[POLL] OTA 49A may be incompatible! - Verizon LG G3

First off, this may be a dupe from another thread (http://forum.xda-developers.com/verizon-lg-g3/general/vs985-ota-updated-to-49a-11-11-t3498269), but I wanted it as main topic so that what was discovered does not go unnoticed by people who may not read the entire thread. Maybe someone can sticky this as well since this is a major issue with the 49A OTA?
Last week, I took the 49A OTA for the G3. I have an older model (non-K model) and immediately, upon rebooting, I started getting multiple SD card ejection notifications. It would unmount and remount my SD Card several times throughout the day. This would happen at random times, although my feeling was that it occurred whenever an app attempted to read and/or write to the SD card. Sometimes, after it unmounted, it would take anywhere from a few minutes to maybe an hour or more to remount it without rebooting.
This continued on throughout the week as I waited to see if it would clear up. It didn't. A factory data reset didn't help and one time, I saw a SIM card failure. Posting in the forums, it was a few days later that @nulloverride posted this very important tid bit of information:
nulloverride said:
I actually just spoke with Verizon's support people. It turns out the device is not compatible with the latest Android updates. Maybe going back to square one with it will fix the problem, but they said they would give me a new device with the updates disabled until the problem is fixed. I don't know if that means I'll have to give them the new phone back when the updates are working or what. I'm kind of partial to this one, now. But I do know that possibly bricking my phone with this KDZ or TOT stuff is a less appealing option than getting a free replacement and/or upgrade. I'll find out more tomorrow.
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I have since flashed back to 48A via a 10B TOT flash. The reason I did this is to see if the error would show up in any of the other OTAs. They didn't. I have been on 48A since November 17th, and not ONE, I repeat, not ONE single SD card error has appeared. I have gone to 49A twice and both times, as soon as I get to 49A, SD card errors start popping up. And the SD card is fine (reformatted, did a full disk check on it). Any SD card I put in resulted in the error, and now with @nulloverride stating what he learned from the VZW rep pretty much confirms that the 49A OTA is the culprit.
So, I would state for anyone considering taking the 49A OTA to refrain from it. I've added a poll to see what the demographic is across K and non-K models of the VS985.
Again, this might be a dupe, but I feel it should be a main topic so that more people see it.

UPDATE #1 (11/21/2016):
Well guess what. No sooner do I post this and I get the dreaded "SD Card has been unmounted", but it remounted it right up. However, it occurred when I attempt to launch two apps that had just updated over the weekend that I hadn't launched since they were updated:
1. Google Opinion Rewards
2. Google Play Music
Both times, when I launched each app, I saw the SD card was unmounted but then it was remounted immediately without any issues. I'm wondering if these apps have been updated with new permissions and needed to remount the SD card? Maybe this is part of some new functionality? It does appear under 49A that maybe that is what is going on, however for me it causes the phone to have a "seizure" (as I like to say) and may not remount successfully for some reason. Strange. But, this time, under 48A, it mounted the card both times pretty quickly without any issue. So maybe this is normal when it works but under 49A, something is broken where it can't remount for some reason? Other than that, I have NOT seen this at all, so I wonder if in this case, it's an app issue (since both apps were recently updated). Not sure if the Rewards app needs access to the SD card, but I do have my music on the SD card, so Google Play Music would need to access the music from there.
UPDATE #2 (11/22/2016):
Switched SD cards and it happened again. Switched to a 2gb card. OUCH! So far, no issues. Wondering if it was the SD card all along? Upgraded to 49A since then and so far (fingers crossed) no issues. But, that's how it was before. This 2gb card is old, but hasn't been used much so hopefully, there aren't any bad areas. Surprised doing a chkdsk on the other SD cards didn't bring up anything. Will continue to monitor and update as I find more info.

Tekcafe rom VS98549A

I've talked about this in another thread, forgetting I had this thread.
I have determined that in Safe Mode, I experience no issues with my SD card being unmounted unexpectedly. Once I boot back into Normal (Unsafe?) Mode, boom. SD Card becomes unmounted.
Something with the 49A OTA has broken something within the phone. This does NOT appear to be a hardware problem. But, the issue persists across ALL versions of the software (10b through 49A).
I called into Verizon today and they searched and saw that, as I already knew, I'm not the only one with this issue with this phone after the 49A OTA. She stated they are looking into the issue to resolve it. She's getting ready to patch me directly in with LG so we can discuss if they know what is going on. Seems like a firmware update issue that even a 10B TOT flash won't fix because it might be in a protected area of the phone that only the OTAs can update.
Also, I notice that 2 others have voted in the poll and are experiencing this issue and they are like me in that they have the older non-K model of the phone.

Okay. LG was of NO help. They said I could send my phone in and they would do a diagnostic and they have a way to flash it back to the way it was before the 49A OTA. Yeah, so do I which is 10B, etc. None of those work. Oh, and I would have to pay for any repairs as it's out of warranty.
I told her this was due to an official OTA. So basically, they can send out updates to out-of-warranty phones that break them, yet I would have to pay for any repairs? Sorry. That doesn't fly in my book.
Verizon said that they know of the issue and are looking into it, so I'll wait and see because if that is true, and they do come up with a fix, then I'm definitely going to wait because this phone has been great, and still is for me.
Now, if they want to send me a completely new phone free-of-charge and I turn this one in after I get the new one, yeah. I'll do that. And by new, I mean a replacement G3, preferably not refurbed. Heck, I'll take the K model because I won't root or flash back to 10b. I haven't for almost a year, except to try and debug this SD card issue I've been having since the 49A OTA.
In any case, anybody else that is having this issue, if you haven't already done so, reboot into safe mode. This is how you do it:
Power off the phone
Press and hold power + volume down until you see the menu
Choose Safe Mode and boot into it.
Once in Safe Mode, do things that would require writing and/or reading to/from your SD card (such as storing pictures from your camera on it). Copy files to your SD card, delete them, etc. Stay in that mode for as long as you can (you can still receive phone calls and text messages as well as make calls and send messages). You won't have access to any downloaded apps until you boot out of safe mode.
I want to know if this works for everyone, and then when they boot back into normal mode, if their SD card issues come back.
I've inspected the SD card slot. It is NOT damaged in any way. All pins are there and are in good condition. I think safe mode proves that. If this were a hardware failure, it should occur in safe mode and it doesn't. Something the 49A OTA updated (probably in a protected area of the firmware) is causing this and even flashing back to older versions doesn't overwrite that protected area. But for some reason, when in Safe Mode, it's either ignoring that area, or it's something else in the firmware that was updated that Safe Mode bypasses.

Okay, another update on my plight on figuring this out. I decided to uninstall two apps. Not sure why I chose them, but I did:
Greenify (mine I donated but I'm not rooted)
Nova Launcher (paid for)
I removed Nova because in Safe Mode, I'm running the default LG Home launcher. Greenify (even though it's not in root mode) I decided to remove since it's supposed to hibernate background processes.
Once I removed both, it appears so far that the problems have gone away. I haven't installed either one yet, but I will and I'll update what I find. If it's Greenify, then it must be something it's doing, which I find a little strange, but maybe the 49A update "broke" something in Greenify? If it's Nova, then again, something is going on with that.
I'm going to run without either app for the next day or so to see what happens. The thing I cannot understand is, I had ran without using either app I believe after factory resetting and still the problem persisted. So this might be a false positive for me. Definitely, safe mode the problem does not persist as I left my phone in safe mode for about 2 hours.
UPDATE: Okay. Apparently it wasn't Nova or Greenify as it started happening again after awhile. Safe Mode still cures it for some reason. It never umounts in Safe Mode, but once I reboot out of Safe Mode, it unmounts. So I guess we wait and see what Verizon/LG have to say about this, if anything. Not holding out too much hope though.

iBolski said:
Also, I notice that 2 others have voted in the poll and are experiencing this issue and they are like me in that they have the older non-K model of the phone.
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I'm one of the ones who voted. I'm sorry, I misread the poll. I am NOT having any issues with my SD Card slot after the 49A update. Sorry for the confusion.

dmoney98 said:
I'm one of the ones who voted. I'm sorry, I misread the poll. I am NOT having any issues with my SD Card slot after the 49A update. Sorry for the confusion.
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No biggie. Are you on a k model or non k model of the vs985?
Sent from my VS985 4G using Tapatalk

iBolski said:
No biggie. Are you on a k model or non k model of the vs985?
Sent from my VS985 4G using Tapatalk
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I am on the non-k model of vs985.

Dammit. Wish i would have read this before giving away my 128gb sd card. I thought it was just another failing piece of hardware.
First it was the internal mic.
Next the aux port.
Now the sd card slot.
So much for an upgrade from my unbreakable G2.
Time to revert to 12b and get my card back. Thanks OP!
(Non k)

afextwin said:
Dammit. Wish i would have read this before giving away my 128gb sd card. I thought it was just another failing piece of hardware.
First it was the internal mic.
Next the aux port.
Now the sd card slot.
So much for an upgrade from my unbreakable G2.
Time to revert to 12b and get my card back. Thanks OP!
(Non k)
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I have no idea if it truly is an issue with the update or people's phones just started to miraculously start to fail after taking the OTA. I'm hoping it's the former and that there is a fix for this. In cany case, sorry to hear you gave away your SD card, but it sounds like you have more than just the SD card issue. I'm only having an SD card issue. No other failures. Your's definitely sounds like hardware failures with the list you gave and I doubt it's due to the upgrade.
I'm about ready to flash to a non-stock ROM to see if that might cure the issue.

iBolski said:
I have no idea if it truly is an issue with the update or people's phones just started to miraculously start to fail after taking the OTA. I'm hoping it's the former and that there is a fix for this. In cany case, sorry to hear you gave away your SD card, but it sounds like you have more than just the SD card issue. I'm only having an SD card issue. No other failures. Your's definitely sounds like hardware failures with the list you gave and I doubt it's due to the upgrade.
I'm about ready to flash to a non-stock ROM to see if that might cure the issue.
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This might be unnecessary for me to remind you but I definitely recommend flashing the 10B TOT before testing to see if a custom ROM solves it, and if you decide to go back to fully stock I'd flash the 10B TOT once again beforehand.
Edit: Of course I forgot you're running completely stock, in which case flashing the TOT before will be necessary in order to root, etc, anyway.

roirraW "edor" ehT said:
This might be unnecessary for me to remind you but I definitely recommend flashing the 10B TOT before testing to see if a custom ROM solves it, and if you decide to go back to fully stock I'd flash the 10B TOT once again beforehand.
Edit: Of course I forgot you're running completely stock, in which case flashing the TOT before will be necessary in order to root, etc, anyway.
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LOL. No biggie. I'm thinking of trying it just to see if the issue goes away, but if the 49A did touch a protected area that I cannot flash over, and that is the main reason why I see this issue across all version of the stock image, going to AOSP-based probably won't help, but it's still worth a look.
I guess what I need to do is backup my apps with LG backup, flash back to 10B, root, restore from LG Backup, then use TiBu to back up. Ugh! I know there is an LG Backup tool in the Google Play store, but I don't know if it will work from non-stock based ROMs.

iBolski said:
LOL. No biggie. I'm thinking of trying it just to see if the issue goes away, but if the 49A did touch a protected area that I cannot flash over, and that is the main reason why I see this issue across all version of the stock image, going to AOSP-based probably won't help, but it's still worth a look.
I guess what I need to do is backup my apps with LG backup, flash back to 10B, root, restore from LG Backup, then use TiBu to back up. Ugh! I know there is an LG Backup tool in the Google Play store, but I don't know if it will work from non-stock based ROMs.
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As far as I know, the only LG Backup we can use is the one built into the stock ROMs. The one in the Play Store, unless there's another I'm unaware of, is for using on a non-LG device to move some of your data to an LG device, and according to the picture in the Play Store, looks like it has to happen between two different devices because they connect either directly via USB or wirelessly to do the transfer.

roirraW "edor" ehT said:
As far as I know, the only LG Backup we can use is the one built into the stock ROMs. The one in the Play Store, unless there's another I'm unaware of, is for using on a non-LG device to move some of your data to an LG device, and according to the picture in the Play Store, looks like it has to happen between two different devices because they connect either directly via USB or wirelessly to do the transfer.
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Looks like Backup in 49A, revert to 10b, restore in 10b, root, TiBu it, flash AOSP ROM.
10b through 48A all show the same symptom. Might definitely be a hardware issue for me, but I find it really odd that as SOON as I upgraded to 49A, that's when my problems started. Never, I mean, never had one single issue with my SD card up until that point.
Still waiting to hear back from "possible solutions" to my issue from VZW. I have a feeling is "We can get you a discounted upgrade". Nope, nada, no way. If you broke it, you fix it for free, VZW.

iBolski said:
Looks like Backup in 49A, revert to 10b, restore in 10b, root, TiBu it, flash AOSP ROM.
10b through 48A all show the same symptom. Might definitely be a hardware issue for me, but I find it really odd that as SOON as I upgraded to 49A, that's when my problems started. Never, I mean, never had one single issue with my SD card up until that point.
Still waiting to hear back from "possible solutions" to my issue from VZW. I have a feeling is "We can get you a discounted upgrade". Nope, nada, no way. If you broke it, you fix it for free, VZW.
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It was the same deal for myself (and for others) with my wife's SIM slot, except 49A wasn't even out yet, and she was on @xdabbeb 's VS985 v3.1.1 ROM. It's just ironic since although I haven't taken my SIM out a lot on my own G3, hers might've only been taken out once or twice since she got her phone. Never any hint of trouble and all of the sudden it no worky.
Since I've heard that the SIM slot is a common problem on the G3, and that the SIM and Micro SD card slot are both together, it could be that they're both just flaky. I certainly feel more secure with the SIM and Micro SD card trays, rather than slots.
By the way, I personally always had a lot of trouble using Titanium Backup on the G3 (and my my previous Galaxy S3). Especially for restores, always took a bunch of restarting to get everything restored. I'm guessing it has to do with such a custom framework because (not to be OT) on my HTC 10, which is very close to stock Android, and even a custom ROM based on the stock HTC Android, Titanium Backup was back to being completely dependable.

As many may know, I no longer have the G3. It died last week, so I'm now on the Samsung S7. It would still be interesting to see if Verizon does issue a fix IF the OTA is indeed what caused the SD card issue. But now I'm beginning to think my issue was hardware failure. I guess it was just blind luck/coincidence that right after the 49A OTA, that's when my SD card slot started to fail.


[Q] Dissappearing folders

At some point, I got an error that one of my apps couldn't find a file it pointed to. I went to Astro and discovered that "/sdcard" was inaccessible. So, I rebooted, after which it was accessible again, but all the folders I had added were gone without a trace.
How did this happen? When I plug the phone in to my PC, I usually click to "eject" on the PC before disconnecting the cable (although I don't notice any effect on the phone from the eject action). Should I be doing something on the phone instead?
And in any case, do I have to worry about file structure corruption, or is that something that the phone fixes on its own? This aspect of Android is new to me, so any help would be appreciated!
It just happened again!
This started after I installed Go Launcher, but I don't know if that's just a coincidence or not. Right now, I'm not even using it, I installed LauncherPro - and that's my default at the moment.
Does anyone know what's causing me to lose entire folders for no visible reason?
I'm having this same issue. I tried both Gladiatrix and Gingerblur and it's happened once on each so far. After a reboot, my internal SD will just be cleared out. Apps and such are fine, just anything in Sdcard folder.
Is there anything I can do to keep this from happening?
For me, I'm not sure if it happens after a reboot - I have specifically noticed it happen right after unplugging the USB cable. Now, one of the times it might have been after a reboot, I'm just not sure.
If anyone can help shed some light on this, it would be greatly appreciated!
I should also note that some of the folders are still there, but everything in them is gone. The folders that remain seem to be ones created by apps (camera's DCIM, dropbox, titanium backup). Folders I created (music, notifications, ringtones) are gone.
InsaneJester17 said:
I should also note that some of the folders are still there, but everything in them is gone. The folders that remain seem to be ones created by apps (camera's DCIM, dropbox, titanium backup). Folders I created (music, notifications, ringtones) are gone.
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Yes! That's it, exactly! All folders created by the system, or apps are still there (I can't vouch for the contents, though, since I never checked what was inside them).
But all the folders I created are gone.
Someone's got to know what this is.
Looks like we are the only two having this issue Haphim, lol.
I've unmounted and formatted my internal SD card from within android. Reloaded everything on it and so far so good. I've rebooted a bunch of times to try and get it to do it again but I can't. Hopefully this fixes it. Will keep you updated.
Just did it again. This time it erased all folders. Again it was after a reboot. Next step is when i get home to sbf back to stock, and either keep it that way or re-root and install custom rom. I'm starting to think it could just be a bad internal sd card.
I bought this phone on ebay. Has anyone ever dealt with trying to get a phone repaired they bought off ebay? Anything i should know?
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
InsaneJester17 said:
Just did it again. This time it erased all folders. Again it was after a reboot. Next step is when i get home to sbf back to stock, and either keep it that way or re-root and install custom rom. I'm starting to think it could just be a bad internal sd card.
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Well, my phone is brand new, bought from Amazon - so I'm not sure your source is the cause. If you do some searching, you'll see a number of other people have experienced this as well, so it's not limited to just us.
Perhaps we need to contact Motorola, I don't know.
Yea I might contact motorola soon.
I just noticed, in the /mnt directory, I keep getting new folders with the name "usbdisk_1.x". So far I have 1.0-1.7. Is this normal? could it be part of the issue?
Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?
update: I sbf'd back to stock. Left it that way for half a day, rebooting a bunch of times. SDcard never wiped. I just installed greyblur a few hours ago and so far so good with that too. Restarted a bunch and no issues yet. Will keep you updated.
InsaneJester17 said:
update: I sbf'd back to stock. Left it that way for half a day, rebooting a bunch of times. SDcard never wiped. I just installed greyblur a few hours ago and so far so good with that too. Restarted a bunch and no issues yet. Will keep you updated.
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That's great news! But that leaves the question on whether the problem is being caused by one of the other apps you had installed (or maybe even the 1.57 update).
I look forward to seeing how this turns out for you.
I suppose it could have been an app. I've be installing all the apps I use as I go. I decided it would be best to not restore apps using titanium.
I think it's pretty safe to say flashing to stock and starting over fixed this for me. No issues in the past couple days. Rebooting a lot just to be sure. :-D
InsaneJester17 said:
I think it's pretty safe to say flashing to stock and starting over fixed this for me. No issues in the past couple days. Rebooting a lot just to be sure. :-D
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You're now running all the same apps you had before?
Only one I don't think I've installed again yet is Angry Birds lol.
Update: Phone wiped SD on me again. She's going back to seller on ebay. Hopefully I can find another one decently cheap.
InsaneJester17 said:
Update: Phone wiped SD on me again. She's going back to seller on ebay. Hopefully I can find another one decently cheap.
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Unless Motorola tells you otherwise, I wouldn't bother, because I don't think swapping the phone will get you anywhere. You and I are not the only ones with this issue.
Unless Motorola tells you it's hardware, then either it's a bug on the O/S, or it's a bug with one (or more) of the apps we're using. And in either of the two latter cases, swapping phones won't make a difference.
Since I'm pretty sure I've seen people complain about this issue with *different* models of Android phones, I'm guessing the problem is not hardware.
For what it's worth, I got rid of Go Launcher, and I haven't seen the problem happen since. It's not a guarantee of course, but prior to that, my internal sdcard was getting wiped at least once a day.
I'd recommend troubleshooting this via the half life method. Uninstall half of your apps and see if the problem re-occurs. If enough time passes that you're certain you're in the clear, re-install half of the apps you uninstalled and test again. Keep doing that until you figure out the culprit.
I hope you're wrong, only because I sent mine back and ordered a brand new one. I didn't want to bother trying with Motorola on the first one I bought because I got it on ebay and had a limited window to return it in. If the new one has issues, I'll call them up.

[Q] Verizon Galaxy S4 Bootloader Unlocked Randomly

So I picked up my VZW GS4 yesterday from Best Buy. I was out to dinner with my cousin, and the battery died (after a full day of very heavy usage). I tried to turn it back on to check something quickly, and when I did, the Samsung boot screen showed the unlocked bootloader symbol, with the words custom underneath it. I thought I was crazy and seeing things, so I rebooted again, and it was still there. Has anyone else run into this? I find it hard to believe that my bootloader just randomly unlocked itself.
I attached an image so people can tell me if that really is what it seems. Let me know if anyone has any idea what is going on.
Achievement unlocked!
Hey, less work for you in the end. (if you like to flash and rom that is)
I say Congrats!
Did you root and not flash the original kernel back on?
vanydotk said:
Did you root and not flash the original kernel back on?
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No. I had decided not to fiddle with anything until I decided how I liked the stock Touchwiz UI. I had the GNex before this, and messed with that to my hearts content, running clockworkmod recovery and cyanogenmod 10.1., but was waiting to try anything on this. That's why I'm confused, I've done absolutely nothing to it to customization wise. I haven't even set a wallpaper yet lol.
Maybe they shipped you a dev unit. Wouldn't be the first time lol
Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk 2
shuddle13 said:
So I picked up my VZW GS4 yesterday from Best Buy. I was out to dinner with my cousin, and the battery died (after a full day of very heavy usage). I tried to turn it back on to check something quickly, and when I did, the Samsung boot screen showed the unlocked bootloader symbol, with the words custom underneath it. I thought I was crazy and seeing things, so I rebooted again, and it was still there. Has anyone else run into this? I find it hard to believe that my bootloader just randomly unlocked itself.
I attached an image so people can tell me if that really is what it seems. Let me know if anyone has any idea what is going on.
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That's awesome, lucky you
If I got a dev edition, that is awesome :laugh:, saves me a lot of work down the road if I decide to run a custom rom. I swear I had rebooted it at least once (I feel like it might have been 2 or 3 times) prior to this, and don't remember it being there before. But now I'm second guessing myself - maybe I hadn't rebooted up to that point, or I did and just didn't notice it. That's what is throwing me off more than anything, I thought it just happened randomly, which I found hard to believe considering the amount of work that goes into finding a way to unlock a phone's bootloader.
So this leads me to a more important question. As I said earlier, I planned on keeping stock rom with Touchwiz for now (I know how many people feel about it, please don't give me 20 replies telling me how awful it is) but my main concern at this point is that I'm getting the bootloader unlocked symbol, and the word custom. When I go into settings and check the info on my phone, it tells me that device status is 'custom'. Now, correct me if I am wrong (but I'm fairly certain I'm not) I won't be able to get any OTA updates, because it will read my device as custom - and this is where I'm fairly certain something wonkey has happened, because I remember playing around in settings yesterday and seeing that it said device status 'official'. Basically, any speculation as to what the heck might happened (it isn't something any app could have done either, if that's even possible. I'm still setting up the device and barely have anything on there, and certainly not anything that would cause my phone to say custom) and any way at this point to get it back to device status official? I know a root method had just been released, but I wasn't sure about unroot.
That is not indicating an unlocked bootloader. Your phone has been rooted and the person that did it either did not odin back to the stock kernel or he flashed a custom recovery.
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Friendly Neighborhood Moderator
brizey said:
That is not indicating an unlocked bootloader. Your phone has been rooted and the person that did it either did not odin back to the stock kernel or he flashed a custom recovery.
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I have the same screen out if the box. So I decided to root and install cwm but it failed. Reading more they say it fails because the locked boot loader. So I'm confused
After rooting i flashed the stock kernel back. And that screen as seen in the first screenshot has not changed..
What do you think?
Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk 2
brizey said:
That is not indicating an unlocked bootloader. Your phone has been rooted and the person that did it either did not odin back to the stock kernel or he flashed a custom recovery.
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So I'd go with my phone being rooted, which doesn't really make sense unless someone at the Samsung Factory rooted it before sending it out, except I have a weird development. I pulled the sd card I bought (64GB Samsung Pro MicroSDXC Extreme Speed (UHS-1) Class 10 Memory Card), from Amazon directly, not a retailer on Amazon) turned it back on, and now I'm not getting the unlocked symbol and device status is back to official. I rebooted, turned it off, did a battery pull, and turned it back on, every combination of restarting the device I could think of, and every time it says official. I put the memory card back in, and at first it says official. Then I reboot, and it goes back to being unlocked and custom. Going to try formatting the SD card to see where that gets me, but at this point, it makes no sense to me.
I flashed back to the stock kernel after flashing the exploit one and I have the same screen on start up. Not sure why but it doesn't really bother me.
Sent from my SCH-I545 using xda premium
Since rooting I've randomly had that screen too. I just rebooted and didn't have it this time. No clue what's going on.
I tested the memory card theory, and that is in fact the problem. Tried formatting it, but it still causes my phone to read custom. Not sure if it is a faulty memory card, if the phone can't read this type of memory card (I know some devices can't read SDXC UHS-1 cards, but I thought I researched and the S4 should), or it's a software issue with the phone that needs patched. I'm leaning toward the last one, but got in touch with Amazon and they are sending me a replacement card. Will update once I get the new card. If anyone else is experiencing the same or similar issues, or has any idea what is going on, I would appreciate the input. Like I said before, it's not a major issue until I need to do an OTA update. At that point, worst case scenario, if the problem isn't fixed, I can always just pull the memory card. But don't want to go through the hassle if I can pinpoint the problem and fix it.
shuddle13 said:
I tested the memory card theory, and that is in fact the problem. Tried formatting it, but it still causes my phone to read custom. Not sure if it is a faulty memory card, if the phone can't read this type of memory card (I know some devices can't read SDXC UHS-1 cards, but I thought I researched and the S4 should), or it's a software issue with the phone that needs patched. I'm leaning toward the last one, but got in touch with Amazon and they are sending me a replacement card. Will update once I get the new card. If anyone else is experiencing the same or similar issues, or has any idea what is going on, I would appreciate the input. Like I said before, it's not a major issue until I need to do an OTA update. At that point, worst case scenario, if the problem isn't fixed, I can always just pull the memory card. But don't want to go through the hassle if I can pinpoint the problem and fix it.
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That's weird, my 32gb sandisk microsd doesn't effect it.
Have the same issue with the lock showing on bootscreen randomly. I haven't tried this morning but I think I am on something. Setup a link with foldermount, something from internal memory to the SD card. After a reboot and foldermount sets up the link at boot up, reboot and see if you get the lock /custom boot screen
Sent from my SCH-I545 using xda premium
I have the same issue and have another thread going on it. It said it once when reboot and device status changes from custom to original randomly in settings. Bought the phone brand new from Verizon yesterday.
Sent from my SCH-I545 using xda app-developers app
Very odd. I get that now, but I rooted to get it.
Root has nothing to do with being unlocked though therefor I think it would do it bone stock like mine as well.
Sent from my SCH-I545 using xda app-developers app

G3 Automatically Boots into DL mode. Can't use LG Flash Tool, IMEI all 0's

I was having sms issues on cm13, and it was suggested that I flash the TOT again.
Not sure what happened the first time I tried to flash the TOT, but I was following directions as always and just assumed it would work flawlessly as it has done in the past. It failed somewhere along the line but I wasn't paying too much attention .
Now the phone automatically boots into DL mode (after LG screen, unusual), and anytime I try to flash a TOT now the flash tool goes from "Waiting for Connection" to showing a PID and showing my IMEI as null (all 0's). After some googling around I realize that this is not good in the slightest. The flash tool will timeout after ~20s and try again, but just keeps timing out endlessy after 20s.
This looks to me like a brick but I don't have enough experience or knowledge to say for sure. If anyone has suggestions I would greatly appreciate it.
Try the 10B KDZ just for the hell of it. I'm sorry to hear you're having so much trouble. Don't do anything rash, we'll see what we can do.
I hope you have a TWRP backup of the EFS (IMEI) in a safe place or once you get the phone working you'll have to use QPST or some such to manually type in your IMEI.
roirraW "edor" ehT said:
Try the 10B KDZ just for the hell of it. I'm sorry to hear you're having so much trouble. Don't do anything rash, we'll see what we can do.
I hope you have a TWRP backup of the EFS (IMEI) in a safe place or once you get the phone working you'll have to use QPST or some such to manually type in your IMEI.
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I tried flashing that kdz already, as well as the 47a. Both get up to that 4% like I had problems with before. Now the phone doesn't seem to want to boot into dl mode : ^) I can get into the system recovery but any of the options just take me to the LG boot screen.
And nope, no backups. I got this phone 4 days ago as a refurb to last me until the (supposedly) htc nexus phones in the fall. Never really got anywhere so didn't think to back anything up, especially not the imei. Never had a device be this finicky in my years rooting android devices.
Thanks for all your help man, but I may just have to chalk this one up as sunken costs and go back to my m7
Go with what roirraW "edor" ehT tells you first and foremost. What I'm posting is another option at last resort. If you dont have a backup of your imei, you will need an IMEI editor and use the IMEI that is printed inside your phone or on the box it came with.
I had the same problem. It's nerve racking but can be easily fixed. I'll look for the program I used and post it once I find it. Just so it's said, changing your IMEI is highly illegal. Make sure you restore your original that came with the device and not someone elses.
inexplicability said:
I tried flashing that kdz already, as well as the 47a. Both get up to that 4% like I had problems with before. Now the phone doesn't seem to want to boot into dl mode : ^) I can get into the system recovery but any of the options just take me to the LG boot screen.
And nope, no backups. I got this phone 4 days ago as a refurb to last me until the (supposedly) htc nexus phones in the fall. Never really got anywhere so didn't think to back anything up, especially not the imei. Never had a device be this finicky in my years rooting android devices.
Thanks for all your help man, but I may just have to chalk this one up as sunken costs and go back to my m7
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I know it may seem useless, but take the battery out and leave it out for an hour or more, then try to put it into Download mode again. When you try to put it in Download mode now, what happens exactly? Are you checking in Windows' Device Manager to see if the phone shows up in the Modem and Port sections? Does it ever show up?
Was it a warranty (LG or Verizon) refurb and do you have the option to try to exchange it for another?
Sure - I just wish I could do more.
What @thebigindian said reminded me - you may have to restore the IMEI before you can flash the TOT (assuming you can get into Download mode or at least QHSUSB_BULK 9008 mode). I have no idea how to go about that, though, as I've never had to - I just know there are threads in these sections on how to do it.
thebigindian said:
Go with what roirraW "edor" ehT tells you first and foremost. What I'm posting is another option at last resort. If you dont have a backup of your imei, you will need an IMEI editor and use the IMEI that is printed inside your phone or on the box it came with.
I had the same problem. It's nerve racking but can be easily fixed. I'll look for the program I used and post it once I find it. Just so it's said, changing your IMEI is highly illegal. Make sure you restore your original that came with the device and not someone elses.
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I've looked into restoring the imei, and have found that some users had success using a method for the lg g2, but most of these methods require some sort of booting. I am unable to boot to anything but the lg screen. I'll try why Rode says about leaving the battery out and see what happens from there.
roirraW "edor" ehT said:
I know it may seem useless, but take the battery out and leave it out for an hour or more, then try to put it into Download mode again. When you try to put it in Download mode now, what happens exactly? Are you checking in Windows' Device Manager to see if the phone shows up in the Modem and Port sections? Does it ever show up?
Was it a warranty (LG or Verizon) refurb and do you have the option to try to exchange it for another?
Sure - I just wish I could do more.
What @thebigindian said reminded me - you may have to restore the IMEI before you can flash the TOT (assuming you can get into Download mode or at least QHSUSB_BULK 9008 mode). I have no idea how to go about that, though, as I've never had to - I just know there are threads in these sections on how to do it.
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I'll get back to you in a bit after the battery has been out for awhile.
I picked this up off of amazon as a refurb device. The first 2 devices I received were defective out of the box (first one had bent pins in usb port, second would bootloop and i didnt know as much about dl/recovery as i do now, it was probably fixable looking back) so that should have kept me away lol. I know I could probably get away with sending it back saying the device is defective or something, but it really is my fault (I believe) and wouldn't exactly feel good about doing that. Then again I don't exactly feel good about having a $120 brick lol.
inexplicability said:
I've looked into restoring the imei, and have found that some users had success using a method for the lg g2, but most of these methods require some sort of booting. I am unable to boot to anything but the lg screen. I'll try why Rode says about leaving the battery out and see what happens from there.
I'll get back to you in a bit after the battery has been out for awhile.
I picked this up off of amazon as a refurb device. The first 2 devices I received were defective out of the box (first one had bent pins in usb port, second would bootloop and i didnt know as much about dl/recovery as i do now, it was probably fixable looking back) so that should have kept me away lol. I know I could probably get away with sending it back saying the device is defective or something, but it really is my fault (I believe) and wouldn't exactly feel good about doing that. Then again I don't exactly feel good about having a $120 brick lol.
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I was afraid of that (can't put the IMEI back in without booting). I understand what you're saying but I honestly wouldn't be surprised if there was something wrong with the device anyway and that is the cause of why it bricked so easily. I don't trust refurbs.
I had a good experience selling on Swappa once but I haven't bought any through there so no idea if the experience would be better. I wouldn't buy any refurbed one. There's a black one on there that says Mint condition for $150. It's funny, some of them say 16 GB - as far as I'm aware there's no 16 GB version of the VS985.
roirraW "edor" ehT said:
I was afraid of that (can't put the IMEI back in without booting). I understand what you're saying but I honestly wouldn't be surprised if there was something wrong with the device anyway and that is the cause of why it bricked so easily. I don't trust refurbs.
I had a good experience selling on Swappa once but I haven't bought any through there so no idea if the experience would be better. I wouldn't buy any refurbed one. There's a black one on there that says Mint condition for $150. It's funny, some of them say 16 GB - as far as I'm aware there's no 16 GB version of the VS985.
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Yeah now I don't trust refurbs either haha. It was worth a shot though. But yeah I noticed that about the 16gb device too when I was looking for a device to purchase.
I only picked up the g3 because a friend of mine asked about rooting his g3, wondering if he could get some more life out of it as his was becoming sluggish with all the bloat and whatnot. Figured I need a new phone now anyway and I would be able to get a g3, figure it out, then help him. That worked out great, didn't it?
@roirraW "edor" ehT just thought I'd give you an update. I plugged in the device to power and it stayed at the charging screen with the loading icon for awhile, then I came back and it was in download mode!! Plugged into my pc and let windows install the drivers (took like 20 min, unusually long time) and was able to flash the 10b tot. IMEI is still 0, but at least there are ways to change that. Thanks again for your advice!
Restored IMEI using this method: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2701861
Confirmed that mobile data / sms / mms are in working order... Going to try flashing cm13 again if that doesn't work I'll go back to stock and debloat as recommended
inexplicability said:
@roirraW "edor" ehT just thought I'd give you an update. I plugged in the device to power and it stayed at the charging screen with the loading icon for awhile, then I came back and it was in download mode!! Plugged into my pc and let windows install the drivers (took like 20 min, unusually long time) and was able to flash the 10b tot. IMEI is still 0, but at least there are ways to change that. Thanks again for your advice!
Restored IMEI using this method: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2701861
Confirmed that mobile data / sms / mms are in working order... Going to try flashing cm13 again if that doesn't work I'll go back to stock and debloat as recommended
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Wow. I'm always surprised when things actually turn around so well.
Do that IMEI (EFS) backup in TWRP although it must not have been too tough after all. You're welcome! It's helped me on various phones including this one from time to time.
roirraW "edor" ehT said:
Wow. I'm always surprised when things actually turn around so well.
Do that IMEI (EFS) backup in TWRP although it must not have been too tough after all. You're welcome! It's helped me on various phones including this one from time to time.
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I'll do an imei and nandroid backup once i get everything up and running. Tried using dirty unicorn, but google play services was failing. Tried cm13 but ran into sms issues again. Reluctantly installed stock 47a w/ debloat and it seems to be working ok.
Going to go off of your recommendations and use the xposed modules mentioned in the 47a thread until a more stable aosp based rom is available.
You may have actually helped me with my thread/issue, unwittingly.
Your symptoms are similar to what happened when I flashed anything lower than 46A bootloader wise... it would get a black screen (this is different than yours but keep reading), register as a device in download mode without any keypresses, and then refuse to flash the same way with all 0's IMEI.
It never occured to me to pull the battery for an hour. Maybe I should try that?
EDIT: ...And nope, that did not work either. I guess I just have to wait until marshmellow bootloader is exploited somehow...

VS985 35B Sd Card Help

New to the forum, I did a search but came up empty, I have a rooted LG G# 35B rooted stock rom. it has a 128gb samsung sd card I had it for at least 6 months, no issues, last week it started unmounting my SD card by itself and unless I restart the phone it wont mount again, I did a factory reset and formated the card 3 times then mounted the card on the phone again and same issue, it will not go away also starts crating and deleting .txt files one called SNP_LOG .txt because of the modified nature of the phone I cannot do the OTA I have the 5.1.1 lollipop, also I have put on an 8G SD card and a 32GB same issue.
Try downgrading via the 10B TOT to try to verify if the problem is software or hardware. By your description I'm wondering of software but that's just a guess.
ilanpro said:
New to the forum, I did a search but came up empty, I have a rooted LG G# 35B rooted stock rom. it has a 128gb samsung sd card I had it for at least 6 months, no issues, last week it started unmounting my SD card by itself and unless I restart the phone it wont mount again, I did a factory reset and formated the card 3 times then mounted the card on the phone again and same issue, it will not go away also starts crating and deleting .txt files one called SNP_LOG .txt because of the modified nature of the phone I cannot do the OTA I have the 5.1.1 lollipop, also I have put on an 8G SD card and a 32GB same issue.
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My wife's stock phone had this issue on 48A. I downgraded it to 10B and then took OTA's back up to 35B. It still had the issue. Went back to 10B and still had the issue. IIRC there is a post about this issue on the main LG G3 forum in case you are interested.
I have the insurance on my devices so 3 replacement devices later she got a phone that works again. Good luck!
I'm on 46A and had a similar issue with a Samsung 64 GB card I have been using for about a year. Recently it started unmounting and remounting out of nowhere. Eventually, the phone claimed that it was corrupted. I opened up a file viewer and it seemed as though it had reformatted it. Since I backed it up at the start of all this, I put it in my computer to restore the data. However, all of the files that were on there before were still there and in-tact. I tried a 16 GB card I had sitting around to no avail. After doing some Googling, it seems that these symptoms are apparently a relatively common hardware issue with the G3 (which sucks, because this phone was still doing great after 2 years).
TL;DR - you may want to try different SD cards if you have any. That will help narrow down the issue and whether or not it's software or hardware. If I find any more info on the similar issue I'm having, I'll post it here.
Has anyone tried something like deoxit on the sd card when they start going bezerk?
I wonder if the card or the slot contacts get dirty or microscopic corrosion.
I use deoxit on alot of contacts and it works well.
still cannot get it to work, also I keep getting this messages for creating an snp_log.txt and then deleting the file I search for it and erase it and it keeps doing it, also a DelMe file 1-21 keeps pooping up
running lg g3 35b-xdeb sdcard formated exfat, I had this issue happening 6 months ago with a 64gb sandisk card till the card become "unwriteable" to any device or pc. I can no longer write to the card and it is readable but pretty much useless. I replaced with a 128gb sandisk card and all went well. Problem is starting again. everytime I reboot the phone and use a passcode to log in, it unmounts and mounts once. I removed xposed and many other apps still to no avail. I did read somewhere that the card needs a "label" on the volume for lollipop. .I did noticed my card was unlabled. I placed a label on my sdcard but it still is happening. I have also read that backing up the card and doing a complete "non quick" format my help out. doing a backup on my card now. let ya know the results. I did place another 128gb card in my phone and the problem still existed. I tried formatting another card to ext4 but it still was happening. I do feel my issue is software related.
incase your unsure if this is happening to you all you need to do is launch the camera app and it will ask you to "save photos to sdcard" whenever it unmounts the sdcard.
Does anyone know any log files i can examine? since my phone can be rebooted and sit for hours and then when I log in with a passcode it unmounts perhaps I can see which app if it is an app that may be doing this. I am on lollipop but I did run the sdcard fix for kit kat on it. maybe a script still exists. I really like this phone and would love to sovle this. I'm wondering if it is an issue with the internal memory that is causing an unmounting and remounting of volumes. would love to solve this.
So I tried backup the sdcard to a hardrive using windows 10. kept failing on files. I decided to try backing up using a linux-ubuntu dist. when it would fail on the files it would actually unmount the whole drive. can't remember the error exactly something to do with no enpoint. I started select directories one by one to copy. I came to an assumuption. the only directories with corrupt files were files that I copied from the internal memory to the sdcard. my tool of choice used to be using es-file explorer. I hate making blind assumptions especially if i'm wrong but that was definitely a common denominator.
So I kept getting "sdcard unmounted" and "sdcard mounted" after reboot and login. I decided to do a full wipe but not before doing a backup of my rom. (just for testing purposes and data backup) I tried nandroiding to the internal memory which had 18gig left and it kept failing saying not enough space. so I backed up to external_sd which worked fine. I then decided to do a format of internal memory from twrp. restored backup and an earlier backup and still mounting issues. I then installed latest stable of cm12.1 and it... worked. don't know why but I decided to install xdabeb 3.1.1 6.0 mm stock image. wow does it work great. all my needs were met. xposed for 6.0 sdk23, tether, g3 toolbox mmbeta. awesome slim down stock. no sdcard mount issues with original card. I actually think the external_sd mount issue is actually a byproduct of an issue with the internal memory. and I believe cm12.1 install might have done some kind of fsck(filesytemcheck) my pipe dream? my incorrect guess? prolly. give it a try. cm12.1 installs so quickly it can't hurt.
you were warned (sorry bout the caps....felt it was needed)
I'm seeing this problem as of yesterday, and it started after I took the 49A OTA, but I do not believe that was the issue. I'm wondering if it's more because the phone is almost 2 years old? I don't take the SIM nor the SD Card out at all. I did drop my phone last week. It was in a case and it landed flat on it's back, but I wonder if that still might have caused an issue and it just happen to coincidentally rear it's ugly head yesterday when I took the 49A OTA? 10B and all subsequent OTAs exhibit the same issue.
Going to take it into Cell Phone Repair today and get an estimate to see how much it will cost to get it fixed. Would like them to fix the USB port as well as it appears to be loose and I have numerous connect/disconnect issues with the PC so I have to be VERY careful when flashing so as to not bump or jostle the cable or phone while connected to the PC.
Cell Phone Repair gave me a quote to replace the SIM/SD Card slot of around $90 USD. They did say there was a 50% chance that the phone might not turn on if they do the work and that would be the end of it. I'm going to leave it alone.
Now, one thing I have noticed is, the card ejects usually when I launch an app. From what I can tell, it only appears to happen once for the app. Yesterday, the Facebook app seemed to do it. Today, my Twitter app did it.
I'm wondering if it's due to permissions? I wonder if the OTA changed something in regards to the access allowed to the external SD card and that's causing it to eject the card, and then remount it with the proper permissions? Usually, it seems to take a bit of time to remount, but it usually does, and then from that point, I don't see it happen for that app anymore.
Any ideas on this?
UPDATE: I just launched Twitter again and it didn't eject the card. I launched Facebook as well and same thing, no dismount. But I then launched Google+ app and it ejected the SD card. Still waiting to have it remount the SD card. Like I said, sometimes it's quick. Other times, it takes some time to remount the card. But this seems to be the issue and I'm wondering if that's normal? It happens with any SD card I put in.
iBolski said:
Cell Phone Repair gave me a quote to replace the SIM/SD Card slot of around $90 USD. They did say there was a 50% chance that the phone might not turn on if they do the work and that would be the end of it. I'm going to leave it alone.
Now, one thing I have noticed is, the card ejects usually when I launch an app. From what I can tell, it only appears to happen once for the app. Yesterday, the Facebook app seemed to do it. Today, my Twitter app did it.
I'm wondering if it's due to permissions? I wonder if the OTA changed something in regards to the access allowed to the external SD card and that's causing it to eject the card, and then remount it with the proper permissions? Usually, it seems to take a bit of time to remount, but it usually does, and then from that point, I don't see it happen for that app anymore.
Any ideas on this?
UPDATE: I just launched Twitter again and it didn't eject the card. I launched Facebook as well and same thing, no dismount. But I then launched Google+ app and it ejected the SD card. Still waiting to have it remount the SD card. Like I said, sometimes it's quick. Other times, it takes some time to remount the card. But this seems to be the issue and I'm wondering if that's normal? It happens with any SD card I put in.
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My wife's SIM slot stopped working about a month ago. I got an RMA on LG's site to send it to them for a repair quote. They wanted about $75 to repair or $150 for a complete refurb. We didn't have it repaired and then sent it back. We're hoping to buy two new non-contract unlocked phones in the near future. Probably the HTC 10 Unlocked or the Google Pixel XL 128 GB, but that latter isn't too likely given the very high price combined with its unavailability.
My wife is unfortunately using her old flip phone for now.
Mainly wanted you to know LG's quote as I'd be more comfortable having LG repair it than someone else, I just didn't want to put more money into phones that I'll be looking to replace soon anyway, and with the Swappa selling price of the G3 being only $50 more than that repair cost.
roirraW "edor" ehT said:
My wife's SIM slot stopped working about a month ago. I got an RMA on LG's site to send it to them for a repair quote. They wanted about $75 to repair or $150 for a complete refurb. We didn't have it repaired and then sent it back. We're hoping to buy two new non-contract unlocked phones in the near future. Probably the HTC 10 Unlocked or the Google Pixel XL 128 GB, but that latter isn't too likely given the very high price combined with its unavailability.
My wife is unfortunately using her old flip phone for now.
Mainly wanted you to know LG's quote as I'd be more comfortable having LG repair it than someone else, I just didn't want to put more money into phones that I'll be looking to replace soon anyway, and with the Swappa selling price of the G3 being only $50 more than that repair cost.
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Thanks. $150 is what Verizon quoted me for a replacement G3. My issue is, I do not want to buy another phone. I actually love this phone. I'm comfortable with it and it does what I need. And with one daughter in college and the other getting ready to start college next year, I need to save money and I do NOT want to be paying more money a month for a new phone. With this phone just having gotten off contract, by VZW bill dropped $20/month which is nice. That's $240 saved over the course of a year. Might seem like peanuts to some, but for me, every little bit helps.
I've flashed back to 10b again to test out the SD card because it's really annoying that right after the 49A OTA, it started happening. I just can't see that it was already bad but never showed, or that the 49A OTA caused the issue to show up. I'm just wondering if there's something with the 49A OTA that causes this issue. Other people have reported to me that they experienced the exact same issue as me with the SD card constantly ejecting. Maybe the slot IS bad, but it's not as sensitive to it except with the 49A.
I had thought I saw the same issue on 10b, but now for the past couple of hours, I've ran on 10b and haven't seen one issue with the SD card. So, I'm now slowly going up the OTA chain until I can get back to 48A where it last worked without any issues and see what happens there.
I have verified that the SD card is fine. Or at least, it appears so. I copied all the files off of it, did a format, chkdsk, etc and nothing comes up bad about the card.
So, the drama continues on with my phone!
Well, it's been confirmed via another user where vzw told him the latest 49a ota is not compatible with our phone in some instances in regards to the SD card. Last night I flashed back to 10b and I'm back on 48a now and no SD card issues. Zero. I've been going over 12 hours now and not a single unmount. Thanks Verizon. Nice testing. ?
I'm curious if those on 49a not expediting issues with their SD cards if they are on the K or non-k model of the g3?
Sent from my VS985 4G using Tapatalk

Resurrecting VS985 from the drawer..

I wasn't able to use the SD card that I used in this phone, thinking I needed a newer rom. Installed: Tesla 5.1.1 ROM, TWRP, SuperSU 2.79. When I go to recovery the notification light flashes red/blue. My goal with this dinosaur is to use it for a music player, nothing else. I am no longer with VZW. Do I need a carrier to make this work? Is there a tool like I have with my N6P? What info do you need from me to make this happen? Happy Holidays!
PS: I cannot factory reset from settings, TWRP app or flashify.
Download mode and the 10B TOT.
Straight into the phone, or through the LG installer?
roirraW "edor" ehT said:
Download mode and the 10B TOT.
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Scottay5150 said:
Straight into the phone, or through the LG installer?
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Flashing now
Sent from the UnderWorld via Nexus 6P 😜
I was able to return to stock. The microSD card is formatted FAT32 it was formatted exFAT before. The phone still cannot see microSD card, what gives. I am able to see it in other hardware (WIN10 desktop and MP3 player)
What gives?
Scottay5150 said:
I was able to return to stock. The microSD card is formatted FAT32 it was formatted exFAT before. The phone still cannot see microSD card, what gives. I am able to see it in other hardware (WIN10 desktop and MP3 player)
What gives?
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Maybe your MicroSD card slot has gone bad. There've been at least several others that have had something similar happen over the past few months. For my wife's VS985, the SIM slot just all of the sudden went bad. LG wanted $75 to repair it, it would probably be the same for the MicroSD slot since they're together.
Do you have another card to test with it just in case? Did you format it from the phone? If not I would recommend trying that.
I'll have to dig. I don't know if do
Sent from the UnderWorld via Nexus 6P 😜
Another card, nothing, invisible.
Sent from the UnderWorld via Nexus 6P 😜
Scottay5150 said:
Another card, nothing, invisible.
Sent from the UnderWorld via Nexus 6P
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I'd say the SD card slot is dead then. That's what happened to mine. It would constantly unmount it and then remount it and then it would stop remounting and I wouldn't be able to see it.
Then, it just died altogether. So, that's what I'm thinking is going on with your phone. If the SD card is visible in other devices but not the G3, the SD card slot has gone bad.
I took the phone into a Cell Phone Repair (CPR+) shop and they quoted me $60 if I remember correctly, but they also said that there was a 50/50 chance that after the replacement, the phone might not turn back on. I chose to live without the SD card as I needed the phone.
LG quoted me the same price as @roirraW "edor" ehT got, and yet I would be without a phone for almost two weeks. Decided it wasn't worth it, so I lived without the SD card for over 2 weeks and then it died altogether. :crying:
Loved the G3, but loving my S7 right now.
It seems that LG quality has gotten questionable. This G3 D851 / AT&T variant randomly dismounts the card, giving a warning against removing the card without first dismounting. Sometimes it will remount, others it won't, necessitating removal and chkdsk'ing it w/ a pc. Situation was worse with stock rom. Now running Fulmics, which seems to have improved the situation somewhat.
Sent from my LG-D851 using Tapatalk
SofaSpud said:
It seems that LG quality has gotten questionable. This G3 D851 / AT&T variant randomly dismounts the card, giving a warning against removing the card without first dismounting. Sometimes it will remount, others it won't, necessitating removal and chkdsk'ing it w/ a pc. Situation was worse with stock rom. Now running Fulmics, which seems to have improved the situation somewhat.
Sent from my LG-D851 using Tapatalk
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Quality or not, that's definitely a sign of the SD Slot starting to fail. When this first happened to me, I had just updated to the latest 49A OTA. Going back to 10b or even 48A appeared to fix the issue. I say appeared, because within a few weeks, it started to show up in any version of Android for the G3 I ran and it got progressively worse as time went on, until finally in December, the phone died. Whether it's a battery issue or not, I cannot say as I refuse to shell out money for a new battery (and since I now have a brand new S7 to boot).
It would be interesting to know how long this lasts for you. Again, for me, it appeared to work when I went back to older versions, but eventually, even they started to do the same thing. I think it's definitely a sign of the hardware failing.
iBolski said:
Quality or not, that's definitely a sign of the SD Slot starting to fail. When this first happened to me, I had just updated to the latest 49A OTA. Going back to 10b or even 48A appeared to fix the issue. I say appeared, because within a few weeks, it started to show up in any version of Android for the G3 I ran and it got progressively worse as time went on, until finally in December, the phone died. Whether it's a battery issue or not, I cannot say as I refuse to shell out money for a new battery (and since I now have a brand new S7 to boot).
It would be interesting to know how long this lasts for you. Again, for me, it appeared to work when I went back to older versions, but eventually, even they started to do the same thing. I think it's definitely a sign of the hardware failing.
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I think it's a hardware fail. I resurrected a note 2 from the drawer. It's going now 😬
Sent from the UnderWorld via Nexus 6P 😜

