Remix OS on thin client - Remix OS for PC

i am currently trying to install Remix OS on a DELL Wyse Z90DE7 thin client because my girlfriend is enjoying mobile gaming a lot and I wanted to set this up for her as an Android gaming platform.
Originally Windows 7 embedded was installed but i want Remix to be a standalone system and not as dual boot.
My problem is that i don't want to install it on a USB flash drive, but either on the internal 4GB S-ATA Flash Disk or an external 250GB S-ATA HDD that is connected via the second S-ATA port on the mainboard of the thin client. But it simply won't boot from disk after i started the ISO from the flash drive, hit TAB and edited the line to "/kernel initrd=/initrd.img root=/dev/ram0 androidboot.hardware=android_x86_64 INSTALL=1 DEBUG=" to install it on the 250GB HDD. I have only few knowledge about LINUX and even less about GRUB, but I think the boot loader is the primary problem. Else I already chose NTFS and ext4 as file systems.
I know, that the hardware can run it, because after installation i was asked to reboot or run the system (i chose run) and it started to boot and i got even on the desktop. but after reboot without the attached USB drive it got stuck at "detecting android".
I hope you can help me and thanks in advance,


any way to install Remix OS as only os and use all the hard drive space

hi everybody
been looking for an answer to this and haven't found one yet but what i am wanting to do is install Remix OS on my netbook that runs horriblly with windows 10 and have Remix OS be the only operating system with full access to the 320 gb hdd. i have installed Remix OS alongside windows so i can dual boot. Remix OS runs way better than windows 10 does.
is this even doable at this point or will that be something i will have to wait on for now?
use the same method to install RemixOs on virtual machine
see here
Another post which describes installing Remix OS on a hdd (using all space of the hdd) is this one: . On the Remix OS USB drive you'll find a directory isolinux containing a file isolinux.cfg. Copy the section "label guestmode" and change it to
label installmode
menu label ^Install Remix OS beta to hard drive
kernel /kernel
append initrd=/initrd.img root=/dev/ram0 androidboot.hardware=remix_x86_64 androidboot.selinux=permissive quiet INSTALL=1 DEBUG=
If you cannot perform this operation with Windows create a second USB device which you can use for booting with Linux (e.g. Ubuntu or Mint).
After having modified the isolinux.cfg you'll have to format your hdd with an ext4 and a swap partition. You can use gparted or start an Ubuntu installation which you stop after Ubuntu has formatted your disk drive (see step 2 "VirtualBox" of my documentation). After having formatted your hdd you can follow the steps 3, 4, 5 (Remix OS beta), and 7.
Hi sir
I have compiled a thread here.
Remove the bootloader entry for Windows to set it as the only OS.
Hope it solves your problem. Cheers!
Installing to an ext2 partition is the ONLY way I have found to access the entire hard drive with Remix OS as the only OS. It isn't without a glitch though: play store will run but ALL download attempts return ERROR 963. Haven't found a fix anywhere for that. Still looking though as this is definately the best OS for netbooks. Phoenix looks better but lacks a lot of the functionality of Remix.
I installed to an ext4 partition and it runs fine. Rooted and all. Do check out my thread. It's definitely one of the best OS, even for desktops. Haven't tried Phoenix OS though.

Acer C720P - Remix OS - Wildly impressed.

First the issues. I was not able to figure out how to set it up to where I can install Remix OS on my chromebook's SSD instead of having to use a USB stick. I also wasn't able to figure out why running the ISO installer tool that comes with the most recent download (yesterday) didn't work. I used it on a 32GB PNY USB flash drive, but after going into the legacy boot menu on my Chromebook, and selecting my USB stick to boot from, it was not able to find an operating system. Instead, I used Linux Live USB Creator (LiLi). I manually selected the Remix OS ISO that came with the download, and installed it to my USB stick. My chromebook recognized it immediately as a bootable OS. It even gave me the options for guest mode, and write mode. I chose write mode. The only downside to this is not being able to choose how large the partitions should be. Either way, it installed successfully.
The awesome parts. It recognized and works uniformly with my chromebook's touch screen and touch pad. Zero issues. It even recognizes some touch-pad short cuts like two-finger scrolling, etc. It doesn't recognize some of my keys on the keyboard itself, like volume up/down, and brightness up/down, but this is easily managed at the task bar. I also tested Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes to see if games would be sluggish running on a USB stick. I don't know about all games, but that one in particular ran as though it was on my Nexus 7. Super smoothly, with no issues. Aside from it being a bit sluggish running apps for the first time, (it frequently asked if I wanted to wait, or to force close Facebook and others - hitting wait works), I am very impressed with the experience. It's everything I could hope for in a beta android desktop OS! :good: :good:
PS, I'm actually running it right now as I type this.
I got it to install on my Acer R14 with a triple boot, windows 10, ubuntu, remix os. If you use universal usb installer and install directly to a NTFS partition on your hard drive you can use RMXtools to make the data .img whatever size you want. I did it for 50GB and have installed alot of apps and i still have 48GB left. I really like this OS.
Well I tried ubuntu on my chromebook for a while, but wasn't feeling it. I would have to put it on in order to install Remix OS to a hard drive no?
No just use universal usb installer and select non-linux installation and install directly to your ntfs drive. The expand the data file with RMXTools to whatever size you want.
rsktkr1 said:
No just use universal usb installer and select non-linux installation and install directly to your ntfs drive. The expand the data file with RMXTools to whatever size you want.
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How do I run Universal USB installer from Chrome OS then?
ryfly65 said:
How do I run Universal USB installer from Chrome OS then?
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Make your usb bootable with Rufus.
Been using it from USB for weeks now I'll try the Linux USB tool, would be amazing to get this running on the hdd. Does you're touchpad work??
Edit: just read it does work but hasn't for me, been needing my wireless mouse
Sent from my Nexus 9 using Tapatalk
Is it possible to boot a linux live usb and install remix os on the ssd with Gnome disks?
There has got to be some variation in components with revisions of the C720P, because no OS I have tried to boot on mine has supported the mouse other than Gallium. If I install the GalliumOS kernel on Debian it works fine, but no idea how I would do that with Android. Your touchpad really just worked huh? Not for me, not in the version of RemixOS I downloaded from the Jide site last night, nor in the hacked edition or whatever it's called here on XDA.
My laptop Asus X8AIJ very old since 2005.....
settup on HDD,,,non USB
Win10 64bit + Remix os with rooted ,,,,very good...but i can not settup display for as well

Remix OS on hard disk without dual boot?

I have a spare netbook lying around in the house
Can I install Remix OS on it, directly to the hard drive without any kind of dual boot?
Just plain simple remix os?
yeah you can you need to remove the hdd and then install the remix on it using a second computer and then plug that HDD back into the laptop and then u will be able to boot only remix on that laptop ... good luck
It is possible, as I have detailed in my post here. If you need the code for the grub.cfg, check here.
Enjoy Remix OS on your PC!
Its actually easy - All you need to do is boot up gparted - live linux ( i used mint linux off a usb key) - run gparted, format the hd you want as ext3 or ext4, set the boot flag (under manage flags) .. then boot the remix usb key - select resident mode, you have a few seconds to add this at the end of the line INSTALL=1
hit enter.. walk through the installer, done.. once its finished remove the key, boot from HD.
Installing Remix OS to hard drive
Clicking Installing Remix OS to Hard Drive or Virtual Machine without additional tools you'll find a documentation how to install Remix OS to a hard drive.
MastahOnetrack said:
Its actually easy - All you need to do is boot up gparted - live linux ( i used mint linux off a usb key) - run gparted, format the hd you want as ext3 or ext4, set the boot flag (under manage flags) .. then boot the remix usb key - select resident mode, you have a few seconds to add this at the end of the line INSTALL=1
hit enter.. walk through the installer, done.. once its finished remove the key, boot from HD.
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i did pin point exactly what you said to do made sure the hdd was in first boot order, and it keeps saying no operating system found, this is the closest ive gotten to getting this things to work, i have no other os on here and planning to make remix os the main and only one so PLEASE HELP!

Installing on a PIII-1000

I have here a P3-1Ghz with 512 megabytes of RAM on an Asus CUSI-M (SiS630M) motherboard in a compact case. I thought I'd try running RemixOS on it, under the rationale that Android should be friendlier to old PC hardware than any other modern system because plenty of ultramobile devices it runs on have about the same power as old PC hardware.
The CD-ROM drive is a slim unit that's unfortunately quite dead, and I don't have any of my old IDE optical drives handy; plus the computer only has USB1.1 (from which it can't boot without Plop Bootmanager and even that's sketchy) and I don't have any USB2 PCI cards, so it requires some creative ways to get a live system running. My idea is to either put the OS on the drive from my main computer and then transfer it across, or get the system on another drive, plug it in the secondary IDE channel, boot it and install to the primary drive from there.
I plugged the drive into my win10 box with a IDE-to-USB2 converter and ran the Windows installer program; it did its thing, but when I transfer the drive to the PIII it doesn't boot - it just stays there at the BIOS screen forever, as if there was no bootloader on the hard disk (I understand the installer, which seems derived from UNetBootin, should have put one there). This happens both with FAT32 and NTFS.
So I tried dd'ing the image to the hard drive directly in Linux. That at least got me to the bootloader, but when I try to boot (in guest mode) it complains about Intel Powerclamp not working and some other process being incompatible with the CPU. Then it reboots.
I then tried using Rufus to write the image to the hard disk, and that caused a cleaner attempt - no complaints and it goes straight to "looking for Android-x86 on /dev/sda1, found"... and then reboots.
Notably my idea seems to work otherwise - I can boot any Linux live by Rufus-ing it to one of the two drives, and if I put the live on the second drive I can then boot it, run the installer and install it on the first; by way of an experiment I installed Mint like this and it booted to a desktop just fine (if slowly).
I'm wondering if I'm doing something wrong with the image files, or if I'm just trying to install it on an excessively ancient and unsupported computer - which would be too bad, really, as it seems an ideal solution to revive slow hardware.
Edit: another attempt. I used my main box to create a RemixOS USB drive, then rebooted the main box to verify that it works, and sure enough RemixOS booted fine from the thumbdrive. I then used Linux to dd the thumbdrive directly on the IDE hard drive and plugged that in the P3. This works - it boots to the bootloader, acts as if it wants to boot (even formats the data partition if I select resident mode), then - again - resets.
Why is the damn thing resetting on boot and how do I stop it? Argh!
Fallingwater said:
I have here a P3-1Ghz with 512 megabytes of RAM on an Asus CUSI-M (SiS630M) motherboard in a compact case. I thought I'd try running RemixOS on it, under the rationale that Android should be friendlier to old PC hardware than any other modern system because plenty of ultramobile devices it runs on *have* about the same power of old PC hardware.
The CD-ROM drive is a slim unit that's unfortunately quite dead, and I don't have any of my old IDE optical drives handy; plus the computer only has USB1.1 (from which it can't boot without Plop Bootmanager and even that's sketchy) and I don't have any USB2 PCI cards, so it requires some creative ways to get a live system running. My idea is to either put the OS on the drive from my main computer and then transfer it across, or get the system on another drive, plug it in the secondary IDE channel, boot it and install to the primary drive from there.
I plugged the drive into my win10 box with a IDE-to-USB2 converter and ran the Windows installer program; it did its thing, but when I transfer the drive to the PIII it doesn't boot - it just stays there at the BIOS screen forever, as if there was no bootloader on the hard disk (I understand the installer, which seems derived from UNetBootin, should have put one there). This happens both with FAT32 and NTFS.
So I tried dd'ing the image to the hard drive directly in Linux. That at least got me to the bootloader, but when I try to boot (in guest mode) it complains about Intel Powerclamp not working and some other process being incompatible with the CPU. Then it reboots.
I then tried using Rufus to write the image to the hard disk, and that caused a cleaner attempt - no complaints and it goes straight to "looking for Android-x86 on /dev/sda1, found"... and then reboots.
Notably my idea seems to work otherwise - I can boot any Linux live by Rufus-ing it to one of the two drives, and if I put the live on the second drive I can then boot it, run the installer and install it on the first; by way of an experiment I installed Mint like this and it booted to a desktop just fine (if slowly).
I'm wondering if I'm doing something wrong with the image files, or if I'm just trying to install it on an excessively ancient and unsupported computer - which would be too bad, really, as it seems an ideal solution to revive slow hardware.
Edit: another attempt. I used my main box to create a RemixOS USB drive, then rebooted the main box to verify that it works, and sure enough RemixOS booted fine from the thumbdrive. I then used Linux to dd the thumbdrive directly on the IDE hard drive and plugged that in the P3. This works - it boots to the bootloader, acts as if it wants to boot (even formats the data partition if I select resident mode), then - again - resets.
Why is the damn thing resetting on boot and how do I stop it? Argh!
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Try flashing it to another hard drive, insert both drives into the computer, and and at the grub menu press alt, and add "install=1 debug=" (without the quotes of course, and debug should have no character whatsoever afer the equals.
After installing from the second hard drive to the first, turn off the computer, remove the second hard drive, and boot up the conputer.
I hope this works for you.
Good question... I have an pentium 4 3.0 ghz 64 bit cpu, 4 gig mem and an sata ssd, that runs on Linux mint. Can i install Remix Android 6 without Windows or is Windows recommended if i will to install Remix Android 6
Flemischguy said:
Good question... I have an pentium 4 3.0 ghz 64 bit cpu, 4 gig mem and an sata ssd, that runs on Linux mint. Can i install Remix Android 6 without Windows or is Windows recommended if i will to install Remix Android 6
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No need for windows, however it makes things easier for flashing it on the flash drive.
My recommendation, though, is to use the flash drive as an installer: according to what I had written above, install Remix OS to a hard drive from the flash drive.
I did what you suggested. The system is now installed on the second hard drive, but the computer still resets when attempting to boot. However, by selecting debug boot in grub it tells me a bit more info about the crash - which it didn't when I just did "debug=" in the live, for whatever reason.
Does this tell you anything?
Fallingwater said:
I did what you suggested. The system is now installed on the second hard drive, but the computer still resets when attempting to boot. However, by selecting debug boot in grub it tells me a bit more info about the crash - which it didn't when I just did "debug=" in the live, for whatever reason.
Does this tell you anything?
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Not much, unfortunately.
However, perhaps a BIOS update will help.
It's already updated to the newest revision.
In case others come across this problem: apparently it's not caused by the CPU, but by an unsupported video adapter. This computer has a disgusting old integrated SiS something-or-other video chipset, so that doesn't surprise me. I might try again if I ever find a PCI video adapter that'll fit the case.
Fallingwater said:
In case others come across this problem: apparently it's not caused by the CPU, but by an unsupported video adapter. This computer has a disgusting old integrated SiS something-or-other video chipset, so that doesn't surprise me. I might try again if I ever find a PCI video adapter that'll fit the case.
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Alright, I hope it'll work then.

Install Remix OS with DVD

I have a REALLY old laptop. 1.6ghz single core with 2gb of ram. Currently it has linux on it, but I want something a bit snappier. So I want to try out remix OS but I don't want it on my main PC (Windows Gaming Machine). This old laptop has USB ports but in the bios it doesn't have the option to boot from a USB. So, how would I go about creating a DVD installation disk.
BriniaSona said:
I have a REALLY old laptop. 1.6ghz single core with 2gb of ram. Currently it has linux on it, but I want something a bit snappier. So I want to try out remix OS but I don't want it on my main PC (Windows Gaming Machine). This old laptop has USB ports but in the bios it doesn't have the option to boot from a USB. So, how would I go about creating a DVD installation disk.
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Try extracting the .img and burning it with Brasero or an equivelant.
PLoP Boot Manager 5.0.10: A small program to boot different operating systems harddisk, floppy, CD/DVD or from USB, it can boot from an USB/CD/DVD even without BIOS support (Linux Freeware).
So, if your device has a floppy..then create a floppy with plop boot manager
or burn plop boot manger to CD (its also on hirens bootcd)
*then connect you USB stick with remixos... boot plop from floppy or CD
**Choose Boot from USB...and remixos..should start
You can simply burn the installation iso image to DVD (using some option like "Burn iso image" of your burning app) and boot from it. I have installed Remix this way on a very new board which supports booting from USB, but the installation via USB was unusable.

