Compile Android 6.0 and fix some space Problems Help! - Xperia Z2 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hello guys, I want to start to modify the kernel of my sony xperia z2.
First I decided to compile aosp android 6.0 for my z2.
I have done all things of the sony tutorial and the compilation was successful only the boot.img doesnt exists.
So I decided to flash system.img and userdata.img.
It was successful too.
After this I started my phone and it wont boot. Only the sony logo comes and Im able to boot to recovery.
after this i flashed carbon rom and now I only have 540 mb space on my device.
I compiled aosp in a ubuntu container (docker).
I have now some questions:
When I flash a ROM with fastboot and i only flash boot, system and userdata I cant hardbrick my z2 right?
boot.img is my recovery right?
system.img is my android rom including linux kernel right?
userdata should be the free space for data and apps ...
Where is the emei saved on the z2?
When I compile the kernel which option should I choose when I enter this command?
source build/ && launch
Some information:
I have currently TWRP as a recovery.
system.img 1,5 GB
userdata.img 550 MB
device is working
I hope my english isnt that bad...


Can´t get TWRP to work

Device information:
Xperia Z Ultra
Cyanogenmod 11 M12 (togari from offical cm side)
Smartphone is encrypted
Bootloader unlocked
Nothing else changed (kernel etc.)
since a few hours i try to get TWRP to work.
After installing it according the offical description and rebooting into the recovery, my z ultra only shows the Sony logo and doesn´t do anything (it took me some time to figure out how to turn it off... Power + vol up).
To get the cm cwm back, i´ve used fastboot to flash boot.img.
The integrated cwm can´t mount the encrypted data partition and is useless for me. To avoid problems on my heavily used z ultra, i tried TWRP first on my old (encrypted) Nexus 7 (2012) tablet, works like a charm and most important, it doesn´t have any problems with encrypted devices.
The installation on the Nexus 7 was not really mentionable, fastboot flash recovery file.img, that´s it.
The Z Ultra is different, the teamwin page says :
Download the above file. Copy the file to /sdcard/fotakernel.img and run the following commands using terminal emulator or in adb shell:
dd if=/sdcard/fotakernel.img of=/dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/FOTAKernel
It won´t work, the above mentioned problem is the result.
Maybe i need a custom kernel, any suggestions?
Thanks for your help.
CM kernel probably doesnt allow to flash other kernel than it has (cwm). Flash great devs kernel and than twrp. I have it (at least multi rom 2.8.4 one) and it works.
However after screen off it reboots and i dont know what cause it
Thanks for your answear, i try it next weekend.
Rom: Resurrection Remix® Lollipop v5.3.6 - Togari
Kernel: from rom
Recovery: Dunno where it came from? Perhaps when flashing Candy5 Beta.
Im kind off in the same position, recovery says
E: Cannot load volume /misc
Finding update package...
Opening update package...
Installing update package...
Package is for device: ...[B][I]bla bla bla you get the thing[/I][/B]
E: failed to install /sideload/
E: Please take note of ..[B][I]bla bla bla[/I][/B]
Installation aborted.
E: Cannot load volume /misc!
When trying to flash any zip file. When the flash starts I see something like "verification failed" flashing by really quick .....I guess the verify is active which is causing this issue?
BUT this damn recovery has no damn setting to change that! Probably possible to modify some config.txt manually.
Is it possible to change recovery somehow from CM recovery?
I tried by flashing great devs with fastboot. Then it says finished but the same recovery is still present...
Sorry for ranting a bit ..I'm in the middle of some other projects going on with BSD but this one is driving me nuts :silly: I just want to flash TWRP on my device It should not be this difficult
My advice for you is to flash boot.img from resurrection remix - its great devs kernel v2 with twrp - or zombie kernel for 5.0 which has built in twrp.
Both can be flashed using fastboot, so u dont need working recovery for it and they both should work with all 5.0 roms except gpe one.
Im not sure what versions of recovery they have built in, but after that u can flash multirom zip, which has 2.8.4.x one (with mutirom support ofc,but its just addition for "stock" functions it has). I dont think u can use official twrp with nonstock kernel as i tried to flash it to recovery partition and fotakernel and always it doesnt boot (recovery, rom and kernel worked fine, just after pressing vol+, vol- or power when purple light comes up, it changes to yellow and stay like this till i forced reboot).
I tried it with Great Devs KK (v1 + AICP 7.0l) and LP (v2 + RR or AICP 8.0 unofficial build), built in kernel in AICP 8.0 unofficial and Validus.
MultiROM twrp works fine with GD v1 and v2
ch3mn3y said:
My advice for you is to flash boot.img from resurrection remix - its great devs kernel v2 with twrp - or zombie kernel for 5.0 which has built in twrp.
Both can be flashed using fastboot, so u dont need working recovery for it and they both should work with all 5.0 roms except gpe one.
Im not sure what versions of recovery they have built in, but after that u can flash multirom zip, which has 2.8.4.x one (with mutirom support ofc,but its just addition for "stock" functions it has). I dont think u can use official twrp with nonstock kernel as i tried to flash it to recovery partition and fotakernel and always it doesnt boot (recovery, rom and kernel worked fine, just after pressing vol+, vol- or power when purple light comes up, it changes to yellow and stay like this till i forced reboot).
I tried it with Great Devs KK (v1 + AICP 7.0l) and LP (v2 + RR or AICP 8.0 unofficial build), built in kernel in AICP 8.0 unofficial and Validus.
MultiROM twrp works fine with GD v1 and v2
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....well im stuck. I have tried everything. Even hotbooting. That damn CM recovery is there no matter what!
I'm gonna give it a try tomorrow and start on zero. Either flash a stock rom with flashtool or scrubber port which is not based on cm.
I'll report later with some results
Mybe try to:
- dl your rom and zombie or gd
- open ur roms zip with ie 7zip
- delete boot.img
- unpack kernels zip and move boot.img to roms zip
- copy new zip to device
- flash stock
- flash kernel (zombie or gd)
- using built in recovery (should be twrp( flash roms zip
As there will be built in kernel with twrp it should stay after reboot.
If not do it again but before reboot in the and flash multirom zip
Sent using C6833 - AICP/GreatDevs
Solved the issue.
First I Downloaded
STOCK ROM] [FTF] Xperia Z Ultra 6833 14.4.A.0.118 "SRF FR".
GoogleDrive: Download FTF
Thanks to @dandyqb
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And Flashtool 9.18.5
But I got stuck with Flashtool prompting me to move content from C:\flashtool\firmwares C:\users\admin\.flashtool/firmwares (??)
Abandoned flashtool and downloaded Flashtool 9.16.1 instead. But this time I hit another issue.
Flashing system bla bla bla.
Device connected in Flashmode.
Abandoned the FTF file and downloaded
STOCK ROM] [FTF] Xperia Z Ultra 6833 14.4.A.0.118 "VodaFone UK".
mediafire: Download FTF
Thanks to @Feodorus 4PDA
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This time it worked out. Flashtool read the FTF and pushed it to the device as it should.
Booted device and transfered files to my device
I did the rest manually. Downloaded and opened [email protected]_LRX21P.S3.4201_by_Scrubber.
Took out the file "For_ALL_ZU_5.0_Scrubb_GPE_kernel_initD.img"
Renamed file and flashed it with
Fastboot flash boot boot.img
Booted into recovery and flashed
Turned off device. Booted into Fastboot mode
Renamed "TWRP_multirom-togari_20150201-00.img" to "recovery"
Flashed file with
Fastboot flash recovery recovery.img
Fastboot reboot
Wooh.. And I reached a very unfamiliar place named Multirom upon boot saying Auto-boot! :good::laugh:
Glad u made it. It strange that u need steps with gpe port, but maybe some devices are different
Multirom lets u boot more than one rom. Its like grub on pc, so its good thing, but take 5-6 secs of additional booting time
And flash older version of flashtool (eg., if u want to keepfirmwares in flashtool/firmwares folder. Devs change somethin and people like me with small system partition or ssd drive, which has limited space will have problems if it keeps that way (or well need to stay with older verions)
Sent using C6833 - AICP/GreatDevs
ch3mn3y said:
Glad u made it. It strange that u need steps with gpe port, but maybe some devices are different
Multirom lets u boot more than one rom. Its like grub on pc, so its good thing, but take 5-6 secs of additional booting time
And flash older version of flashtool (eg., if u want to keepfirmwares in flashtool/firmwares folder. Devs change somethin and people like me with small system partition or ssd drive, which has limited space will have problems if it keeps that way (or well need to stay with older verions)
Sent using C6833 - AICP/GreatDevs
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I didn't really need scrubbers kernel. I just used it to flash a recovery on to my device as I came from stock rom after flashing the FTF.
Just kind of a "safety first" step instead of jumping right onto flashing the multirom .img file and not knowing if its gonna boot or not. :silly:
Scrubbers gpe port was just the first rom that popped up in my head so its why I used it.
You can use Rashr to replace recovery in current kernel image on the go. I use it all the time to get TWRP - works perfectly. Can backup kernel image before modifying.
You can flash Philz, TWRP (any version, incl. or any other recovery image from sdcard with it on top of AOSP kernel.
What kernel are u using? Im on GreatDevs and after flashing it doesnt boot. I mean its flashed, but after reboot when i press vol+/- like i do with twrp 2.8.4 (multirom one)or before did with cwm it freezes on kernel logo (led color changes from purple to yellow)
Sent using C6833 - AICP/GreatDevs
ch3mn3y said:
What kernel are u using?
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If this question is for me, I use official CM12.
Its in my forum and tapatalk signatures - Great Devs, KK one.
So maybe its it and cm11 kernel (or only GD) doesnt support 2.8.5+ ??
I can live with 2.8.4 for now (till I move to LP)
B.Maximenko said:
You can use Rashr to replace recovery in current kernel image on the go. I use it all the time to get TWRP - works perfectly. Can backup kernel image before modifying.
You can flash Philz, TWRP (any version, incl. or any other recovery image from sdcard with it on top of AOSP kernel.
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I have tried this app. And other similar apps I could find on play store. They did not work.
The output in this app showed that it successfully replaced recovery but on reboot CM recovery was still present.
B.Maximenko said:
You can use Rashr to replace recovery in current kernel image on the go. I use it all the time to get TWRP - works perfectly. Can backup kernel image before modifying.
You can flash Philz, TWRP (any version, incl. or any other recovery image from sdcard with it on top of AOSP kernel.
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the app doesn't work for me either (i'm running slimkat build 9 stock)
i can't get working permanently (at least not after a power down)... it'll work right after a fastboot flash
lame Sony putting kernel and recovery together.... wth... my Note 2 was so much simpler to work with...
anyone got a TWRP theme which is suitable with xperia ultra z?

Marshmallow AOSP

I was wondering if anyone else saw that M4 Aqua has been officially added to the bootloader unlockable devices and that the Marshmallow Experimental binaries do contain binaries for Kanuti/Tulip which are of the same size as other devices' binaries (which makes me guess that they are way more complete and usable than what we could previously download). I have not yet compiled AOSP to see if my theory is correct but I will do it as soon as I can.
If someone else already tried please share the result
If you want a tester, I could do the job
It is currently compiling, I will update when it is done/fails.
Hoping someone makes a breakthrough with AOSP or CM 13. I feel like this phone has so much unused potential being chained by Sonys system , waiting to be released. Looking forward to hearing what happens with your compile
Hello once again!
The compilation has been finally successful.
If anyone wants to test it, here you have the links and guide that you need. Remember, this is NOT tested and I am in no way responsible if something happens to your phone (not that much can happen, worse case it does not boot and you have to flash using flashtool). This is Sony's Marshmallow Experimental AOSP build for this device by me.
Without further ado, this are the files that you have to download(copy and paste the link, XDA doesn't let me post it without the dashes):
Boot: //
System: //
Userdata: //
After downloading them, simply copy them somewhere you can use fastboot and flash them :
fastboot –S 256M flash boot boot.img
fastboot –S 256M flash system system.img
fastboot –S 256M flash userdata userdata.img
I tested it and it resulted in an never-ending bootloop
nrokos said:
I tested it and it resulted in an never-ending bootloop
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Can you get to the bootanimation?
If so, try to dmesg
dani020110 said:
Can you get to the bootanimation?
If so, try to dmesg
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No, it's booting the sony logo and then black screen for some seconds and again the sony logo
Jacharcus said:
Hello once again!
The compilation has been finally successful.
If anyone wants to test it, here you have the links and guide that you need. Remember, this is NOT tested and I am in no way responsible if something happens to your phone (not that much can happen, worse case it does not boot and you have to flash using flashtool). This is Sony's Marshmallow Experimental AOSP build for this device by me.
Without further ado, this are the files that you have to download(copy and paste the link, XDA doesn't let me post it without the dashes):
Boot: //
System: //
Userdata: //
After downloading them, simply copy them somewhere you can use fastboot and flash them :
fastboot –S 256M flash boot boot.img
fastboot –S 256M flash system system.img
fastboot –S 256M flash userdata userdata.img
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nrokos said:
I tested it and it resulted in an never-ending bootloop
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nrokos said:
No, it's booting the sony logo and then black screen for some seconds and again the sony logo
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Do note you do need to flash the latest marshmallow ftf then this ROM due to the new bootloader present in the new ROMs which allows to load custom ROMs properly...
Can confirm bootloop flashing from stock 6.0.1. Flashing stock ftf, but will test again if something gets changed

[F3111/F3113/F3115][TWRP][3.1.0-0][UNOFFICIAL] TWRP recovery for XA Single Sim

Hi all,
I'm happy to share with you my new TWRP recovery 3.1.0-0 built from sources. It works for Single Sim XA only.
As before you can't wipe /cache because it is used by TWRP and I don't know how to force unmount, decryption of /data doesn't work so if you want a full backup or explore files use an unencrypted data partition.
Download link:!ZxBBGTbA!C2FSqJE0Xv6yQDPlmzRkmGOVxYhRMMhe3Z2TGTCvCkg
Flash it with fastboot.
Have a nice day
So works in 100%
When I do backup with 3.1 TWRP and when I choose partitions to backup, it says: Data (excluding data stored in internal storage) - when backup is in progress info pop-ups that data will be backed up without eg. pictures or downloaded items.
My internal memory is not encrypted (was formatted) so why is that ?
This is not a case with previous 3.0.2 TWRP. ALL was included in backup.
Feature request
Hi rrvuhpg,
Is it possible for you to add complete DATA partition backup option in your recovery ?
I mean something like Data-image, so nothing would be excluded in backup.
Also if you could add phone battery charging when working in recovery, that would be very useful, please.
I know it sounds like "feature request", but maybe you could consider adding these items.
Andrzej_Andrzej said:
Hi rrvuhpg,
Is it possible for you to add complete DATA partition backup option in your recovery ?
I mean something like Data-image, so nothing would be excluded in backup.
Also if you could add phone battery charging when working in recovery, that would be very useful, please.
I know it sounds like "feature request", but maybe you could consider adding these items.
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Hi, sorry but I will not add the possibility to add complete DATA partition backup. I will verify on the old TWRP but it should not too, it's a decision taken by the TWRP dev team.
If you want the official answer look here:
For the battery charging I don't need to add the feature, you phone is charging well throug TWRP (look at the recovery logs) it only doesn't show the battery level, it's more aesthetic than usefull but if I release an updated TWRP I will try to show it. A golden rule to know is to charge the battery before playing with backup/restore/update.
rrvuhpg said:
Hi, sorry but I will not add the possibility to add complete DATA partition backup. I will verify on the old TWRP but it should not too, it's a decision taken by the TWRP dev team.
If you want the official answer look here:
For the battery charging I don't need to add the feature, you phone is charging well throug TWRP (look at the recovery logs) it only doesn't show the battery level, it's more aesthetic than usefull but if I release an updated TWRP I will try to show it. A golden rule to know is to charge the battery before playing with backup/restore/update.
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Hi, ok I read this,and They say: "You may want to backup the internal storage as well but this is not possible in the TWRP GUI. You have to do it manually (e.g. with "tar" when your internal storage is mounted in TWRP".
Could you please explain how to do it manually using "tar", I mean how to backup Data partition manually ?
I am just curious why it is not recommnded to do full backup of Data including user data ?
Hi rrvuhpg,
Is it possible for you to make a tutorial how to make recovery TWRP for xperia xa single sim ?
What is configuration file for it and where it can be found? , how to compile it from sources ?
Which sources should one use ?
There are some tutorials about how to compile it, but not specifically related to xperia xa f3111.
What kind of tools should one use ?
You have an experience with it so based on it can you share your observations.
Andrzej_Andrzej said:
Hi rrvuhpg,
Is it possible for you to make a tutorial how to make recovery TWRP for xperia xa single sim ?
What is configuration file for it and where it can be found? , how to compile it from sources ?
Which sources should one use ?
There are some tutorials about how to compile it, but not specifically related to xperia xa f3111.
What kind of tools should one use ?
You have an experience with it so based on it can you share your observations.
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I don't need to make a tutorial, you can find all you need on Xda:
and some very useful threads here :
rrvuhpg said:
I don't need to make a tutorial, you can find all you need on Xda:
and some very useful threads here :
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Hi, I read those tutorials and I am learning at present a lot of new things, but it leaves me still with many to read and acquire.
I found your files on github:✓&q=device_sony_tuba&type=
and I was wondering if there were xperia xa configuration files. I figured those are for dual sim xa. So I would like to kindly ask you if you could put xperia xa single sim configuration files as when you do TWRP recovery for this phone (for which I am very grateful) anybody could use it and learn from it. Especially it is difficult to make correctly and not too many people write about xperia xa single sim building, compiling, etc. It is a not very popular smartphone I wonder.
I hope that it would be OK with you,
Andrzej_Andrzej said:
Hi, I read those tutorials and I am learning at present a lot of new things, but it leaves me still with many to read and acquire.
I found your files on github:✓&q=device_sony_tuba&type=
and I was wondering if there were xperia xa configuration files. I figured those are for dual sim xa. So I would like to kindly ask you if you could put xperia xa single sim configuration files as when you do TWRP recovery for this phone (for which I am very grateful) anybody could use it and learn from it. Especially it is difficult to make correctly and not too many people write about xperia xa single sim building, compiling, etc. It is a not very popular smartphone I wonder.
I hope that it would be OK with you,
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You can use the same device tree for single and dual (you can change all "tubads" by "tubass") , I will push changes to Github so you will have the correct Boardconfig. You will have to download the kernel tree from Sony or modify the Boardconfig to use a prebuilt kernel extracted from the modified boot or TWRP for your device.
If you want to learn I recommend you to try to build TWRP for a device who have a lot of documentation first, after it will be easy for you to do the same for XA.
rrvuhpg said:
You can use the same device tree for single and dual (you can change all "tubads" by "tubass") , I will push changes to Github so you will have the correct Boardconfig. You will have to download the kernel tree from Sony or modify the Boardconfig to use a prebuilt kernel extracted from the modified boot or TWRP for your device.
If you want to learn I recommend you to try to build TWRP for a device who have a lot of documentation first, after it will be easy for you to do the same for XA.
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Hi, rrvuhpg
Once again thank you for prompt reply, help and understanding.
Thank you very much indeed. Of course as my knowledge will progress please expect a lot of questions from my side.
best regards,
Andrzej_Andrzej said:
Hi, rrvuhpg
Once again thank you for prompt reply, help and understanding.
Thank you very much indeed. Of course as my knowledge will progress please expect a lot of questions from my side.
best regards,
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No problem but if you have a lot of questions ask me in private message. I updated my Github on CM13 branch. Good luck
rrvuhpg said:
No problem but if you have a lot of questions ask me in private message. I updated my Github on CM13 branch. Good luck
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Hi @rrvuhpg,
I've asked for your help regarding the compilation of the kernel for xperia xa in a private message. I've tried to compile the kernel from your git, but I'm not seeing any zImage after the compilation. I've also downloaded the kernel archive from sony archives and succeeded compiling this one with the default config for a F3111 (tubass_defconfig). I got an *Image* binary file in the out directory, probably this one is the zImage, but I'm not sure if I need to do something else to this binary before packing it along with the ramdisk. I figured that you're doing something additionally. I'm doing this because I want to get rid of the dynamic brightness adjustments in the kernel. Please, can you help me?
cojocar.andrei said:
Hi @rrvuhpg,
I've asked for your help regarding the compilation of the kernel for xperia xa in a private message. I've tried to compile the kernel from your git, but I'm not seeing any zImage after the compilation. I've also downloaded the kernel archive from sony archives and succeeded compiling this one with the default config for a F3111 (tubass_defconfig). I got an *Image* binary file in the out directory, probably this one is the zImage, but I'm not sure if I need to do something else to this binary before packing it along with the ramdisk. I figured that you're doing something additionally. I'm doing this because I want to get rid of the dynamic brightness adjustments in the kernel. Please, can you help me?
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Hi, your question is a little off topic here but I will answer you
In the "out" directory, don't use the zImage but zImage-dtb. You only have to pack it along with the ramdisk. If you have any questions please use your thread
Quote me if you need help
Hi, rrvuhpg.
I've got a little problem. I flashed the Customized RU Firmware 33.2.A.4.70 half a year ago. I had installed TWRP and SuperSU. But now I flashed the Customized CE5 Firmware with the version 33.3.A.0.131 and I tried to flash TWRP via Adb and I get this error message everytime and I also tried to boot the custom recovery via Adb. It shows the Sony logo than Black-Screen and then it start normaly. I tried also to reflash the Firmware and flash other Firmware from other Countries.
C:\adb>adb devices
List of devices attached
RQ3000F9PS device
C:\adb>adb reboot bootloader
C:\adb>fastboot flash recovery recovery.img
target reported max download size of 134217728 bytes sending 'recovery' (15814 KB)...
OKAY [ 0.578s]
writing 'recovery'...
FAILED (remote: This partition doesn't exist)
finished. total time: 0.583s
C:\adb>fastboot boot recovery.img
downloading 'boot.img'...
OKAY [ 0.577s]
OKAY [ 0.043s]
finished. total time: 0.622s
I hope you can help me!
JustTryIt130 said:
Hi, rrvuhpg.
I've got a little problem. I flashed the Customized RU Firmware 33.2.A.4.70 half a year ago. I had installed TWRP and SuperSU. But now I flashed the Customized CE5 Firmware with the version 33.3.A.0.131 and I tried to flash TWRP via Adb and I get this error message everytime and I also tried to boot the custom recovery via Adb. It shows the Sony logo than Black-Screen and then it start normaly. I tried also to reflash the Firmware and flash other Firmware from other Countries.
I hope you can help me!
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Hi, TWRP and boot for Marshmallow doesn't work for Nougat. You will have to wait for a new boot and recovery for Nougat (and a new guide to root it).
Maybe you can help... I successfully flashed this on my XA MM, and flashed ultra slim MM rom, but rom will not boot. Usually just infinite boot animation, but once I got it to start 'optimizing apps', but rebooted about halfway. Do you think the recovery has anything to do with it? As you stated, I can't wipe cache, but install log shows successful cache format and system complete... Thanks
levone1 said:
Maybe you can help... I successfully flashed this on my XA MM, and flashed ultra slim MM rom, but rom will not boot. Usually just infinite boot animation, but once I got it to start 'optimizing apps', but rebooted about halfway. Do you think the recovery has anything to do with it? As you stated, I can't wipe cache, but install log shows successful cache format and system complete... Thanks
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Hi, did you used the modified boot for the right firmware? Did you downgraded your firmware from Nougat without wiping Data or restored Nougat Data on MM? Did you changed root method (SuperSu to Magisk)? As I know no problem with TWRP or boot. I got the same problem if I downgrade from N to MM without wiping Data.
I question for you brother
we could help make boot.img and recover.img for xperiu L1 G3311
This is so BIG thank you very very thankxxxxxx bro
Firmare download this:!n9pDjLob!m9_A4L4ij...8nabHmx3-1mwQA
Link: for xda this
Very Please help if you can brother

Making custom boot.img for MTK 6577 device.

Hello all,
I have a question about flashing Lenovo IdeaTab A1000LF (MTK6577 device). I would like to add busybox into initramfs and slightly change init strategy. boot.img from official ROM A1000LF_A412_01_05_130705_USER_DCC was unpacked with abootimg from Fedora repo. I added busybox for armv7l into initramfs/sbin and packed it again with the same tool. New boot.img was flashed into device with Flash Tools 3 (works on virtual machine with Win7) in Firmware Update mode with DA DL All With check sum option. Download mode did not work (there was errors in scatter file, __NODL_FAT partition exactly). Tablet was starting after flashing fow a few seconds. First boot logo was shown and then reboot again. Everything seems to work fine in case of flashing original boot.img. There might be some problems with Checksums or packing/unpacking initramfs (even if I create new boot.img without changes, tablet will not boot correctly). Do you have any ideas?
P.S. I didn't find suitable general thread for such kind of devices and tasks. Maybe you can suggest something.

GSI and Xperia 1

I tried to install some GSIs, but they were stuck at the costum Romes Loading animation.
I installed the Firmware with Emma
Locked it to update to Android 11 and unlocked it again
Installed TWRP and booted into it
Wiped system and userdata
Pushed to system.img file from the custom rom to my device into /sideload/
In TWRP install-System Image—> Pressed on the folder and on the system.img
It installed successfully
Stuck in Loading animation(PixelExpirience == A Google G with loading bar, LineageOs == The blue line with the bubble)
No crashes or so what, it just hangs in there for ~20 min and than I turn the device off with volume(+) and Power button.
I know Sony Xperia 1 is not officially supported for project treble, but since this thread( requires Pixel Experience GSI I thought it should be possible to run GSI on Sony Xperia 1.
Any idea what I might have donne wrong or are there other GSI roms I could try.
PixelEX = PixelExperience_Plus_arm64-ab-12.1-20220613-UNOFFICIAL.img 3.7 GB
LineageOS = lineage-19.1-20220613-UNOFFICIAL-arm64_bvS.img 2.0 GB
Bkeinn_ll said:
I tried to install some GSIs, but they were stuck at the costum Romes Loading animation.
I installed the Firmware with Emma
Locked it to update to Android 11 and unlocked it again
Installed TWRP and booted into it
Wiped system and userdata
Pushed to system.img file from the custom rom to my device into /sideload/
In TWRP install-System Image—> Pressed on the folder and on the system.img
It installed successfully
Stuck in Loading animation(PixelExpirience == A Google G with loading bar, LineageOs == The blue line with the bubble)
No crashes or so what, it just hangs in there for ~20 min and than I turn the device off with volume(+) and Power button.
I know Sony Xperia 1 is not officially supported for project treble, but since this thread( requires Pixel Experience GSI I thought it should be possible to run GSI on Sony Xperia 1.
Any idea what I might have donne wrong or are there other GSI roms I could try.
PixelEX = PixelExperience_Plus_arm64-ab-12.1-20220613-UNOFFICIAL.img 3.7 GB
LineageOS = lineage-19.1-20220613-UNOFFICIAL-arm64_bvS.img 2.0 GB
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I think you should take a look of this post.
In theory this would be the post I needed, but following this guide, with their files, made my Xperia 1 not even show the Rom’s Boot animation and instead ended up in a boot loop which stopped ~2 sec after showing the Sony logo.
But nevertheless thanks. I will ask in this post for help.
Try using fastboot method to install GSI ROM.
See this thread for reference :
Thanks, I did it.
What did I do different:
vbmeta.img from google(was a little bit bigger than the one from the TWRP)
Started from Android 9(directly from Emma)
Flashed system.img as well as vbmeta to system_a system_b/vbmeta_a, vbmeta_b
i have the same problem till now i cant flash any gsi i flashed android 11 and flashed after that vbmeta to a and b and flashed system.img and got infinite loading

