screen stream mirroring error not enough storage available to process this command - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

ok so im trying to make screen stream mirroring work and i havent been able too. i downloaded the startup tool for non rooted devices . I followed the instructions and when I run the windows batch file the command prompt window says not enough storage available to process this command . I googled that to see if I could find a solution and it said to do this :
To do this follow the steps below:
1. Click on Start > Run > regedit & press Enter
2. Find this key name HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\LanmanServer\Parameters
3. Locate IRPStackSize
4. If this value does not exist Right Click on Parameters key and Click on New > Dword Value and type in IRPStackSize under the name.
5. The name of the value must be exactly (combination of uppercase and lowercase letters) the same as what I have above.
6. Right Click on the IRPStackSize and click on Modify
7. Select Decimal enter a value higher than 15(Maximum Value is 50 decimal) and Click Ok (i changed my value to 50)
8. You can close the registry editor and restart your computer.
that didnt work and it seems to be the only solution out there any ideas on how to make this work . im running android marshmelon 6 so i shouldnt even have to do that... but i havent manage to make the app work thats why i am trying this .... if any one can help me to make the app work one way or another i would appreciate itr . nb: I am kinda new at this so try to explain it so that is easy to understand thanks


Windows Media Player

I accidentally made a downgrade of the Media Player software from the Microsoft's Pocket PC site, does any body knows how to get the Latest Media Player version back? :?
Have you looked in "Remove programs" to see if it can be uninstalled?
That was my first thought, do you think that the drivers will be restored?.
Let me try, thanks
By the way, I tried to send you a SMS from Monterrey, Mexico and it does not work.
Best Regards
Half luck, I did remove the update (downgrade) but the only way to run the player now is by getting it under the windows folder.
The MP3 songs show the windows icon well known by everybody when there is no application associated with them (Windows Media Player).
You can fix this in one of 2 ways.
1. Factory reset your xda. (if this idea really does not appeal then you can try option 2)
2. Manually fix the registry as follows
download and install PHM RegEdit from
make sure that you have a key in the root of HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT for each of the following :-
if you dont add them
in each of the keys there should be a string(REG_SZ) value called Default with a value of wmfile
Then check for a key also in the root of HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT called wmfile, again if its not there create it.
within the wmfile key there should be 2 values :-
Default which is a string(REG_SZ) with value Windows Media File
EditFlags which is a dword(REG_DWORD) with a decimal value 65536
There needs to also be 2 keys within the wmfile key :-
The DefaultIcon key should contain one value :-
Default which is a string(REG_SZ) with value \Windows\player.exe,-2001
The Shell key contains another key called Open
The Open key contains another key called Command
The Command key contains one value :-
Default which is a string(REG_SZ) with value \Windows\player.exe %1
Once you have checked and restored where necessary all these keys and values you media players original functionallity will be restored.
You may also need to re-create the shortcut in your start menu using copy and paste shortcut.
Good answer on the WMP fix.
By the way, I tried to send you a SMS from Monterrey, Mexico and it does not work.
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Which carrier? Did it reject it with an error message?
roycruse said:
You can fix this in one of 2 ways.
1. Factory reset your xda. (if this idea really does not appeal then you can try option 2)
2. Manually fix the registry as follows
download and install PHM RegEdit from
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Thanks Buddy, this is a heck of a task for me, but I am going to try. Just as an escape route, what is the best way to restore the XDA to the factory settings?.
Thanks A LOT.
unscrew the top end of your stylus to reveal a small plastic pin - then push this pin into the tiny hole next to the headphone socket. Its marked with a battery with a line through it.
Then switch it back on and it will be just as when it came out of the box...
Thanks again.

Can't Get Wm6 On Qtek 8500

Tried everything in all the threads, 2 different registy editors, paid imei-check £20!! for cid unlock, which unlocked an un-locked a sim un-locked phone. registry editor settings don't appear to stick, when i run pdocread.exe the black box appears then dis-appears 1 second later!! everytime i try update get 5% in then 270 error. SDA_ApplicationUnlock.exe fails!! It just ain't having it!! phone is a new from expansys, computer is running xp pro. i've done everything in the way decribed. any help would be great.
vo1968 said:
when i run pdocread.exe the black box appears then dis-appears 1 second later
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You MUST run pdocread via Command Line. To launch command line you have to click on Start->Run->enter cmd.
Then move to folder where pdocread.exe located using cd command. In example: C:\>cd D:\itsutils\
thanks for that, i will try that tomorrow.
thanks Erofich, but it still ain't having it. the dosbox does display but when i run commands all i get is errors. error ITGetStoreMgrList, system cannot find file, invalid signature, WARNING could not find default device etc etc. I have phone activsynced, the itsutl as described, i even payed imei-check for cid unlock, which i ran & was "successful"!!!! still get error 270 on rom update. i've looked though all the threads again. i have flashed spv e100, xda, xda exec & mda compact 3 in the past, none have give me as much grief as this. ANYONE HELP??????
vo1968 said:
...the dosbox does display...
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Dosbox? oO You have to run pdocread via Command Line (cmd.exe) and not a DosBox
And yes, you MUST make an application unlock before running any part of itsutils, search this StarTrek forum for that thread.
thanks, sorry i meant command line, like you said. got this error:
C:\Documents and Settings\vo>build\pdocread.exe
Copying C:\Documents and Settings\vo\build\itsutils.dll to WCE:\windows\itsutils
Could not update itsutils.dll to the current version, maybe it is inuse?
try restarting your device, or restart activesync
tried resetting & restarting, guess what? same issue. but it does appear to be getting nearer to running your rom, which everybody else is raving about. many thanks.
have you app unlocked your device?
Download regeditSTG2 which is digitally signed:
Then install it and change some registry values:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Security\Policies\Policies\00001001 = 2
-> change to 1
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Security\Policies\Policies\00001005 = 16
-> change to 40
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Security\Policies\Policies\00001017 = 128
-> change to 144
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \Security\Policies\Policies
-> create new key "0000101a": Dword = 1
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \Security\Policies\Policies
-> create new key "0000101b": Dword = 1"
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cheers. do i run that in the phone or the computer? i'll do it tomorrow, given up for today! sorry to be a total noob!
vo1968 said:
cheers. do i run that in the phone or the computer? i'll do it tomorrow, given up for today! sorry to be a total noob!
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You must install regedit STG2 to smartphone and edit registry values via smartphone
Simply search for regeditSTG2 in Start(may be Accessories) after installing and run it
THANK YOU VERY MUCH. it has been a long week but wm6 is installed. couldn't have done it without you. thanks again.

[HOWTO] Android on Startrek

I'm happy to announce that, thanks to the awesome work done by the wing-linux project, it is now possible to run Android on the Startrek. Well, kind of.
As of now, functionality is pretty limited on this hardware. The telephony drivers do work, and they automatically pick up many carriers like AT&T, but the most important apps for placing phone calls (Dialer and Contacts) will crash if you try to run them. This is a known issue related to the phone's lack of a touch screen. Audio playback is unsupported, though I've found that the microphone works during phone calls (which I've placed using commands via SSH). The external LCD only displays white.
Interestingly, Android is about as responsive as Windows Mobile on the device. There is no option (yet) to install the OS permanently; Instead, wing-linux installs to an easily-removable file on your SD card (required).
Before you begin, make sure you have about 300MB of free space on the microSD card. (wing-linux requires installing to the microSD at the moment).
UPDATE (Nov. 10 2009)
The new wing-linux 0.4 release includes Startrek support! You can skip the list of instructions below and just install wing-linux normally. See their site for more information.
Download wing-linux (site) and extract it to your computer.
Follow the normal instructions for installing wing-linux, pretending that your phone model is the HTC Elf instead of the Startrek for now.
[*]After wing-linux is installed, browse to your microSD card using your computer and open the folder named "linux".
[*]Download the patched version of zImage, attached to this post.
[*]Replace the "zImage" file in the "linux" folder with the patched version you just downloaded. (This adds support for the Startrek's keypad to Android.)
[*]Open the file named "default.txt" and change the first line, from "set MTYPE 2372" to "set MTYPE 2487". (This tells Android that we're using a Startrek.)
[*]Save everything, place the microSD back into the phone, and start wing-linux again.
[*]After waiting a few minutes, you should have a fully navigable Android desktop!
Button Layout
I have attached a handy button diagram to this post, but the basic ones you need to know are:
Android's "MENU" button is the Startrek's "Home" button.
Android's "Back" button is the Startrek's right softkey (above the Hangup button).
Video Demonstration
Watch it in action at YouTube:
Get Involved
If you're a linux hacker or an Android guru and you think you can help improve this project, come join us at the wing-linux dev forum/IRC!
thx¡*¡*i wait for you a long time¡*¡*¡*¡*
First ,thx.
it can install,and register into andriod .but it doesn't work,even for dialing and SMS
vikinghjf said:
First ,thx.
it can install,and register into andriod .but it doesn't work,even for dialing and SMS
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Yes, I mentioned that. This isn't a final or polished release; it's just to play around with.
Works pretty good! none of the letter keys seem to work but , i did get the on screen keyboard to come up once but now i don't know what i did to get it to come up. I don't know how to remove widgets from the screen once i add one. Also how do i turn it off and get back to windows? Do i just have to pull the battery? Great job though! i can't wait to see if it will get fully functional!
Buckoni said:
Works pretty good! none of the letter keys seem to work but , i did get the on screen keyboard to come up once but now i don't know what i did to get it to come up. I don't know how to remove widgets from the screen once i add one. Also how do i turn it off and get back to windows? Do i just have to pull the battery? Great job though! i can't wait to see if it will get fully functional!
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need much time
Buckoni said:
Works pretty good! none of the letter keys seem to work but , i did get the on screen keyboard to come up once but now i don't know what i did to get it to come up. I don't know how to remove widgets from the screen once i add one. Also how do i turn it off and get back to windows? Do i just have to pull the battery? Great job though! i can't wait to see if it will get fully functional!
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Don't worry, I've observed all of the same things. And yes, I've just been popping off the battery cover to reboot for now.
BHSPitMonkey said:
Download wing-linux (site) and extract it to your computer.
Follow the normal instructions for installing wing-linux, pretending that your phone model is the HTC Elf instead of the Startrek for now.
After wing-linux is installed, browse to your microSD card using your computer and open the folder named "linux".
Download the patched version of zImage, attached to this post.
Replace the "zImage" file in the "linux" folder with the patched version you just downloaded. (This adds support for the Startrek's keypad to Android.)
Open the file named "default.txt" and change the first line, from "set MTYPE 2372" to "set MTYPE 2487". (This tells Android that we're using a Startrek.)
Save everything, place the microSD back into the phone, and start wing-linux again.
After waiting a few minutes, you should have a fully navigable Android desktop!
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EDITED ... I understand !
Update: Now with less hackery!
The wing-linux project has released version 0.4, with Startrek support built-in. You no longer have to do the special steps outlined in the original post. Hooray!
Does the 0.4 update offer any more function than the last one? I'm downloading right now but, i thought i would ask.
Buckoni said:
Does the 0.4 update offer any more function than the last one? I'm downloading right now but, i thought i would ask.
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Other than having Startrek support already included, it shouldn't be much different from 0.4pre. I think there is a file manager application, now.
I install the 0.4 version + startrek cab .
but when i active the icon in start menu , this massage appear :
cannot open script file \storage card\linux\default.txt
i explore this path with pc , and there is no file with this name .
what can i do ? can anybody share the content of default.txt file for me?
please somebody share content of " default.txt " for me .
ceramic said:
I install the 0.4 version + startrek cab .
but when i active the icon in start menu , this massage appear :
cannot open script file \storage card\linux\default.txt
i explore this path with pc , and there is no file with this name .
what can i do ? can anybody share the content of default.txt file for me?
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I've the same problem.
I've tried to change default.txt to startup.txt that exist but doesn't work
jabawack said:
I've the same problem.
I've tried to change default.txt to startup.txt that exist but doesn't work
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of course it can't be done .
contents of " default.txt " is different .
apparently , we must make the " default.txt " with notepad . but what's it's contents ? maybe a path that guide haaret for booting kernel .
COntent of default.txt
set MTYPE 2487
set KERNEL "zImage"
set INITRD "initramfs.cpio.gz"
set CMDLINE "debug quiet psplash=false loglevel=7 init=/sbin/init console=tty0 video=omapfb:accel gsm-wizard.noreset=1 gsm-wizard.noload=1 4"
log "earlylog.txt"
Above is the content of the file, though I would suggest you to reinstall the whole cab as I don't have this problem after installation.
ghost_301 said:
set MTYPE 2487
set KERNEL "zImage"
set INITRD "initramfs.cpio.gz"
set CMDLINE "debug quiet psplash=false loglevel=7 init=/sbin/init console=tty0 video=omapfb:accel gsm-wizard.noreset=1 gsm-wizard.noload=1 4"
log "earlylog.txt"
Above is the content of the file, though I would suggest you to reinstall the whole cab as I don't have this problem after installation.
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Bingo !!!!!!!!
thanks . now it is installed !
booting is slow ( maybe for first time )
Glad it'd help you. Ya, booting is slow and you have to press red button (end call) when it loaded to a stage with the ANDROID, then you will only greet with the Android logo. Enjoy!
Hi everybody
so cool ! I wish full ability of android was accessible !!
more questions : can wing linux complete development of this project ?
I know some linux developers , can a linux expert remap keyboard or run other parts?
what about other packages like phone , bluetooth ? how we can have complete functionality of android on startrek?
can anybody answer?
MTYPE 2487 in default.txt
doesn't work with qtek 8500, must change to 2372.
With this change I can boot linux, but after setup, run the calibration utility, and startrek isn't a touchscreen device as you know. How can bypass this?

Windows 95 Mobile .:. Run a full version of Win95 on your device.

Windows 95 Mobile 1.1
Requirements:WM 2000 - 6.5, VGA & WVGA Highly Recommended, 64+ RAM, 90MB Storage For Installation, External Keyboard Recommended
Run a full retail version of Windows 95 on your Pocket PC or Smartphone, without flashing the firmware.
Changelog (Since 0.95)
* Much easier to install/launch
* More compatible
* Smaller size
* Safer
Known Issues:
* Mouse cursor needs to be dragged with stylus or moved with the devices arrow button.
Note for devices with screens less than VGA (QVGA, WQVGA, Etc.):
Download Nyidot Virtual Display (in the download section).
Install it.
Open Settings > System > Virtual Display.
Change Width to 480, Height to 640.
Change Orientation to one of the landscape modes.
Soft Reset and continue with the instructions below.
For standard install:
1. Open the EXE and follow the install instructions.
2. Open Settings > Personal > Buttons and map a button on your phone for '<Input Pannel>'.
For alternate install (to Strorage Card):
1. Make sure your Storage Card has at least 100mb of free space.
2. Extract the '' file. Copy the BIN file inside to the root of your Storage Card.
3. Open the EXE and follow the install instructions.
4. After the install is done, find out the name of your memory card (it could be Storage Card, SD Card, CF Slot, etc.)
5. Open the file 'boschrc.txt' in the root of your device with Word Mobile. Click Menu > Edit > Find/Replace.
6. Click 'Replace...'. In the first box type 'Storage Card'. In the other type the name of your card (the one that you found out earlier).
7. Save the file. Make sure you choose to keep the current format. Do NOT save it as a word document.
8. Open Settings > Personal > Buttons and map a button on your phone for '<Input Pannel>'.
Use After Installation
- If you did an alternate install, insert your Memory Card.
- Click Start > Programs > Windows 95.
- Give the app a minute to start up. If you get a message that there is not enough memory, free up as much as you can.
- Eventualy, you will see the Windows 95 boot screen. You can make the app go fullscreen by pressing the 'Fn' button on VGAKey and pressing one of the 'F' keys (not sure which one).
- You might have to run 'ScanDisk' the first time you start. Let it quickly scan your PDA.
- In fullscreen mode, press the button theat you assigned to <Input Panel> to bring up the keyboard.
- The mouse might not work properly on your device. Use the arrow buttons on your PDA to move it, or try draging the cursor instead of tapping. Remember, Windows 95 was never programmed for touch screens.
Copy to device and run.
Standard 4shared Mobile Download (49mb):
Alternate (Storage Card) 4shared Mobile Download
Part 1:
Part 2:
This post is getting deleted in 3....2.....1.....
Ummm.... Why?
edit: reference to illegal site is removed now
Don't delete, it's right, it work, It work on My mobile, long time to load but it work....
Sorry about that. I removed all of the references. And yes it works
EDIT: And this is NOT commercial software.
Does it work on the HD2? anybody tried?
I havent tried yet. It is pretty safe to install so give it a try
There is already a thread with detailed instructions by the author himself, so this should be deleted.
This is not the same. This has been repackaged to be simpler to install.
1. Open the EXE and follow the install
2. Open Settings > Personal > Buttons and
map a button on your phone for '<Input
It takes 2 steps, instead of many on the other post.
The download includes a cracked version of VGAKey, which the developers probably won't appreciate.
Besides, Windows95 is hardly public domain, either?
OK Delete it then -_-.
I could remove the VGAKey part, and I doubt Microsoft would care about something 10+ years old.
I can't download this file for some reason,who can help me and send it to my E-MAIL,My E-mail:[email protected]
moonscapex said:
OK Delete it then -_-.
I could remove the VGAKey part, and I doubt Microsoft would care about something 10+ years old.
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Or, remove the VGAKey part, and include instructions or for users to create their own win95 image if they still own an old CD. Unless, you had to modify the image to get it working, I suppose...
Any way to get this to display full screen?
jsmith8858 said:
Or, remove the VGAKey part, and include instructions or for users to create their own win95 image if they still own an old CD. Unless, you had to modify the image to get it working, I suppose...
Any way to get this to display full screen?
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totally agree with u tell us a way to make an .img file from original cd.
moonscapex said:
Windows 95 Mobile 1.1
Requirements:WM 2000 - 6.5, VGA & WVGA Highly Recommended, 64+ RAM, 90MB Storage For Installation, External Keyboard Recommended
Run a full retail version of Windows 95 on your Pocket PC or Smartphone, without flashing the firmware.
Changelog (Since 0.95)
* Much easier to install/launch
* More compatible
* Smaller size
* Safer
Known Issues:
* Mouse cursor needs to be dragged with stylus or moved with the devices arrow button.
Note for devices with screens less than VGA (QVGA, WQVGA, Etc.):
Download Nyidot Virtual Display (in the download section).
Install it.
Open Settings > System > Virtual Display.
Change Width to 480, Height to 640.
Change Orientation to one of the landscape modes.
Soft Reset and continue with the instructions below.
For standard install:
1. Open the EXE and follow the install instructions.
2. Open Settings > Personal > Buttons and map a button on your phone for '<Input Pannel>'.
For alternate install (to Strorage Card):
1. Make sure your Storage Card has at least 100mb of free space.
2. Extract the '' file. Copy the BIN file inside to the root of your Storage Card.
3. Open the EXE and follow the install instructions.
4. After the install is done, find out the name of your memory card (it could be Storage Card, SD Card, CF Slot, etc.)
5. Open the file 'boschrc.txt' in the root of your device with Word Mobile. Click Menu > Edit > Find/Replace.
6. Click 'Replace...'. In the first box type 'Storage Card'. In the other type the name of your card (the one that you found out earlier).
7. Save the file. Make sure you choose to keep the current format. Do NOT save it as a word document.
8. Open Settings > Personal > Buttons and map a button on your phone for '<Input Pannel>'.
Use After Installation
- If you did an alternate install, insert your Memory Card.
- Click Start > Programs > Windows 95.
- Give the app a minute to start up. If you get a message that there is not enough memory, free up as much as you can.
- Eventualy, you will see the Windows 95 boot screen. You can make the app go fullscreen by pressing the 'Fn' button on VGAKey and pressing one of the 'F' keys (not sure which one).
- You might have to run 'ScanDisk' the first time you start. Let it quickly scan your PDA.
- In fullscreen mode, press the button theat you assigned to <Input Panel> to bring up the keyboard.
- The mouse might not work properly on your device. Use the arrow buttons on your PDA to move it, or try draging the cursor instead of tapping. Remember, Windows 95 was never programmed for touch screens.
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Why? Why? Why?
Is there any video to demonstrate this?
and which are the recommended devices to run?
mbarker79 said:
Why? Why? Why?
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For fun! For fun! For fun!
jsmith8858 said:
Or, remove the VGAKey part, and include instructions or for users to create their own win95 image if they still own an old CD. Unless, you had to modify the image to get it working, I suppose...
Any way to get this to display full screen?
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assign vgakey keyboard to a hardware butten.
go to inputsettings and then options show f1-f12
open and press f5
I installed it on my storga card (it's name is Storage Card) and I installated it as the instructions told meto do.
But when I want to launch it it says
The file "bochs" cannot be opened. Either it is not signed with a trusted certificate, or one of its components cannot be found. If the problem persists, try reinstalling or restoring this file.
I tried searching for it's folder on the storage card, but I don't know the path where it installs to.
Any help?

[HOWTO] Edit PPP and M.IP to enable Data on Different Carriers

Thank you to m4f1050 for pointing me in the right direction!
This is used to change the PPP user ID so that you can switch to another CDMA provider and use their data plans. Normally if you try to change the User ID to (ESN), the phone will revert back to (ESN) upon reboot. If you follow these directions, the settings should stick. This was created for the Optimus V but it will most likely work for other phone with the same issue.
Warning: Do not do this unless you understand the consequences. You will lose access to your VM data plan by doing this. You will need to change your User ID back if you want to use VM again.
Download QXDM and QPST.
Install both QPST and QXDM.
Follow the steps found here to get your MSL code and to configure QPST. You can stop at step 8 of "Update your PRL". As a last resort, if the previous method fails, you can get your MSL code by following this.
Download these rar'ed text files: Qualcomm.rar
Unrar them and place them inside C:\Users\Public\Documents\Qualcomm\QXDM\Vendor\Qualcomm\
Overwriting the original files. If they fail to overwrite the files, right click Diag.txt, select properties and uncheck "read only". Do the same for NVItem,txt.
Open QXDM Professional
If your phone isn't already recognized and connected, Go to Options > Communications and select the appropriate Target Port. This will be the port you configured in step 2.
Once connected, under view, select NV Browser.
Scroll all the way down to item 39939 and select it. The lower half of the window should show a list of values.
Hit read. Take note of the values in case you want to reverse what we are doing, and then turn them all to zero under "input". You edit them by double clicking them
Hit Write.
Next, without touching anything else, open QPST Service Programming.
Select Read, enter your MSL from step 2. An error will pop up, but ignore it.
Edit M.IP and PPP Config - AN entries to your desire.
Hit Write and Enjoy!
After you do this once, you can change your User ID by starting with step 12. You do not need QXDM any more.
doesn't seem to work for me. 39939 is empty
mmarz said:
This is used to change the PPP user ID so that you can switch to another CDMA provider and use their data plans.
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I plan to use a regular Evdo dumb-phone (not an Android) as a donor. Is it even possible?
got it to change but still no internet on VM. I am converting sprint Optmimus s to virgin mobile .. but I haven't been able to get data to work. I am now able to change the MIP settings but the first profile always gets enable and the 3 disable. I can change the 1profile to anything now with tutorial, just not able to disable it.
prominator said:
got it to change
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How did you solved the problem of 39939 being empty?
followed the instruction but on my winxp machine.
prominator said:
followed the instruction but on my winxp machine.
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How come? Can you please explain?
you know how you have to put some files in C:\Users\Public\Documents\Qualcomm\QXDM\Vendor\Qua lcomm\??
well my windows 7 machine didnt have that directory. so I couldnt do it.
on my windows xp it had it.
help nv edit
mmarz said:
Thank you to m4f1050 for pointing me in the right direction!
This is used to change the PPP user ID so that you can switch to another CDMA provider and use their data plans. Normally if you try to change the User ID to (ESN), the phone will revert back to (ESN) upon reboot. If you follow these directions, the settings should stick. This was created for the Optimus V but it will most likely work for other phone with the same issue.
Warning: Do not do this unless you understand the consequences. You will lose access to your VM data plan by doing this. You will need to change your User ID back if you want to use VM again.
Download QXDM and QPST.
Install both QPST and QXDM.
Follow the steps found here to get your MSL code and to configure QPST. You can stop at step 8 of "Update your PRL". As a last resort, if the previous method fails, you can get your MSL code by following this.
Download these rar'ed text files: Qualcomm.rar
Unrar them and place them inside C:\Users\Public\Documents\Qualcomm\QXDM\Vendor\Qualcomm\
Overwriting the original files. If they fail to overwrite the files, right click Diag.txt, select properties and uncheck "read only". Do the same for NVItem,txt.
Open QXDM Professional
If your phone isn't already recognized and connected, Go to Options > Communications and select the appropriate Target Port. This will be the port you configured in step 2.
Once connected, under view, select NV Browser.
Scroll all the way down to item 39939 and select it. The lower half of the window should show a list of values.
Hit read. Take note of the values in case you want to reverse what we are doing, and then turn them all to zero under "input". You edit them by double clicking them
Hit Write.
Next, without touching anything else, open QPST Service Programming.
Select Read, enter your MSL from step 2. An error will pop up, but ignore it.
Edit M.IP and PPP Config - AN entries to your desire.
Hit Write and Enjoy!
After you do this once, you can change your User ID by starting with step 12. You do not need QXDM any more.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
what's item 39939 called in NV Browser not all phones have item 33939 thanks for any help
Anybody still have these files? Qualcomm.rar mediafire link is dead. Thanks
links dead please revive thread
bump again. mmarz has had no activity since 2011 on both here and androidcental. Someone with these files please chime in.

