Which other Android Virtual Device beside Aandroid SDK by google ? - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

As per above topic , which AVD other than Android SDK provided by google working correctly ?
Putting aside of Bluestack
Would likely to list out or a wikipedia links for AVD ?
If available which AVD works for both OS linux and WIndows ? similar with genymotion ?
which of the them works and gets updates according to android version ?

Should I post this on a developer section ?

Thank you for the moderator info.
Here by I bump my thread hoping any member who tested can give a few tips.


deb.packages in android

does anybody know how to install deb . in android
i already try google ,i did n find anything
please,anyone ,documentation.
install debian first.
yah thanks
are you working for microsoft?
very helpful

MovieLock & CurrencyConv

Hello guys! I developed two apps for Windows 8.1 and with them I participate to one contest at my university!I would appreciate if you can give me one download for each one.MovieLock is an app which gets data from themoviedb database and can change your windows lock screen.CurrencyConv is a simple currency converter. Below are the links of the apps... Thank you!
MovieLock --> http://apps.microsoft.com/windows/en-us/app/movielock/4b5ad66f-c7a5-4f5e-8e44-cc09607cb13c
CurrencyConv --> http://apps.microsoft.com/windows/en-us/app/currencyconv/da5d32e8-7f8b-4baf-9134-7485b74355ca
Thank you again if you can help me...
Wrong section here it's Windows Phone 8.x
i know,but the forum hasn't a section about windows 8. If somebody with his windows phone has a tablet or pc with windows 8 may want to download these two apps..
Windows 8 here

General android question, application#

I don't know Android much, I have been a Windows user until recently.
Anyone can guide me, my android tv box, android 7.1 gave the following message "error application #34"
How do find out which application that could be?
Application #34
Thank you

SnapPea Replacement

I am a newbie Android developer and my laptop is not very strong and I use external android devices for testing the apps that i develop in android studio , instead of using android emulator.
For connecting android studio to my device ,I previously used SnapPea Windows application.
I have some problem with SnapPea now and I am searching for good replacement for it .
Can you tell me some good replacement for it ?

Android studio emulator HOW change IMEI number

dunno if it s the right place, for some dev purposes, i need to have severa emulators (based n android studio) that run simultanesly with a unique imei number.
can t find where it s hard coded, using ubuntu here, only found some tricks based on windows android studio version.
did any of you succeed changing imei or know how to do that?
thank you for your help

