Everybody has been stating that they got GPS to work, but only some left instructions. I hope this helps. Thanks to those that gave me advice on how to get this working.
Make sure unter "External GPS" that the "GPS Program port:" has "COM4" selected. Leave "Hardware" alone which is the next tab over.
Then under "Access" make sure "Manage GPS automatically" is checked
Live Search for some reason wouldnt work until I got in my car and drove away from my house. Right when I drove away, the GPS kicked in, and worked as if I had an external GPS. My settings for Live Search are "GPS COM4".
In order for TomTom to work, you first have to get your GPS location in Live Search, then launch TomTom, and then TomTom will work fine as if you had an external GPS.
My TomTom settings are "NMEA GPS receiver" then "com 4" then baud is "9600".
These are the steps i took to get GPS working with the new ROM update using the internal GPS. Havent been able to test the Rev A yet. But it seems everybody is stating that is working fine, but only some were able to get GPS working.
Hopefully this will help you all to get GPS working with the new ROM. W/o me doing these steps, I wasnt able to get GPS working. Also please note that I had to leave my house for it to work. With my Bluetooth GPS receiver I could get a location in live search or Tomtom w/o leaving the house. But for the internal GPS, i had to leave the house.
Have you tried with google maps. For some reason i can get GPS signal in my house with google, but not with live. Also, under the GPS hardware, does yours say none, and baud 9600 or 4800?
Never mind, I got it working, live just connected in my house. I have baud set to 4800, don't think it really matters. (anyone know what baud is anyway, and what the best settings are?). I wish there was a way to do this without live though.
baud is just another word for bits per second, its the connection speed of the hardware, since its internal it probably wouldnt make much of a differnce
nuebay said:
Everybody has been stating that they got GPS to work, but only some left instructions. I hope this helps. Thanks to those that gave me advice on how to get this working.
Make sure unter "External GPS" that the "GPS Program port:" has "COM4" selected. Leave "Hardware" alone which is the next tab over.
Then under "Access" make sure "Manage GPS automatically" is checked
Live Search for some reason wouldnt work until I got in my car and drove away from my house. Right when I drove away, the GPS kicked in, and worked as if I had an external GPS. My settings for Live Search are "GPS COM4".
In order for TomTom to work, you first have to get your GPS location in Live Search, then launch TomTom, and then TomTom will work fine as if you had an external GPS.
My TomTom settings are "NMEA GPS receiver" then "com 4" then baud is "9600".
These are the steps i took to get GPS working with the new ROM update using the internal GPS. Havent been able to test the Rev A yet. But it seems everybody is stating that is working fine, but only some were able to get GPS working.
Hopefully this will help you all to get GPS working with the new ROM. W/o me doing these steps, I wasnt able to get GPS working. Also please note that I had to leave my house for it to work. With my Bluetooth GPS receiver I could get a location in live search or Tomtom w/o leaving the house. But for the internal GPS, i had to leave the house.
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I have everything working but tom tom 6. It says no GPS device what gives? Do you have to have Live search running in the background for tom tom to work. I close Live Search after aquiring five satellites then launch tom tom 6 and all I get is no GPS device. hehe I know this is a beta and not a release rom. I have no Idea how people can aquire a satellite in their home. Shesh I have a huge solarium and still have to go outside.
what do u mean you get five satellites? Also to answer your question, what i do is after getting the GPS fixture in Live Search, I just click start and go to Tom Tom, without doing anything to live search. It seems to close automatically when I open Tom Tom.
Does anyone know if the GPS signal comes via the Sprint towers or is my phone communicating directly with the satellites in the sky? I ask because getting a signal inside my house seems unreal.
GPS signals come from satellites which is why the signal degrades when you move inside, eventually becoming nonexistent or unreal.
When someone says they are getting five satellites it means that is how many signals their device is receiving and using to triangulate its position. It requires at least four satellite signals to triangulate a current position and the more signals it can pick up on the more accurate the triangulation.
when i said "unreal" i meant unbelievable i have a globalsat BT308 (which is kind of old, i bought it in 2000 or 2001) and theres no way i would ever get a signal inside.
so even if i go out of sprint reception area i can still communicate with the satellites right?
For some reason I always have to setup the GPS device in TomTom. It works but as soon as I close TomTom it looses the GPS settings. Then I have to run through the setup again...
Anyone else having the same issue?
My GPS wasn't working at all until I turned on GPS location under the phone menu. Location Settings under services.
Once I turned that on my GPS started picking up satellites with in 5 seconds sitting in my house.
Does Anybody know how to get the GPS to work with iGo 2006? I am having no luck at all getting iGo to recognize the GPS device.
TomTom appears to have a bug where it does not see the port windows gps port sharing is showing because the hardware port is set to none (I think it's actually com1 for the real hardware). As a result until something OPENS the port for tomtom, it's unable to attach to it. Until this is fixed you have to launch some other program that does work first and leave it open for tomtom to open the port.
Shadowmite said:
TomTom appears to have a bug where it does not see the port windows gps port sharing is showing because the hardware port is set to none (I think it's actually com1 for the real hardware). As a result until something OPENS the port for tomtom, it's unable to attach to it. Until this is fixed you have to launch some other program that does work first and leave it open for tomtom to open the port.
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Thanks for the update. =)
Hey guys,
Does anyone have the latest
I tried to download it right now, but it keeps getting stuck.
Probably microsoft servers.
fusQer said:
when i said "unreal" i meant unbelievable i have a globalsat BT308 (which is kind of old, i bought it in 2000 or 2001) and theres no way i would ever get a signal inside.
so even if i go out of sprint reception area i can still communicate with the satellites right?
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Theoretically, you should be able to get a GPS signal anywhere in the world.
supdawg said:
Theoretically, you should be able to get a GPS signal anywhere in the world.
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I understand that they can selectively disable regions now. (read about it in the paper when they unfogged the signals) so conceivably,we wouldn't be able to use our moguls in iraq or afganistan.
pflatlyne said:
I understand that they can selectively disable regions now. (read about it in the paper when they unfogged the signals) so conceivably,we wouldn't be able to use our moguls in iraq or afganistan.
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I think what they do is place devices selectively in those locations that send out false GPS signals to confuse the NAV devices. (probably from ground based stations or on moving convoys that are trying to NOT be detected)
mshnayde said:
Hey guys,
Does anyone have the latest
I tried to download it right now, but it keeps getting stuck.
Probably microsoft servers.
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the automatic download from hasn't worked for me for a while either. it gets to around 15% and stalls...
Has anyone gotten Garmin Mobile XT to work with the internal GPS?
I am going to hold off on Flashing and give DCD some time to mature the release since I already have a G10 bluetooth reciever and have no issues but it would be nice to be able to leave that in my car and use internal when I'm not in my own car.
As far as i know...these are govt sats that are "open to the publuc." In a state of emergency or other situation, they can be blocked or certain areas can be blocked so only, say, certain govts/military could use them. This was the only way the us govt was willing and able to let the gen pop use the sats.
Please Help!!!
I love this ROM, but I cannot get good GPS quality with it. I know most people have no issue with this, but my GPS on my phone has always been finicky. I updated to Build 13 and Build 13 R2...and neither one allows my GPS to work. My GPS worked (although not really well) with all the other builds.
Here is the wierd part, when I travel out of my hometown (sarasota, FL) my GPS has always worked better. I work in Ocala and with Build 13 my GPS worked the other day, but not when I got home. I tried with the tweaks listed below and I tried before installing any tweaks, no luck...
I installed these tweaks:
GPS Registry - Alltel: (direct d/l link FYI)
Any help would be great, because GPS is my favorite feature on this phone.
**edit: I am using Google Maps**
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did you check your GPS signal? I recommended checking it out three times...
I checked the GPS Watcher program if that is what you are asking...
In Startmenu, System Tools, GPS Viewer,
COM port #4, or simply COM4 4800 BAUD and hit OPEN wait 20 seconds or so until signal settles down.
Please post signal(numbers inside bars) and number of sats detected.
That software has a bug that when you do get a fix, it doesn't tell you until you switch tab back and forth.
Reason I'm asking for this is that I want to make sure your GPS unit can receive signal before messing with anything else.
Reg hacks and roms are not going to help if your GPS unit is defective, right?
here is a screenshot of GPS Viewer. This is from Ocala, Fl were my gps works fine. When I am in Sarasota, fl (hometown) the GPS viewer finds no satellites.
From the looks of the numbers, it seems like to me that either your phone is located so that sky view is obstructed with something metallic or your inside building with windows. Right?
One you posted above is when GPS is operational, so, by comparing this screenshot with the other screenshot with GPS non-functional it will greatly help out in finding what is actually wrong.
As you might have figured out already, I prefer data collection first and then action later.
This might be a redundant question, but have you gone into your phone settings to make sure that Location settings are turned on? After that make sure that AGPS is enabled.
Yes NFSFANs rom has those settings by default, but thanks.
Here is the GPSViewer when I run it at my house. I had to leave it outside on my table for about 3-4 minutes and this is the signal I recieved. There were a few more bars but by the time I picked it up and ran CapSure they were gone...
Both were taken on a clear day outside of a building that obstructs the view slightly, but not enough to have much difference.
Oops I forgot the picture, here it is:
Did this happen recently? Some satellites go offline and online periodically and you just may be happen to be in the area where signal dark occures.
Test with other Touch Pro phones nearby to confirm your GPS module pretty insensitive or not.
This is all I could think of, good luck.
zsunsun said:
Did this happen recently? Some satellites go offline and online periodically and you just may be happen to be in the area where signal dark occures.
Test with other Touch Pro phones nearby to confirm your GPS module pretty insensitive or not.
This is all I could think of, good luck.
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It has been weak since I have owned the phone. It has however worked in Sarasota 90% of the time and works in Ocala all the time.
The main issue I want resolved is why my GPS worked on NFSFANs 112 Rom and before, but doesn't work on 113 R1-3
Can anyone else help with this?
Can anyone tell me if that GPS Viewer app will display MPH (as opposed to km/h).
The GPS on my TP seems weak/inaccurate as well. I had a Mogul before & the GPS on it was dead on. I have had 2 TPs; the first one was horrible @ acquiring a signal. Even after using QuickGPS, it would still take forever outside. The one I have now acquires much faster, but tracking still is not as accurate as my Mogul.
I just did a hard reset and now my GPS doesnt work. It was fine before, I have the current MR1 rom update, and all was fine before. Now it just wont find any satellites. I have all the settings right, location on, Com4, 4800baud, managed by windows... I dont know what else to do other than another hard reset. I called verizon tech support, no help there. We did try VZ navigator, and it worked.
Change your radio. Happened to me and that was the culprit.
Hey Guys,
Loving my galaxy s3 however something strange is now happening. I used to live in Brisbane and recently moved to Sydney, whilst I was in Brisbane I often used the GPS and google maps navigation (google navigation whatever you want to call it ) and it performed amazing! it locked onto location instantly and would guide me and track my position superbly.
Now I've been in Sydney for 3 days, and I tried to use the navigation several times and it was terrible! It would take a minute or two to lock onto my position but would still be fairly innacurate and would not engage the navigation, just sat in that screen where it is zoomed out and roughly shows the route to take, sometimes it would engage into the navigation but then would stop tracking me and just say it lost GPS location.
Has anyone experienced this problem? or know what I can do to fix it!! Thanks
Couple of suggestions:
Have you changed your Google location? Whenever I've changed ROM's I get asked to let Google use my location - maybe there is something in the Google set up that still thinks you are in Brisbane and has to keep scanning for your new location?
Have you got the map for Sydney - I know you can get maps on your phone but maybe only your home location is auto-downloaded, so you get a zoomed out version for other places? Maybe go into the Maps app and select Sydney and see if it brings down a more detailed version?
Maybe check for Maps/Navigation updates? I got a Maps one a few days back.
I hope this helps - not sure at all if any of them are applicable but it is what I'd be checking...
For the google location, I sort of reset it, I turned it off (the option to let google use your location) and turned it back on. Not sure what else you can do in that department.
Ive got the map for sydney and my maps and navigation are up to date! Thanks for the suggestions but, its just really frustrating as it used to work so well
Use either GPS test or GPS status to see how well your GPS is working. Both are available free in market. They will also download agps data to help with a faster fix.
Check that you do have satellites switched on in settings.
If you are rooted you could try the wildfire agps patch. I think it is posted in the development thread.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
thanks for the suggestion! just downloaded GPS status and one of the reviewers had the same issue that was resolved by clearing and downloading agps data (just like you mentioned). So will try tonight and hopefully problems will be gone, thanks!
AGPS Patch Galaxy In development may be of use .
dk125 said:
thanks for the suggestion! just downloaded GPS status and one of the reviewers had the same issue that was resolved by clearing and downloading agps data (just like you mentioned). So will try tonight and hopefully problems will be gone, thanks!
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That method always worked for me on the S2 when I was in a different location. Takes seconds to reload the new data.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
I can't really help but my s3 in sydney has almost instant lock, except when in a tunnel.
By a strange quirk of fate I have just experienced the same issue that you faced.
After a lot of frustration I found a simple fix.
Turn off GPS and other location settings in main settings, power of and reboot. Switch everything back on in settings and all should be well again.
Hope this, belatedly, helps.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
If you are on a custom ROM then the first line of the GPS.conf file in system/etc will be set to "". Change the "north-america" part to "au" and restart. Then reset/redownload gaps data.using GPS status. Hope this helps.
I have a p760 and I found gps performance are very bad without agps.
To get an offline fix it took 10+ minutes, in the same conditions my old acer s120 got it in less than 2 minutes.
Carter07 said:
I have a p760 and I found gps performance are very bad without agps.
To get an offline fix it took 10+ minutes, in the same conditions my old acer s120 got it in less than 2 minutes.
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I have similar problem, fix is slow and not stable, even with agps, using nav aps in car is imposible.
I've installed GPS Status to help fix faster but it didnt helped much.
Any one found a solution for this?
I have the same problem, fix is fast but GPS connection is not stable. Tried install another navigation but doesn't work.
If youre rooted try to install this app FasterGPS
Thanks is much better, but not perfect. Connected with 6-10 satellite have low quality signal(in GPS test ~20 SNR), localization is not ideal. Any ideas ? Sorry for my english
Also, if your rooted, I recommend Pimp My Rom (alpha) from the Play Store. It has lots of useful tweaks, but it also allows you to get the correct GPS config file for your country. As my phone was from Taiwan, it would have the config files for that country and not the UK - where I am. Correct location = Faster connection.
You just get the app then move to the 'Tools' tab then scroll to the bottom, One up from that should be the GPS Configuration, choose your region then country and 'Apply Selected Tweak'. It only takes a few seconds and it makes sure your GPS is configured for your country.
Hopefully this helps out.
I just geve up with fixing GPS, i factory reseted the device, and even uploaded software using "emergency software recovery" from LG tool to try all options, but no success.
Today phone was sent to the service center. Now waiting for the results.
Phone is back from service, and it works now
Fix in less then 10 sec and stable.
Service center replaced back side of the phone (not the battery cover ), there are aerials there i think.
I get a GPS fix within 10 seconds. But with Maps, however, the signal jumps back and forth. Also, the signal does not show exactly the location, or a few meters away. These problems are probably also known to the UMI users. Somehow I have read what of MTK tools, where this problem can be fixed. Can someone post a tutorial, or link?
Hi, looking forward to fix the same issue... Any news?
Octavius_Augustus said:
I get a GPS fix within 10 seconds. But with Maps, however, the signal jumps back and forth. Also, the signal does not show exactly the location, or a few meters away. These problems are probably also known to the UMI users. Somehow I have read what of MTK tools, where this problem can be fixed. Can someone post a tutorial, or link?
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Gday mate,
I was having similar issues with my GPS jumping to the street next to me whilst driving and getting itself all turned around. The other issue I had was bluetooth would not connecting to my car, so I tried a few things on this list:
Specifically what seemed to fix my bluetooth AND GPS was this: (I also set the passcode on the car to '0000')
"This is a really good fix, confirmed to work by many people. To reset your Bluetooth settings, fire up the Settings app, and locate and tap on Backup & reset option. Now, touch ‘Network settings reset’, and then ‘Reset settings’. Confirm this on next screen. Note: This will reset all your settings related to WiFi, Bluetooth and mobile data. Keep that in mind. If you need WiFi urgently, then better do this later on."
The above made my GPS a bit more stable. Since then I have updated the device to the latest beta: PLUS.V3.02_20170208_c239v55_kw_u3_no-DB and GPS is working perfect now. Link from bencebacsi on UMi Forum:
Best of luck mate!
hello guys!I bought the Umi plus a week ago.The device is pretty cool but i have issues with the gps.I tryed fix it with some youtube videow but still nothing.Can please anyone have found a solution for this problem?
shadimar69 said:
Gday mate,
I was having similar issues with my GPS jumping to the street next to me whilst driving and getting itself all turned around. The other issue I had was bluetooth would not connecting to my car, so I tried a few things on this list:
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It's not usable for this problem.
I tested Faster GPS after rooted, MTK tools, Engineering Mode, and another more tools and tricks, and nothing helped me with better gps signal on my UMI plus.
In enginneering mode I deleted data from hot, cold, warm and full gps start without A-GPS started, A set position from detected position, download new satellites positions, then start A-GPS and it was same how before. GPS signal on Mediatek chipset is bad.
Sometimes I have fixed 12 satellites, another time zero satellites. Gps signal jumping from zero to good in the car, or outdoor.