can't mount 2nd partition after cm update - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I have a 2nd ext4 partition on my sdcard that has apps installed on it. After doing a CM update, all those apps are missing and I can't recreate the mount scripts.
When I go into link2sd and try to recreate the mount scripts I get a dialog asking me to choose the filesystem with this path in it:
I choose ext4, because that is the filesystem of my 2nd partition, and then I get an error:
mount:'/dev/block/vold/179:66'->'data/sdext2' no such file or directory
I've verified that /data/sdext2 exists. Any help or suggestions are greatly appreciated, thanks.


Mount Sd-EXT

I want to install Ap2sd Script on Galaxy Duos.
I tried Mount2SD and Darktremor Ap2sd.
But both failed.
Due to can't mount the Sd-ext.
I can sure that mmc has ext2 partition as primary.
Also i tried to mount the sd-ext manually.
But failed.
I used this cmd
busybox mount -o noatime,nodiratime,barrier=1 /dev/block/mmcblk0p2 /sd-ext
Can anyone help me to mount?

[Q] /emmc/ wont mount in CWM after encryption

CM10 recent install from CM9, which was Encrypted for work email.
Read that you can just format the partition and it will install new roms fine.
Within CM10 I can see /ExtSDCard/ and but /SDCard/ aka /emmc/ in CWM wont mount.
Going further down into CWM, emmc wont mount so it looks like it has installed the rom fine as it boots without a physical SD Card inserted? When trying to mount /emmc/ the log shows the following error "Failed to mount /dev/block.mmcblk0p11" which I assume is related.
I would like to mount and format the previously encrypted internal storage, so It could be used as /sdcard/ in CM10 so apps like Camera would work.
Edit: Fixed English
Edit: Ok so I have worked out its /dev/block/mmcblk0p11 - cant format it ext4 then mount it using "mount -t ext4 /dev/block/mmcblk0p11 /emmc" but all the 'scheduled' tasks still think its vfat, so as a work around ill just format it as vfat.
This should be easy.... right?
busybox mkfs.vfat /dev/block/mmcblk0p11
mkfs.vfat: lseek: Value too large for defined data type
Ugh. Help me format this as vfat please
Had to push a new version of busybox, which allowed vfat over 1gb.
Thanks me!

[Q] Link2SD:2nd partition shown but still not working

I tried to install Link2SD in Micromax A58 as the internal storage is very low and need to install some more apps. Already rooted and installed Link2SD to use the ext4 2nd partition of my 8 GB SD card. After trying with all possible ways, couldn't get it worked. All the time it was showing error--
"Mount Script can not be created. Mount: No such file or directory"
Previously even the 2nd partition was not shown as mounted in the storage info of Link2SD but after modifying the in /etc path, the storage info now atleast showing the 2nd partition as mounted. My looks like below--
/system/xbin/daemonsu --auto-daemon &
mount -t ext4 -o rw /dev/block/mmcblk0p2 /data/sdext2
mount -t ext4 -o rw /dev/block/vold/179:2 /data/sdext2
Now, the problems are as below--
1) Installed multiple applications but none of them are actually linked to SDcard. The Link2SD shows them as 'On SD Card' and just after installing 9-10 small applications, the internal memory is now full. If I go to 'Create Link', it is giving error '/data/sdext2 mount not found'.
2) When try to recreate mount script and choosing 'ext4' as parameter, it still throws error
"Mount Script can not be created. Mount: No such file or directory"
It seems that even though the storage info shows the 2nd partition as mounted, but system couldn't identify it somehow. So, Link2Sd is not working at all.
Please help and advice further. Thanks a lot.

[Q] Mount second SD Card partition on boot

Hello, all.
I have a Moto E with a 32GB External Memory card.
I've formatted the card to have a 12G FAT32 partition for the phone to use as intended, and the other 20GB I've formatted into a EXT4 filesystem that I plan to use for various stuff.
I can mount and write to the partition without any problem:
mount -t ext4 -o rw /dev/block/mmcblk1p2 /sdcard/sdext4/
The issue lies in that I have no idea where I should place this so that it automatically does it on boot (I cannot find any init.d directory, for example).
Could someone let me know what scripts are read at boot and where the best location for putting said command would be?
EDIT: Come to think of it, I'll need it for the following command so I can rsync as well without a hassle:
ln -s /data/data/eu.kowalczuk.rsync4android/files/rsync rsync

filesystem mounting / repartitioning on live android system

I have a mi2s and this phone is come to separated partitions in its internal drive. It has separated data and sdcard partition. My sdcard partition not mounted for some reason.
I want to keep this partition system, I just want to either mount the sdcard partition, or resize them without loseing data. (I can delete the sdcard partition but I want the data partition untouched, I had a long fight till this rom started to work with google play store, and I dont really want to remach it after all my apps are installed... Fun thing that after the first boot both partitions were mounted, after my first reboot only the data.)
I tried:
adb mount - adb sees it Android not sees it
write it to the fstab.qalcom - its on the / if I reboot the phone its loaded from somewhere again (I know its a ramdisk), my modifications are not permanent on there
I have basic linux knowlage and I started to dig into it, but I cant google out a general solution.
My questions:
How can I mount a fs like the usb otg from adb/android shell?
Can I edit the fstab file in its permanent store on an installed rooted device? And if I can where?
If I place new lines to the fstab on rootfs how can I tell the system to "reload" it?
Can I extend an ext4 partition from adb without loseing its data? *
* I have the required tools like parted from xiaomi forum, I cant post the link but you can google it with "Mi2S extending size of storage partition stillka".
Any help appreciated, and sorry for my english I'm not native.
So the basics:
If you can mount it from adb its a half win!
Try search the correct block partition and mount it with -t, add the correct file system and don't try auto it.
After you can mount it, you need to start an sdcard process its in /system/bin/sdcard. I had to see the custom rom implementation for that, in cm u need to param it "sdcard from to 1023 1023", but in samsung devices the to is hardcoded, and you nedd to do some sed magic.
After that your android programs will see it as a valid sdcard partition.
The harder way:
Wrap it to a startup script.
Add this script somewhere to run at bootup.
I'm still working on it, but I'm closer and closer. After I have the final solution I will write here once more.
I get so much help from there:
If somebody want to do this:
After few hours of trying to mount the filessystem in boottime (in CM 12.1 its a hard work), i gave up, and went to a repartitioning way.
I merged 2 tutorials:
reboot phone into CWM, connect phone to PC
connect to phone over adb and check if you are root
mount system
umount cache
umount data
copy content of into /system/bin and add executable attributes if necessary
Run parted on your device: parted /dev/sdX
Change display unit to sectors: unit s
Print current partition table and note the start sector for your partition: p
Delete your partition (won't delete the data or filesystem): rm <number>
Delete your partition (the second one we will delete data from there): rm <number>
Recreate the partition with the starting sector from above: mkpart primary <start> <end>
Recreate partition 27 (the last) mkpartfs primary ext2 3070 15758
name 26 userdata #we have to set back partition labels
name 27 storage
Exit parted: quit
Check the filesystem of 26: sudo e2fsck -f /dev/sdXX
Resize filesystem 26: sudo resize2fs /dev/sdXX
restore partition 27 with:
tune2fs -j /dev/block/mmcblk0p27
e2fsck -fDp /dev/block/mmcblk0p27
tune2fs -O extents,uninit_bg,dir_index /dev/block/mmcblk0p27
e2fsck -fDp /dev/block/mmcblk0p27
Of course in parted print you can see your original partition layout and this case it is possible that you have other partition numbers (my 26 partition is labeld by userdata and 27 with storage, and I gave more space to userdata from storage without loseing any data from userdata).
You can download the from the original miui forum, try to search to mi2s extending size of storage partition. (yes it will work with other devices too)

