Android 5+ Wifi Repeater / fqrouter2 alternative - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi all,
I've been looking for quite some time now for a way to turn my phone into a Wifi repeater.
About a year ago I read somewhere about a chinese app called "fqrouter2", which is mainly
used as a vpn tunnel but also has a feature for rooted phones to host a hotspot while being
connected to another wifi network.
The last version of fqrouter2 was released more than a year ago and only supported up to
Android 2.3. While I found quite a few people saying on the Internet that it is possible
on a rooted phone to use the wifi modules for sending AND recieving at the same time,
I was not able to find any alternative app so far.
I have pretty much no programming skills, so I have no idea how hard it is to write such an app,
but I can't believe that I am the only person who wants such a feature for their phone, so maybe
there is something/someone out there which/who could help me?

Made an account just now to reply, plus xda is awesome.
I hope someone can figure this out, I to need this android 5.0


No alternative?! Is this really the only App that can be used as a WiFi-Extender?!

did my monthly research, still couldnt find any new app/solution to turn my phone into a wifi repeater

Would be great to find an alternative in case this app ceased to update.


looks promising (untested):

aydink said:
looks promising (untested):
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Is anyone else getting this error?

Siddhu1605 said:
Is anyone else getting this error?
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But how did you even get there?
I mean what did you download, install and run?
At the start i am getting an error,"XX-net exit unexpectedly"
And finally what is the name of your phone?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in future.


IM.apk (The Native IM App) On HTC Hero

Hi all,
I have been trying for weeks to get the IM.apk on my htc hero by installing it through appinstaller and pushing it through terminal. I also put the ImProvider.apk, TmoImPlugin.apk, and so on. I have tried everything to get it working. All i want is the native IM app that has msn and yahoo because it was my favorite on the G1. I use google talk but i also want the official IM app. Anyone figure out a way to do this? I have been at this for weeks. Please help me, thanks
Farfooz said:
Hi all,
I have been trying for weeks to get the IM.apk on my htc hero by installing it through appinstaller and pushing it through terminal. I also put the ImProvider.apk, TmoImPlugin.apk, and so on. I have tried everything to get it working. All i want is the native IM app that has msn and yahoo because it was my favorite on the G1. I use google talk but i also want the official IM app. Anyone figure out a way to do this? I have been at this for weeks. Please help me, thanks
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Anyone knows how can we install this IM?
Just an FYI, but it's largely a waste of time unless you happen to be a T-Mobile US customer since it doesn't work over cellular data for the more common protocols (AIM, MSN etc). If you are a T-Mobile US customer, it will "work" via a cellular connection, but does so using SMS messages - if you have any other carrier SIM, it will complain that it cannot read your phone number.
If you just want to use if over WiFi - it works fine.
There was a hacked version of this floating round the Dream forums some time ago that did allow proper cellular data instant messaging, but I've no idea what happened to it.
How ?......
MuDvAyNeX said:
How ?......
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Actually, this is being worked on at the moment by inkredi and myself. Progress can be tracked through the thread that inkredi linked to. Both of us have some ideas, but not a ton of time to work on it. I'm fairly confident we'll get it working 100% fairly soon though.

[Q] What are the best tweaks?

I am about to receive my new archos 101 later this week. I am reading the forums, and so far i have gathered i will need to put android 2.2 on it, and also the android market. what other tweaks should i do when i get it? Apps i need to know about? This will be the first android i have owned so i do not know where to begin.
If there is a thread that addresses this question, please point me in the right direction. my search didn't come up with much as to a list of things that are essential to getting the most out of the archos 101. thanks!
You should start getting some pills for dissapointment
Sent from of Yeonpyeong
Leviuqse said:
You should start getting some pills for dissapointment
Sent from of Yeonpyeong
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Why would you be disappointed?
I had my archos 101 since November 2010 and I was never disappointed with it.
Its a matter of how you use your device.
Sent from my A101IT using Tapatalk
For my Archos 70, when I'm at home I have the screen brightness set to low. When I'm out in the sun I have to turn the brightness up all the way.
minxwin said:
Why would you be disappointed?
I had my archos 101 since November 2010 and I was never disappointed with it.
Its a matter of how you use your device.
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Agreed. I've been very happy with my 101. And I tried several popular alternatives before this. Like the Viewsonic, Nook color, Huewii/Ideos S7, and some knock off chinese clone. The 101 beats them all.
thanks :-D
any news on what i need to do once it is out of the box? On my touch pro 2 it took me forever to realize that the first thing to do was flash a custom rom and other tweaks like OC'ing it. any thing i should do to the archos 101?
well...plug it in and charge it...
If you want root and ability to OC, etc...I think you need to jump down to the UrkDroid threads. I'm very happy with stock and hoping for some way to root it. If you don't upgrade the stock I think z4root works well as some additional codecs, but then you are on Eclair. Upgrade brings Froyo. Can't give you much advice beyond that...just load the market apk and start installing stuff.
willthomason said:
I am about to receive my new archos 101 later this week. I am reading the forums, and so far i have gathered i will need to put android 2.2 on it, and also the android market. what other tweaks should i do when i get it? Apps i need to know about? This will be the first android i have owned so i do not know where to begin.
If there is a thread that addresses this question, please point me in the right direction. my search didn't come up with much as to a list of things that are essential to getting the most out of the archos 101. thanks!
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Check out this thread over on forums archos fans .com . I found a lot of good tips here. (i dont have enough post yet to post an external link.) but under the top thread gen 8 devices there is a post titled newbie tips, and some general set up info.
Something that i have done to really help is upgrade to froyo, then go into the power management and set it to over drive. yes i kills the battery faster, but it seems more responsive. also a new launcher program helps too. i am currently using one called zeam.
I'd say get market, a launcher (adw, launcherpro, zeam) and if you are comfortable with linux, the urukdroid hack. i was a little disappointed with the laginess of my 70 at first, mostly the media scanning but the SDE and Uruk make me jealous of no tablet.
got it today, this thing is nice. i am sitll getting used to android though. I cant get it to access my windows shares though, i input my username/password correctly and it cannot connect...
also, how do i get the codecs on here? must i really pay for them?
willthomason said:
got it today, this thing is nice. i am sitll getting used to android though. I cant get it to access my windows shares though, i input my username/password correctly and it cannot connect...
also, how do i get the codecs on here? must i really pay for them?
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Can't help ya with the shares, but you could try removing security from them for a bit and make sure you can connect. That's just basic troubleshooting.
With regards to codecs, probably not. It comes default with a lot of stuff and I can play almost every video/audio file I have. Only a few needed to be converted. Very few statistically speaking. I think the ones you buy are very specific. So try what you have first.
I've not had to download any codecs. The handfull of videos I have watched worked fine.
Zeam Launcher is a must for me. Fastest Launcher I have seen. Love it so much I put it on my Droid X and my wifes Droid2.
Market and Appbrain is a must as is Flash 10.1. Don't forget to do the "Market Fix" to get all the market apps to show up. Forget the stock keyboard as its a laggy POS. Swype does not work at all but Slideit works great. Well worth the price for the amount of hair you will rip from your head trying to get the stock keyboard to register your inputs.
thanks guys! i will look for the market fix soon as i have noticed a few apps are missing. including zeam.
Also, i cannot figure out how to tether this thing to my wm6.5 tilt 2.
i have always been able to tether windows machines, and i can even make a wireless network with it. however, the archos doesnt find my wireless router network, and when i connect it through usb or bluetooth it asks me for APN and username/password which i have no idea what they are.
any ideas?
willthomason said:
thanks guys! i will look for the market fix soon as i have noticed a few apps are missing. including zeam.
Also, i cannot figure out how to tether this thing to my wm6.5 tilt 2.
i have always been able to tether windows machines, and i can even make a wireless network with it. however, the archos doesnt find my wireless router network, and when i connect it through usb or bluetooth it asks me for APN and username/password which i have no idea what they are.
any ideas?
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I did get mine to tether to my touch pro 2. I had to use blue tooth and for sprint the apn is ( a quick google search should turn up other carriers) user id and password are usually blank.
I'd say autostarts with Archangel is a nice tweak stupid email app always loads at boot wasting precious milliseconds of my life

Cisco vpn anyconnect, when where how??

On the official samsung announcement it was promised that the sgs2 will have a cisco vpn anyconnect client. However I failed to find it, or any ETA, does anybody know any details about it?
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA App
I've been searching for that aswell but failed to find it. Apperently it is not on the SGS2.
I would like to be able to use it too, so if there is any info please share.
I sorta got it working.. I had to decrypt the pcf file first to get the Group password and the I used an app called vpnc from the marketplace and put in the details from the pcf file and it seems to work. I haven't got citrix running over the vpn yet, still working on that
here is the announcement
on the samsung site under /global/business/mobile/solutions.html#security_vpn
it should be possible without decryption etc., unfortunately the "more information" text on the samsung site is not linked...
bacardiandwatermelon said:
I sorta got it working.. I had to decrypt the pcf file first to get the Group password and the I used an app called vpnc from the marketplace and put in the details from the pcf file and it seems to work. I haven't got citrix running over the vpn yet, still working on that
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is your phone rooted??
For rooted phones there is VPNC.
For none rooted ones... you gotta pray to Google
Alienfreak said:
For none rooted ones... you gotta pray to Google
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I ain't no praying samsung promised it as a feature of the sgs2 (see my earlier msg), and it was one of the reasons I bought it. So I demand it!!
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA App
I am now using vpnc and I didn't have to do all the tun stuff, just needed root and that was all.
Sent from my GT-I9100T using XDA App
It's comming
OK, so after two weeks of pain with calling Samsung tech support I was finally given the secret number for their UK head office, just to get me off their backs! HA!
I was told that these missing features are indeed scheduled for a future firmware release. They are going to try and find someone for me to talk to (apparently in Sales) who knows when these are scheduled to land.
Will let you know more if I hear back from them.
Yeah mine is rooted. I lasted 3 days when I brought it, I can't stand buying something and having certain features locked...
It's finally here !
and works fine (only the permanent icon in the status bar is a bit annoying)

[Q] Android Notifications sent to Touchpad?

Not sure if this has been asked yet, searching didn't give me any results anyway - but apologies if its been asked.
HP Touchpad + HP Pre3 connect and the tablet can be used to read text messages etc along with a few other features
So, I was wondering if anyone has fiddled with trying to get Android to connect to WebOS for SMS/Missed call alerts?
closest thing I can think of right now would be using Phone Portal to connect your Motorola device. It uses WiFi and the browser.
Wish there was a way to do that.
Have you tried DeskSMS? It sends your SMS's to your Gmail.
Might be any good?
Bouncer5 said:
Have you tried DeskSMS? It sends your SMS's to your Gmail.
Might be any good?
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Nice one! I think that could be a viable option until someone figures out how to either make an app for android/webos to do it, or something more advanced.
I was just about to post this, theoretically it shouldn't be impossible to achieve although I'm far from an expert in the area (read: not an expert at all). I'd happily donate to any developers which could create a patch for it, as I'm sure would many other touchpad owners.
Blank2k2 said:
Nice one! I think that could be a viable option until someone figures out how to either make an app for android/webos to do it, or something more advanced.
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Glad I could help!
I was reading somewhere else about this, Someones looking to transfer by bluetooth, as any other option currently would no be viable apparently
Bouncer5 said:
Glad I could help!
I was reading somewhere else about this, Someones looking to transfer by bluetooth, as any other option currently would no be viable apparently
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Yep, I'm expecting a bluetooth app for it.
Must admit i'm annoyed with how restricted the feature is - i mean the car, tv, and pc can all get text alerts from the phone. (Actually that's a lie, the car stopped getting text messages when i went to android)
So i'm sure its doable, its just a matter of getting a dev interested in doing it - unfortunately I wouldn't know where to start.
Blank2k2 said:
Yep, I'm expecting a bluetooth app for it.
Must admit i'm annoyed with how restricted the feature is - i mean the car, tv, and pc can all get text alerts from the phone. (Actually that's a lie, the car stopped getting text messages when i went to android)
So i'm sure its doable, its just a matter of getting a dev interested in doing it - unfortunately I wouldn't know where to start.
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Well aint you all fancy!
My phone bearly gets texts messages nevermind anything else!
There's already a discussion about this.
See the last post in the thread.
Port your number to google voice. Then I have txt sent and missed calls going to email.

New Touch user comments and questions.

I just got my Meizu MX4 and find several things which irritate me, was wondering if I can make suggestions for updates somewhere? Here are a few examples:
How do I get temp in C, with Display Language US English?
NearBy took an entire day to finally figure out where I live, although location is turned on and I tried to show it where I am.
Still new, more to follow if this is the place.
OhMan1 said:
How do I get temp in C, with Display Language US English?
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Do want to change this in the wheather app? That one has a settings entry for that.
OhMan1 said:
NearBy took an entire day to finally figure out where I live, although location is turned on and I tried to show it where I am.
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As far as I know there is a bug report for this and the developers are working on it. Let's see if the next update fixes the issue.
Thank you for the response Nikwen,
The weather app is automatically the Weather Channel, the only setting possible is location on or off. I had expected it to be there.
I'll keep my eye open for the fix to my other comment and also for additional things to talk about. I'm essentially very satisfied with the user experience and am certain that once apps and scopes begin showing up in numbers Ubuntu will be a viable alternative to the others on the market.
I assume I can continue to bring up problems I find here.
Thanks again
Found the next thing, although it's probably known. In camera I can't zoom. The zoom - + show, but nothing happens.
So, I found that I can change the weather app to celsius, but it doesn't work in the weather channel and it's what's used in NearBy with F.
I also found that the Amazon app goes automatically to, but I live in Germany, I want .de, but how?
Next, I browsed, it sent me to, what else? I didn't want that, but it's impossible to get to complete English. The Google page is English, but when I touch settings, I land in a German page.
Those are my newest grumps, I'll keep looking.
TY for listening!
WiFi hotspot would also be nice, though I understand the OS is new and time will bring new features.
Wifi Hotspot
OhMan1 said:
WiFi hotspot would also be nice, though I understand the OS is new and time will bring new features.
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Wifi hotspot is coming in the next update
It should be out in September or maybe later this month if we're lucky !
TY antole, that's welcome info. This morning I got an update, since then I get no notifications from gmail. Is that normal or do I need to make a setting? Another thing, Near By has disappeared, so I no longer see F not certain if that's good or bad atm.
I'm just enjoying playing with my new toy and thank all devs for the hard work amnd for putting up with my problems.
I haven't even tried the Gmail app sorry
My Gmail account is configured with Dekko
I didn't get any update this morning, was the update for the Gmail app ?
I've been running on OTA-5 for approximately two weeks now and I've had no issue with The Weather Channel displaying temperature in C but I live in France so that seems normal
My NearBy scope hasn't gone anywhere either ;p
anatole78 said:
I didn't get any update this morning, was the update for the Gmail app ?
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The update was for Nexus devices only as the messaging issue they fixed didn't appear on other devices.
Back with more! Sorry to say I was overwelmed by the amount of work needed on OT and didn't want to sound like I was putting it down, so I stopped writing. Most are small, wish I could this or that. I found one today though which I had to ask about.
I tried to upload files to my P today, win7 couldn't do it so I tried Ubuntu desktop, 14.04 which couldn't mount my phone. Uh oh, what now? I can't find a setting anywhere which helps. Any advice would be appreciated.
Oh and the update I assume was somethsomething to get my new phone up to the current version. I must have removed Near By by accident, I have it back now, still in F. Must be the language, custom I live in germany but us us english.
Ty for the help!
If you cannot mount your phone, you can always enable ssh and use sftp to transfer files. Usual mounting should work though.
(If it still doesn't, you could try installing ADB on your computer. It might help.)
Thanks for your help Nik,
I figured it out, I needed to get into Developer Mode in order to get USB to work. Now I'm in, but have the next problem. I can only see the Home directories, but I want to download the files in the .local/share but I have no idea how to get there. On my MX4 I've gotten to the folder I want using File Manager, but how do I get there from my PC? Or more specifically, how do I download the files stored there?
Yeah, hotspot is here! Haven't had time to test it yet, but I love to watch UT develop.
Still hoping for a tip on getting to my files from a PC. I understand it's a kinda noobish question, but until now I've only fixed problems as they arrise in Ubuntu, haven't had time for it. Now I've started and don't know where to search for help.
And the potshot works great. Saw Cantata Nil, looks interesting, but having a problem finding servers, or do I have to set up my own server?
Stupid auto correct, I meant hotspot and Nik.
I've finally found AskUbuntu, so I'm working on finding my own answers.
OhMan1 said:
Thanks for your help Nik,
I figured it out, I needed to get into Developer Mode in order to get USB to work. Now I'm in, but have the next problem. I can only see the Home directories, but I want to download the files in the .local/share but I have no idea how to get there. On my MX4 I've gotten to the folder I want using File Manager, but how do I get there from my PC? Or more specifically, how do I download the files stored there?
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Use phablet-shell or adb shell.
OhMan1 said:
And the potshot works great. Saw Cantata Nil, looks interesting, but having a problem finding servers, or do I have to set up my own server?
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Yes, you need your own one.
OhMan1 said:
Stupid auto correct, I meant hotspot and Nik.
I've finally found AskUbuntu, so I'm working on finding my own answers.
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AskUbuntu is great. :good:

