Disable laptop native monitor on Remix OS standalone system - Remix OS for PC

I have two laptops running Remix OS now being used as HTPC's. One is dual booted with windows 10 and Remix OS. This one I was able to disable the native monitor so that it would only display on the TV via HDMI. By booting to Windows and adding this: video=LVDS-1:d to the menu.list file. Well after making the second laptop single boot only on Remix OS I can not figure out how to disable the native display to display the HDMI alone to achieve 1080p. How can I go about doing this and maybe switch back if needed(not priority but would be nice).
Thanks for your expertise in advance
The laptop is a HP 2000-2b22DX

What I have tried.
First I attempted to find the menu.list file. In Remix OS worth a try no luck. Pulled HD and docked via USB to my desktop and had no access to the HD. Then since I have my other laptop running Remix. I used my USB dock and was able to access the HD and the RemixOS folder, but menu.list was not there.
Next I thought maybe is I disconnect the native LCD screen from the laptop motherboard it would run 1080p to the TV without the LCD keeping it at 720P. It did increase the resolution, but only to 1920x800 if I remember right.
Hopefully this information will help save others some time that are trying to achieve the same thing.


[Q]Possible to show different app on HDMI?

I have an android tablet that I need to display one application on its screen and another out the HDMI port. I havent been able to find out if this is possible. This would be similar to the windows ability to "extend" the desktop out multiple monitors.
Nevermind. I was able to track down that the base android OS does not support dual monitors.

problems with hdmi output

Hello everyone.
First of all sorry for my english, its not very good. Im going to try to explain myself. I have installed remix os 2.0 on my notebook, and i have conected my notebook to a 47 inch full hd TV. At the notebook remix os is fullscreen, but in my tv isnt. At the display options i dont have options to change the output resolution. What can i do_
Thanks you!
Same problem for me ;( i hope this will be fixed soon.
I think that there's no option for it in RemixOS yet... Just need to wait a bit longer
rumucor said:
Hello everyone.
First of all sorry for my english, its not very good. Im going to try to explain myself. I have installed remix os 2.0 on my notebook, and i have conected my notebook to a 47 inch full hd TV. At the notebook remix os is fullscreen, but in my tv isnt. At the display options i dont have options to change the output resolution. What can i do_
Thanks you!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Have you tried any apps; perhaps SecondScreen would do something
Many people have this problem. Because there is no setting to cast the screen on other screen in android so it is not in Remix just wait for someone to make it or try resolution changing apps on Play store

The battle between Remix OS and Chrome OS just started, and Remix still has a chance!

We all knew that Google just announced it's Chrome-Android OSs merge at their I/O conference. This was their last chance to save their desktop OS. My dad is buying a chromebook today
But here is the deal to save Remix OS!
First their Android system that will get integrated in the OS is not open source, at least for now, so you can't get it on Neverware Cloudready Chromium OS on your PC. You can't use it on the PC you already have, you need to buy a chromebook. Remix OS is just like Windows and works on most PCs and laptops and this is A BIG BONUS!
First Remix OS has to fix its compatibilities with Android apps to get at least 80% of google plays apps and games especially the main stream ones working seamlessly.
It also needs to support mouse wheel and touch gestures via mouse. Multiuser is a MUST for a desktop OS.
Also there should be a time just working to get Closed source drivers like GPU, sound, wifi, touch screens, mice working either by reverse engineering them or contacting the companies to supply them with working drivers.
Last thing! , we need desktops and laptops that come preinstalled with Remix OS as their main (but not only) OS other than the Remix Ultratablet and Remix mini.
People of Jide, you have a good chance don't lose it

External resolution (hdmi output) problem

hi i just recently installed remix os on my Intel Classmate netbook, i used to use my netbook for content streaming and youtube, but i wanted to use for remix os becouse its way to good for me at the moment.
this little pc has a 10.1 display resolution on its own, i have a 42 inch TV where i used to watch content with windows on the same PC, on windows it displayed a 1920x1080 resolution on that screen
but in remix os when i connect via HDMI to it shows a 1366x768 resolution (with black spaces)
how can i make remix send the output resolution to 1920x1080p?
thank you.

Dual Monitors Android-x86

Hello today I am here to tell you that you can have dual monitors for Android-x86. It works like this the primary monitor has a resolution that exact resolution will be passed down to the secondary monitor. This is the prime system a 4k touchscreen monitor as a primary then a 86" 4k monitor as a secondary. The grub configuration file is how you do it but first you need to go to /sys/class/drm and look at your available video cards. Then you need to figure out what monitor is HDMI-A-1 and HDMI-A-2. So the kernel command line needs to disable a card for the surface pro 3 it would be eDP-1 or desktop DVI-A-1. So the kernel command line would go like this after remix x86_64 for surface pro 3
video=eDP-1:d video=HDMI-A-1:[email protected] append="video=HDMI-A-2:[email protected]"
Just remember to append your second monitor this should work for any Android-x86 system.
working with the displays
Hey, i was curious on the formatting of this as you didn't include your xrandar output, mine is
eDP-1 connected primary 1920x1080+1920+0
HDMI-1 connected 1920x1080+3840+0
so im not sure how to modify the output to make grub and mesa happy

