Extracting a calendar file from TWRP backup - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Before my old device died on me (Motorola), I did a TWRP and TB backup but I forgot to backup the devices internal calendar (using Business Calendar 2). When I restored everything to the new device (Sony) using TB, it didn't restore the calendar entries.
Is there anything I can do to get them back?
*I can't use the TWRP backup in Titanium as it is 8GB and I don't have the space on the internal memory and I can't find a way to point it to an external source.
*I have tried renaming the data.f2fs.win000 file to a ZIP in Windows, going to 'data\data\com.android.providers.calendar\databases\' and copying the calendar.db and calendar.db-journal file to the same place of the new device (backing up then deleting what was there first) but that just caused all calendar apps to FC after restarting.
*I have compared the calendar.db file from the TWRP backup to the original one on the Sony in Notepad and it shows the entries I am missing, so I know I am close, I just can't restore them to the new device.
Is it possible to convert DB to a ICS file or am I looking in completely the wrong place on the backup?
I can't extract the whole 'data\data\com.android.providers.calendar\databases\' folder in Windows, because it moans about the filename length as I thought maybe copying the whole folder instead of the two above files to the new device would solve it.
Any help would be appreciated.

If you copy the db files in then using a file manager change the ownership and group to match the parent directory and also set permissions rw,r,r do you still get a fc?

DestructoS said:
If you copy the db files in then using a file manager change the ownership and group to match the parent directory and also set permissions rw,r,r do you still get a fc?
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All the folders in the com.android.providers.calendar on the new device are set to 0771, both files in the database folder that I copied across were already 0644. The owner and the group are both set to root, not sure if that is correct or it needs to be set to app_28 which is Calendar Storage.

You will need to change the owner and group to app_28 or the calendar can't write to them. Edit: of course that is if app_28 is your calendar id, check the parent folders to see. Edit 2: As far as I remember folders should also be 775 within data/data.

DestructoS said:
You will need to change the owner and group to app_28 or the calendar can't write to them. Edit: of course that is if app_28 is your calendar id, check the parent folders to see. Edit 2: As far as I remember folders should also be 775 within data/data.
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Thanks, all sorted!


Can't read Hindi Language Fonts on SGS II?

Hi all! Whenever some friends of mine update their Twitter a/c in Hindi Language Fonts, am unable to read them as they show up us empty rectangular boxes. Wasn't Gingerbread 2.3.3 supposed to support Hindi Language Fonts? Anyone knows how to fix this?
I guess I will have to add the Hindi font ttf file in the "fonts" folder in my Root> System folder. I have the droidhindi.ttf file downloaded but I don't know how to copy it to the required folder in root. It does not show sytem files when connected to a Laptop via USB. I can view the folder in Root Explorer on my phone, but how to transport the droidhindi.ttf file to the Fonts folder in the phone??
And will it work if I just add the drop the droidhindi.ttf file in the Fonts folder? Anyone who knows this??
a lot of indians are buying this phone
TheMegastar said:
I guess I will have to add the Hindi font ttf file in the "fonts" folder in my Root> System folder. I have the droidhindi.ttf file downloaded but I don't know how to copy it to the required folder in root. It does not show sytem files when connected to a Laptop via USB. I can view the folder in Root Explorer on my phone, but how to transport the droidhindi.ttf file to the Fonts folder in the phone??
And will it work if I just add the drop the droidhindi.ttf file in the Fonts folder? Anyone who knows this??
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ok this is what you need to do...
goto systems/fonts and take a backup of DroidSansFallback.ttf
move it to computer/sdcard...but keep it safe...
now move the droidhindi.ttf to systems/fonts
rename droidhindi.ttf to DroidSansFallback.ttf
restart the browser....by killing it from task manager and relaunching...
go to a hindi site....
@woodstock_ahem : Thanks a ton for your response. In a hurry right now, will do as you posted in my first free time. Hope it works
@woodstock_ahem : Ok, got down to acting upon your advice. But the problem is that I can only view the /sdcard directory of my phone when connected to my laptop via USB cable. I cannot access any other space in the phone except the /sdcard.
I can view the root files via the Root Explorer app on my phone, so I tried to Move the DroidSansFallback.ttf from the System>Fonts folder, but when I click on the Move command, I get the message that "You cannot move System Files as they are Read Only". So the problem I'm facing is HOW to transfer the new .ttf file from my laptop to the Fonts folder in System? I can neither transport the new file from my laptop to the Fonts folder in the phone coz that folder is not accessible when connected to the laptop, nor can I move the existing DroidSansFallback.ttf file anywhere else from the Fonts folder on the phone. So what to do now?
Just a piece of info which might be useful for you : My phone has KE8 Kernel, is rooted but reverted back to original kernel to remove the yellow triangle.
TheMegastar said:
@woodstock_ahem : Ok, got down to acting upon your advice. But the problem is that I can only view the /sdcard directory of my phone when connected to my laptop via USB cable. I cannot access any other space in the phone except the /sdcard.
I can view the root files via the Root Explorer app on my phone, so I tried to Move the DroidSansFallback.ttf from the System>Fonts folder, but when I click on the Move command, I get the message that "You cannot move System Files as they are Read Only". So the problem I'm facing is HOW to transfer the new .ttf file from my laptop to the Fonts folder in System? I can neither transport the new file from my laptop to the Fonts folder in the phone coz that folder is not accessible when connected to the laptop, nor can I move the existing DroidSansFallback.ttf file anywhere else from the Fonts folder on the phone. So what to do now?
Just a piece of info which might be useful for you : My phone has KE8 Kernel, is rooted but reverted back to original kernel to remove the yellow triangle.
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To alter any system files you need to set to R/W(read/write) if you keep it at read only you cant alter anything.(its designed as a protection)
On the top R/H conner of root explorer there is a button to set it to R/W or RO.
Hope this helps you.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
To add to what @iznee has mentioned....
do the following:-
copy the droidhindi.ttf anywhere in the phone memory(after preferably creating a folder).. this doesnt need root explorer...just a file copy from the laptop should be enough... (you said you can see sdcard folder right ?... copy the file there)
i am guessing so far you have not used root explorer for anything else than browsing system files..else you wont be asking the question...
so first things first you have to provide root access to the root explorer app else you would not be able to provide it with r/w access...
install a free app superuser and give the root access allow to root explorer...
follow what @iznee has mentioned above
then follow what i advised in my first reply to this thread
@Iznee : "To alter any system files you need to set to R/W(read/write)".....this is what I had missed! Thanks a ton, your post was very helpful.
@woodstock_ahem : Thanks, Woody! Once I was able to change the option to r/w......rest was easy. Replaced the .ttf like you said. Now opening some hindi sites to test whether it works. And voila! it works! Thanks again to both of you
But one minor hiccup has occured. I've lost the Original DroidSansFallback.ttf file I'll tell you how. I had moved the original file to my sdcard>android folder. The original was a 4.5 MB file but it was showing as a .nomedia file with 0 bytes. So I thought let me move it to my Data Folder inside the Android folder from where I intended to transport the original file to my laptop, where I thought it would be safer. Till I moved the original file to my Android folder inside sdcard, the file was showing as normal (DroidSansFallback.ttf), but as soon as I moved it from there to my Data folder inside the Android folder it turned into a .nomedia file with 0 bytes! And when I moved it back to the android file it was still showing as a .nomedia file with 0 bytes.
So does this mean that Samsung is not allowing us to move the Original DroidSansFallback.ttf file outside the phone? I hope I will never need the original file as the file I replaced it with is working fine, but just in case I need it......now I don't have the original
Just as you got the droidhindi.ttf from the web you can get the lost file...you would also get it back when you update the next released firmware..or reflash ROM...plenty of ways...no big deal...this would be a learning point for you...
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA App
Ya, no big deal that I lost the original as the new one is working fine, so I won't miss the original. But my question was this.......does this mean that we cannot move system files of the phone outside the phone? How did the file change its filetype to .nomedia and its filesize to 0 bytes from 4.5MB?
i had not elaborated on how to copy a file from the phone memory to the computer assuming that is too simple to write about it...
i dont see any problem here...the learning point for you is..always...always create a new folder for taking backups...and not just move a file into a systems library..
this equates to dowloading a music file into c:\windows\system32\data as an example...why not have a separate folder for it..
i have taken a copy of DroidSanFallback.ttf into a new folder created in both Sdcard phone folder as well as into a folder created into external_sd (which is a separate physical sd card)...
can move it back and forth to/from computer without issues...
this will work for any kind of file..any extension...
so there is no issue here...

[Q] File permissions......permanent change?

I am trying to sync a rostering app between two devices using dropsync.
The .db files that need syncing are in the /data/data/com.blah.blah/databases directory. Using Root explorer I can change the permissions to give full rw permission to others. The two .db files will then upload to the dropsync server.
The problem is that whenever the app is opened and anything modified, the permissions change back to default and thus dropsync can't access the modified .db
Is there anyway to change this or am I wasting my time? what is the 'sticky' box option in RE?
I'm not sure precisely what "sticky" means, but it's not what you want--it doesn't involve persistence or "sticking".
You could try to make the files not owned by the app but set it so the group is the app. Make sure the group can read/write/execute, or whatever it needs. This way, the app can still use the file but won't be able to change its permissions.
Of course, it could see that it doesn't own the file and refuse to run. I'm not sure what sort of checks the program's authors implemented. This also won't work if the file is deleted and created anew--the new file would be owned by the app.
Yeah thanks for that,
I tried the ownership and group swap earlier, and am pretty sure the app re- writes the db.
Don't think is going to work.
Well its obvious that the app, when opened sets the permissions to the .db files so that they wont be usable by others. The way you describe the problem is more likely to be a file owner problem and not with the permissions. Try to set the app and the files to the same owner and see if that works. You could always make a script that would change the permissions/ownership of the file.
The sticky bit is a special part of the permissions mask for a file or directory. When set on a directory, it tells the system to prevent anyone but a containing file's owner from deleting files in that directory. This is handy if you have a directory that's being used by multiple users on a system as scratch space as it prevents people from wiping out others' files.
For files....the behavior isn't defined.
Hope this helps,
- chris

ADB functions clarification and usage for data transfer/backup on an image disk

Hello xda-developers,
I'm trying to figure out the proper way to transfer app data from an Android image disk. I'm very new to this, so I hope I'm not missing something basic.
Situation. I have a .img disk image file obtained from a .vmdk file via a virtualbox conversion , the latter being created by an Android emulator. I'm trying to recover some app data and transfer that to a new, working, .img disk. The emulator works on Android 4.4.2, if that matters.
What I did. I extracted apks and copied app data folders (com.<devname>.<appname>) from/to the /data/data directory. I did that using a file manager (ES file explorer) or via the cp command, as I found in many tutorials and guides. Others suggested to copy those folders to /Android/data instead, so I did try that as well. These procedures were ineffective, because they both messed up with folders and files permissions. Although cp -ar retains folders/files permissions and ownership, that was of no use after the import into the working image. Those operations were performed on Ubuntu 18.04.
The problem (and a workaround). When the apks are installed, a new uid (in the 10000 group) is generated for them. These values are unknown when I import the data folders, hence they are destroyed at phone boot. A log in /data/system/uiderrors.txt confirms this. The only way I could make it work was to install the apk from scratch, open the app so that the new data folders are created with a proper uid, replace those folders with old ones and manually change ownership and permissions accordingly (for every apk). This turned out to be effective but it's a very tedious and error-prone process.
What am I doing wrong? How do ADB push, pull and backup commands manage folders permissions/ownership and app uids? Could they be useful in my situation? If so, how can I use them on a .img file?
Thank you.

Backup all QuickMemo+ notes?

How do I backup each and every note of my LG G5 QuickMemo+?
If your phone is rooted, you can do that by using automatic backup tools such as Titanium Backup, or by manually copying /data/data/com.lge.qmemoplus/ folder to your backup location and then restoring it by copying it back to the same folder, setting the right permission with Root Explorer or similar.
If you're planning to copy them to a txt file, it's quite easy for text notes, as the text is inside /data/data/com.lge.qmemoplus/databases/qmemoplus.db, a SQLite database, in a format similar to HTML.
tremalnaik said:
If your phone is rooted, you can do that by using automatic backup tools such as Titanium Backup, or by manually copying /data/data/com.lge.qmemoplus/ folder to your backup location and then restoring it by copying it back to the same folder, setting the right permission with Root Explorer or similar.
If you're planning to copy them to a txt file, it's quite easy for text notes, as the text is inside /data/data/com.lge.qmemoplus/databases/qmemoplus.db, a SQLite database, in a format similar to HTML.
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My phone is not rooted and I do not plan to root it. Most of the notes I wish to backup are images, is that still possible?
accessing in the /data/data folder is possible only with root. I don't know where images are, if they are in /sdcard/android/data/com.lge.quickmemoplus you can backup them, otherwise not.
EDIT: media files are in /sdcard/android/data/com.lge.quickmemoplus, so you can just copy that folder even without root.
tremalnaik said:
EDIT: media files are in /sdcard/android/data/com.lge.quickmemoplus, so you can just copy that folder even without root.
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Oh. So should all my phone data get deleted, if I paste the pre-copied folder, all the dozens of saved images in QuickMemo+ would be there?
/sdcard/ is (opposite to what would be logical) the internal memory. So if your phone data is erased, also QuickMemo+ photos are deleted But you can always backup them whenever you want.
tremalnaik said:
/sdcard/ is (opposite to what would be logical) the internal memory. So if your phone data is erased, also QuickMemo+ photos are deleted But you can always backup them whenever you want.
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I just went in that folder and I seem to have thousands of 'qmemo_' folders in there, each has 'audios', 'drawings', 'images' and 'videos' sub-folders. The problem is there seem to be a lot of memos I have deleted from my phone long ago (which apparently also is the reason why it took some time to load all the folders as there are thousands), how come the deleted memos appear in those sub-folders? How can I backup only the relevant ones?
If there is a mismatch between the database of notes seen by QuickMemo and the files in the folder, well, you just have to be patient and check them one by one.
You can start by opening QuickMemo and looking at the earliest memo: any folder that has been edited before that date, is something you deleted.
You can use LG Backup too

Fouad whatsapp v8.26 message restore issue

I had been using Fouad whatsapp v8.12 for quite some time and it was working flawlessly until 20th February when they released a new update with V8.26.
The problem is it starts absolutely fine but I can't seem to restore my recently backed up msgs, when I try to restore on the main screen, it says
No backup found in sdcard/whatsapp/
And when I try to restore the backup from fuoad settings after verification it still gives me the same msg.
It automatically restores some very old msgs from last year although I made a new backup.
Any help would be appreciated, I've already tried several suggestions that were helpful before but none seem to be working now.
Did you find the answer to your problem?
If anyone has any solution please do share
The only solution I found out was to clean install fouad and the skipping the first step where it asks me to restore and it automatically picked the backup file from the folder.
Don't know if it'll work for you but it worked for me.
sauudmir said:
The only solution I found out was to clean install fouad and the skipping the first step where it asks me to restore and it automatically picked the backup file from the folder.
Don't know if it'll work for you but it worked for me.
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I have the backup file of 2.63 gb in which folder or where i have to paste that backup file so that it can restore
Tpain9999 said:
I have the backup file of 2.63 gb in which folder or where i have to paste that backup file so that it can restore
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You need to put the backup file in the backup folder that fuoad whatsapp creates
sauudmir said:
You need to put the backup file in the backup folder that fuoad whatsapp creates
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I m on stage as per 1st image
Till here it has automatically created 2 folders as per 2nd image
Now as per second image from second folder I have copied yobackup folder and databases folder to first folder
Now first folder consist of 3 sub folder i. e media, databases, and yobackup so I have also pasted my 2.63 gb file in that databases folder
Tpain9999 said:
I m on stage as per 1st image
Till here it has automatically created 2 folders as per 2nd image
Now as per second image from second folder I have copied yobackup folder and databases folder to first folder
Now first folder consist of 3 sub folder i. e media, databases, and yobackup so I have also pasted my 2.63 gb file in that databases folder
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I think it's the folder with numbers, what you can do it clear all the storage of fuoad whatsapp by renaming the backup file, open the fuoad whatsapp application and then see which folders it creates and put your backups in that folder.
I stopped using fuoad whatsapp sometime ago due to the same issues of backup on google drive, so this is what I remember the last time I faced this issue.
i just formated my phone and the app cant read the backup file any help ?

