suspicious shared libs in /system/lib - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

device is:
Android Version: 4.1.1
Kernel Version: 3.0.8+
Build: ST70208-1_20130808_INT
aka Trekstor Surftab Ventos 7.0 HD
As Chrome crashes at start even after factory reset and all known measures did not help,
i installed root/su/bussybox/ssh-server and did a logcat.
/ActivityManager( 3603): Start proc for service pid=24769 uid=99001 gids={}
I/LibraryLoader(24750): loading: chromeview
E/Main (24750): Failed to load native library.
E/Main (24750): org.chromium.content.common.ProcessInitException
E/Main (24750): at Source)
E/Main (24750): at$InitializerContinuation.loadLibraryNow(Unknown Source)
E/Main (24750): at$InitializerContinuation.access$400(Unknown Source)
E/Main (24750): at$InitializerContinuation$ Source)
E/Main (24750): at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(
E/Main (24750): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
E/Main (24750): at android.os.Looper.loop(
E/Main (24750): at
E/Main (24750): Caused by: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Cannot load library: link_image[1891]: 2487 could not load needed library '' for '' (load_library[1093]: Library '' not found)
E/Main (24750): at java.lang.Runtime.loadLibrary(
E/Main (24750): at java.lang.System.loadLibrary(
E/Main (24750): ... 8 more
E/Trace (24769): error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
D/OpenGLRenderer(24750): Enabling debug mode 0
I/SandboxedProcessService(24769): Creating new SandboxedProcessService pid=24769
I/LibraryLoader(24769): loading: chromeview
E/SandboxedProcessService(24769): Failed to load native library, exiting sandboxed process
E/SandboxedProcessService(24769): org.chromium.content.common.ProcessInitException
E/SandboxedProcessService(24769): at Source)
E/SandboxedProcessService(24769): at$ Source)
E/SandboxedProcessService(24769): at
E/SandboxedProcessService(24769): Caused by: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Cannot load library: link_image[1891]: 2487 could not load needed library '' for '' (load_library[1093]: Library '' not found)
E/SandboxedProcessService(24769): at java.lang.Runtime.loadLibrary(
E/SandboxedProcessService(24769): at java.lang.System.loadLibrary(
E/SandboxedProcessService(24769): ... 3 more
"ls -al" in /system/lib showed amongst others 4 suspicious shared native libraries:
-rw------- 1 0 0 59996 Mar 17 18:50
-rw------- 1 0 0 10017928 Mar 17 18:18
-rw------- 1 0 0 8577120 Mar 17 18:50
-rw------- 1 0 0 135864 Mar 17 18:51
all other libs here look like that:
-rw-r--r-- 1 0 0 31363328 Aug 1 2008
The 4 suspects have a date 03/17/2016 and no read permission for group/other but the rest all are 8/1/2008 and have the permissions.
I did "chmod 644" to them.
But i had to remount /system as readwrite.
Seams it is normaly readonly!
And i had to do "su"!
How/Who can change anything here in /system/lib?
Chrom still crashes but logcat shows it is not because it does not find the
Now it crashes with a dump.
I think it is because loads the dependency,
but that is an newer version than that it was linked against.
After i left the device in the morning on the day this **** happend, it was working ok.
In the evening (my wife had used it) there was tones of error msg at starting of many apps (Contacts, Playstore, ...).
So i did a factory reset, but the Chrome problem persists (Google+ and Maps where *****y too but worked after update).
I did not switch of auto update.
So i think some update messed it up, or my wife had switched it hard off during something important/longer lasting, as it was not responsive to her.
But how can a normal apk do something to /system?!
Any ideas why Chrome still uses these old native shared libraries?
Please can somebody who is having the same device, send me a "ls -al" of /system/lib.
Any ideas how to fix Chrome (PlayStore)?
PS: This was the 3rd factory reset i had to make because some update managed to screwed it. But the two before worked, ok.
The stock "firmware" of this device looks as if it was the 5th test build a new greenhorn system builder.
And ADB does not work. The device announces itself only in recovery mode to USB (of course "USB debugging" is on).


[Solved] Compiling Apps Problem

I've been trying to compile AOSP apps individually and that doesn't seem to work. These are the steps I took:
1. Install GCC and Java
2. The repo commands (sync from android git etc)
3. make Gallery3D
4. push Gallery3D.apk /system/app/
So as you can see, compilation went on fine. And pushing to my phone also went fine (CM However, when I try to run Gallery3D, I got FC. Here's my logcat:
I/ActivityManager( 93): Starting activity: Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 }
V/RenderScript_jni( 6329): surfaceDestroyed
V/RenderScript( 6329): setSurface 0 0 0x0
D/ViewFlipper( 6329): updateRunning() mVisible=false, mStarted=true, mUserPresent=true, mRunning=false
D/LocationManager( 6198): removeUpdates: listener = [email protected]
D/NetworkLocationProvider( 93): removeListener(): wallpaper
D/NetworkLocationProvider( 93): enableLocationTracking(): false
E/NetworkLocationProvider( 93): releaseCheckLocationLock: wake lock has already been released
D/SensorManager(18699): found sensor: BMA150 3-axis Accelerometer, handle=0
D/SensorManager(18699): found sensor: AK8973 3-axis Magnetic field sensor, handle=1
D/SensorManager(18699): found sensor: AK8973 Orientation sensor, handle=2
D/SensorManager(18699): found sensor: CM3602 Proximity sensor, handle=4
D/SensorManager(18699): found sensor: CM3602 Light sensor, handle=5
W/ResourceType(18699): Failure getting entry for 0x7f02003a (t=1 e=58) in package 0: 0xffffffb5
D/AndroidRuntime(18699): Shutting down VM
W/dalvikvm(18699): threadid=3: thread exiting with uncaught exception (group=0x4001b178)
E/AndroidRuntime(18699): Uncaught handler: thread main exiting due to uncaught exception
E/AndroidRuntime(18699): java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{}: android.content.res.Resources$NotFoundException: Resource ID #0x7f02003a
E/AndroidRuntime(18699): at
E/AndroidRuntime(18699): at
E/AndroidRuntime(18699): at$2200(
E/AndroidRuntime(18699): at$H.handleMessage(
E/AndroidRuntime(18699): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
E/AndroidRuntime(18699): at android.os.Looper.loop(
E/AndroidRuntime(18699): at
E/AndroidRuntime(18699): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
E/AndroidRuntime(18699): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
E/AndroidRuntime(18699): at$
E/AndroidRuntime(18699): at
E/AndroidRuntime(18699): at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)
E/AndroidRuntime(18699): Caused by: android.content.res.Resources$NotFoundException: Resource ID #0x7f02003a
E/AndroidRuntime(18699): at android.content.res.Resources.getValue(
E/AndroidRuntime(18699): at android.content.res.Resources.getDrawable(
E/AndroidRuntime(18699): at<init>(
E/AndroidRuntime(18699): at<init>(
E/AndroidRuntime(18699): at
E/AndroidRuntime(18699): at
E/AndroidRuntime(18699): at
E/AndroidRuntime(18699): ... 11 more
I/Process ( 93): Sending signal. PID: 18699 SIG: 3
I/dalvikvm(18699): threadid=7: reacting to signal 3
I/dalvikvm(18699): Wrote stack trace to '/data/anr/traces.txt'
I/DumpStateReceiver( 93): Added state dump to 1 crashes
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Click to collapse
Besides this, I noticed that my Gallery3D.apk is smaller size(~500kb) than the one which comes with CM (~700kb).
Any help guys? Been trying to figure this out and googling. What did I miss?
arctu said:
I've been trying to compile AOSP apps individually and that doesn't seem to work. These are the steps I took:
1. Install GCC and Java
2. The repo commands (sync from android git etc)
3. make Gallery3D
4. push Gallery3D.apk /system/app/
So as you can see, compilation went on fine. And pushing to my phone also went fine (CM However, when I try to run Gallery3D, I got FC. Here's my logcat:
Besides this, I noticed that my Gallery3D.apk is smaller size(~500kb) than the one which comes with CM (~700kb).
Any help guys? Been trying to figure this out and googling. What did I miss?
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Click to collapse
Q&A section ma man
I believe this is the right section, it's a question on compiling/development. I believe Gallery3D might be lacking mdpi images, and you're compiling for mdpi devices (may be wrong, not able to check now).
What you can do is to do a search for "PRODUCT_LOCALES", within all your files, I think it's in or You will see that the default is mdpi, follow by <something> (can't remember now) += nodpi. Add a <something> += hdpi after the nodpi line, and compile and push again. I had a similar issue and was able to fix it this way, with advice from cyanogen.
Thanks Wysie. That helps!
To those facing the same problem here are the exact steps I took (using terminal and nano):
1. Open/Edit build/core/
nano build/core/
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
2. Find:
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
3. Add in after that line:
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
4. Save and Exit: Ctrl+X
5. Run make again:
make Gallery3D
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
If you did everything correctly, and have compiled before, the compiler should write this at the beginning:
*** Build configuration changed: "generic-eng-{mdpi,nodpi}" -> "generic-eng-{mdpi,nodpi,hdpi}"
*** Forcing "make installclean"...
*** Done with the cleaning, now starting the real build.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
It works now. Hope this helps the others.
arctu said:
Thanks Wysie. That helps!
To those facing the same problem here are the exact steps I took (using terminal and nano):
1. Open/Edit build/core/
2. Find:
3. Add in after that line:
4. Save and Exit: Ctrl+X
5. Run make again:
If you did everything correctly, and have compiled before, the compiler should write this at the beginning:
It works now. Hope this helps the others.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
cheers, helped me out
after quick grep to confirm I used sed
sed s/PRODUCT_LOCALES\ \+\=\ nodpi/PRODUCT_LOCALES\ \+\=\ hdpi/ build/core/ -i

[Q] How to hack webkit java class method or make my own webkit for my android app?

Sorry in advance if post is not belongs to this forum..
I try to make android java app that uses webkit browser component but in slight different way. My primary goal is to modify the webkit WebViewCore java class method so my android application uses my own WebView which derived from modified WebViewCore and acts as I wish. The problel is that WebViewCore and entire bunch of related classes is not part of public SDK.
So far I tried:
- replaced android.jar from SDK in my project with "full" version (framework.jar)
- copied entire webkit java classes from Android OS to my project and modified the method as I need.
- included in lib/armeabi the and (these I grabbed from rooted phone which I gonna to use for experiments)
- compiled and created apk file with libs included (in the code java layer calls my own libs using System.loadLibrary(..))
- application crashes on launch on device with:
04-18 10:39:23.451: D/dalvikvm(8214): Trying to load lib /data/data/com.tester.webtest/lib/ 0x2bb4a1c8
04-18 10:39:23.511: D/dalvikvm(8214): Added shared lib /data/data/com.tester.webtest/lib/ 0x2bb4a1c8
04-18 10:39:23.521: D/dalvikvm(8214): Trying to load lib /data/data/com.tester.webtest/lib/ 0x2bb4a1c8
04-18 10:39:23.531: D/dalvikvm(8214): Added shared lib /data/data/com.tester.webtest/lib/ 0x2bb4a1c8
04-18 10:39:23.541: D/dalvikvm(8214): No JNI_OnLoad found in /data/data/com.tester.webtest/lib/ 0x2bb4a1c8,
skipping init
04-18 10:39:23.551: D/dalvikvm(8214): Trying to load lib /data/data/com.tester.webtest/lib/ 0x2bb4a1c8
04-18 10:39:23.551: D/dalvikvm(8214): Shared lib '/data/data/com.tester.webtest/lib/' already loaded in same CL
04-18 10:39:23.551: D/dalvikvm(8214): Trying to load lib /data/data/com.tester.webtest/lib/ 0x2bb4a1c8
04-18 10:39:23.551: D/dalvikvm(8214): Shared lib '/data/data/com.tester.webtest/lib/' already loaded in same CL
04-18 10:39:23.561: W/dalvikvm(8214): No implementation found for native Lcom/tester/webkit/JWebCoreJavaBridge;.nativeConstructor
04-18 10:39:23.561: W/dalvikvm(8214): threadid=14: thread exiting with uncaught exception (group=0x2b4d61f8)
04-18 10:39:23.561: E/AndroidRuntime(8214): FATAL EXCEPTION: WebViewCoreThread
04-18 10:39:23.561: E/AndroidRuntime(8214): java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: nativeConstructor
04-18 10:39:23.561: E/AndroidRuntime(8214): at com.tester.webkit.JWebCoreJavaBridge.nativeConstructor(Native Method)
04-18 10:39:23.561: E/AndroidRuntime(8214): at com.tester.webkit.JWebCoreJavaBridge.<init>(
04-18 10:39:23.561: E/AndroidRuntime(8214): at com.tester.webkit.BrowserFrame.<init>(
04-18 10:39:23.561: E/AndroidRuntime(8214): at com.tester.webkit.WebViewCore.initialize(
04-18 10:39:23.561: E/AndroidRuntime(8214): at com.tester.webkit.WebViewCore.access$1(
04-18 10:39:23.561: E/AndroidRuntime(8214): at com.tester.webkit.WebViewCore$WebCoreThread$1.handleMessage
04-18 10:39:23.561: E/AndroidRuntime(8214): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
04-18 10:39:23.561: E/AndroidRuntime(8214): at android.os.Looper.loop(
04-18 10:39:23.561: E/AndroidRuntime(8214): at com.tester.webkit.WebViewCore$
04-18 10:39:23.561: E/AndroidRuntime(8214): at
Maybe I am completely in a wrong direction?
What should I do for making my own independent version of webkit, so I can install it with my application on specific phone without breaking other apps (browsers) behaviour?
hey, i'm getting stuck at the same...
in addition i changed all class-names (to match the classnames in my android-project) for registration of nativemethods in the jni-part of the webkit-source. i.e. all native registrations pointing to android/webkit/ are now pointing to my own webkit-package com/webkittest/webkit/
but i still get the same error like you
did you manage to get the lib run in your own app ?
i can't even get logging-information via __android_log_print() in
FritzSicher said:
i can't even get logging-information via __android_log_print() in
Click to expand...
Click to collapse works!
do not trust the classloader logcat output "Trying to load lib /data/data/com.example.webkittest/lib/ 0x411e3e78" because it actualliy searches in /system/lib/ first! .. so everytime the system's lib got loaded.
I am not able to play multiple videos simultaneously on android 4.2 webview
I am not able to play multiple videos simultaneously on android 4.2 webview

[Q] How to get Boot2Gecko working on 2ndROM?

Hi all,
First-time poster and fairly new to rooting...
I have a Samsung Galaxy SII (GT-I9100, originally LBP firmware on Orange UK) which I successfully managed to flash with Odin/Heimdall to give:
CyanogenMod 9 RC1
Siyah 3.3.2
I then thought I'd give Boot2Gecko a try so I followed gokhanmoral's post and managed to get a page not found screen booting to the second rom.
So I checked out the B2G source code and performed a
make install-gaia
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
adb devices
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
found my phone connected over usb - This gave me a lock screen which wouldn't respond to touch events.
After quite a bit of reading I then decided to attempt pusler new 6th July Build performing:
simg2img userdata.img data.img
heimdall detect
heimdall flash --hidden system.img
(cleared 2ndROM data and cache through CWM)
adb push data.img /sdcard/.secondrom/data.img
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
However, when I booted to the 2ndROM I gott a black screen - I tried looking through the
adb shell logcat
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
output and saw several errors similar to:
I/GeckoDump( 9894): Opened socket on 9999
E/GeckoConsole( 9894): [JavaScript Error: "NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED: Component returned failure code: 0x8000ffff (NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED) [nsIPrefBranch.getCharPref]" {file: "chrome://browser/content/shell.js" line: 80}]
I/Gecko ( 9894): Logging GL tracing output to /system/b2g/firefox.trace
I/Gecko ( 9894): Attempting load of /data/local/
F/libc ( 9894): Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV) at 0x00000068 (code=1)
I/Gecko ( 9894): Attempting load of
D/libEGL ( 9894): egl.cfg not found, using default config
D/libEGL ( 9894): loaded /system/lib/egl/
I/Gecko ( 9894): Failed to create EGL config!
F/libc ( 9894): Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV) at 0x00000000 (code=1)
I/DEBUG ( 9891): debuggerd committing suicide to free the zombie!
F/libc ( 9847): Fatal signal 13 (SIGPIPE) at 0x00002677 (code=0)
I/DEBUG ( 9978): debuggerd: Jul 6 2012 04:08:21
I/ ( 9979): ServiceManager: 0xf958
V/yamaha::media::CManager( 9979): constructor
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Seems like a Gecko Chrome error but I can't be sure. As a last ditch effort I tried to follow gokhanmoral's method of extracting/mounting pusler's images, creating tar files and placing them into a CWM flashable zip but Siyah wouldn't recognise the 2ndROM after installing so now I'm all out of ideas.
Has anyone managed to successfully install the 6th July build as a 2ndROM? Any help/info would be appreciated.

[Q] Phone reboot after application crash

I have some problem with my Samsung Galaxy S2. In normal system, when some application crash then can see message box to force shutdown application and additional report a problem to the author. Unfortunately I don't have it. When some application crash then first my phone freeze for about 1-2 minutes (but upper toolbar works) and later my phone restart, but it's not a full booting.
I connected my phone to the PC and run logcat so I got this logs. Parsebin: 8db3G1c5 . I thing this part of logs is interesting:
09-30 10:58:51.570 E/android.os.Debug( 1991): [email protected] > dumpstate -k -t -n -z -d -o /data/log/dumpstate_app_error
09-30 10:58:51.595 I/dumpstate(10861): Check if stand-alone
09-30 10:58:51.605 I/dumpstate(10861): begin
09-30 10:58:52.070 W/ActivityManager( 1991): Activity pause timeout for r
09-30 10:59:36.900 I/Process ( 1991): Sending signal. PID: 1991 SIG: 3
09-30 10:59:36.905 I/dalvikvm( 1991): threadid=3: reacting to signal 3
09-30 10:59:37.005 I/dalvikvm( 1991): Wrote stack traces to '/data/anr/traces.txt'
09-30 10:59:37.005 E/Watchdog( 1991): [email protected] 183
09-30 11:00:09.125 I/Watchdog_N( 1991): dumpKernelStacks
09-30 11:00:09.145 E/android.os.Debug( 1991): [email protected]umpstate > dumpstate -k -t -z -d -o /data/log/dumpstate_sys_watchdog
09-30 11:00:09.145 E/Watchdog( 1991): WATCHDOG caused by null
09-30 11:00:21.200 I/Process ( 1991): Sending signal. PID: 1991 SIG: 9
09-30 11:00:21.200 W/Watchdog( 1991): *** WATCHDOG KILLING SYSTEM PROCESS: null
09-30 11:00:21.330 I/binder_sample(10879): [,14,86755,app_process,100]
09-30 11:00:21.330 I/binder_sample(10847): [,2,89808,com.prodtestapp,100]
09-30 11:00:21.330 I/binder_sample( 2219): [, 4,18131,,100]
09-30 11:00:21.330 I/Process (10847): Sending signal. PID: 10847 SIG: 9
09-30 11:00:21.330 E/AndroidRuntime(10847): Error reporting crash
09-30 11:00:21.330 E/AndroidRuntime(10847): android.os.DeadObjectException
09-30 11:00:21.330 E/AndroidRuntime(10847): at android.os.BinderProxy.transact(Native Method)
09-30 11:00:21.330 E/AndroidRuntime(10847): at Crash(
09-30 11:00:21.330 E/AndroidRuntime(10847): at$UncaughtHandle r.uncaughtException(
09-30 11:00:21.330 E/AndroidRuntime(10847): at java.lang.ThreadGroup.uncaughtException(ThreadGrou
09-30 11:00:21.330 E/AndroidRuntime(10847): at java.lang.ThreadGroup.uncaughtException(ThreadGrou
09-30 11:00:21.330 E/AndroidRuntime(10847): at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)
09-30 11:00:21.335 W/Sensors ( 8861): sensorservice died [0x1523e0]
09-30 11:00:21.335 W/Sensors ( 2219): sensorservice died [0xb9640]
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Click to collapse
My phone has version I9100BVLPH (Orange 4.0.4), update only by KIES. I think that my phone has some garbage from previous version, because I had 2.3*, 4.0.3 and now 4.0.4, all update by KIES. I remember that someday it works.
How can I fix it? My phone is rooted.
Thank you for help.
Sorry, please move my post to Q&A.
dedykjp said:
I have some problem with my Samsung Galaxy S2. In normal system, when some application crash then can see message box to force shutdown application and additional report a problem to the author. Unfortunately I don't have it. When some application crash then first my phone freeze for about 1-2 minutes (but upper toolbar works) and later my phone restart, but it's not a full booting.
I connected my phone to the PC and run logcat so I got this logs. Parsebin: 8db3G1c5 . I thing this part of logs is interesting:
My phone has version I9100BVLPH (Orange 4.0.4), update only by KIES. I think that my phone has some garbage from previous version, because I had 2.3*, 4.0.3 and now 4.0.4, all update by KIES. I remember that someday it works.
How can I fix it? My phone is rooted.
Thank you for help.
Sorry, please move my post to Q&A.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
First post your ROM and kernel details; Goto Settings - About phone, and post everything you see
Jokesy said:
First post your ROM and kernel details; Goto Settings - About phone, and post everything you see
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Model: GT-I9100
Android version: 4.0.4
Modem: I9100BVLPE
Kernel: 3.0.15-I9100BVLPH-CL969772 [email protected] #3 SMP PREEMPT Mon Jul 30 15:28:47 KST 2012
Version: IMM76D.BVLPH
dedykjp said:
Model: GT-I9100
Android version: 4.0.4
Modem: I9100BVLPE
Kernel: 3.0.15-I9100BVLPH-CL969772 [email protected] #3 SMP PREEMPT Mon Jul 30 15:28:47 KST 2012
Version: IMM76D.BVLPH
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Flash a custom kernel first, then perform a factory data reset
Jokesy said:
Flash a custom kernel first, then perform a factory data reset
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I don't wanna flash a custom kernel or perform a factory data reset. Maybe it's a better way to fix it. Maybe clear some files or directory in /data directory.
dedykjp said:
I don't wanna flash a custom kernel or perform a factory data reset. Maybe it's a better way to fix it. Maybe clear some files or directory in /data directory.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
5 minutes ago I discovered a reason of my problem. The reason was rooted phone. After unroot my phone works well. It means that when application crash then I get ANR. Again after root my phone I also get this exception.
Why? Is this only my problem or it's global, but not discovered to now.

[Q] SDK: Install_Failed_Dexopt. Solution?

Hello all
I am having some trouble with SDK installing apps to my Android. I've tried to find many forums about my issue, but I've hit a brick wall every time. My rooted device is an LG Optimus C running Android 2.2 (ancient lol). My issue is that I'm getting the error: Failure [INSTALL_FAILED_DEXOPT] for every app I try to install. I've wiped the device twice and then found out that this error happens every time after I've installed a good amount of apps...which I read somewhere that this will happen because of not having enough space in Dalvik..or in the data area and won't allow the install to write anything else..correct me if I'm wrong on this I've also cleared all caches multiple times, including Dalvik.
I've also tried the work around where you try and skip that all together and put the app straight into /system /app. That came up with no resolution, even with the correct properties selected (read/write/execute etc). So now, I really have no other avenues left but to come here and ask.
Here is the Logcat results I get using adb install -r app.apk no matter what app it is. I will use tumblog.apk (compatible with device) for this example:
D/AndroidRuntime( 4201):
D/AndroidRuntime( 4201): >>>>>> AndroidRuntime START
timeInit <<<<<<
I/AndroidRuntime( 4201): Heap size: -Xmx32m
D/AndroidRuntime( 4201): CheckJNI is OFF
D/AndroidRuntime( 4201): Calling main entry
W/ActivityManager( 1356): No content provider found for:
W/ActivityManager( 1356): No content provider found for:
D/PackageParser( 1356): Scanning package: /data/app/vmdl-166230949.tmp
D/PackageManager( 1356): Scanning package com.luckydroid.tumblelog
E/PackageManager( 1356): Package com.luckydroid.tumblelog has mismatched uid: 10
060 on disk, 10061 in settings
I/PackageManager( 1356): Linking native library dir for /data/app/com.luckydroid
D/installd( 1256): DexInv: --- BEGIN '/data/app/com.luckydroid.tumblelog-1.apk'
D/dalvikvm( 4211): Zip inflate: partial write (will retry): (24536 of 32768)
E/dalvikvm( 4211): Zip inflate: write failed: No space left on device
W/dalvikvm( 4211): DexOptZ: extraction of classes.dex from /data/app/com.luckydr
oid.tumblelog-1.apk failed
W/installd( 1256): DexInv: --- END '/data/app/com.luckydroid.tumblelog-1.apk' --
- status=0xff00, process failed
E/installd( 1256): dexopt failed on '/data/dalvik-cache/[email protected]@com.luckydroid.
[email protected]' res = 65280
W/PackageManager( 1356): Package couldn't be installed in /data/app/com.luckydro
D/AndroidRuntime( 4201): Shutting down VM
I/AndroidRuntime( 4201): NOTE: attach of thread 'Binder Thread #3' failed
D/jdwp ( 4201): adbd disconnected
I really have no clue what any of this means lol...pretty new to logcat. I am aware of the file name not matching the original name of the apk..shouldn't matter considering I've installed many apps with shortened names. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks
EDIT: Looks like "E/dalvikvm( 4211): Zip inflate: write failed: No space left on device" is the problem. Not enough space in Dalvik. Still have no idea how to work around.
Is this not posted in the correct forum? I'm just guessing no one knows of a solution?
Çözüme Yakın
Sizin sorununuz apk~classes.dex~.smali dosyalarının içinde gereksiz kodları siliniz. "Ayrıca Facebook klasörünü bulup siliniz (her clasess.dex'te bulunmaz)" ayrıca kimi classes.dex boyutu 9MB iken yükleniyor bazı clasess.dex dosyaları ise 7,8*MB olunca yüklenmiyor. Tabikide kodlar içinde dexOpt= dex options ayarı vardır ama ben bulamadım sadece bunları biliyorum. Umarım çözüm bulan çıkar. TR

