this thread I will be guiding you about how you can merge latest CAF tags in your CAF based kernel. Many people who just started compiling the kernels still don't know how to merge a CAF tag because there isn't any...
Upon further research on the topic of MAKE_ARGS=$*
from what I now understand and please keep in mind, I am in no way a programmer or good with Linux overall.
I think the $* symbol is a value itself, so from my understanding. If i use lets say $S=Something I have just made an variable that will be used in MAKE_ARGS=$*
If my theory for this is correct, this is how I add in the make variables for the last build command to start the build.
Should be able to do this.
make -j$(nproc) O=out/android-4.14 REAL_CC=${PWD}/prebuilts-master/ndk/toolchains/llvm-Snapdragon_LLVM_for_Android_8.0/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin/clang CLANG_TRIPLE=aarch64-linux-gnu- 2>&1 | tee kernel.log
Oh and the config is make commands, found that out as well. you have MAKE and SOONG commands and configs. I so prefer Make variables over Soong. looks easier to read for me.
Found a build config on mi code, sources, issues section
Spoiler: build.config-mi11
export OUT=${PWD}/out
export ARCH=arm64
export SUBARCH=arm64
export TARGET_BUILD_VARIANT=userdebug
#export DTC_EXT=dtc
export CROSS_COMPILE=${PWD}/toolchains/aarch64-linux-android-4.9/bin/aarch64-linux-android-
export KERNEL_DEFCONFIG=venus-qgki_defconfig
#set BUILD_CONFIG=build.config.gki.aarch64
O=$OUT REAL_CC=${PWD}/toolchains/llvm-Snapdragon_LLVM_for_Android_8.0/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin/clang CLANG_TRIPLE=aarch64-linux-gnu- ${PWD}/scripts/gki/ $KERNEL_DEFCONFIG
make O=$OUT REAL_CC=${PWD}/toolchains/llvm-Snapdragon_LLVM_for_Android_8.0/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin/clang CLANG_TRIPLE=aarch64-linux-gnu- vendor/$KERNEL_DEFCONFIG
make -j$(nproc) O=$OUT REAL_CC=${PWD}/toolchains/llvm-Snapdragon_LLVM_for_Android_8.0/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin/clang CLANG_TRIPLE=aarch64-linux-gnu- 2>&1 | tee kernel.log
The build config above is indeed for Mi11, we do not need gsi settings or the 3rd command starting with O=$OUT for Mi note 10 pro
By implementing the changes above, outcome below.
Just now have to resolve kernel issues and this should build with no more issues. it has been a massive adventure.
the errors above are due to remnants of old files from merges that were not undone properly. deleted the devices source and recreated it again. problems are now gone will update on outcome.
I still can not seem to get it completely built. Max Image.gz-dtb file size is 28.5MB so far. and the highest I have gotten. still get VMLINUX issues which tells me just maybe Xiaomi themselves have not updated the build scripts to suite the latest CAF changes.
All speculation at the moment.
Had a look at this area
GitHub - MiCode/kernel_build
Contribute to MiCode/kernel_build development by creating an account on GitHub.
Turns out, build config for CC9 Pro. does not exist hence why all the problems Using AOSP's.
I believe it needs to be full modified in order to work with Tucana, due to Xiaomi not releasing a build script for it. so another solution would be to modify or try and use another device on the list in the link to be able to build it. not even export using the Mi 9 works so I have to dig deeper on getting a config and build script for it.
Spoiler: Current build.config
PRE_DEFCONFIG_CMDS="make O=out/android-4.14 REAL_CC=${ROOT_DIR}/prebuilts-master/ndk/toolchains/llvm-Snapdragon_LLVM_for_Android_8.0/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin/clang CLANG_TRIPLE=aarch64-linux-gnu- ${DEFCONFIG} && make O=out/android-4.14 menuconfig"
The config does not build vmlinux, DTC properly, dtbo.img. Still working on it.
I also did try first doing the standalone export way. Just constantly getting ld error --fix-something and to fix it, by using CC=clang and HOSTCC=gcc
but then you resort to having to use the build.config file. for some reason the standalone export method just does not work with cc and hostcc
and that is using the QQ LLVM/clang 8.0 toolchain with AOSP's GCC while having 2 directories. toolchain(GCC) and toolchains(QQ-LLVM/Clang) with QQ-llvm/clang's build directory inside the devices source root directory as well, according to MiCode Wiki under MSM-4.14.
Tried attaching the last make command to the DTC_EXT= and it fails, still unable to find the build kernel argument to change the command manually. Only have POST_KERNEL_BUILD
No luck at all with the export combo.
As for the build.config.
I get a build using AOSP'S GCC and QQ-LLVM/CLANG 8.0
But it is not complete.
I also use the build, prebuilts, prebuilts-master from AOSP's 4.14 Common kernel repo.
the reason for this, is because Xiaomi have not released kernel build files for the device. from what I have found.

