reclaim internal storage (root) - Sony Xperia M4 Aqua

Some additional actions you can perform on a rooted phone to reclaim some of the little internal memory besides link2sd.
Download foldermount
use it to mount folders to SD: (for example)
no matter where your photos are stored, thumbnails are always created here. Emptying the folder doesn't help since thumbnails are recreated. My folder was 1.2 Gb in size (I have a lot of photos)
Whatsapp doesn't like to be linked to sd. But al the media in your chats go in this folder. This folder can be mounted on SD
You could clean it up on a regular base, this is easier.
One warning about Link2SD
Be careful to link google play services .apk to your SD card. I did, but when my card corrupted, i could not do anything with my phone anymore because of missing google account. Could not recreate account, could not install from play store, could not install from internet. Had to reset my phone to get it working again.
Good luck

Another warning about link2sd is you shouldn't move library files as it messes up some apps and they give you errors when you launch them


[Q] Help! All Data Lost!

I have just noticed that all of my data on both my SGS2 internal memory and my SD card has gone!
It's totally bizarre! All my apps are fine, my home screens are fine, but all photos, music, and other files are gone.
My internal storage now only contains .android_secure and LOST.DIR, but the weirdest thing is the SD card. It contains all of the default and app folders that were previously on the internal drive, except without any of the user data (e.g. DCIM is empty where it should have photos & videos galore in there). However, the SD card does now contain 9 files called "FILL0", "FILL1"... through to "FILL9" and all of them are 1GB in size. These "FILL" files have no windows file extension.
Does anybody know what has happened here? It looks like the phone has suddenly taken all the internal data and copied it to the SD, while at the same time removing anything in any way precious to me and possibly storing it in these "FILL" files.
Can anybody make sense of this?
One correction to make on what I said above. I mislabeled my drives, so it's actually the SD card which has the 2 default files on it, and the phone memory that has the rest. There was no copying from the phone memory to SD after all, there was purely deletion of the entire SD, and then deletion & this weird dump of everything into "FILL" files on the phone memory.

[Q] External SD Help Please

I was wondering how i make apps automatically install to the external sd?
I once moved the "Android" folder from the internal sd to the external sd and it simply uninstalled them. I tried app2sd but that only allows the app to install to the internal sd and when i do move to internal sd the apps dont show up on my app list
i simply want to know how to make the "Android" folder defaultly be made in my external sd because that is where the big data saves e.g. 1gb of data that modern combat installs etc
and i want to know how to do it with it still being shown on the app list. last time i simply dragged the folder and my whole phone crashed, nothing worked and everything including twlauncher force closed to i had to factory reset.
Try search question been asked multiple times .
I cant use buttons that drop down on my phone so i need links at the least
Well it's been 3 Weeks with no answers so I think I should just bump this up
All I ask is "Can I move sd data of apps from my internal sd to external sd with the moved apps still working and if yes how?"
Also is there a way of making sd data downloading/installing defaultly to my external sd
Thank You
Not exactly what you want but I use 'GL to SD' from the market. It allows you to move gameloft and other data from the internal memory to external. Not the app, just the data. Another one is 'Directory Bind'.
Sent from my GT-I9100T
Thanx but I can't find this "directory bind"on the net, if that allows me to move data it would help alot.
It's in the 'themes & apps' section. Here is the link :
Personally I prefer gl to sd. You can select other folders to move, not just gameloft. It's a bit manual but works great. When I tried directory bind I lost settings on reboot but maybe there's a solution for that. Took me a bit to figure out but it turned out that I was entering the source/target folders the wrong way around.
Sent from my GT-I9100T
Thanks alot for your help.. I'll try both of them out and see which one I prefer.

M8 Installing Apps to Both Internal and External Storage

Hi everyone,
I'm running stock Sense 6.0 (4.4.2).
Whenever I download an app from the Play Store, it downloads it twice, both in storage/emulated/0/android and in storage/ext_sd/android. I want to keep my external sd card for music, so I don't want apps taking up space on it. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling the updates to the Play Store, digging around in my settings, and deleting the /android directory from my external SD card, but nothing works. Does anyone know what's going on?
They aren't actually installing on your SD card. They are just creating a folder there should you choose to move their data to SD card in settings. Don't worry, the folders won't take up any space.

Questions about how Android handles app data stored on an external SD card

I had a rooted S5 with Alliance Rom, and just got an S9+. When backing up my data, specifically for an app called Podcast Addict, I exported a backup from within the app, and it stored on the SD card. Podcast Addict was installed on the external sd card, and it exported a .backup file and a .json file to /android/data/{App Name} on the external sd. I could have sworn that I moved it out of that directory or shared it to google drive, but apparently I did not.
I also had Titanium Backup installed, and I can't remember what directory it stored backups in, but it was somewhere on the external sd card.
I moved the card to the S9+ and went to import the backup file, and there were no files that looked like the backup file on the SD card. I also no longer see the Titanium Backup folder.
Does the /android/data folder get overwritten when inserting the sd card into a new phone, even if it's an external sd card, and the app isn't installed there on the new device?
On a non rooted phone that folder is not accessible as it is a system lvl folder as well as titanium backup will not work as well as it requires root as well. your best to put your sd back in your old device and use a program such as my backup pro to backup apps to be restored you will not be able to restore any kind of data for apps that are not linked to the playstore or game data that is linked to something such as Facebook or google play games no folders should be overwritten but android/data/app name are usually device specific to whatever device the app is on

Help! Anyway I can move videos and pictures from gallery vault on SD directly to PC?

Basically, my SD Card recently got corrupted. However, the good news is that the files are not lost. I am unable to play the files while on SD Card, however, I am able to move them to Device Storage, and access them.
Also, I am not able to add anything to SD Card.
Now the issue is I have over 4000+ videos and pictures on an application known as Gallery Vault. It consists of a total of 70gb. Therefore, I am unble to remove the file to device storage as I have a very limited device storage.
Can I manage to simply move all the files from Gallery Vault on my SD Card directly to my PC?

