Let's label those partitions (in your partition.xml file) -part 1 - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

This thread assumes there is no ROM released for recovery and you need to start from scratch to build a recovery.
After doing a lot of searching I have put together of list of items needed to build your own partition.xml file based on your specific device.
#1 A rooted phone is a must! You need to be able to backup all partitions including the partition table. Using DD is your friend here.
To build the partition.xml file you'll need the to know the following items at a minimum-
1 partition label
2 size in kb
3 type
There are other parameters such as bootable, readonly and filename but for purposes of this post we'll only work with the first three
You can use a variety of commands to get the partition label and size. e.g.-
# cat /proc/partition
# mount
# df
# parted /dev/block/mmcblk0
# ls -l /dev/block/platform/"some number".sdhci/by-name
Probably the most useful command will come from parted. (Assuming you already have it installed in your system. How to install it is another topic I won't cover here to keep this topic on track)
[email protected]_STUDIO_C_5_5_LTE:/system/bin # parted /dev/block/mmcblk0
GNU Parted
Using /dev/block/mmcblk0
Welcome to GNU Parted! Type 'help' to view a list of commands.
(parted) print
Model: MMC H8G1e (sd/mmc)
Disk /dev/block/mmcblk0: 7818MB
Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B
Partition Table: gpt
Number Start End Size File system Name Flags
1 67.1MB 134MB 67.1MB fat16 modem
2 134MB 135MB 524kB sbl1
3 135MB 135MB 524kB sbl1bak
4 135MB 136MB 1049kB aboot
5 136MB 137MB 1049kB abootbak
6 137MB 138MB 524kB rpm
7 138MB 138MB 524kB rpmbak
8 138MB 139MB 786kB tz
9 139MB 140MB 786kB tzbak
10 140MB 141MB 1049kB pad
11 141MB 143MB 1573kB modemst1
12 143MB 144MB 1573kB modemst2
13 144MB 145MB 1049kB misc
14 145MB 145MB 1024B fsc
15 145MB 145MB 8192B ssd
16 145MB 156MB 10.5MB splash
17 201MB 201MB 32.8kB DDR
18 201MB 203MB 1573kB fsg
19 203MB 203MB 16.4kB sec
20 203MB 237MB 33.6MB boot
21 237MB 2334MB 2097MB ext4 system
22 2334MB 2367MB 33.6MB ext4 persist
23 2367MB 2401MB 33.6MB ext4 apedata
24 2401MB 2669MB 268MB ext4 cache
25 2669MB 2703MB 33.6MB recovery
26 2703MB 2704MB 1049kB devinfo
27 2751MB 2752MB 524kB keystore
28 2752MB 2819MB 67.1MB oem
29 2819MB 2820MB 524kB config
30 2820MB 7818MB 4999MB ext4 userdata
You can see we can get the start, end and total size of each partition as well as the partition names.
Now we need to translate partition names into the "type" value in our partition.xml file. (Where type="some long string of numbers with dashes in between") Here is the list I have come up with so far assuming we have a GPT partition structure in our device. Always verify these values for your specific device! You have been warned.
098DF793-D712-413D-9D4E-89D711772228 rpm
0A288B1F-22C9-E33B-8F5D-0E81686A68CB modemst2
20117f86-E985-4357-B9EE-374BC1D8487D boot, recovery
20A0C19C-286A-42FA-9CE7-F64C3226A794 DDR
2C86E742-745E-4FDD-BFD8-B6A7AC638772 ssd
400FFDCD-22E0-47E7-9A23-F16ED9382388 aboot
57B90A16-22C9-E33B-8F5D-0E81686A68CB fsc
638FF8E2-22C9-E33B-8F5D-0E81686A68CB fsg
A053AA7F-40B8-4B1C-BA08-2F68AC71A4F4 tz
D4E0D938-B7FA-48C1-9D21-BC5ED5C4B203 dbi or sdi depending on device
DEA0BA2C-CBDD-4805-B4F9-F428251C3E98 sbl1
EBBEADAF-22C9-E33B-8F5D-0E81686A68CB modemst1
EBD0A0A2-B9E5-4433-87C0-68B6B72699C7 modem, pad, system, userdata, persist, cache
You can get these values from using the gptfdisk binary as seen in this post
forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=33358988&postcount=2 (Thanks to E:V:A)
or head on down to the spoiler section here and you can see what the labels look like- (Partition GUID Code)
Lastly my assumption is that if the partition size is not evenly divisible by 1024 you would round up to the next nearest kb value.
33600/1024=34406.4 (cant have a partial kb left over so round up)
33.6MB=34407kb. Let's plug this vaule into our xml file
I'm new at this. If ANY of this is wrong please comment and correct. I hope this will help!

Currently I am analysing partition.xml file in AndroidGo(nhlos) (chipset msm8909). I want to know what are the utilities of below parameters:
1) partition label
2) size in kb
3) type
4) bootable
5) readonly
For example: <partition label="boot" size_in_kb="32768" type="20117F86-E985-4357-B9EE-374BC1D8487D" bootable="false" readonly="true" filename="boot.img"/>
Please let me know , so that it will be helpful.


[Q] Encrypted Villain ICS now can't factory reset

Hi - I have a rooted Galaxy Nexus running 4.0.3 ICS and decided to connect up to my work Exchange server. They enforce a security policy that requires the phone to be encrypted. I ran the hour long encryption process and it all runs fine. Now I want to remove work email and do a factory reset. This is where I run into problems.
I run the gui factory reset, the phone reboots but never resets. I boot into recovery mode and attempt the reset but it can't mount /sdcard so the reset doesn't happen.
Any ideas to assist would be appreciated.
OK, so after an entire day at work (!!) I managed to work out that I needed to blow away my /data/media (/sdcard on Galaxy Nexus) partition which was encrypted and recreate. That was no mean feat ! But now I am well versed in the use of ADB and Fastboot !
So I managed to push up the 'parted' tool to remove and create my partition 12. I then recreated it and converted to ext3 then ext4. So now I have a working phone again and will not be encrypting it again !
The problem I have is that I can not remember the original partition size. What I have recreated is shown below.
~ # parted /dev/block/mmcblk0
GNU Parted
Using /dev/block/mmcblk0
Welcome to GNU Parted! Type 'help' to view a list of commands.
(parted) print
Model: MMC VYL00M (sd/mmc)
Disk /dev/block/mmcblk0: 15.8GB
Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B
Partition Table: gpt
Number Start End Size File system Name Flags
1 131kB 262kB 131kB xloader
2 524kB 4194kB 3670kB sbl
3 4194kB 25.2MB 21.0MB ext4 efs
4 25.2MB 33.6MB 8389kB param
5 33.6MB 37.7MB 4194kB misc
6 37.7MB 41.9MB 4194kB dgs
7 41.9MB 50.3MB 8389kB boot
8 50.3MB 62.8MB 12.5MB recovery
13 62.8MB 62.9MB 65.5kB metadata
9 62.9MB 79.7MB 16.8MB radio
10 79.7MB 765MB 686MB ext4 system
11 765MB 1218MB 453MB ext4 cache
12 1218MB 15.4GB 14.2GB ext4 userdata
Can someone please tell me what their Galaxy Nexus partition table looks like ? I am not sure if it makes any difference, but I am with Telstra here in Australia and have a 16GB Nexus.
Any help is appreciated.

Nook Tablet partishions missed.

I have bricked Nook Tablet BNTV250A (8gb) that I can't flash on any Rom. My partishions are completly missied so I can't even Restore from Factory.
But I still can boot from SD.
When I look my partishon I see this
~ # cat proc/partitions
major minor #blocks name
179 0 7766016 mmcblk0
179 1 7764992 mmcblk0p1
179 64 2048 mmcblk0boot1
179 32 2048 mmcblk0boot0
179 96 15632384 mmcblk1
179 97 50176 mmcblk1p1
~ #
Can somebody help me and can I boot this tablet into Rom anyway? As I undestend my factory info (as MAC address) is dead but if you have any ideas I be happy.
Thank you.
Have you tried using repart.img at http://raywaldo.com/2012/06/how-to-un-brick-a-nook-tablet-8gb-or-16gb/?
digixmax said:
Have you tried using repart.img at http://raywaldo.com/2012/06/how-to-un-brick-a-nook-tablet-8gb-or-16gb/?
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When I try to restore Nook Tablet to stock i see red X. Now I try binary for repart
Binary from this thead and my recovery shows simulair error:
I try and reply.
digixmax said:
Have you tried using repart.img at http://raywaldo.com/2012/06/how-to-un-brick-a-nook-tablet-8gb-or-16gb/?
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I do all correctly?
[email protected]:~$ adb shell
~ # cd sdcard
/sdcard # parted /dev/block/mmcblk0 print
Warning: /dev/block/mmcblk0 contains GPT signatures, indicating that it has a
GPT table. However, it does not have a valid fake msdos partition table, as it
should. Perhaps it was corrupted -- possibly by a program that doesn't
understand GPT partition tables. Or perhaps you deleted the GPT table, and are
now using an msdos partition table. Is this a GPT partition table?
Yes/No? yes
Error: The backup GPT table is not at the end of the disk, as it should be.
This might mean that another operating system believes the disk is smaller.
Fix, by moving the backup to the end (and removing the old backup)?
Fix/Ignore/Cancel? Fix
Warning: Not all of the space available to /dev/block/mmcblk0 appears to be
used, you can fix the GPT to use all of the space (an extra 425952 blocks) or
continue with the current setting?
Fix/Ignore? Fix
Model: MMC 008G4B (sd/mmc)
Disk /dev/block/mmcblk0: 7952MB
Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B
Partition Table: gpt
Number Start End Size File system Name Flags
1 131kB 262kB 131kB xloader
2 262kB 524kB 262kB bootloader
3 524kB 16.3MB 15.7MB recovery
4 16.8MB 33.6MB 16.8MB boot
5 33.6MB 83.9MB 50.3MB fat32 rom
6 83.9MB 134MB 50.3MB fat32 bootdata
7 134MB 522MB 388MB ext4 factory
8 522MB 1164MB 642MB ext4 system
9 1164MB 1611MB 447MB ext4 cache
10 1611MB 5620MB 4010MB fat32 media
11 5620MB 7734MB 2114MB ext4 userdata
digixmax said:
Have you tried using repart.img at http://raywaldo.com/2012/06/how-to-un-brick-a-nook-tablet-8gb-or-16gb/?
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Thanks so mutch! I after first step flash stock recovery and it works!

[HOWTO][GUIDE][Mi3][Mi4]Resize/extend system partition capacity

Disclaimer: I am not responsible for bricked devices, obviously
Unlike most people here, I do not find the "dual-boot" feature particularly useful due to its buggyness and quirky configuration plus it made the available space for the /system partition divided, leaving only 600++ MB for each system1 and system2. This guide is using CWM v6.0.5.1 (R11) by furniel and donbo.
CWM Recovery V6.0.5.1
a Mi 3w (probably doable for the Mi 4 too)
ADB drivers installed
Not necessary, but do back up system1 if you wish to conserve your current ROM and config.
As parted cannot resize partitions, /system (system1) and /system1 (system2) partitions will have to be removed and re-created with the desired size, this is why backing up system1 is favourable.
Reboot to recovery and connect your phone
Open a cmd window (or terminal, if you're using linux), and connect through adb by typing;
adb devices
adb shell
If everything is fine and you get a shell input (#), start parted by typing;
parted /dev/block/mmcblk0
unit MB #to set storage unit as MB
print #shows partition table. do remember to screenshot this
Output of "print" should be something like this
Number Start End Size File system Name Flags
1 0.02MB 2.10MB 2.08MB sbl1
2 2.10MB 3.15MB 1.05MB rpm
3 3.15MB 4.19MB 1.05MB tz
4 4.19MB 5.24MB 1.05MB DDR
5 5.24MB 6.29MB 1.05MB ssd
6 6.29MB 7.34MB 1.05MB dbi
7 7.34MB 11.5MB 4.19MB aboot
8 11.5MB 16.8MB 5.24MB bk1
9 16.8MB 21.0MB 4.19MB misc
10 21.0MB 29.4MB 8.39MB logo
11 29.4MB 67.1MB 37.7MB bk2
12 67.1MB 68.7MB 1.57MB modemst1
13 68.7MB 70.3MB 1.57MB modemst2
14 70.3MB 70.3MB 0.00MB fsc
15 70.3MB 134MB 64.0MB bk3
16 134MB 136MB 1.57MB fsg
17 136MB 168MB 32.0MB bk4
18 168MB 201MB 33.6MB bk5
19 201MB 218MB 16.8MB boot
20 218MB 235MB 16.8MB boot1
21 235MB 252MB 16.8MB recovery
22 252MB 268MB 16.8MB ext4 persist
23 268MB 336MB 67.1MB fat16 modem
24 336MB 403MB 67.1MB fat16 modem1
25 403MB 1074MB 671MB ext4 system
26 1074MB 1745MB 671MB ext4 system1
27 1745MB 2147MB 403MB ext4 cache
28 2147MB 15758MB 13610MB ext4 userdata
Remove partition "system" (system1) and "system1" (system2);
rm 25
rm 26
Create new partitions after deleting them, partition size is up to you;
mkpartfs primary ext2 403 1645 # 403MB is the start of the partition ending at 1645 MB, this will be for system1
mkpartfs primary ext2 1645 1745 # Do the same for system2
print # show the partition table to confirm that the partitions are created
name 25 system # name the partition as "system" for system1
name 26 system1 # again for system2
print # check again
Convert newly created partitions to ext4 from ext2;
#for system1;
tune2fs -j /dev/block/mmcblk0p25
e2fsck -fDp /dev/block/mmcblk0p25
tune2fs -O extents,uninit_bg,dir_index /dev/block/mmcblk0p25
e2fsck -fDp /dev/block/mmcblk0p25
# for system2;
tune2fs -j /dev/block/mmcblk0p26
e2fsck -fDp /dev/block/mmcblk0p26
tune2fs -O extents,uninit_bg,dir_index /dev/block/mmcblk0p26
e2fsck -fDp /dev/block/mmcblk0p26
Go back to parted to check whether it's applied;
parted /dev/block/mmcblk0
unit MB
It should be like this (if you followed my partition sizes)
Model: MMC SEM16G (sd/mmc)
Disk /dev/block/mmcblk0: 15758MB
Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B
Partition Table: gpt
Number Start End Size File system Name Flags
1 0.02MB 2.10MB 2.08MB sbl1
2 2.10MB 3.15MB 1.05MB rpm
3 3.15MB 4.19MB 1.05MB tz
4 4.19MB 5.24MB 1.05MB DDR
5 5.24MB 6.29MB 1.05MB ssd
6 6.29MB 7.34MB 1.05MB dbi
7 7.34MB 11.5MB 4.19MB aboot
8 11.5MB 16.8MB 5.24MB bk1
9 16.8MB 21.0MB 4.19MB misc
10 21.0MB 29.4MB 8.39MB logo
11 29.4MB 67.1MB 37.7MB bk2
12 67.1MB 68.7MB 1.57MB modemst1
13 68.7MB 70.3MB 1.57MB modemst2
14 70.3MB 70.3MB 0.00MB fsc
15 70.3MB 134MB 64.0MB bk3
16 134MB 136MB 1.57MB fsg
17 136MB 168MB 32.0MB bk4
18 168MB 201MB 33.6MB bk5
19 201MB 218MB 16.8MB boot
20 218MB 235MB 16.8MB boot1
21 235MB 252MB 16.8MB recovery
22 252MB 268MB 16.8MB ext4 persist
23 268MB 336MB 67.1MB fat16 modem
24 336MB 403MB 67.1MB fat16 modem1
25 403MB 1645MB 1242MB ext4 system
26 1645MB 1745MB 99.8MB ext4 system1
27 1745MB 2147MB 403MB ext4 cache
28 2147MB 15758MB 13610MB ext4 userdata
You can quit adb now, process is finished. Reboot and restore your back up (if you have made one earlier) or flash a rom through CWM
Do comment/reply if you are having difficulties or otherwise
Thank you so much
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One command is miswritten
mkpartfs primary ext2 1812 3070
It should be
mkpartfs primary ext2 1645 1745
shrisangram said:
One command is miswritten
mkpartfs primary ext2 1812 3070
It should be
mkpartfs primary ext2 1645 1745
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Lol thanks! Fixed. Didn't notice that
can we use the remaining size of system to data partition?
cause i dont need big size of system, i need for app instead, can we do it?
Will this have any effect if I have to do fastboot of MIUI in future?
Is this method safe since we are playing with partition table?
arif920629 said:
Disclaimer: I am not responsible for bricked devices, obviously
Unlike most people here, I do not find the "dual-boot" feature particularly useful due to its buggyness and quirky configuration plus it made the available space for the /system partition divided, leaving only 600++ MB for each system1 and system2. This guide is using CWM v6.0.5.1 (R11) by furniel and donbo.
Do comment/reply if you are having difficulties or otherwise
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why did these steps??
tune2fs -j /dev/block/mmcblk0p25
e2fsck -fDp /dev/block/mmcblk0p25
tune2fs -O extents,uninit_bg,dir_index /dev/block/mmcblk0p25
e2fsck -fDp /dev/block/mmcblk0p25
I was thinking this isn't possible all this while, thank you for posting this amazing tutorial! I have no use for the second system partition either, but instead, I actually needed more system space to flash bigger Gapps! Thank you so much!
Amruth Pillai said:
I was thinking this isn't possible all this while, thank you for posting this amazing tutorial! I have no use for the second system partition either, but instead, I actually needed more system space to flash bigger Gapps! Thank you so much!
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Did u try it? Is it working?
I would like to know why you have changed the format of the file systems from ext3 to ext4.
srvoleti said:
I would like to know why you have changed the format of the file systems from ext3 to ext4.
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[*]Ext4 stands for fourth extended file system.
[*]It was introduced in 2008.
[*]Starting from Linux Kernel 2.6.19 ext4 was available.
[*]Supports huge individual file size and overall file system size.
[*]Maximum individual file size can be from 16 GB to 16 TB
[*]Overall maximum ext4 file system size is 1 EB (exabyte). 1 EB = 1024 PB (petabyte). 1 PB = 1024 TB (terabyte).
[*]Directory can contain a maximum of 64,000 subdirectories (as opposed to 32,000 in ext3)
[*]You can also mount an existing ext3 fs as ext4 fs (without having to upgrade it).
[*]Several other new features are introduced in ext4: multiblock allocation, delayed allocation, journal checksum. fast fsck, etc. All you need to know is that these new features have improved the performance and reliability of the filesystem when compared to ext3.
[*]In ext4, you also have the option of turning the journaling feature “off”.
With all these features, and an option to... who wouldn't?
Amruth Pillai said:
[*]Ext4 stands for fourth extended file system.
[*]It was introduced in 2008.
[*]Starting from Linux Kernel 2.6.19 ext4 was available.
[*]Supports huge individual file size and overall file system size.
[*]Maximum individual file size can be from 16 GB to 16 TB
[*]Overall maximum ext4 file system size is 1 EB (exabyte). 1 EB = 1024 PB (petabyte). 1 PB = 1024 TB (terabyte).
[*]Directory can contain a maximum of 64,000 subdirectories (as opposed to 32,000 in ext3)
[*]You can also mount an existing ext3 fs as ext4 fs (without having to upgrade it).
[*]Several other new features are introduced in ext4: multiblock allocation, delayed allocation, journal checksum. fast fsck, etc. All you need to know is that these new features have improved the performance and reliability of the filesystem when compared to ext3.
[*]In ext4, you also have the option of turning the journaling feature “off”.
With all these features, and an option to... who wouldn't?
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OK, Thank you for the info.
Why is system2 still exist with 100MB size? I think it will cause error if you do OTA update because MI3 OTA update by default will flash update to system1 and then system2 in the next OTA. Unless if you stick to custom rom or always manually flash update to system1
srvoleti said:
I would like to know why you have changed the format of the file systems from ext3 to ext4.
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changed? ext4 is default.
m11kkaa said:
changed? ext4 is default.
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When I checked yesterday, the existing partitions it was shown as ext3 but now it is shown as ext4. That's why I asked that at that time.
This guide also works on Mi2S,its exact copy of it actually (except a minor difference in partition layout).
can anyone pls make a video of this tutorial?
got struck there
iwjy said:
Why is system2 still exist with 100MB size? I think it will cause error if you do OTA update because MI3 OTA update by default will flash update to system1 and then system2 in the next OTA. Unless if you stick to custom rom or always manually flash update to system1
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Ah, yes, I have the same question, actually...we DO need system2 to be usable atleast, right?
naruse99 said:
can we use the remaining size of system to data partition?
cause i dont need big size of system, i need for app instead, can we do it?
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can someone make tutorial to resize data partition?
Someone pls confirm the tutorial. Want to try very badly
what to do after step 1??
i am getting this...
anyone, pls help..

Understanding userdata unification

So, trying to install LineageOS on a stock Sony Xperia T, I got to trying to unify the userdata and now I have a 2GB "Internal Storage" (on /sdcard) partition and no "Legacy SDCard" partition. So clearly I messed up. I looked at the source code of the unify_userdata-20170128.zip file and it looks like all it does is delete the old UserData and SDCard partitions and then creates a new partition using all the sectors that were previously divided between these two partitions.
My question is this: is this correct? Why did android have two partitions of ~2Gb for Internal Storage and ~10Gb for the Legacy SD Card? Does the unify_userdata script really just delete these two and make one partition from the freed space?
And also, how can I fix my phone? In adb shell, df reports that the userdata partition (number 14) is mounted at /sdcard and is 2GB, but fdisk says that partition 14 has the label Userdata and is 13Gb. So how can it be mounted and only show a size of 2Gb?
# df -h
Filesystem Size Used Available Use% Mounted on
tmpfs 423.7M 16.0K 423.7M 0% /dev
tmpfs 423.7M 24.0K 423.7M 0% /tmp
/dev/block/mmcblk0p13 246.1M 4.2M 241.8M 2% /cache
/dev/block/mmcblk0p14 2.0G 35.0M 1.9G 2% /data
/dev/block/mmcblk0p14 2.0G 35.0M 1.9G 2% /sdcard
# fdisk -l /dev/block/mmcblk0
Number Start (sector) End (sector) Size Code Name
1 256 4351 2048K 0700 TA
2 4352 7423 1536K 0700 Boot
3 7424 10495 1536K 0700 Boot2
4 12288 53247 20.0M 0700 Kernel
5 53248 55295 1024K 0700 TZ
6 57344 63487 3072K 0700 modemst1
7 65536 71679 3072K 0700 modemst2
8 73728 79871 3072K 0700 fsg
9 79872 90111 5120K 0700 ramdump
10 90112 106495 8192K 0700 apps_log
11 106496 139263 16.0M 0700 FOTAKernel
12 139264 2654207 1228M 0700 System
13 2654208 3166207 250M 0700 Cache
14 3166208 30535646 13.0G 0700 Userdata

Help re-creating partition table

I deleted all the partitions on Poco F1 in assumption that fastboot flashing creates partitions but I was wrong. I would really appreciate if anyone (preferably with 64GB device) provide me the output of parted /dev/block/sda.
Thank you
hello, the partitions are
1 24.6kB 45.1kB 20.5kB switch
2 45.1kB 73.7kB 28.7kB ssd
3 73.7kB 524kB 451kB bk01
4 524kB 786kB 262kB bk02
5 786kB 1053kB 266kB bk03
6 1053kB 1577kB 524kB keystore
7 1577kB 2097kB 520kB frp
8 2097kB 4194kB 2097kB bk04
9 4194kB 8393kB 4198kB misc
10 8393kB 16.8MB 8409kB logfs
11 16.8MB 33.6MB 16.8MB oops
12 33.6MB 50.0MB 16.4MB devinfo
13 50.3MB 67.1MB 16.8MB bk05
14 67.1MB 134MB 67.1MB ext4 persist
15 134MB 201MB 67.1MB ext4 persistbak
16 201MB 268MB 67.1MB logdump
17 268MB 403MB 134MB minidump
18 403MB 1275MB 872MB ext4 cust
19 1275MB 1342MB 67.1MB recovery
20 1342MB 1611MB 268MB ext4 cache
21 1611MB 57.0GB 55.4GB ext4 userdata
you need to create them using parted
i got my device working with this tutorial:
alee.pwf said:
hello, the partitions are
1 24.6kB 45.1kB 20.5kB switch
2 45.1kB 73.7kB 28.7kB ssd
3 73.7kB 524kB 451kB bk01
4 524kB 786kB 262kB bk02
5 786kB 1053kB 266kB bk03
6 1053kB 1577kB 524kB keystore
7 1577kB 2097kB 520kB frp
8 2097kB 4194kB 2097kB bk04
9 4194kB 8393kB 4198kB misc
10 8393kB 16.8MB 8409kB logfs
11 16.8MB 33.6MB 16.8MB oops
12 33.6MB 50.0MB 16.4MB devinfo
13 50.3MB 67.1MB 16.8MB bk05
14 67.1MB 134MB 67.1MB ext4 persist
15 134MB 201MB 67.1MB ext4 persistbak
16 201MB 268MB 67.1MB logdump
17 268MB 403MB 134MB minidump
18 403MB 1275MB 872MB ext4 cust
19 1275MB 1342MB 67.1MB recovery
20 1342MB 1611MB 268MB ext4 cache
21 1611MB 57.0GB 55.4GB ext4 userdata
you need to create them using parted
i got my device working with this tutorial:
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Hey thanks bro.
I also recovered my device, I guess I will try installing Windows again
Could you give the output for the poco 128gb model
I kinda did the same thing
Any tut help ,i got same problem
bethtinker said:
Could you give the output for the poco 128gb model
I kinda did the same thing
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Hi, sorry I didn't see this thread. I think partitions would be same as 64gb model, just give remaining space to last partition i.e. userdata
alee.pwf said:
hello, the partitions are
1 24.6kB 45.1kB 20.5kB switch
2 45.1kB 73.7kB 28.7kB ssd
3 73.7kB 524kB 451kB bk01
4 524kB 786kB 262kB bk02
5 786kB 1053kB 266kB bk03
6 1053kB 1577kB 524kB keystore
7 1577kB 2097kB 520kB frp
8 2097kB 4194kB 2097kB bk04
9 4194kB 8393kB 4198kB misc
10 8393kB 16.8MB 8409kB logfs
11 16.8MB 33.6MB 16.8MB oops
12 33.6MB 50.0MB 16.4MB devinfo
13 50.3MB 67.1MB 16.8MB bk05
14 67.1MB 134MB 67.1MB ext4 persist
15 134MB 201MB 67.1MB ext4 persistbak
16 201MB 268MB 67.1MB logdump
17 268MB 403MB 134MB minidump
18 403MB 1275MB 872MB ext4 cust
19 1275MB 1342MB 67.1MB recovery
20 1342MB 1611MB 268MB ext4 cache
21 1611MB 57.0GB 55.4GB ext4 userdata
you need to create them using parted
i got my device working with this tutorial:
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sd24sep said:
I deleted all the partitions on Poco F1 in assumption that fastboot flashing creates partitions but I was wrong. I would really appreciate if anyone (preferably with 64GB device) provide me the output of parted /dev/block/sda.
Thank you
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Hi. me to deleted all the partition in my poco. I can not restore the partition table, the mini tool partition wizard does not see the connected phone as storage. how u format storage and create partition? plees help
Lss6219 said:
Hi. me to deleted all the partition in my poco. I can not restore the partition table, the mini tool partition wizard does not see the connected phone as storage. how u format storage and create partition? plees help
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Partition software for computer wouldn't be useful to manipulate internal partitions of a phone, use parted (arm Linux static binary), push it to phones internal storage using recovery/adb and then you can create partitions.
sd24sep said:
Partition software for computer wouldn't be useful to manipulate internal partitions of a phone, use parted (arm Linux static binary), push it to phones internal storage using recovery/adb and then you can create partitions
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Parted does not detect a phone connected in fastboot mode. I loaded the phone into the tvrp recovery and turned on the MTP mode and it is determined through the adb devices command, but the parted does not see it. By the way, I managed to mount only the Vendor and Firmware section in the mtp, the rest are not selected
Lss6219 said:
Parted does not detect a phone connected in fastboot mode. I loaded the phone into the tvrp recovery and turned on the MTP mode and it is determined through the adb devices command, but the parted does not see it. By the way, I managed to mount only the Vendor and Firmware section in the mtp, the rest are not selected
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Bro you are confused, you still running parted on computer while phone is connected. Let me give you rough step by step,
1. Boot phone into TWRP
2. Connect phone to computer
3. adb push parted /cache (use appropriate path for parted, and only cache partition needs to be mounted, so umount if any other partitions are mounted)
4. adb shell (run rest of these commands in adb shell)
5. cd /cache
6. chmod +x parted
7. ./parted (notice ./)
8. Then parted will start and running locally on phone (not on computer) then proceed with creating partitions.
Sorry for delay, I rarely login to xda. Best luck.
E:\New folder (2)\New folder\parted>adb push parted /cache
7748 KB/s (464372 bytes in 0.058s)
E:\New folder (2)\New folder\parted>adb shell
~ # cd /cache
/cache # chmod +x parted
/cache # ./parted
Error: No device found
Retry/Cancel? cancel
/cache # chmod +x parted
/cache # ./parted
Error: No device found
Retry/Cancel? cancel
/cache #
what should i do in this situation ?

