SD Card problem. Please help me. - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hello XDA.
This is my first time to come here and register, i heared that XDA is the best android developers website so i came here to request your help.
Lately i bought Lenovo Vibe S1 that comes with 2 Nano-Sim slots but if i'm going to insert a SD Card then there are 1 Nano-Sim slot.
I have a 4GB SD Card. I inserted it to the phone. The problem here that when i copy/move files to the SD Card it doesn't show in the apps. Like, moving Photos from internal storage to SD Card it doesn't appear in gallery. Same as songs, when i move them from internal storage to SD Card they doesn't show up in 3rd music player apps. Unless i unmount the SD Card from the settings and remount it. But it is a pain to unmount and remount when i move anything to the SD Card.
So, any help to fix this?
PS: I don't want to root, flash or install ROMs to my device.
Thank you for taking your time by reading my thread.
I started a Thread before but it was in the wrong section.

Brother what Android OS has your phone? If it is higher than 5.0 backup your files on the Sd Card and then format your Card in your Phone. After that put the files back on the Sd card. This worked for me on Android 5.1.1.

stysupreme said:
Brother what Android OS has your phone? If it is higher than 5.0 backup your files on the Sd Card and then format your Card in your Phone. After that put the files back on the Sd card. This worked for me on Android 5.1.1.
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It is 5.0. Anyways, i will try your method and inform you if it worked. Thank you.

I did the method. It worked in Gallery while moving the photos from Internal Storage to SD Card it appears in gallery. But in ****ing music app it doesn't appear.

Which music app are you using? There is sometimes an issue with apps that don't use the sd-card an option called ".nomedia" filter or something like that is checked. Try to find it in your app and uncheck it. I hope that will work.

stysupreme said:
Which music app are you using? There is sometimes an issue with apps that don't use the sd-card an option called ".nomedia" filter or something like that is checked. Try to find it in your app and uncheck it. I hope that will work.
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I use MusiXMatch. And i check my music in Google Play Music to check that it is not MusiXMatch's problem but the same thing. My music aren't in .nomedia. When i unmount the SD Card and mount it again i see the songs.


[Q] Apps use internal storage as SD card, can not see actual SD card

New Atrix, unmodded. Tested on default storage setting set in either internal storage, or sd card.
16g sd card.
Card contains music, books and pictures.
File manager of the phone can see it and folders on it just fine, music player can see music files on it just fine.
Market bought music player( Power Amp) does not see SD card, it can only see internal storage as SD card.
Cool Reader- same- it thinks internal memory is SD card.
Neither can browse to the SD card.
Both apps worked with droid x and nexus s phones succesfuly before.
Apps that have ability to browse internal memory (tiny player and fbreader)- can go to /sdcard-ext/ and find files there.
Is there any way to make sure that apps, that are built to use SD card for their media would be able to see and use SD card, instead of "virtual" SD on the Internal Storage?
Thank You
onna said:
New Atrix, unmodded. Tested on default storage setting set in either internal storage, or sd card.
16g sd card.
Card contains music, books and pictures.
File manager of the phone can see it and folders on it just fine, music player can see music files on it just fine.
Market bought music player( Power Amp) does not see SD card, it can only see internal storage as SD card.
Cool Reader- same- it thinks internal memory is SD card.
Neither can browse to the SD card.
Both apps worked with droid x and nexus s phones succesfuly before.
Apps that have ability to browse internal memory (tiny player and fbreader)- can go to /sdcard-ext/ and find files there.
Is there any way to make sure that apps, that are built to use SD card for their media would be able to see and use SD card, instead of "virtual" SD on the Internal Storage?
Thank You
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I had the same issue with a app called Slideshow Bob. I came from a Samsung Captivate and the file system was such that the external card was seen as a subdirectory of the internal card. I never had a problem with this arrangement in apps. However, the Atrix sees the external card as completely separate and some apps simply could not "see" the external card. My solution? I used a different slideshow app. Not exactly the ideal solution, but I had spent enough time trying to work around it. I don't know how other android devices have the external card arrangement, but this may be a bigger issue than we'd like until app developers change their apps or Motorola decides to change it's storage arrangement. Hope this helps.
Thank you for your answer,
using different apps is a work around.
I used different one- moved my content to the internal storage.
Both work.
What I realy would like to see is - those apps work as intended, the way they do work in most android phones from Droid to Nexus S.
onna said:
Is there any way to make sure that apps, that are built to use SD card for their media would be able to see and use SD card, instead of "virtual" SD on the Internal Storage?
Thank You
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Has anyone tried to replace the Music folder on internal storage with a symbolic link to the Music folder on external? Not sure if Android supports symbolics or not...
Should have known it would'nt be this easy. Tried it on existing SD and found that symbolic links are not supported on FATx. Reformatted my SD to EXT3/2 and booted back up. I get a SD format not recognized error.

[Q] External SD card problem.

I did bought orginal Samsung mincro SD card 32gb class 10. I did put inside to the phone and first what i did after phone did show me space 29gb i did format it from phone options in settings of storage. After format i did reboot my phone just in case. Now i did plug in phone to my pc and all do work fine. My pc see Internal and external storage on my phone. After when i did copy files to my external memory of my phone and do unplug micro usb i cant see my external sd card on my phone. In apps like winamp/RockPlayer/BSPlayer/ES File Explorer...all what i can see is only sdcrad which is internal memory. I cant see external memory at all.
Best thing is when i do put movie anywhere on external sd card by usb/pc and run build in samsung app "Video Player" its see video form external sd! I dont know whats going on and i did have S2/Dell Streak/Note and never had problem like this before.
Any help would be nice.
Open your file explorer,go to mnt in root folder there is your SD card
zodiaxe66 said:
Open your file explorer,go to mnt in root folder there is your SD card
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Problem is they dont show "Root" or "mnt" folder.
wgizmo said:
I did bought orginal Samsung mincro SD card 32gb class 10. I did put inside to the phone and first what i did after phone did show me space 29gb i did format it from phone options in settings of storage. After format i did reboot my phone just in case. Now i did plug in phone to my pc and all do work fine. My pc see Internal and external storage on my phone. After when i did copy files to my external memory of my phone and do unplug micro usb i cant see my external sd card on my phone. In apps like winamp/RockPlayer/BSPlayer/ES File Explorer...all what i can see is only sdcrad which is internal memory. I cant see external memory at all.
Best thing is when i do put movie anywhere on external sd card by usb/pc and run build in samsung app "Video Player" its see video form external sd! I dont know whats going on and i did have S2/Dell Streak/Note and never had problem like this before.
Any help would be nice.
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[TOOL] DirectoryBind - move data to external_sd (GameLoft, Shadowgun etc.) ROOT req. - xda-developers
wind0zer said:
[TOOL] DirectoryBind - move data to external_sd (GameLoft, Shadowgun etc.) ROOT req. - xda-developers
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Thank you for link but i dont need data transfer. My problem si why i cant see external sd card in any of apps. When i do swich on winamp there is music from external sd card, when i do swich on build in video player i do see videos form external sd card but there is no way i can explore external sd card using any of explore apps or any other app where you can search files by folders. There is no Root folder or mnt.
Oki small update. I just did give a go to one more app "Root browser lite" and i can see all folders and sys files. Looks like problem is with moust of apps which can't handle way of G3 works with external sd card. I'm right?
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda app-developers app
wgizmo said:
Oki small update. I just did give a go to one more app "Root browser lite" and i can see all folders and sys files. Looks like problem is with moust of apps which can't handle way of G3 works with external sd card. I'm right?
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda app-developers app
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Yes you're right. The s3 and other devices that have like 16/32 GB internal memory uses part of it for system and the rest is mounted as "sdcard"when infact it's internal memory. In addition to this sdcard there's the real sdcard which is mounted as external-sdcard. Many apps are programmed to look for only sdcard and not ext-sdcard. For such programs creating a symlink using the above tool that I posted will help it "see" contents/folders of the ext-sdcard.
As you mentioned some programs can and some can't browse/see ext-sdcard - if it's absolutely necessary, creating a symlink is the only option I can think of.

[Q] External Sd-Card Not Seen

I have installed Cyanogenmod version 10.1 on my S2.
The rom looks good. I only have one problem. I can't access my external SD card.
When I go to system, storage I see there the SD, and how much of it is filled, but I can't access it in any way nor any installed sw.
I have a backup that is on my external SD, when I want to do restore, I can't since it will not see the external sd.
Can anyone please help me?
doron_amedey said:
I have installed Cyanogenmod version 10.1 on my S2.
The rom looks good. I only have one problem. I can't access my external SD card.
When I go to system, storage I see there the SD, and how much of it is filled, but I can't access it in any way nor any installed sw.
I have a backup that is on my external SD, when I want to do restore, I can't since it will not see the external sd.
Can anyone please help me?
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Happened to me on both internal and external cards women first booted. Try booting again, keep the screen alive while your phone boots up. It worked for me
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2
doron_amedey said:
I have installed Cyanogenmod version 10.1 on my S2.
The rom looks good. I only have one problem. I can't access my external SD card.
When I go to system, storage I see there the SD, and how much of it is filled, but I can't access it in any way nor any installed sw.
I have a backup that is on my external SD, when I want to do restore, I can't since it will not see the external sd.
Can anyone please help me?
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Go inside storage and there u will find the sdcard0 and sdcard1
For me it says sdcard (Internal sdcard), and the extsdcard (external sdcard). But you can find them in the Storage folder.
Happy New Year.
Thank you friends,
I might have not understood you all...when I go to file manager or mybackup-pro, I can't see the external sd card (nor the sw see's it, nor I with the file explorer).
Only when I got to system/storage I see that the device see's it (I can see the storage of the sd and how much is filled).
However, I can't access it, nor my sw installed.
Please let me know how you resolved it?
Thank you,
doron_amedey said:
Thank you friends,
I might have not understood you all...when I go to file manager or mybackup-pro, I can't see the external sd card (nor the sw see's it, nor I with the file explorer).
Only when I got to system/storage I see that the device see's it (I can see the storage of the sd and how much is filled).
However, I can't access it, nor my sw installed.
Please let me know how you resolved it?
Thank you,
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Ignore the built in file manager and install "File Manager" from Google Play and use that instead.
Same problem here.
Using another file manager will not solve the problem of Apollo crashing if you have music files on that external sd card.
The whole system can not access the card.
In Settings->Storage it say: SD Card -> Available XX GB
But there is no statistics about what is on there.
The whole system is not able to pick anything up from that sd card without having root access.
Go to recovery and fix permissions.
Sent from my digital submersible hovercraft.
Thx, but that is not working, dude :/
Seems like Apollo was crashing because of one of my songs on the SD card.
The other situation is still there. No detailed information about the content of the external sd card in settings -> storage.
Maybe it is default behavior?!
Unable to see External SDCard
Via Win 7 PC, using USB, I can see 3 Drives on Motorola Droid Razr 1/Moto Drive 2/Internal Storage 3/External SDCard (32gb) I can see and access all files on any of these drives.
Once disconnected from USB, I go to Storage and CAN see the same above. However, when using any File Manager software, and not connected via USB, I can't even see the EXT. SD Card, and therefore can't access any files on that drive/card.
I recently received official JB pggicial OTA from Moto.
i too had this problem! galley, and music players were not able to access the data of memory card! i just put back all the data again after formatting the memory card! and it workedddddd... so simple!
hit thanks if i helped:victory::victory:
I had the exact problem. All I did was go into the "General Setting" from Settings, and changed the app from Safe mode to Root Access Mode. Hope this helps.
External Card
Fusion_RIP said:
I had the exact problem. All I did was go into the "General Setting" from Settings, and changed the app from Safe mode to Root Access Mode. Hope this helps.
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It would help if we knew what app u put in root access for
doron_amedey said:
I have installed Cyanogenmod version 10.1 on my S2.
The rom looks good. I only have one problem. I can't access my external SD card.
When I go to system, storage I see there the SD, and how much of it is filled, but I can't access it in any way nor any installed sw.
I have a backup that is on my external SD, when I want to do restore, I can't since it will not see the external sd.
Can anyone please help me?
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Even I suffered the same problem in my s2 cm11 kitkat..
What I did was:
Booted into Recovery --> Mount and Storage
Then mount sdcard0 and sdcard1

Move Apps to sd card

Hi, i have a problem, when i go to the app Menu i can't see the SD card and i don't know how to move my applications to SD card, it's a problem of the MIUI or the SD isn't good for this device? ( i can access to the SD to listen music and see my photos)
Avati1992 said:
Hi, i have a problem, when i go to the app Menu i can't see the SD card and i don't know how to move my applications to SD card, it's a problem of the MIUI or the SD isn't good for this device? ( i can access to the SD to listen music and see my photos)
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it was android problem since kk rom. Root your device and installed sdFix from play store.
Sent from my 2014817 using Tapatalk

Emulated SD card I'd like to remove

I was attempting to root my Alcatel 9007t tablet, so I could move apps to my SD card, unsuccessfully.
So I ended up following some instructions and ended up emulating an SD card on my internal, or something or the other
It renamed my actual SD card to something else
So now, I have rooted my phone, I believe, but using link2sd card I can now move my apps, but I get an error on a certain few apps.
I can't link the data, or what have you, to the SD card, and I think its because of this emulated SD storage
Regardless, I would like to remove the emulated SD storage, and rename my SD card to something normal.
Getting to root this thing was difficult, so I would not want to start this whole thing over.
Or if I could get link2sd to link my data to my SD card , that would be excellent.
I am moderate noob so pls hlp
Footnote: no I cannot link to SD thru my storage settings, maybe is there somehow I can do that. I just want to link or move app data to SD card. This is from a downloaded apk that is making kit difficult. The app seemed to install to SD card, but the data is on the emulated SD on the internal
You will have issues as apps are not made to be on the sdcard and some apps even block the option.
zelendel said:
You will have issues as apps are not made to be on the sdcard and some apps even block the option.
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OK but my tablet is rooted now and I can do it mostly with no problem.
I just want to rename and unemulate false SD card on internal and get it back to normal

