Android app to switch between multiple bluetooth microphones - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi! I am a second language English teacher and when teaching I sometimes ask my students to talk in pairs or small groups. When they talk to themselves they sometimes don't talk in English until I'm within proximity. Sneaky blighters.
I want to buy a bunch of bluetooth microphones (maybe these? ) and place them on each table. Then use an app to switch between the microphones as I want to listen to my students. My old Spanish teacher did the same thing but with a whole bunch of wires all over the room and buttons at his desk...
Does anyone know if this would be possible? Does an app exist or, if I would need to make it, and pointers to specifics? (I know basic programming). Maybe a simple tasker app could connect/disconnect when I press a button...
Also, does anyone know about these bluetooth microphones? I have never used one. Do they need to be <1ft away as if you were wearing them or would it pick up people talking if placed on a desk? or pick up the whole class and be useless?


best hands free dialing Bluetooth headset?

Hi All,
I was wondering what everyone thinks is the best Bluetooth headset to do hands free dialing?
I want to be able to dial in the car hands free. In other words, no unlocking, no interaction at all with my phone. It should dial, by voice, while locked. Perhaps there is a headset with a button to press where it then activates a "listening" functionality? Or perhaps you say a specific word? And I would also appreciate additional command abilities, like having it read my e-mail or texts to me, and dictating emails.
All I know is what I want it to do. I have never had a bluetooth headset before. I have been waiting for this functionality. I also would appreciate the highest call quality possible, while keeping cost reasonable. I'd be ready to spend up to $100 if needed but a bit less would be nice.
Mainly I'm wondering if you can use just any headset with handsfree dialing.. or if you need a "special" one like Motorola's CommandOne or Finiti. I don't understand why you would, though, because isn't that somehow built into Android? it has voice dialing and voice recognition and voice commands, after all... So I don't need one of those special headsets right? Or do I?
Also I want to keep Bluetooth off until I need it. I guess that can be solved by just getting some TecTiles and having one in my car where when I bump it, it turns on Bluetooth. Perhaps that could somehow help also, in terms of perhaps activating some type of listening dialer? Or Google commands? S-Voice? What does everyone think the BEST solution would be in terms of A) not using battery (I don't have a car charger...yet..) and B) the BEST voice recognition for dialing..I want the correct dial the first time >90% of the time .. is this possible?
Thank you all for any input or thoughts...

[Q] Hands free music solution?

Hi all,
I'm gonna do my utmost not to rant about this, but I'll set the scene a little. I moved back to the Android platform from my (pre-SIRI) iPhone 4 back in September. On my iPhone I was able to leave for work in the morning (hands full and running late, obviously), get in my car and switch on my bluetooth visor mount which would automatically paid with my phone. I could then press for voice command, say "play music" and I had tunes on my way to work without rooting in my pocket for my phone. Simples!
Unfortunately it's not been so simple to manage on my SGS3 - S Voice worked some of the time and it would sometimes pair with my bluetooth and sometimes need a reboot before it would play ball (not the sort of thing you should attempt whilst driving). I chalked this up to OS instability and flashed to CM.
Much happier with the functionality CM gives but I've taken a step backwards with regards to voice commands: Google Voice Search does what I want but then needs an on-screen touch confirmation, Speaktoit can't manage more than a single-track stab in the dark, nor can Skyvi and Vlingo looks at me with disgust and says "oh, we don't do music here...". Utter also can't manage more than one track unfortunately, though it's a valiant effort from the developer. There's Car Tunes Music Player, but it doesn't have functionality built in to respond to bluetooth press commands (ie doesn't appear in the 'open with' menu when bluetooth is pressed).
So, when you're wistfully looking at your 3 year old phone and wishing you could throw the new £500 one out of the window, it's time to ask for help:
Bottom line: Is there some app, setting, macro, NFC jiggery pokery or voodoo that will somehow just let me sit in my car with my phone in my pocket and tell it to play some music without having to handle it whilst I drive?
Thanks in advance for any suggestions, I'm now completely at a loss and giving serious consideration to going back to the dark side!
Have you tried either Bluetooth Launch or Bluetooth App. Launcher? I haven't tried either of them, but they look like they might suit you. Tasker could do it for sure, but it's a little more advanced (basically, you'd need to make your own "script" with it).

[Q] Using NFC and Bluetooth to voice-activate MP3s in the car

Hi, sorry if this is in the wrong category.
What I want to achieve is:
1. To stream audio (MP3s, calls) from my phone to my car stereo
2. To do this, and other functions of my phone, without taking the phone out of my pocket at all.
I'm going to be buying a Galaxy S5 in the very near future, and also my car stereo is knackered, so I thought now is a good time to shake things up. What I was thinking of was to get a new car stereo that has Bluetooth, and then use an NFC tag stuck on to the seat of my car, and the Trigger app, that when connected will turn on Bluetooth on my phone, and turn on voice commands.
First of all, what can one do with voice commands these days? I currently have a Galaxy S2, and with that one, it's not very much. What I'll want to do is call people, amswer the phone when people call me, write SMS/Whatsapp messages, and have them read out to me, set calendar entries and reminders, play music by going through my music library and reading it out to me.
Is this all possible in Android, or will I need a 3rd party app? To complicate things further, is it possible to replace current commands with other ones, where I would record them into the phone? The reason I ask is because my first language is Welsh. This also means that most my text messages will be in Welsh, so I will need to be able to write them in letter-by-letter, and also have them read out to me letter-by-letter. Possible?
Secondly, what sort of car stereo should I get for this? One with Bluetooth of course, but what other features should I look out for that I might need? Or should I go for a Parrot system?
Any suggestions will be appreciated.

[Q] Route audio from media out to mic. in internally

First time posting here, but not new to rooting and flashing. All thanks to xda and it's user.
So, I want route the audio coming out from phone's speaker/headphone or w/e output device to microphone internally.
For example,
If my friend is listening to a song and he calls me and asks which song is this, I want to able to route the audio to Shazam or Soundhound without the use of another device (although that's not the reason for the problem)
Anothe example is, Whatsapp. Lets say I am listening to a song (locally on device or on a radio app in my cell), I want to able to use that quick audio message button in Whatsapp to record that song, internally, so if there bunch of people in the car, their sound doesn't get recorded.
And I can think of tonnes of situations where this could be used like when you are talking to someone on phone, use song/sounds/audio phrases direct from phone. Like a using some famous/quote but instead of you quoting them, using the actual person's sound from your local storage/youtube or any other audio app storage. Using sound effects, all internally. You can get so creative.
And this is something that is done by music producers all the time, routing audio and play it with recorded audio, but all done with hardware. It could be easily done using software or hardware on a computer.
I thought of using the 3.5 audio jack with mic to route the audio using wire by connecting them but I would require that special hardware (modded 3.5 jack wire) all the time and won't really help other people much. A software solution would be a lot more helpful.
I did try using this app, called SoundAbout to fix my problem but it didn't help much, or maybe I was doing something wrong.
ps. This is the 2nd time I am writing this lol. First time xda logged me out and I lost the whole thing. Would be nice if there was a app (for windows) that would copy any text written in any dialog box automatically (just like autofill feature but for larger text fields) and keep updating it on the fly. For example, text in the Title box gets copied in the app after each character punched with 5 histories. Same goes for Message box. In case of Firefox crash or accidental refresh or like in my case getting logged out, there is text stored in another app that can be retrieved. I am sure there are solutions used by devs. as they do tonnes of coding. Please share you thoughts.
Also please feel free to give any advice regarding right category, title, tags etc. so that this thread is organized and easily searchable.
I am searching for solution too. Some professionals are needed to check on these:
1. solving to step between the mic & audio feed processing
2. `system/ect/mixer_paths.xml` file can be hacked (maybe alter in some devices)?
3. This is just for more understanding:
Did you figure it out? Are there not any Chinese or Russian apps that will bypass this restriction?

Bluetooth and system notification sounds

I know we had this issue before, and I don't want to revive old hostilities. I'd like to make this clean and objective discussion.
As you probable know by now, some time ago Google have decided to make android phones play *any* sound to *any* connected BT device, no matter if those devices are capable of playing those sounds or not, and no matter if the users are using (wearing) those devices or not. And this results, for example, in missing text messages, when your head phone is still switched on but you're not wearing it. It also will interrupt your favourite song that you're listening to on your car's radio, with a loud and nasty sound over your car's speaker. And it will also keep you from hearing medical alarm signals if your head phone is in your pocket.
As far as I know, this change in BT behaviour was introduced somewhere between Android 7 and Android 8 (LOS 14 and LOS 15), and as far as my programming knowledge goes, it should be possible to reverse these changes, to make a phone play system sounds over the phone's speaker, while music and calls are still routed to a paired and active BT devices.
So, my questions are these:
What is the big advantage of the present BT behaviour compared to the old behaviour?
How much work or effort would it take for LOS developers to re-code the BT behaviour from LOS 14 back into LOS 17 and above?
If you need help: how can normal people like me with no big development skills help you with this? Would it be a question of money?
How much (in)stability would current and future LOS versions gain through the necessary changes?
Would making these changes be illegal in any way? Would Google sue LOS developers, or would Google send their Men In Black, if LOS developers dared to undo Googles decision?
Although I do not understand the cleverness behind Google's decision, and frankly, no one I talked to about this did understand it, I'd rather make this a discussion about the possibility to undo these BT changes. It would be very obliging to get some useful answers to these questions. Thanks in advance!
Google and LineageOS devs are aware of it and don't see it as an issue:
I can't for the life of me understand why anyone would want it this way. I, for one, see notifications and media audio as separate things that serve different purposes. I regularly pull out my bluetooth earbuds or turn off my bluetooth-linked hi-fi system without remembering to disconnect them at my phone. It's one thing if I go to youtube or play music and can't hear it because of this, but another thing entirely to miss a day's worth of notifications.
A lot of people have been really vocal about this -- just read some of the stories -- but these devs are so sure of themselves that they won't even offer a toggle setting for this. I'm tired of the arguing... LineageOS is free software and I'll patch and build it to suit my needs. But like you, I am not an Android developer, and I don't even know where to start to look for what controls this. I'm sure it's just a couple of lines tucked away in some file, but all I can do is ask, please, for someone out there with greater skills than me to show me what to change!
So I've been digging into the source but it's really above my head... seems like there must be a config file or set of constants somewhere. I'll keep digging and share if I find anything.
Another approach that seems possibly doable is an app that routes the notification sounds through the alarm stream. I have a calendar app that is configured to sound through the alarm stream and that sounds the way I want -- through both the device speakers and any bluetooth or wired headphones.
Sorry about the delay:
htsmi said:
Google and LineageOS devs are aware of it and don't see it as an issue:
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
The answers given by Google's team are living arrogance, a disgrace to themselves and an insult to the users!
Any (good) news on this subject?

