** this topic should be moved to the Q&A forum - SORRY **
Hey all,
i got the phone from my sis which is stuck on boot (bootloop), and i would really like to get to the data on the internal storage. This phone isn't rooted and i successfully got to the recovery and can use adb. To solve the bootloop, i wanted to try to delete any cache files and try to boot again. But i have no root rights. If i do "ls" in "/data" i get
opendir failed, Permission denied
, also su isn't working:
/system/bin/sh: su: not found
Maybe its possible to overwrite the bootloader, but keep all other files or something? Any suggestions are welcome! (I'm kinda noob!)
I used up this guide to try and root my x10mini
now after some reading I passed afew problems I had while trying to push the files in to my sdcard.
now I got stock when I got to
cd sqlite_stmt_journals
chmod 755 exploid
chmod 755 busybox
Immediately after the next command, you will need to disable and enable the wi-fi using the power widget on the phone:
then run:
when I reached the point where I write ./exploid
it tells me "permission denied.
to note, I were able to push all the files above.
Im pretty stock. and need help! any ideas how to resolve this?
I got stuck on my stock SE recently and had hell rooting with the newest firmware. After HOURS...I discovered it was an old Busybox file which was the problem. I put in the latest busybox (on my SD or in the rooting program, maybe both) and bam! Rooted!
Try this apk as a last resort. Good luck!
if the one above still can't root your mini, try search the latest superoneclick
Well guys i used a 1 click root to root my lg esteem from metropcs.
Worked perfect, than an update came and the phone become unrooted.
So i changed the permission of su in system/bin/su
It worked! my phone was un rooted again
Than this is my fault and the part iam stuck on -.-
I used root explorer and changed the permission of Su to match the other files.
I restarted and lost root! crap
Now whats even worse is, i cant use SU in adb shell any more
I just get the $ symbol everything i enter the su command under the adb shell and it wont give me root access to even changes the permissions back.
So now what i do, i cant use one click root anymore, and i cant get root with adb shell:
I can see it is a real complicated situation and no doubt you messed up everthing. Maybe hard to find someone can help here. Give us the solution when you get it. Thanks.
I have heard of people using the lg recovery tool to recover bricked phones,
when it detects your phone isnt booting correctly it re flashes it.
But the problem is, my boots perfectly , so it just tells me my phone is up to date.
There has got to be a way to trick it some how....
Anyway off topic, how do i get my root back XD
Install root binary again.
Accidentally sent from my Google Nexus S using XDA Premium
You mean re install Su binary file to bin and xbin folders?
Or am i missing something?
ok i was able to change the permissions back on the system/bin/su file
Now things get werid,
I still cant run su command in adb shell as root
I checked the permissions of system/bin/su
i set chmod to 6755
Thats right isnt it?
The permissions DID CHANGES
so i dont get why root checker is telling me i dont have permission still......
I got it working i re installed binary 3.0.3 and i had root access again.
Than right after i set chmod to 6777 on /system/bin/su
i lost root again, what does this mean?
Hi everyone.
I apologize for my first post because it's not one helping, but one asking for help instead.
I have recently struggled with the problem of not being able to move apps to the SD card which you may already be aware of.
So I read somewhere about changing some things on /system/etc/permissions/platform.xml and I had the stupid idea to try to change it without really understanding it.
So I did some ****. Now I can't mount sd (internal or external) and I don't have permissions to restore platform.xml (I have a platform.xml.bak in the same directory which is identical to the original one).
So I was wondering if there could be any trick to restore it. Neither ES File Manager nor Terminal Emulator were capable of replacing the files or edit platform.xml's content (even with root access, su - with terminal emulator).
What could I do? I honestly don't think a factory reset would solve that.
My ROM is stock UBDLI2 (4.1.1) which I found kinda hard to find.
Since you haven't posted a log of your Android Terminal Emulator session, here's my guess at trying to resolve this:
mount -o remount,rw /system
mv /system/etc/permissions/platform.xml.bak /system/etc/permissions/platform.xml
If you need it, chown root.root platform.xml && chmod 644 platform.xml.
similar problem with platform.xml
qwerty12 said:
Since you haven't posted a log of your Android Terminal Emulator session, here's my guess at trying to resolve this:
mount -o remount,rw /system
mv /system/etc/permissions/platform.xml.bak /system/etc/permissions/platform.xml
If you need it, chown root.root platform.xml && chmod 644 platform.xml.
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I was trying to replace my platform.xml file with a modified platform.xml file and in doing so I moved the 0riginal platform.xml file to another folder (just in case I needed the 0riginal again), I changed the permissions of the permissions folder and rebooted for them to take affect without having the platform.xml file in there and boom I'm in never-never-bootloop land. Can anyone help me or does this phone need to be used for skeet shooting? Thanks in advance!
Reflash the same rom, no wipe.
boomboomer said:
Reflash the same rom, no wipe.
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Thanks for the reply. I was rooted but still on stock since I had yet to successfully get a custom recovery on my phone (apparently SGH-I337 on the BN1 baseband is tough to get a custom recovery on)...so I only have the stock recovery which really doesn't offer many options. And everytime I have tried to flash anything via the custom recovery it fails due to it not being signed (or at least I think that is what it says). I'm open to try anything if you got more ideas.
boomboomer said:
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I don't want to be "that guy" as described in your signature...so I want to first say I have searched on this, but I have only found various sections on Odin instructions for various versions of Odin typically pertaining to one specific topic rather than an actual manual/guide for how to use Odin to reinstall a file that was idiodically removed (that'd be me....the idiotical remover of pertinent files). So I hate ask you for more help, but I only can't seem to get anything I try flashing with odin to work, I'm not sure if I'm putting things in the wrong slot (BOOTLOADER, PDA, PHONE, CSC) or what, but I really need some guidance.
Go read the sticky thread in general forum, how to flash with Odin, you can only flash the whole firmware not one file.
So I used the S3 toolkit by mskip and it's cool it's so fast lovely. One problem now I can't delete anything. I went to look for the answer.
Quote: Originally Posted by pat357
Maybe you missed my initial post concerning a possible bug in the Toolkit v7.0.
After making a backup from my internal SD using the "backup SD" option in the Toolkit, it pulled all my files to my PC and everything went well.
However after restoring my SD using the "restore internal SD", my permissions appeared to be screwed up.
I could not delete/modify any file anymore on my internal SD. I got a lot of FC from apps.
What are the correct permissions and owner from the internal SD (=/data/media) ??
Did the toolkit change any permissions/ownership ? I thought I saw a " chmod 775 or 755" flashing on the terminal when restoring my SD (about the last command at the end, IIRC).
To get it working again, I did a :
chmod -R 777 /data/media/*
The owner from each file is now "root" (0), but my permissions are complete open (777)
Somehow this doesn't seem correct.... but I don't know.
So, again : what are the correct permissions and owner from the internal SD (=/data/media) ??
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adb shell chmod -R 775 /data/media
adb shell chown media_rw.media_rw /data/media
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COOL! Now how do I do that?
I honestly don't know where the first place to look would be
google how to use adb
Re: [SAMSUNG GALAXY S3 UNIFIED TOOLKIT V7.0] Drivers, Backup, Root, Recovery + MORE [
Quote: Originally Posted by mskip
If you have root then try installing a file manager such as Root Explorer from the Play Store which should let you delete any files you need to.
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Thanks I finally got it. But I an not sure how. I did try this but it was like my chip was blocked from formatting or erasing anything then after hours of trying to erase it and factory reset and wipe it magically fixed.
Domination V3 Powered!
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I have root explorer and it's still not deleting. And mind didn't get fixed magically omg what do I do?!?!
I tried the adb thing also.
Someone anyone know how to fix this omg
okay there's a file permission part of thie toolkit but I'm probably gonna destroy my phone if I do something here
Mother of god i flashed the stock rom and it still did nothing why jesus
vapidteens said:
Mother of god i flashed the stock rom and it still did nothing why jesus
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READ THE RULES stop bumping .
Hi guys, I'm new to XDA and I'm sorry if this is in the wrong section or if any thread already exists.
Alright, I own a Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1v (GT-P7500) and yesterday I set my mind on rooting it. I checked several guides and saw that what almost everyone told was to use Odin3 to be able to use Clockwork mode and root it through flashing.
Well, I downloaded the zip and the recovery and everything seemed to be perfectly fine until, after flashing and booting the tablet I had no root access. Tried several apps for it (from a terminal to a root checker, and yeah, I know I didn't need to do it).
Anyway, after checking a bit I discovered that the su file nor the busybox didn't appear in the root folder (/system/bin o whatever his directory had to be) so I tried to flash it again. Nothing happened so I downloaded some other zips (the first one was like 2MB and the next one I tried was about 300KB), after this the su/busybox files appeared in its location, but when I tried to use the su command in the terminal I got the permission denied message. Used "ls -l /system/bin/su" to see that the permissions were this (if I recall correctly) ---sr-xr-x-.
After tearing my head apart after several hours of investigating and trying stuff I decided to do a factory reset so I could try (I hoped Superuser, su, busybox and all the other files would be erased) to root it again from scratch. Well, my surprise was the one you probably know, the /system files weren't reseted, I still had the Superuser app and all the other files, and su still had the same permissions and whats even more, it was 0KB though I don't know if the first time I tried to root it, it was already 0KB..
Well, this is my story, and if you could throw a bit of light on it I would be grateful.
Thanks in advance
P.S.: Sorry for my bad English