How to Animate activity with a service from another application - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I wants to listen for touch events in my application's SERVICE and run some actions for another activities from another applications.
For example : i wants to animate another application's activity from my service , or change it's title etc.
where could be my start point?


[Q] start google navigation in map view

Is there a possibility to start google navigation directly in the map view without asking for a address?
I'm searching for a list of startup parameters for the google navigation executeable. With the tasker app it should be possible to start the application with other options but I don't know if there is an.

[Q] Change System Setting programmatically

I would like to change a setting in system settings.
Unfortunately, it is a custom setting, So I think the only "real API" would be reproduce the change opening the respective activity and select the wanted options.
Any hint if what I plan to do is wrong?
Listen for a specific event to happen (beginning of call / ending of a call)
If the event occurs, Load the activity correspondig to Audio Output selection
Select the checkbox
Close it
It will for sure create some flickering...

Create Shortcut to open two apps or an app and an activity

Does anyone know of a way besides tasker to create a shortcut that opens either 2 apps or an app and an event like enable wifi

[app][share] bring new android 11 feature on one plus 6

So new android version 11 beta is released there are two new features are included in that
1)back tap gesture to assign any activity(for pixel devices)
2)New media control integrated in Quick Settings panel
So following are the apps available which are working great and bringing these two features on android 7.0 to android 10, so lets takena look
This app brings new back tap Gesture on any device to access any activity that you have assigned. This apps gives numerous activities that can be assigned to double tap activity on back of the device. to what possibilities it can bring you need to watch this Video
when you open app under gestures
Select device model as pixel 4 and increase sensitivity for 2 points only and assign any activity you want. You can add number of activities but for now fist main activity will be activated if double tap fails to generate that activity it will bring second activity and so on as per your preference.
Download :
2) power shade:
This app brings new media control implemented in quick settings panel along shade it aslo gives numerous features that like replacing stock Quick Settings panel and notifications headsup with this new powershade Quick Settings and notifications.
Preview of app:
In setting u have to go to extras and there enable new media control option to see the effect.
Download :

How Can I Implement the Function of Touching and Holding an Image to Save It in Quick Apps

Scenario Description​WeChat mini programs allow you save images to the album by touching and holding them. Currently, HUAWEI Quick App does not have any API to implement this function, but you can trigger events to implement this function
All quick app elements support the longpress event. So you can use the image element to render images and trigger the longpress event on the element to implement the function.
Sample code​
Does Quick App need any special permission?

