Light bleeding? - LG G5 Questions & Answers

I've had my G5 since mid-April and I think I'm beginning to see light bleeding in the lower right hand corner of my screen. I haven't had much experience with light bleed but I assume it looks like light is peaking out from behind the screen when the background should be dark. Anyone else experience this, thoughts?

This is quite common with portable devices. My LG has it, my ipad mini 4 has it, my work monitor and my home 42" tv has it. Nothing to worry about really if you can put up with it.

Who puts their phone's brightness at 80-100% at dark places anyways


[Q] SGS 2 - low light reveals screen defect?

There are a few threads out there that have touched on this issue but none as far as I can see that deal with it directly.
The problem comes when you display a pure black screen in low light conditions. It shows that the AMOLED screen is actually grey / blotchy / cloudy instead of being pure black. Initially I thought mine had fingerprints or smudge marks on it, until I realised they were behind the screen. I guess I might have got a phone with a screen that was replaced, but the amount of people who have also reported a similar issue leads me to believe that it might be a manufacturing default? The blotches / clouds on the screen dont change, but exhibit a random formation as one would expect from a defect. It is also possible to see a very faint outline of light running along 3 edges of the screen.
Naturally this is a situation that doesnt reveal itself very often. But I as I use my phone a lot at night, especially reading ebooks or watching films, you start to notice it more and more where you have large expanses of empty black screen.
What I would like to know is how many people have got screens that exhibit this behaviour and how many of you have sent them in for service or had them replaced?
Is it a common issue and something that is to be expected from this type of screen?
You can test if yours has this problem using 'Screen Test' (its free) from the market place. It cycles through solid colours and patterns every time you touch the screen.
Just do it in bed with all the lights out P), give your eyes a few seconds to adjust and see what your screen looks like displaying pure black.
I'm very interested in everyone's experiences and any input or information you have.
Thanks everyone in advance!
ps: I came from a ZTE blade (OLED) which has a uniformly dark grey background when displaying pure black. I kinda expect this as it is a budget phone (albeit with a better than budget screen), but I didnt expect the SGS2 to be quite as bad.
Use "screen adjuster" from the market and set contrast to -60
i have never seen this black low light screen defect. but i am asking you people if any of you have noticed that ugly blurry shadows which are perfectly visible with low light, on white backgrounds especially. they look like marks above the actual display and make high quality images look like low resolution.. it is annoying as hell..
I have this. Noticed it one night when my phone was switched off and charging.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA App
I also have this, noticed the first evening i used the can notice this during the screen wake delay, or when in a call if you cover then uncover the proximity sensor...don't know if it's a defect but sure it bugs me, i know many won't notice it and will say they don't have this...i will add that if u look carefully to the screen dimmed at lowest brightness in a low light (buy not dark) environment, like early morning, you'll see some "interferences" behind the image, also the darker/yellower left half screen is still visible in these conditions
These things shouldn't be there in a 500€ phone
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA App
Thanks for the feedback already.
@elmerendeiro: I have also noticed some 'interference' lines on my phone from time to time. I did a bit of research and it seems when your phone's brightness is set around 25 - 30% it picks up interference from either the wifi or 3g radio. Notch the brightness either above or below this level and you wont see it anymore.
I agree with you when you say we shouldn't be having these problems on such an expensive phone.
It bugs me too - if it wasnt for this i'd have to say it would be an amazing phone
Might give the Samsung service center a call and see if its something they're aware of and if they are replacing screens with this problem?

Display not TRUE BLACK ?

Im Using Amoled Smartphones since the Galaxy (i7500). They all were always showing at 100% Brightness for Black parts of a picture a true Black like the Display is OFF.
If you put the Brightness to 100% and go to an complete Dark Room and open an Black Picture you see some Gray/Yellow Tint on the Screen. You can compare this good by locking the phone to see the Screen OFF and than unlock it to view the Black Picture again. You should see a huge difference. Hope to hear from your experiences.
I've seen that already on the S1 when abusing it a a nightstand clock.
Best guess I've heard is that the (AMO)LED screen leaks some luminosity to other pixels in the background which is then visible as a very faint glow.
However I rather believe that the AMOLED are not truely off but rather get some leak voltage and thus have a very-very-very faint glow (like one photon per second xD )
That would explain the black spots most people seem to mind on AMOLED when on minimum brightness with a black screen; they are truely off or without insufficient leak voltagage (LED's requie a minimum voltage to work).
AMOLED production is somewhat complicated (very thin layer of silver as a power source and a control-layer) so I wouldn't be surprised if the above is true.
Nothing is perfect, especially not a rather new technology.
What else did you expect from a backlit display.
jbadboy2007 said:
What else did you expect from a backlit display.
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It's not backlit is the point.
Correct me if im wrong here but amoled is, by design, not backlit.
Sent from my LG-P920 using xda premium
Yeah so I was wondering why it does this little/ hard noticeable yellow/gray tint on a dark room...
There is no Backlight... Unfortunely i Sold my Galaxy S2 so I cant compare it.. But im Sure it wasnt like this
I have this on my gsiii and also on the Gnote... I think is due to the pentile screen
I had this on my Fascinate but realized it wasn't a big issue. Definitely more noticeable on my Gnex but it also has more pixels so that could be why you see more light. I wouldn't call it a problem because the majority of the time it's absolutely unnoticeable. Each pixel has so have some sort of voltage to be ready to react to changes. Turning off/on completely each time light is needed might waste battery.
P.S. I'm noob at displays but that's my theory.
Zacisblack said:
I had this on my Fascinate but realized it wasn't a big issue. Definitely more noticeable on my Gnex but it also has more pixels so that could be why you see more light. I wouldn't call it a problem because the majority of the time it's absolutely unnoticeable. Each pixel has so have some sort of voltage to be ready to react to changes. Turning off/on completely each time light is needed might waste battery.
P.S. I'm noob at displays but that's my theory.
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I was curious about this issue as well. It's my understanding that OLEDs do not produce any light in their inactive state.
Regarding your theory, I wonder if it's similar to plasma displays. Even though plasmas are capable of true black (they do not use a backlight) The individual plasma cells have better response times if they aren't fully discharged on blacks. So they have a faint glow that comes from the low power they are using to keep the pixel charged up and ready to go when a color change is needed.
This actually costs a little power though, rather than saving it. So if thats what they are doing, it is for screen quality reasons so that movies and other things look better.
Did some Googling and I couldn't find much information, but there is talk of delivering pre-charge voltage to the OLED pixels to improve response times. So it could be that they are indeed similar to plasma displays in that respect: Capable of true black, but the benefits of not using true black are too good to pass up.
Are you SURE the picture is actually true black? By that i mean pure 100% black in an uncompressed image? If not then you cant expect the phone to display true black. A JPEG of black may not be enough.
My screen it totally off when displaying true black.
I can confirm the screen showing a faint glow on S3 with a true black screen.
Use Firefox with Fullscreen extension (Chrome and the default browser don't seem to have fullscreen mode yet) and go to
That's rendered on the phone so we can expect it to be the blackest black an app can produce, however in a (very) dark room you'll see a very faint glow coming from the screen and you'll be able to see the black spots (truely black) that people keep complaining about.
The theory about it being a precharge voltage does indeed sound plausible since LED's have a certain reaction time which unfortunately cannot be compensated by e.g. Overdrive as is used in LCD screens.
Note that the S3's "black" is still far better than any LCD.
No mine is still jet black, no light at all.
Go to a COMPLETELY dark room and make sure the screen is actually turned on when on the website (not timed out).
Then take a long-exposure photograph of your phone (still make sure the screen is turned ON!).
I don't have a long exposure camera, but the room is completely dark and my eyes have adjusted, there is no light.
All sgs3 ( as sgs2) screens emit a very week glow on a black pictures ( with the screen on )
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
It would seem to me that the 'ink spots' many have are not overly dark spots at all, they are what the screen should be. My screen emits no visible light when displaying a true black image, at least nothing my eyes can see, even at the edge of my vision field where light cell are most sensitive. My screen is on maximum brightness.
My screen has no patches, no streaks, no spots, no pink or excessively blue tint. I guess i have a screen thats as near to perfect as they get.
yes there is very faint glow indeed making the screen a bit greyish instead of pitch black
Excuse me if I am being naive but where is real life use would this ever be a negative impact?
jfenton57 said:
Excuse me if I am being naive but where is real life use would this ever be a negative impact?
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no negative impact, but still raises a question "why so?"
jfenton57 said:
Excuse me if I am being naive but where is real life use would this ever be a negative impact?
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I don't think anyone is trying to paint it as an issue that needs to be resolved. It's more of an odd technical mystery rather than a real problem. The blacks are still extremely deep on an AMOLED, just like with Plasma it puts LCD to shame in that department.

2nd Screen Light Bleed - Want other user opinions.

Hey guys so I just picked up my LG V10 2 days ago, I knew there were some issues with light bleed on the upper left corner of the 2nd screen but I crossed my fingers and hoped for the best.
The first night I had the 2nd screen off, however last night I decided to give it a try since it seemed like an elegant idea to have on this phone.
In the darkness of my bedroom the light bleed from the upper left was utterly atrocious, it actually fans out and extends into the other screen to about where the notification bar is (this is with the main screen off). The light bleed is also quite bright at night, it is very visible from across the room and really destroys the user experience.
I'll update with photos this evening as I want to know if other users have a significant problem or it's something that happens on every few phones and I can exchange for a unit that hopefully has less bleeding.
I'd love your feedback on how the 2nd screen bleeding WITH MAIN SCREEN OFF is for you especially in a dark room.
Yeah mineb does exactly that..doesnt really bother me too much
If you're in a very dark or completely dark room, you're going to notice light bleed. It's unavoidable with LCD technology. Mine also bleeds a bit into the regular display. Look at the screen directly (not at an angle) and it should look a little better. Angles produce worse backlight bleed - you're going to notice when you're laying in bed and look over at the phone and see the backlight bleed being a lot worse.
The big concern is if the backlight is actually bleeding in normal day-to-day conditions. On my first phone, I noticed in the STORE that the upper left corner of the notification bar was brighter than the rest of the screen. It had backlight bleed bad up there to the point if it being visible in daylight on colored portions of the screen. Exchanged it for another phone on the spot and it looks completely fine now. In most conditions the second screen appears to be floating because your eyes are adjusted to the brighter ambient light and can't see the poorer contrast ratio of an LCD compared to an AMOLED. At night though, you will definitely see that the second screen would have been executed better if LG would implement OLED in their flagship phones.
I see a little bleed on the left edge of the second screen, when the main screen is off, but it doesn't bother me. I kind of like that the notification icon is brighter than the rest of the second screen because it helps me notice that I have a notification, especially since the phone has no notification LED (shame). The second screen is not important to me, plus I don't see the bleed when the main screen is on which is when I'm actually spending significant time on the phone.
There reason you see bleed is because the second screen has a dedicated white LED on the left edge that's separate from the main panel backlight and positioned to "inject" light from the side without being properly integrated with the panel's backlight diffuser. This is why you'll see this, to varying degrees, on every unit. When you're in a well-lit room with the main screen on, the second screen looks perfect, because that secondary LED is off when the main screen is on. Also, the second screen auto-dims based on the amount of ambient light, so you might see the bleed on the "high" mode when you first turn off the main screen, but not when it dims down to the "low" mode after a while. Maybe they'll introduce a new hardware revision that repositions the second screen edge LED or does something else to limit its bleed. We'll know in 1-2 months when the next batch of V10s hits the stores.
I replaced my V10 twice because it had yellow bleed at the BOTTOM of the screen by the navigation buttons and that annoyed me as hell, since it affects the colors of everything I do, especially watching movies. All three had second screen bleed. What was particularly interesting is that each had a different color temperature screen. My first one was reddish, the second one was blueish (like the G4), and my current one is greenish, it actually looks exactly like the Nexus 6P screen (I put them side by side to compare).
I'll agree with Nitemare3219's and siraltus' observations and comments. When the main screen is on nothing is really noticeable. When the main screen is off I have the second screen off. It's so dim I don't see the point to having it on. The second screen is a bit of a gimmick. If I had additional issues I might think of exchanging it (still have 10 days), but I don't notice any other screen issues, and my fingerprint reader works...with a case. Every LCD screen I've had has had some sort of bleed. The problem starts if it is noticeable during normal use/viewing.
Mine slightly lights up the whole right corner 1/5th down the screen, only visible in a dark room. I dont get bleed from the right like ive seen in pictures and youtube.
It's only noticeable when it's pitch black and my main screen is off, so it doesn't bother me at all. It's not noticeable any other time.
First the second screen has already become a staple of my use habits, it's no gimack. Yes bleed is there when main screen is off, no I don't like it, but don't feel it's as big an issue as some make it out to be. That's just me though, I can see it bothering some.
jamor414 said:
It's only noticeable when it's pitch black and my main screen is off, so it doesn't bother me at all. It's not noticeable any other time.
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Same, the light bleed is noticeable in the dark, but not bothersome. It is not nearly brought enough to light up my room at all, and is very slight in the upper left corner of the second screen. For the usefulness of the second screen with my usage, it's an ok trade off for me.
If your not happy with it and your within the 20 days id return it. I did return my initial one and my second one is better with less bleed.
my bleeding is always noticeable but especially on dark rooms,
I posted the pictures here:

PWM or backlight failure?

I'm experiencing either a defect or an unfortunate feature on this tablet. I just took delivery of a new one, and while viewing any solid colors besides grey on the screen everything is fine (also no dead pixels), but I'm noticing what appears to be slight backlight flickering/pulsing whenever grey or light blue is shown on the screen. It seems to be PWM (pulse width modulation) of the leds, but I can't be certain it's a defect or just the unfortunate way these tablets' led screens are designed. It's a very subtle but consistent and annoying pulse, but it's definitely there. Can anyone confirm that PWM is what's going on with these tablets or if this is a defective screen. The screen doesn't pulse at all on any other colors solid or only partially filling the screen or otherwise.
I haven't noticed anything on mine, though I tend to keep the backlight fairly low (17%).
One thought though which is why I'm saying anything, I remember on the nexus 7 there was an issue with one of the friction pins not connecting to the back of the case's antenna fully sometimes, which would cause the radio/wifi to suck extra power resulting in backlight pulses... have you tried turning on airplane mode (disable the cellular) with wifi off to see if that makes a difference? Though it would be odd if it only affected the one colour... I suppose it could be your ambient light source too, does it do it in sunlight?
joeblowma said:
I haven't noticed anything on mine, though I tend to keep the backlight fairly low (17%).
One thought though which is why I'm saying anything, I remember on the nexus 7 there was an issue with one of the friction pins not connecting to the back of the case's antenna fully sometimes, which would cause the radio/wifi to suck extra power resulting in backlight pulses... have you tried turning on airplane mode (disable the cellular) with wifi off to see if that makes a difference? Though it would be odd if it only affected the one colour... I suppose it could be your ambient light source too, does it do it in sunlight?
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Good idea! Unfortunately, killing the antennas doesn't affect it. And there's no ambient light sensor on the g pad x, so that's out as well I'm so disappointed because there are not dead pixels and only very little light bleed in the corners too.
I didn't mean ambient light sensor would be the cause, more that perhaps you have bulb/s that cycle at a specific rate at a certain colour range that would cause a subtle flicker, I always found those big long roof fixture fluorescent tube lights bad for this sort of thing... I notice some "out of the corner of my eye" subtle flickering on my PC LCD when I have the one CFL on, but not when I have the other LED lamp going instead for example. I just tried a LCD screen tester with various solid colours (cyan, blue) and the only 'flickering' I'm seeing is if I actually move the screen, this panel has some waviness in it that is visible when the screen is off and you angle it just right under a light which seems to pop out on these blues with the backlight turned up - but only when the screen is physically moving. Definitely not a perfect panel, but for me nothing like what you are talking about.
I'm outta ideas though, unless you are running a custom firmware and it does something different than what my stock does.
edit:/ just read that RFD post from the other thread, and I definitely notice a flicker when in nova's app drawer. It seems to occur only right after I move the tablet and only noticeable at higher backlight settings, if I set it down flat and don't move it, it doesn't do it. Perhaps related to the gyro sensor? Something not isolated fully/properly would be my guess. With the wifi turned on, it also does it along with the activity up/down arrows on the logo... now that I've seen it I wonder if its going to bother me on lower brightness levels now :silly:
joeblowma said:
edit:/ just read that RFD post from the other thread, and I definitely notice a flicker when in nova's app drawer. It seems to occur only right after I move the tablet and only noticeable at higher backlight settings, if I set it down flat and don't move it, it doesn't do it. Perhaps related to the gyro sensor? Something not isolated fully/properly would be my guess. With the wifi turned on, it also does it along with the activity up/down arrows on the logo... now that I've seen it I wonder if its going to bother me on lower brightness levels now :silly:
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Thanks for checking. I tried the airplane mode setting, and I swear that fixed it. But then it came back after a few more toggles of data/wifi. Given that you're seeing it too and that others have reported seeing it as well in the RFD thread, I'm thinking it isn't a defect but rather poor design. There's little chance it would be this widespread and only on the exact same color combo for everyone. I think most people just never notice it since you're rarely just looking at a solid or mostly solid grey screen. I wonder if there's a way to disable the gyro on a stock/non-rooted gpad like mine? For me, it does it regardless of brightness level.
I've seen this on different devices too, so it's not just a G Pad X thing. I wanna say I've seen it on my Nexus 5 back in the day, but I've had many devices so it's hard to remember. But yep, noticed it happens on "grey" colors. It's much less noticeable with the brightness lowered. Never really bothered me so never posted about it.
emilyrugburn said:
I've seen this on different devices too, so it's not just a G Pad X thing. I wanna say I've seen it on my Nexus 5 back in the day, but I've had many devices so it's hard to remember. But yep, noticed it happens on "grey" colors. It's much less noticeable with the brightness lowered. Never really bothered me so never posted about it.
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My guess is it's the led pulse width modulation. It affects some screens more than others, but is an issue with led implementation on lcd screens in general. I'm leaning towards keeping the tablet as I'm 99% convinced that another unit would exhibit the exact same behavior. Glad to hear it isn't a defect, but sad that they did not manufacturer a better screen.
Jottle said:
My guess is it's the led pulse width modulation. It affects some screens more than others, but is an issue with led implementation on lcd screens in general. I'm leaning towards keeping the tablet as I'm 99% convinced that another unit would exhibit the exact same behavior. Glad to hear it isn't a defect, but sad that they did not manufacturer a better screen.
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I don't want to clutter this thread any further, but I'm going into a B&M t-mo store to see if I can test this out on a display device to confirm how widespread this issue is.
Quick update on the flicker issue. It's a problem with all the units, or perhaps just poor design. I did a warranty exchange, and the replacement unit had the exact same issue. Oh well. Just time wasted I guess.
I have the same exact issue with the one i got my mom. Fortunately it doesn't bother her too much but it definitely seems to be a design flaw as we also returned it with the return unit having the same issue
Welcome to the world of flicker.
What you are seeing is very common and an unfortunate side effect of cheap reference designs and a don't care attitude.
There are many new standards for flicker but I doubt they'll be implemented. Flicker pwm needs to be in the 10khz range to be indistinguishable to constant current drives.

BOE screen issues

I sent back an Mate 20 Pro because (with LG screen) I had intermittent data disconnection issues. I had no gluegate screen issues, the screen was fine. The replacement device has a BOE screen. In comparison to the LG screen, after a few days here are my observations:
- The screen has a greenish tint (not gluegate) when viewed from the side. View the screen at about 45 degree angle (left, right, top, bottom etc.) and the color changes.
- Brightness: the BOE screen I have seems less bright than the LG one.
- The screen also seems less sharp than the previous LG, I would describe it as a bit "grainy" or "noisy", not the pin sharp display you would expect at this resolution
- Low brightness: when the brightness slider is low (10% brightness or less), the grey text breaks up on a black background when scrolling. Here is how to reproduce the issue.
1. Go to Settings and select the BLACK background mode. All text is white or grey and the background is black.
2. Set the brightness slider to minimum
3. Select a submenu in settings (e.g. Battery) then go to a dark room (with brightness at minimum)
4. Scroll slowly up and down the screen in the Battery (or some other) settings menu
5. On my screen the light (white and grey) text breaks up into green/magenta components. When the scrolling stops the text is white again. It's like the screen can not keep up with the scrolling, can not refresh the pixels fast enough so the white text breaks up into various colours.
Anyone has experienced this issue on either an LG or BOE screen? Any feedback is welcome.
I am not pixel peeking. I noticed this behaviour while adjusting some of my settings on the new phone. I did not see this at the LG screen. Because my old phone has been taken back by the courier I can't do any parallel comparisons.
This screen is a BOE screen, serial number 18B08. on the latest 122 software version. Based on my subjective observation the LG screen was brighter and did not notice these low light issues (however I was not looking for it in all fairness). Update: now on 146 software update.
Any feedback is appreciated.
Update (9 Dec 2018)
I went to a local store and took some comparison pictures / videos between store units and my BOE screen Mate 20 Pro. See them below. All videos taken at MAXIMUM screen brightness on white background to compare the quality (max brightness and colour shift) of both screens.
Here are links to 2 Youtube sample videos: - My unit vs a O2 store demo unit - My unit vs a Three store demo unit (verified with LG screen)
Some images also attached.
The green 99% of people report on LG displays is in completely unnatural conditions that would never occur in real life use. They use a grey background, turn the brightness down to 1 and see a tinted glow coming out of the curved part of the OLED display that isn't even part of the actual display area.
The fact that the BOE display is not as bright and smooth as the LG display has been reported by many owners and is also likely the reason there is less light bleed coming out of the curved edges when people use the same unnatural conditions--the BOE screen is natively less bright and powerful at every light level including 1. If you research exactly how AMOLED displays generate color you will understand what I am referring to.
Even though the LG display actually seems to be far superior to the BOE display in normal everyday use with better colors, contrast and pixel response Huawei will probably be using the inferior BOE displays going forward because of the hysteria of some users that believed the LG display was defective.
As far as I know the curved OLED display was used on the iPhone X but not on any Android phone before the Mate 20 Pro so doing the same unnatural display test with the curved Amoled on the Mate 20 Pro and the non-curved Amoled of any other Android phone is obviously not going to yield the same results. The light bleed only manifests where the curve in the Amoled is.
Huawei said this was normal but some people loudly insisted that it wasn't so now going forward everybody is going to get the markedly inferior BOE display.
AMOLED displays do degrade over time so it would be interesting to compare how the LG and BOE displays each hold up but since people are only interested in the newest phones that comparison probably won't happen.
Wow dude, you don't know what you are talking about...
The green is totally defective and can be seen in many normal conditions!
The fact that it's emphasized by grey screen doesn't mean it cannot be seen.
I now have a BOE screen and cannot be happier, colors look excellent compared with my Galaxy S9+
LG green screen was crap. And I'm not biased towards LG, I have a very nice OLED 4K tv at home.
jhs39 said:
The green 99% of people report on LG displays is in completely unnatural conditions that would never occur in real life use. They use a grey background, turn the brightness down to 1 and see a tinted glow coming out of the curved part of the OLED display that isn't even part of the actual display area.
The fact that the BOE display is not as bright and smooth as the LG display has been reported by many owners and is also likely the reason there is less light bleed coming out of the curved edges when people use the same unnatural conditions--the BOE screen is natively less bright and powerful at every light level including 1. If you research exactly how AMOLED displays generate color you will understand what I am referring to.
Even though the LG display actually seems to be far superior to the BOE display in normal everyday use with better colors, contrast and pixel response Huawei will probably be using the inferior BOE displays going forward because of the hysteria of some users that believed the LG display was defective.
As far as I know the curved OLED display was used on the iPhone X but not on any Android phone before the Mate 20 Pro so doing the same unnatural display test with the curved Amoled on the Mate 20 Pro and the non-curved Amoled of any other Android phone is obviously not going to yield the same results. The light bleed only manifests where the curve in the Amoled is.
Huawei said this was normal but some people loudly insisted that it wasn't so now going forward everybody is going to get the markedly inferior BOE display.
AMOLED displays do degrade over time so it would be interesting to compare how the LG and BOE displays each hold up but since people are only interested in the newest phones that comparison probably won't happen.
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Thank you for the elaborate answer.
I don't have a problem with the unevenness of light or bleeding but lower brightness and grainier screen are not OK in my opinion. When I first opened up the first unit with the LG screen, it struck me how better it was than my SONY Xperia XZ Premium's screen, both in terms of perceived sharpness and luminosity. As a first impression.
The BOE screen however, shows much grayer and overall of inferior quality in comparison to the Sony. Might have an inferior screen on this Mate 20 Pro, I don't know, that's why I was asking for feedback.
For this price and being a flagship device having only an "acceptable" quality screen is not acceptable. Having so many posts online and cases of green screens it's a good possibility that there is something ongoing with these screens.
jhs39 said:
The green 99% of people report on LG displays is in completely unnatural conditions that would never occur in real life use. They use a grey background, turn the brightness down to 1 and see a tinted glow coming out of the curved part of the OLED display that isn't even part of the actual display area.
The fact that the BOE display is not as bright and smooth as the LG display has been reported by many owners and is also likely the reason there is less light bleed coming out of the curved edges when people use the same unnatural conditions--the BOE screen is natively less bright and powerful at every light level including 1. If you research exactly how AMOLED displays generate color you will understand what I am referring to.
Even though the LG display actually seems to be far superior to the BOE display in normal everyday use with better colors, contrast and pixel response Huawei will probably be using the inferior BOE displays going forward because of the hysteria of some users that believed the LG display was defective.
As far as I know the curved OLED display was used on the iPhone X but not on any Android phone before the Mate 20 Pro so doing the same unnatural display test with the curved Amoled on the Mate 20 Pro and the non-curved Amoled of any other Android phone is obviously not going to yield the same results. The light bleed only manifests where the curve in the Amoled is.
Huawei said this was normal but some people loudly insisted that it wasn't so now going forward everybody is going to get the markedly inferior BOE display.
AMOLED displays do degrade over time so it would be interesting to compare how the LG and BOE displays each hold up but since people are only interested in the newest phones that comparison probably won't happen.
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Funny, I was sitting in a dark room with the screen set to grey and on the lowest setting and I was thinking, what the **** am I doing??? When would actually be doing this?? Probably never. I think some people are looking so hard for something that they are starting to see things.
I'm not doubting the there probably are some faulty screens out there, I had one right at the start too. But I've had an LG screen for a while now and it kinda looks green round the edges in that unnatural way of grey screen and low light. But I find it 10 time better than the grey washed out screen of the BOE. I had to turn the BOE screen brightness right up if I wanted to read in bed and the auto brightness was unresponsive.
Normal everyday use of the LG screen is 10 time better and the colours are just more vivid. I think I'm going to stick with LG
I found myself on Spotify with a really distracting green uneven smear all over my screen.... That wasn't a unnatural situation.
jhs39 said:
The green 99% of people report on LG displays is in completely unnatural conditions that would never occur in real life use. They use a grey background, turn the brightness down to 1 and see a tinted glow coming out of the curved part of the OLED display that isn't even part of the actual display area.
The fact that the BOE display is not as bright and smooth as the LG display has been reported by many owners and is also likely the reason there is less light bleed coming out of the curved edges when people use the same unnatural conditions--the BOE screen is natively less bright and powerful at every light level including 1. If you research exactly how AMOLED displays generate color you will understand what I am referring to.
Even though the LG display actually seems to be far superior to the BOE display in normal everyday use with better colors, contrast and pixel response Huawei will probably be using the inferior BOE displays going forward because of the hysteria of some users that believed the LG display was defective.
As far as I know the curved OLED display was used on the iPhone X but not on any Android phone before the Mate 20 Pro so doing the same unnatural display test with the curved Amoled on the Mate 20 Pro and the non-curved Amoled of any other Android phone is obviously not going to yield the same results. The light bleed only manifests where the curve in the Amoled is.
Huawei said this was normal but some people loudly insisted that it wasn't so now going forward everybody is going to get the markedly inferior BOE display.
AMOLED displays do degrade over time so it would be interesting to compare how the LG and BOE displays each hold up but since people are only interested in the newest phones that comparison probably won't happen.
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biggest pile of rubbish ive ever read in the nicest way possible. to dismiss other peoples experiences just because you havent seen it is rubbish. my friend used my phone in the car at night ( i was using it for sat nav, is that normal enough?) they went on the spotify app to change the song then asked me why is the bottom half of my screen green. if thats not an unusual use case then no one can use their phones at night?
---------- Post added at 02:14 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:09 AM ----------
beta199 said:
I sent back an Mate 20 Pro because (with LG screen) I had intermittent data disconnection issues. I had no gluegate screen issues, the screen was fine. The replacement device has a BOE screen. In comparison to the LG screen, after a day here are my observations:
- The screen has a greenish tint (not gluegate) when viewed from the side. View the screen at about 45 degree angle (left, right, top, bottom etc.) and the color changes.
- Brightness: the BOE screen I have seems less bright than the LG one.
- The screen also seems less sharp than the previous LG, I would describe it as a bit "grainy" or "noisy", not the pin sharp display you would expect at this resolution
- Low brightness: when the brightness slider is low (10% brightness or less), the grey text breaks up on a black background when scrolling. Here is how to reproduce the issue.
1. Go to Settings and select the BLACK background mode. All text is white or grey and the background is black.
2. Set the brightness slider to minimum
3. Select a submenu in settings (e.g. Battery) then go to a dark room (with brightness at minimum)
4. Scroll slowly up and down the screen in the Battery (or some other) settings menu
5. On my screen the light (white and grey) text breaks up into green/magenta components. When the scrolling stops the text is white again. It's like the screen can not keep up with the scrolling, can not refresh the pixels fast enough so the white text breaks up into various colours.
Anyone has experienced this issue on either an LG or BOE screen? Any feedback is welcome.
I am not pixel peeking. I noticed this behaviour while adjusting some of my settings on the new phone. I did not see this at the LG screen. Because my old phone has been taken back by the courier I can't do any parallel comparisons.
This screen is a BOE screen, serial number 18B08. on the latest 122 software version. Based on my subjective observation the LG screen was brighter and did not notice these low light issues (however I was not looking for it in all fairness).
Any feedback is appreciated.
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inn regards to this. the BOE screen seems to be less vivid if you had the LG phone before. however i had my S8 on standard or SRGB mode. (maybe it was called basic i cant remember) and to me the colours look fine. i cant say it looks less 'smooth' not sure what that means either and i think you hit the nail on the head. when you start to pixel peep youll see many flaws. even if they arent really there. if you look at the LG display as hard as you have looked at teh BOE, maybe you would have found something else. I know the whole display thing is annoying for the price but i took into account selling my s8 and selling the WAtch GT (which i am using at starting to like) into the price
I think low brightness usage of a screen is a valid scenario which should work properly without green issues. I am occasionally reading ebooks in the dark, at minimum or close to minimum brightness. I had a number of smart phones and they all worked fine with a pretty uniform screen. I am not looking for perfection, but low light performance is a valid usage scenario where smartphone screen have to deliver - especially top tier, expensive flagship models.
I have the LG screen and apart from the greenish tint on the curved sides when viewed in a dark room with grey background (low brightness), I really have no issues during the day when there is normal lighting. I've read several forums with other phone manufactures where this complaint seems to be common, clearly Huawei could have done better QC. For me at least this nuisance isn't enough to return the phone.
Hi The LG is very bad, did you see the anandtech review of the Mate 20 Pro
enrique71 said:
I have the LG screen and apart from the greenish tint on the curved sides when viewed in a dark room with grey background (low brightness), I really have no issues during the day when there is normal lighting. I've read several forums with other phone manufactures where this complaint seems to be common, clearly Huawei could have done better QC. For me at least this nuisance isn't enough to return the phone.
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That makes sense. For me the overall brightness and sharpness is important as I am doing a lot of work outside surveying buildings. This is what I am apparently seeing in my BOE screen, the screen seems to be greyer and less bright than the LG one. But again, it might be an issue with my screen only - that's why I am looking for others' feedback.
uso said:
Hi The LG is very bad, did you see the anandtech review of the Mate 20 Pro
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Thanks for sharing this review - it's so comprehensive and technical, without being too technical (if that makes sense).
On my 3rd phone with this being first BOE screen.
1st LG screen was utter crap, by the 2nd week at 50% brightness you could see the green around the edges on youtube videos etc... ( I would count that as most peoples use of a phone?)
2nd was much better but was still noticeable while using dark theme and dark backgrounds, which I do a lot. Main issue was I didn't want to wait for it to get worse like the first one.
3rd BOE - Much better screen. It is slightly less vivid but still plenty nice enough for me. Sharpness I have it set to FHD all the time and haven't noticed any issues at all. Only thing I did notice is there is a slight green tint viewed at certain angle, but pretty extreme angle which is unrealistic so doesn't bother me.
I don't think this is an issue that's specific to LG or BOE screens because I had this on my 2nd LG device. I thought it was because I was using YouTube vanced but obviously not. These screens are garbage.
I think OLED screens all have the problem to a certain degree. Just some are worse than others.
whoops1234 said:
Funny, I was sitting in a dark room with the screen set to grey and on the lowest setting and I was thinking, what the **** am I doing??? When would actually be doing this?? Probably never. I think some people are looking so hard for something that they are starting to see things.
I'm not doubting the there probably are some faulty screens out there, I had one right at the start too. But I've had an LG screen for a while now and it kinda looks green round the edges in that unnatural way of grey screen and low light. But I find it 10 time better than the grey washed out screen of the BOE. I had to turn the BOE screen brightness right up if I wanted to read in bed and the auto brightness was unresponsive.
Normal everyday use of the LG screen is 10 time better and the colours are just more vivid. I think I'm going to stick with LG
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Sorry but you are dead wrong. This does not remain this way. The LG panel shows the green after a few days even on 50% brightness.
The BOE screen is exactly as bright, clear and sharp as the LG and I know this because I had them side by side.
Don't spread nonsense. LG screen TEN TIMES BETTER? Shame on you.
For your information, Huawei admitted to EE on the phone that all the LG panels were in an early batch, and faulty. Good luck getting help when your LG panel goes bad, and it will.
Jonathan-H said:
Sorry but you are dead wrong. This does not remain this way. The LG panel shows the green after a few days even on 50% brightness.
The BOE screen is exactly as bright, clear and sharp as the LG and I know this because I had them side by side.
Don't spread nonsense. LG screen TEN TIMES BETTER? Shame on you.
For your information, Huawei admitted to EE on the phone that all the LG panels were in an early batch, and faulty. Good luck getting help when your LG panel goes bad, and it will.
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No need to take that tone. We're all adults here so please don't act like we're back at school. So shame on you!!
It was just my opinion. I have both of them next to each other and there is a difference, I even posted pictures on another thread showing the difference in colour. I'm also not the only person to notice. Plus I've had my LG screen for 3 weeks now and it hasn't got any worse.
I mean jeez all these people getting het up, when it comes down to it, its just a phone.
I have a BOE screen as a replacement for my (slightly) faulty LG screen.
I've had other LG & Samsung OLED (both P-OLED and AM-OLED) screens on phones as well as many LCD screens.
I can honestly say that the BOE screen I now have is at least as bright as *ANY* other OLED screen I've had and pretty much as bright as the SuperBright LCD on my LG G7 Thinq.
The resolution of the BOE screen is also pretty bloody good; certainly no worse than it was on my LG screen'd original Mate 20 Pro.
I don't see any light bleed; only the "usual" colour shift evident on pretty much any OLED screen when viewed at an angle; and for me this phone hardware-wise is now pretty much perfect.
jhs39 said:
The green 99% of people report on LG displays is in completely unnatural conditions that would never occur in real life use. They use a grey background, turn the brightness down to 1 and see a tinted glow coming out of the curved part of the OLED display that isn't even part of the actual display area.
The fact that the BOE display is not as bright and smooth as the LG display has been reported by many owners and is also likely the reason there is less light bleed coming out of the curved edges when people use the same unnatural conditions--the BOE screen is natively less bright and powerful at every light level including 1. If you research exactly how AMOLED displays generate color you will understand what I am referring to.
Even though the LG display actually seems to be far superior to the BOE display in normal everyday use with better colors, contrast and pixel response Huawei will probably be using the inferior BOE displays going forward because of the hysteria of some users that believed the LG display was defective.
As far as I know the curved OLED display was used on the iPhone X but not on any Android phone before the Mate 20 Pro so doing the same unnatural display test with the curved Amoled on the Mate 20 Pro and the non-curved Amoled of any other Android phone is obviously not going to yield the same results. The light bleed only manifests where the curve in the Amoled is.
Huawei said this was normal but some people loudly insisted that it wasn't so now going forward everybody is going to get the markedly inferior BOE display.
AMOLED displays do degrade over time so it would be interesting to compare how the LG and BOE displays each hold up but since people are only interested in the newest phones that comparison probably won't happen.
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I'm sorry but you made so many mistakes in your assertion. First the LG Display is by no means superior. The BOE display uses the new Synaptics driver that is light years ahead of the Unkown LG driver. I have meanwhile in my family the possibility to test the LG Display directly with my BOE display. The only thing I mentioned was that the colors were a little more vibrant on the LG. After adjusting some parameters my BOE display looked almost identical to the LG. But without the green tint. And your claim the green tint is not that visible under normal circumstances is totally rubbish. On my first mate 20 pro the green was visible under all circumstances. Not from the start, the issue progressed. I must admit Huawei handled my issue very good. I got from the start a very good BOE panel. And believe me if the green tint was anything normal, Huawei would never have exchanged the devices that easy.
My BOE Screen is great, clear, sharp nice and bright. Except for when the Power Genius app kicks in for Gmail, Chrome and Facebook.

