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i have s6 edge sm-g925f updated by odin and the cable is disconnect . after unplug my device this message appear((an error has occurred while updating the device software . use the emergency rcovery function . in the smart switch pc software))
no recovery...
download mod only when connect with pc or charger...
i try with odin there is no resolve for this problem
change odin,software and cable same problem??????
any one have idea im very tired from my phone

Have you tried to do what the phone tells you-smart switch?

Nothing happened ..same problem. Any one have idea or i will smash it..sorry for my bad language

Flash back the firmware eventhough it shows the screen. There should be a scale at the bottom showing the progress of the flashing. I had the same problem last time, poor contact to pc port while flashing.
Sent from my SM-N920C


[q] urgent help needed.......

HI all members and fellow S2 experts.
I am quite new to android flashing and rooting.. and i have run into a problem and i really really need your help.Here is the story ....
I have stock rom 2.3.5 and cynagonmod7 in my phone.One day i made back up of my stock rom and went to recovery mode and changed to cynagon mod... I used cynagon for few days than made back up of it so that i can go back to stock rom.So i did back up it went fine.than i went to restore my stock rom and thats where the problem started.It didnt let me go back.
My phone does not turn on now.
When i try it just stays on the main screen where it says samsung galaxy s2 bla bla and that yellow triangle (indicating its rooted).
It does not go to recovery mode.
Once on charge it shows me the cell which appears when you charge your phone whilst it being off,it just shows me a empty cell and within that cell that rounded circle shaped icon not moving just as an icon.
And it lets me go to download mode but odin3-v1.85 does not recognise any device being connected or anything....
So basically i am doomed
I have tried taking battery out all sort of different combinations to reboot go to recovery mode all that but its just not happening and in download mode Odin does not detect my phone.
So i really dont know what to do.So can you please please please help and guide me how to get my phone back to life i really need to
Detailed answers would really help.Thanks for reading and please help me out.If any queries you can ask me.
Did you install the sg2 drivers in your computer? (you do this by installing the kies soft)
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA App
Yes i did installed all the driver.But at the moment i am on another laptop which does not have kies or any other driver for s2 but it still is not recognised..Laptop recognises something being connected to usb but it actually does not recognise any device or shows anything.
try to install kies it might be a driver issue
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA App
Try to install drivers only...
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA premium app
Thanks alot guys it is exactly as you said.Installed kies in friends laptop went in download mode it installed the driver and than odin recognised the phone and put 2.3.5 again and done its working yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh
You guys are star.THanks alot to all......
1- Try charging your phone for an hour or so (Just in case).
2- On that second laptop that recognizes something been connected to it, go to device manager and if you see any unknown usb device, delete it. Unplug your phone and plug it again (in download mode).
Good luck I hope this works
Glad to see you're up and running
help needed
i have the same problem
samsung galaxy s2
with the odin way i root it and it stated there PASS
but my phone just could not reboot after all
i tried the above suggestions, but it is still the same
when in download mode and i connected to computer, the odin3 shown ID:COM
experts, pls i got no idea on this, i tried whatever i can do.

Galaxy S2 Connection Problems...PLEASE HELP!!!

Good day everyone. I had Galaxy S2 since i know my self,but I didnt met this kind of problem. 2 Days ago i wanned to flash a new ROM to my S2, and odin stuff messed up. After Rebooting I got the message Firmware update issue thingy. I can go to download mode thats no problem. The biggest problem here is that whenever i plug in my USB cable into my phone, the computer recognizes it and then throws it out. I plug in, i hear the sound buuuunnggg, I start Odin, Thick PDA, select the ROM, and click start and it doesnt even reaches to end with Cache I hear the sond boooonnggg and Odin says its Failed, (Phone Removed). And the phone isnt connected anymore. Can someone help me out please? I really dont know what to do.
Try cleaning phone port or try different cable/ usb port
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda app-developers app
I will clean the usb port and I'l go buy a new cable. Il post when i did all these.

HELP - Odin and kies won't detect my phone !

Here's the thing guys: a week ago i was at a bar whith some friends and one of them spilled a glass of beer on my phone.I queckly removed the beer from it,removed the battery,sim card and sd card and left it for 1 hour to dry.After that i put the battery back and turn it on.The soft just wen't crazy so i decided to go in CWM and flash the soft back and everything was working fine.During the night i left the battery and the sim out of the phone.In the morning after i used an hair-dryer to be sure that there was no liqued in it, i decided to charge my phone.All wen't well untill i unpluged it and got the a message saing : battery still charging.I pluged it back and left the phone there for 4 hours.Again the same problem.I restarted the phone and wiped battery status,still no efect.After this i decided to flash the stock firmware.I put the phone in downloade mode and connected to my laptop.First odin added the device,the removed it then added it again.After that i put the 3 files and hit flash,but the an error appeared: odin removed it again and windows 7 gaved my this message: usb not recognized.i tried every metode on the internet.No effect.Now odin and kies wont see it.
I've installed the drivers again and again.I am abble to enter downloade mode,but as i said odin wont see it.When i turn on the phone,i get this message: firmware upgrade encounted an issue.please select recovery mode in kies and try again.
I know that this is a soft brick problem,not a hard brick problem,because previosuly i had hard brick and repaired it with JTAG at a local service.
Before this problem appeared,i was using Rootbox Rom.
Please help me.I'm begging you.!
p.s: should i try to reinstall my windows ? and sorry for any grammar mistakes.
You need to clean up your device, usb por at least. 99% alcohol should do the trick.
Formatting win7 or clean samsung drivers & kies uninstall should do it too.
This is trial & error, you can always use that guy who spilled the beer's laptop
Sent from the little guy
Your USB-Port is wrong. you should clean this up and also the whole phone as posted before. All this problems are caused by the USB-Port...
Disassemble it and clean it with q-tips and isopropyl alcohol,
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
Isopropyl is tha sh*t
Sent from the little guy
gastonw said:
Isopropyl is tha sh*t
Sent from the little guy
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OK guys.Il come buck with a post to anounce you if i fixed the phone.One more thing: should i install Kies or download only the drivers provided on xda by daerragh or Faryaab [ the link by daerragh if for version v1.5.20.0 (latest as of 26th February 2013) and by Faryaab is v1.5.5.0 (10-06-2012)] ?
p.s: i have allready reinstalled my windows 7 ultimate and updated it to latest version.
Do not drink......
Do the kies thing, bulletproof.
Sent from the little guy
I'm buck guys: i did wthat you told me,but no effect.I have cleaned my phone from top to buttom and my laptops usb.I have installed Kies.But no effect.When i connect the phone is says usb not recognized and unknown device.Any other solutions ? please help me.
Try another usb port / cable / pc.
And reinstall kies.
Sent from the little guy
Consult him and make him pay for a galaxy s4 ;p.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda app-developers app
Allready tried that.Same problem.
Ummmmmm...sneaky little device, is it charging at least?
If not, usb is completly busted.
Anyways, if it does charge doesn't actually mean your pc will see it, are you using s2's genuine cable? Does your pc sees ANY DEVICE CONNECTED at all? An a unknown device at least?
Sent from the little guy
I eventualy figuared out that my usb was broken, so i send it to a friend who works at samsung service.the repair cost 30 dollars.He told me that i was lucky,because at first he tought that the motherboard was damaged,but it wasn't.Now i have my phone and i recenty installed neatrom lite v4.4 and i have some problems:
1.When i lock the phone,my lockscreen won't appear ? how can i fix that ? i tried from setting,but nothing.
2.Should i install Siyah/Dorimanx or just stay whith the stock kernel ? i don't want my phone to have overheating problems,stability problems etc.I'm not a fan of OC,i just want the phone to move faster and that it won't get stuck,freeze,laggy.
3.How can i install those addons ? i'm interested in the aosp lockscreen with shortcuts and weather info,keyboard aosp,to have the circle battery note gallery and some camera options.thats all
4.How can i add more icons in the notification center ?
5.When i hold the powerbutton,the phone shuts done.Why is that ? I don't have the 4 options that were with the stock version(airplaine mode,data enabler,silent profile and power off).How can i have these back ?
Once again guys,thank you very much for your help.
i am having issue with samsung kies. odin recognizes my phone but kies wont why it is happening so?????
samundra sen said:
i am having issue with samsung kies. odin recognizes my phone but kies wont why it is happening so?????
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You have problem with drivers. Make clean reinstall the drivers and it should be fine.

[Q] I9300 won't boot, has no recovery mode and isn't getting recognized by Windows

Hi guys, I need some help with my Samsung Galaxy S3 GT-I9300.
A couple weeks ago my phone turned off by itself and never turned on completely again. If I turn it on, it stays on the very first boot screen forever (the white text saying Samsung Galaxy S3 GT-I9300, like this one (
I've removed the SIM card and the MicroSD card with no effects whatsoever, and I've also left the device turned on for hours but it always stays on the same screen.
I cannot enter recovery mode (it just shows the boot screen mentioned above) but I can enter download mode. At download mode, I get this info:
Product name: GT-I9300
Custom binary download: No
Current binary: Samsung Official
System Status: Oficial
As you can see, I have never flashed a custom rom (or rooted or even unlocked the bootloader). This is what intrigues me the most, since everybody I've seen with the same problem had trouble during or after a flash.
My last OS version was 4.3.1 and it was received OTA months ago.
In the past few months, my device rebooted out of nowhere, even when I was not using it. Occasionally, it had the stuck power button, which caused it to reboot on a loop, but I always solved it by nudging the power button a little. I don't know if these two previous problems might have caused the problem I'm facing now, but they're not showing up anymore.
Anyway, I've tried to flash the newest official rom (NK1 - ZTO) via Odin but I always get a NAND Write error.
I've tried changing USB ports, USB cable and computers; tried Odin 3.04, 3.07 and 3.09; tried Samsung USB drivers v1.5.45 and 1.5.49 but nothing of the above made any difference.
Today things started getting worse, though. In the past, Windows would always recognize the device on at least one specific USB port; Odin would also recognize the device and then I would get the NAND Write error. Now, Windows will not recognize the device no matter the cable, USB port or driver version. I only get a unknown device error and Odin won't recognize anything connected.
I tested all my setup with a working Galaxy S3 I9300 and it got recognized every single time, no matter the USB port, the cable or the computer.
Considering that another device is getting recognized by different computers, I suppose that the problem lies in my Galaxy S3.
So, can anyone offer me any kind of advice or point me in any direction on how I can try to fix my phone? Is my phone physically dying and no software solution will unbrick it?
Your power button issue has corrupted/damaged the nand memory. Try the dead boot recovery thread in general forum but unless you have warranty you might be better off with a new phone.
I was afraid of that.
I checked the post you mentioned but it seems I'd have to buy tools and hardware more expensive than the phone itself, so I'd rather buy a new smartphone.
Thanks for the help!

Reward for anyone who can fix my Samsung Galaxy sg2 GT-I9100

Samsung Galaxy sg2 GT-I9100 download mode
Hi and please help fellow Samsung users
I have a Samsung Galaxy sg2 GT-I9100
One morning I woke up and my sg2 wouldn’t boot past the Samsung screen.
It won’t go to the recovery mode only download mode
I can only get to download mode
When I connect the phone by usb I get a blue sign in Odin It does show up in Odin in the coms
I have tried to flash it with Odin with 5 stock roms and Odin shows cache and fails every time.
I have removed all traces of kies and rebooted and the usb cable is also fine, I have also tried different versions of Odin to no avail
My question is what can or should I try next?
Please advise
I had this problem once. Couldn't success flashing via Odin even if the Odin was detecting my phone....was giving fail message........then as a last resort, more of frusrtatedly I pushed/shook the USB pin a little bit....voila! I got success.......flashed!!!!!!
Don't take it as final advise. Try , if all fails and you are sure what you are doing. Good luck.....
jamu08 said:
I had this problem once. Couldn't success flashing via Odin even if the Odin was detecting my phone....was giving fail message........then as a last resort, more of frusrtatedly I pushed/shook the USB pin a little bit....voila! I got success.......flashed!!!!!!
Don't take it as final advise. Try , if all fails and you are sure what you are doing. Good luck.....
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That didn't work the USB cable is is working fine and when i try in on anther USB port it installs the Samsung drivers so it does recognize in Odin.
There must be something else i can do i know there is 4.5 to 5 GB of space in the phone memory
I have heard of using pit files as a last resort
I will give a reward to anyone by PayPal for a fix

