Telegram Group - Nexus 6P - Nexus 6P General

Invite link:
Telegram group. No need of sharing numbers, just join via the invite link and you're in.
Requesting all the Nexus devs from this awesome community to be part of the group too. Cheers.


MOTO G 2014 group in telegram

Friends I have created a new group for moto g 2014 owners in telegram. Come please join and help the group grow. Here below you can find the invite link to join the group
"This chat does not exist."
the chat does not exist!!
So we can chat here

Telegram Group for our MOTO G4 Family

Hi Guys,
I have created a Telegram Supergroup of our Device specifically for General and Development discussions and all the updates.
Used telegram because it has tons of benefits over whatsapp like cloud save chats for supergroups, file sharing limit of 4gigs, bots and even groups can expand to 10,000 members.
No need to share the phone number for joining.
click on the below invite link
Why do you think XDA exists? For all the things you mention...

Please join Motorola chat on Telegram

There is a nice Telegram group for Motorola devices.
Just head to Android Portal and click Motorola Mobile to join the group.

G6 whatsapp group

Please join our G6 group using this invite link

ZTE Axon 7 U.S/EU Community Facebook Group

Created a Facebook group just for the U.S user just send a request if you want to join us(A2017U)
and this is the Group for the EU users (A2017G)

